"Illusion" Preview 2

With that, Mia and I make our way to the surface, when all of a sudden, a rumbling begins to shake the whole subterranean lair. Mia, clenching onto me, screams in fright. A tall, well-built figure comes out from the shadows, blazing in a substance that surrounds his whole body.
        "The time has come, One of the Prophecy! It is destiny that we finally meet face-to-face," the figure exclaims with a deep, rough voice.
        Keeping Mia close to me, I yell out to the figure, "Who are you? What are you talking about?"
        The hulk-like figure steps out of the darkness, revealing himself. "I am a Supreme Being; an entity of superiority; I am Argos." The brute somehow slowly hovers above the earthy ground, getting closer to Mia and I, as I take a defensive stance.
        "So loving and protecting, you are. However, you are foolish to believe that you stand a chance against me at this present time. That is why I cannot embrace your inner power. You are not yet at your full potential."
        "Why do you want my so-called power? Why is it so important to you people?"
        Argos lifts his bulky right forearm and clenches his fist. "To cleanse this unpleasant world. And in order to do that task, I must take this precious little creature you have hiding behind your ectomorphic body."
        Suddenly, the demon steps into the picture, exclaiming, "Wait, you said you only needed the One, so why must you bring innocent people into this?"
        Argos turns and sharply responds, "Grace, you fool! You're not apart of this anymore. You're worthless activities have been in vain! This vessel does not yet contain the power we desire. And how dare you defy me, after everything I've done for you, supplying you with a stable amount of energy for all these years!" The demon shuts her eyes and hangs her head in shame, facing away from what is happening inside the caverns.
        "No, please! Leave us alone! What have we done to deserve this? James, help me," Mia cries in terror, but the juggernaut Argos disables me, releasing a burning stream of energy, much like what the demon did at Dian. The energy bolt pierces straight through me, leaving me crumpled on the ground, screaming in pain. An influx of not only blood, but self-control flow from my body, surrounding me in a deep-red pool. Argos grabs Mia as she continues to cry for me to help her, and the demon still stands there motionless, facing away from the traumatic scenes.

With Mia in his possession, the beast turns back to me and says, "If you want to see your friend again, come and find me. I will be waiting at the time of Apocalypse. But I don't think this little one here will last very long. So, for now, farewell." The grotesque Argos disappears into the shadows of the cavern, with Mia's cries echoing in my ears.
        Then a familiar voice echoes in my mind, whispering the magical words, "It's time, James..." and with those words, I feel an overwhelming sensation surge through my body. Gradually kneeling up, my head feels like it is on the verge of combustion, pulsating with the screams of pain I release from my wounded body. Then a memorable power fluctuates through my whole body; the same power I felt back in Dian. Convulsing, "It's... happening..." are the words I gasp out with my hands clasping to my head to the floor, I close my eyes and roar in a blaze of a mixture of power and rage.

Suddenly, the sensation grows insignificant, and I open my eyes. I seem to be lying in a field of green grass, refreshing flowers, and trees in numerous spots around me. I am quieted by the peaceful noises of the wilderness. I look around to see creatures scurry, hop or trot across the fields.
        Although these are what I can see, I extend my arms to feel the grass and other plants and wildlife. But, surprisingly, my senses could feel them. Surely you cannot do this in a dream. This 'happy place', as some would call it, seemed real enough, but as I try to recall what happened before I arrived here, I see two figures in the distance. They are female, but they are both recognisable. I can't believe who they are; Mia and Amy, the two girls I experience joy from. And they both call my name, saying how they love me. 
This enchanting place is surely paradise.

* Illusion and all of its contents (c) Bryn Smyth