Rising Star

"The Coming of the War"

Story © Anthony Wain

Mailto: Cederwyn@snowy.org

Artwork © Angela Beaman

All rights reserved.


    Silverfox Relah Star sat on a partially decomposed log, playing with her pup Yap-yap. With a soft laugh, Silverfox threw the small ball, and the multi-coloured dog yipped eagerly and ran after it.
    "Good boy Yap-yap, bring it back – " Silverfox laughed, her infectious laughter tinkling.
A noise broke Silverfox’s attention and she quickly looked up, as her good friend Mack, an Anthropomorphic Wolf came running up to her.
    "Have you heard the news?" He panted, his breath thundering.
    "News?" Silverfox asked, her head tilted to the side as she picked up her puppy and hugged him.
    "Yeah – " Mack panted, his plate armour weighing him down.
    "Silly wuffie…." Silverfox smiled. "Here, have a drink."
Silverfox smiled, then handed him a small flask. Eagerly, Mack tore the top off it and gulped down the cold water.
    "Hey – " Silverfox exclaimed.
Mack shuddered, his muzzle curling with the effects of the near freezing water. With a soft growl, he placed his paw to his head and slumped down beside his childhood friend.
    "Silly – " Silverfox smiled. "Now…what’s got you so fired up?"

    Mack coughed and managed to catch his breath.
    "You – haven’t heard? Meldaron Freedom Forces destroyed a Schinicin Cruiser out near Altair 12."
Silverfox’s eyes widened.
    "It’s true! They destroyed it!" Mack exclaimed in awe, his eyes growing dreamy.
    Silverfox hugged Yap-yap tighter, making the young pup yelp.  "When?"
    "Early this morning – but the Meldaron forces took a hiding, lost six transports and a battle-craft, in the fighting."
    Silverfox sobbed softly. "Why? Why can’t the Schinicin leave us in peace? We’ve already suffered so much in the great Meldaron war –"

    Mack’s ears drooped. "I…know."
Silverfox set her puppy down and hugged her friend.  There was a soft whispery sound, then a young man in a cape and mask floated softly down to them.
    "Hello my friends!" He smiled, then flicked his cape back.
    "Hiya Glider –" Mack, the armoured Anthro wolf began.
    "What’s with the long faces?" Glider asked, as he scratched yap-yap.
Silverfox grunted.
    "Meldaron forces destroyed a Schinicin Cruiser –" Mack began.
    "Oh, that all – WHAT ?" Glider exploded.
    "Out near Altair 12 – or so Mack was just telling me," Silverfox replied.
Glider stared at Mack, who nodded.
    "Meldaron forces lost six transports," Mack began. "As well as a battle-craft in the space battle."
    Glider sighed. "Does anyone – "
    "Come on, let’s go back to my place…" Silverfox sighed. "I – don’t want to sit out here any-more."

    Glider and Mack followed Silverfox back in to the depths of the forested tree village that was her home, where she stayed with her parents. Pausing, Silverfox placed Yap-yap in the satchel she wore, then easily scaled up the swaying rope ladder. Mack took longer, his battle armour weighing him down. Glider smiled, then slowly floated up and hovered next to Silverfox.
    "There are times – " Silverfox began, as she stepped on to the wooden balcony.
    "When?" Glider smiled innocently, as he too touched down.
    "When I could happily tie lead weights to you…and then see if you can fly!"
Glider laughed softly then helped Mack up on to the balcony.  Silverfox hugged Mack and Glider tightly, then they walked in to the house, just as news broadcast was finishing…

    "Oh sweet Millar – " Charlene wept as she dried her black furred paws on her apron. "It’s started – "
    "What – " Silverfox asked, as and her friends entered.
Charlene gestured weakly to the wall, in which, the news broadcast was showing – the once beautiful city of Maloner, Capital of Meldaron - a once beautiful city of crystal – now a shattered and blackened ruins. Native Meldaron’s (the Anthropomorphic animals) and Hyooman's (from a neighbouring planet) were seen amongst the destruction, wailing for their lost loved ones and homes….
    "In a retributive strike – Forces of the Schinicin Imperial navy, attacked and destroyed the city of Maloner – home of over ten million Meldaron’s and Hyooman's – with barely eighteen-thousand survivors. Now – a message from the King of Meldaron, his Excellency, King Reyard Russet…."
    "My people – my friends. A tragic day has come to our world of Meldaron – this terrible atrocity is the worst to strike our peaceful world since the Great War. My people…the time has come. No more will our population be threatened by the threat of war from the Schinicin Empire. Our time to strike – is now ! How long have our people lived in fear – fighting the battle against the Schinicin Empire, who seek to crush all of us beneath their Imperial heel. No longer shall we be threatened – now the time…what the hell!"

    A deafening roar tore across the continents of Meldaron, as waves of Imperial fighters swept across the skies. Millions screamed and ran in mass panic, as the Schinicin star-fighters swept by overhead, and the Meldaron military watched in helpless terror, as the huge hulking Schinicin Star-Crushers swept in to orbit….
    "People of Meldaron – " Came a voice from seemingly everywhere. "Your attention please…."
Silverfox and her friends were glued to the broadcast, as the kings image spluttered and frizzed, the was superimposed by an image of the Grand Admiral of the Schinicin Empire – a great hulking dragon, whose blood red eyes chilled any who gazed upon him.
    "I am Sith Hirr Draconis, Grand Admiral of the Imperial Schinicin naval fleet. I offer you a chance to save yourselves…and your pitiful planet…."

    Silence reigned across the continents.

    "Damn you sir!" Snarled King Reyard Russet. "We’re not going to roll on our back in submission to your dark Lord. We are a proud people, and if it means that we shall go to war – then it is war you shall have!"
    "Your Highness – " Scathed the Reptile. "You are a creature of honour, and my Imperial Majesty respects that…. However, your fleet even now flees, running for their lives – before the Star-ships of the Schinicin fleet! Your fleet is lost…and we’ve already destroyed one of your major cities. Do not call down the wrath of his Imperial majesty upon your heads more! He is lenient! He will let you live your lives in peace; so long as you accept his rules…and obey him in all things. Naturally, he will place garrisons in your cities, but that is a small price to pay…for survival isn’t it?"
All across the world, mass panic broke out. Any vessel that could took off and was systematically annihilated by the orbiting Schinicin fleet.
    "People of Meldaron…please – listen to me!" Begged King Reyard.
Worldwide, people were panicking, knowing that if their fleet were indeed lost…then they all would perish.
    "My people, listen not to the vile lies of the Emperor! You know what befell others who believed in his lies!" King Reyard pleaded.
    "Of course – " Snarled Grand Admiral Sith Hirr Draconis. "They tried to fight us…and we fought back. Your fleet is lost to you, your people are crying out for salvation – don’t make the Emperor destroy you! You and you’re people have a chance to live – why don’t you accept it?"
    "To live as what?" Snarled King Reyard. "As servants under the Imperial heel?"
    "This is your decision then?" Hissed Grand Admiral Sith Hirr Draconis.
    "I speak for my people – my world. We will never bow to any invading force, and we will fight…if we must." King Reyard snarled, his mane bristling, his anger flaring in his eyes.
    "So be it – " Grand Admiral Sith Hirr Draconis exhaled, a faint wisp of smoke leaking from his nostrils. "You’ve signed your own – and your peoples death warrants…."

    There was a moment’s silence….

    "So be it – your Highness. You shall rule over a dead world. We came in peace, but since you are reluctant to accept the Emperors will… If it’s war you want – then it is war you shall have." Grand Admiral Sith Hirr Draconis snarled, then the image faded.
    "Oh blessed Millar – " Wept Charlene. "Why? Why has it finally come down to this? What have we done to deserve such a threat on our doors? Have we not lived our lives in peace?"
Not fully understanding the implications, as she was still young, Silverfox comforted her mother as best she could.
    "Mother – " Silverfox began. "Where’s my father?"
    "He – "
    "I’m here." Snarled an old vulpine voice.

    Silverfox, Mack and Glider gaped, as Maxin Rajin, Silverfox’s father, limped in to the room, bedecked in his old but still serviceable military uniform, that was encrusted with medals from his years of loyal service to the king. Slung at his side, was his phased rifle, polished to an almost painful shine.
    "You – " Charlene wept.
    "We have no choice!" Maxin snarled in fury, his one remaining eye glittering with hate. "Do you all want to live as lackeys under the Imperial fleet?"
    "Father – " Silverfox begged. "Let me come with you – I can fight…."
Maxin sighed, then stared at her daughter and Silverfox wilted beneath his gaze. His dewlaps curled back in a soft, knowing smile.
    "Aye my daughter…you can fight – I have no doubts about that, but you are our only child. I need you to stay home, and protect your mother and our home."
    "I – "
    "Stay home!" He snarled, his commanding voice chilling Silverfox.
Silverfox stared at him, then burst in to tears and fled the house.
    "Get back here!" Her father raged.
Silverfox scampered down the rope ladder, quickly followed by her friends. In tears, Charlene looked to her husband.
    "Oh Millar – why must you go to fight? You fought with honour in the King’s service, and what did it cost you?"
    "What did it cost me? Do you have any idea, of what I went through? My entire battalion falling around me – men screaming for help – that never came…. I myself, maimed – no…be grateful. You never knew the atrocities of the great Meldaron war – " Maxin snarled. "Aye – I served the King – and would again – in a heartbeat."

    "Look at you!" Charlene wailed, wringing her paws. "You’re old – crippled…."
With a snarl of sudden fury, his paw lashed out and he slapped her savagely across her greying muzzle. Charlene wailed and stared at him, tears streaking down her snout.
    "I…my beloved – " Maxin suddenly moaned.
    "No – I had that coming – " Charlene whispered, then wiped her tears away.
    "What is happening to me?" Maxin moaned. "That I strike those whom I am sworn to protect – "
    "Go – if you must, and I pray – that you will return. Go on. You’re a soldier, and always will be. Go to battle, and may Millar herself watch over you…."


    Glider flew above the forest, scanning for Silverfox, who had fled in tears. On the ground, Mack Shazri looked, where Glider couldn’t see. Further and further they travelled, investigating each and every place both of them could think of, where Silverfox would or could be….


    High above the planet Meldaron, the Star-Crushers held their orbits, watching and scanning for any threats – real or perceived – from the planet below. Aboard the flagship, a young reptilian officer stepped up and knelt on one knee before the Grand Admiral.
    "Speak T’ska." Hissed Grand Admiral Sith Hirr Draconis.
    "Sire," Spoke T’ska. "Force shielding has risen over many major capital cities. Sire, I fear – "
    "I want results T’ska not excuses. If necessary, level their cities – "
T’ska bowed respectfully.
    "So," Grand Admiral Sith Hirr Draconis whispered. "They dare defy the might of the Empire? Then pay the consequences they shall…. Commander, alert all Star-Crushers. I want a full spread of torpedoes and lasers – random targets – set for maximum effect."
    "Sire!" Snapped the younger dragon Commander, as he ordered the commands passed.
    Settling back, Grand Admiral Sith Hirr Draconis exhaled a soft puff of smoke.  "Now, feel the wrath of the Emperor – "
    "Weapons armed and ready sire," Spoke the Commander. "Awaiting your order sir."
Grand Admiral Sith Hirr Draconis smiled softly, a cruel reptilian grin spreading across his face.


    At last, Mack and Glider found Silverfox, curled up in a huddle of fur, sobbing her eyes out in pain and grief.
    "Silverfox – " Mack whispered, as he knelt and placed a hand on her shaking shoulder.
    "Why? Why won’t he let me join the Meldaron forces?" Silverfox wept, then wrapped her paws about her friend and squeezed.
Even in his polymer-plated armour, Mack grunted, feeling the surprising strength in his friend’s grasp.
    "Why?" Glider asked, as he landed softly beside her. "Why? Because he loves you – and he knows – all too well, the brutality of war. He doesn’t want you to suffer, as he did."
Silverfox began to speak, when her eyes widened in terror, and they all looked skywards, as a dozen blinding projectiles seared through the atmosphere….
    "Down!" Glider screamed in terror, then crashed in to his friends, covering them with his own body.

    With ear shattering blasts, the torpedoes slammed down upon the small Forest Village, and then massive explosions tore through the forest. A cyclonic shock wave accompanied by a hell-spawned firestorm ripped across the village, nearly suffocating the three friends, as they sheltered behind a massive granite outcropping. Great trees, which had stood for centuries, were uprooted and flattened in the hell-fury of the firestorm that swept the village from the face of Meldaron….

    Silverfox’s lungs screamed in agony, as the air was sucked from them, replaced with what felt like liquid fire…. Her own body, and those of her friends, writhed and jarred, every muscle screaming, the nerves turned to fire as the maelstrom spread outwards…to be replaced with an equally deafening silence – the silence of the dead….
    "Oh mother Millar – " Mack gasped, as he weakly rose – then his eyes widened in horror….
Glider helped Silverfox to her feet, then their own minds fell away, as they looked at the shattered remains of their childhood homes…. Everywhere, great trees were burning out of control, and others were uprooted and even more, turned in to splinters.
    "NO!" Silverfox wailed, then fled back towards her home, choking on the acrid smoke.
    "Silver – " Glider screamed.
    "Silverfox!" Mack wailed. "Don’t – it’s too dangerous!"
Silverfox, her eyes burning from the smoke, ran on, ignoring her friends.
    "Oh sweet Millar – " Mack yelped, then bolted after her. "Come on Glider!"
Glider ran after Mack and Silverfox, eventually catching them. Silverfox paused, and then stared at the smoking remains of her family home – now a splintered and shattered ruin. Smoke wafted through the still burning forest, and Silverfox was stricken silent, overwhelmed by the tragedy that had befallen her…and her friends.

    Even Mack, his eyes wide, was silent. Glider came up to Silverfox, then he wept and placed his hand softly on her shoulder. Without warning, both Mack and Silverfox turned – and enfolded Glider in a crushing embrace, both the Anthro’s wailing like whipped pups at their loss….
    "Oh why?" Silverfox wailed, tears streaking down her muzzle. "Why? What have the people of Meldaron done to deserve this? Our – my parents!"
Mack snarled, then tore his way free and began running down the ash and debris strewn road.
    "Mack – " Silverfox wept.
    "No Silver – let him go. He needs…to deal with this in his own way."
Silverfox held her childhood friend tightly, and then she tearfully broke the hold and stared about at the chaos and destruction.
    "We – let’s salvage anything we can…." Silverfox wept then drew her paws over her streaming eyes.
    "Silver – "
    "Just do it!"

    Glider made his way in to the shattered ruins, searching for anything that Silverfox might like, or they could use. Silverfox searched likewise – but further away. Glider overturned a smouldering piece of debris – then his face drained of blood. Beneath it, were the – remains – of her parents. They were barely recognisable, but the scent – made Glider nauseous. Maxin’s last mortal effort, had been to throw himself upon Charlene – in a valiant but futile attempt to save her. He heard Silverfox’s gasp then when he twisted about, Silverfox stared in morbid horror at what he had been looking at….
    "Silver – " Glider began.
Silverfox’s knees crumbled beneath her and she slammed down upon the wreckage, gashing her leg deeply – not that she noticed the pain. Glider looked at her, then stepped backwards, allowing Silverfox her grief and last farewells. To his surprise, she did cry, but not in the heartbreaking sobs he expected.
    "He – died the way he lived." Silverfox whispered, as she gently picked up something.
    "You – " Glider began.

    Silverfox went to where some more wreckage lay, then knelt and turned a small dial of the still warm safe. With a click, it opened and she withdrew a paw sized flawless crystal, set in a silver holder and neck chain. After a few moments of silent contemplation, she placed the pendant about her neck and dug through more of her destroyed home, finding her fathers blackened armour and phased rifle. Slowly, she put on the armour, then adjusted it to make it more comfortable, before she slung the rifle and tightened the helm over her head.
    "If it’s a war that the Empire wants – then it is one – that I will happily engage in." Silverfox whispered, her voice changed – tinged with a righteous anger that lent her strength
    "Silver – we can’t take on the whole Schinicin Empire!" Glider moaned.
    "My father once told me – that it only takes one person, with a long enough lever, to move the world. So help me, on my parents names, I swear – that they will pay for this atrocity. We beat them back once before – and this time – we will destroy them!"
Silverfox turned her back on her home, then without looking back, began walking down the debris-strewn road, heading for Mack’s home. Glider wept softly then uttered a short prayer for the dead before he ran to catch up to Silverfox.


    High above Meldaron, the orbiting Star-Crushers held and continued their merciless pounding of the Meldaron forces and infrastructure.
    "Remember," Grand Admiral Sith Hirr Draconis snarled. "I want the city shield destroyed! Do not cause any more damage to Camer than is necessary. Deploy the Dragon Wing…."
    Slowly, the Commander approached and knelt on one reptilian knee.  "Sire –"
    "You have your orders Commander – deploy them." Grand Admiral Sith Hirr Draconis whispered. "Since your naval forces are ill-equipped to use this warship and this fleet to its’ fullest extent – "
    "Sire – the…."
    "I am well aware of the situation Commander." Grand Admiral Sith Hirr Draconis snarled. "General T’zra – "
A black scaled dragon approached and looked at the Grand Admiral.
    "Sir – "
    "These Meldaron's are more equipped than our intelligence gathered had us believing. General T-zra – prepare your troops for ground attack. Oh – send in the Dragon Wing as well."
    General T-zra’s eyes widened. "The – commando’s?"
    Grand Admiral Sith Hirr Draconis growled.  "I want that city pacified Commander – not annihilated. Use the Dragon Wing to take out primary targets. Namely – the shield generators for that annoying city shield."
    "Aye sir – " General T-zra spoke, then nodded and passed the order.

    Grand Admiral Sith Hirr Draconis glared at the naval Commander, who wilted before that baleful glare.
    "Commander – you have displeased me once too many times in this campaign. You – of all people in his majesties command, should know…."
    "Sire – "
    "Do not blame others for your own short-comings Commander…."
    Grand Admiral Sith Hirr Draconis smiled sadly but cruelly.  "None of us – are indispensable Commander – not even me."
Two reptilian solders approached, then locked their clawed hands about the Commanders shoulders.
    "Commander – once, you fought with a tenacity and honour rivalling my own. You’ve become weak and have lost your edge…and now, I am forced in to destroying you. However, as a last – compensation – for your decades of loyal service, you will be executed swiftly…."

    "His majesty is gracious – " Growled the Commander.
At this, Grand Admiral Sith Hirr Draconis smiled cruelly and his hollow laughter washed over the bridge of the flagship.
    "You’re mistaken – his majesty is not gracious…I am." Grand Admiral Sith Hirr Draconis whispered. "Take him away…and execute him summarily."
Steeling his resolve, the Commander snapped the guard’s hands off himself and walked to the airlock. Here, under the gaze of the attentive guards, he opened the airlock and stepped in. Without looking back, he heard the airlock close – then a few moments later…the hiss of escaping air. At the last second, as the airlock opened, he was treated to the incredible experience of viewing the planet…and the blazing binary suns…before he tried to scream – and was explosively decompressed….

    Grand Admiral Sith Hirr Draconis had watched the death and he turned away from the view port
    "A shame – he did once, show some promise…." Whispered the Grand Admiral.
    "Sire – " Spoke a young Captain.
    "Yes Captain?" Asked the Grand Admiral.
    "Sire – ground forces are ready…awaiting your orders sir."
    "So be it…deploy the forces – Meldaron will fall!"

    With a deep bow, the Captain passed the word to the waiting Star-Crushers. After a few moments, the Captain returned.
    "Drop ships away sir…ETA to landing in T-10 minutes."
    "Excellent Captain…. Keep me appraised of the situation. I must report – to his Excellency."
    "Aye sir…."
Grand Admiral Sith Hirr Draconis raised his great bulk and turned around and started leaving the bridge – before he paused and looked back over his shoulder.
    "Oh…another thing – "
    "Don’t fail me – Commander." Spoke the Grand Admiral as he left the bridge of the Imperial naval flagship.


    Glider and Silverfox found Mack at the still smouldering remains of his parent’s home. Mack was on his knees, clutching the corpse of his elder sister – his only family member he had, both his parents having perished in the great Meldaron war years ago. Silverfox’s muzzle wrinkled and her anger flared in her eyes. Gripping her father’s rifle tighter, she kept watch as Glider walked to their friend’s side.
    "Mack – " Glider sniffled, as he gently placed his hand on the quaking wolf’s shoulder. "I – I’m so sorry…."
    "Why?" Mack wailed, tears streaking down his muzzle. "Why has this happened? Why are they attacking us?"
    Glider sighed softly.  "Mack – "
    "Millar – WHY!" Mack wailed, his mournful howl chilling both Glider and Silverfox.
Silverfox, her anger heightened, but tempered by her friend’s grief, stepped forwards and gently disentangled Mack from his dead sister, then led him away. Mack clutched her tightly, then buried his muzzle against her armoured chest and wailed. Glider knelt, then gently picked up her corpse and carried it in to the non-damaged part of the forest, where he knelt and prayed for this young wolf’s spirit, begging Millar to grant her a much needed rest. As was the tradition, he left her corpse to the wild animals. It went against all he believed and followed, but he accepted it, as it was the Meldaron’s way….

    Returning to his friends, he spoke.  "What do we do?"
Silverfox gripped her fathers rifle tightly, tears of her barely restrained anger shimmering in her eyes.
    "What do you think we do?" Silverfox grated through gritted teeth. "We fight."
    "Silver – "
    "Glider – have you considered – that this may be happening to your own world as well? What makes you think that just because you’re hyooman – that the Imperial fleet will spare your world?"
    Glider's eyes widened in terror. "They – "
    "Glider – the Empire will decimate any and all that refuse to bow down to them, including non-anthro worlds. I just pray, that your government acquiesces quickly."
    "Silver – what you’re saying – it’s treason!" Mack wailed.
    "No Mack – it’s not. It’s the truth. If the Meldaron King had of accepted the Imperial offer of peace – perchance – this would not of happened…."
    "But it has – "
    "Aye – " Silverfox whispered. "It has – and we’ll fight. We may not be much of a military force, but I for one, will not lie down and die. I will fight to protect my people…and my world."

    Mack looked deep in to her eyes, then he drew his paw across his own and he snuffled and nodded.
    "You’re right – we’ll fight…." He whispered, his own anger slowly rising, boiling like steam within him. "We may die in the attempt, but we’ll make the Empire pay – for what they’ve done."
    Silverfox nodded sadly. "That we will…."
Setting their resolve, the three friends turned their feet to the north, and walked onwards, each of them lost in their own thoughts…. Indeed – what hope did the three have – up against the might of the evil Schinicin naval fleet, that even now, was finalising it’s strangle-hold on Meldaron. None of them had any real military training, but they had one thing, the Empire didn’t possess…a driving force and love for their home – and those that they had lost….


    Weary, footsore and hungry, Silverfox, Glider and Mack had made their way to the city of Pelikan, to find it a blackened charred ghost of a town. Nothing moved within it’s wrecked confines, except for the carrion creatures. Here and there, were the remains of those poor Meldaron’s, who had tried to flee the city…and had been cut down. Scattered about, were the greenish/grey skinned Schinicin foot soldiers, who had died in the fighting. More than one bore a shattered mask and a look of hideous agony on their reptilian muzzles, as the oxygen rich Meldaron air had strangled them. Glider and Mack armed themselves with small, easily concealed pistols and Silverfox managed to find a not too badly beaten up hover car. Mack and Glider spent a few days working on it – repairing and replacing parts that were damaged, so it would run again. All through the dark nights, there came the periodic flashes of laser fire…or the more horrifying gleams of laser torpedoes, as they streaked down from the heavens above. They each took turns in keeping watch, but for what, they were not quite sure. At last, the hover car was repaired as best they could make it and they set off for the spaceport of Foxville…and hopefully, some way of finding safe refuge.

    Foxville – Minor Meldaron Spaceport

    A few days later, they paused on top of a small hill, gazing down at the partially ruined Spaceport City of Foxville. A great many of the Imperial transports were touching down in and around the spaceport town and every now and again explosions rocked the city. A great pall of smoke hung over the northwestern portion of the city, where a fire blazed out of control in the slum districts. Carefully, they concealed their weaponry and Silverfox’s armour, much to her displeasure…. Making their way down in to the outskirts of the city, they were stopped at an Imperial checkpoint.
    "Halt – " Come the reptiles’ snarl, his voice muffled by his breathing mask.
Immediately, Glider halted the hover car and looked.
    "What’s you names – and where’s your identification passes?" Hissed the reptile, as his four companions held their rifles ready, surrounding the vehicle.
    "Our…passes?" Glider whispered.
Glider made a half-hearted groan and looked. He knew that they didn’t have their passes…and wondered how they were going to get out of this predicament.
    "Step out of the car…now." Snapped the reptile, drawing up his rifle.
Just as Glider, Silverfox and Mack were about to do so, an older reptile emerged from the shadows, dressed in a dark black robe, his eyes gleaming.
    "Z’chazra…." Hissed the elder reptile, his clawed hand raising.
With a look of terror, the reptile guards backed away from their companion, who stared in horror back at the dark robed one.
    "Let – " Hissed the one in robes. "Them go. Have them report to Imperial Affairs."
Nodding, the reptile moved back, then swiftly waved them on. Glider sighed in relief and drove in to the city.
    "What was that all about?" Mack asked from the back seat.
    "I don’t know – " Silverfox replied. "But who-ever that black robed one is, he has them terrified."
    "Now – do we…."
    "Of course not – " Silverfox snapped. "If they run an ID check against my name, I’ll be amongst the top ten wanted…."

    Glider snarled, narrowly missing another hover car, which came hurtling out of a side street.
    "Aye – it’s because of your lineage…isn’t it?" Mack asked softly. "Your grandfather…your father… May Millar bless their souls."
    Silverfox moaned, but nodded.
    "What do we do?" Mack whined.
    "That’s a good question – " Glider admitted. "I don’t know."
    "If we’re in luck," Silverfox spoke. "There is still a strong Meldaron presence here, and I knew – of a covert place to send messages and get in touch with the Meldaron Resistance…back when Meldaron was at war."
    "What?" Mack moaned. "More treason against the King?"
    "No treason – " Silverfox spoke. "I have utmost respect for King Reyard Russet. However, now that it’s obvious the Meldaron fleet is either fleeing or lost, and our ground forces are probably soon to fall…the underground will have risen once more."
    Mack whined in misery.
    "Trust me Mack – I’m just as scared as you…but I’m trying not to let the Schinicin presence get to me…. If I can, I’ll get in touch with the underground and hopefully, find us a safe house."
Glider parked the hover car and they quickly exited. They couldn’t help but notice the strong Schinicin military presence. They were everywhere, in all shades of loathsome reptilian colour. Soldiers patrolled the streets, stopping and searching both Meldaron’s and Hyooman's alike. Silverfox and friends made their way down a few of the debris littered roads, before she found the used hover car lot. Making her way inside, she perused the beaten up cars on display.

    A large portly wolf approached and sniffed disdainfully.
    "Can I help you?" He sniffed.
    "Yes – " Silverfox smiled sweetly. "Have you got the Galdarian IV in stock?"
    "Madam – "
    "I hear it’s good…for fast escapes to the country." Silverfox replied.
Quickly, the wolf closed the front door and latched it.
    "Come with me…quickly!" He whispered, as he depressed a secreted button and watched a hidden doorway slide open. "Hurry!"

    They made their way through the secreted doorway, then down a steep stairwell that curled away in to darkness far below. As quickly as they could, then made their way down and were met at the bottom by a young female Vixen.
    "Come with me…" She whispered, then touched a small device on her belt.
There was a soft click, then a 2 metre wide by 3 metre high section of wall slid aside and they entered in to a narrow room, which was filled with a large array of dusty computers and other monitoring equipment. All around them, native Meldaron’s were dusting down the computers and equipment
    "Hi – " One of the Meldaron’s, a young male Kangaroo spoke.
Glider waved in return as Silverfox glanced about, looking worried. A young female Otter came to them.
    "Hello…and welcome to the Meldaron resistance – such as it is. I am base Lieutenant Galena."
    "I am – Silverfox Relah Star, and these are my friends, Mack and Glider. We’re trying – to get a message to King Reyard Russet."
    Quietly, the young Kangaroo laughed. "Yeah – you and twenty million others…."

    Lieutenant Galena favoured the young marsupial with a baleful stare, until he retuned to bringing the computer system online.
    "Forgive me…things are – a little wild around here at the moment. We’re struggling to bring this old centre back in to operational status." Lt. Galena said.
    "I understand – any news on other cities?" Silverfox asked.
Sadly, Lt. Galena nodded then glared at a computer screen. With a snarl, she smacked it and to her surprise, it flickered and come back online.
    "Aye – Maloner, Pelikan, Collietile, Gumtree, Mainfield and Gille are decimated. Other cities are due to fall shortly…. King Reyard has ordered anyone who can, to try and get as far away from the cities as possible…. Our forces, Millar protect us – have been decimated. Speculation and rumours abound, but it is yet to be confirmed, that the entire star-fighter hanger and base near Maloner was totally destroyed…."
    "What do we do – " Silverfox moaned.
    "Look – as you are aware, the Schinicin have decimated many of our cities, and those who didn’t bow down…have been rounded up – for ‘re-education’. Imperial martial law has been enforced, and pockets of resistance are here and there, but with such widespread chaos and destruction, our network of cells has been disrupted. I can help you and your friends though…as I remember your fathers exploits in the great Meldaron war."
    "Thank – you." Silverfox whispered.

    "It’s the least we can do. Now, go to the Drunken Badger Cafe. Here, our ‘contact’ will be waiting. You won’t know who it is, but I will pass along word and this ‘contact’ will get in touch with you, and help you in any way we can…."
    "Warning – intruder alert!" Whistled a computer. "Outer base security compromised – Schinicin forces have entered the outer perimeter…."
    "Damn it!" Lt. Galena snarled. "Come on – we’ve got to get out of here!"
Grabbing Silverfox and her friends, Lt. Galena forced them down the narrow corridor, towards a concealed doorway.  Those who were armed took up defensive positions, their weapons trained on the armoured door to the secret base. Through the thick door, came loud thuds of concussion grenades.
    "Wait – " Silverfox moaned. "Let us help!"
    "Just go – " Lt. Galena growled. "Here – take this – "
Silverfox felt something slapped in to her paw, and she looked down at a small CD.
    "What – "
    "There’s no time – " Lt. Galena snarled, as she un-holstered her pistol. "Our contact will be in touch with you…and please – don’t let the Schinicin’s get their claws on that data! It’s vital to the safety of our other base…."

    A deafening explosion rocked the hidden base as the armoured door exploded and laser fire ripped in to the base. Lt. Galena snarled then slammed open the hatch and literally pushed the three friends in to the escape hatch, then leapt in herself, as she pulled the heavy door sharply closed behind her. Silverfox opened her mouth to speak, but Lt. Galena silenced her with a look, then began running down the dark tunnel. Once at a safe distance, she depressed a small button…and the ground shook with an explosive concussion. Dust and debris rained down upon Silverfox, Mack, Glider and Lt. Galena, who wept softly.
    "What – was that?" Glider moaned.
    "That – was the secreted bomb, placed within the base…." Lt. Galena replied simply, then lit a small glow torch and led their way down in to the dark sewers beneath Foxville.
    "You – killed them?" Mack whispered in horror.
    "They – understood and knew the risks. Would you have preferred that they fall in to the claws of the Schinicin’s? Do any of you…have any idea of what the Schinicin’s would do to them?"
Mack’s eyes widened as the full realisation began sinking in to him.
    "Damn it all – we’re at war here!" Lt. Galena snarled, as she stepped down in to the lower sewer level. "Do you think I like what I’ve done?"
    "No – " Mack whispered.
    "I – I’m sorry…. I didn’t mean to snap your head off…. It’s just that – well, we’re caught off guard by the Empire’s sudden attack. Meldaron military forces are either annihilated or gone deep in to hiding, the Meldaron star-ship fleet was decimated or fled…and we’re…out of options. Now, there’s only scattered resistance…but there is…a secret base, from which, if we’re lucky…the Schinicin haven’t found yet."

    Glider looked at her.
    "If they have?" He asked.
    Lt. Galena sighed. "If they have – then Millar help us all, as that’s the last military outpost that we have…."
    "What of the King? Is he still alive?" Mack asked.
    "Son – I can’t tell you. All communications with Crown Palace was cut just after the war really started. We have no surveillance, as the Schinicin fleet shoots down – any and all craft either from orbit, or their planet side star-fighters. All we know for sure – is that Crown Palace is lost."
    Lt. Galena looked up and down the sewer tunnels.  "I’ve got to make this quick. Don’t let that disk fall in to the wrong paws, as it’s got vital information on it. I trust you – and please – don’t let our trust go astray. Many Meldaron’s have sacrificed their life in the past day, to bring and compile this information. With some luck, we’ll find a way to defeat the Schinicin’s. Now – go, and may Millar watch over us all…."
Leaving them standing in the ankle deep water, Lt. Galena made her way swiftly away from them, disappearing in to the gloom….
    "Oh great – so now we’re couriers?" Glider asked.
Silverfox glared at him, then secreted the CD and began looking for an access ladder back up.
    "Mack, you’re better at this than I am…any ideas?" Silverfox asked.

    Mack looked, then he moved hesitantly, until he was more assured of his bearings.
    "This way, towards the spaceport…." He replied.
    "Do it." Silverfox grunted, as she slung her father’s rifle across her back.
Out voted and bewildered, Glider staggered along in their footsteps.  Some time later, they emerged in a dim side street; the rumble of the Schinicin’s transports coming and going, sounding like thunder.
    "Now where?" Mack asked.
    Silverfox walked casually out to the street, then took her bearings and moved purposefully towards the more seedy part of Foxville. Mack and Glider ran to catch up to her.
    "Are you crazy!" Glider moaned.
Silverfox glared at him and kept up her brisk pace.
    "Silver – if they see you armed and wearing this armour…" Glider moaned.
Silverfox’s pace slowed, as an expression of surprise spread slowly across her face.
    "You…you’re right. We’ve got to get ourselves some cover – " Silverfox whispered softly.
    "Yes – that we do!" Glider commented quickly. "I don’t really want to spend the rest of my life working in some Schinicin prison camp…and I hate to think of what they would do to you."
    Silverfox grunted, then increased her pace. "Come on – we’re here…."

    Mack and Glider looked up…at a seedy and run down café. Smoke, strong and pungent, wafted from it, along with a stream of assorted curses and the occasional scream of pain.
    "Ah – " Mack whimpered.
    "Look – " Silverfox moaned. "I don’t like it either…. But we’re supposed to meet our contact here. Are you coming, or do I go in alone?"
Mack whined and Glider comforted him gently.
    "Come on – it’s own only chance to do some good!" Silverfox commented.
Mack looked at the Schinicin star-fighters that screamed past overhead. Overcoming his pain, he managed to think more objectively, then shouldered past Glider and Silverfox, and then entered the dim entrance of the café. Silverfox looked at Glider, who shrugged and followed her in….

    Inside the café, bedlam reigned. All manner of native Meldaron’s were here, drinking, cursing and even fighting. Making their way past the seething melee that erupted for no reason, they managed to get a small corner table. Mack looked at the blood spattered seat and he decided it was better – and safer – to stand.
    "I’ll go get us something to drink – " Glider spoke.
Silverfox nodded and looked at Mack, who watched the brawl with interest and a deal of caution. Silverfox smiles softly and unslung her rifle, keeping it very close to her.
    "Mack – " Silver began.
Mack was oblivious.
Silver sighed, then stood and leaned in close to her young friend’s head.
    "MACK!" Silverfox shrieked, her voice cracking.
    Mack wailed and jumped in alarm.  "Huh?"
    "Go help Glider – I don’t want our drinks wasted…."
    "Huh? Oh…yeah…." Mack muttered, then edged his way through the swarming throng.
    "Oh Millar…." Silverfox moaned. "I’m sure he is descended from a Lapine bloodline…."

    Silverfox sat patiently, her deep blue eyes watching casually, but warily. She waved at a Meldaron, who had waved at her, but she was careful in whom to try and befriend. Tempers were already flaring, and it wouldn’t take much more, for this drunken brawl, to descend in to a full-scale riot. Of course, if it did turn in to a riot, then the Schinicin’s would crack down even harder…than they already had. Silverfox sighed, then ran her russet paws through her soft bluish hair and flicked it back out of her eyes. Her rage slowly abated, replaced with a cool, calming sense of purpose. An intent, to make the Empire pay – for what they had done…and were doing to this once beautiful planet and it’s inhabitants.  Glider came back, then placed a small glass of milk before Silverfox. Startled, she yelped, then Glider laughed softly.
    "You okay?" He asked her gently.
    "No…I was just – thinking."
Glider nodded.
    "How I wish – that we could reform this anger…and turn it to a purpose! Why are our people turning against each other? What has happened to us?"
    Glider sighed softly. "Silver – "
Silverfox wept softly, then Glider reached out and enfolded her in his arms, comforting the crying Vixen. Their comforting was broken by Mack’s startled and soon strangled, yelp of surprise and alarm. Glider and Silverfox looked over, to see Mack stumble, then spill his drink down the back of a hunched figure. With a snort of equine fury, the huddled form rose…to tower over the terrified young Wolf by a good four feet. It was a native of Alchemian – an equine native of Meldaron. More than a fair match for the half-grown pup, Mack – a native of Tasher, a predominantly canine related continent.

    "I…." Mack whimpered, staring up at the black furred equine Anthro, which glared down in rage.
Easily, the great equine reached down, then clamped his powerful hand about Mack’s throat.
    "Give me a reason – you flea bitten mongrel…why I shouldn’t crush that ignorant skull of yours?" Snarled the Anthro horse.
Mack’s eyes bulged, as his muzzle sagged open, pitiful gasping sounds coming from him.  Angrily, the Anthro horse began snarling and shaking the poor Mack harder and harder – making his teeth rattle. Sensing an imminent fight, the other patrons stopped and made a wide circle around Mack and his captor. Silverfox rose, but Glider grabbed her and forced her to sit down.
    "Silver – "
    "Damn it – Mack’s my friend…I’ve got to go help him." Silverfox growled.
Glider sighed, then squeezed his friends’ wrist tightly.
    "Glider – you’re hurting me…." Silverfox whimpered.
    "Let them be! Don’t draw attention to us!" Glider hissed.

    Mack whimpered his paws clutching at the great hand that had locked tight about his young neck.
"Well?" Snarled the horse, as he effortlessly lifted Mack up off his feet, and held him nose to nose.
Again, Silverfox tried to rise, but Glider, who was standing, forced her gently but firmly back in to her chair.
    "Urrk…." Mack gurgled, struggling wildly, choking.
From nowhere, came a furred body, then before the startled equine knew it, he had a laser pistol embedded in his nostril.
    "Let the Lupin go, and apologise. It was an accident – nothing more." Spoke the voice softly, but with a hint of menace.
    "I…." Began the great horse.
    "Now." Replied the voice, as it threw back its hood to reveal the gaze of a young male stag, who, surprisingly, didn’t have any antlers. "Or would you like me to fire…and give the inside of your thick skull a much needed cleansing?"
His gloved paw tightened on the trigger.
    "Hey…." Spoke the horse, as he gently set Mack down, then gave him a quick hug. "Hey…I’ve got no problems…. Can I buy you a drink son?"
Mack fell to his knees, then gasped and retched, drawing breath in to his throat.
    "Thank – you." Spoke the stag softly, as he holstered his pistol, then turned away.

    Few saw the horse move…and even fewer…saw the Stag respond. Just as the horse snatched a laser dagger from his belt and lunged, the Stag twisted sharply about, and un-holstered his pistol. Within the split second of the combat beginning, there was a sickening blast, and the horse was thrown several feet backwards, his chest a smoking / charred mess. Sadly, the Stag holstered the pistol and helped Mack back to his feet.
    "Was – it necessary?" Mack whimpered.
    "It – was. He would have killed me – or you." Spoke the stag sadly. "I wish I did not have to kill him…. Now, are you alright?"
    Mack dusted himself down. "I…think so."
    "What’s one so young doing in a place like this?" Asked the stag.
    "We could ask you the same question – " Silverfox replied, as she approached, then made sure her friend was alright. "However – It’s going to have to wait – "
Quickly, the stag’s eyes widened, as he saw a stealthy form slink out the doorway, moments after a young female native Pearldinean left, bowing her antlered head as she did so.
    "Hang on – " Replied the Stag, his ears flicking. "Something doesn’t hold well here…."

    Quickly, he made his way through the crowd, who parted and allowed him through. Glider supported the weak kneed Mack and Silverfox retrieved her rifle and followed. Outside, they searched for the male Pearldinean, and found him loitering down the street a ways, watching a sly and furtive dark cloaked figure, which was shadowing the female Pearldinean. As if sensing potentially unfriendly eyes were watching her, she broke and ran, disappearing down a dark alleyway. Quickly, the dark cloaked figure moved along innocently enough, then slipped furtively in to the alley after her. There was a high pitched female scream, followed by a weasels cruel squeal of laughter. Instantly, the young stag Pearldinean was gone, blending silently in to the dark alley, his pistol drawn. Glider, Silverfox and Mack followed, to find the female Pearldinean pinned against back of the dead end alley.
    "Please – " Wailed the Pearldinean. "What do you want?"
Slyly, the weasel reached up his dirty matted paw and caressed her cheek.
    "What I want – I shall have…Deerinea…." Hissed the Weasel lustily.
    Deerinea moved back hard against the wall, her eyes wide in terror.  "Please…I haven't got anything! I swear!"
    "No?" Whispered the Weasel. "Oh but your mistaken - the Schinicin will pay a very good bounty for you…once I’m finished of course…."
    "Stop trying to stall me Deerinea. I know you’re a spy for King Reyard, so don’t try to deny it…. My masters – have already caught your friends…and believe me. What they’ve suffered – will be light compared to what you will suffer at their hands. Of course, give in – and I’ll ensure – they’re more lenient…towards you."

    "Please – I don’t know what you want from me! I’m just an innocent Pearldinean…trying to get on with my life."
    "Meanwhile – working for the King…as a spy and traitor. Give in Deerinea, and you’ll find it to be…more…rewarding…in a physical and mental sense."
    "No!" Deerinea wailed. "I will never fall at the feet of the Schinicin forces. I’d die first – "
He smiled, then ran his furred paw across her cheek, then slapped it sharply. Deerinea screamed as her head was snapped to the side.
    "I’m not offering you a choice in this Deerinea. You’re much – much – older than you appear to be…and I’d have thought that with age, would wisdom come... I was wrong. Your precious Meldaron forces are lost – your world is falling around you, yet you still cling to the hopes that some opposition will arise – and bring low the Schinicin fleet? I honestly don’t understand you Deerinea, as I would have thought – you would have seen reason…. Still, I’ll take what I want – and then shall I turn you over to the Imperial Commander personally. I’ll be richly rewarded for your hide… and your information."

    As Deerinea wailed, the moved in close against her then roughly pulled her close to him. Her eyes widened, as he lustfully bit at her neck, drawing blood with his sharp teeth. Deerinea put up a weak but spirited resistance – fooling him in to her true plans. Without warning, she moved like lightning, then drove her knee up in to his unprotected groin. Mack and Glider instantly felt tears well in their eyes, as the weasel screeched and staggered back, clutching his groin as he fell to his knees. Deerinea pressed her attack, and planted her hoofed foot upside his head. There was a sickening crunch, as she shattered his muzzle cheekbones. Gasping and retching, he fell backwards, then began convulsing wildly. Deerinea felt her anger grab her, and before she could stop herself – she grabbed his head between her paws….

    His eyes widened in horror, then she snarled – and snapped his neck, the crunch like a gunshot. His body lay before her, convulsing wildly. Slowly, the young Stag emerged from the shadows, and holstered his pistol.
    "Deerinea – " He whispered. "Come to me…."
Deerinea twisted about, her muzzle wrinkled in rage and blood lust. Carefully, he approached her, then stopped and stared in to her eyes.
    "Deerinea – this isn’t our way…." He spoke quietly, his voice soft but touched with the stern meaning of command.
For many minutes, he held her gaze transfixed…until Deerinea suddenly burst in to tears and clutched him tight to her.
    "Hey, come on now – don’t cry…." He consoled her. "You were defending yourself…."
    "I…he was going – " Deerinea wept.
    "Sweetie – you and I both know he didn’t have a chance. Had he of tried, then I would have taken him – and could have. I almost did, but I needed to be sure first, and as it turned out – my training of you has not been a total waste of time."

    Deerinea smiled weakly, then placed her arm about him and held him close.
    "I know my beloved – but he…he was going to turn me over to the Schinicin garrison Commander – and they would have made me talk…." Deerinea sniffled and dried her eyes.
    "All right you three – out here – " Snarled the Stag. "Come on – I don’t have all day!"
Frightened, Silverfox, Mack and Glider emerged. Deerinea’s eyes widened and she edged closer to her mate.
    "First…you three are the most irresponsible…untrained…and unethical tails I’ve ever seen…." He growled at them. "Don’t you kids realise the very real danger?"
    "Whitetail – " Deerinea began.
    "It was – foolish, potentially deadly – and the worst case…. Why don’t you kids run along home…and…." He raged. "Give me that rifle!  What’s Meldaron coming too, when we’ve got pups roaming the…."
    "Take it off me – if you can." Silverfox growled dangerously, her eyes narrowing.

    In surprise, the Stag looked at her...then his eyes widened as he reachout out and lightly touched her mind.
    "Millar damn me!"  He gasped.  "I am Whitetail, secret member of the Meldaron freedom guard. I apologise for the treatment I gave you all, but it was necessary."
    "How can we trust you – to say who you are?" Silverfox growled, her temper held barely in check.
    "Easily – " Came a voice from behind them.
Glider and Mack jumped, as the wounded Lt. Galena appeared, crawling out of a sewer cover.  Quickly, Deerinea moved over and helped the wounded Otter.
    "You’re hurt – " Deerinea commented.
    "I’ve had worse – just a blaster burn. I’ll survive. Come on – let’s not talk out here in the open. We’ve got to find a way to get to the spaceport, and fast."
Silverfox’s temper cooled, but she was still, understandably wary. Caught up in a concealed web of stealth and deception, that was quickly overwhelming the young Vixen. Mack looked at the Stag, which coolly looked back.
    "Why – did you risk…that poor Pearldinean?" Mack asked him.
    Whitetail smiled weakly.  "I – had my suspicions about that weasel. I’d been tracking him for a few days, and I suspected he might be secretly working against the Meldaron forces. It seems my instincts were right after all. As you had seen – I wasn’t risking my beloved mate – as she is well trained in unarmed combat." He looked at the corpse of the weasel and shuddered. "Perchance – too – well trained."

    Deerinea moaned, then her ears flicked as her eyes widened.
    "You there – halt!" Snarled a Schinicin voice.
Instantly, Lt. Galena, Whitetail and Deerinea were gone. They had ducked in to what cover they could get.
    "I said freeze!" Snarled the reptile soldier, as his squad of four moved in to their own protective shelter.
    "Are you three crazy!" Deerinea moaned. "Get your tails over her…now!"

    Silverfox leapt for cover, as Glider and Mack leapt over near Whitetail. Seconds after they had gone to ground, the Schinicin forces opened fire. Laser blasts spattered just above Glider’s head, making him duck and cringe.
    "Keep your head down!" Whitetail snarled. "Or else…all your problems are over…get me?"
Silverfox unslung her own rifle, then knelt and aimed carefully. Deerinea took the opportunity, to stealthily move to a more advantageous position, and then she produced a slender hunting pistol from its concealed holster. With a quick glance, she sighted and fired. A Schinicin solder snarled and snapped back, just as the shot spangled off the building wall right beside him.
    "Damn – " Deerinea growled. "They’re quick…."
A torrential hail of automatic laser rifle fire ripped in to and around the companion’s concealment.
    "They’re using the new tri-fire assault rifles!" Lt. Galena yelled, ducking as a laser blast sizzled past her head.
    "Surrender – in the name of his Imperial majesty!" Hissed one of the soldiers.
    "To live on one of your prison planets?" Silverfox snapped back.
    "You can’t win – you’re…." He suddenly flew backwards, half his head missing, green reptilian blood spurting.
    "Nice shot…." Lt. Galena yelled at Silverfox.

    In retaliation, the Schinicin soldiers fanned out, then really opened fire. Silverfox gasped at the horrendous firepower that these weapons brought to bear. One of them stepped out, cover fire from his friends, then lobbed a small silvery object at them.
    "A flame grenade!" Whitetail wailed. "GET DOWN!"
A blast of white-hot flames erupted in a five-metre radius, and started burning the trash and debris around it. Lt. Galena provided covering fire, as she took charge and ordered her companions to retreat.
    "We’re not going to leave you…." Silverfox wailed.
    "Damn it – I’m a warrior. Let me fight as one!" Lt. Galena snarled, then shot another of the Schinicin soldiers.
    "Listen to her!" Whitetail screamed. "Get out of here! Go!"
Whitetail rose, then shot at another soldier, then screamed as he was shot. The force slammed him back against the wall, and then he croaked and crumpled to the ground. Mack seized his pistol, then provided what fire he could, as Deerinea knelt beside her beloved mate and checked him. It was a deep wound, and blood flowed from the site in copious amounts. His eyes rolled back in his head and he began choking.

    "Damn it!" Deerinea wailed. "Someone come help me!"
Silverfox glanced at Lt. Galena, who nodded. Quickly, Mack, Glider and Lt. Galena provided cover fire, as Silverfox ran across the alley, the Schinicin laser fire ripping at her heels. Stumbling, Silverfox screamed as a stray shot burned deeply across her left hip, nearly crippling her. It was a deep wound, but fortunately, it had been cauterised. Silverfox collapsed near Glider, who seized her by her tail and dragged her to safety. Silverfox screamed in pain, both at the wound and the savage tug on her tail. Glider didn’t apologise, but he did give Silverfox a sad look, as he helped Mack shoot wildly at the Schinicin soldiers, who had called for reinforcements.  With a blast of it’s hover jets, an Imperial troop carrier blocked off the exit to the alley, then it’s trinary laser cannons swivelled to bear on the companions.
    "Damn them!" Lt. Galena wailed. "Our weapons are useless against that! Go on, RUN."
Glider ripped open the sewer access hatch, then forced Silverfox and Mack down, then helped Deerinea to drag Whitetail over. Mack struggled under the weight, but he safely brought the critically wounded stag down, then helped Deerinea. Silverfox poked her nose back up, just in time to see Lt. Galena glance at her, then stand and throw a grenade at the transport. Instantly, the guns swivelled, and with a deafening roar…fired.

    Silverfox watched, as the incredible laser fire literally ripped Lt. Galena apart, without her even having a chance to cry out. With an explosion, the grenade detonated, right under the primary generators for the transport. Silverfox ducked back in to the sewers, as a massive fireball and explosion echoed above them as the Schinicin transport exploded.
    "What was that!" Glider moaned.
    "I…Lt. Galena died…to protect us. Come on, we’re out of time – the Schinicin’s will really be after us now…." Silverfox sniffled, then led her wounded companions down the sewer tunnels…and hopefully, to freedom….
Mack looked to Glider, who snuffled softly and broke a glow torch out of his belt pouch. He fumbled with it, and Mack crouched and retrieved it and struck the igniter.
    "Now what do we do?" Glider asked.
    "We need to get off this continent – " Silverfox told them.  "Then - find a place to settle down, and work out what we’re going to do. We know the Schinicin forces will be looking for us – and others of the Meldaron resistance. If we can, we’ll head for the Star-port and escape in a ship to another place, where the Schinicin are not yet present."
Deerinea looked at Silverfox, with a surprised glance.
"Has it struck you yet – " Mack began.
Silverfox silenced him with a stare.
    "Silverfox – " Deerinea spoke softly. "I agree with you – but the Schinicin star-fighters would cut us from the sky."
    Silverfox nodded. "Has it occurred to you all…that the Empire normally becomes quite sedate and docile after it's conquered a world? If we wait a little while, then there is a good chance, that we will be able to escape safely."

    Deerinea thought about this, then reluctantly, nodded in agreement.
    "However – " Deerinea spoke. "We must find some supplies, and medical equipment, to help our wounded. Whitetail, I am afraid, won't last long down here in the sewers."
    "Is there anywhere where we could lay up and heal the wounded?" Glider asked.
    Deerinea was quiet for a while, then nodded. "We have a few safe houses scattered throughout the city. These brave Meldaron’s, will put us up…and in doing so, they are risking their own lives."
Glider shuddered; thinking of already – how many Meldaron’s and Hyooman’s, had lost their lives in the start of this war.
    Silverfox reached out and placed her paw on Deerinea’s shoulder. "Thank you – my furiend."
    Deerinea took Silverfox’s paw and squeezed softly. "Do not thank me yet, as we’re not out of the fire… At least – not yet."
With that, Deerinea lead them quickly through the dim sewers beneath the space-port of Foxville, herding them towards a secreted safe house, in which they could rest and heal. Or so they hoped….


    Far above the planet Meldaron, hung the great Schinicin Naval fleet.
    "Commander – " Snarled Sith Hirr Draconis. "Give me a status on the Imperial crack-down."
    "Sir – " Spoke the newly elevated Commander. "Our forces are meeting resistance, and this is well within parameters. Other cities have capitulated, or been pacified as per your orders."
    "Excellent Commander. His majesty will be pleased with this news." Sith Hirr Draconis whispered softly, a faint wisp of sulphurous smoke drifting up from his nose. "Now, I must go and inform his majesty, that the invasion is on schedule…. Continue with the periodic strikes commander, and round up the dissidents. We'll ship them off-world to one of the prison planets - whence, they shall work for the further glory of the Empire."
    "Aye sir."
With that, Grand Admiral Sith Hirr Draconis made his way from the bridge of the flagship, and down the hallways to his private chambers.  Here, he crouched down on the holo-pad, and bowed his head. After a few moments, a wavering image formed.
    "Speak…my servant." Came a chilling draconic hiss.
    "My lord," Began Sith Hirr Draconis, the pacification of Meldaron is well in paw. We are finalising the last takeovers and will be shortly in control of the planet."
    "You have done well my servant…." Spoke the wavering form of the Grand Dragon, Emperor of the Schinicin Empire. "I want Meldaron pacified Sith Hirr Draconis…not obliterated. For too long, the Meldaron’s have resisted our people. Now, they shall reap the crops, which they have sewn amongst us. Once Meldaron has fallen, then we shall move on to the other systems…and take them as well. Do not fail me Grand Admiral…."
    "Sire, your faith in me is well founded…." Spoke the Grand Admiral. "I shall not fail you my highness."
    "Excellent Sith Hirr Draconis…. Just ensure that you never do fail me – " Came the barely veiled threat as the holo-link was severed.
Carefully, Sith Hirr Draconis raised his great bulk from the pad, then returned to the bridge. Here, he ensconced himself back in his throne and sat watching, as the Schinicin fleet systematically began it’s final moves, in capturing the planet Meldaron.


    Back beneath the sprawling spaceport, Deerinea took a moment out; to check on her wounded mate Whitetail.
    "How much further is it?" Mack asked wearily, his young voice cracking with his fear.
    "A little ways yet," Deerinea growled, as she quickly added more padding to Whitetail’s deep wound. "I just pray that we make it in time. Whitetail is losing too much blood…and this sewer is far from sanitary."
Silverfox wished she could help, but she knew that herself and her companions had to trust this Pearldinean. Glider offered Deerinea some extra support, and Deerinea gratefully allowed Glider to help shoulder some of the critically wounded Whitetail.
    "Are we going to be able to find safety there?" Mack whimpered.
    "For a while – until we’ll be forced to move again. None of us expected the Schinicin’s to move so swiftly…and with such a force mounted against us, there’s little in the way of opposition to their take-over."
    "Did you not mention – " Silverfox spoke up.
    As if reading her mind, Deerinea looked at her.  "Yes, there is a secret Meldaron military base, that I have hopes of us escaping too. Here, we will find all that we need…and the last of the Meldaron forces will be gathered there. It is hoped, that we shall be able to stage a counter strike against the Schinicin’s and retake our cities."
    "Do you have any information of the extent of the battle?" Glider whispered.
    "Only a little. It is estimated that over seventy-five percent of the ground forces were destroyed – and our space defence fleet has either been annihilated or fled. I honestly do not blame those pilots who have fled. None of us can withstand the Schinicin fleet."
    Silverfox stared in horror, her eyes gleaming in the light.  "Seventy-five percent?"

    Deerinea sighed wearily, then resumed her pace.
"Silverfox – that is only a estimation. It could run higher – but as we have no field operatives available and status research, we can’t be sure. Still, I’d hazard a guess that this estimation may be closer than any of us chose to acknowledge."
Silverfox fell silent, wondering if Deerinea’s words really would come true….


    Some time later, they finally found their way and Glider helped Deerinea lift the critically wounded Whitetail up the rusty and slimy ladder. Once they reached the top, Mack slid aside the metal grate and swiftly exited. Once topside, he knelt and assisted the others.
    "Come on – " Deerinea whispered. "We’re nearly there…."
Silverfox took Glider’s position and Mack took Deerinea’s. Together, they supported the now unconscious Whitetail as they struggled to follow Deerinea’s quick movements. After a short time, they made their way in to a disused warehouse, and Deerinea rapped quickly at an old reinforced door. A shutter opened and a male voice spoke something. Deerinea replied and the shutter closed again, then the great door creaked slowly open.
    "Come on – it’s not safe out there…." Came the voice.
Gratefully, the friends made their way inside, and they saw an ancient Lapine, a native of the Blue Moon Valley.
    "It’s a pleasure to meet you my old friend. How I wish that we were meeting under much more pleasant circumstances." Deerinea spoke softly, then hugged the rabbit warmly.
    Grunting, the rabbit hugged her back. "Have you heard?"
    "Heard what?" Deerinea asked.
    "King Reyard Russet has escaped the attack on the Crown Castle. His majesty is alive and unharmed, and en-route to the military base’s secreted location."
    "That is pleasing news – but it must wait. We’ve got wounded here…and they need urgent medical assistance."

    Nodding, the old Lapine grunted again. He turned, then gestured for them to follow. Quickly, Silverfox and Mack took either side of the wounded Whitetail and followed the others deeper in to the warehouse. Here, they found a surprising array of Meldaron’s, all busily working on computer systems, and some were finishing up adjusting their combat armour.
    "This way – hurry." Spoke the Rabbit. "Our medic is through here."
Silverfox did as she was instructed, feeling out of place amongst all these military like Meldaron’s. When they entered, a snow-white rabbit, dressed in an old blood spattered coat looked up, then shook her head and gently closed the eyes on a Pearldinean foot soldier.
    "There was nothing – I could do to him." She sniffled. "His wounds were too extensive."
    "Please – " Deerinea begged. "Can you come help my mate?"
Efficiently, the medic instructed Silverfox and Mack to lay Whitetail down on a narrow table. Working quickly, she cut away the straps on his armoured breastplate, then threw it aside.
    "This wound is deep – " Sniffled the medic. "He’s lost a lot of blood."
    "Alexis, I know you can heal him…." Replied the older Lapine.
    "I will do my best – of that you may be assured." Replied the medic. "I will do my best."
    "That is all that I ask – " Deerinea replied. "I have faith in your healer skills."

    Deerinea stared at Whitetail, and then she glanced over at Mack, Silverfox and Glider.
    "You three go get yourselves some rest – you’ve earned it." Deerinea spoke, her voice soft, but touched with the underlying command of a militarily trained person.
    "How can we rest?" Mack whimpered.
"Easily. You can’t fight the enemy if you’re half-starved and dead on your feet. This war is yet to really begin…and you’ll all need to be well rested, as we have a very long journey ahead of us in a few days.
    "Yes – we’re moving on in a few days." Deerinea snapped. "Now go!"
Quickly, Mack, Silverfox and Glider fled.  Turning her attention to the badly wounded Whitetail, Alexis spoke softly.
    "They’re young – "
    Deerinea sighed softly. "Aye – that they are…. That they are indeed…."
    "Watch that young Wolf – he’s potentially the most unstable."
    "Mack? He’s a good Tashan…."
    Putting down her scalpel, the medic looked at her. "Are you sure? I sense that he’s not altogether with it."
    "I know that – but none of us…have yet had time to work this through. Those damn Schinicin’s came at us so quickly…."
    "Aye…that they did. Still…watch him. As for the others, the hyooman is an enigma to me, and that vixen…."
    "Her name is Silverfox. Silverfox Relah Star…. Her grandfather was a hero of the great Meldaron war, and her father likewise. Silverfox knows how to take orders – but I am doubtful, if she is capable of giving them."
Alexis cleaned the wound, then retrieved a small electronic device. Strapping it to Whitetail’s head, she resumed working.
    "Listen – you’re in need of rest yourself. Go and get cleaned up, fed and for Millar’s sake, get some sleep! How long have you been awake?"
    "About – four days." Admitted Deerinea.
    "That’s too long. As you said to them youngsters…you’ll not be any-good to anyone, if you’re too weak to fight."
    "Is that an order?" Deerinea asked.
    "Take it as – a polite request. Your mate is safe…for the moment. I’ll work on him, and try to bring him around."

    Deerinea was torn between her concern and love for her mate, and her very real need to get some sleep. Finally, knowing that the medic needed to work, Deerinea took the hint and left the chambers. Quickly, Deerinea made her way to the small mess hall, where she met the three friends.
    "What news can you share with us?" Silverfox asked.
    "Not much, as I really need to speak with the commanding officer of this post." Deerinea replied quietly.
    "Will Whitetail survive?" Mack asked.
    "Whitetail’s strong…he’ll come through it alright." Deerinea sighed, then set her fork down.
    "This secret base – " Glider began.
    "Is located in the Unknown Hills." Deerinea spoke. "It’s well shielded, built literally, inside the largest mountain in that desolate range. There, the remaining Meldaron forces will gather, and from there, shall we begin the planning in retaking Meldaron."
    "It’s not going to be an easy battle…is it?" Silverfox asked.
    "No…." Deerinea sighed sadly. "We were caught unprepared, but our spirit isn’t broken, and that’s going to be our strongest resolve. We are going to fight to reclaim our homelands…from the Schinicin once and for all."
    "How can we fight off the Schinicin fleet?" Glider asked. "Our own space fleet has either been routed or destroyed."
    "There is more than one way to win a war…." Deerinea replied, her eyes glazing softly.
    "We’ll fight – won’t we?" Silverfox asked the others.
    "Without a doubt…." Glider replied his young face hardening with his resolve.

    Mack remained silent, his muzzle betraying his worried thoughts, which twisted within him. Silverfox reached out and hugged the young and frightened Mack to her tightly.
    "It’s all going to turn out alright Mack – there’s no need to worry."
    Mack looked at Silverfox. "How can you be so certain? We’ve already lost many of our major cities…and our military forces have been decimated…."
    "Then all the more reason for us to fight!" Silverfox growled. "They invaded us once before…and we repelled them. Now, are we going to roll on our backs in submission to them? Or are we going to make a stand. We need to draw a line – and Meldaron, by Millar’s name, is that line. This far – no further…."
Deerinea sat and listened thoughtfully to Silverfox. Indeed, Silverfox showed much promise as a commander for the upcoming battle. Her resolve was tempered by her deeply held love for her friends and people…but her ability to give orders needed some refinement.
    "Get some sleep…." Deerinea told them. "Tomorrow, we’re going to try and get a transport out of this city…."
    "A…what." Glider asked.
    "It’s too far a distance to travel on foot – " Deerinea commented. "By the time we got out of here – the battle would be over. For good or ill."
    "Are you crazy?" Mack whined. "Any spaceships caught are annihilated."
    Deerinea smiled weakly. "Let’s just say – I’ve got some contacts…. Amongst those, I have a lot of Meldaron friends, who owe me large favours. It’s time to call some of them in."
    Silverfox looked at Deerinea strangely. "You’re a military officer…aren’t you."
    Deerinea smiled even weaker – then nodded her antlered head.  "It shows that much?"
    Silverfox smiled softly. "In ways…. So, what division are you serving under?"

    Deerinea sighed. "I am a member of the Meldaron military – that’s no secret. I am a covert operations officer. Whitetail is the actual…" Deerinea stumbled for the right word. "Field Operative in the field. I receive the information, and it is up to me to priorate the mission parameters, then relay them to the field operatives and troops."
    "You’re a spook?" Mack asked.
Deerinea withered him with a look, making Mack cringe back in trepidation.
    "Mack – we are not spooks as the slang nickname is for us. We are field operatives, working for the Meldaron military forces. Sadly, since the war really took strength, we’ve been cut off from communications with our other operatives. We fear that they’ve either been captured – or killed. Naturally, any and all operatives are well trained, and will never break under torture or duress. They will die to withhold their secret information on the Meldaron military deployment and their secretive objectives."
    "Is it any secret – what brought you to Foxville?" Silverfox asked.
    "We were hunting for a potential turn-coat. One of our other field operatives had been killed in the line of duty, and she bore vital information on the Schinicin’s. Naturally, this information is of the highest security classification…and she was meant to meet us in Foxville. Sadly, she was betrayed – and summarily executed by those who are sworn to work against us."
    "Is that – " Silverfox began.
    "Yes – " Deerinea replied sadly. "That weasel was one of the fallen. A once talented field operative, which turned upon the Meldaron’s and sided with the Schinicin. They don’t realise what they’ve done to us…and to themselves. Once the Schinicin have drained them of all the information they have – they’ll be executed.

    "What of the information?" Glider asked.
    "It was recovered – and has since been passed through other channels, and will be disseminated at the secret base. It is hoped, that a weakness can be found and exploited…."
    "How?" Glider asked. "Sure – it is true we beat them once before – but now…."
    Deerinea sighed, the pushed away her barely touched meal.
    "As I said – it is hoped, that this information, obtained through covert means, will help our high command, to find a weakness in the Schinicin forces…. If possible."
With that, Deerinea rose and walked from the mess hall, shaking her head softly. Silverfox watched her go wondering what her friends and Silverfox herself, had become involved in.

    Drawing comfort from her memories of her fathers’ victories against the evil Schinicin’s, Silverfox’s resolve hardened in to the cold sharp steel of her firm resolve. Even if no weakness in the Schinicin could be found, Silverfox was positive, that she would no rest, until she had done all she could – to avenge what had befallen her once beautiful world…and her people.  Indeed…the Schinicin would regret ever taking on this world…and her people….


    A few days passed as they waited for Whitetail to regain some of his strength. News slowly comes too them all, of the extent of the Schinicin invasion and conquest. Many of the Meldaron cities were firmly under Schinicin rule, or pounded in to radioactive wastelands. Millions of Meldaron’s had perished, and hundreds of thousands were being routinely rounded up and sent to re-education camps. Silverfox wept when she heard this disturbing news, as she knew all too well, just what these camps were…. They were death camps, where many of the Meldaron’s would suffer terrible deaths, waiting for a rescue, that would never come. Late one evening, Whitetail came to the three friends quarters.
    "Silverfox – " Whitetail whispered. "It is time…."
    "We’re moving out?" Silverfox asked.
    "Within the hour. Raise the others and prepare for deployment." He rasped.
    "Are you well enough to travel?" Silverfox asked, noting how tender he looked.
    "I’m well enough…. We’ve already wasted too much time." Whitetail spoke brusquely.
    "Has – " Silverfox began.
    "There’s little time. Come on, get the others and let’s move."

    Silverfox came alive energised by the voice of authority within Whitetail’s speech. Contrary to what Silverfox would have said, she was raised to obey orders, and Silverfox knew better than to argue with one in authority. Quickly, Silverfox woke the others, then they prepared their meagre possessions and equipment. Whitetail watched them, then sighed softly.
    "I don’t have a lot of time – so let’s make it quick. I do not mean to come down on you kids hard…but on the other paw, I do not have time to play nursemaid to a bunch of pups. Have any of you – had any military experience?"
Silverfox raised her paw, and after a few moments, Mack raised his tentatively.
    "What about you – Glider?" Whitetail asked.
    "Sorry…next to none." Glider replied hesitantly.
    "Well enough. Okay, let’s get you pups outfitted in to your new equipment. Silverfox, I see that you’re already armed and armoured…. Care to get some newer armour?" Whitetail asked.
    "I’d die – before I parted with this…." Silverfox whispered softly.
    "It is…." Whitetail began.

    "This belonged to my father…who served the King in the great Meldaron war. Now, I wish to follow in my fathers footsteps, and honour his spirit."
    "A noble cause my young Tashan. That is a highly commendable and noble cause. Come on…we’ve got a lot of work to do…and a little time…."
    "Where’s Deerinea?" Mack asked.
    "Deerinea is out seeing about obtaining some transportation out of here…." Whitetail spoke, then chased them from the room.
Quickly, Whitetail led them down to the small armoury, where they were properly outfitted with heavy field packs and weapons. Whitetail took an easily concealed heavy pistol, as well as a concealed sniping rifle. Mack was equipped with a laser rifle and an equally efficient pistol, which he belted at his waist. Silverfox contented herself with a concealed pistol and spare clips for her fathers pulse rifle.
    "These packs weigh a ton!" Mack moaned, as Glider helped him to lift it.
    "That they do…." Whitetail conceded. "However, they will keep you alive. Within each pack, are two weeks worth of supplies, and other necessary equipment. Also, there is a fully stocked field kit, which will be used if in the advent of being wounded in the field."
    "We’re going to see combat?" Glider asked.
Whitetail looked sternly at them.

    "Naturally…" Silverfox commented. "That’s what it is all about. Is the reclamation of our world…isn’t it?"
    Whitetail nodded in agreement. "Aye my young vixen. That it is indeed. We defeated the Schinicin once before…and this time – we’re going to do it right. Once and for all."
    "Is there any news on other systems in this sector?" Glider whispered.
    "No news as of yet – but there will be no doubt that the Schinicin forces are blockading this world…and once it’s firmly subjugated, they will move on and subjugate the other surrounding systems."
    "Then my own home-world…." Glider asked.
    "If we’re fortunate here…then the other surrounding systems will be saved. At least, it is hoped, that they will have received word of the Imperial attack here – and they will be more prepared, than sadly, we were." Whitetail spoke. "Come on – it’s time we made our move."
Slipping their heavy packs on to their backs, the three friends followed Whitetail from the armoury and down in to the main meeting room. Here, over three dozen Meldaron’s were gathered, awaiting the orders to come through.

    An old Tashan, an elderly wolf, his muzzle greyed with age, took the podium and cleared his throat in a rasping cough.
    "My fellow compatriots….  As we are all painfully aware, our world was caught unprepared – for the Schinicin invasion. However, we’re gathering all our remaining forces, in hopes of making it to the Unknown Hills, from whence, we shall plan the reclamation of our world. I can not lie to you…to any of you. This war is going to be long – and only Millar knows how many more will die…in this struggle to liberate our world."  He paused and resumed his speech.  "Schinicin forces have over-run our world…and many of our military forces have been decimated. This is unfortunate, and it is in you…the young, that we place our greatest hopes."
    He paused, then stepped aside. "Lt. Deerinea, if you will…." He spoke.

    Lt. Deerinea took the podium, then spoke, quietly her voice filled with her dread.
    "We’ve managed to arrange for transports off of Foxville. Sadly, some of these transports are filling rapidly, and we can’t hope to transport everyone to the base in the Unknown Hills. Many of you will have to try and make it there on your own…and we hope that we’ll see you there. If you can not find transport from this city, then your orders are to disband and scatter throughout the safe houses around Foxville, and do what you can to assist those others, who are still being oppressed by the Schinicin forces. This mission is of utmost importance to us all, and may Millar watch over you all…."
With that, the gathered Meldaron’s scattered to their assigned orders, each of them wondering if they would live to see the liberation of their home world from the Schinicin Empire. Whitetail met up with Deerinea and the other three friends.
    "I’ve arranged for a independent meeting with a trader. We’ve got to meet him at the Wounded Guldarian in thirty-five minutes. Let’s move out." Deerinea spoke.
Quickly, the three friends followed Deerinea out of the warehouse and down dim back alleys, until they made their way to the assigned rendezvous point. Hiding their equipment, they entered the bar casually, each acting independently of the others.

    Sweet, pungent smoke filled the bar, and the low murmur of voices hummed softly. Deerinea made her way back to a dim corner of the booths, where she sat casually. Whitetail took a casual position at the bar, but kept a careful eye on her. Silverfox, Mack and Glider sat at another booth, not far from where Deerinea sat. They looked out of place there, even though they tried to be inconspicuous. After a few moments, Deerinea’s contact came up to her and sat down opposite her. He was a native of the Netherworld Cliffs, a predominantly catlike race. His long yellowish mane was of extensive length, worn in a loose ponytail that cascaded down his back. A barely concealed heavy pistol was evident in a shoulder harness underneath his black trench coat that he wore. His eyes looked furtive but wary.
    "I’m Drak. You want transport out of here?" He spoke his voice soft and cautious.
    Deerinea nodded quickly. "Can you arrange it?"
    He laughed scornfully, making Deerinea cautious.  "You want to hire me…to transport you out of here – and out-run those Schinicin warships?"
    "That was the plan." Deerinea commented.
    "Nothing easier – but what’s the cargo?" He laughed again.
    "Myself – some supplies and a few companions." Deerinea told him.
    "I see – well…out-running the Imperials is one thing…evading their star-fighters, that’s quite another. It’s going to cost you…."

    Deerinea snorted. "I knew there would be a catch. Name it."
    "If you want to risk it yourself – " Drak grated. "It’s no fur off my muzzle. I’m content to sit here and wait it out…."
    "I’ve heard you're good – real good."
    "So you’ve heard of my reputation have you? I’ve outrun those lumbering Star-Crushers before…no big deal." Drak smiled wolfishly.
    "How much?" Deerinea sighed, knowing that she was over a barrel.
    "Well – that depends. Where you want to go?"
    Deerinea was hesitant, and leaned in close. "We need transport to the Eye of Infinity…."
    Drak leaned back, then put his feet up on the table.  "You want to be transported to the temple?"
    "That’s right."
    "That’s a fair travel – and the Schinicin’s are fairly thick out that way…rumour has it that there’s a Meldaron base out that way. A handsome reward is being posted for that bases location…."
    "We all know what rumours are – " Deerinea countered.

    Drak laughed sceptically.
    "So – what’s the cost of transportation to the Temple of the Eye of Infinity?" Deerinea hedged.
    "Well – it’s risky – " Drak replied.
    "It can be done of course…."
    "Oh – there’s no doubt in that. It can be done…but it’s going to cost you – 30,000 credits."
    "What?" Deerinea exploded.
    "That’s my contract price – take it or leave it. As I said, it’s no fur off my muzzle. Stay here if you like – or find another pilot."
Deerinea was trapped – she knew that. Desperate for an answer, she cast about, wondering how she could get herself and her companions safely to the Temple.
    "I doubt that you’ll find any other pilot of measurable skill – or willingness to risk their ship and their life…." Drak smiled cruelly.
    "30k?" Deerinea moaned. "That’s extortion!"
    "Well – you want out of here?" Come Drak’s scathing reply.

    Whitetail appeared out of seemingly thin air, then sat beside Deerinea. Drak was momentarily thrown off his guard by the surprising appearance.
    "Listen – " Whitetail spoke, his voice soft but filled with the hint of menace. "We can pay you ten thousand now…and an additional thirty-five when we reach the destination…."
    Drak blinked. "45k?"
Whitetail stared at him intently, forcing the young upstart mercenary panther to look away hurriedly.
    "Alright – a deal. My ship, the Meldaron Conquest, is in landing bay twelve. Be there in fifteen minutes…."
Deerinea opened her mouth to speak, but a covert kick from Whitetail silenced her.
    "A pleasure doing business with you…." Whitetail spoke. "Bay twelve…."
Drak rose on decidedly shaky legs, and returned to the bar. Whitetail looked at Deerinea and she leaned in close.
    "Just how are we going to come up with that sort of credits?"  Deerinea moaned.
    Whitetail smiled softly then slipped his hood up over his head. "I’ve got my ways…."
    "Whitetail – " Deerinea moaned.
    "It’s legal – believe me. I got some old friends in places…who owe me favours. I think it is time to call them all in."
    "What makes you think they’ll still be here?"
    "Because I know they will be. Sadly, they operate both with and without the law."
    "Amongst other things…."

    As suddenly as he appeared, Whitetail was gone again, leaving Deerinea to sit and think for a moment, before she gestured to the others.
    "We’ve got a transport vessel. Be at landing bay twelve in ten minutes…." Deerinea told them.
    "Is it safe?" Mack whimpered.
    "As safe as it’s going to be…." Deerinea sighed. "Come on, let’s get out of here…."
Silverfox rose, then watched Mack and Glider’s hesitant expressions.
    "Come on – we do not have all day!" Deerinea hissed. "We’ve got a long war ahead of us…and we don’t want to be late!"
They made their way from the bar, and retrieved their equipment. None of them saw the furtive black cloaked figure stalk them, then speak quietly in to a small-concealed transmitter….

    Foxville Spaceport – Docking Bay Twelve

    Deerinea led the three companions to the spaceport-docking bay, where they found the old star-ship parked. Drak was there, supervising the restocking of his ship by the flight crew droids.
    "This heap is going to get us past the Schinicin star-fighter blanket?" Glider asked.
    "Do not look a gift horse in the mouth hyooman." Drak seethed. "I’ve spent a lot of my own personal time, credits and effort on this ship. Albeit she doesn’t look like a great deal on the outside, but she’s amongst this fastest this side of the galaxy. If you’d be so kind as to get inside, I’ll finish up here and we’ll get on our way."
Deerinea made her way inside, and then Glider followed. Silverfox waited at the entrance of the ramp, her hand resting on one of the supporting struts. Something tingled warningly at the back of her mind, and her fears were realised, as a squad of twelve Schinicin infantry stormed the docking bay!
    "You there! Halt!" Snarled a Schinicin soldier.
    "Oh sweet Millar!" Drak screamed then ran up inside the ship. "Come on you Vixen…we’re leaving !"

    Pulse laser fire ripped in to the docking bay walls and the ship, as Silverfox squealed and rolled under cover of the ship. Hurriedly, Silverfox shed the heavy pack, then un-holstered her own heavy pistol. Firing blindly, Silverfox shot wildly at one of the Schinicin soldiers, then ducked back under cover. Above her, Silverfox heard the freighter warming up its engines.
    "Silverfox!" Glider screamed from above. "Come on!"
Silverfox screamed, as a blaster bolt ricocheted off the hull, near her head.
    "I can’t! They’ve got me pinned down!" Silverfox wept, as she fired again, dropping one of the soldiers.
A torrential hail of pulse laser fire returned her shot, spanging off the thick hull plating of the ship. Up inside the ship, Drak cursed and swore, as he fought the ship, trying to get its engines up to warmth.
    "Do something!" Glider wailed. "Silverfox will be cut to ribbons out there!"
Drak snarled, then slapped a button on the console of the bridge. A secret panel opened up underneath the ship and a tri-fire pulse rifle appeared and opened fire. Schinicin soldiers scattered, seeking shelter from the deadly fire from the ship. Silverfox made good her opportunity to escape, and ran up the ramp, the Schinicin laser fire nipping at her heels.

    "Get us the hell out of here!" Deerinea wailed, as she slapped the hatch controls closed.
Drak snarled, then applied more power to the still cold star-drives. There was a sickening groaning sound, then the shipboard control systems blinked out.
    "You son of a…." Drak growled, then belted it again.
To his surprise, the shipboard control systems flared back in to life.
    "What about Whitetail?" Mack whined. "We’ve got to wait for him!"
    "There is no time!" Deerinea growled. "He’ll catch up to us…he always does."
    "Hang on people…this is where the fun begins…." Drak grated, as he heaved the star-ship up off the docking bay floor. Schinicin soldiers fired vainly, their laser blasts ricocheting off the ship as it thundered in to the sky….


    Aboard the leading Star-Crusher, Grand Admiral Sith Hirr Draconis glared at the monitor.
    "I thought all ships were grounded…." He snarled.
    "Sire – this vessel isn’t one of ours." Came the response.
    "Then deal with it…scramble the star-fighters to shoot it down." Sith Hirr Draconis raged.
Immediately, the order was relayed to the flight commanders’ groundside. Within moments, the fighters were scrambling.
    "Shoot it down…I don’t care what it takes!" Sith Hirr Draconis snarled. "I want it destroyed!"
Quickly, the fighters rose in to the sky, then vectored for an intercept flight path. Grand Admiral Sith Hirr Draconis watched impatiently displeased that a lone star-ship had the tenacity to try and outrun the Imperial blockade of Meldaron.
    "Keep me informed of the proceedings…and ensure a total immobilisation of non-authorised star-ships in that spaceport." Sith Hirr Draconis growled, as he rose from his throne and swept from the bridge.  "I don’t care what it takes, I will not tolerate ineptitude."
    "Just do it!" Sith Hirr Draconis snarled, as he stormed from the bridge.


    "Oh great – " Drak moaned, as the threat indicators lit up on his ship.
    "Now what?" Deerinea spoke, as she came up on to the bridge.
    "We’ve got company…. At least six Schinicin star-fighters vectoring in on our flight-path."
    "Can you out-run them?" Silverfox asked.
    "No…." Drak replied tersely. "They’re a lot more manoeuvrable and faster than we are."
    "Oh great – " Mack sniffled. "We’re going to die!"
    "Would you shut up!" Deerinea suddenly snapped, turning on Mack. "We’re not going to die."
Mack looked at her, then burst in to tears and fled the bridge. Silverfox stared at Deerinea, then went to comfort her friend.
    "Deerinea – " Glider spoke.
    "I don’t have time to play nursemaid to a pup…." Deerinea growled. "Now…Drak, does this tub have armaments?"
Drak stared back at her, then cursed as a laser blast struck the ship from behind, making it jump.
    "This old girl has quad laser turrets, top and bottom. Any of you know how to operate a star-ships guns?"
    "I’m well versed in their use…." Deerinea snapped tensely. "Glider – with me."
    "Make it quick!" Drak wailed, as the ship thundered and rocked, under heavy fire.

    Deerinea scrambled up to the topside gun tower and Glider slid down the shaft in to the bottom turret position. Here, he strapped himself in to the gunnery seat, then activated the gun controls. Again, the ship rocked and a sickening squeal came from the superstructure of the ship, as Drak fought against the ship itself, attempting to evade the laser fire. When the on-board capacitors had charged, Glider gripped the gun fire controls, then began scanning for the fighters.
    "Four from behind – one from above and one below!" Came Deerinea’s reply over the shipboard communications.
Again, the ship screamed, as the Schinicin fighters tore in to it’s shielding. Glider attempted to track the swift fighters, but his laser fire tracked empty air.
    "They’re too quick!" Glider groaned. "I can’t track them!"
    "Deactivate the gunnery computer!" Drak swore. "Go natural…trust your own instincts!"
Once more, the ship was battered, and then a sub-sonic shudder ran through the vessels' superstructure. Deerinea gritted her teeth, then fired swiftly, tracking in a 180o arc, and she was rewarded with watching one of the Schinicin fighters erupt in to an incandescent ball of flames.
    "Scratch one Schinicin fighter!" Deerinea squealed in pleasure.
    "Do not get overconfident back there…" Drak yelled back. "There’s still more of them out there…. Get busy people, shield integrity strengths are falling concurrently."

    Glider growled, then resumed fighting against the guns natural predisposition. To his surprise, a Schinicin fighter screamed directly towards him, and he didn’t hesitate, in filling the fighter full of high-energy laser fire. It exploded and its’ flaming wreckage plummeted back down towards the planet below, burning out of control. Glider had no time in which to celebrate his victory, as the remaining four fighters mercilessly pounded the ship from behind and below. There was a sickening lurch, and Drak snarled.
    "Get real busy…. One decent hit on our back quarter and we’ve had it…. That last hit has taken out one of our drives…and destroyed the magnetic casing about the star-drives. Come on…take them out!" Drak grated, as the ship lurched and bucked, under merciless assault from the remaining fighters….
Deerinea twisted about then adjusted her gun sights quickly, before she ran her guns across the nose of a Schinicin fighter. It immediately banked…straight in the flight path of another fighter. Together, the two star-fighters erupted in to flames, their wreckage falling from the sky, leaving a trail of debris and smoke. Drak swore, then a loud braying alarm ripped through the ship.
    "What in Meldaron is that ?" Silverfox asked.
    "Damn them!" Drak wailed. "They’ve hit the main power conduits! We’re losing power – she’s lost…get to the escape pods!"
Drak activated the escape pod routines, then ran past the others and slammed open the emergency pod bulkheads.
    "Get in…hurry!" Drak wailed.
    Beneath their feet, the ship buckled and rocked violently, as there was a loud explosion far back in the engine bay.
    "GO!" Drak barked. "We’re out of time! This puppy’s going to blow!"

    They barely managed to scramble madly in to the escape pod, then had the hatch seal closed, before the ship began to explode. Seconds after their pod had jettisoned; the ship erupted in to a ball of flames and debris, sending the pod hurtling out of control – down towards the planet below….
    "Get in the…safety…webbing…." Deerinea moaned, the enormous G-forces beginning to crush them.
    "I…can’t breathe…." Glider gasped.
    Summoning every ounce of strength she had, Silverfox managed to somehow drag Mack in to the webbing and Deerinea rescued Glider. Silverfox began gasping, her ribs cracking under the incredible stresses that the pod was enduring. All of them felt it, Mack worst of all. There was a sickening wet snap, and then blood began frothing on his muzzle, as his thick armour broke four of his ribs.  Silverfox moaned in pain, knowing that there was nothing she could do to save her beloved friend…. Heat from the upper atmosphere made the temperature in the pod rise to almost hideously painful thresholds, as the climate control computers struggled to restore balance.
    "Warning…stabilising jets malfunction. Impact in moments. Repeat, stabilising jets malfunction. Pod misfiring…imminent impact…please brace for impact." Spoke the on-board pod control computers.
Mack began gurgling, his eyes rolling back in his head, as his crushing armour further drove the broken ribs inside of him. Silverfox and the others could do nothing…except wait…and pray that the safety webbing around them, would save them from the imminent impact….


    Aboard the Schinicin flagship, a young lieutenant came to Grand Admiral Sith Hirr Draconis’ quarters.
    "Come – " Was the response.
Hesitantly, the young reptilian officer swallowed then entered the cavernous chamber. Sith Hirr Draconis sat in a massive throne, his back to the officer, as he perused the myriad displays that were reflected on the wall before him.
    "Yes Lieutenant…." Come the Grand Admiral’s soft hiss.
    "Sire…the star-ship…."
Slowly, the Grand Admiral turned to look back over his shoulder.
    "Sir – the star-ship…was destroyed, as per your orders." Spoke the officer nervously.
    "Any assurances of this Lieutenant?" Asked Sith Hirr Draconis, as he returned to watching the screens.
    "Sire – there were no signs of escape…but a pod was jettisoned prior to the ship exploding. The explosion of the craft impeded life-sign telemetry, but the pod was seen plunging towards Meldaron. Sir – it is highly unlikely, due to external visual damage to the pod, that anyone is alive…."
    "Are you so certain in this regard Lieutenant?" Spoke the Grand Admiral.
    "Answer me lieutenant."
    "Sir – I’ll order an immediate patrol to sweep the area."
    "Excellent Lieutenant…you show promise after all. Have the patrol sweep the area…and have them do a thorough ground search as well. I want any possible survivors found…and brought to me personally."
    "You have your orders lieutenant…see to them."
    "At once sire."

    Quickly, the young officer bowed and left the chamber, grateful to still be alive. Sith Hirr Draconis sat and pondered, then changed the view-screens, to the battle schematic of the war on Meldaron. He sat and watched the flickering projections and reports, then switched the view to an external camera outside the flagship. In orbit nearby, he could see the other Star-Crushers in their assigned positions, awaiting further orders. Below, hung the blue green planet Meldaron, which had proven to be far too easy in taking. Sith Hirr Draconis was not foolish – and he knew, instinctively, that the Meldaron’s were planning a counter-strike. What he did not know, and what enraged him, was where their secret base was located. His spies had little to report, on the location, even though the Grand Admiral had personally ordered a reward of a half million credits, for the person who told the Schinicin where the secret Meldaron base was.  He knew it existed, but its location was most elusive. It angered him, but also, gave him some perverse pleasure, in this cat and mouse campaign, that the Meldaron’s seemed to want to wage against the mighty Schinicin Empire. In an odd way, he admired them. They fought with a tenacity and righteousness that was deceiving in such a race. He found it mildly refreshing, considering how many other systems, that he had personally led the conquest on – and how one system, when offered twenty four hours to surrender…the entire population committed mass suicide. He found that a surprise, but it made capturing the world all that much easier.

    In his centuries of life, he had searched for a foe worthy of his time and attention…and in the Meldaron’s, he believed…that he might just have found such a challenge – or so he hoped….

    Drawing a deep breath of the swirling chlorine gas aboard his ship – the Grand Admiral smiled softly…and cruelly. Indeed, he had hopes, this battle would shape up to be all that he had ever wanted – and deserved. Naturally, the Meldaron’s would fall; it was a foregone conclusion. Still, Sith Hirr Draconis drew pleasure from their futile attempts to strike back at the far stronger military armada, which held it’s blanketing orbit over their world. Once the Meldaron’s had succumb, his orders were to move on through the galaxy, and conquer the most elusive prize of all, the fabled star system Sol, with its planet Terra. It was rumoured that from Terra sprang the hyooman race, which in turn gave rise to the anthropomorphic animals. Grand Admiral exhaled then called up the ancient legends and lore of the mystical Terra.  With a moment’s pause, the computer beeped and produced the documented history for his immediate perusal….

Star System                                : Sol
System Composition                 : One yellow star, nine planets in system
System Life forms Present     : Terran's
System Information                  : System information is available on many different aspects of this system. Please specify area of inquiry.

    "Terra…." Spoke the Grand Admiral softly.

Terra                                             : Third planet in system Sol. Inhabited by native Terran race, also called hyooman. Terra has a predominantly oxygen rich atmosphere, along with high levels of many toxic pollutants. Residual radiation levels are deadly to many races on much of terra, but some areas are defined as clean. Estimated population pre-world war III, 300 billion. Estimated populations post WW III – 132 Million. Terrans are terraforming the world back in to it’s pre-atomic war age, but the process is expected to take upwards of five thousand years.

    "Display information on military predisposition of Terran space defence and ground force deployments." Asked the Grand Admiral.

Terra – Military Status Report     : Terran Military status. Terra has well defined space capability. Pre-atomic war stage, the Terran military forces had intra-system space flight warships. Global Earth Defence laser systems were integrated in to existing military sub-systems. Large military outpost and spaceport colonised on Luna surface, with outposts scattered throughout the system, including long range scanning post established on Pluto, last planet in system.

    "Computer, estimate approximate time for conquest of Terra and subsequent subjugation of said planet in to the Schinicin Empire." Asked the Grand Admiral. "Correction, clarify post war status on military force deployment and approximation of military strengths and possible length of time to subjugate world in to the Empire, both with and without destruction of Terran Outposts and Lunar Colony.


Terra – Current Military Status     : Post atomic era – orbital laser defences still active, but not used. Space travel is just now returning to the sleeper class transport.

    "Computer, clarify Sleeper class transports."


Sleeper Class Transports             : Sleeper Class Transports employ old ion-drives, with military personnel on-board, asleep in cryogenic stasis for much of the duration of the flight. Sleeper class transports are slow, taking many standard Terran months, to reach the nearest Military Outposts, on IO and Europa.

    "Computer – length of time spent in transit to destination Outpost."

Sleeper Class Transports take upwards of one standard Terran year, to reach IO or Europa outposts. Takes in excess of four years to reach Pluto outpost.

    "Clarify – cause of atomic devastation on Terra…."

Cause of Terran War                 : Analysis of antiquated Terran satellites reveal that cause for world wide irradiation and massive loss of life is due in sole to Terran’s turning over defence surveillance to automated systems. Information has it that said defence systems became self-aware and foreseen it’s own demise.  It initiated the atomic war, in attempts to destroy all Terran's, that it perceived as threats to its newfound intelligence and awareness.  Systems were specifically designed to withstand nuclear war, but the system did not understand that in destroying it’s enemies, that it in effect, was heralding it’s own demise.

    "Return to original request of information…"


    "Correction, clarify post war status on military force deployment and approximation of military strengths and possible length of time to subjugate world in to the Schinicin Empire, both with and without destruction of Terran Outposts and Lunar Colony." Spoke the Grand Admiral.


Terran Military Force             : Terran Military force deployment with previous flight capability is being investigated and developed. Global Earth Defence system fully active and online. Large military presence on IO and Europa, as outposts and an even larger posting on Luna surface. Large numbers of military class battle cruisers and smaller supporting ships in evidence on outposts and lunar post.  Estimation of time required for subjugation and pacification of Terran Military forces based on current data.  Estimation is four standard Terran months, for total system wide subjugation of Terran Military forces.

    "Computer, estimate probability time factor for subjugation and pacification of Terra, without destruction of Terran Military outposts." Asked the Grand Admiral, as he read the relevant data that scrolled past him.


Subjugation of Terra         : Estimation time and expenditure of subjugating and pacifying Terra, post destruction of outposts…estimated time is five standard Terran years. Schinicin losses estimated at ninety-eight procreant of naval fleet, and sixty-nine percent loss of ground forces deployed.

    Slowly, the realisation spread across the mind of the Schinicin Grand Admiral.
    "Computer, are these estimations based on current naval fleet and deployment strengths?"


Negative. Estimated that entire Schinicin fleet is deployed and ground forces mobilised. Accounting for time spent in transit compared to production facilities of Terra, Schinicin losses rise accordingly.

    "Computer, define estimated overall battle outcome with total deployment of naval fleet and ground forces. Factor in all aspects of the battle, down to the last creature taking the field." Asked the Grand Admiral.


Estimation of time before computations completed, based on current information and stellar time…six weeks.

    "Computer, utilise any and all available non-essential computational sub-systems to analyse and report on request." Demanded the Grand Admiral.


Revised Estimation Time Completion : One stellar month, fifty-six hours, 42 minutes, sixteen seconds, 0.92 microseconds, 0.012….

    "Computer…" Asked the Grand Admiral. "I don’t need a millisecond breakdown on the analysis…. Just make the computations and let me know when you have an answer…."



    It’s outer heat-shielding burning away, the out of control pod hurtled down through the upper atmosphere, then as if Millar herself was watching over them, it crashed heavily in to the dark and churning waters of the great Netherworld Cliffs river. Immediately, the pod began sinking in to the black depths of the river, its outer shell creaking as the pressure rose outside the hull.
    "Dear Millar…." Drak swore. "We’re alive!"
    "Not for long…." Deerinea moaned, as she struggled free from the safety webbing.
A loud clang echoed through the pod, as it struck underwater rocks. Already, moisture began beading on the inner walls of the creaking pod.
    "Mack…Mack!" Silverfox wailed, struggling to awake her beloved friend.
    "Silverfox…" Glider whispered, as he ran a finger across the moisture-condensed window. "He’s been badly hurt…but we’ve got to get out of here…."
    "Alright…everyone shed whatever we can…" Deerinea spoke. "When this pod is opened, the pressure is going to equalise. Take a deep breath and shed what-ever items we don’t need, as we’re going to have to swim for our lives…."

    Silverfox tearfully shed her fathers armour and Glider managed to wrestle the unconscious and critically wounded Mack out of his own armour. Stowing what equipment they could in one of their packs, namely food rations, weapons and the barest of survival equipment, they drew a great gulping breath. As Deerinea opened the pod door, a torrential flood of water rushed in, and flattened them back against the bottom of the now rapidly sinking pod. Struggling wildly, they managed to escape the pod, but the incredible currents dragged them down deeper, despite their attempts to kick their way towards what they assumed, was the surface….

    Below them, a stream of bubbles trickled up, and then there was a dull concussive thud that ran through the water, as the pod was crushed by the rising pressure. Struggling valiantly, they kicked their way upwards, their lungs screaming for oxygen…. Just as their physical strength gave out, they broke the surface of the river…to find the worst storm in their lives, was lashing this part of the continent.  Gasping, they dragged themselves up the shallow bank of the river, and lay convulsing and choking. Silverfox turned to Mack, then her eyes widened in horror….
    "Mack…Mack!" Silverfox wailed, as she grabbed him and slammed him hard against the riverbank. " Mack!"
Glider stared at her, and then he noticed that Mack’s chest was still – his eyes' rolled back in his head. Tears of grief stung Glider’s eyes, as he came to realise, his best friend, beside Silverfox, had drowned in the rivers' fury….

    Both Glider and Silverfox sat beside their deceased friend for hours, as the torrential rain blasted down around them. Drak and Deerinea felt sadness as well, but they gave the two friends their personal space to grieve, and set about preparing the survival shelter.
    "Why?" Silverfox wailed, turning her muzzle towards the black skies, the rain soaking her fur and blending with the rain on her cheeks. "Why did he have to die? He had so much to live for…."
Glider’s rage overcome him, and he rose and turned his own face to the torrential skies.
    "Why have you done this Millar?" Glider screamed at the sky. "Why did you take one so young? Have you not been satiated with the loss of thousands of your beloved young already? Or are you so cruel and callous, that you would take away this young pup…just to spite those who have fought in your name – to restore your own world to you? I despise you and your beliefs! All my life, I’ve believed you were beneficent, a kind and loving Deity, but now, you’re true self becomes known! I cast down my faith in you, for you have no right to lay claim to these people…. For far too long, have the Meldaron’s held you in the highest of regards, worshipping you and believing that you would protect them! Only now, when they need you the most…do you turn away from them! Why? Why have you forsaken your followers, when they are crying out for deliverance amongst the darkness? I revoke you…and all that you stand for…."

    Deerinea, Drak and Silverfox stared in horror at Glider, as he continued his ceaseless tirade against Millar. They truly believed that the Goddess would strike down Glider, and they pleaded with him to refrain from his merciless lashing of their beloved Deity. He was inconsolable, heaving the vilest of retorts against her and her priests that he could summon. Indeed, the heavens heard, for the dark storm clouds above their pitiful camp, began to seethe and twist about themselves.
    "I DARE you Millar…should you have the strength…then strike me down! Do you have the courage to take yet another life? You have no right to call yourself a Deity…for you are the lowest of the pitiful – you…are…nothing …." Glider screamed.
Deafening peals of thunder roared in the clouds overhead, striking morbid terror in to the hearts of the Meldaron’s. Lightning ripped down from the clouds, and Glider screamed in agony, as he vanished amidst a massive lightning strike…. Silverfox, Deerinea and Drak were flattened by the explosive blast, their eyes blinded and their ears ringing….

    When they had recovered their vision and their hearing, they heard heartbreaking sobbing…. Silverfox rose from the mud, to see Glider standing, unharmed, by the lightning strike. His head was bowed and tears ran down his face, to fall to the ground below him. To their surprise, the rain broke apart and the clouds scattered, as a soft voice echoed in their heads….
    "Glider, son of Isabella and Delnarion…child of the Hyooman's, hear me. You were right in of what you said of me…. I have turned away from my young – for whom so desperately cry out in vain, pleading for me to help them…. For what have I become? That I turn away from my own young…when they cry out for salvation? You have been brave, in challenging my authority in ruling the Meldaron people…. As a result of your bravery, I hereby grant you the powers of the skies – the lightning, which should have destroyed you, – will make you stronger. It is yours too command, to use in defence of your friends and others who are in need…. Hundreds of thousands…have died…crying out for me to help them. I have been blinded by my own powers…my own feelings, so as to block out their anguished cries. "  Softly, Millar pain filled voice spoke to them once more.  " No more will I stand back and allow my people to suffer such torture and pain…. I can not change that which has happened, nor can I change the possible outcome of this war, between the Meldaron’s and the Schinicin’s. I may be a goddess, but even these things, are beyond the Deities powers to change. My young have come of age – and it is in this war, that they will either prosper and become adults, or they shall pass in to the annuls of history, like so many other races…on so many other worlds…before them. I can not foresee the future of this war, not that I would wish too…. How many will die in this senseless slaughter? I can not speak of such. Are mortals such narrowly minded creatures, that they seek to impose their will on other races? I alone am the goddess of these people – and it is upon my shoulders, falls the majority of the blame. Have I been too self centred, in my own abilities, that I had forsaken my own young? Or have I been over-protective, and shielded them all from so much – that I risk losing them all because of my foolish pride?"

    Slowly, Silverfox, Deerinea and Drak slumped to their knees in the mud, overwhelmed by the presence of their Deity.
    "I thank you Glider for awakening the truth within me…." Come the ethereal voice.
    "What of Mack Shazri? Why did you take his life?" Glider wept in helpless grief.
    "I do not take lives my child that is not my nature. If it is this young pup’s time, then it is his time. If it is not then it is not. I do not take lives, I only watch over them…."
    "Why then? Why are you forcing your people in to this senseless war?"
    "I can not answer you that question …. It is not I who decides the fates of my young; it is they themselves, who decide their fates. I am only the keeper of those who have passed on I am nothing more…. I have but one last thing to share with you…."

    "Meldaron has fallen…."

To Be Continued