Triangle's Center (Part I) By Calypso Woof ***** WARNING! ***** This story contains explicit sex scenes and anthropomorphics (furres). These scenes aren't really appropriate for those who aren't mature enough to discuss or read about the topic of sex, especially male/male sex (which is what this story contains). Please don't read this if you can't handle it. Otherwise, read on and enjoy the yiffage! If you have comments (please, no flames), send them to Brad let out a muffled moan as one eye opened; it was 11:31 AM, and he had just woke up. He shut his eye, then opened them both slowly, turning his head and looking around his room. The young coyote was very glad that he didn't have work. "Hmmph...still a bit tired," he yawned to himself. Brad hauled himself onto his hands and knees, and gracefully stretched his slender body, arching his back and moaning slightly. He had gone to a party the previous night, gotten extremely drunk, and the last thing he remembered was being put in his car by a big, strong wolf. "I bet it was Mark," he told himself. Brad's friend Mark was the owner of the house of the party, and was one of the only ones to keep sober. Mark was a nice guy, and he and Brad had been friends (with privliges) for a while, so it was hardly uncommon for Mark to be Brad's designated driver. "But...I remember this guy being taller and darker colored than Mark, and having a pierced ear...and the way he kissed didn't feel the same as the way Mark kisses," Brad said to himself again. "Well, it was dark, and I was drunk off my ass, so I was probably just imagining it." Brad was still a little unsure, though, so he decided he'd drive over to his friend's house and ask him. After Brad showered and had a cup of coffee, he pulled on some shorts (with a slit for his tail) and a shirt, and grabbed his keys. On his way to Mark's house, Brad began thinking about his friend. I wonder if he'll want to have sex... he thought. His sheath swelled a bit in his tight shorts, but he reminded himself that he had to drive. Upon reaching Mark's house, Brad just waltzed in like he owned the place, as usual, and found Mark in the kitchen, with nothing but a bathrobe on. "Hey, you!" Mark said in his cheery, mid-pitched voice. Mark was a cute wolf, with light brown fur and bright green eyes. He always had a smile on his face, and his fur was always a bit disshiveled. "Have fun last night?" he asked. "Yeah, it was a blast. But God does this place look like a wreck!" Brad exclaimed as he noticed the condition of the house. Magazines and clothing were strewn everywhere, and half-empty, as well as fully empty, glasses of alcohol sat everywhere. "I know, I know. Clean up should be fun today. Care to help?" Mark asked enthusiastically. "Sure, babe," Brad replied, kissing him softly. He pulled away quickly, and began collecting glasses. "What was that for?" Mark questioned. He was so spunky and funny in the way he acted when he had just enjoyed something that Brad couldn't help but laugh. "I don't know. For being you?" he responded. "Oh, thanks for taking me home, by the way. Did you have someone from the party drive you back?" "I didn't take you home, Brad," Mark replied, looking much more serious. "Brandy said she'd take you home." "But I remember, and Brandy wasn't the one who put me in the car..." Brad trailed off. "Hmmm...maybe it was that sexy wolf she brought with her?" Mark said, raising an eyebrow and smirking. "He was with her the entire party, as I remember, and he kept glancing at you all night," he finished with a wink. "Maybe she just told him to haul me in there because I was too heavy for her to carry or something, then drove me home herself." "Maybe," Mark said softly, pouncing on the smaller Brad and pinning him to the couch. "But I know that wolf had a good eye." He kissed Brad deeply, and Brad almost moaned at the feel of Mark's tongue in his mouth. Brad hadn't had sex in nearly a week, and he felt his sheath swell again with need as Mark's chest, exposed by the ever-opening robe, pressed against his. Still locked in their kiss, Mark began pulling up on Brad's shirt from behind, and only broke from their lip-lock to pull it off over his head. "Thank God for you, Mark," Brad nearly whispered, slowly untying the cord on the robe. "Hmmm?" was Mark's reply as he unbuttoned the shorts, slipping them off Brad's curvacious hips along with his underwear. "I'd never get any male sex without you," he said, pulling off Mark's robe and running a paw along his back. "Somehow I doubt that, little yote," was the reply as Mark's own paw traveled down Brad's belly. He slipped his hand between Brad's legs, cupping his balls and running it over his sheath. Brad moaned in pleasure, letting his own paws wander to Mark's firm ass, squeezing it gently. Mark was one of the sexiest and most "well-equipped" guys he knew, and that was just a bonus to accompany his adorable personality. The only reason Brad didn't snatch him up as a boyfriend was because they were both too horny to have just one playmate, or so each thought about the other. In reality, they both only fucked other guys to make the other jealous. Plus Brad being bisexual didn't help, because he was horny enough to the point of wanting a girlfriend and a boyfriend at the same time. They kissed again as Mark reached for the small nightstand-like table next to the couch and pulled out a bottle of lubricant from the drawer. He pulled away from his coyote friend and sat up on his knees, cock fully emerging from the sheath. He watched as Brad's did the same, and he gave one of those horny little smiles of his as he opened the bottle of lube and poured some on Brad's hole. Brad yipped a little at the cold, but his yip became a murr of ecstacy as Mark took a finger and rubbed the lube all over his anus, pushing it into the hole and swirling it around. "I want you inside me," Brad nearly whined as Mark's finger emerged. "Now," he whined again, lifting himself slightly to wrap his arms around Mark's neck. "Your wish is my command," Mark replied. He took his huge, hard cock between his index finger and thumb, and guided into Brad's hole slowly, pulling him close. Brad's grip grew tighter as he was laid atop of, and he murred and moaned and he felt Mark's hips touch his ass, then pull away, in a delicious and invigorating cycle. Mark pulled away slightly, still thrusting, and grabbed Brad's legs. He put Brad's knees up to his chest, and Brad extended his legs, lifting them over Mark's shoulders. Mark began to thrust more quickly, unable to keep his desire away. Finally, as Brad began murring and moaning louder, Mark thrust very hard and fast for a few seconds and threw his head up, howling in a shattering climax. He came inside of Brad, harder then he usually did, and wallowed in ecstacy. He thrust more and more slowly, and finally stopped just as Brad put his legs down. Both were panting hard, Mark reveling in the pleasure that was Brad's ass. He pulled his slightly softened dick out, and Brad yipped again at the feeling of it leaving him. "I love you, my friend," Mark whispered in Brad's ear as he leaned down to lay beside him. He always said this after sex, but he always meant it, too. "And I love you, Mark," Brad responded. He felt Mark's large paws begin to wrap around his waist, so he took one and put it on his belly. Mark let out a low groan at their intimacy, and pulled Brad as close as possible, savoring his touch. They laid there for nearly an hour before Mark loosened his grip around Brad and got up, going to retrieve a towel. He came back a few moments later, wiping the lubricant from himself, a small grin fixed on his face. Without a word he went to the couch, spread Brad's legs, and cleaned him. "I could have done that!" Brad giggled, smiling first down at his rear, then up at Mark's face. "Yes, but how would that be fun for me?" Mark chuckled back. He really did love Brad, not just as a friend or a fuck toy, but as a mate. He was in love with Brad. But he didn't want to tell him, especially while Brad had that tall, dark, and handsome guy on his mind. "Hey," Mark said, standing up and grabbing his robe, "do you think you can start cleaning up a bit while I take a quick shower?" "Sure," Brad replied, standing and arching his back. After fully stretching (Mark staring the whole time), he walked to Mark, kissed him again, and said with a smirk, "Have fun." For some strange reason, Mark blushed wildly, and walked off to the bathroom. I'm in love with a little slut, he thought to himself, grinning all the more broadly. As Brad heard the water in the shower turn on, he took the opportunity to call Brandy and ask about her handsome friend. He felt kind of bad about using Mark's phone to call about this guy, but he gave in to his curiosity almost immediately. "Hey Brandy," Brad said slightly nervously into the receiver. "Oh hey, Brad, what's up?" came Brandy's sweet, delicious voice. "Did you have fun at the party last night?" "Yeah, it was great. But, I was just wondering, did you take me home? Mark said that you offered to take me, and when I woke up, I was in my room, so I was wondering-" "Jake took you home," she said quickly. The little feline smiled and continued, "He only lives a few blocks away from you, so he drove you home in your car, then walked to his apartment." "Who the hell is he?" Brad asked somewhat frantically. He didn't want some stranger driving his car, getting into his apartment with his keys, and all the like. "He's one of my friends from work. He's the new guy at the salon, and I'd like to say, he seemed mighty interested in you last night," she purred. Brandy had a funny way of gossiping and hooking people up. "He did?" Brad asked. He was somewhat interested in this wolf, too, even though he only knew his first name and how he kissed. "Well, he seemed intent on driving you home, and he was looking at you all night. I think he even kissed you while he was putting you in your car, but I might have been wrong," she said, smiling even more. She was about to start giggling like a little school girl. "It probably was dark..." Brad trailed. He didn't want to admit that he had kissed back. "Yeah, but it's hard to mistake your sandy arms around his neck, now isn't it?" she said in a fit of gossipy glee. The insides of Brad's ears went completely red in a deep blush, and after a few seconds of Brandy's giggling, he managed to say, "Can I have his number, please?" "Sure hun, and I'll give you his address too, incase you want to walk down there," she mused. She gave him the phone number and address, and it did turn out that Jake lived only 4 blocks away from Brad. After a little chit-chat, Brad and Brandy hung up, and Brad began picking up his clothes. He dressed and put the rest of the glasses in the sink, as well as threw all the beer bottles and cans away, and he was about to start on all the clothes laying around, when Mark came out of the shower, soaking wet and in a towel. "How's it going out here, Brad?" he asked. Brad looked up at Mark as he was picking up a shirt, and his cheeks swelled with impending laughter. After a few seconds, he couldn't hold it in, and burst out laughing in a tremendous fit. "What?" Mark asked, looking a little more serious than usual. "What's so funny?" "You look absolutely rediculous!" Brad managed to gasp between laughs. He had seen Mark go swimming, take showers and baths, and all of that, with no laughing at all, but the site of him dripping wet right now just cracked him up for some strange and inexplicable reason. "You're all wet!" he gasped again, about to drop to the floor with laughter. "How is that funny?" Mark asked, pouty-lipped and angry-eyebrowed. Brad merely shook his head as he laughed hysterically, holding his side with a paw. Brad's laughter had just begun to subside when Mark said, "So, you think being all wet is funny, eh? Let's see how you like it now!" He jumped onto the slightly frightened Brad and began tickling him wildly in the sides. Brad began rolling with laughter again, trying to get Mark to stop, but to no avail. Mark chuckled with victory and stopped tickling, and Brad let out a few more giggles before ceasing his laughter. "So, you've won. Now will you get off me?" Brad asked, looking up at Mark's adorable smiling face. "Oh, sorry," Mark chuckled again, starting to haul himself up. He was almost fully standing when Brad yipped out "Gotcha!" and grabbed the towel, scrambling from underneath Mark and running across the room. "Give that back!" said a sly-smiling Mark, naked and wet. He began chasing Brad around the room, and grabbed him only after being whipped in the belly, leg, and arm with the towel. Brad laughed again, but his laughter became silence as he savored Mark's strong embrace again. The feel of Mark's wet fur on his clothed back was strange, and he could feel Mark's cock just above his tail base. The experience, as both found, was pleasant for a few minutes, so Mark merely held Brad, both forgetting about the towel. Finally, Mark let a paw slide down Brad's arm, and he gently snatched the towel. "Thank you," he said softly, and licked Brad's muzzle. He let him go again, and went off to his room to dry and dress, leaving Brad alone with his thoughts again. Mark is so cute, and that felt so good...both fucking and hugging. I love him so much, but he only thinks of me as his friend, or in some cases, his fuck toy, depending on the situation, Brad thought to himself. He sat on the couch, pondering what to do, and soon his mind traveled to Jake. So he's interested, eh? I'd be lying if I said I wasn't, he thought again. Mark soon returned and stood at the entrance to the hallway, paws on his hips. "Hello?" he said loudly and sarcastically. "Earth to Brad!" Brad jumped a little. He hadn't even noticed Mark standing there, but as he saw him, he began cleaning again quickly. Mark thought about what Brad's face had looked like, and he figured he must had been thinking of that ear-pierced guy. He was a little hurt, but didn't show it. "I'll get all the clothes," Brad said, a little louder than usual, "and you get the magazines." "Okay," Mark said, trying to sound cheery. It obviously fooled Brad, for he took no notice, and just went about picking up all of the clothing. He was amused to find a particularly large bra in the mess of clothes, and showed it to Mark, raising an eyebrow. Mark momentarily forgot his hurt and chuckled, looking at the C-cup. Brad threw it in his pile, and with both of them cleaning, the house became very tidy again. "Thanks a lot, Brad. Couldn't have done this with out you," Mark said as he walked over to Brad. "My pleasure," Brad replied with a grin, smacking Mark in the ass. "But you know, you could have got off without me." "You little slut," Mark said, wrapping his arm around the coyote's waist and kissing him gently. "Always have been, always will be," was Brad's response as they pulled away. "Well, I've got to go, babe, I'll see you later." "Alright. Bye!" Mark said, giving a little wave as they parted. "Bye now," Brad waved back, smirk in place, as he walked out the door, swaying his feminine hips with each step. Mark laughed to himself as he watched Brad hop into his car. "What a slut I'm in love with," he grinned. "I'm such a slut!" Brad told himself as he drove away from Mark's house. "Oh, I love it," he giggled. He drove all the way home, not really thinking about anything, but upon parking, Jake sprung back into his mind. "I'll call him," Brad told himself, and rushed out of his car. He seemed anxious, even to himself, and tried to calm down as he entered the apartment building and climbed the stairs. He unlocked the door to his apartment quickly, and rushed to the phone, pulling out a piece of paper from his pocket. "Alright, here goes nothing," he told himself as he picked up the receiver and dialed. The phone rang once, twice, three times...Brad was about to hang up on the fourth ring when a deep, smooth voice answered. "Hello?" said the voice, deliciously sweet to Brad's ears. "Uh...hi...Jake? T-this is Brad, the guy you took home," Brad managed to respond. "Oh, hi!" Jake said, brightening a bit. "Listen, I just wanted to thank you for hauling me all the way up to my apartment, and putting me in my bed, and kissing me-" Brad cut himself off. He didn't mean to say 'kissing me,' it just sort of came out. He blushed a bit, and there was a pause before Jake's deep voice responded. "Oh, it was no problem. But could you thank me over dinner?" he asked serenely. "S-sure, okay," was Brad's unfirm reply. He was falling in love with Jake's deep, soothing voice, and he cursed himself for being seduced. "Meet me at P.F. Chang's on 5th Street at 7," Jake said happily. "Okay. Bye," Brad replied uneasily. "Bye, cutie. And by the way, you're welcome. You're a great kisser," came Jake's farewell as he hung up. Brad blushed madly at this last comment, and was completely overjoyed. "Oh God, it's already 4 o'clock! What am I going to wear?" Two and a half hours, 16 outfits, and 8 hair styles later, Brad was finally ready for dinner. He was wearing formal black pants with a deep blue silk shirt to match his eyes. "Alright, I'm ready," Brad told himself. He sprayed himself with a bit of light cologne, grabbed his keys, and headed out. When Brad got to the restaurant, he was 10 minutes early, and cursed himself for being over-anxious. He was usually the one to arrive "fashionably late" when on a date with a guy, and he didn't like being the early one, but consented to go inside and wait instead of driving around for a bit and showing up later. Brad walked in nervously, and despite being early, Jake was standing at the receptionist's podium, about to walk to his table. The waitress' eye was caught by Brad walking in, and looked over Jake's shoulder to get a good look at him. Brad saw Jake give the waitress a curious look, and watched him turn, eyes falling upon himself. Jake was mesmerized by Brad, and couldn't speak. His jaw merely dropped a bit as he admired Brad's gorgeous appearance. Brad stared back at the beautiful Jake, and finally gained some confidence as he saw Jake's expression. He stalked over, hips swaying sluttily, and closed Jake's jaw with a finger. "Shall we?" he asked, smile broad. "Uhhh...yeah..." Jake replied, looking down on his date. "Oh, here!" he exclaimed, holding out a deep red rose. "Awww, thanks! Roses are my favorite!" Brad said, smelling it. The waitress had become slightly impatient and much less interested in Brad as she saw the way the two were acting, and so grunted and cleared her throat obviously. "Oh, we're sorry! Please, lead the way!" Brad smiled, giving her a good once over. She's hot, Brad thought to himself. He followed her to their table, and gave her another charming smile as she left, making her blush a little. She walked off quickly, thinking Maybe he's not gay... Jake noticed the way Brad was looking the waitress over, and a thought occurred to him: Is he straight? He did kiss me last night, but he was drunk...but the way he was acting on the phone! Well, maybe he was nervous about something else...oh no, what have I done? Jake looked a little stressed, so Brad decided to interrupt his thoughts. "What's wrong? Are you alright?" he asked concernedly, putting his slender paw atop Jake's massive one. Jake blushed crimson in his ears, and as he looked up into Brad's beautiful blue eyes, he couldn't resist the question. "You aren't gay, are you?" he blurted out quickly, his brow already forming a hurt look. "I'm sorry to say I'm not," Brad replied calmly. He grasped Jake's wrist and pulled him gently closer, seeing the sad look on his face. He leaned over the table and whispered in his ear, "I'm bisexual," and licked his muzzle affectionately. Jake's eyes opened wide, and his sorrow turned to shock in an instant and Brad pulled away, seating himself again. The waitress had been close by, and had heard the whole conversation. Hmmm...interesting. Bisexuality is pretty sexy, she thought to herself, a smile forming on her face. And they're both gorgeous, too. Now, Brad and Jake had already been the spectacle of the restaurant by the little scene in the entry of the restaurant, but now they were stared at even more, especially by those who had seen that little lick. They really didn't notice, though, Jake being in shock, and Brad reading through the menu. Bisexual? Oh thank God, I thought I asked him out for nothing! thought Jake as Brad's revelation finally sunk in. He picked up his menu quickly and began reading, looking through the items. Chinese was one of his favorite types of cuisine, and he hoped Brad liked it, too. Snap out of it, Jake! You need to be confident, like on the phone! he thought again. The waitress returned a few minutes later, pad and pen out. "What would you like to drink?" she asked, looking to Brad first. "Are you ready to order?" Brad asked Jake, closing his menu. "Yeah, sure. Might we order our drinks and food at the same time?" he asked the waitress. "Of course," she said, turning to Jake. "What would you like?" They ordered their food and drinks, Jake just getting a Coke, Brad ordering a glass of red wine. The waitress, whose name was Amy, walked off with their order, and they waited for their food in almost total silence, sipping their drinks and only chatting occasionally. Finally, their plates arrived, and Amy set them down appropriately before stalking off again, not going too far. "So, about last night," Brad brought up again as they ate. "I just wanted to thank you again for taking me home." "Oh, it was no problem. As Brandy might have mentioned, I only live a few blocks away from you." "Yes, well, it was awfully considerate to haul my drunken body into my car, take me home, then carry me all the way up to my apartment," Brad smiled. Despite the awkward situation, he was having a good time. "And as I said on the phone, I appreciate the good-night kiss, too. It must not have been fun kissing a drunken wreck, what with the taste of alcohol in my mouth and everything." "You weren't a wreck! And actually, I enjoyed it myself," Jake responded, gaining a bit more confidence and smiling. "I was glad when you wrapped your arms around me and kissed back." It was Brad's turn to blush. Brandy had told him that he had done that, but she usually stretched the truth a bit. "Anyways, did you enjoy the party?" Brad asked quickly, changing the subject. "Yeah, I did, although I didn't know anyone there. I don't even know whose house it was!" Jake responded, chuckling a little. "It was my friend Mark's," Brad informed, shifting a little in his seat and shoveling some rice into his mouth. "Oh, is that that wolf you were hanging around all night?" Jake asked a little jealously. Brad and Mark had been flirting and kissing all night, so it was no wonder Jake was perturbed. "Yeah, he's my bud," Brad replied, not even remembering all the kissing and flirting. "Oh, alright," was Jake's response as he returned to eating his food. The rest of the evening passed without much conversation, but both of them enjoyed themselves thoroughly. As the check came, Jake snatched it up first and read it, pulling out his wallet and setting the check back down again. Brad reached over to pick it up, but his paw was stopped by Jake's large gray one. "I insist on paying," Jake told him firmly, yet sweetly. "Oh, what a perfect gentleman," Brad said, grinning beautifully. "But, sir, might I have my paw back?" "Oh!" Jake gasped, releasing Brad's little paw from his strong grip. He blushed again as Brad retracted his paw slowly, and Brad beamed at his clumsy cuteness. Jake put the cash on the table, as well as a tip for Amy, and they both walked outside. "Thank you for the wonderful evening, Jake," Brad said softly, easing closer to him. "Thank you for coming, Brad," Jake replied. "You know, that kiss last night was wonderful." "I don't remember very well," Brad said, looking up to Jake. "Let me refresh your memory, then," Jake said cooly, lifting Brad's muzzle. He moved in slowly, and as Brad closed his eyes, their lips touched slowly, and Jake's hand fell from Brad's muzzle and to his arm, pulling him close. Brad wrapped his arms, yet again, around Jake's neck, and Jake wrapped his around Brad's waist, both of them with their eyes closed. Finally, their grip mutually loosened, and their lips parted, both of them beaming. "Good night, Jake," Brad said dreamily, giving Jake's paw a quick squeeze. "Good night, Brad," Jake replied just as dreamily. He turned and walked to his car, just as Brad turned to walk to his, both swooning. What the two didn't know was that Mark and Brandy were having dinner at P.F. Chang's that night, and they were seated at a window booth, looking right out into the parking lot. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The next day, Brad awoke very happy, and was very determined to tell someone of his night with Jake. "I know, I'll just go to Mark's house!" Brad told himself gleefully. Then it hit him. He was in love with both Mark and Jake. Oh crap... he thought to himself. His glee turned to melancholy when he thought of his two wolves, but he decided to go to Mark's house anyway, and just not tell him about his date. Brad drove to Mark's house quickly, but was nervous to walk in. Finally, he opened the door slowly, and saw Mark laying down on the couch, crying his eyes out. "Oh, Mark, what's wrong?" Brad asked concernedly, walking over and sitting beside him. "Why're you crying?" "Brad?" Mark asked, raising his head. Tears rolled down his cheeks as he looked at his concerned love, but his sadness was also mixed with anger. "You should know, you slut." This time, the word 'slut' wasn't meant as a compliment, and it stung Brad. "What do you mean?" he asked, trying to sound innocent. He knows, Brad thought to himself. "I saw you with on your little date," Mark hissed. He sat up now, and looked angrily at Brad. Brad became less sympathetic and more angry by the second. "What would that matter to you?" he hissed back. "It isn't like you'd care!" "I would so!" Mark replied, tears flowing again. "I'm in love with you!" "WHAT?" Brad exclaimed as he heard the words he had been longing to hear. He's in love with me. Honest to God in love with me. What the hell have I done? But Jake, and...and Mark, and... Brad fought with himself in his thoughts. "I said I love you," Mark repeated, trying to calm himself. "Damn you!" Brad exclaimed again, and pounced on Mark, pinning him to the couch. He kissed him hard, and hugged him close. "I love you, too!" Brad said as he pulled away from the kiss, and buried his face in Mark's chest, beginning to sob. " do?" Mark asked, sniffling slightly. "Yes! I've loved you since I met you! And I thought you didn't love me back, so I went out with Jake...and now I'm in love with him...and...and...I'm just confused!" Brad sobbed into Mark's chest fur. "Shhhh, it'll be okay," Mark cooed, kissing Brad on the forehead. He hugged him tighter and let him cry, just greatful to know that Brad loved him back. "Oh Mark...I love you so much," Brad cried softly, clinging to his love like mad. "And I love you, Brad," Mark responded, holding on to him. The closeness felt so right to both Mark and Brad, and Mark was content to let Brad cry on his shoulder as long as he needed it. They stayed locked for quite some time, Brad sobbing ever more softly, Mark petting him and trying to comfort him, holding him close. After an hour and a half, Brad finally asked, "What am I going to do, Mark? I love you...but I love him, too!" "I can't tell you, Brad. You have to make a decision for yourself. But, no matter what you choose, I'll always love you, my dear friend, and I'll respect your decision," Mark responded, giving Brad a squeeze. "And I'll always love you, Mark," Brad confessed, "but I need to work this out." He lifted his head and looked at Mark. The smile on Mark's face and the beautiful green eyes comforted Brad; he smiled, tears forming once again, and clung to Mark for a few moments. "I better go home. Will you wait for my decision?" "As long as it takes," came Mark's reply as he leaned up and kissed Brad. They stayed locked for a minute or two, but Brad finally broke the kiss. "I love you," Mark told him as they parted. "And I love you, Mark," Brad said as he walked to the door. "Good bye." He opened the door and ran out, closing it quickly behind him. Brad ran to his car, started it, and began driving home as fast as the speed limits would allow. As Brad arrived home, he still had both Mark and Jake on his mind. "How could I possibly love Jake?" Brad asked himself aloud. "I've only known him for two days! I mean, he's cute and all...well, actually, he's gorgeous as hell, but what does it matter? I barely know him! And yet I'm falling more in love with him by the minute..." Brad lectured himself all the way up the stairs (he never took the elevator), and as he got to his apartment, he just turned the knob without thinking about unlocking the door. To his surprise, the door opened, and he realized that he forgot to lock it when he left. "Welcome home," came Jake's voice from the couch. He was seated there amongst literally hundreds of roses. There were roses everywhere, from sitting on the table to on top of the TV, and they made the apartment look like an Eden. "Jake!" Brad exclaimed as he heard the smooth, sensuous voice speak. "Oh my's beautiful! You did this for me?" "For you and only you, Brad," Jake replied, getting up. Brad unthinkingly closed the door, and Jake walked over, imitating Brad's slut walk. "You know, the slutty walk doesn't work on big guys like yourself," Brad smiled, noticing the way Jake approached. "Depends on your definition of 'big' now doesn't it, sexy?" Jake asked, caressing Brad with his beautiful and seductive voice. Brad blushed a bit at this comment, and Jake took this opportunity to quickly pounce and pin Brad against the door. "Jake, I need to ask you, are you serious about this? Do you want a relationship, or just another fuck toy?" Brad asked, looking up at his gorgeous other love. "Brad, I know I've only known you for two days, but I'm falling in love with you, and fast. I hope I don't sound too forward," Jake responded, losing his almost-cocky self-confidence. Brad liked him more when he was shy, not brash. He was more cute that way. "Not at all, Jake. The truth is, I already love you. That's why I wanted to know if you were serious or not." "Really? You love me?" was the adorable reply. Brad giggled at his sweet expression, and how cub-like he seemed. "You know, you're adorable when you're anxious like that. But yes, I love you. Now who's forward?" "I love you, too," was Jake's answer before he kissed Brad. Jake was an amazing kisser, better so than even Mark, and Brad was swooning. Brad's paws traveled to Jake's waist, and wrapped themselves around it, pulling Jake close. He let them travel again to Jake's front, where they pulled out his shirt from his pants and started unbuttoning it. "Are you sure you want this?" Jake asked. "I need this," Brad replied. He felt really shallow, but he was going to include how his wolves performed in bed in his decision. Brad fully unbuttoned Jake's shirt and pulled it off, kissing Jake again. He released his second love from the lip-lock, and took him by the paw, leading him to the bedroom. Jake had a cute grin on his face, and Brad was using his sexy little slut walk once again. "Come," Brad commanded as he lay on the bed. Jake complied immediately, and slid atop of Brad, straddling his thighs. He leaned down and kissed Brad, just as Brad began unbuttoning Jake's pants. Jake was already getting hard, which was clear from the shape of his underwear, and Brad gently slid them off to reveal a huge cock beginning to emerge from Jake's swollen sheath. "That's quite a piece of equipment you've got there," Brad commented softly as Jake kicked off his pants and underwear. Jake blushed madly, and Brad couldn't resist giggling. "It's your turn," Jake said smoothly as he recovered from his blushing, and tore open Brad's shirt with his bare claws. Brad gasped a little as Jake kissed him, then kissed his neck, chest, and belly, while unbuttoning his shorts at the same time. Jake peeled them off casually, and took the underwear with them, leaving Brad exposed. He gave Brad a quick, seductive grin before licking his constantly swelling sheath. Brad let out a low, pleased moan, and turned his head to the side as he felt his cock begin to emerge from his sheath. He closed his eyes, and felt and Jake licked his hard cock until it fully exposed itself, lapping at it gently. He then took it in his mouth and suckled it gently, wanting it terribly. Brad moaned again and thrust his hips outward a bit as Jake tantalized his cock with his delicious kiss, and he opened his eyes to see Jake giving him the blow job of his life. He moaned yet again and thrust again, feeling the cum building in his cock. Jake played with the dick in his mouth, rolling his tongue around it and licking the underside. After a few moments, Brad's whimpering became more frequent, and his thrusting faster, and soon he was clinging to the sheets of the bed as he came hard in Jake's mouth. Jake swallowed every bit offered to him, still licking and lapping, enjoying the cum from Brad's cock. "Mmmm..." Jake moaned with pleasure. "You're tasty." "Open the top drawer of the dresser," Brad smiled as he panted. Jake complied, and found a bottle of lubricant, just like the one at Mark's house (although HE didn't know that), waiting for him. "A present for you," Brad grinned, taking the opportunity to remove a leg from Jake's crotch to bring his foot up, leg straight, and shut the drawer. Jake was clearly impressed by the flexibility of the coyote beneath him, and raised an eyebrow as Brad removed the other leg and wrapped them around Jake's waist. Jake let his paws drop to his own crotch, where he squeezed some lube on the end of his fully hard cock. He put it to Brad's hole, using it to rub lube all around, and Brad shook with pleasure as Jake slowly pushed his cock into his ass. Jake began thrusting extremely slowly, and Brad pulled with his legs to get Jake inside him. "Anxious, much?" Jake asked, thrusting hard. Brad whimpered as he was tortured with desire, and Jake hated to see him wanting and not having. He began to thrust faster, Brad smiling and moaning, hips touching ass, moans of pleasure mingling. Jake couldn't stand keeping it in any longer, and climaxed hard, both he and Brad howling softly. Jake's thrusts slowed and his expression softened, and Brad lay in total ecstacy as he enjoyed his second earth-shattering fucking in two days. He let his legs slump, and Jake turned him as to lay beside him, cock in his ass the entire time. They lay there for a few minutes, just enjoying the moment, when Brad began to cry. Jake immediately asked, "Are you alright, honey? Did I hurt you? Did I do something wrong?" "No, Jake. No. That was perfect," Brad said calmly, wiping his eyes. "And I love you all the more for it." "I love you too, Brad. And I thought it was perfect as well. I wouldn't have done it with anyone else. But...why were you crying?" "Oh...that's personal. I'll tell you later..." Brad trailed. Jake eased away from Brad's rear, removing his dick and putting a paw on Brad's side. Brad shivered all the way up his spine from the feeling of Jake's huge cock leaving his hole, and rolled over into Jake's warm embrace. "You tell me whenever you're ready," Jake assured him, holding him to his chest with his strong arms. "Thank you," came Brad's soft and muffled reply as he nuzzled Jake's chest. The reason he was crying was because he was still confused. Jake and Mark were equal in bed. And Brad still didn't know what to do.