Triangle's Center (Part II) By Calypso Woof ***** WARNING! ***** This story contains explicit sex scenes and anthropomorphics (furres). These scenes aren't really appropriate for those who aren't mature enough to discuss or read about the topic of sex, especially male/male sex (which is what this story contains). Please don't read this if you can't handle it. Otherwise, read on and enjoy the yiffage! If you have comments (please, no flames), send them to When Brad awoke, he was laying in Jake's strong arms. He murred as Jake's chest heaved against his face with each breath. Jake's toned body wrapped around Brad was enough to make him murr and moan again as he enjoyed the warmth and, in a way, protection. I could lay like this forever, Brad thought to himself, when he heard a knock on the door. "What now?" he whispered, easing himself out of Jake's embrace. He got out of bed slowly, as not to wake his love, and padded to the door, where a soft and familiar knock came again. Don't tell me... Brad thought as he approached the door. He opened it gently, and as he peered out, he saw a light brown muzzle he recognized touch his, kissing him softly. "May I come in?" Mark asked, putting his hand on the door. He pushed it open, Brad not even holding on anymore, and took the little coyote in his arms. "But-" Brad began. Mark put a finger to Brad's lips, and let out a quiet "Ssshh" before replacing his finger with his own lips. In Mark's arms, Brad totally forgot about Jake, and vice versa, and this case was no exception. His limp paws gained life again as they wrapped themselves around Mark's neck (one of his favorite things to do while kissing), and his body quivered as he pushed his chest and belly against Mark. Brad felt Mark's lips form a smile, and he parted them with his own, slipping his tongue into his mouth. Mark moved his paws from holding on to Brad's waist to grabbing his ass, taking the whole of it in his paws and pushing it towards himself, feeling Brad's naked body fully against his own. They were both more than a little aroused, and just as Brad lifted his leg and wrapped it around Mark's, both froze when they heard a low growling coming from the bedroom doorway. This was the inevitable difference between Mark and Jake. Mark cried when he saw Brad and Jake kissing, because it ripped his heart out. Jake growled because he was going to rip Mark's heart out, quite literally. Mark's eyes opened wide as he looked to the doorway, seeing a naked Jake standing there, and Brad just stood there, frozen in place. Finally, after what seemed forever, he pulled his lips, as well as the rest of his body, away from Mark, and turned to see his other love, naked and scowling, in the doorway. "You must be Mark," Jake sneered as he focused his attention on the other wolf. "Jake, I presume?" Mark sneered back, also ignoring Brad. "Awwww FUCK! This wasn't supposed to happen!" Brad whined as he watched the two face off. "What are you doing here?" Jake asked hotly, ignoring Brad once again. "I might ask you the same question," came Mark's reply. Brad merely stood between the two, turning his head in either direction as one or the other spoke. Jake began walking briskly towards Mark, and Mark took a step or two, but before they could claw each other's eyes out, they realized that Brad was still in the middle. He held them apart with his arm span, and suddenly felt short with the two wolves on either side of him. "Stop! Now! You, sit!" Brad screeched at Mark, who complied, a slight look of fear in his eyes. "You, over there!" Brad screamed, turning his head to Jake and pointing to the couch. Jake also complied fearfully, a bit scared at the way Brad was taking command. "Now," Brad said, calming himself, "we need to work this out." "He-" Jake started, but was silenced by a paw held up and a loud "Silence!" from Brad. "You will speak when I SAY you may speak! Now," he repeated, sitting down on the opposite end of the couch as Jake, about the same distance between the two, "as I was saying, we need to work this out. I wasn't sure this would happen this soon, but I was certain it would come to this sooner or later. Alright, Mark, you already know the situation. Jake, to fill you in, I'm in love with both of you, and I've heard from both of your lips that you both love me back." Brad paused and glanced at them both, a signal that they were allowed to speak, if they wished. "You told me he was just your friend," Jake responded after a moment or two. "That was when I didn't know he loved me the way that I love him," was Brad's calm reply. "You've only known him for three days, Brad," Mark pleaded. "And three days I've loved him, Mark." They sat in silence for a few minutes, Mark and Jake pondering the situation, when Brad spoke in his authoritive manner again. "The way that I see it, there are only two solutions. I love you both equally, and you love me, so I can't just choose one of you. So, either you both have me by sharing me equally, or you both lose me. Those are your options as of now." Mark and Jake both looked at Brad strangely, as if he was mad, and pondered once again. They knew that Brad was serious, and neither wanted to lose him. Jake let go of his jealousy for a moment to think of Brad, and how he would be without him. "If sharing you is the only way to have you, then I consent," Mark voiced slowly. "I agree," Jake put in. "I'm willing to share long as I have you." They both looked to Brad, who was looking straight forward, seemingly not even paying attention. "Prove it," he said finally. "What do you mean?" Mark and Jake said simultaneously. Brad had raised an eyebrow, and a grin was beginning to form on his face. "I want you both to fuck me. Now. At the same time." "What?!?" Mark and Jake said at the same time again, almost falling out of their seats. "You heard me. Although I want you to take no interest in each other. I just want you to share me. We'll see how good at sharing you really are." Mark's eyes were wide and his lips pursed, and Jake's jaw had dropped again as he looked at the forward-staring Brad. Brad laughed a soft, seductive laugh, and blinked, frightening the two onlooking wolves. His body suddenly regained life just as before, and he looked at Mark. He leaned over and grabbed Mark's shirt, pulling him towards himself, and kissed him. Upon releasing Mark from the lip-lock, Brad crawled across the couch, paw still clutching Mark's shirt, and kissed Jake. He then released Jake, turned his back to him, and laid on him, pulling Mark closer and unbuttoning his shirt. "You know, Brad, you really are a little slut," Mark growled playfully, leaning down to kiss him as Brad unbuttoned his pants. "Agreed," Jake put in, kissing Brad's neck and squeezing his ass. As Brad was released from his kiss from Mark, he turned his head and kissed Jake, using his foot to pull down Mark's pants and underwear. Mark kicked them off and kissed the back of Brad's neck as Brad turned completely over, kissing Jake's chest and hauling himself upward to stand. He grabbed Jake's arm, pulling him up with him, and bent downward, lifting his tail for Mark and licking Jake's sheath. He felt Mark's paws on his hips, caressing his lean body, and he arched his back in pleasure, still teasing Jake's swelling sheath with his tongue. He felt one of Mark's paws slide to his own sheath and caress it slowly, just as he began lapping at Jake's emerging cock. Brad felt the tip of Mark's dick touch his butt as he took Jake into his mouth, and let out a muffled groan as Mark slid into him; he was experiencing so many things at once that it was hard to keep track! He glanced up at Jake, who began to thrust into his mouth, and he groaned again as he felt Mark thrust into his ass and start to jack him off. Oh God...this is heaven on earth... Brad thought to himself, licking the underside of Jake's cock as he thrust inward, as well as pushing his hips backward. Both the wolves I the same time... It did sound slutty now that he thought about it, but he didn't care. Brad knew that sharing wouldn't work in the long run, but he had the feeling that he'd make some kind of decision before it interfered with their lives. Brad moaned once again as Jake and Mark pumped harder, and shivered as Mark's rough, masculine paw caressed his cock. Brad let out a muffled "Ohhhhh..." around Jake's erect member before cupping it in his tongue, lapping and teasing it in his hot, tight muzzle. "Oh god..." Jake whimpered as he felt the cum build inside him. Brad moaned again at the feel of Mark's paw against his cock, and Mark inside of him. Suddenly, Jake clamped his mouth shut tight as he thrust hard, climaxing in Brad's mouth. Brad swallowed several times to drink up all Jake had to give, and just as he finished, letting Jake free of his mouth, he came hard in Mark's paw, also clamping his mouth shut to keep from howling again. Finally, Mark's hips hit Brad's ass hard as he, too, came in a wild frenzy, not bothering to lock his jaw, but not howling either. He merely let out a loud and broken "O-ohh!" and shot into Brad, thrusting slower and loosening the arm around Brad's waist. Mark removed his cock from Brad's ass as slowly as possible, savoring each and every moment, and Brad let out his famous yip as the head of Mark's shaft was pulled out of his hole. "Ohhhhhhh...yes..." Brad sighed, pulling himself on the couch and curling up. Jake and Mark said nothing, and as Brad looked to them, Jake smiled and sat on the arm rest of the couch, while Mark licked the cum from his fingers. "Mmmmm..." he grinned, taking a final lick from a particularly large glob on his index finger. All three had enjoyed themselves, which they weren't afraid to show, and all were smiling as Mark sat down on the last available cushion of the couch, next to the curled-up Brad. "You were both wonderful..." Brad cooed, leaning his head back to look at Jake, then forward to grin at Mark. "Only for you," Mark smiled back, tickling Brad's foot with a claw and earning a giggle from Brad. "We love you," Jake mused softly in Brad's ear. Brad, in turn, tilted his head up and licked Jake's nose as he retracted from his musing. Mark smiled at the adorable nature of the scene he saw, and realized that Brad really did love Jake, and Jake loved him back. The question is, Mark thought to himself, is if Brad really loves me the way he says he does. Jake and Brad kissed affectionately, Brad putting a paw up to comb through Jake's fur, and Jake reaching down with his own paw to scratch Brad's chest gently. Mark became a little discouraged at the sight, but soon jumped as he felt Brad's slender foot caress his exposed side. "How could I forget my other sexy wolfy?" Brad teased as he pulled away from Jake's kiss. He propped himself on his elbows and let his feet do the talking, smoothing over Mark's muscular arms and down his chest and belly. After a moment or two, Brad caressed Mark's chest all the way up his neck, and turned his head with a foot. Brad sat up and kissed Mark lovingly, scrunching his nose playfully and moving his foot from Mark's face to his shoulder, using his flexibility to his advantage again. They truly are in love, Jake thought, feeling his lips form a small smile at the cute scene. Brad's leg was up, knee bent at Mark's shoulder, and he grabbed on to the back of Mark's neck to put his other leg up, making Mark hold his weight. They laughed and kissed, and Mark stood up, holding Brad close. They laughed again, and Jake thought to himself, Does Brad love Mark more than me? He's known him longer! "Haven't done this in a while!" Brad giggled as he gave Mark a quick kiss. He then let go of Mark's neck, supporting himself by the muscles in his legs and stomach, and bent backward as far as possible, clinging to Mark's thighs with his arms. Mark laughed a little as Brad lifted his legs and bent his back, putting his feet on the ground and releasing Mark's thighs at the same time. "Ta da!" Brad laughed as he stood up, face slightly flushed from the blood rushing. He turned and faced Jake, smiling a wicked smile, and pounced on him, tickling him and cackling. Jake laughed and laughed, and attempted to move Brad's little paws. Brad was too quick, though, so Jake wrapped his arms around him, pulling him too close for tickling. "I love you," Brad whispered and licked Jake's muzzle, ceasing his laughing, but not his smiling. "I love you, too," Jake responded, kissing him gently. Mark was in awe again over the adorable moment between Jake and Brad, but his eyes opened wide as he saw Jake lift his paw from Brad's waist and motion for him to come over with a paw finger, looking at him out of one eye. He seemed sincere, so Mark slowly came behind Brad and pressed his chest against Brad's back, slipping one arm between Brad and Jake, and the other all the way to Jake's back. Jake, in turn, took his free hand and pushed on Mark's waist and back, making the three-way hug even tighter. Brad broke his and Jake's kiss and laid his head on Jake's shoulder, saying softly, "I'm surrounded by love." Jake looked at Mark, a smile on his gorgeous face. Mark glanced down at Brad then back up at Jake, smiling back. They both looked to Brad, who was falling asleep in their arms, murring and breathing softly. "You know, I'm not against having a three-way relationship," Jake whispered in Mark's ear, "as long as there's love all three ways." "What're you saying?" Mark whispered back, although he knew exactly what Jake was implying. "This," Jake whispered back, and kissed Mark. He kissed back, loving the way it felt when their muzzles touched. At that moment Mark and Jake both realized that they were attracted to each other, whether jealous or not, and that they should get to know each other before trying to tear each other's eyes out like they almost did. What the two didn't realize was that Brad was still awake, and was looking up at them, grinning broadly. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - "Thank God this love affair happened on a weekend!" Brad yelled, sliding across the hardwood floor to grab his jacket. "I'm off to work, loves!" he chimed, leaning over the kitchen counter to give Mark, who was cooking breakfast, a kiss. He then tackled Jake as he came through the bedroom door, squeezing him tight and kissing him. "I'll see you both tonight!" That said, Brad grabbed his bag and headed out. He worked as a professional web designer for a company called VictoriaTech Media, founded by his boss, Victoria. Mark knew this scene all too well, and walked over to the table by the door, picking up Brad's keys. "Three, two, one.." Mark counted, and at 'one,' the knob on the door turned, and Brad's paw shot in, grabbing the keys from Mark's outstretched paw. "Bravo," Jake complimented, clapping as if at a golf match. "He does that almost all the time," Mark said, rolling his eyes. "So Jake, when do you have to be to work?" he asked, going back to the kitchen to finish making his eggs and pancakes. "Today's my day off," Jake replied, lounging on the couch. "Oh really? Mine, too! After we're done here, do you want to go do something?" "Sure!" was the response. Jake was really excited to learn more about his lover's lover, and so anxiously anticipated the time they'd have together alone. He read the newspaper casually as Mark ate his breakfast, then went into the bedroom to dress. When he returned, Mark had some shorts on of Brad's (which were a bit too short and tight), and he was grabbing his clothes from the previous night. "I'm going to go change at my apartment, and i'll meet you at your house in half an hour, okay?" Jake said to Mark, walking to him. "I'll be waiting," Mark responded, licking Jake's muzzle and tracing a line down his side with a paw finger. "You're just as slutty as Brad!" Jake chuckled, smiling at Mark. "No one's that slutty, Jake. I'm just taking a leaf from his book," Mark grinned, walking to the door. "See you in thirty." And he was gone. Jake just stood there for a moment, and put his hand to his muzzle where he was licked. "So much like Brad, and yet not. Now i know what Brad fell in love with," Jake giggled, walking out the door. Jake walked to his apartment briskly, enjoying the cool morning air and the wind against his face. "If i keep this up, I'll be able to take a shower," Jake told himself, walking a little faster. When he reached his apartment, he unlocked the door, walked in, and began stripping on his way to the bathroom. He was almost naked by the time he turned the handles to the shower, sliding off his underwear as the water ran. "I always have loved taking a shower after sex, even this long after," he chuckled to himself as he tested the water with a paw. He scratched his head gently and stepped into the warm water, conscious of the way it felt as it soaked through his fur. "Mmmmmmm..." he moaned as the warmth surrounded him. He grabbed one of the many bottles on the floor of the shower and poured some of the expensive fur shampoo from his work on his paw, scrubbing it into his chest fur. Jake cleaned himself thoroughly before rinsing for nearly 10 minutes and stepping out of the shower. I must look ridiculous all dripping wet, Jake thought to himself. I bet Brad would have a good laugh. He smiled to himself, grabbing his towel. Jake was really particular about his fur and hair, being a hairdresser and all, and so after he dried himself with the towel, he brought out the industrial-strength hair drier. It took nearly 20 minutes to dry himself, and another 10 to fix his hair and get dressed. Then, it took him another 10 to spray himself with body spray and give himself a good thrice over in the mirror. "Hmm...i wonder what time it is??" Jake asked himself, taking a look at the clock. "Oh shit!" he yelled as he saw it. He was nearly an hour late. I hope he isn't mad... Jake worried to himself as he grabbed his keys and ran out. He locked the door, ran down the stairs (he only lived on the second floor), and rushed to his truck. Jake jumped in, thinking Please don't be mad...please still BE THERE..., and drove off to Mark's as fast as possible. Jake pulled up with a small screech in front of Mark's house, got out of the car, and sprinted to the door. As he stood there, he calmed himself and rang the doorbell. "Come in!" Jake heard a voice say from within. He opened the door and stepped inside, enjoying the sight of Mark's house without it disgustingly messy and full of people. "Sorry I'm not ready, Jake, I'll be done in a minute!" Mark yelled down the hall. "Make yourself at home!" "Okay," Jake sighed in relief, greatful for Mark not being ready, and plopped on the couch. There was a spot of something on the cushion next to the one he was sitting on, which he realized was dried lubricant. "Hmmm...well that's pleasant," Jake chuckled to himself, looking down at the stain. He smelled the scent of Brad and Mark on the couch, as well as that of male arousal, and chuckled to himself again. I guess I should have expected it from such good friends, he thought, grinning. "Ready!" Mark announced, entering the room from the hall. Jake looked up, and was stunned by Mark's radiance. He was wearing long, baggy, brown pants, worn low on his hips, and a matching vest with no shirt underneath. His short hair was fashionably messy, and he had colored contacts in to make his eyes gold. " look..." Jake started, but he couldn't finish. He found Mark too beautiful for words. "Thank you," Mark replied softly, accepting Jake's half-finished compliment. He studied the gray wolf, looking him up and down, impressed by how he cleaned up. Mark had a sly look on his face, and he licked his lips before saying, "Let's go!" and holding out his arm, teapot-style, for Jake to take in his own. "Where're we off to?" Jake asked, taking Mark's arm in his. "To see a movie, of course!" Mark replied jubilantly, reaching across Jake to grab his keys from the coffee table. Jake's jaw dropped open just a bit as he watched Mark's muscular body stretch across him at belly-level, but shut his mouth quickly upon Mark righting himself. "I'll drive!" Mark smiled, shaking the keys. He removed his arm from Jake's and opened the door for him, stepping back and motioning with an arm. Jake walked out and Mark came behind him, shutting the door with one paw and caressing Jake's back with the other. He let it run down Jake's side and over his ass quickly before turning back to lock the door. "You little slut," Jake murred, turning and grabbing Mark around the waist. "Yup," was Mark's simple reply as he pulled the key out of the door. He put a paw behind Jake's head and kissed him, scratching him playfully behind the ear. "Mmmmm..." Jake moaned, his leg twitching slightly. They broke their lip-lock and Mark walked around Jake to lead the way to his car, but only after dragging a paw finger down Jake's chest, smiling toothily. He jumped into the driver's side of the car, Jake walking around to get in the passenger seat, and they drove off to the mall, both grinning the whole way. Meanwhile, Brandy was having her friends Michelle, Amy, and Ashley over, so she was just confirming that with each of them. They were going to come over to Brandy's condo, to chat and make plans for later, since Brandy didn't want to attempt a 4-way call. "I look like hell..." Brandy moaned as she rubbed her eyes, just waking up. It was 11:47, and she was supposed to have the girls over at 1:30. "Mmmmmphrgr..." she grumbled, picking out clothes for herself. She chose to wear a white pleather skirt and an aqua tube top, which matched her aqua eyes, and contrasted great with her black fur. She took a shower, fixed her fur, dressed, made some coffee, and was just sitting down to drink it when Michelle walked in. "Brandy, dahling," Michelle said, holding out the jacket draped over her shoulder, "take my coat." "Michelle!" Brandy yelled, setting down her coffee. She ran over and hugged her humorous friend, laughing with her and squeezing her tight. "How've you been, Brandy?" Michelle asked upon being released. Brandy and Michelle were best friends, and the only reason they hadn't seen each other in a while was because Michelle was out of town when Mark had his party; otherwise Brandy would have brought her. "How'd you hold up here while I was gone this last week?" "Oh, I've been fine. Had fun at Mark's party," she responded, wanting to update Michelle on the current situation. "Oh, Mark had a party? Sweet. Did you bring anyone?" Michelle had a way of grinning broadly when she wanted information out of Brandy, and this case wasn't an exception. The white-furred feline sat back casually in the over-stuffed chair, crossing her legs and looking to her friend. "Yeah, I brought Jake. Y'know, the new guy at the salon? I think you met him before you left." "Yeah, I think I did. As I remember it, he was a really handsome gray wolf," Michelle replied. "Yup, that's him alright." "Hmmm...was that little cutie Brad there?" Michelle asked, grinning all the more. She had liked Brad for quite some time, and had flirted with him, but they had never really talked about having a relationship. "That's what I need to te-" Brandy started, but was cut off by a knock at the door. She got up from the couch and answered it, and it was Amy and Ashley. "Hey you guys, come on in!" Brandy smiled, opening the door. All four of them had known each other since high school, and had been friends ever since. In fact, Amy and Ashley were room mates. The two walked in and sat down, Amy on the couch, Ashley squeezing with Michelle on the chair to annoy her. "We were just talking about Brad," Brandy informed the two, seating herself again. "Oh, your coyote friend that Michelle likes?" Ashley put in. "Ow!" she yelped as Michelle socked her in the arm. "Yeah, that'd be him," Brandy laughed. "But, Michelle does have good reason. He's smart, he's gorgeous, and he's got an adorable personality..." "Sounds like Michelle isn't his only admirer, Bran-dy!" Amy teased. "So if this Brad guy's so amazing, why don't you snatch him up, B?" "He's already got enough problems on his hands without being my boyfriend. First of all, he's already in love with Mark, and Mark and I saw him on a date with Jake, at your work, Amy! Remember when we saw you? But anyways, he's probably interested in him, too." "He's gay?" Ashley asked. "Nope, bisexual," Michelle responded. "I remember both Brad and Jake. Brad's yummy," Amy said, licking her lips. "and so is Jake. I don't know about you girls, but I find bisexuality very sexy." "Hell yes," Michelle agreed. "and Mark is pretty damn fine himself. They're all hot!" They all giggled together, talking about how each guy was different, and filling in Ashley on some of the details with each guy, since she was the least informed. Brandy got pictures of the guys, and they all passed them around, staring at them and licking their lips. "Oh, I am so keeping this one!" Michelle laughed, pulling out a picture of Brad's naked backside. He was just about to get in the shower, and had a cutely confused look on his face as he looked over his shoulder, just seconds before Brandy took the picture. "I almost died taking that!" Brandy laughed. She had been chased by a naked Brad (which wasn't exactly unpleasant) for quite some time before she locked herself in Mark's room and hid the camera, not picking it up again for 3 days. "And so I steal your trophy, because it's fucking hot," Michelle replied, giggling. They all had a good laugh at the picture, and there were plenty more. After about two hours of just talking about the guys, the girls' conversation went deeper and deeper into the naughty. "God I'd love to fuck him," Michelle said as Brad was brought up again. "Mmmmmm..." she grinned, pulling the picture out of her purse. "I wouldn't mind getting any of them in bed," Amy put in, looking devilish. "Who says we can't?" was Michelle's reply as she looked to Ashley and Brandy. "What do you mean?" Ashley asked quickly. She was just as anxious as anyone else in the room about the subject of sex with the guys. "Well, I think I'll go to Brad's apartment and surprise him there, and make him take me to the other two. Care to join, ladies?" Michelle said very business- like, raising an eyebrow and smiling broadly. "Count me in!" Ashley voiced, also smiling. "Me, too!" Amy put in. "Count me out, girls," Brandy said. "They're my friends! I'm not going to do something like that to them!" "Fine, I guess we'll see you later, then, Brandy. I'll call you tomorrow with the news," Michelle winked. "Hopefully from Brad's apartment. Come on, girls." Ashley and Amy got up, Brandy looking part-confused, part-horrified, and walked out the door. They waved to their seated friend and left, leaving her dumbfounded. "You guys follow me to my apartment. I've got some stuff for you to try on," Michelle winked as she walked to her truck. "Okay," Amy and Ashley responded together, somewhat confusedly, and got into Amy's car. "This should be fun," Michelle chuckled to herself as she got in her truck and started it. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - "Well, that was a great movie!" Mark laughed as he and Jake walked to his car. The two had started making out about half an hour into the movie, and had missed the whole thing. Luckily that was the movie's last day in theaters, so there were hardly any people there, and they had sat in the very back and off to the side anyways. "Fantastic," Jake replied, kissing Mark again. Jake loved kissing Mark, particularly because Mark was such a great kisser, and because his lips were very smooth, but not too soft. Of course Brad's kisses melted him, but Mark's were almost as good in their own way, if not equal. Mark giggled and tickled Jake under the chin with a claw, breaking the kiss. "Hey, do you want to surprise Brad at his apartment? I think we left it unlocked." "Sure," Jake responded. He got in the passenger side of the car, Mark hopping in the driver's seat, and they drove to Brad's apartment. It was around 4:30 by then, and as Mark told Jake, Brad usually got home around 5:00, so they had plenty of time. After parking, the two wolves went upstairs (occasionally kissing each other and whatnot), until they got to the door. "Hope he's surprised," Mark smiled, opening the door. The apartment was dark (the blinds being closed), and it looked a bit dreary. As Mark walked in and looked around, thinking to himself that he didn't remember closing the blinds, he gasped as he spotted two female figures, one in Brad's chair, one on the couch. "Who are you? What are you doing here?" Mark asked heatedly, nearly having a heart attack. "You'll soon find out," came a voice from the smaller one as she crossed her legs. "Get out of here!" Jake yelled, pointing to the door. "I don't think so," came another voice from behind them. They watched as a white female cat shut the door and locked it behind them. "Michelle?" Mark asked, turning at the sound of her voice. "That's right," she purred, turning on the light. Mark turned forward again to see that the women on the couch and chair were a fox and a wolf, both extremely beautiful, and both clad completely in black leather. "Remember me?" the wolf said, raising an eyebrow and looking to Jake. "Amy? from P.F. Chang's?" Jake asked, looking at her for a minute. "Good boy!" she teased, standing up. "Michelle, what's going on?" Mark asked, turning back. He looked very confused, and noticed Michelle was also wearing all black leather. "Like Ashley over there said," Michelle responded, "you'll soon find out." "Mark!" Jake yelped as he glanced over his shoulder, but a moment too late. Amy grabbed Mark's paws and tied them together at the wrists with a rope. Mark struggled, but he was already caught. Amy gagged him with a scarf and led him to the couch, Jake too stunned to help him. "You next, beautiful," Michelle whispered in Jake's ear, bending his arm back behind him. He yipped in pain a little, and she roped him up, showing no mercy. "That's a good boy," she whispered again, and licked the edge of his ear. She gagged him as well, and sat him next to Mark, both of them looking at each other, almost grinning. They hadn't put up a fight because they found these women attractive, and they wanted to learn more about their little plan. "I didn't expect to catch you two in our web so soon," Michelle cackled, smiling and looking at the wolves. "But that just makes it all the more easy for us." She stood there for a moment, admiring her prey, then spoke again. "Strip them." Amy moved behind Jake, on the other side of the couch, and began unbuttoning his shirt, arms wrapped around his neck, paws slowly undoing each button. Ashley sat in Mark's lap, straddling his thighs, ass planted firmly on his knees, and pulled back his vest, licking his muzzle and kissing down his neck and chest. Mark groaned as Ashley flicked her tongue in his navel, very slowly unbuttoning his pants. Michelle went over to the window and looked down, watching for Brad. "He's coming," she said after a few minutes. She looked over to the couch and watched as Amy slipped off Jake's silk boxers. "Nope, not yet," Amy laughed, looking down at Jake's sheath. "Not here either," Ashley chuckled, pulling Mark's underwear off his feet and throwing them over her shoulder. "You know what I mean. Brad's here," Michelle said as she watched him get out of his car and start walking towards the building. She walked over to the couch, leaned over and licked Mark's ear, just as she had Jake's. "Now the fun begins," she whispered, grabbing two black leather leashes from beneath the table. She looped one around each of their necks and handed the handles to Ashley and Amy, who, in turn, went behind the couch, restraining their men. Michelle went again behind the door after grabbing the last rope, and waited for Brad. After a few minutes, Brad's footsteps could be heard outside the door, and Michelle breathed in as he put his key in the door, thinking it needed unlocking. He turned they key, pulled it out, and turned the knob quickly, walking briskly into the apartment. After two or three steps he stopped dead in his tracks, as he tried to believe the sight he was seeing. Two beautiful women, one a brown wolf, and one a white fox, were standing behind his naked wolf lovers. Mark and Jake were gagged and leashed, and appeared to be bound at the wrists. "Welcome home," said Michelle as she closed the door from behind Brad. "Michelle? What's going on?" Brad asked as he turned to see the beautiful feline. She was holding her hands behind her back, and had a lustful look on her face. "You'll see," Michelle responded, walking forward and pressing her breasts against Brad. She quickly slipped her arms around him before he could back away, and grabbed his wrists, tying them together and kissing him hard. He consented to let her, although he was still confused, and was lead to his chair, where Michelle straddled his upper legs. "Is that...Amy? From the other night?" Brad asked, looking to Jake's restrainer. "That's right," Michelle answered, pulling up on the bottom of Brad's shirt. She pulled it over his head and left it dangling at his tied wrists, kissing him more gently than before. "I still don't know what's going on," Brad said, trembling as Michelle kissed his neck and down his chest. "But, I can't say that I'm not enjoying it." "Well good, I'm glad you're pleased. are the other fuck toys happy?" Michelle grinned as she glanced to the two captives. They nodded slightly, which was Ashley's and Amy's cue to remove the gags and rope, and to do what they pleased. Michelle turned back to her coyote and kissed him again, sliding her paws down his belly to undo his pants. Brad knew he didn't love Michelle, but he wasn't against being her "fuck toy," as he had once been Mark's. He gasped a little as Michelle's soft-padded paw fingers found their way to his sheath, caressing it as she pulled away from their kiss to lick his nose. He scrunched it playfully, and she giggled as he gave a sexy smile. "I hope you enjoy this," Michelle whispered. "Don't think I won't," was Brad's reply. He touched his nose to her's and kissed her, tickling the roof of her mouth with his tongue. She moved her hand from his quickly swelling sheath to his hips, and slid down his pants, putting her knee between his legs to rest on the chair. She then took her foot and slid the pants down to his ankles, where he kicked them off, both still kissing one another. Amy glanced over at them and smiled before kissing Jake again, slipping an arm around him and pressing her crotch against him. He moaned a little, and she smiled, taking her arm from behind him and pulling away from the kiss. She put both her paws behind her back and undid her leather top, letting it fall to reveal her beautiful breasts. She smiled toothily, raising an eyebrow and letting her paws slip downward, unzipping the back of her skirt. Amy then stood up on the couch, sliding the skirt down, her lower belly right next to Jake's muzzle. He kissed her belly below the navel, and grabbed at her black thong with his teeth, pulling down. "What a naughty boy," she whined as he licked her crotch. She put her thumbs in the sides of her thong and slid it down, kicking it off as she reached her ankles. Jake put his paws on her hips and was gently guiding her to his emerging cock, when she suddenly let out a "Wait!" Amy leaned down and grabbed her skirt, pulling some condoms from the back pocket. She shook them and smiled, and tore two off, throwing them to Ashley. "Give one to Michelle," she winked, and sat back up. She tore open the package with her teeth, and took out the piece of latex with her index paw finger and thumb. She looked down at Jake's fully hard cock, and gasped slightly. "Whoa," she said, swallowing a little. "Big." Jake blushed, and she smiled, admiring his adorable nature. "You're so cute," she complimented, and kissed him. He groaned a little as her left paw traveled down to his dick, and he nearly shook with anticipation as she pulled away and slowly slid the little "glove" on. He put a paw in the small of her back as she grabbed his member again and slid on, both moaning. Amy gasped at the sheer size of Jake's cock as it stretched her inside, and she licked Jake's face again in ecstacy. She began bobbing up and down as Jake thrust into her, and she moaned loudly at the feeling. Meanwhile, Ashley reached over and picked up the condoms from the cushion next to her, pulling her muzzle off of Mark's dick. She licked her lips and glanced up as he smiled down, and she pulled apart the two condoms, shouting "Hey Mitch!" before tossing Michelle one. Michelle held out a paw and caught it mid-air, without breaking her kiss with Brad. Ashley turned back to her "fuck toy," as Michelle liked to put it, and undid the condom wrapper quickly, taking the little latex slip and sliding it on to Mark's freshly-lubricated-with-saliva penis. She climbed on to him slowly and guided his cock into her crotch, issuing a small hissing sound and clenching her teeth as it widened her. Mark slipped his paws around her thighs and stood up, taking her with him, and thrusting as he stood. Ashley liked strong men. She rubbed herself against him and slid up and down, wrapping her legs tighter around him and earning a moan and a grin. By this time, Michelle was already sliding up and down on her own man, almost screaming at how good it felt to have Brad inside her. Her mouth hung open in wordless pleasure, her eyes lidded and her face eyebrows furrowed, as Brad took one of her breasts in his mouth and licked at the nipple. All of this went on for quite some time, Jake and Amy writhing together, Mark holding Ashley as they pleased one another, and Brad fulfilling Michelle's every desire, until it seemed as though Mark, Jake, and Brad were all about to cum. And, of course, they all did, one after another, all of them howling in deep satisfaction, especially Brad. Amy howled in unison with Jake, Ashley gasped out an "Ohh-oohh!!" and Michelle clamped her mouth shut and screamed inside it, reveling in the ecstacy. All six of them sighed and murred, Mark sitting back down and holding on to Ashley, Jake hugging Amy and combing through her hair with a massive paw, and Brad and Michelle clinging to each other, heaving with every breath. "That...was AMAZING," Brad sighed, and licked Michelle's face gently. She smiled and hugged him tighter. "Amazing is an understatement," Michelle replied, closing her eyes and burring her face in his chest fur. That was the most amazing sex she had ever had, particularly because she felt the way she did about Brad. She liked him a lot, but just fucking him for fun was sheer pleasure. She sighed again and looked over to the couch, where Amy and Ashley were clinging to their new bitches, just as she was. "You know, you guys," Brad said after a few minutes, "I don't have enough hot water for six showers. Three is probably the limit." "So how are we gonna split it?" Ashley asked, clinging a little tighter to Mark. "Well, I'm gonna take mine now, Michelle, if you don't mind," he told her softly, giving her another lick before sitting up and letting her slump onto the chair. "Care to join me, Jake? Mark?" He raised his eyebrows at them and smiled seductively, getting up from the chair and walking off sluttily into the bathroom. "Hell yes!" Mark and Jake practically yelled together, and jumped up, chasing after their little coyote, leaving the women alone. "Well, that was a little odd," Amy laughed a bit. "Although I kind of don't like the whole fuck-and-run situation that went on." "Well, they are in love with each other," Ashley countered. "Plus, that was adorable! Did you see how they jumped after my little bitch like anxious lap dogs?" Michelle laughed. "Those little horndogs," Amy laughed with her. "Hey, I wonder what they're doing in the shower," Ashley grinned as she heard the water turn on. "I say we go spy on them," Michelle said, an evil smile in place. "I wonder if six can fit in that shower," Amy giggled, and got up to go spy on the boys, Michelle and Ashley right on her heels.