The Orb in the Sword: Chapter 7 Copyright 1998, ------------------------------- By Ben Christie. All Rights Reserved. Smoke rose into the sky from over the hills and Trakt immediately thought the worst: the troops had beaten him to the village and all hope was lost. Cursing his luck and rushing over the rise, he gazed. A fire burned with extreme intensity in the center of a small camp in an area that had been cleared among the waist high grass. No one was within view, but a horse was tied outside one of the tents. He watched the flames dance in the fire pit. The camp hadn't been there a few months ago when he had visited the croc village. Trakt scanned the camp from the hill. Three tents were pitched on the other side of the fire pit. A few loose weapons stood in the dirt next to them: a broad sword, several spears, a Miayt shield and a few crudely fashioned arms. Finally, farther from the tents, but close to the fire were shackles attached to a wooden post firmly planted in the ground. With a camp like that it was hard not to mistake them: slave pirate. Trakt frowned. While in a tavern at Cyrottweil before he left for the King's assignment, he overheard some of the townsfolk speaking of slave pirates in the region, but he'd never before seen a camp. Everyone who traveled out beyond the city walls were told descriptions of the pirates' camps, but few had actually seen them. It was said that the many missing children were the result of slave pirates come collecting in the area. They were known to steal the young from towns and villages, then sell them as slaves in Kingdoms father away. Even Cyrottweil had fallen victim to their kind and Trakt had recalled seeing teenagers and children sold in the market place. It disgusted him, but had become commonplace among large Kingdoms. Someone emerged from a tent. Trakt couldn't make him out very well, but he could tell he was of feline origins. He was a gray furred, skinny fellow and looked grimy. From what he could tell, the cat wore an unbuttoned vest and brown pants, one leg ripped off and the other half gone. The feline poked the camp fire, looked off into the western hills, then returned back to his tent. Trakt was relived he didn't look over his way. A cloud of dust formed from the west moving swiftly towards the camp. It was two horses, one ridden by a bigger, dark furred feline and the other by an impressive tiger. The horses stopped at the camp and the riders dismounted. Trakt could hear them howling and screaming, but couldn't make out any full words. The bigger feline pulled a large, brown bag from the back of one of the horses and set it down next to the post. The group hollered some more one of the tiger drew his knife. He sliced the rope holding the bag closed and slide it's sides down. A young female crocodile, tied and gagged, emerged from inside. The smaller cat quickly shackled her to the post and then hollered again with the others. The tiger stood back as the other two waved their knives around in her face as she turned her head away. Trakt looked down upon the camp in shame, watching the savage display before him. His first instinct was to draw his sword and rush to her aid, but a second glance he realized that wouldn't be the smart thing to do. Slave pirates were known to be dangerous and well handled when it came to combat. A one man assault on their camp during the day would prove fatal for most. Trakt looked around the hill he watched from. Father to his right, a tree had fallen and only the hollow log remained. It was concealed beneath several rocks and underneath another tree. It would provide adequate cover for him where he could rest until night fell on the valley, and then, under the cover of darkness, he would enter the slave pirates' camp.