Lair Copyright 1998 ---- By Ben Christie. All Rights Reserved. He held the remote firmly in his hand. He could hear the iron lungs wheeze. He could feel the ground shake with each step. "Larcor," the deep, metallic voice called. "There's no escape." Indeed there wasn't, as he glanced behind himself, over the icy cliff to the frigid water below. The water was dark, like the overcast sky. The land all shades of gray. He turned back, gazing deep into Crider's crimson red eye. "Larcor, don't be stupid. If you press that button you'll kill us both," he said calmly. Larcor knew he was right, but wasn't that why he was sent here? To kill General Crider? "Larcor, give me the remote," he said, mildly, extending his clawed metal hand. It glistened in the arctic sun. Crider stepped closer, his clawed foot digging into the frozen ground. "Give me the remote." Larcor was brave enough to face Crider on his own grounds, but he was suddenly filled with terror. This massive iron beast stood in front of him. His teeth like spears. His arms like trees. His huge red cybernetic eye next to his real eye. Larcor stared deep into that eye, the only gateway to Crider's soul. He could see into his enemy through it. See the torment of his life. See the anger in his heart. See the true face of Crider. How could he kill Crider now? "Give me the remote!" Crider growled. Then he realized the emptiness of Crider's eye. He saw nothing in the General, just the remains of a once wolf turned into a wicked monstrosity of technology. Twisted to the needs of the enemy. He was the enemy. The enemy. Enemy. Stepping back, leaving no room between him and the drop, Larcor held up the remote his hand and pressed the-- "Damn you!" he cried, rushing at Larcor. Like a train ramming a car, Crider's body slammed into Larcor's chest. Both were sent hurtling over the bank's edge. Both tumbled to the icy water below. Both hitting the water hard. The splash exploded upwards into the sky, as the two sank beneath the waves. The ripples calmed, the water fell silent and the arctic was quite once again. In the distance the sounds of penguins splashing the in water could be heard. Polar bears marched across the snowy landscape. The wind blew through the dunes of ice and snow. But in the water, the iceberg, Crider's Lair, erupted. It's tunnel's caved it. It's room's collapsed. It's bottom ripped open. It had begun to sink. Meters from the descending lair, a body ripped through the water. Larcor breathed in the cool air. He had to get to land soon, before the water killed him. Without hesitating, he made for the coast, only meters from where him. Reaching land, he gripped the ice and pulled himself from the water. Suddenly, he was rushed under. Water filled his lungs and he coughed. Looking down he saw the mechanical beast gripping his leg and pulling him down. His claw grasped tightly around Larcor's leg. Then it released. Crider's body began to sink, enveloped by the murky water. Soon it's figure was lost and only it's bright red eye burnt through the dark. It sank and dimmed. Gone. Larcor burst through the water and hauled himself onto the shore. There he stood and shook the water from his fur. He still held the remote in his hand, the red button pressed in and lit up. He tossed it aside and looked out, across the water, at the sinking iceberg. Crider's bomb was now sealed inside it forever. Sinking to a watery grave where it will never complete it's destiny. Never detonating. Never destroying the England. Crider would join the lair, it's tip finally sinking beneath the waves. Larcor looked up into the sky, the clouds clearing away. The sun emerged, and poured light onto the world. He smiled, hearing the distant rumble of helicopters. Larcor howled at the victory. His victory. Victory. At last.