Life of the Party By Calypso Woof ***** WARNING! ***** This story contains explicit sex scenes and anthropomorphics (furres). These scenes aren't really appropriate for those who aren't mature enough to discuss or read about the topic of sex, especially male/male sex (which is what this story contains). Please don't read this if you can't handle it. Otherwise, read on and enjoy the yiffage! If you have comments (please, no flames), send them to "Hey Chris!" I said cheerily as I answered the phone. "Hey cutie, what's up?" came the seductive reply. I grinned and felt my ears get hot with a blush. "Not too much. How 'bout you?" "Well, I called to invite you to a party I'm having on Saturday." "Oh, cool, what kind of party?" I grinned even more broadly. "Take a wild guess. What's the one kind of party I always have?" "Costume parties?" I responded, purposely making myself out to be a "dumb blonde." "Yes, costume parties," Chris said sardonically. I was sure he was rolling his eyes. "Stop playing dumb!" "Okay, okay! I'll be sure to come...what time is it at?" "Nine thirty. Don't be late, sweetie." "I won't!" I replied happily, blushing at being called 'sweetie.' "Well, I better go. Still have to invite the others. Bye now." "Buhbye." I smiled and pushed the "off" button on the cordless phone. "Party at Chris' eh? This should be fun." I walked out of my living room and into my bedroom, setting the phone back on the charger. As I walked around my bed, I caught a glance of my 7PM self. What I saw was this: a five-foot, nine-inch tall Arctic Wolf with mid-back length silvery hair and bright blue eyes. At the time, I was wearing blue jeans and a red t-shirt; casual wear for home. I thought I looked like a wreck with no cosmetics on and my hair such a mess, but every one of my friends and ex- boyfriends has told me I'm extremely attractive, with or with out make-up, and that I should just accept it. Anyways, I stuck my tongue out at my reflection, and it stuck its tongue out at me, so we were both satisfied. I flopped on my bed as I contemplated the party. "I wonder who's invited?" I said aloud. After a period of devilish thoughts, I got up and grabbed my robe. I had, and have, a tendency to take two showers per day; one in the morning, to rinse off, and one at night to wash myself. I figured I could catch "Charmed" if I got into the shower early, though, so I walked to the bathroom and turned the water on, testing it with a paw after a few seconds. When I was satisfied with the temperature of the water, I stripped off my shirt and pants quickly, standing for a brief moment in my boxer-briefs before removing them, too. I brushed a stray strand of hair out of my face and stepped into the engulfing warmth, reveling in the feeling of the water soaking into my fur. I shampooed my whole body, including my hair, and rinsed, shaking my head about and sending what seemed like gallons of water on to the shower walls and down the drain. With a deep breath and a sigh of exhale, I turned off the water and stepped out of the shower, eager to lounge in my comfortable bath robe. I dried off and put on my big cotton robe, snuggling the collar. I chuckled to myself and told myself how stupid I was, then proceeded to run to my bed and flop on it, laughing the whole time. "Well, Charmed should be on soon!" I told myself, and grabbed the remote. I clicked on the TV, flipped channels until the show came on, then fell asleep close to the end of the two-hour special. I awoke the next morning to the TV turned off (I had my elbow on the remote), and got ready for work. Hours passed like seconds, and Friday came and went. Before I knew it, I was slipping on my tightest leather for Chris' party. I squeezed into my shorts and laughed as I saw my ass hanging out in the mirror behind me, my thong straps clearly visible upon my hips. "Perfect!" I chuckled and put on my vest. After examining myself in the mirror, I put three necklaces and four rings on in the bathroom. I pulled out my eyeliner and face powder from my drawer and did my makeup, applying the eyeliner thickly (black, to match the leather) and lightly powdering my facial fur. After slipping on my 4-inch-heeled, knee-high black leather boots, I grabbed my keys and headed out, locking the door. I went down to my car (my apartment was on the third floor) and drove to Chris' quickly, thanking God the traffic lights were being friendly. "Whoa, looks pretty packed!" I commented as I saw all the cars in the driveway and all down the street. I hope this doesn't turn out like last time, I thought. After parking almost a block away, I walked up to the door and rang the bell. Chris answered a few moments later, a blast of music coming from behind him. He smiled and stepped aside, motioning for me to go in. Now, Chris is a gorgeous, if not incredibly adorable, lion. He's a big guy, toned and muscled beautifully, and he loomed over me as I stood there. I grinned and kissed him on the cheek before walking into his loud and over-crowded living room. "Glad you could make it," Chris said in my ear from behind me, and wrapped his huge arms around my chest. "Wait until I've had a chance to check out who you've invited, Chris!" I giggled and slid from his grasp. He merely shrugged and started dancing. As I walked around, I saw beautiful men everywhere, dressed just as slutty as I was, or wearing nothing at all. They did all have one thing in common, though: they all stared at me. Damn it, just like last time! I thought. Everyone just looked at me, nodding their heads and licking their chops in approval. I occasionally heard comments like "Whoo, shake it!" when I danced, and I felt like the center of attention. Before I got to the backyard in my wanderings, my ass had been slapped three times. I just smiled and blew kisses when this kind of thing happened. None of these more forward guys sparked my interest, so I became the forward one, grabbing tall, beautiful guys' asses and grinning. More than once they stopped whatever they were doing and came to me, trapping me in their arms and kissing me. I took it all in stride and merely rubbed my hips against them before turning and moving on. All in all I had fun dancing, flirting, and exploring others' bodies, having several kissing and groping partners before the night was through. I did eventually tire of all these guys, though, so I found Chris and jumped on his back. "I'm back!" I announced and slid down; my weight was nothing to him. "You're adorable, you know that?" he said, grinning broadly and turning around. He swooped down and picked me up, locking me in a deep kiss, my legs draped over his left arm, his right supporting my back. For a moment I was stunned, and merely sat there, but the romantic way he literally swept me off my feet made me swoon, and I wrapped my arms around his neck. I think I'm in love, I thought as he held me close and pressed his tongue against mine. Slowly he pulled away and smiled at me, a beautiful and genuine smile. I smiled in return, and he carried me over to the couch and sat down, me in his lap. I felt a bulge against my upper thigh and grinned all the more broadly, glancing down quickly. I thought I saw him blush, but the room was too dimly lit to tell. "You're so unpredictable! One minute you're cool and confident, the next you're so cutely shy...I love it!" I told him, smiling toothily and kissing his nose. He took his paw away from my legs and put it to my chin, lifting my face so our eyes met. I saw such love there, such passion, in those golden brown eyes that I couldn't help but kiss him again, never having removed my arms from around his neck. By then the party was slowing a little, and people were leaving. I hardly noticed as I felt Chris' arms around me, his muzzle against mine. We must have stayed that way for more than an hour, because when I finally pulled away (which took every last ounce of will), hardly anyone was left. I looked at my watch; it was 1:42 AM. "'s late. Or early, I suppose," I commented. "I better get going..." He kissed me again and I nearly wrapped my arms around him again, completely in ecstacy at the feeling of his lips. "Good night, Ken-doll," he said as he pulled away, smiling sweetly. He always called me 'Ken-doll' because my name reminds him of Barbie's male companion, I guess. Plus he thinks it's cute. "Good night, Christopher," I smiled. I kissed him on the cheek as I had when I entered and lifted myself from his lap. I gave him a little wave and sauntered out of the house and to my car, completely in love. As I drove home, all I could think about was Chris. "I love him!" I said out loud, smiling to myself as I parked. I went upstairs and, not thinking, turned the knob to my apartment. I was shocked when it turned all the way and the door swung open, but I reasoned that I had probably forgot to lock it. I walked in and shut the door, setting my keys on the coffee table. I went into my bedroom and turned on the light. What I saw nearly made me scream. It was Robert. "Welcome home, Ken. I've been waiting," he said calmly, rising from his spot on my bed. He came to me and kissed me, and memories came flooding into my mind. When I was sixteen, an eighteen-year-old Grizzly named Robert fell in love with me, or so he said. I told him I didn't want a boyfriend, but he persisted, bringing me all kinds of gifts. I still said no. One night, after a pretty awesome party, I came home to find Robert sitting on my bed. I told him to get out of my house, and he beat me. He told me if I screamed for help, he would kill me, and held a knife to my throat. He threw me on my bed and stripped me, smiling devilishly, as if he enjoyed seeing me helpless. I tried to resist, but he was much bigger than I was, and he just laughed and hit me. He pulled down his pants, revealing his huge and erect member, and shoved it into me, not caring that it was immensly painful. He raped me three times, the pain of my virginity being taken from me causing me to cry. After he was satisfied, he kissed me and left out my window, leaving me a crying and naked wreck on my bed. I never saw him again, until then. "What are you doing here?" I demanded, but my voice was almost a whisper. "I can't stop thinking about you, Ken. I've come back for more." He gave his all-too-familiar devilish grin and pulled out the very same knife he had put to my throat four years before. "Maybe if you cooperate, I won't beat you like last time," he laughed. Robert grabbed my arm, and I tried to pull away, but he only tugged me closer and slapped me. He grabbed me by the neck and threw me on my bed, laughing his low chuckle as I flailed mid-air. He crawled onto the bed after me and covered my muzzle with a paw. My eyes darted around wildly as I looked for some way to save myself. I looked out the door just as Robert began unbuttoning my shorts, and saw the entrance door swing open and Chris walk in. I made muffled yells and yelps, but Robert just hit me and told me to shut up in his low, burly voice. Chris heard Robert and walked to the door, aghast at what he saw. I screamed "Chris! Help!" beneath Robert's paw and stared at Chris with my eyes wide. Robert turned just in time to receive a jaw-shattering punch from Chris. He fell to the floor, clearly knocked out, and I shuddered, glad to have him away from me. Chris stared at the unmoving form of Robert with sheer hatred, then suddenly remembered me. He rushed to me and picked me up, and I cried into his shoulder, not able to speak a word. To me, at that moment, Chris was a miracle made solid. I clung to him and sobbed into his mane, never being more happy to see anyone in my entire life. "'s okay," he cooed, trying to calm me. "He'll never hurt you again." I just cried, hugging myself close to his throat. "Shhh..." he purred again, stroking my hair softly with a massive paw. He stood there for a moment, holding me, then walked into the living room. He set me on the couch very gently and picked up the phone, dialing "9-1-1." He told them there was an attempted rape and that they come immediately, then gave them the address and apartment number. After confirming the rapist was unconcious with them, Chris hung up and turned back to me. By then I had stopped crying and was wiping my eyes. "The police are on their way," he said. He sat next to me and wrapped an arm around me, and I clung to his chest again. "I was so helpless and afraid...I just couldn't let it happen again...but he was so big..." I just rambled my emotions and thoughts, trying to recover from the shock of the experience. "What do you mean 'again?' You mean this has happened to you before?" Chris asked anxiously. "When I was sixteen, he raped me. He took my virginity from me. I never did anything about it, though. I was too afraid." "I'll kill him!" he growled and started to get up, but I put a paw on his chest. "No. That would be lowering yourself to his level," I said, and climbed atop him, desperate just to get close to him. I straddled his waist and huddled against his chest. He nuzzled the nape of my neck with his nose and put his head on my shoulder, purring and smiling. I realized suddenly that Chris wasn't wearing a shirt, and I took advantage of the situation by cuddling into his chest fur and listening to his heart beat. What a beautiful sound... I thought, and smiled. I really was in love with him. My hero, my savior. After a few minutes, we heard the sirens outside, and Chris and I met the policemen in the hall. We showed them to Robert, and after both being interviewed about the entire experience, they left us, and took Robert away (who remained unconcious the entire time). After I said "good night" to the last of the officers and shut the door, I turned around and beamed at Chris. He walked over and took me in his arms, intertwining his left and my right fingers. I had gone through the whole event in my mind several times, but one question remained. " rescued me, and you don't know how grateful I am, but tell me...why were you here?" I asked him, and pulled back to look in his eyes. "I came to confess something," he replied, and pulled away from me. He took a step past me and bent over, and as I turned, he picked up a beautiful bouquet of red roses from the floor and handed them to me. "I love you." He said it with such tenderness, such passion in his eyes, that I knew he meant it. I set the roses on the table gently and just looked at them for a second, then jumped onto Chris and kissed him. I let my feet find the floor as I felt him pull me towards him, his paw on the small of my back, pressing our bellies together. I felt him invade my senses as we stood there; his scent intoxicated me, the feel of his fur was one thousand kisses upon me, and the taste of his mouth made me hunger for more. I slipped the fingers of my left hand down the front of his pants and grabbed the hem, drawing back from his kiss. I grinned and said "I love you, too," pulling the willing Chris into my bedroom and atop me as I laid on my bed, smiling at the heart-warming way he looked at me, touched me, and kissed me. Chris gave me a look as if to say "Do you really want this?" and his brow furrowed a little. I leaned up and kissed him, parting his lips with my own and exploring the inside of his mouth with my tongue. At this point he was still a little hesitant to make the next move, so I did it for him by unbuttoning his pants and slipping my paw into his boxers, caressing his already swelling sheath. He moaned into my mouth and helped me out of my vest and cut-off shirt, only breaking the kiss to pull the shirt off over my head. I slipped his pants down from either side with my paws and he kicked them off, his craving for pleasure plainly obvious. Chris unbuttoned my little shorts and pulled them off me, leaving me in my thong. His paw brushed over my sheath through the fabric and gave the strap a snap. He pulled away from kissing me, a cutely playful look on his face, and slid down, taking the waistband of the thong carefully into his teeth and pulling it down to my knees, where I laughed and kicked it off. As I looked at the whole of Chris, I thought how dumb I must have been these past two years in not even noticing that he was so beautiful, sweet, and kind. I saw his huge member emerge from its sheath and licked my lips, flashing him a smile. He bent down and licked my sheath from the base up, helping my already emerging cock get hard, and smiled back to me as I whimpered. I grabbed his chin with a paw and pulled his lips to mine, craving his delicious kiss. He wrapped his arms around me and hugged me close to him, resting some of his weight upon me and sending shivers down my spine as he moved his lips from mine to my neck, kissing it softly. I felt his paws slip from around my back to grabbing my ass, and I smiled as he pulled his lips away from my throat and sat back. He pulled my ass into his lap and rubbed his huge cock against it, making me arch my back and moan. I sat up and pushed off the bed and towards him, grasping onto his neck and wrapping my legs around his waist. I kissed him quickly as he rubbed against me again, and I reached behind me, stroking his cock gently with a paw. He moaned a little and kissed my chest as I lifted myself a little and rubbed the head of his dick against my hole, teasing him. I gently slid down upon it and breathed deep as it stretched me, my own cock rubbing against Chris' fur. He, in turn, began pumping into me, slowly at first, then continuously faster. I swayed my hips with his as he thrust, and I moaned when he took my shoulder into his mouth and bit me, not enough to break the skin, but just enough to cause a little sensation of pain mixed with the pleasure he was giving me. He kissed my shoulder and licked my muzzle, in obvious ecstacy at what he was experiencing. I leaned down and put my lips to his, my arms tight around his neck, his around my back. I kissed him deeply and he began to thrust harder and faster, rocking his hips against me. I gasped into his mouth as his penis widened me, and he licked the inside of mouth lightly before pumping very hard, pulling his lips from mine and groaning loudly. I pushed down and met him as he thrust into me, and I arched my back and moaned as loud as he was as I felt him grow close. He let loose a few hard thrusts and came into me, groaning all the more loudly as he slowed his pace. I groaned in pleasure with him as I felt him fill me, and hugged him close to me, panting hard. He clung to my back and put his face to my chest, breathing deep and hard with me. After a minute or two, he laid me down on the bed, pulling out of me and smiling. I smiled back and latched myself to him as he laid next to me, breathing in the scent of our love-making and sighing deeply. Chris pulled my chin up like he had at the party and looked into my eyes, smiling down at me. I kissed him and felt a tear roll down my cheek. As I pulled away he saw the tears in my eyes and looked at me concernedly. "Oh, Ken-doll, did I hurt you? Are you alright?" he asked anxiously yet softly, wiping the tears from my eyes. "I'm just so happy, Chris!" I smiled. "I love you, too!" -------------------------------------------- Now, as I look back on that party, and that entire experience for that matter, it seems almost a dream. Chris and I now live together in his house, and of course we still throw parties, and yes, I'm still stared at. Of course, now if I grab some random guy's ass, Chris gets insanely jealous. I love it. A few days after the entire ordeal, Chris and I were informed that Robert was already wanted for two rape-and-murder cases, and faced capital punishment. The next day we were told that when Chris had punched him, it had broken his jaw and sent a shock to his brain that he would never recover from. Of course, a month after that, Robert was executed by lethal injection. So now Chris and I are the happy couple, and I've almost forgotten about Robert, thankfully. And, I have reason to believe that Chris is going to ask me to marry him...tonight.