(c) 2001 Acheron. Do not distribute. If you think someone would like to see it, send them here.

"Oh, wow!"

The words echoed through the empty hall, lit only by the rectangle of light from the door. Two figures moved past the threshold, each in turn, and drew up beside each other. One's booted footsteps echoed through the silent spaces, underscored by the other's softer tread.

The kitchen light came on, illuminating a marvel of cleanliness and sanitation. "This is a place to live," Jessica Snipes breathed. "All the good options, plenty of space..."

"Chairs we can use," added Brian Thorne, picking one of them up off the table and flipping it down to the tiled floor. "Wow. This place might be sucking up half my take-home pay, but it's a steal at that." The otter sat down, leaning back in his chair with no hindrance to his thick tail, and gazed around.

Jessica pulled another chair down and sat on the opposite side of the table. "A lot better than those train seats," she observed.

"At least they made some effort to accommodate tails. Not every place does." The two of them had spent much of the trip half-sideways. Neither of them had complained much about this, both turning in toward each other, but by the end of a several-hour trip it had become rather uncomfortable.

"True." She rubbed at the tabletop for a little, and let her hand rest. "So how long is the lease on this place?"

"It's rent-to-own," Brian said. "Not sure how long that'll take... depends on other bills, how much I'm willing to spend rather than paying more for the house. The company offered me a permanent place, though, and you can bet I grabbed it. A deal like this comes up once in a lifetime."

"You've got that right," Jessica grinned. "A lovely house, all the furniture you need, and waterfront property! A whole ocean cove to yourself, you lucky thing!"

Brian's smile was a little strained. "It is a bit big to be living in all by myself..."

"Then I'll make sure to visit as often as I can." Taking his hand, she pulled him over the table and leaned over to give him a firm kiss. Brian made a muffled grunt of surprise, but not one move to escape, closing his eyes and sucking the kiss deeper.

Some undetermined but rather long time later, they parted for air. Otters both, it could have been several minutes before that particular need gained any urgency. Heart pounding, Brian flashed a broad grin. "I think looking forward to those visits will keep me going," he said.

She leaned close again, her lips brushing against his as she murmured, "I can give you another memory to help you along..."

Brian let out a contented sigh. "Sounds like fun." He touched his nose to hers. "Incentive for unpacking quickly, hmm? The sooner it's all done, the sooner we can get changed and try out that nice secluded cove..."

She grinned, whiskers twitching, and cuffed his shoulder. "You're on."

First, they uncovered the furniture. Tough white sheets were untucked, pulled away, and carefully folded. Stacks of the stuff accumulated underneath the hatch to the attic, until Brian finally found the ladder in a closet and climbed up. It was a tight squeeze, but no problem for his flexible body. Once he'd turned around, Jessica started ferrying the cloth bundles up into his waiting arms. They got all of them up into the attic, and she went to pull more off the furniture while he stashed them away properly.

After that was all done, he clambered back down, hot and more than a little dusty. Without further adieu they grabbed his things from the porch. Various knick-knacks got put here and there around the house, dishes in the cupboards, clothes in the bedroom closet. His computer was placed in the living room, to be put back together later.

And that was it. The whole exercise had taken maybe an hour.

They leaned against the kitchen counter and nursed glasses of cold water, looking around his domain. Rain drummed on the windows. "It's strange," Brian observed. "A month ago I thought I'd be back with my parents and struggling to find Joe jobs. Now I'm out here with a permanent position right in my field."

"Just a quick ride up the coast from school," Jessica agreed, "so the odd visit won't be too hard."

"No indeed..." He downed the rest of his glass and grinned. "I'm looking forward to trying this place out. If I'm going to be sharing it for a long time, I should get used to it first... no?" He kissed her cheek, if kiss it could be called. The contact was very light. It was, however, anything but a token gesture.

"You should..." Her arm slid around his waist, her hand under his shirt. Her fingers burrowed into his fur, pulling him tight against her body.

"Yeah..." The word was somewhere between acknowledgement and exclamation. Brian bent and nibbled at the base of her neck, letting out a ragged sigh.

"How about that nice salt water?" she purred, her hand roaming around the small of his back. "Good way to get clean and cool..."

"So is the rain," Brian whispered into her ear. "So there's no need to wait for that to stop."

"I'm sure we could think of something to pass time." Her free hand slid under his tail, feeling him, squeezing him close.

Panting, Brian reluctantly pulled away. "I've got to call my folks," he sighed, "let them know I got here just fine. My mother doesn't nag, but I know she worries. After that's done, let's get out of the house so we won't be interrupted."

She sighed and nodded, keeping her hand on his back. "The sooner the better."

Her scent was starting to get to him, sharp with sex. If he didn't get this call done right now, it might not happen for quite a while... He grabbed the cell phone – signal was good – and dialed.

Ring... ring... Just as the third ring started, someone picked up. "Hello?"

Brian grinned. That voice was almost unfamiliar, and it wasn't just because it had been a while since he heard it. "Hey, Jeff! How's my kid brother?"

A strained laugh on the other end. "I'm not that young anymore, Brian."

"You're telling me! I almost thought I had the wrong house. So how are ya?"

"I'm good," Jeff said, somewhat neutrally. "How about you? In your new house?"

"Yeah. Listen, is Mom around? I want to tell her I made it."

"No, she and Dad went out for dinner."

Dinner? Brian glanced outside. It was still early afternoon... ah, right, time zones. He was about to reply when sharp teeth grazed his ear.

Uh-oh. Someone's getting randy.

He must not have quite stifled his gasp, because Jeff asked, "Are you all right, Brian?"

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine," he rushed, trying to ignore the hand that was rubbing the front of his jeans. "Hey, here's a little bot of odd news that I don't think Dad would appreciate... My roommate got a boyfriend just before we graduated."

There was a pause, during which a claw hooked into Brian's zipper and pulled it down, silently, one tooth at a time.

"I didn't think your rooms were co-ed," Jeff said at last.

"They weren't." Though that hadn't stopped them from doing something like this, the fingers rubbing against the loose cotton of his boxers... Covering the phone, he let out a sigh and a soft, delighted churr. God, that felt so good...

Meanwhile, Jeff had evidently figured it out. Rather than asking for details or another hint, he asked, in a voice that was calculatedly neutral, "What do you think?"

"Good for him," Brian said, and meant it. I've got my own love right here, he reflected as capable fingers found the fly of his boxers. He quivered in anticipation. Why would I complain about someone else's?

"Heh, well, it's funny you should mention that, Brian." There was barely-concealed glee in Jeff's voice, but also some worry...

It clicked.

My little brother's got a... boyfriend?

Well, that explains why it took this long.

"Good for you," Brian said, trying not to hiss as something touched his bare flesh. "Um... Dad doesn't know, does he?"

"No. Thank goodness."

"Yeah. Listen, tell Mom I'm okay, all right? I shouldn't stay on long—" He bit off a bark. Agile fingers had encircled his slightly firm maleness and drawn it out into the open air.

"Okay, I'll do that. Thanks, Brian."

He didn't need to say for what. "You're welcome." But not for much longer. She was starting to stroke him now, slowly but insistently. "Talk to you later, Jeff. Bye!" He waited just long enough to hear the reply, then clicked off and let out a loud, long bark. It made her jump a little, made her hand squeeze, sent another spike of pleasure through him. The phone fell to the counter with a clatter.

"You drive me crazy, Jess," Brian panted.

"Well..." Her thumb rubbed across his tip, making him fidget. "You said you were going to say you got here, not catch up on all the gossip."

"F-fair enough," he managed, and kissed her cheek. "Mmm... keep that up and I won't last to the water..."

Grinning, she gave him a fresh squeeze. "Like that matters. I know you, lover, and I know your metabolism. So just lean back..." She started pumping his slightly firm shaft, which quickly hardened in her grasp. His lubricating pre started flowing in short order, a new drop seemingly dislodged with each cycle of her hand. Moaning, he clutched at the counter.

She drove him relentlessly onward. Not once did she let up, though he was writhing and moaning and barely able to keep his balance. Each relentless thrust brought him palpably closer to the edge.

He felt it building deep inside him.

Straining for release.

He couldn't resist.

So close...


With a wordless shout cut off by his tightening throat, he jerked up against her hand as his climax hit hard. His breath was trapped in his lungs; in the silence he could clearly hear the spatter of semen on the tiles, falling in counterpoint to the pounding in his ears.

She squeezed him, from base to tip, drawing out every last thick drop. After each time she let go, the renewed contact made him squirm It felt so good it was almost agonising.

"Your first mess to clean up," she whispered into his ear. "I'd say you're moved in." She got a dishcloth and wet it in the sink. "Stay right there, hon. Catch your breath, because as soon as I'm done, it's time for that swim."

It was all Brian could do to stare. Here he was, still coming down from one climax, and she was promising the next right away!

He grinned. What a woman!

Despite her words, it was less a matter of catching his breath than of restoring his balance. By the time she'd cleaned up the sticky mess he was already on his way to the stairs. With Jess on his heels, he dashed up to his bedroom, slipping off his T-shirt as he went.

Swim trunks, towel... check. He changed in a matter of seconds into his loose blue trunks. Jess had produced and was working into a deep red bikini, rather modest as such garments went. Neither of them did much to hide their trim bodies. Nor would they want to – after all, they would be the only ones around, and they knew what each other looked like quite well.

They left their towels on the back porch, well-sheltered, and walked down the wooden steps and into the rain. It was, while quite thick, quite gentle. Their thick, oily fur protected them quite well as they strode at a brisk walk along the patio-slab path.

They paused at a rock overhang, but continued on. A dive was tempting, but neither of them knew how deep the water was under it, nor what the tides were like on top of that. On to the beach they went.

The smooth sand offered them an easy run into the Pacific surf, diving in as soon as it was deep enough to submerge. Side by side they swam, bodies undulating against each other, in time. As it got deeper, Brian sank down a little, flipped around, and slid over, nestling against her face-to-face.

Slowly they spun until both were swimming sideways, still facing each other. Their dark eyes locked, and they smiled. Then, on an unspoken cue, they split apart, each darting in opposite directions and then curving around, weaving a symmetric pattern about some illusory centre. They stayed under for minutes at a time, never quite losing eye contact during their fluid dance.

Then they surfaced, and lost themselves in a wild romp. Water splashed every which way. They tumbled around, bumping against each other, rubbing, even nibbling now and then, rubbing every exposed part of their bodies together, one bit at a time. Even this far north, the warm Pacific current kept the water at such a temperature that Brian barely noted it as cool, and definitely did not suffer from it; with the yet thicker fur of a sea otter, Jessica probably didn't notice it at all. What they did notice was the massive tent in the front of Brian's trunks, and the quickening of their own hearts.

Enough of this.

Brian nodded in the direction of the overhanging rock ledge. Nodding back, Jess started to swim over to it with him. Once there, Jeff dove down, found the bottom a good four meters deep. There were a number of different-sized rocks against the cleft face. One of them would do nicely.

He tugged his legs out of his trunks, then pulled them off his tail. The coolness of the water did nothing to reduce his full erection; whether it was due to that slight chill or to anticipation or both, it felt even harder than usual.

Then he reached up, cautiously now, and touched the gold chain around his neck. From it depended his engagement ring, an uncomfortable accessory on his webbed hands. The chain was too short to readily slip off his head, but he didn't want to take any chances. He unclasped it, passed it through the leg of his trunks, and did it up again. Once again he dove, and lifting up one of the smaller rocks, tucked the other leg under it. As he surfaced, Jess passed him on the way down, to do the same.

They met on the surface, taking deep breaths, filling their lungs and their blood.

Then he dove, and she dove after. Not straight down, this time, but out toward the depths of the cove. Ears and nose squeezed shut, the surface the only visible cue, he navigated by direction sense alone. The ocean floor receded away from them and was lost into darkness as they went deeper and deeper.

Deciding that was enough, Brian started to dive steeper – not straight down, but descending quite quickly. Jess followed, giving him a bit more distance this time, a mere silhouette against the barely-visible surface far above.

He dove until his whiskers felt his bow shock reflect back from the seabed, and on that instant he pedalled back firmly. A few seconds of slow drifting and he felt the reassuring hardness of stone beneath him. Moments later fur rubbed against his own – he could not feel much directly, but he knew it was warm. He knew whose it was. He reached up and felt the shape of her, the modest swell of her breasts, her nipples taut and just barely poking through the fur. A hand found the base of his tail, pressing down on that spot that was so sensitive, making him tense; racial reflex and years of practise kept him from gasping and losing precious air.

Their hands glided across each others' bodies, each seeing the other through the pads on their fingertips. Their tails twisted and bound together, locking them tight. Not once did their stubby claws breach the fur. Skin touched skin only where the fur naturally gave way.

And each such contact sent a massive shiver through Brian's body – whether it was her rough pads against the smooth skin of his cock, or his own discovery of her nipples or sex. Whenever flesh met flesh, something electric passed between them.

His fingers glided along her outer lips, and then inside; found the folds between, and parted them. Her body surged against his and her warm, warm tunnel trembled, beckoning him onward. The questing fingers of his other hand found her breast, fondled it. He bent and took the exposed flesh into his mouth, even as his fingers started to slide into her.

He stroked her slowly at first, concentrating up higher, sucking the salt water off her firm nipple and the fur around it. His free hand slid around her waist, coming to rest in the small of her back, holding her close.

Sudden warmth all around his member made him shiver with delight; but no sooner had he adjusted to that sensation than a new one began, her hand squeezing, sliding along his water-slick cock. She was milking him hard, driving him on. He followed suit, searching deep inside her and rubbing her hot walls, now and then caressing the swollen nub of her clit.

Drifting just above the seabed, gently revolving, with no sensation but their contact with each other and a dull burning starting to build in their powerful lungs, it would take an expert to say which came first. They vibrated against each other with their limbs intertwined, their mouths seeking and finding one another and firmly locking together, teeth around teeth.

Their tails untwisted and undulated, propelling them towards the surface. Though their lungs were howling for release, they took their time, sharing that breath of life as the light above grew stronger. They were patient; they knew they had time.

And they did. They broke the surface still entangled, releasing each other's mouths to let out the stale air in a rush and take deep, gasping breaths.

"Wow," Jess panted. "That was incredible!"

"Yeah." Pressing his heaving chest against hers, he nipped lightly at her ear. "I can hardly wait to try penetration like that." The total absence of anything but each other had nearly blown his mind as it was.

"Think we should stay near the surface for now," she murmured.

"I guess. That was cutting it – Hey!" His exclamation came too late; her upper body was already below the surface, and her tail followed suit in a fraction of a second. Whatever it was she was doing, it was beyond his control.

It didn't take him long to discover. A warm softness enfolded his still-hard cock and started suckling, hard. Caught off guard, he hung where he was for a few moments, whimpering. As soon as he could collect himself he dove under.

Her mouth twisted around on his member, and he found himself with his muzzle barely an inch away from her sex. He took the hint instantly and pressed forward. She shivered at the prickle of his stiff whiskers, and her legs opened, letting him get in deeper. He ran his tongue across her slit, felt that it was ready for him. With one hand on the base of her muscular tail and the other on one buttock, her hands gripping him similarly, he dove in, tasting the mixture of salt water and her own succulent juices, traces of her musk drifting into his nose. His tongue slowly slid in, caressing every bit of her that it could reach, and started darting in and out. Every now and then, for variety, he would change the pace or give a direct lick to her clit with the underside of his tongue.

She was no less occupied, her tongue swirling all around his member as she sucked it into her mouth and let it out, kissed up and down its length, even gave the occasional nip to his glans. Despite the recency of his previous climax, and another not long before that, it was not long before he started barking into her sex and shot another copious load, strings of his seed mingling with the seawater and streaking her face. Still he continued his attentions, and just as he was coming down from his climax, her own struck hard, a fresh surge of her juices striking his muzzle as she trembled and shook.

They came up for air, letting their bodies slow down. They didn't need to talk about what would happen next; both of them knew. When they had reached some sort of equilibrium, they turned and dove, together this time, straight for the distant seabed.

They started on the way down, nuzzling each other, gentle half-kisses and nose-bumps to stimulate without sucking in water. Their bodies writhed against each other, his rampant maleness searching for an entry, coating itself with oily pre with the motions of it rubbing against her belly.

By his estimate, they were about three-quarters of the way down when he finally found purchase, his glans lodging against her nether lips. A little bit of wriggling and it started to slide in, his slick member smoothly entering her silken passage.

They were just starting to thrust against each other when he felt the stone against his back, briefly. Their arms wrapped tight around each other, legs and tails twisting together, teeth locking. The only motion they made was the rocking of their hips in frenzied counterpoint.

From his hot shaft in her hot tunnel, a warmth started to spread, slowly at first, but reaching over his whole being. From the shivering waves that slowly travelled along her body he knew she felt it too. He froze, trying to prolong it, to savour it, and she likewise was still; but their bodies would not be denied their pleasure. As the heat from their loins spread throughout them, consuming them, the twitching of his cock and the clutching of her sex continued the cycle. It was building, building high and fast. The heat suffused them, started to cross between them, blurring the lines where one stopped and the other began.

They came as one, shot after shot of semen leaving him, searing hot, quenching her pulsing, needy sex. It went on and on, the fiercest, most intimate climax they had ever known. Inevitably it started to recede; moaning, they tried to prolong it, but still it faded, and with it, the large part of their existence.

Brian couldn't possibly say how much time had passed when they broke the surface. It felt like they had spent an eternity in Neptune's kingdom together, but there was no need for gasping this time, no urgency in any of their motions. Still interlocked, they started to paddle toward the shore.

The subdued motion of their swimming made him move inside her, and the stimulation to his sensitive cock was intense, making him hiss with searing pleasure. But it had a stronger effect on Jess. When they were about half way to the point, she was clutching at him and moaning into his throat. When half the remaining distance was crossed, she bucked against him and started barking, her sex clamping around him in yet another climax – perhaps not quite as intense, but in their exhausted state, just as consuming.

He held still against the rock face, letting her come down from her height. Only then, reluctantly, did they separate and dive down to fetch their things. Attired once more, they clambered wearily up the crude rock footsteps and crawled onto the grassy point.

The house looked like it was miles away.

"Enough," he panted, slumping to the sod. She wiggled into place beside him, the rain falling on their spent bodies. The ocean was a second home to them; a rain shower was hardly worth their notice, and nothing to run inside about. For now, they would rest here.

She kissed his cheek, very softly. "I love you, Brian."

Too weak to open his eyes, it was all he could do to lean his cheek against hers and whisper "I love you, Jess."

Seconds later, they were asleep.

Author's note: I decided that refusing to use my own name in a story would be just as silly as putting it hither and yon. Thus, when I needed a name for Jeff Thorne's brother, that is the one I used. I'm not an otter – my furry self is a racoon – I don't have a girlfriend, I'm not in British Columbia, and I have no clue whether I'm multi-orgasmic. He's not me.

But he is a remarkable first for bearing my given name.
