
By Bunny Boy


Warning this story contains scenes of a rather sexual nature between two consenting males so if you are too young or easily offended please read no further, other then those few enjoy.



They were there and they were thrilled.\xA0 The two students looked out over the savanna and were awe struck at the beauty of it all.\xA0 Finally it was Matt, a large well kempt tiger, who broke the moment as he turned to his partner on this expedition. "Jace man we'll have plenty of time to look over the scenery while we work we've got to get the truck loaded."


\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0 The younger wolf finally was able to tear himself away from the African sunrise.\xA0 He smiled as he looked up at the taller tiger. "Man I bet the guys back home are so pissed they couldn't come too."


\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0 The tiger just nodded his agreement as he started to load some of there equipment into the back of the truck.\xA0\xA0 His muscles rippling as he lifted the heavy crates of supplies. The smaller wolf had busied himself with the more delicate photography equipment though with great guilty pleasure he paused frequently to sneak peaks at the handsome tiger.\xA0 With in the hour the truck was packed and the two friends were off into the untamed wilderness.


\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0 The first couple of days went along fairly uneventful.\xA0 Well that is to say they saw some amazing sights and got some wonderful pictures.\xA0 But it was on this third day that something would happen that would spark a change in the friends\x92 relationship.\xA0


\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0 It was Jason who first spotted them, two handsome giraffes, off in the distance.\xA0 Matt stopped the truck a good ways off so as not to disturb the couple.\xA0 They quickly started to set up their equipment in an attempt to get this on film.\xA0 With Matt working the video and Jason snapping pictures they zoom in for a closer look.\xA0


The giraffes were next to one another facing in different directions as their bodies rubbed together.\xA0\xA0 One of them, the larger of the two, wrapped his neck around the other sliding his head down nuzzling his partner, licking his belly, his legs, and his erection.\xA0 It was about this time Jason stopped taking pictures.\xA0 \x93Umm Matt am I imagining it or are those\x85\x94 Matt still had the camera rolling but he to seemed a little distracted by the show.


"Yeah Jason I see it too.\xA0 They\x92re both male."\xA0 The two friends continued to take pictures each worried that the other would notice thier growing excitement at the scene before them.\xA0 Finally the giraffes moved on and the two students were left to themselves. As the packed up the equipment both Jason and Matt tried to avoid each other in hopes that they could hide how the animals had affected them.\xA0 As they finished the packing Matt looked up at the stars, "It's gonna be dark soon maybe we should stay here for the night?" Jason just nodded and went to spread the sleeping mats in the back of the truck.\xA0 Trying not to think about what they had just seem and the fact that he would be sleeping next to that handsome tiger again tonight.


As they both drifted off to sleep Jason felt an arm wrap around him and a body pressed up behind him.\xA0 A quick peek over his shoulder confirmed that it was Matt who must have rolled over in his sleep.\xA0 It was a while before Jason finally managed to drift off to sleep the feel of the tiger\x92s strong arms around him and the fact that the tiger\x92s semi-erect penis was pressing against his butt cheeks through their boxers was enough to drive him to distraction.


The next day was pretty uneventful. They had gotten some wonderful pictures but nothing like those from the day before.\xA0 As they got ready for the night Matt turned to Jason, blushing ever so slightly, to apologize if he disturbed him last night.\xA0 It seems he had the habit of tossing and turning and he thought maybe he might have disturbed the smaller wolf.\xA0 Jason just smiled and said,\xA0 \x93 No worries man I sleep like a log it was fine.\x94\xA0 That was a lie of course Jason had woken up it was just he didn\x92t want to tell the tiger about the ideas that had been going threw his head all day.


Later after Matt drifted off Jason rolled over and to watch the handsome tiger\x92s back.\xA0 Reaching\xA0 out to run one paw along his back stroking him softly.\xA0 Matt purred in his sleep as the wolf smiled, about to continue when the tiger rolled over.\xA0 Jason almost panics as his arm is pinned under the tiger but he just sighs and relaxes as the tiger pulls him closer nuzzling his cheek.\xA0 Jason lets out a little moan as he\x92s pressed into that manly body and before slipping one hand into the kitty\x92s boxers.\xA0 The wolf squeezed that striped ass and with a\xA0 smile. \xA0He\x92s rewarded with a loud snore.\xA0 Taken aback Jason checked and sure enough Matt was still asleep.\xA0 Chuckling to him self, the wolf just cuddled close to the friendly male and drifted off dreaming naughty dreams.


In the morning Jason woke to a soft yelp.\xA0 Apparently the tiger was a little embarrassed by the position he found himself in.\xA0 Jason didn\x92t let on that he was awake he simply wrapped his arms around the tiger and cuddled closer grinning as he could feel Matt\x92s erection pressed against him.\xA0 Finally he let go and let the tiger slip free while he pretended to sleep.\xA0


Matt slipped out of the truck trying not to wake the wolf up.\xA0 His cheeks were red with the thought of having to explain his raging hard on.\xA0 As he steps off he glances down at his erect cock and mutters to himself that he should probably do something about that.


The wolf was peeking out one of the truck's windows.\xA0 Grinning as he thought he could see Matt in the rearview mirror and it looked as if he was stroking himself.\xA0 He chuckled, \x93Hmmm it looks like he\x92s more interested then he\x92s ready to let on.\x94


Matt kept stroking his member.\xA0 His paw moving up and down slowly, his eyes closed as he pictured another\x92s paw\x85 a handsome wolf perhaps.\xA0 He was just about to cum when he opened his eyes and looked out.\xA0 Just off a little ways were two male lions and it looked like they were fighting?\xA0 Excited he quickly pushed himself back into his boxers and yelled\xA0 \x93Jason to wake up and get the equipment out here.\x94


The wolf popped out of the back of the truck pretty fast and he spotted the lions almost immediately.\xA0 He almost didn\x92t notice that Matt wasn\x92t dressed. With the video equipment set up Matt started filming as Jace zoomed his camera in for a better picture.\xA0


At first it did seem like the males were fighting but\x85 as they watched it seemed less and less likely that this was a real battle.\xA0 When one male would gain advantage he wouldn\x92t press it and instead would back away letting the other get back to his feet and ready to go at it again. They were simply playing.\xA0 Suddenly the smaller of the two decided he\x92d had enough and didn\x92t want to play any more.\xA0 He sullenly started to slink off. Pouting, it seemed, cause he couldn\x92t be the winner.\xA0 The older male was upset and quickly followed rubbing along the younger male\x92s side before walking off ahead of him.\xA0 He then spun about and calmly walked forward nuzzling the young one\x92s muzzle.\xA0 The two males nuzzled for a few minutes before the older of them walked off a few steps and lay down presenting his rump to the other.


Jason couldn\x92t help himself he was getting aroused by all this.\xA0 He snatched a quick glance in Matt\x92s direction and paused.\xA0 The tigers sheath had slipped free from his boxers and was quite full with a good measure of mouth-watering kitty cock.\xA0 \x93This is turning him on too!\x94 thought Jason, \x93Maybe I should just slip over there.\xA0 The boy certainly seems to be in need of a little relief.\x94\xA0 With that in mind he placed the camera on the ground carefully and crawled over to him.


Matt was engrossed as he watched the two males mating out on the savannah.\xA0 He couldn\x92t believe it but there it was.\xA0 The younger of the two had just mounted the larger male and seemed to be enjoying himself as he thrust rapidly into his lover.\xA0 Suddenly the tiger feels an oh so gentle paw stroking his member. It\x92s all he can do not to cry out.\xA0 He looked down just in time to see the wolf\x92s lips engulf the head of his cock.\xA0 The feel of those lips, as the wolf suckled like a baby, sending waves of ecstasy threw him.\xA0\xA0 \x93Ohh Gods\x85\x94 He moaned. \x93Jace what are you\x85\xA0 to hell with it!!\x94\xA0 Both of his paws resting on the wolf\x92s head as he started to thrust into that warm, wet, welcoming muzzle.\xA0 \x93Please.\x94\xA0 Matt whimpered, \x93 Don\x92t stop now\x85\xA0 I need this so much.\x94


Jason couldn\x92t believe it not only was his mouth full of luscious kitty cock but Matt wasn\x92t mad.\xA0 The tiger was actually egging him on.\xA0\xA0 He wrapped both paws around that meaty shaft stroking what the mouth can\x92t get to, his fingers massaging that seeping prick as the wolf happily laps up ever drop of pre.\xA0\xA0


The smell of sex is thick in the air, and it\x92s not just from the two boys.\xA0\xA0 Matt can\x92t possibly last much longer now.\xA0\xA0 Out on the savannah the young lion tossed back his head and roared as he climaxed into his lovers rump.\xA0 Rising out of the grasses to echo the lion Matt roared through his climax. His thick cock filling the young wolf\x92s muzzle with wave after wave of hot sticky seed.\xA0


As the tiger\x92s orgasm dies down Jason reluctantly lets his friends softening shaft slip from his lips.\xA0\xA0 He smiles up at the tiger a thin trail of cum running down his chin.\xA0\xA0 \x93Oh damn hon.\x94 he gushed, \x93 Do you know how long I\x92ve wanted to do that?\x94\xA0 Falling back his eyes still locked on the handsome tiger.\xA0 \x93Oh but it was worth the wait hon. It really was.\x94


Matt chuckled looking down at the wolf,\xA0 \x93You really think so?\xA0 So I guess you won\x92t mind waiting even longer next time.\x94\xA0 There\x92s a mischievous sparkle in the big cat\x92s eye as he watched the wolf\x92s face fall.\xA0 \x93Only fooling hon. We can do this all you want\x85 who knows it might not have to stop after Africa.\x94\xA0 With that he learned down to pick up the fallen camera equipment, boxers half on, not hiding that pretty little ass at all. With a soft thud the tiger hits the grass stunned by the wolf on his back.


With his paws resting on Matt\x92s shoulders the wolf leaned down to nibble on one ear.\xA0 \x93Now that\x92s not fair at all.\xA0\xA0 I did so much for you and you\x92re gonna leave me to fend for myself.\xA0\xA0 That\x92s not how you treat a friend hon.\x94 With a long lick along the tiger\x92s neck the wolf leaned into him, the tip of his sex pressed against the tiger\x92s virgin tail hole.\xA0 \x93Besides this is just payback for making me sleep next to you night after knight when there were so many other things I\x92d have loved to do to you.\x94\xA0 He moaned loudly as he pushed on, the pre slicked tip fighting with that tight ring of muscle, and eventually winning.\xA0\xA0 Matt squirmed underneath the wolf biting his lip as he tried to adjust to the fleshy intruder.\xA0 The wolf takes it nice an slow in part so that Matt can get used to the feeling of having a little bit of wolf in him.\xA0 But the other reason, for the slow pace, is that Jason wants the tiger to feel every inch of him as the wolf takes him.


Matt whispered through clenched teeth,\xA0 \x93I\x92ve never\x85\x94


\x93I know\x85\x94 moaned the pup, \x93later though hon you can do me, and thats a promise.\x94\xA0 The wolf niped the tiger\x92s ear as he picked up the pace.\xA0 Thrusting into the tiger\x92s tender rear as it squeezes him a bit harder.\xA0


Matt\x92s whimpers of pain start to fade, gradually replaced by groans of pleasure as that thrusting wolf prick rubs along his prostate.\xA0 With a low growl he pushed back meeting Jason thrust for thrust, harder and harder, groaning loudly as they meet forcefully, balls meeting with a meaty slap.


It won\x92t be long now.\xA0 The wolf tosses back his head and howls as his swelling knot slips in and out of that tight little ass.\xA0 The tiger beneath him started to whimper again, feeling it growing bigger with each stroke.\xA0\xA0 Jason buried his muzzle into Matt\x92s back trying to quiet his cries as he pushed in one last time.\xA0 His knot stretching that tender tiger ass even wider as they are locked together.\xA0\xA0


Matt groaned, his knees growing weak as his tight little tail hole is filled with so much wolf meat.\xA0 The knot pushing him further.\xA0 The tiger collapsed into the grass clamping down on the invader as he cums for a second time out on the African plain.\xA0


With another loud howl Jason joins him.\xA0 The new tightness in the tiger pushing the wolf over the edge as he floods that sweet ass with wave after wave of hot, sticky wolf love.\xA0 Licking the back of Matt\x92s neck as their climaxes play out.\xA0 \x93How was that hon?\x94 he whispered.


With his eyes closed the tiger just savors the feeling of so much hot wolf seed burning in his rump.\xA0 \x93That was wonderful.\x94 Matt sighs,\xA0 \x93I didn\x92t know it could be that much fun.\x94\xA0 Mat started to purr as they enjoyed another beautiful African day.\xA0 \x93Err Jace\x85\xA0 how long are we gonna be stuck like this?\x94


The wolf still licking nibbling on the cat\x92s ears whispered, \x93About half an hour why?\x94


\x93It\x92s just\x85\xA0 I think we\x92re almost out of film.\x94\xA0 With a giggle the tiger points to the spot where the video camera had fallen knocked over some time before and by some fluke had been recording the whole thing.


\x93Ohh dear,\x94 says the wolf, \x93I think we should leave this bit out of our final presentation.\x94