Young at Heart
By BunnyBoy

This story and the charactors in it are copyrighted to BunnyBoy... or more truthfully to Tim McNeal his human alter ego.

Warning the story contains a romantic relationship between two furry males.  So if your too young or easily offended please go no further.  Thank you for reading and please enjoy

    The hare could hear it after him as he dove through the brush.  He could hear each breath, each growl, as it crashed through the underbrush right at his heels. Each new sound sent a fresh shiver of fear through the bunny as he worked to stay in the lead.  He dashed through the woods moving in a zigzag pattern hoping to shake the beast.  Just as he was about to give up all hope of escape there was, up ahead, a break in the trees. With a desperate last push he makes a break, seeking his only hope of escape. As he clears the tree line he almost lets out a crow of victory.  Free! He\x92s free! He made it!  From the corner of his eye he spots a red blur a split second before he is tackled and wrestled to the ground.  Two strong arms wrap about his waist as he quivers with fear.  He can feel his attacker\x92s hot breath on the back of his neck, the claws digging into his tender arms.  With a sigh he resigns himself to his fate. The fox had him now, the chase was over. His eyes go wide as something pokes him in the small of the back before it slowly slides down his back pressing into his tender young rear. He whimpers as he feels the fox\x92s hard maleness find his tender young tail hole.  The bunny resists fighting the intruding bit of flesh as it presses against that tight ring of muscle.  A low growl from the fox reminds him of his place and he surrenders. He cries out in pain as his rear is stretched wide by the intruding fox cock.  These agonized gasps of pain quickly turn in to low pleading moans of pleasure as the foxes slow thrusts massage the young hare\x92s tender prostate.  As the pleasure grows the bunny pushes back against the fox his instincts causing him to time it so that he meets each thrust and welcomes it.  The bunny begins to pant as he\x92s used, he is the fox\x92s female now and he\x92s not so sure that it is a bad thing.  He gasps as he feels the fox\x92s knot swell in him stretching his tender ass even more.  The new pain mixes with the continuing pleasure as the fox\x92s thrust become more frenzied forcing his knot deep inside the bunny before tying with his little doe. Tossing his head back and howling he humps his way through the orgasm, working the poor bunny beneath him before collapsing on top of his new lover, his lust finally sated.

     The still panting bunny looks over his shoulder at the exhausted fox. \x93My god Johnny that was a fun game,\x94 He wiggles his rump pulling a low moan from the young fox, \x93though you never mentioned this last bit.\x94

     Johnny offers the bunny a weak grin, \x93Well\x85 That just sort of happened.  I swear I didn\x92t plan it or anything like that.\x94 He gently licks the back of the bunny\x92s neck. \x93You did like it though didn\x92t you Tom?\x94

     Tom nods, \x93Oh Yes\x85 It was fun.\x94 He smiles, \x93Wanna come over to my house tomorrow to play? Not this game, though I would love to play this again some time.\x94

     As always that\x92s where the dream ends and Johnny wakes up.  He opens his eyes with a tired sigh and a light whimper.  It was the same dream\x85 well more like a memory.   It was seven years ago, a little more then half his lifetime, but he could still remember that morning like it was yesterday.  But it is a bittersweet memory, one he savors every moment, every day. However, he is always angry with himself for not pursuing his friend like he should have after that moment.  They were still very close, there is no denying that, but they never did repeat that game since then.  Although Johnny did want to he could never get the courage to ask.

     Lately though he\x92d been having the dream more often and he\x92d been feeling kind of odd. His parents claimed it was puberty and had given him his \x93talk\x94.  It was all he could do to sit there with a straight face and not laugh out loud as they droned on and on about girls, and how his body was changing.  He didn\x92t care about that.  Girls simply didn\x92t interest him, at least not like his parents thought they did.  There was, of course, some one he did desire but he wasn\x92t really sure it was right.  Girls just didn\x92t interest him, but there was a certain boy bunny that did.

     With another sigh the young fox pulled himself from his bed and made his way to the mirror in the corner.  There he studied his reflection.  He was a little big for his age, well muscled, and though he didn\x92t think so, quite a handsome little fox. At thirteen he was already starting to fill out and lose the baby fat that seemed to cling to his frame.  He blushes as he spots the little pink head of his erection peeking out from his sheath.  \x93That damn bunny always does this to me.  At least here though I can take care of it\x85 not like when we are in school,\x94 he thinks bemusedly to himself. One paw slides down to caress his member. He closes his eyes as he imagines that it is Tom\x92s hand that holds him as he fondles the cute bunny\x92s boyhood.  With a deep sigh he gives up the ghost however and crawls back into bed, letting his erection fade on it's own.  \x93It\x92s not the same, not what I really want,\x94 he whispers aloud.

     The next morning, as Johnny picked at his breakfast, he decided that he really needed to talk to someone about the object of his affection.  Almost immediately he ruled out his parents. His father was a blatant homophobe and just wouldn\x92t understand. As for mother\x85 Well her philosophy was that father knew best.  Besides, who really wants their parents to know too much about their sex life?  Tommy was out of the question\x85 he could hardly be near the boy without tripping over his tongue, let alone calmly tell him that he loved him!  Of all his friends there seemed like one person who was a perfect choice and that was Skie.  Skie was a cute little saber-toothed tiger who lived about half a block down the street. Not only was she a very good friend to both Johnny and Tom but she knew how to keep a secret and would never judge him.

     After breakfast he excused himself and quickly made his way down to Skie\x92s house hoping that she was home, hoping that he was not too early, and above all hoping that he was not about to make a big mistake.  Almost too soon he was on her porch ringing the doorbell.  As he waits his mind wanders, wondering what she\x92ll say and react.  A low growl intrudes on his reverie as the quivering little fox looks up to the massive smilodon filling the doorway.   Johnny speaks, eyes wide, a little fear in his voice. \x93Um\x85 Hello sir, I don\x92t know if you remember me but I\x92m Johnny\x85\x85a friend of Skie. I was wondering if she might be home?\x94  He whimpered as the old man glared down at him, not in the least bit ashamed at his apparent fear. Skies father was intimidating, with the build of a man who works hard for a living and a gleaming set of over large fangs that always made quite the impression.

    Hearing the boy whimper and finally remembering who he was the old man\x92s features slowly soften and he smiles ushering the young fox inside just as Skie reached the bottom of the stairs. Her exuberant voice carries out to both of them. \x93Daddy!! You scared him again didn\x92t you?\x94 Her father gives her a sheepish grin. \x93Frankly Daddy I don\x92t know what I\x92m going to do with you some times,\x94 she huffs jokingly. Her father just shrugs and smiles as he heads back to the kitchen to finish up the breakfast dishes.

     Skie just shakes her head as she watches him go before turning to the fox.  \x93So Johnny, What brings you here so early in the morning?\x94 she asks, slight grin on her face.

    Johnny clears his throat, shifting from one paw to the other as he studies Skie.  He still wonders how the pretty little kitty is going to react. He speaks haltingly. \x93I wanted to talk to you about something.  Do you mind if we go someplace where we can talk in private though?\x94

    The saber-tooth just cocks her head to one side looking at him kind of funny. \x93Sure buddy, let\x92s head up to my room no one will bother us there,\x94 she says, leading him upstairs.

    Johnny once more falls into his own mind, trying to organize what he wants to say.  But Skie being the stunning creature she is, even at her young age, seems to intrude on his thoughts. Being a little older then himself she was already showing signs of the women she was going to become, which might explain why her father was so protective.  Her sandy fur seems to highlight her soft feline curves. She has a sweet smile broken only by braces, which are slowly straightening out her overlarge canines.  He chuckles, thinking that if his mind and heart wasn\x92t held by someone else her father might very well have something to worry about from him.  A light cough interrupts his mental wandering, followed by a gentle feline voice.

    \x93Johnny you wanted to talk to me right? So\x85 you\x92ve been sitting there for fifteen minutes. What\x92s up?\x94
He blushes as he looks over at her and speaks abashedly.  \x93Skie, can you keep a secret?\x94

    Her answer is genuine. \x93Sure hon, you know I can.\x94

    He speaks quietly, looking down at his softly padded hands. \x93Well okay\x85 I was hoping you might be able to give me some advice.  You see I\x92ve got a crush on some one\x85 and\x85\x85.well\x85\x85 I don\x92t know how to tell them.\x94

    A mischievous grin spreads across her feline features, and as her tail twitches back and forth playfully, she speaks teasingly to him. \x93Oh\x85 you have a crush on some one\x85 Hmmm let me guess.  Would this some one have soft snow white fur, long sexy ears, a cute little black patch around his left eye, and the sweetest little cotton tail?\x94

    Johnny\x92s ears grow redder and redder as the cat describes the object of his affection down to a tee. He can barely respond, his voice squeaky. \x93Is it that obvious?\x94

    She grins from ear to ear. \x93Oh I knew it! That lucky bunny I never get the cute ones! Well, to answer your question, it\x92s not that obvious to most people. But I can tell! It\x92s just a knack I have, I get it from my dad.  That\x92s why he trusts you so much you know.  He\x92s sure you\x92re not going to end up stealing me away from him.\x94

    Johnny gives a watery smile, speaks. \x93So any advice for a love lorn fox?

    She giggles before answering. \x93Sure, but you\x92re not going to like it hon. I think you should just tell him how you feel. I\x92ve seen you two together and I\x92m pretty sure it\x92ll all work out.\x94

    His eyes get wide, and he voices all the concerns that have flitted in his mind. \x93But what if he doesn\x92t want me? What if I scare him off? I don\x92t want to risk losing my best friend.\x94

    Skie reaches out, taking his paw in hers and stroking it gently. \x93And what if you don\x92t lose him hon. What if this becomes so much more then a friendship?  Do you want to risk missing that?\x94

    The fox seems torn between the choices. \x93No I don\x92t want to risk that either but\x85 I\x92m scared Skie\x94

    She hugs him. \x93That\x92s okay hon. It\x92s okay to be scared but you don\x92t want to be afraid forever, do you? You need to talk to him. In fact,why don\x92t I set up the meeting? I\x92ll call him up and tell him to meet you some where.  Hey, that\x92s perfect!\x94

    Before the fox can stop her Skie scoops up her phone and is out the door. She knows that Johnny will try and stop her, so she takes off. She knows all the best hiding places, after all this is her house.

    The fox just sat there terrified, not knowing what to do.  He knew he would never find Skie in time to stop her and in his heart he really didn\x92t want to stop her.  This was possibly his best chance.

    Five minutes later Skie\x92s back, tossing the phone to him, a wicked grin on her lips. \x93He said to give him fifteen minutes, and then he\x92d meet you in the park.  You\x92d better hurry and I want to hear all the gooey details latter.\x94 She giggles.

    The fox slumps to the ground. \x93Ohh\x85 what did you go and do that for?  I\x92m not going, you call him up and tell him I can\x92t make it!\x94

    She just gives him a knowing smile and shakes her head.  \x93Oh no you don\x92t, you\x92re not getting off that easy!  You\x92ll go! You have to go, don\x92t you dare miss this!  If you don\x92t want this you place the call yourself.\x94

    And she was right. He did want this.  So fifteen minutes later he was waiting in the park, knowing that at any moment the boy he loved would be coming around the bend. \x93Oh well,\x94 he thought to himself, \x93I don\x92t have to tell him the truth. I\x92ve got time I can make something up. no problem.\x94

    At that moment a pair of paws cover the little foxes eyes as a sweet soft-spoken voice, one that sends an electric thrill through Johnny, sounds in his ear. \x93Guess who?\x94

    \x93Tom I know that\x92s you.\x94 He turns about his eyes drinking in how the cute little boy bunny looks today. His slim runners build still with a little baby fat clinging to his lean frame. He\x92s dressed in fairly short green running shorts and a wine purple tank top.  Gods he\x92s gorgeous that slight feminine build of his making him all the more desirable.

    Tom smiles, knowing that Johnny is lost in thought and would most likely stay that way until something interrupts him.  \x93So Skie said you had something you wanted to talk to me about??  Come on, spill it\x94

    With a sigh and a look into that bunny\x92s lovely eyes, Johnny surrenders, knowing that coming this far means he can\x92t back down now. \x93Yeah Tom, I did, but do you mind if we talk somewhere with a little more privacy?\x94

    \x93Sure man, no problem\x85 Lets head out to the old clubhouse there shouldn\x92t be any body around there.  We\x92ll be all alone with no one to bother us,\x94 the bunny says.

    \x93Yeah that sounds good,\x94 Johnny answers. The fox smiles to himself, too preoccupied to notice the whimsical look on Tom\x92s face.

    The clubhouse isn\x92t too far off, and in almost no time at all both boys were crowded into the cozy little fort.

    Tom speaks first. \x93Johnny is something wrong? You look worried.\x94 He leans closer to the fox, draping one arm across his shoulder.

    \x93Yeah\x85 I mean no Tom, nothing\x92s wrong.  It\x92s just I wanted to tell you something and it\x92s kind of hard for me.\x94  The fox is so worried that he doesn\x92t even notice how close Tom is or the fact that the rabbit is gently nuzzling his neck and stroking one knee. Johnny pats Tom\x92s head, scratching him between the bunny\x92s long sexy ears.  \x93Tom I\x85 I think I love you.\x94

    The bunny stops and just looks into Johnny\x92s eyes, dozens of emotions battling for control all at once, though mostly he seems shocked.

    Johnny blushes, shaking his head.  \x93I\x92m sorry\x85 I shouldn\x92t have\x85 I just\x85\x94

    The fox is cut off by a soft pair of lips as Tom leans forward, kissing him passionately.  Tom slowly breaks off the kiss, smiling into Johnny\x92s astonished face. He speaks amusedly. \x93It\x92s about time, I thought you\x92d never get the hint.\x94 He chuckles and licks the shocked fox\x92s chin as he cuddles close.

    Johnny speaks, amazement in his voice. \x93You mean I\x92ve been dreaming and fantasizing for all this time and you wanted me as much as I did you? Why didn\x92t you tell me?\x94

    Tom lets out another chuckle. \x93You didn\x92t ask me, that\x92s why you silly little fox! I\x92ve been trying to build up the courage to ask you for years hon. I was always dropping hints and hoping you\x92d catch on.\x94


    The bunny nods. \x93Yep do you remember about seven years ago?  That time we played predator and prey, right before you went off to camp? Ever since that day I wanted you, and I wanted to play again\x85 but you never asked me.  I thought that maybe you\x92d forgotten. \x93  He straddles Johnny\x92s lap kissing him gently.  \x93I hope you don\x92t mind but it\x92s been a long wait and I really don\x92t want to wait anymore.\x94

    Johnny smiles as he pulls the tank top off of Tom, marveling at the young bunny\x92s handsome frame as his paws run through his young lover\x92s fur.

    Tom grins but pulls back a bit. His voice almost purrs, speaking huskily. \x93Johnny I want you so much.\x94 His paw slides down to the fox\x92s groin as he smiles, hearing the sweet sound of a zipper being pulled down. The rabbit realizes he is in for a pleasant surprise as he notices that Johnny neglected to wear any underwear.  His paw cups the fox\x92s sheath, stroking up and down ever so gently.  Johnny moans lightly as the pink little head of his cock peeks free, delighted at the feel of a soft paw.  \x93Ohh lookey here a present\x85 for me? You shouldn\x92t have!\x94 The bunny leans forward and lays a feather light lick along the boy\x92s young foxhood.  Hearing the delighted sounds his lover makes at the kisses, the bunny collars the head of Johnny\x92s growing erection between his lips before suckling on it like a baby.  Tom lets out a low purr savoring the sweet salty tang of foxcock.

    Johnny whimpers aloud. This is what he wanted all along.  It\x92s so wonderful, better then he could have ever imagined\x85 and Tom was amazingly energetic.  The bunny had obviously wanted this as badly as Johnny himself.  He lays his paws on the bunny\x92s head, softly stroking his lover\x92s ears as that loving muzzle begins to bob up and down. He shivers, knowing he\x92s not going to last very long but still wanting to enjoy every moment of it.  As he begins to thrust gently into his lover\x92s muzzle he feels his orgasm peak.

    Tom feels the sweet cock in his muzzle buck gently and start to spasm as it fills his hungry muzzle with salty fox seed.  Greedily he suckles on his lovers dick, swallowing as much as he can, not wanting to waste a drop as his hungry lips and tongue do their best to empty the young fox\x92s jewels. He licks his lips and smiles up at the fox, a thin trickle of cum dribbling down his chin.  \x93I take it that means you liked it?  Does this mean I\x92m not going to have to wait seven more years for another taste?\x94

    Just the thought seems to frighten Johnny and he cuddles Tom close. \x93No, no, no don\x92t you worry about that.  I love you and I\x92m not going to let anything get between us ever.\x94

    Tom blushes, embarrassed, but he can\x92t be happier. \x93I love you too Johnny and I never ever want to leave you.  But I think we should probably keep this quiet for now.\x94

    \x93Yeah you\x92re probably right but I think we should at least tell Skie,\x94 Johnny murmurs into his lover\x92s soft fur.

    Tom giggles because he figures Skie knew all along. He then changes the subject.  \x93Mmm\x85 you know you owe me something, don\x92t you?\x94

    Johnny cocks his head to one side as he watches Tom stand up.  The bunny smiles down at him and starts to slip out of his tight little running shorts, his little bunny cock standing proud and upright.  The fox reaches out to caress his lover\x92s cock only to have Tom playfully slap his paw away, speaking teasingly. \x93No not yet, though if you\x92re very nice to me I just might give you a little taste.\x94  He grins as he gently tugs at the fox\x92s jeans pulling them down about his ankles.  He runs his paws through the soft red fur along the fox\x92s legs, leaning forward, his bunny cock rubbing along the young fox\x92s. He smiles as their lips meet in a long lingering kiss, filled with passion the likes of which neither of them had ever known before.

    Johnny speaks, breaking slowly from the kiss. \x93You said I owed you something, my love.  Please tell me what that is.  I\x92ll give you anything you want, I swear.\x94

    The bunny leans forward, kissing Johnny\x92s lips once more as a paw playfully slips down, running his fingers along the crease in the little fox\x92s rump. One finger teases the tight little pucker of Johnny\x92s tail hole momentarily before it slowly parts that ring of muscle.  The fox gasps as he looks into his lovers face, into those eyes, remembering a time long ago and how he\x92s taken his bunny playmate and forever changed both of them.  He really did owe Tom something, more then the bunny could ever imagine.

    \x93Mmm\x85 you seem loose enough for now.  Lets try something a little larger.\x94 The bunny grips Johnny\x92s firm young rump, gently lifting and positioning the tight little boycunt over his throbbing erection.  It\x92s all Tom can do to keep the pace slow as he lowers his lover, letting the head of his member slowly push into Johnny\x92s rear.  A whimper of pain escapes Johnny\x92s lips. Tom leans forward, speaking gently. \x93Johnny If you want me to stop just say so, alright?  I\x92ll understand, I would never make you do something you didn\x92t want to.\x94

    The fox shakes his head before nuzzling Tom\x92s cheek. \x93No Tom, please, I want this.  Please love, don\x92t stop.\x94

    The hare smiles as Johnny smiles at him, looking a little shaky but still encouraging him.  He moans as the fox\x92s arms and legs wrap around him. As Tom thrusts slowly and gently into the foxes virgin boycunt their lips meet, letting out their moans, one of pain, one of pleasure, mingling in the kiss until the pain fades, leaving only pure pleasure.  The fox places his paws on his lover\x92s shoulders, rocking back and forth on the bunny\x92s cock, moving in time to the thrusts.   The feeling is wonderful, like nothing he was expecting as his once more erect foxcock presses into the bunny\x92s belly running through the soft fur.

    Just like the fox however, Tom is still young and inexperienced, and all too soon he feels that familiar pressure building inside him as he leans back, letting out a low long moan that mingles with the short gasping howl of his partner, who is lost in his second orgasm.

    Tom falls back, pulling Johnny on top of him, his shaft still buried deep inside that foxy butt, still filling it with his hot bunny seed.  The fox shudders, feeling the heat burning deep within him, and sighs as the warm feeling spreads.

    The young lovers kiss tenderly, only to be startled a giggle, one that\x92s almost but not quite stifled in time.  Skie is there, leaning in a window, her arms resting on the sill.  She is grinning from ear to ear as she smiles down at both of them. She speaks, a mischievous look in her eyes.  \x93So tell me boys\x85.does this mean you two are going steady?\x94

    Both of the boys blush furiously at having been caught. Johnny runs a paw through Tom\x92s head fur, pausing to scratch behind the bunny\x92s ear.  \x93Yeah Skie I guess you could say that.\x94

    The saber tooth giggles and replies. \x93Good, \x91cause I always knew you two would make the cutest couple.\x94