The Orb In the Sword: Chapter 8 Copyright 1998 ------------------------------- By Ben Christie. All Rights Reserved. Night had fallen on the dismal Grayden Hills. The breeze from the east was cool and crisp, a final reminder of the winter passed. The night was still young and the moon had risen little into the sky, still concealed by the mountains to the east, casting the valley into darkness. With a night so strong, it was hard to believe the sun could ever have penetrated through. Simple obstacles visible during the day were now masked by the blackness, except for the Traveler's camp. A bright orange glow flickered from the fire, the strongest source of light in the valley. It cast shadows of the tents across the grass and illuminated the three cats who sat next to it, guarding the girl. They tore their teeth savagely into a deer, which one had caught only hours before nightfall. None of them offered the girl food and she had watched with envious eyes. Moments ago she had dosed off, asleep to dream of the pleasures she may never see. The cats, however, were awake and continued their feeding frenzy, coming close to finishing their prey. They chatted and laughed amongst themselves, most likely the talked about the girl's worth to wealthy buyers. Occasionally, one of them would look over at the girl and lick their lips, giving her a toothish grin. Like characters of a play, they acted like slave pirates to the letter. The descriptions that were said and the tales that were told matched them exactly. Trakt had been watching the camp from a distance. He had slept for most of the day and woke close to dusk. From there on in he starred down upon the pirates and when night fell he slowly moved closer to the camp. Trakt wasn't as stealthy as a master thief, nor was he as oafish as an ogre, but he managed to make his way silently to the edge of the fire's ring of light. The grass was spotted by strange plants which gave off a strong aroma. This would help to mask Trakt's scent from them. Hidden in the bush he studied the pirates, watching how each of them moved and looking for the quickest and easiest way of entering the camp to free the girl. He gathered that the tiger was the leader of the three. Unlike the other two cats, the tiger was generally somber. He talked, but rarely did he engage in the foolish and often tedious banter of the two cats. And twice already Trakt had watched the tiger break up brawls between the others. The remaining two felines didn't seem to hold any rank among the pirates. The gray furred, skinny fellow was indeed a dirty one. Even though cats are known to clean themselves, this fellow looked as though he had abolished the habit. Around his head he wore a red band which passed over the right ear then below the other. Under his belt he carried a small mace. He sat most of the time with his back to Trakt. The final cat had brown fur. He was taller then the dirty one and many details about him made it look as though he'd been in battle before. His ear was chipped. His nose disfigured. Along his upper right arm there was a bare strip of skin where a red scar lay. A few other scars decorated his body. On the ground next to him was an impressive sword. It looked over four feet long. At the sword's guard the curved blade was small, but by the tip it had grown as wide as Trakt's head. Trakt noticed that he kept one hand on the sword at all times. Trakt waited patiently. Soon the moon was had slid out from behind the mountains and was beginning it's trek across the open sky. The camp fire had begun to die down and the ring of light was growing smaller, allowing for Trakt to move closer. At last the felines settled down and entered into their tents. Only one of the cats stayed behind, the dirty one. He walked passed the girl who was still asleep and grabbed her jaw, pointing her eyes at him. She tried to free her face from his hands, but he held fast. Giving her a wicked grin, he bent over and licked her snout with his raspy tongue. Releasing her head, she looked away to the ground. He smiled, pleased with her reaction. The cat stood up against the tree which hung over the camp intent on guarding it from there. He looked out towards the sky. Trakt was pleased. He couldn't see how this could be more perfect. Carefully and quietly, Trakt made his way into the grass around back of the tree. The tree trunk was large enough to conceal his body as he rose up slowly from the grass. Slipping out his curved blade, he took in a deep breath of air then spun round the trunk. The cat had little time to reacted. Before he could utter a word his throat was slit and his blood spilt down his chest. A faint gurgling sound emitted from his mouth as he feel to his knees then landed face first in the dirt. Wasting no time, Trakt went to the post the croc was latched to. He placed his finger to his mouth and she nodded in agreance. Gripping the cuffs which bound her to the post, he pulled with all his strength, but to no avail. He would need to break them open. At that moment, the brown feline emerged from his tent. "Kirlof! You stole my rations you son of a b--" the cat said, interrupted by the view of Trakt bent down next to the female croc. Trakt was frozen in place, his eyes locked with the cats until the feline looked away and to the tree. He could see the shock in the cat's eyes as he looked upon the body of his fallen comrade. The feline wasted no time. He cried out at Trakt and swung his mighty sword forward. Trakt pushed back from the post as the curved blade came slicing past his face. It connected with the wooden post and lopped off the upper most part. The croc, luckily, was untouched. Trakt had to act fast to safe himself. He too drew his sword off his back. At this point, he noticed, from behind the feline, the tiger whipped back the flap of his tent and starred out at the battle. The brown cat swung again, coming closer then before and slamming into the ground. Trakt could see that the anger inside the feline was clouding his judgment. He was leaving himself too open and Trakt knew he had a chance against him. Swinging his broad sword, it connected with the cat's blade and was pushed back. Trakt too pushed back with his feet, missing the third swing of the cat's sword. Trakt swung again. It missed the cat and dug into the trunk of the oak. He pulled at his sword, but it remained stuck, the blade buried in the wood. Again the feline wasted no time lunging at Trakt. He felt as the cat's sword slammed into the lower half of his blade. Trakt had little choice but to release his grip and roll back away from the cat. By now Trakt had lost track of the tiger. He could have returned to his tent to retrieve his weapon and then Trakt would surly be dead. The sword smashed into the ground, a cloud of dirt sent into the air. Trakt coughed and was blinded for a moment until the sword sliced through the haze nearly striking his head. The cat swung the sword around and before he knew what happened Trakt had lunged at his legs with full force. The feline's body toppled over Trakt's. The curved sword struck hard into the fire pit sending burning ashes into the air. The fire had dimmed slightly. Trakt could hardly see the cat, save his eyes which glowed yellow reflecting the fire's light. He watched the cat for a moment when he realized that he wasn't going to attack. The tiger came from behind Trakt both arms wrapping around Trakt's shoulders and pulling back. Trakt was completely open to attack from the brown cat. And attack he did. His fist came from the darkness and slammed into Trakt's chest. The wind now knocked from him, the cat continued to beat at Trakt's chest. When the cat stopped, Trakt was gasping for air. The tiger continued to hold Trakt back, but he knew it he wouldn't be held back much longer. In front of him the feline had picked up his sword from the fire and gripped it firmly with both hands. Trakt would be dead soon. The cat pointed the sword inches from Trakt's throat, swung back and Trakt's foot kicked up and connected with the feline's crotch, hard. The brown cat slumped over a moment before collapsing backwards. His head smacked into the tree and he twitched a moment, then relaxed. The tiger threw Trakt from his grip and he landing, chest first, onto the dying fire. He felt the ashes burn at his skin and rolled off. The fire was dead. It would take a few seconds for Trakt's eyes to adjust to the night, but it would also take a few seconds for the felines to kill him. He could hear them move around in the dirt, but not see them. Trakt slowly backed away from where he had seen them last, scrapping the ground with his hind paws. He gripped the handle of his curved dagger and slid it out from under his cloth. He held the blade firmly in his hands, pointed out in front of him. He heard a cry from one of the cats and then, for a brief instance, the moon hit the feline's eyes perfectly and Trakt knew he was running at him. Trakt swung the blade through the air and felt as it caught something a moment, then slid free. A cry, nothing Trakt had ever heard before, echoed from the lips of the tiger. He heard the body topple over in the dirt. Trakt paused a moment. With each breath he took, his chest stung, but it was not over. Still the brown cat lay against the tree, possibly unconscious. His eyes having fully adjusted to the darkness, Trakt walked to the tree. The brown cat was not there. Trakt swung his head left and right then circled around. The brown cat had gone out of sight. He gripped the blade firmly and listened. In the distance he could hear and owl and from the grass came the chirping of crickets, but nothing more. Having slipped the curved dagger back into his cincture, he grabbed the hilt of his sword still lodged in the tree and pulled back. The sword ripped lose, but not without tearing away bits of the tree's bark. Trakt carried the sword in his hands. He knew the brown cat couldn't be far away and was probably waiting in the tall grass like he had done before, stalking Trakt. But Trakt could not let the croc stay latched to the post any longer. He held his sword over his head and swung down hard against the shackles. They broke instantly. The croc girl was now free from her bonds. The attack came from behind. He felt the cat's elbow strike the ribs on his back. Trakt flinched in pain and fell down on all fours. It was not over. The feline hit his shoulder hard and Trakt's elbow buckled. He toppled over on his left side. The cat was relentless. He slammed his foot into Trakt's arm, causing him to release his grip on the broadsword then kicked down on his chest where it hurt already from the blows before. He kicked hard into Trakt's side sending pain across his ribs and he finally kicked Trakt in the crotch like mirroring what had been done to him. Trakt rolled into a ball. Pain surged through his body. The cat watched over him a moment. He bent down and plucked his curved sword which lay next to the tree. He turned back to face Trakt who still lay on the ground. "This was too easy," the cat remarked. His deep voice would be the last thing Trakt remembered as he swung the sword back. The feline wasn't ready for a punch from behind. It caught him off guard and he stumbled forward a bit. Regaining his footing, he turned. The croc had punched him. A meager attempt at saving her savior. It was useless. The brown cat pushed her away and she tripped over the body of the gray cat. He turned back to Trakt ready to finish him, but his eyes widened as he watched the fierce blade of Trakt's broadsword thrusted at him. The blade entered the cat's chest and exited through his back. Blood spurted into the air. The feline was stunned. He looked down upon the cold steel which penetrated his dome and the blood which slide down his body. The sword dropped from his hand and he gave a final gasp for air before his body went limp. Trakt hadn't the strength to keep the body up, so he released his grip of the sword and it came crashing to the ground with the corpse. He pushed himself up from the ground and looked over at the croc. She looked shocked, as if the other two felines had not likewise been killed before her eyes. He looked at her a moment longer and she finally looked away from the body and met with his eyes. Exhausted, Trakt fell back to the ground and soon he was sleeping underneath the sky, blanketed by stars.