
Written by CPrebble

All characters in this story are original and owned solely by CPrebble. Any similarities to any persons, living or fictional other than in this story, is purely coincidental, unless based on real life friends and/or family. But, to be honest, I'm trying to stay as original as possible. Anyway, story is ©2007, CPrebble.


            Once he got home from a hard day’s work at the studio, Zack decided to have a nice, hot shower to just relax. He truly enjoyed his shoots with Holly, no matter how difficult that particular shoot actually was. Today’s director was Tony, who loved Zack and Holly’s work together. However, he was the type of director that needed to have everything done his way and right the first time, or the entire scene had to be re-done.

            Zack reflected on how he had come into acting, and a big grin flashed across his muzzle. He had originally been a shy, timid guy, hired on to be a computer technician at the studio, to make sure all systems were operating smoothly, as it was essential to the business. One day, he had a bit of spare time, in which he was helping Holly out with her tons of paperwork, and she gave him some forms for an actress to sign. He glanced at the forms, and saw that it was for her “monthly testing,” whatever that meant, and he walked in on a scene shooting. He went beet red from blushing, and was thankful the fur covered it up, but the director just happened to need an extra for the scene. She saw him come in, and thought he was the one that the boss had sent. Before Zack had time to register exactly what was going on, he had been stripped by one of the actresses on scene, and he was now acting. He was really nervous at first, and the director had a fun time exploiting this fact, but once he had gotten into the “groove,” he found that he was a natural. He had finally found his true calling, and he liked that fact.

            He chuckled as he turned off the water in the shower, and let his towel soak up as much water as it allowed, before he heard the annoying buzz of his pager. He ran for it, as it was in his bedroom, and stole a look at the number of the caller. His eyes grew wide, and he smiled yet again, as he saw that it was Holly. He grabbed the phone on his nightstand and dialed her number to see what she had wanted. Of course, he was a bit nervous at just idle chit-chat with her, but he managed to maintain a clam voice as she answered.


             “Hi, Holly. It’s Zack.”

             “Oh, hey! What’s up with you tonight?”

             “Not much. Other than when I’m at work, I lead a pretty dull life.” He laughed at that, as it was, in fact, the truth.

             “Really?” She was surprised at this confession, as she was quite certain he would be busy at all times of the day. “I never would have guessed that, with all the technology you get involved with at the studio.”

             “That’s the only place I usually have it. I have a computer, but it’s only for the necessity, not for want. When I come home, I just like to get away from it all.”

             “Cool. I was wondering…” She trailed off, to pique his interest.

             “Yes?” He prompted her, as he knew she needed something from him, or else she would not have called.

             She hesitated, especially after what he had said about technology. “Well, it has to do with my computer…”

             *Here it comes,* he thought, as he said in a soothing voice, “you want me to check it out for you?”

             She grimaced, and he could hear it in her voice, “if you don’t mind.” Then, she smiled mischievously as she seductively stated, “I’ll really make it worth your while, Zack.”

             As usual, this sent his mind racing with imagery of what she might be talking about, and he went wild. He absent-mindedly started to purr, and Holly knew she had gotten him going by hearing this over the phone. In fact, he was still purring as he said, “I’ll be over soon, Holly.” They hung up their phones, and he got dressed for the night he was about to spend with her. He went outside and got into his car, before his damp fur could freeze, and he headed over to her place, humming along with the radio.