Rising Star

Meldaron Falls

Story © Anthony Wain

Mailto: Cederwyn@snowy.org

Artwork © Angela Beaman

All rights reserved.


  Those gathered anthro’s stared in horror at Millar, who formed a soft, wavering image before them all. Millar gazed back at them in understanding.
    "Meldaron – " Silverfox began.
    "Meldaron – " Replied Millar’s telepathic response. "Has fallen to the invading Schinicin forces. It is in you, the resistance, which the future of this world rests. Only you, with your resolve and understanding , can reclaim your worldourworld. If you fail, then all will surely pass in to legend, and you’ll live as servants of the dark and vile Emperor."
    "What…what of our beloved friend Mack?" Glider sniffled.
    "Of him, I shall not speak of…. I shall take him with me, when I leave and leave I must…."
    "Why?" Why must you leave us – in our greatest hour of need?" Silverfox wept bitterly.
    Millar looked down at Silverfox compassionately.  "My child I’ve already done much harm, in coming to you all."
    "For of what do you speak?" Deerinea asked.
    "I must not directly meddle in the affairs of my young. You alone must decide the fate of yourselves and your world. Will you overcome your enslavement by the reptilian Schinicin’s? Or will you be content to live under the Empire’s yoke? How many worlds have the Schinicin taken – how many millions of lives sacrificed in vain – their lives wasted in useless and inept resistance? You all are fortunate, in many ways. You thwarted the Schinicin invasion once – now, do you have the ability – to do it once again?"
    "I…we…do not understand…." Silverfox sniffled.
    "Yes…." Millar replied cryptically. "There is much – much indeed – that you do not comprehend about this war. I can not interfere in this –, as it is within you all – that the true Meldaron lies. I wish I could help you – but alas, I can not…."
With that, the ethereal image of Millar broke apart and dissolved. Above them, the clouds began breaking up and dissipating in to the atmosphere, leaving behind the stunned Anthro’s and hyooman, who still was reeling from his near death experience.
    "Silverfox – " Deerinea whispered. "Mack…he’s gone!"
Silverfox twisted about, then stared at the blood spattered mud, where her beloved friend’s body had lain – now – there was nothing of him….

    "Why? Why has Millar taken him?" Silverfox wept bitterly. "He should have been left – as is our way…."
    "From the earth we come – and to the earth we return," Deerinea spoke quietly. "Such as has always been…."
    Drak moaned, then picked himself up and brushed the mud from his face.  "Now what?  We’ve got no ship – and no idea where we are…."
    Deerinea looked up at the night sky, and then she shook herself and took her bearings.  "If I am not mistaken – this is the Vallins River, that orginates in the Netherworld Cliff’s."
    "How do you know that?" Drak growled in displeasure.
    Deerinea turned on him and withered him with a look. "Unlike you – I know how to navigate by the stars…."
    "What about our weapons - our supplies?" Glider moaned. "We’ll starve!"
    Deerinea looked up at the moon, then back at the cold and frightened companions.  "No – we won’t starve…but we can not stay here. Undoubtably, the Schinicin will come looking for us…and I want to get as much distance between us and the ground search party, as we can manage."
Glider shuddered…and not only with the cold.
    "They’re going to chase us…aren’t they?" Silverfox asked.
    "If we do not get out of here…then they will not have to chase us. Yes. They will come looking for survivors of the crash…. That is just a formality. They honestly will not think that anyone had survived the crash…but if we do not make ourselves scarce – then we’ll find ourselves being entertained – at his Imperial majesties pleasure…. I am quite sure – that none of us want that." Deerinea shuddered. "Come on – let’s move out. We’re out of time…."

    Sadly, the companions retrieved what few supplies that they had – then began heading northeast, towards the small village of Silverstar Tree. Their heads bowed, footsteps slow, but ceaseless. They all knew the risks of being caught out in the open, as it was only a matter of time, before the Schinicin came looking for them.
    Some hours later, Deerinea called a halt.  "We’re going to have to travel mainly at night. It’s safer this way…."
    "How far do you think we’ve travelled?" Glider asked.
    "Only about eight miles…." Deerinea replied. "We’re cold…weak and hungry. Still, we’ve got too keep moving."
    "It’s going to take forever to get to the temple!" Drak swore.
    Deerinea glared at him. "Would you prefer to spend the rest of your life in a Schinicin prison camp?"
    Drak hesitated, then looked away. "No – of course not."
    Glider moved off in to the shadows, then his soft voice called out. "Hey – I’ve found a cave…or something."
Deerinea glared again at Drak then made her way to where Glider stood. Indeed, it was a cave, fairly dry and spacious.
    "We’ll camp here…and make our move when the darkness comes again. Schinicin forces will be searching the area…and I for one, do not wish to be caught out in the open." Deerina spoke quietly.
Deerinea took a glow-torch from her belt and struck it alight. Quickly, Deerinea and Glider scouted out the cave and come back outside.
    "It’s not the greatest place on Meldaron – but it’ll do for a while. Come on, let’s get ourselves some rest…." Deerinea muttered.

    Gratefully, the companions made their way in to the cave and slumped down. Glider managed to get a small campfire going, and they shed their wet clothes and sat around the fire, listening to the soft crackle of the wood.
    "How far do you think it is to the temple?" Silverfox asked.
    "If my calculations are right – " Deerinea replied.  "Then we crashed in the Vallin's river, and it’s about another thirty-five kilometres to Silverstar tree…in a straight line."
    "What’s that work out to be?" Glider asked.
    "Well – if it was a straight line, then we’d make it in a day or so…but since we’re on foot, and there’s some rough terrain in our way – it’s going to take us about another three days to get there…. That is – if the weather holds out for us."
    "Those Schinicin are fairly thick out this way…." Drak grated.
    "That they are…so we’re going to have to be extra careful. I do not think that they would seriously bother with Silverstar Tree village, as it’s not really close to anything of military importance." Deerinea spoke, then sighed.
    "Except…." Silverfox prodded her.
    "Except – that they have rumours of the secret base out this way…. I do not think that Silverstar Tree village will be so quiet for much longer. Hopefully, we can get some supplies there – and if we’re lucky, transportation to the temple."
    "I wish I had your confidence…." Silverfox moaned, then rolled over and went to sleep.


        Crash Site – Edge of the Vallin's River .

    A squad of two-dozen Schinicin soldiers and assorted search craft were spread across both sides of the river. They were searching for debris from the crashed pod, and finally, one of them discovered the evidence that they were seeking.
    "Sir…." Spoke a reptilian soldier.
    "What is it?" Snarled the displeased Sargent.
    "Footprints sir…about four distinct sets…."
    "So – they did survive the crash. What I do not understand, is where the pod is…."
    "Probably swept away in the river sir."
    "Possibly…possibly. Spread out and call for reinforcements. These Meldaron’s couldn’t have gotten far. I must go inform the search Commander."
    "Yes sir."

    Quickly, the message was sent out on a secure military frequency, which in turn was relayed via a up-link to the orbiting Schinicin fleet, and in turn, it finally made it’s way to the Grand Admiral.
    "Sire – report from the search team…." Spoke the young Reptilian Captain.
    "Sire – they claim to have found evidence of survivors. There is no sign of the pod, but there is some minor debris scattered around the crash site.
    "So – they survived the crash…." Snarled the Grand Admiral. "How did they survive Captain?"
    Withholding his fear, the young Captain spoke. "Sire – life-sign telemetry was impeded by the explosion of the ship…. There was little we could do, as it blinded the sensors."
    Grand Admiral Sith Hirr Draconis growled deep in his throat. "What forces are deployed in that region?" He demanded.
    "Sire, we have deployed minimal forces in the Blue Moon Valley – "
    "Treble the current forces out there. I want these escapees captured Captain. I will not tolerate excuses."
    "Sire – what of the rumours of a secret Meldaron base in this area?" Asked the Captain.
    "My spies within the Meldaron people are working on this rumour Captain. Now deploy the forces…. Oh, remember one thing. I want them taken alive – as I suspect – that they are the key to this puzzle, of the Meldaron base’s location."
    "Only someone of importance would dare risk trying to out-run the Schinicin forces…."
    "Sire – the Meldaron high command would not dare – "

    "Of course the high command wouldn’t dare to risk it…. However, I suspect that it is a spy or someone like that – who has secret information that they are trying to get to the Meldaron forces. I want them found Captain – and brought to me personally…."
    "Yes sire…of course."
    "Oh – and Captain?"
    "Do not fail me Captain…."
    "Of course not sire…." Spoke the Captain, as he bowed and left the chamber.
Softly, the Grand Admiral exhaled and watched the smoke blend in to the chlorine rich atmosphere on-board his flagship.
    "You may run…" He spoke softly. "Yet – you can not hide forever…."

    Back planet-side, the Schinicin soldiers discovered the tracks and evidence of the companion’s escape. Quickly, the information was examined, then verified, as a scan of the area revealed the severely crushed pod, deep down in the river. Schinicin forces were mobilised in all directions, with orders to capture the survivors…alive.


    A few days passed, with the companions slowly making their way towards the village of Silverstar Tree. Here, they hoped to find some supplies and rest, before making their trip onwards to the Temple of the Eye of Infinity – or so they had hoped…. Every now and again during their flight from the crash site, they had managed to hide themselves from the Schinicin soldiers, that were sweeping the area, searching for them. At last, on the fourth night of their miraculous escape, they came to a small cliff, which overlooked the valley, in which – lay the shattered remains of Silverstar Tree village.
    "Oh sweet Millar…." Silverfox wept. "Why? What threat was this village to the Schinicin?"
    "Quite possibly – " Deerinea sighed in dejection. "They have suspected that someone has escaped the pod – and they’re planning for contingencies. They destroyed this village, knowing that it would be a likely destination for any people out this way."
    "Why? Why are they hurting the innocents – when it’s us that they want?"
    "Silverfox – pull yourself together." Deerinea snapped sharply. "This is no time to let our emotions get the better of us."
Silverfox opened her mouth to speak, but she snapped it closed again, as five armed Meldaron’s appeared from seemingly no-where and trained their rifles on them….
    "Halt – who are you?" Snapped one, a old Tashan.
    "I – " Began Silverfox, but Deerinea cut her off.
    "I am Lieutenant Deerinea, lieutenant of his majesties armed forces, operations division."
Some of the other Meldaron’s seemed doubtful and kept a wary eye on the others.
    "How do we know that?" Snarled the old wolf. "There’s spies everywhere…."
    "You’ll just have to take my word for it – won’t you?" Deerinea spoke softly.
    "Sargent…." Spoke the old Tashan. "Take them prisoner – the general will wish to speak with them…and we’ll find out who they really are."
    "Sir – " Spoke a young Alchemian, as he approached Deerinea, with a set of electronic handcuffs.
    "Do not try to imprison me – " Deerinea growled.
    "Sargent – do it." Spoke the Tashan.

    As the Alchemian reached out – none of them seen Deerinea move. One minute she was there, the next, the young Alchemian officer was lying choking on the ground and Deerinea had snatched a pistol from his belt. Twisting about, she neatly shot two of the Meldaron’s through the head and fired at the Tashan. Silverfox, Glider and Drak leapt for cover, as the remaining Meldaron’s opened fire. A shot spangled off a rock beside Glider’s head, making him cry out in alarm. Deerinea dropped another Meldaron, before she was surrounded, their weapons trained on her.
    "Surrender – or this Pearldinean will die." Snarled the Tashan.
Deerinea glared in anger, but she dropped the pistol and slowly put her hands behind her head. Indeed, Deerinea was good, but she was hopelessly out-gunned and had allowed herself to be manoeuvred in to a bad position.  Carefully, Drak, Silverfox and Glider stepped out from cover, and raised their hands.
    "You’re all under arrest – " Began the Tashan. "By order of his Imperial – "
    "NO!" Glider screamed then spread out his hands.

    Sickening crackling sounds lanced through the air, and the Meldaron soldiers screamed in terror and pain, as lightning spread from Glider’s outstretched hands. As if it were alive, the deadly lightning sizzled and cracked, tearing in to the Meldaron captors. Their bodies bucked and writhed, as the lightning electrocuted them. Their muzzles thrown open – their entire bodies racked with the bone shattering spasms that accompanied the deadly attack.  Within moments, sickening thuds were heard – as their bodies crumpled to the ground, dead before they hit. A faint stench of burned flesh and fur began drifting over the small hilltop.
    "Oh Millar – " Deerinea gasped. "What was that?"
Glider stared at his hands, and then he shuddered as he saw the shimmer of the lightning crackle sinisterly along his hands, before it dissipated once more.
    "I – " Drak began, then fell silent. "Deerinea…."
    "How did I know?" Deerinea asked. "It wasn’t easy. I got my first hint – by the way that they spoke. True Meldaron soldiers do not act that way…. I should know, I’ve taught enough in my years in the military."
    "What of the – " Silverfox asked.
    "I think – " Deerinea commented. "That Millar’s speech about the power of lightning, to Glider, was what that was all about? He’s somehow come in to the possession of the power to use the lightning – as a potent weapon."
    "I – do not know what happened!" Glider exclaimed.
    "Yes – well – we’re all very grateful Glider, as you’ve saved our lives." Deerinea spoke.
    "I – " Glider began.

    "You did it Glider – you saved us. These Meldaron’s had obviously turned against their people. They would have taken us prisoner – and turned us over to the Schinicin. At least now – we’re going to have a better chance. Scavenge what items we can – and hide the bodies. I’d rather not have them discovered with us in the area." Deerinea spoke sternly.
    "What about – " Silverfox asked.
    "Take their armour as well. With a little luck, we’ll be able to pass through easily, with any others like these – thinking that we’re a part of their forces."
    "You – want to take from the dead?" Silverfox asked in horror.
    Deerinea stared at her, then sighed. "Silverfox – I do not like it either, but we do need supplies – and weapons. Our journey is not yet over…and the Schinicin will be looking for us."
Knowing that Deerinea spoke the truth, the companions gathered what supplies and weaponry they could easily carry then buried the corpses. Silverfox gagged at the stench from the badly burned bodies, but she withheld her revulsion and soon, they were back under-way.
    "Silverfox – " Glider whispered, as they made their way towards the village. "May I speak with you?"
    "Of course." Silverfox replied.
    "Why do you think – " Glider asked, then paused. "Why have I been chosen to wield this power?"
Silverfox grunted softly.
    "Why?" Glider asked.
    "Why?" Silverfox replied. "Why are we given anything? I trust Millar, there is no doubt in that – but even I, am confused by this."
    "Why me though? I am not someone worthy of this…."

    Silverfox sighed softly.
    "I just do not understand any of this. Why now – have the Schinicin come to your world?"  Glider asked her.
    "I wish I knew the answer to that – " Silverfox replied. "I really wish I did. Above all, why weren’t we warned by our outpost scanning station, that the Schinicin were coming?"
    "Perchance – the station was taken out?" Glider wondered.
    "It’s possible – but they would have picked up the Schinicin fleet, the second they came out of star-drive, in to our system. I fear that there is a very real danger within our own people. Our scanning station outpost should have detected the Schinicin fleet – and sent a warning to our military forces. Instead, we were blind – and did not know that they were coming, until it was too late. All of this – does not sit right."
    "I think you’re right…. I just fear – that my own people – will fall to the same thing."
    "Glider – if we are successful here – then the Schinicin will no longer be a threat to us, or any other people. We beat them once before – and by Millar’s name – we’ll beat them again."
    "How? Meldaron's naval fleet is either lost or destroyed – the military forces are decimated…."
    "Never underestimate the Meldaron people my friend – we’re a strong, proud and noble race. We will fight to the last, to protect our world – and her people."
    "What have we gotten ourselves in too?" Glider moaned.

    "A war – that’s what we’ve gotten in too – and I for one, am not going to allow the Schinicin to enslave my world…and her people."
    "Brave words – " Drak replied sullenly, as he turned to look at Silverfox and Glider.
    "Truth is neither brave nor cowardly." Silverfox shot back.
    "How can we fight the Schinicin?" Drak swore. "We’ve already seen what they’re capable of…."
    "We’ll fight…and die if necessary." Silverfox growled. "My father fought in the king’s name, as did my grandfather. I will not betray their sacrifices, just to live as slaves under the Imperial’s."
    "You may be consumed with righteousness – but I on the other paw – am not so inclined. I was contracted to deliver you lot to the temple…. It’s already cost me more than that paltry contract price can repay."
    "So you’re not only a mercenary – you’re unpatriotic as well." Silverfox snarled.
    Drak stared at her, his muzzle wrinkled in anger. "Do not dare take that voice with me."
    "Back off…." Deerinea’s soft voice spoke. "We’re in this together, wether we like it or not…."
    "I do not have to put up with this…." Drak growled. "It’s true! I am a mercenary. It is what I do for a living. Now, this war has cost me my lively-hood…my ship, and probably, it will cost me my life. I’ve already gotten more than I bargained for on this fools errand."
    "Listen to me!" Deerinea snarled. "If the Schinicin win this war – then none of us will be able to do anything! They will come down on us like a ton of bricks, and we’ll all live as lackeys under the Imperials. Is that what you want?"
    "No – " Drak growled. "Of course not…."
    "Then I suggest that we all try and keep it together – or else, we may as well not bother trying…." Deerinea shot back then turned away.

    Glider looked to Silverfox, who whimpered softly and moved in close against her friend. Indeed, things were getting out of paw – and Silverfox prayed that it would all come together for them all….

    Later that day, they made camp and built a small smokeless campfire. Drak was sullen and withdrawn, but Deerinea came to Glider and Silverfox.
    "Can – I speak with you both?" Deerinea asked.
    "Yes…." Silverfox replied.
    Deerinea sat down, folding her legs beneath her.  "I – want to apologise for before…I lost my temper."
Silverfox nodded softly, then reached out and gave the young Pearldinean a gentle hug of compassion.
    "We’re all under a lot of stress – there is no argument about that." Silverfox replied.
    "It’s just that – " Deerinea began. "I feel so lost – so helpless!"
    "We all do. We’ve all suffered so much – and with little prospect of winning this war, our spirits are down." Glider commented, then idly poked the fire with a stick.
    "It’s just that – I’m worried. Why are so many Meldaron’s turning against our own people? We used to support each other – but now…."
    "Deerinea, I know you’re worried, but there is nothing that we can do. I grieve for those of our people, who are misled by the false promises of the Schinicin, but we can not change that. All we can hope to achieve – is to fight the battles, and do the best that we can. I do not think that many, if any of us will survive – but at least – we tried our best, and that is what counts…." Silverfox whispered.
    "I remember – the exploits of your father, during the great Meldaron war. He was a true hero…." Deerinea said.
    "That he was – but tragically, he and my mother – were killed in the initial attack on Meldaron." Silverfox wept.
    "I – I’m so sorry…."
    "He died honourably, that is what comforts me in my time of mourning. He was a soldier, and his last acts, were to try and defend my mother…."
    "Truly, he was an honourable Meldaron…. We could have used one’s like him in this war." Deerinea nodded.

    "What can you tell us, of this secret base?" Glider asked.
    "Well – there’s not much to tell. It is one of our reserve bases, which have a large star-fighter contingent, and supplies to last at least five years. It has garrison facilities for over thirty-five thousand troops…but sadly, only a garrison of five thousand is there at any given time. It is built in to the largest of the mountains in the Unknown Hills, and is well shielded, both naturally, and electronically. It is specifically designed to withstand almost any bombardment, be it orbital or land based." Deerinea began. "It was constructed over three hundred years ago – and in all the centuries, it has never fallen to invading forces. I hope that we can make it there – as then, we can find out the latest news and information on the Schinicin forces deployment, and we can launch our counter-strikes."
    "What of Whitetail?" Silverfox asked.
    "Whitetail – is a cunning warrior. He will do all that he can to damage the Schinicin forces invading Foxville, then he will make his way west, to regroup with us at the location of the Meldaron Base."
    "How long – " Glider asked.
    "We were both indoctrinated in to the military at a surprisingly young age. At first, we did not want to be a part of it – but soon enough, we found our true calling. We were trained well, and our natural talents lay in the field of covert operations. I am Whitetail’s partner, myself being the person who passes on the orders and assigns the objectives. Naturally, it is a highly dangerous position for us both, as we’re out of contact with others for months at a time, but it has its rewards."
    "So – you’re commandoes or something?" Glider asked.
    "Sort of – we’re field operatives. It’s our job to get in to heavily defended areas and neutralise the threat, as well as damage the industrial capabilities of our enemies and many other aspects. Fortunately, Whitetail can take on missions himself, and I have no doubt that he will be doing all that he can to gather intelligence on the Schinicin, and be trying to disrupt their hold as much as he can."

    "Do you think – that we’ll find some transport in the village?" Silverfox asked.
    "Probably, but its not going to be easy. This village has been thoroughly destroyed, but if we’re lucky – we’ll find a ground-car or something…." Deerinea spoke softly. "If we can’t find one – then I suggest we do not linger too long in the village, as Schinicin will still be present, and I’d rather not have another run in with them."
    Silverfox shuddered and nodded. "Aye, that’s true. We’ve already discovered just how dangerous they are…."
    "Try to get some sleep – we’re going to need it." Deerinea told them. "I’ll take first watch, just in case."
    "Are you sure?" Silverfox asked her. "You must be tired…."
    "I am – but I can go a few days without sleep, it’s a part of my training. Go on get to sleep. You two need it more than I do…."
Deerinea watched as Silverfox and Glider lay down, Glider holding the shivering young vixen. Deerinea smiled softly, then checked her pistol and holstered it. Deerinea looked up, to see Drak’s eyes gleaming at her from the darkness. Slowly, Deerinea made her way to where Drak sat sullenly.

    "What is wrong with you?" Deerinea hissed.
    "What’s wrong with me?" Drak growled. "Plenty. I’ve already lost my ship, and with that, my reputation – and my job."
    "So you do not care about anything – other than yourself?" Deerinea sighed.
    "No. I am a mercenary. Do you have a problem with that?"
Deerinea turned away in disgust.
    "What’s wrong with my line of work? I’m in it for the money – it’s what keeps me alive."
    "People like you – disgust me." Deerinea growled.
    "Why? People like yourself – disgust me. At least, my line of work is without guilt. I am contracted to deliver something to somewhere – and that’s what I do. I do not really care for a one sided war, and this is definitely not what I was contracted for."
    "You’re pathetic…. Our world is falling apart, and you seek to line your pockets with money, and not fight on our side?"
    "What goods a reward – if you’re not alive to enjoy it?" Drak smiled cruelly. "I just want my money – then I’m gone."
    Deerinea rose, then walked over to look out off the top of the hill, towards the burning village below.  "So you do not care to help us?"
    "Not particularly. As I said, what good is a reward, if I’m not capable of spending it?"
    "So – you get your payment…and you’ll leave?"
    "That’s the idea." Drak spoke.
    "Then you’ll turn us over to the Schinicin – right?"
Drak growled dangerously, but Deerinea lay her hand on her pistol. His temper calmed immediately.
    "Let’s make one thing perfectly clear." Drak growled. "I do not turn anyone over for profit. I may be a smuggler, a mercenary, but I am not so cold hearted, as to turn someone over for a profit."
    "At least that’s one redeeming feature of your personality." Deerinea scathed.

    "I’ll get a new ship – and get as far away from this place as I can. Simple as that, and if you three had any brains, you would take my advice – and get out of here."
    "Unlike you – we care about our world…and our people. We’re going to fight…." Drak laughed softly. "Fight? Fight with what? Meldaron military forces are decimated, the naval fleet likewise destroyed – or fled. How can you hope to fight off the Schinicin naval fleet?"
    "How we’re going to do it – is none of your concern. Here – take your payment and leave us in peace…." Deerinea growled.
Drak stared at her, as Deerinea removed a small gold card from a secret belt holder. Deerinea threw it at him and walked away. Drak picked it up, then stared at it.
    "Hey – " Drak began.
    "It’s worth about one hundred thousand credits. This should be enough for your inconvenience." Deerinea spoke softly, not bothering to turn to look at him. "Take your payment and leave…."
Drak looked at Deerinea’s back, then shrugged his shoulders and walked off. Deerinea returned to looking down at the village, tears slowly running down her cheeks.

    Just before dawn the next morning, Deerinea woke Glider and Silverfox.
    "Come on – it’s time to move out." Deerinea spoke.
    "What?" Glider yawned. "Hey – where’s Drak?"
    "I sent him on his way – we’ll travel faster without the likes of him." Deerinea snapped.
    "You…." Silverfox asked.
    "I did not trust him. Still, he may be a mercenary, a smuggler and Millar knows what else, but at least, he will not turn us over to the Schinicin forces."
    "Are you so certain about that?" Glider moaned.
    "Yes Glider – I have not lived this long, without learning how to trust the true feelings for people. He will not be any threat to us…."
    "I wish I had your talents for trusting people…." Silverfox whispered.
    "It will come to you, in time. Come on, let’s move out."

        Village of Silverstar Tree

    As they approached the burning and shattered village, only the ominous croaks of the carrion birds welcomed them. Here and there, Meldaron’s lay sprawled, cut down by the Schinicin foot soldiers. Not surprisingly, there were only a handful of Schinicin soldiers that had been slain, seemingly by the desperate Meldaron’s, who had used farming implements to try and defend their farms and village.
    "The silence of the fallen – " Deerinea commented. "They were cut down, just because the Schinicin considered them a threat."
    "Why? These people were just simple farmers and such – what threat did they pose to the Schinicin forces?"
    "Who knows why the Schinicin do anything…." Deerinea sighed. "Come on, let’s try and find some transportation…."
    "I do not like our chances…." Silverfox moaned.
    "Still, we might be in luck." Deerinea growled.
    They searched throughout the entire village, finding that all of the halfway suitable vehicles had been rendered totally inoperable. Just as they were about to leave, Glider came across several Cha’ra – the domesticated six legged horses native to Meldaron. They were relatively unharmed, and whickered at the friends as they entered the stall.

    "You have got to be joking…." Silverfox moaned.
    "It’s better than walking at least." Glider smiled, as he lifted a saddle.
    "Glider has a valid point my young friend. These Cha’ra are much swifter than we are." Deerinea replied.
    "Do any of you know how to ride?" Silverfox gasped.
    "I do – " Glider smiled. "I learned how to ride the four-legged horses on my home world. I do not think that these are much different."
Deerinea paused in saddling her mount, then laughed and placed her paw on the Cha-ra’s neck.
    "Alcha de ricthoth?" Spoke Deerinea in an alien sounding voice.
    "There is no need for the old tongue…." Spoke her mount. "We can speak your language."
Glider squealed in alarm and backed hurriedly away. Deerinea smiled and stroked the young mare’s throat gently.
    "Glider, they won’t hurt you…." Deerinea smiled.
    "They – they can talk ?" Glider whimpered.
    "Of course – doesn’t your own home world animals talk as well?" Deerinea asked.
    "Err…no." Glider whispered, then carefully approached his own mount.
    "Sire, I won’t bite you." Spoke the young stallion Cha’ra.
Silverfox laughed softly, then chose a young gelding Cha’ra as her mount. Deerinea helped the others to saddle them, and then they led their new companions out in to the open.

    "What can you tell me, of what happened to your masters?" Deerinea asked the Cha’ra.
    "Lizard-men come – with light guns." Spoke the Cha’ra. "Our owners killed or taken away, in great steel birds."
    "Light guns?" Silverfox asked.
    "Probably their laser rifles. How long ago?" Deerinea enquired.
    "A day and half a night before." Replied the equine.
    "Hmmm" Deerinea wondered. "About a day and a half ago?"
    Slowly, the Cha’ra nodded it’s maned head and nuzzled her gently. "Come – leave place. Much death scent."
Effortlessly, Deerinea climbed in to the deep saddle, then watched as Silverfox had difficulty in climbing up in to her own mounts saddle. Eagerly, the young gelding knelt, and then Silverfox gratefully clambered in, before he rose again. Glider hesitantly climbed in to the saddle of the other one, and then they began walking slowly along the debris strewn main road through the village.
    "Masters not come back…." Spoke Deerinea’s Cha’ra.
    "Sadly, my friend. No. I doubt that your masters will return." Deerinea sighed.
    "Lizard-men take masters away…kill others."
    "That’s right. We’re your new masters now, and we’ll try to take good care of you okay?"
    "Okay. Come, we go away now." Replied the Cha’ra.
    "In a minute. We need to try and find some food and other supplies. Will you permit this?" Deerinea asked.
    "Come quick, then go away." Nodded the Cha’ra.
    "Talking horses – " Glider gaped. "What else has Meldaron got in way of surprises."
    "Be grateful Glider…that these Cha’ra are domesticated. Otherwise, you would be their dinner…."
    "What?" Glider wailed.

    "It’s true." Silverfox admitted. "The descendants of the Cha’ra were omnivores, and loved fresh meat."
    "Cha’ra not meat eater now." Spoke Glider’s mount.
    "I would hope not." Glider moaned.
    "Come on," Deerinea told them. "Let’s try and find some food and other supplies, like blankets and such. Time is running short here…."
    "Cha’ra run away now?" Spoke Deerinea’s mount, twitching eagerly.
    "No. Wait. Have patience my friend. Soon, shall you have free run."
    "Cha’ra wait for mistress?"
    "That’s right. Have a little patience, and soon, you shall have the freedom that you so rightfully deserve."
    "Cha’ra wait – then go."
Silverfox looked decidedly unsettled astride the horse, but she soon got used to it. Slowly, Deerinea led them down the road, searching for somewhere to get supplies.

    Soon, they found a partially ruined store, and they dismounted. Deerinea entered hesitantly, not entirely sure what to expect within. Carefully, she picked her way amongst the ruins, until she found that which they needed.
    "Glider, can you come give me a hand please?" Deerinea called out.
Glider entered, then looked around.
    "It’s a mess, but here – " Deerinea told him.  "Take these packs, and gather as much unspoilt food and other supplies as they will carry. We’re going to need them."
    "Mistress!" Whinnied a Cha’ra in terror. "Steel birds come! Steel birds come!"
    "Steel? – Oh for the love of Millar! Silverfox! RUN!" Deerinea screamed out to her.
Silverfox was thrown from her mount, as it panicked and bucked. Landing heavily, she struck her head and was stunned. A soft whining sound was heard, which quickly grew in intensity. Outside, the Cha’ra panicked and bolted, frightened by the approaching Schinicin vessel. Deerinea looked out through a broken window, to see the large Schinicin shuttle touch down at the end of the street. It’s landing disturbed the dust and ashes, partially obscuring the vessel as it idled it’s engines back, then the soft hum died away. Deerinea checked her blaster pistol, then waited patiently. Knowing that there was nothing she could do for the unconscious Silverfox, Deerinea took aim at the shuttle. With a soft hiss of escaping air and hydraulics, the shuttle hatch opened – away – from them.
    "Smart bastards – " Deerinea growled softly. "That’s a clever ploy…."
    "Deerinea…." Glider moaned.
    "Glider – be silent." Deerinea hissed.

    Deerinea’s patience was sorely tested, as she waited to spot the Schinicin soldiers. To her terror, she heard a soft click of a cocked pistol right behind her, then a soft laugh.
    "Freeze…drop your weapon." Spoke a voice.
Deerinea did exactly as she was told, then began to turn her head.
"I said freeze!" Snarled the voice.
    "Sargent, check them over for weapons…." Spoke the voice.
    "Yes sir." Come another voice.
Deerinea felt gloved paws touch her sides, then she leapt in to immediate action. Swiftly, Deerinea threw herself backwards, crashing in to the person behind her and knocking him flying. Just as the other moved to shoot her, Deerinea twisted about and shattered his wrist with a well placed kick. He screamed and fell backwards, as Deerinea struck again, her hoof connecting solidly with the side of the Sargent’s head, knocking him out cold. Struggling to his knees, the other soldier groped for his pistol, but Deerinea stamped her hoof down, and crushed his hand beneath it.  He screamed and Deerinea grabbed him by the collar, preparing to shatter his neck. Suddenly, she froze, as she felt a pistol placed against her back.
    "You’re good…." Came a muffled voice. "Yet you still have much to learn. Never turn your back on an enemy…."
Deerinea moaned, then let the critically injured hyooman go. Her paws hung limply at her side, and she bowed her head. There was the sound of hissing air, and then the voice breathed in her ear.
    "I’ve taught you well – perchance – well enough…." Come a familiar voice.
    Deerinea twisted about and stared in surprise at Whitetail, who had removed a gas mask from his face.  "Whitetail?"
    "That’s me." He smiled.
    "What – what in Millar’s name are you doing here? How – "
    "A long story. Come on, let’s move." Whitetail spoke. "Oh, nice job on the two soldiers…."
    "I – I could have killed them…." Deerinea whimpered.
    "That you could have done – but as it is, they’re going to need some medical attention." Whitetail admitted.
    "How – "

    "I intercepted a Schinicin transmission. I then found out that a ship had been shot down in this area, and that the Schinicin were searching for the survivors. Naturally, this being the closest settlement in the area, it seemed logical that you would make your way here…." Whitetail smiled. "Not exactly the greatest military tactic, but you must have had your reasons."
    "How in Millar’s name, did you capture a Schinicin shuttle?" Deerinea asked, as she followed Whitetail outside.
    "It wasn’t easy – let me assure you of that!" Whitetail groaned. "I had to take out a dozen Schinicin soldiers, just to get near this puppy. Fortunately, their pilots are much more compliant, but a shame, as I did have to shoot them as well."
    "What of the – " Deerinea began.
    "I stumbled across some friends of mine, who are wizards at tinkering with technological toys. They’ve managed to re-program the main computer, and also – much to our pleasure, managed to rework the basics of the flight controls. There is still a lot of work to be done to it, but at least, it flies."
Glider ran to Silverfox, then gently cradled the unconscious vixen in his arms. Blood matted the back of her head, and her breathing was shallow and rapid.
    "Deerinea – " Glider sobbed. "Silverfox’s wounded…badly."
    "Let me check on her…." Whitetail whispered, as he approached.
Deerinea nodded to Glider, who gently lay Silverfox back down, then stepped back. Whitetail knelt, then placed his fingertips to Silverfox’s forehead. After a few moments, he sighed softly, then Silverfox cried out weakly.

    "How – " Glider began.
    "Whitetail – possesses a healers touch." Deerinea spoke softly. "Still, your friend will need some medical attention."
    "Easy, my young vixen…." Whitetail spoke, as he gently helped Silverfox to sit up.
    "What…what happened." Silverfox whimpered.
    "Your Cha’ra panicked and bolted, and you were thrown from the saddle. How do you feel?" Glider asked.
    Silverfox grimaced and shuddered. "I feel like there is a massive battle raging in my head…."
    "You took a very bad knock to the head Silverfox…." Whitetail spoke. "You’re lucky in that your skull is fairly thick…."
    Glider stared at Whitetail, as if thinking he was insulting his friend. Glider quickly realised that no offence was meant, but it was the truth. If Silverfox’s skull had of been thinner, then she would have surely perished.
    "Captain – we’ve got wounded here!" Whitetail spoke in to a communicator.
Within moments, ten Meldaron’s and hyoomans' boiled from the shuttle, and retrieved Silverfox, and the two unconscious soldiers from within the shop. Gently, they carried them back to the shuttle and placed them in to secure restraints. As Glider and Deerinea entered, they shuddered and covered their mouths, as there was still a strong scent of chlorine in the air.
    "Here," Whitetail spoke, as he handed them masks. "Put these on…."
Gratefully, Glider and Deerinea did as they were told, then strapped themselves in to their seats.

    "So tell me," Deerinea began. "What happened?"
    "I was hoping, you could tell me!" Whitetail exclaimed. "Captain, we’re all aboard."
There was a faint vibration, as the shuttles' engines began warming back up for take-off.
    "I thought that there was…."  Whitetail asked, looking amongst them.
    "Mack Shazri, the wolf, perished in the crash…." Glider sniffled.
    "Oh – I’m so sorry…." Whitetail spoke sincerely.
    "That’s not the half of it – " Deerinea began, then told Whitetail of the story of the escape from Foxville, and the events after, leading up too now….
    "Millar – come to you ?" Whitetail gasped. "I thought that she was – "
    "It’s true." Deerinea spoke. "Millar has be raised from her sleep, for what reasons, I honestly do not know."
Whitetail was silent for a time, then sat in thought. They all felt the shuttle rise in to the air, then the Captain piloting it called back.
    "Sir, we need a destination course."
    "Make for the Temple of the Eye of Infinity…." Whitetail spoke. "We’ve got business there…."
    "Sir?" Asked the Captain.
    "Just do it!" Whitetail snarled.
    "Aye sir…." Replied the Captain. "Course laid in sir, estimated arrival time, twenty-six minutes."

    "That’s twenty-six minutes too long Captain…." Whitetail spoke. "Get the lead out, as the Schinicin will not take lightly to us stealing one of their shuttle-craft."
    "Aye sir…." Come the Captain’s response. "I’ll try to use the natural terrain to mask our signature…."
    "Excellent Captain, just get us there as swiftly and as safely as you can. Understand?"
    "Yes sir…."


    Aboard the flagship of the Schinicin naval fleet, the Grand Admiral was agitated.
    "Status on the ground search for the escapees?" He snarled.
    "Sire, no evidence has been found yet, as to their location." Come the response.
    "They just can’t have disappeared!" Roared the Grand Admiral.
    "Sire – "
    "What settlements are near to where their pod crashed?"
Quickly, a holographic map was displayed on the main view screen. A blinking green dot shone brightly on the map.
    "Location?" Snarled Sith Hirr Draconis.

Location of settlement     : Silverstar Village - Come the computer response.

    "Hmmm…." Pondered the Grand Admiral. "It seems logical, that they would try and make their way there. Status report on forces deployed in that area and full report on that village….

Silverstar Village                : Silverstar Tree village – so named, as it was the location of a Meldaron landmark. A silver barked tree grew here, being the sole species of its type in the entire Meldaron system. Legend has it, which this tree was originally brought to Meldaron, from the planet of Terra, over five hundred years ago.  Population of approximately three hundred Meldaron's and Hyooman’s. Primarily a farming village, with minimal threat to Schinicin forces, when the village was attacked and destroyed. Most village residents rounded up and sent to Imperial re-education camps, but some resistance was met, and dissidents terminated.  Schinicin losses in deployment area – 0.05 % of forces deployed in pacification of village.

    "So," Spoke the Grand Admiral. "The villagers were farmers and such? What sort of resistance was met by the Schinicin ground forces?"
    "Minimal sire. We lost only a minor amount of our ground forces there. It was literally a slaughter – with the Meldaron’s armed with spears, knives and other simple weaponry." Spoke the field operations officer.
    "I want a full sensor sweep of the area – and contact the closest armoured division down there. I want that village totally checked – and – "
    With a cruel smile, the Grand Admiral leaned back in his throne, which creaked ominously.  "Destroy the tree – I want it totally and irrevocably destroyed."
    "Yes sire…by your command."
    "Sire!" Squealed a young officer.
    "What is it?" Growled the Grand Admiral.
    "Sire – one of our shuttles has been stolen!"
    "What?" Shrieked Sith Hirr Draconis. "When? How?"
    "Sire – the soldiers guarding the shuttle were killed, as was the shuttle pilots. Shuttle serial number A-183-K93, was stolen. Last confirmed report was of it heading southeast. Ground side controllers claim in had the proper codes and it passed preliminary scanning detection…."

    "Commander!" Snarled the enraged Grand Admiral. "I want the entire control personnel planet-side recalled…and executed. I will not tolerate such ineptitude from anyone! Get a search started for that shuttle! I want it found!"
    "Yes sire." Spoke the Commander, as he swiftly relayed the orders to the other orbiting Star-Crushers.
Enraged by this unforeseen turn of events, the Grand Admiral glared at the view screen, and the blue-green planet below this flagship. Indeed, the Meldaron’s would suffer for this turn of events….


    "Sir –" Spoke the shuttle Captain. "We’re being actively scanned by radar sensor contact…of Schinicin origin."
    "Damn it!" Whitetail swore. "They’re on to us! Can you mask our signature a little better?"
    "Can you fly us lower?"
    "I…sir – we’re almost taking the tops off the tree’s now…."
    "Captain – I do not think that I need to tell you, of the fate – that the Schinicin will favour us with, should we be found…and captured."
    "No sir – of course not…."
    "Do your best Captain…our very lives depend on it."
    "Aye sir."

            Camer - Meldaron Spaceport –Tracking Station.

    A Schinicin controller sat at his console, scanning the signatures of any and all Schinicin craft in the area, and conducting long-range scans.
    "Sir – " He spoke.
    "What is it Lieutenant?" Snarled the senior Schinicin controller. "I’ve got my own problems."
    "Sir – shuttle A-183-K93 – has deviated from its set flight pattern…."
    "What? What was that ships number?" Asked the controller incredulously.
    "Sir – it’s transponder signature is…A-183-K93."
    A deep breath was exhaled from the controller.  "Keep that shuttle under constant surveillance! Do NOT let it out of your sight…."
    "Just do it! Urgent message to flagship, shuttle has been detected, awaiting orders…."

    Quickly, the message was encoded and beamed via a groundside up-link to the Imperial flagship, where it was decoded and immediately flagged to the Grand Admiral’s attention.
    "Sire – " Spoke the Commander in charge.
    "What is it Commander?" Grated out the Grand Admiral.
    "My lord – we have them…."
    "Are you certain Commander?"
    "Sire, our tracking station in Camer is locking on to their transponder frequency…we expect to have confirmation of their trajectory and location momentarily."
    "Excellent Commander – deploy a squadron of fighters to intercept and force down the shuttle…. I want the passengers alive Commander – make certain of that."
    "Yes sire, by your command."
Quickly, the word was sent out, and deep within the bowels of the ship, a dozen pilots scrambled towards their waiting fighters. Within moments, they were launched and streaking down through the Meldaron atmosphere, on a intercept trajectory with the stolen shuttle….
    "Keep me appraised of the situation Commander," Spoke the Grand Admiral. "I shall be in my chambers…."
    "Yes sire…."
    "Oh – and I still want the entire tracking station personnel executed…. See to it personally Commander…."
With that, the Grand Admiral made his way from the bridge of his flagship.


            Aboard the Stolen Schinicin Shuttle.

    "Sir – ground station radar signal strength gaining in its intensity…we can’t hold it off much longer." Growled the Captain.
    "Do what you can to mask our signature Captain – any ideas if any fighters have been vector on intercept yet?"
    "Not certain sir – but estimations run high, as we have no scanners running of our own, as it would surely give us away…."
    "Damn it all…." Whitetail swore. "Captain, do what you can…and try to increase speed…."
    "Yes sir…."
    "They’re on to us…aren’t they?" Silverfox croaked weakly.
    "I’m afraid so – they must have detected this shuttle’s divergence from its flight-path."
    "What…do we do?" Glider asked.
    "We’ve got to pray – that we can out-run them. I do not doubt that the Schinicin have scrambled fighters after us…and they’re going to have orders to try and force us to land. If they can’t force us down…then probably, they’ll shoot us down."

    "How will we…."
    "Sir!" Wailed the Captain. "Schinicin fighters! At least a dozen of them! Closing at mach 4!"
    "Alright Captain – I need your maximum skills here…any chance of evading them?"
    "Do we have a chance?"
    "A minimal chance sir…they’re closing on us quickly…. Estimated time till firing range, two minutes."
    "Do what you can captain – we didn’t risk our necks…and lose many soldiers, just for these damn Schinicin to shoot us down…. This shuttle is important to our purposes…. Does she have firing capability?"
    "Negative sir…we couldn’t get the up-link for the neuro-helmet controls for the guns to function…."
    "Never mind…just do all that you can to evade those fighters Captain…."
    "Yes sir…."

    "Do you have any plans for how we’re going to get out of this one?" Deerinea asked.
    Whitetail sighed, then looked at the shipboard threat displays.  "You know something? For once, I’m at a loss to work this out…."
    "Oh great – we’re going to die." Deerinea moaned.
    "Not yet – I’ve still got some theories…." Whitetail muttered.
    "I thought you might."
Whitetail tore off an access panel, then stared at the myriad circuits and wiring behind it. Quickly, he struggled to decipher the Schinicin writing and re-route some of the weapon control systems.
    "What-ever you’re going to do back there – make it quick! These fighters are gaining quickly." Yelled back the Captain.
    "Captain, I’m doing the best I can back here – I just need you to keep those Schinicin fighters off us for a few more moments." Whitetail growled.
    "Easier said than done my friend…. They’re closing in at mach 5 now…estimated time for firing range, thirty-five seconds."
    "Raise shields…intensify back quarter. They’re going to try for a crippling hit on the drives, so be prepared." Whitetail grunted.
As he touched a pair of wires, there was a loud sickening snap of electricity and Whitetail screamed in pain. He was thrown heavily backwards against the wall of the shuttle by the electrical discharge.

    "Damn…." Deerinea growled. "That’s all we needed."
    "Sweet Millar…." Whitetail moaned, as he disentangled himself. "That certainly livened me up…."
    "Are you alright?" Deerinea asked him.
    "I’ve had worse – but that wasn’t too shabby." Whitetail grinned weakly.
    "Twenty seconds till firing range…." Called back the Captain.
    "What can I do to help you?" Deerinea asked.
    "I’m trying, to restore the system integrity to the laser torpedoes. If I can bypass the neuro-processor systems, then we’ll have control over partial weapons systems."
    "Fifteen seconds…." Snarled the Captain, as he twisted the shuttle in to a series of structurally impossible manoeuvres.
Deep creaks and moans come from the very fabric of the shuttle, as it was forced in to manoeuvres its structural integrity was not designed to accommodate. There was a loud snap and a shower of sparks emerged from the panel.
    "Damn ship!" Whitetail swore. "It’s like trying to move a mountain with mind power alone!"
    "Ten seconds…."
    "Wait – what if we invert the power coupling in the drive system, and re-route it through the main weapon sub-systems?" Silverfox asked.
    Whitetail glared at her in agitation. "Do you have any idea what might happen?"
Silverfox glanced at the threat display, then shuddered. "Yes…I do. If we get it wrong, the drives will go critical, this entire shuttle will be blown in to atoms, us along with it, and then, there will be nothing to worry about!"

    Whitetail blinked, then shuddered.
    "Can it be done?" Deerinea asked.
    "Yes – but its going to take me a little time…." Whitetail growled.
Whitetail swore again, then began tearing out circuits and wires, re-routing the main neuro-processor systems.
    "Out of time…here they come!" Yelled the Captain.
Horrendous squeals come from the tortured shuttlecraft, as the Schinicin fighters raked its back and flanks with their guns. Fortunately, the shielding held, but it was a close call. As the twelve fighters pulled away and banked, turning for another strafing run, the shuttle turned savagely and headed off ninety degrees from the direction it was heading. This bought them a moment’s surprise, as the Schinicin fighters had to turn even more sharply, to try and counteract the wild manoeuvring of the shuttlecraft.
    "Captain – I need your maximum inventiveness now," Whitetail spoke. "Within structural limitations…."
    "Easier said than done! Structural integrity is holding, shield strengths down to 75%."
Again, the Schinicin fighters swept by, raking the underside of the shuttle with their deadly lasers.
    "Shield strength sixty percent and falling…." Cried the Captain.
    "Hold them off for a few more seconds…." Whitetail called back.
There was a sickening barrage upon the shuttle, as six of the fighters strafed along its back. A faint explosion was heard in the back quarter, followed by a strident ringing of alarms.
    "Damn them! We’ve got a coolant leak in one of the primary drive systems! I’ve got to switch over…."
Whitetail swore venomously, then slapped the access hatch closed. He crossed his fingers, then pressed a button – with no results.
    "Damn it!" Whitetail cursed. "Damn piece of…."

    A sickening rocking of the shuttle cut him short, as sparks and flames leapt up, as the shuttle was struck mercilessly.
"Shield integrity at thirty-nine percent…hull integrity at seventy percent and falling…." Yelled the Captain.
Whitetail lost his temper – then kicked the console. To his surprise, it lit up and activated the shipboard defence systems.
    "Captain! You’ve got fire-control access…." Whitetail cried jubilantly.
    "Correction – I’ve got a dozen Schinicin fighters…bearing down on me! If any of you can operate these weapons – then you’re welcome to come up front here!"
Whitetail looked to Deerinea, who nodded and ran up in to the cockpit of the shuttle. Here, the Captain struggled with the damaged shuttlecraft’s controls. Deerinea strapped herself in, then brought the tri-fire laser cannons online. Once she was sure they were fully charged, she switched off the gunnery computer and sighed.
    "Are you mad?" Wailed the Captain. "They’re too fast for a normal Meldaron to track…."
    "I’m used to this Captain – just keep them away as much as you can, as I’m going to have my paws full here…."
With a sigh, the Captain returned to trying to evade the Schinicin fighter fire….

    Deerinea’s eyes closed, then she reached out with her senses, and let her fear drain from her. Once she had regained her calm, she opened her eyes – and fired. Three of the Schinicin fighters immediately exploded in to flaming debris, which rained down from the sky. Immediately, the remaining nine fighters broke apart and engaged the shuttle from all directions. It bucked and squealed, as the merciless Schinicin aero-fighters raked the shuttle with their devastating weaponry. Again, Deerinea fired, and this time, she was pleased to see two fighters try to evade – and collide with each other. Their explosions crippled a third, which plummeted from the sky, smoke trailing from its fuselage.
    "How we holding?" Deerinea grated, as she strafed another fighter.
    "Shield strengths minimal –" Replied the Captain. "Down to less than fifteen percent, hull integrity at forty-five percent."
    "Damn it – " Deerinea cursed. "I’m trying to perform the impossible here…. Do your best Captain."
    "I am…believe me!" He shot back.
Once more, the remaining six fighters closed for the attack, but Deerinea shot two of them from the sky and crippled another. They watched as the Schinicin pilot ejected from his stricken fighter, then parachuted to safety below.

    A sharp explosion was heard from the rear quarter and the indicators clamoured for attention.
    "We’ve lost shielding! One more hit and we’re history!" Cried the Captain.
Deerinea concentrated then blew another of the aero-fighters in to flaming wreckage. Quickly, the two remaining fighters broke formation and fled, but Deerinea crippled one and shot down the other. Both fell from the sky and exploded as they struck the ground, far below.
    "You did it! Millar be blessed!" Exhaled the Captain. "You’ve done it!"
Deerinea slumped back in her seat, then let her shaking paws slip from the gun controls….


            Aboard the Flagship of the Schinicin Empire.

Grand Admiral Sith Hirr Draconis was silent, as he watched the battle on the view screen of his flagship.
    "Sire – all star-fighters have been either crippled – or destroyed…." Spoke the Commander.
    "I have eyes Commander…." Sith Hirr Draconis exhaled softly. "They do work."
    "Sire – "
    "Stand down the remaining fighters Commander – we’ve lost this battle."
    "You have your orders Commander." Sith Hirr Draconis replied his voice touched with menace.  What is the last known trajectory of the shuttle craft?"
    "Sire, it was heading easterly, but now that we’ve lost it on tracking station control…."
    "What settlements are out that way, that they could land and repair the shuttle?"
    "Only very minor settlements sire, primarily farmers…and settlers. This part of Meldaron is primarily an agricultural area…." Come the response.
    "So – there is no areas of high technology, in which they could repair the shuttle?"
    "No sir…our forces occupy the primary and secondary industrial areas, and there is little chance they could get the parts necessary for repairs…."
    "What is this – the… Temple of the Eye of Infinity?"
    "What is the temple?" Grand Admiral Sith Hirr Draconis snarled.
    "Sire – it is an ancient temple and grounds, dedicated to the Meldaron’s goddess, Millar. It’s been abandoned for over a thousand years…."
    "Are you certain of this?"
    "Yes sire – the temple and grounds were abandoned…and left to decay."
    "Order a ground battalion to this temple. I want it taken, and I do not care for how many lives are lost…. I know that this secret Meldaron base is here somewhere, and I intend to find it…."
    "At once sire, we’ll deploy a battalion as per your orders."
    "Excellent Commander – keep this up, and you’re going to be rewarded well, for your exemplary achievements."
    "Thank you sire…."
    "I’ll be in my quarters. I must report to his Imperial majesty."
    "Yes Sire – by your command."

    Making his way to his well-appointed quarters, Grand Admiral Sith Hirr Draconis knelt on the holo-pad and after a few moments, the holographic image of the emperor formed.
    "What is it Sith Hirr Draconis?" Come the chilling voice.
    "My majesty, there has been an unforseen turn of events here on Meldaron…."
    "Yes – I know."
    "Sire, we have yet, to discover the location of the hidden Meldaron base."
    "What news do you have to report to me Grand Admiral?"
    "Sire, our forces have consolidated our hold on Meldaron, but I respectfully request for reinforcements, to further your will over these people."
    "I shall – consider your request…." Replied the Emperor.
    "Sire – sources reveal that the Meldaron’s do have a secret base – "
    "I want this base discovered – and destroyed Sith Hirr Draconis. I do not care how long it takes, or what must be done…but I want it destroyed. Bring me the corpses of the Meldaron high command when you’ve succeeded."
    "Of course sire." Grand Admiral Sith Hirr Draconis spoke. "Sire – I have taken the liberty in ordering the ground forces to spread across Meldaron, and round up dissidents and rebels. They are being sent to re-education camps, all across Meldaron."
    "Excellent Grand Admiral – keep up the good work. Now, give me a full report on the conquest of this insignificant planet?"
    "Sire, our spies successfully neutralised the outer system scanning station, allowing our naval fleet to sneak in undetected. Further, the Meldaron naval fleet was mostly annihilated, with minimal losses to the Schinicin fleet. Those few ships that survived have fled the system. Meldaron military forces were caught unawares, and we managed to destroy their primary military sites in the first assault. We have heard, through our network of spies, that the Meldaron king had escaped the assault on Crown Castle – and he has gone in to hiding…."
    "How did this happen Sith Hirr Draconis? I thought that you had planted spies and Assassins close to the king…." Come the Emperor’s voice.
    "Sire – with all due respect – we did – have spies planted in and around Crown Castle, and the assassins were the best to be had…. I have no excuse sire, except to say that we were outsmarted. A decoy or something threw us off the scent, and the king was permitted to escape. Now, his location is a closely guarded secret. Those Meldaron military officers we’ve captured to date, have died under torture, without breaking."

    "This is regrettable Grand Admiral – and unforeseen. I want the king taken alive – if possible, dead – just as well. I want you to spread the fleet throughout this system, and thoroughly blockade any and all space traffic. Launch scouting ships to the other nearby systems, but ensure their cloaking fields are intact. I will be most displeased – should the other neighbouring systems be alerted to our presence…and our plans." Spoke the Emperor.
    "Of course sire. By your command…." Replied the Grand Admiral.
    "Do not fail me Grand Admiral – and remember. I am watching you closely. I have my own network of spies, and some of them, are watching you. I will not tolerate ineptitude Grand Admiral. I want the location of that Meldaron base found…and I want the base destroyed. Then, execute the high command, and bring me their corpses."
    "Yes sire…."
    "Another thing Sith Hirr Draconis – there is a disturbance – "
    "As you know, there is a vibrant energy that fills everything – and there is a large disturbance within this energy field. There is a Meldaron, who poses a very real danger to us all. I know little of what this Meldaron is, but it wears the Pendant of Kra-chazra…."
    "Sire…that pendant…."
    "I want this Meldaron found…and brought before me personally…. This pendant, is half of the key - that shall unlock the book of Zra-chak…. For centuries, this book has remained locked, it’s powers untapped by anyone. I possess part of the pendant – and this Meldaron person – possesses the other part. If the two could be brought together…."
    "Then the Schinicin Empire could resurrect the Star Dragons!" Exclaimed the Grand Admiral. "We would become invincible, with the power of the Star Dragons…."

    "Precisely Grand Admiral…. Millar defeated and entombed the Star Dragon’s over five hundred years ago – and shattered the key in to two pieces. She decreed that they would never be brought back together…as if they fell in to evil hands…."
    "However – " Sith Hirr Draconis asked.
    "However – " Replied the Emperor. "If the key falls in to the paws of the Meldaron’s, and then they could once and for all – destroy the Star Dragons…and bring down the downfall of the Schinicin Empire. This book is hidden within the Temple of the Eye of Infinity, deep in the centre of the Blue Moon Valley, on Meldaron. I do not care what it takes Grand Admiral, but I want that tome found – even if you have to take apart the entire temple to do it. When you have it, send it immediately to me…. Do not fail in this Grand Admiral – or else, I personally, will destroy you. This tome, and the pendant, is the real meaning behind this war."
    "I will not fail you – my dark majesty…." Sith Hirr Draconis promised.
    "I trust that you do not fail me Grand Admiral…." Come the Emperor’s response.
With that, the holographic image of the Schinicin emperor broke apart and dissipated. Sith Hirr Draconis remained kneeling for a few moments, turning over what the Emperor had said to him…and the true meaning behind this war.

    "Commander – " He spoke sharply.
    "Sire?" Come the shipboard Commander’s reply.
    "I want as many troops as possible – to surround the Temple of the Eye of Infinity…."
    "Just do it!" Grand Admiral Sith Hirr Draconis snarled in reptilian fury.
    "Yes sire…." Replied the Commander. "At once sire."
    "See too it personally commander – and ensure that nothing escapes that Temple…."


    With a hiss of escaping gasses, the shuttle touched down gently in the spacious courtyard of the Temple of the Eye of Infinity. Even as the hatchway opened, thirty-five Monk’s, dressed in flowing black cassocks, had taken defensive positions all around the courtyard, hiding and watching diligently.
    "Stay aboard – " Deerinea spoke. "Let me go out first…."
Deerinea met no resistance, as she slowly walked down the ramp, her body obscured by the hissing steam and gasses. Slowly, she walked away from the shuttle, then spoke, her voice loud and piercing.
    "Onar charic – delrath caldon…."
Silence held over the temple courtyard for many minutes….
    "Onar charic – delrath caldon – Mirath!" Deerinea chanted.
    "Onar charic – mirath ae!" Come a voice.
Slowly, a Monk approached, then stopped a dozen yards away from Deerinea.
    "Delrath sith areth cha?" Deerinea asked.
    "Delrath sith tora ne." Spoke the cowled Monk. "Welcome – my friends. Come…."
Whitetail emerged from the shuttle, then Silverfox and Glider followed, and lastly, the Meldaron soldiers emerged as well. Whitetail walked over to the cowled Monk, then knelt before it and bowed his head.
    "Onar charic – master…." Whitetail spoke reverently.
    "Rise my child…." Spoke the Monk. "Rise…."

    Whitetail rose slowly, then the hooded Monk threw back his cowl, to reveal the muzzle of an old Weasel. His eyes gleamed with hidden power, and he warmly embraced both Whitetail and Deerinea.
    "Your eminence, it is a pleasure to greet you once again…." Whitetail wept.
    "Who – are your companions?" Asked the Weasel.
Quickly, Deerinea led the Glider and Silverfox before the Bishop, who gazed at them intently.
    "I am Silverfox Relah Star, and this is my best friend, Glider…." Silverfox spoke, then bowed courteously.
    "Relah Star?" Asked the Bishop.
    "Your Eminence – " Bowed Silverfox again.
    "Come – let us sit and enjoy the bounties of Meldaron. You must be tired and hungry…." Spoke the Weasel, as he turned and led them back across the courtyard.
Glider looked at Silverfox, who shrugged her shoulders and followed Deerinea and Whitetail, who entered in through the large ivy covered archway.  They were led through ancient stone hallways, and through thick iron barred doors. Finally, they arrived in the Bishops main audience chamber, where an impressive feast lay sprawled across three huge trestle tables.

    "Come – sit – enjoy your meal my friends." Spoke the Bishop.
Whitetail remained standing, as did Deerinea, and Silverfox and Glider followed their lead, waiting until the bishop was seated, before they too, sat down.
    "Tell me my student – what brings you back here to me?" Asked the Weasel of Whitetail.
    "Master – as you may know – Schinicin have invaded Meldaron…and the war goes badly for our people…."
    "I know – Millar is restless…." Sighed the Bishop softly. "Millar has been roused from her sleep – after centuries…. It does not bode well…. Still, I sense that you are not here only to hear of this information…."
    "Your ability to read minds never failed to astound me master…." Whitetail smiled.
    "Speak with me my child…."
    "Master – I am prepared to undertake the last test…. I wish to complete my training under you."
    A surprised look crossed the old Weasel’s face.  "You – wish to consummate your training? Are you sure of this? As you know – only a bare handful – have ever passed the test."
    "Yes master – I know. I feel – that I am worthy of the test…." Whitetail spoke.
    "Worthy are you?" Growled the Weasel. "For over seventy winters, have I trained my students – and in this regard, my own thoughts shall I heed on wether you are worthy or not."
    "Master – " Whitetail spoke reverently. "I’ve trained diligently, lived by the code that you gave me – "

    Angrily, the Weasel leapt to his feet and paced the tiled granite floor.
    "All I ask – is that I be given the chance – to complete my training…." Whitetail asked.
    "Are you certain that you know the risks involved? Should you fail – "
    "Should I fail – then I shall perish. I know the risks master – and I am willing to undertake them."
    "I must have time to think – and to ask Millar if you are indeed worthy of undertaking the challenge. I will meet with you all at dawn – tomorrow." Spoke the Weasel, his voice old and tired sounding. An acolyte shall show you to your chambers…." Spoke the Bishop.
    "Sleep well master – " Whitetail spoke.

    With that, the Weasel made his way from the chambers….
    "Whitetail – you can not be serious…." Deerinea pleaded.
    "Deerinea – for the past ten winters – I’ve struggled with this problem. Now, I am resolute in my beliefs…and I must complete my training. Already, I’ve languished too long and delayed my advancement. No longer – shall I sit on my tail and wait. Meldaron needs us all – and if I am successful in my training…then I will be more of an assistance to us all…."
    "If you fail – then you will perish – your spirit will be consumed forever…."
    "I know the risks – but it is something that I must do."  Whitetail sighed, then hugged his mate tightly.  "Now, I must go and cleanse my body and my mind…if I am to undertake this challenge tomorrow.  There is too much at stake here…."
    "Exactly my point!" Deerinea wailed. "If you fail – then you’re going to die! Your spirit will be sundered for eternity – and then where will we be?"
    "If I succeed – then we’ll possess a much stronger chance – of succeeding in our quest, of driving the Schinicin from our world…."
    "Go – if you must…. I just pray, that if you are chosen for this testing – that you do pass it successfully…."
    "I hope so too…I really do…." Whitetail whispered, then kissed her snout softly and left the chambers.
    "Deerinea – what is this… testing?" Glider asked.
    "It’s a dangerous test – that has a very high mortality rate. Alone, you are cast in to the catacombs beneath the temple – and you must find your way to the Chamber of T’nath. There, you must do battle with the guardian of T’nath – a powerful and incredibly evil Star Dragon. If you can defeat him – then you will have passed the test. If you fail – he destroys you, and annihilates your spirit…." Deerinea sniffled.

    "A…Star Dragon?" Silverfox asked. "I thought they were only legends – myths – that our parents told us, to make us behave…."
    "They are – " Spoke a young Monk, as he entered quietly. "Alas, the powers that have held the Star Dragon’s enslaved – have been sorely tested of late. This one – is one of the eldest of the Star Dragons – and he is a cunning and ferocious opponent. Precious few have survived the challenges beneath the temple – and even fewer again – have beaten the Star Dragon and survived…."
    "If they’re a myth – " Glider began.
    "Hundreds of years ago, Millar saw the evil threat that the Star Dragon’s were posing to the galaxy. Millar gathered the strongest of her followers and the most daring of warriors, to do battle. Over many years, they battled the evil of the Star Dragons – destroying entire worlds in the process. Finally, a young warrioress sacrificed her own life; to draw the remaining elder Star Dragon’s in to a deadly trap. Once the trap was sprung – the Star Dragon’s were trapped and imprisoned in another dimension, where it was firmly believed, that they would never cause any more trouble. We were wrong. A key was created to unlock the portal in to the prison of the Star Dragons, but Millar chose wisely, and shattered the key in to two pieces. These, were scattered to the far ends of the Galaxy, and it was believed, that they were lost for eternity." Spoke the Monk. "Now, the key is being brought back together – and if the great book of Zra-Chak is recovered and unlocked – then whom so ever unleashes the power contained within that book, will ultimately decide the fate of not only Meldaron – but the entire galaxy. Within the great book’s sacred pages, are the rites and rituals, which can control the powers of the Star Dragons and force them in to obeying the book owners. If the book off Zra-Chak fell in to evil hands – along with the key – then all would surely perish. If the forces for good could find and capture it – along with the key – then someone of strong will could control the Star Dragons, and force them back in to subservience once more…."
    "So – it stands to reason, that the Schinicin may be searching for the location of the key – and the book of Zra-Chak?" Silverfox asked.
    "It is possible…." Answered the Monk.
    "Then why destroy most of Meldaron in the process?" Glider asked. "It does not seem to make any sense."

    "Contrary, my young hyooman. It makes perfect sense. To search out something, you should ensure that others – are not going to pose any threat to your search. Thus, the Schinicin have destroyed much of any possible resistance on Meldaron – allowing them a much more freer capability to search for the key…and the book of Zra-Chak." Answered the Monk. "Now – if you’ll follow me, I shall take you to your quarters. There, you may bathe and seek rest, if such is of what you wish…."
Quietly, the companions followed the Monk from the grand hall, and down back through the myriad of passages, until he led them to their quarters.
    "You may all rest here – " Spoke the Monk. "As this Temple has never fallen in battle…and never will. You are safe here, at least – until you decide to leave. May Millar's blessing be with you all."
    "May Millar bless and keep you safe as well." Deerinea formally replied.
With a deep bow, the Monk turned and walked back up the passageway, his soft-shoes making the faintest of noises. With wonderment, the companions all retired to their separate chambers. Within ten minutes, the temple was silent once more….

    An hour after Silverfox had bathed and retired, she was woken by a soft voice beside her ear.
    "Please come with me…." Was all that the cowled Monk said.
Silverfox rolled out of bed, then hurriedly pulled on a nightgown and followed the Monk out.
    "This way – " Asked the Monk.
Silverfox, still groggy, followed the Monk through the quiet temple, and in to the main cathedral. Here, the Monk paused and gestured for Silverfox to approach the main altar, where another Monk knelt, his voice resonating with prayer. Hesitantly, Silverfox did as she was instructed, then paused behind the kneeling Monk.
    "I know why you have come here – " Come the voice of the Bishop.
    "I – " Silverfox began.
    "You have been touched – have you not?"
    "I – do not understand." Silverfox whispered, feeling intimidated in this great cathedral.
    "Millar has come to you, has she not?"
    "Yes – "
    "Come – speak with me…. There is much I sense you do not understand."

    Slowly, the Weasel Bishop rose then led Silverfox to a small chamber, off the main cathedral hall. Here, Silverfox waited, as the bishop seated himself, before she herself, sat down.
    "Tell me, of what troubles one so young…." Asked the Bishop.
    "I – I do not know where I stand – in the great scheme of things…."
    Delicately, the Bishop nodded in understanding.  "You feel lost – overwhelmed by what has – is – and will happen?"
Silverfox’s paws clenched in anger, and she bit back the tears, which stung her eyes.
    "Much anger you hold within you – release your anger – let it go, or it will poison your body and spirit." He spoke softly, his voice calm and contemplative.
    "Damn it all!" Silverfox wailed, her tears finally falling. "Why are we made to suffer so much? I’ve lost almost everyone – and everything…."
    "You have suffered – we all have – but you must not let your grief affect your judgement. I know of the loss of your parents – and of your beloved friend – the Tashan wolf…."
    "How – "
    "How is irrelevant. You must learn to grieve for them, that is normal – but do not let your grieving become the anger that consumes you. Turn your grief – your anger – refine its power – harness it…and turn it towards the forces of good. Your destiny lies shrouded within the mists, and I do not think, that even Millar – could part these mists, to foresee that which you shall do."
    "Why? Why was Mack killed? He was only still a pup?" Silverfox wept bitterly.
    "Who said that the Tashan is dead? No-one really dies my young vixen…we only sleep – awaiting the call to rise, and live once more."
    "Mack was almost like a brother to me…."
    "I know that – but you must let the pain of his passing go. Release the anger within you, or destroy you it will – and those you care for…."
    "Why are the Schinicin trying to recover the key and the book of Zra-Chak? Why are they trying to bring the Star Dragon’s back to life once more?" Silverfox asked.

    "They are descended from the blood of the Star Dragons. Thousands of years ago, when the Deities were more numerous, they were each assigned an individual task, for them to complete. These tasks, and the hardest for them all, were to create life. Being evil and rapacious, the Star Dragon god sought to thwart the plans of the other Deities – that and in such, make them fail in their tasks. Some of the other Deities seen what the god of the Star Dragons was planning, and they exiled him forever…."
    "What happened?" Silverfox wept.
    "They exiled him – and he promised one day, to rise up and wreak havoc across the galaxy once more." Sighed the old Weasel Bishop. "They laughed at him, and over the centuries, they forget he even existed. True to his words, that day did come, and it was in this war, that Millar was sorely pressed. As you know, it took the sacrifice of a young warrioress, to deceive the evil Star Dragons, who were, in turn – imprisoned for all eternity. Or such was meant to be. Millar created their prison, and wrote the enchantment’s in a magical book, that was locked and heavily ensorcelled. This tome, known as the Book of Zra-Chak, was secreted deep within the bowels of the temple – before it was created. A crystal key was forged in the process of creating the book, and it was later used to lock the book closed, hopefully, for eternity. Once this was done, the key was shattered in to two pieces, and scattered to the winds of the galaxy. It was believed, that the key – would never be needed – nor would it ever be recovered…until now…."
    "What do you mean?" Silverfox sniffled.

    Carefully, the Weasel reached out and took Silverfox’s pendant in his paw. Silverfox looked down at it, then back at the Weasel.
    "I do not understand…."
    "My dear child – this is part of the key…to unlocking the book of Zra-Chak…."
    "No – you’re mistaken. This is just a…."

    Silverfox screamed, as the Weasel placed his paw over hers, then squeezed gently. Silverfox felt herself fall away, and she was thrust back through time, to witness the birth, rising and downfall, of the Star Dragons. Finally, she witnessed their imprisonment, and the sundering of the crystal key, of which indeed, part of her pendant was…. When he released her, Silverfox’s knees buckled and she collapsed to the floor, gasping and shaking pitifully.

    "Now you know the truth – and I pray – that you are strong enough, for this burden…."
With a soft sigh, the Weasel flickered and vanished, as if he were a spirit….


    Silverfox snapped awake, to find herself lying in her warm bed, within the Temple.  Vaguely, she recalled the previous night, but it was elusive – like a dream…. Slowly, Silverfox sat up, then rubbed her eyes, and squealed in alarm, when she saw the hooded acolyte standing at the foot of her bed.
    "Come – " Spoke the acolyte. "It is time for the morning feasting…."
With that, the acolyte turned and left the chambers, leaving a startled Silverfox in his wake.  Silverfox rose, then dressed in to some clean clothes that had been laid out for her, before she made her way back to the Bishops main chambers. Here, the others sat, along with the tired looking Weasel Bishop. Carefully, the Weasel rose, then cleared his throat.
    "A decision has been made – regarding Whitetail’s training completion. He shall undertake the final test today…and may Millar watch over him. Whitetail, are you at peace with yourself and Millar?"
    "I am your Eminence." Whitetail spoke, as he rose.
Silverfox stared at him, for he was dressed in a floor length flowing white robe, which shone in the flickering torchlight.
    "Within the hour," Began the Weasel. "You shall pass through the gateway, down in to the crypts and catacombs beneath the temple. Here, you must pass the myriad of traps and guardians, then make your way to the chamber of T’nath. Here, you must defeat the Star Dragon…and return with evidence of your victory. You may not take any weapons or armour with you, except that which you possess both physically and mentally. Do you wish to continue?"
    "I do your eminence. I will complete my training, and return – I promise." Whitetail answered.
Sadly, the Weasel sighed and walked over towards Whitetail. Here, he gave the young Pearldinean a quick hug, before he walked towards the exit of the chambers.
    "May Millar bless you my child…and grant you the strength you shall need, to overcome this test."
Quietly, the Bishop made his way from the chambers, leaving the companions to their breakfast meals – a meal – that could be Whitetail’s last….


    Far above the planet, holding their relentless blockade, the Imperial navy waited patiently.
    "Commander – report on the deployment of forces to the Temple?" Asked the Grand Admiral.
    "Sire – we’ve deployed an entire armoured division, of thirty tanks, twelve armoured support vehicles and a total ground force of one hundred infantry and other support personnel."
    "Excellent commander – you indeed show promise. When is the attack planned?"
    "Within two hours sir. We’re just moving some field artillery in to defensive positions around the temple, and we have twelve Schinicin aero-fighters standing by, in case of any attempted escapes."
    "What of the unconfirmed reports of the stolen shuttle seen near this location?"
    "Sire – reports indicate that the shuttle was seen in this area, but as of yet, scans of the area have shown up negative. Some form of dampening field is inhibiting our scans of the temple grounds and immediate area."
    "I thought that the temple area was deserted?" Spoke the Grand Admiral.
    "Sire – our indications were that the temple was abandoned, a thousand years ago. It is now apparent, that this information is untrue, in that the temple grounds are inhabited, by a secular order who worship the Meldaron goddess Millar." Replied the Commander, as he reviewed the new information that flickered across his display screens.
    "Any evidence of possible resistance to our assault on the temple?"
    "Sire – all scans are being misdirected and warped by the dampening field around the temple. It is uncertain wether there is heavy weaponry located within the temple’s walls, or any other possible hidden weapons…."
    "What of protective shielding? Is any in evidence?"
    "Negative sir – unable to verify if there is any shielding defences. If there are, they are not yet activated."

    Grand Admiral Sith Hirr Draconis leaned back in his impressive throne then gazed thoughtfully at his display screens.
    "Sire – ground forces report readiness…." Spoke the commander. "Awaiting your order sire."
    "Very well commander – consider the order given – and remember. I want that temple taken. I do not care what it takes…do you understand me?" Hissed the Grand Admiral.
    "Yes Sire." Replied the commander. "By your command sire."
    "Fire…." Spoke the Grand Admiral.


    After their meal, Whitetail walked through the temple, and he paused at the heavily guarded door, that led down in to the crypts…. Here, the two Monk guards searched him, then opened the door.
    "Whitetail – " Deerinea sniffled.
Whitetail paused, then turned his head to look back at her.
    "My beloved – may Millar be with you…." Deerinea sobbed, then turned and fled the chamber.
    "As with you…my beloved mate…." Whitetail spoke softly, then walked through the portal….
As the great doors boomed closed, Deerinea’s faint wails of anguish and pain echoed through the stone chambers – as if signalling the defeat of all hope.  They made their way to the main cathedral, where the Weasel Bishop led them in silent prayer that Whitetail would indeed succeed at his quest, and return victorious. After thirty minutes, there was a sickening explosion and the sounds of the dying. A young acolyte, his robes spattered with blood, staggered in to the chambers.
    "Your Eminence!" He gasped.
    "What is happening?" Squealed the startled Bishop.
    "My master – Schinicin forces have…." Gurgled the young Meldaron, as he succumb to his grievous wounds and died.
Again, more deafening explosions rocked the temple.
    "Attention!" Screamed the Bishop. "Schinicin forces have invaded the sanctity of the temple grounds! Rise my children – cast down the infidels!"
As one, the gathered Meldaron clergy rose, then fled the cathedral, taking their assigned places, prepared to die to defend their Bishop – and their temple.
    "What can we do?" Silverfox wept in terror.
    "Take refuge – " Replied the Weasel. "Please – this isn’t your battle. Let us handle it."

    More Meldaron’s screamed in agony, as the Schinicin tanks ripped apart the front doors, then burst in to the main temple courtyard. Behind them, the Schinicin infantry followed, safely shielded by the armoured tanks. On the surrounding hillsides, the Schinicin artillery began mercilessly bombarding the temple buildings, as the tanks took up defensive positions inside the temple grounds, then began systematically attacking the buildings.

    Turning away from the companions, the Weasel knelt at the altar.
    "Almighty Millar – grant us your righteous anger – assist your young in their defence of your home! I plead with you, grant us the strength to defeat the evil heretics that threaten your followers…."
More screams echoed through the temple, as the Schinicin infantry began spreading out, cutting down the temple guards and monks.
    "Millar – I beg of you, save your home!" Wailed the priest….
As if answering him, there were sounds of surprise from outside, as a coruscating shielding spread outwards, encircling the temple and it’s environs. Schinicin artillery pounded the shielding, but was repelled.
    "Your prayers have been answered – " Come Millar's telepathic voice. "However, I may not interfere with this battle. You alone must defeat the heretics… ."
    "Thank you – my mighty goddess – we will not fail you…." Breathed the Weasel in righteous thanks. "Guards – prepare for battle!"
    "Come on – " Silverfox snarled suddenly. "These people have no chance against the Schinicin…let’s see if we can’t help turn the battle against these reptilian attackers."
Glider and Deerinea looked at Silverfox, then nodded quickly.
    "No!" Pleaded the Bishop. "You must not interfere!"
    "Your Eminence – " Silverfox began. "With all due respect – we would have fallen if it were not for your graciousness. You took us in, have given us more than we could ever have hoped to repay – and we will not stand back, and allow the Schinicin to destroy this place…and your followers. We’ve got weapons – and we’ll fight – to aid the cause of justice."
With that, the Weasel sighed and fled the chambers, to seek out his temple guards and organise the attack upon the Schinicin….


    Aboard the Schinicin flagship, the Grand Admiral sat staring at his screens.
    "So – they do have force shielding?" He whispered. "This complicated matters somewhat. Commander – prepare a full spread of laser torpedoes, and position our ship for direct firing upon the temple…. Let us see – just how strong this temple really is…."
    "At once sire." Spoke the reptilian Commander, as the orders were passed.
    "Now – my young Meldaron's – feel the full wrath of the emperors might!"


    Down in the temple, the battle was turning badly against the Meldaron’s. They were outnumbered and their weapons were only staves, swords and clubs – useless against the armed and armoured Schinicin soldiers.
    "General – move your forces back. Flagship is preparing to fire." Come a communication.
    "Yes sir." Spoke the reptilian general. "All forces – fall back. Imminent strike against shielding from mother-ship…."
Quickly, the tanks withdrew, but the Schinicin foot soldiers took refuge in the temple buildings. A deathly silence fell over the battlefield, as the Schinicin waited for the orbital strikes to begin – and the Meldaron’s wondered what was happening….
    "They’re falling back – " Yelled one of the Meldaron temple guards.
    "Oh no – " Deerinea moaned. "That can mean only one thing…an orbital air strike!"

    There was the high pitched sounds as the torpedoes streaked down through the heavens, then impacted on the energy shielding that protected the temple. Almost instantly, the orbiting Star-Crusher opened fire with its laser cannons. Bright green laser fire ripped in to the shielding, and it flared and sparked – trying to maintain its integrity against the hideously powerful weapon systems that the orbiting Star-Crusher brought to bear upon them.
    "Shield integrity is holding – but it can not withstand this pounding…." Deerinea growled. "We’ve got to do something!"
    "Schinicin foot soldiers!" Glider screamed above the horrendous sounds of the sustained laser fire.
Immediately, the temple guards and the friends leapt for cover, as a squad of a dozen Schinicin infantry opened fire. Deerinea fired back, shooting one of the reptile soldiers. He staggered backwards, his green blood spurting over the temple walls. Glider fired wildly, his shot ricocheting off the stone walls and deflecting harmlessly away. Crouching in doorways and alcoves, the Schinicin lay down a withering hail of laser fire, and Silverfox squealed, as a young acolyte beside her was cut down, his body crashing to the ground. His blood spattered Silverfox, as the Schinicin had nearly decapitated the young Meldaron. Suddenly, the Meldaron temple guards simply vanished – as if in to thin air.

    "What the – " Glider swore, then ducked as the Schinicin edged closer.
    "Keep your head down!" Deerinea snarled.
Silverfox lined up a Schinicin soldier, then neatly shot him through the chest. His corpse staggered forwards another ten feet, before it realised it was dead – then it fell and lay convulsing on the temple floor.
    "Fall back – " Deerinea screamed. "There is too many of them!"
    "What about you?" Silverfox wept. "We can not leave you!"
    "GO!" Deerinea shrieked. "Get away! Fall back!"
Glider grabbed Silverfox, and they ran crouched over, as Deerinea lay down covering fire for them, dropping two more of the reptilian soldiers.  From no-where, there was a hail of crossbow bolts. Catching the Schinicin off-guard, they were momentarily surprised – and six of them felled – by the deadly bolts. From behind them, five Meldaron temple guards materialised, armed with swords. Before the startled Schinicin could react, they were cut down and the temple guards vanished as mysteriously as they had appeared. Still, more Schinicin infantry moved in to the hallway, their laser fire gouging great chunks and gouges along the walls, ceiling and floor. Once again, the Meldaron temple guards mysteriously appeared and lay in to the Schinicin, felling three more, but one of the Schinicin soldiers spotted them – then cut them down with a light blaster cannon. Deerinea took this opportunity to make good her own escape, ducking in to a small doorway. Schinicin laser fire ripped in to the doorframe, splintering it in to kindling.

    "Glider – Deerinea’s trapped – we’ve got to save her!" Silverfox wept.
    "What can we do?" Glider moaned. "We’re outnumbered – and our energy packs for our pistols are nearly depleted!"
Silverfox checked her own pitiful ammunition supply…indeed, they had looked – and found themselves wanting.
    "Glider – for what it’s worth…I love you…." Silverfox wept.
    "As I do you…come on – let’s take the battle to the Schinicin…."
Together, they stepped out – at peace with each other – themselves – and the world…prepared to die, for the cause….

    Seeing the bombardment had no effect on the shielding, the general called off the air strike assault. He sat safely ensconced in his lead command and control vehicle, as he scanned the battlefield.
    "General – ground forces in occupation of temple report heavy resistance…." Come a radio communication.
    "I know that – all forces – fall back and regroup. I repeat – all forces – fall back and regroup." Growled the Schinicin General.
Slowly, the Schinicin troops and armoured division pulled back from the temple, meeting no resistance. Inside the lead C&C vehicle, there was a soft shimmering sound, and then a holographic image of the Grand Admiral appeared on the small holo-pad.
    "Explain yourself General – " Growled the displeased Grand Admiral. "Why have you retreated from battle."
    "Sire – orbital air strikes are non-effective against this force shielding. Our forces are meeting considerable resistance…we’re down to only sixty-five percent of total infantry…."
    "I want results General – not excuses. I do not care how many Schinicin you must send to their deaths…. I want that temple area secured at all costs. Now General – carry out your orders – or I will personally, have you executed for treason."
    "Sire – " Stammered the General.
    "General – I will not tell you again. Take the temple – at any cost…."
    With that, the holo-link was severed, leaving the reptilian general fearing for his very life. Indeed, it would be more noble – to die in combat, than it would – at the claws of the Imperial Grand Admiral…."

    Within the temple, the Meldaron temple guards fell back in to defensive positions then watched the Schinicin closely.
    "They’ve retreated – " Deerinea whispered in surprise. "Also – their orbital attack has been suspended…."
    "Why would they retreat? We’re out-gunned and outnumbered…." Silverfox began.
    "I know…." Deerinea wondered. "What are they planning?"
    "Master! NO!" Cried one of the temple guards….

    Deerinea, Silverfox and Glider looked out over a shattered wall, to see the Weasel bishop walk out amongst the cracked and broken tombstones of the temple graveyard. Immediately, the Schinicin moved in and surrounded him.
    "Why have you assaulted this place?" Come the Weasel’s question. "This is a sacred and holy ground…."
    "Give us the book of Zra-Chak – and we will leave you and yours…." Come the General’s response.
    "I shall never turn over the sacred texts to one’s not of the faith…." Retorted the Bishop.
    "You have no choice…. Give us that which we desire – or we will level your temple, and kill any and all within its confines! Give us the book, and we will let you live…."
    "This holy work is not for the likes of reptilian heretics! I will die, before I allow your kind to get their claws on the sacred book."
    "You can not win this war…it is pointless trying to fight us…. You have a chance to live, so why do you insist on prolonging this senseless slaughter?"
    "If you kill me – then you will never find the holy tome…." Spoke the Weasel softly.
    "Order your followers to come out – and surrender their weapons. His Imperial majesty will let them go – but you – will turn over the tome, and then, be allowed to leave.

    Weighing the options, the Weasel was silent, then he bowed his head in silent prayer. In small groups, the Meldaron temple guards, priests and others came out, then were ordered from the temple grounds. Last to come out, were Deerinea, Silverfox and Glider….
"You there!" Snarled the Schinicin general. "Halt!"
He emerged from his vehicle, then approached the trio. They obediently stopped, then waited as he came closer, then glanced quickly at a small data-pad….
    "Well well…." He began. "It seems that we’ve stumbled on a rare treasure…a very elusive treasure…."
Deerinea rose to her full height, her military bearing coming to the front. Slowly, the general approached, then six Schinicin soldiers took up defensive positions, their weapons trained on the three Meldaron’s.
    "What are your names?" Hissed the general.
    "I am – " Deerinea began. "Lieutenant Deerinea, field operative under the command of General Luskow, by order of his majesty, King Reyard Russet. My serial number is L-914-C2-1."
Quickly, the Schinicin general glanced at the data-pad, and then he looked at Silverfox and Glider.
    "It is…a distinct displeasure – that I meet you both." He growled.
Silverfox bit back her words – but only just.  "I am Silverfox, a native of Tasher, and my companion is Glider – a hyooman from a neighbouring system…." Silverfox grated through her gritted teeth.
There was a soft chirp from the General’s communicator. He retrieved it from his belt, then spoke something in to it. A voice answered, and then he replaced it.
    "By order of his Imperial majesty, I hereby place you three under arrest…."
    "On what charges?" Glider snarled.

    A Schinicin soldier leapt forwards, then cracked Glider across the back of the head with his rifle butt. Glider croaked and crumpled to the ground.
    "Watch your tongue boy…." Hissed the reptile. "Be respectful…."
    "Kiss my…ass…." Glider gurgled.
Again, the Schinicin moved to strike, but the general stopped him.
    "I like you – Glider…." Spoke the general. "You’ve got courage…. I respect that."
    "You said that the others – would be free to go!" Pleaded the Weasel.
    "I’ve changed my mind – " Replied the General. "These three – are wanted for crimes against the Empire…."
    "So – you change the rules – to suit yourselves?" Replied the Weasel.
    "I do – pray that I do not change them any further…." Retorted the General.
    "Then – you leave me with no other course of resolving this conflict…."

    Without warning, the Weasel screamed something, then the very ground began bucking and heaving, as if something huge and alive was rending it apart, clawing its way to the surface….

    Schinicin and Meldaron alike were thrown to their knees, as a massive ground tremor ripped across the grounds…then there was a deathly silence…. Within seconds, the graves exploded – their dirt and leaves erupting in to the air, as hundreds of corpses clawed their way up out of the earth. Some were skeletons, their bones encrusted with dirt and the tattered burial robes, whilst others, were fetid zombies, the flesh falling from their still rotting bodies with sickening plops. Silverfox, Glider and Deerinea stared in morbid horror, as the undead began pouring from the graves, waves after waves of them. A terrified Schinicin soldier opened fire – then within a heartbeat, there was dozens of Schinicin firing wildly at the merciless tide of undead, that shambled towards them. Sobbing, the Weasel raised his palms to the sky, then wailed in grief and pain. A large half rotted corpse shuffled over to the Bishop, then it sank to one knee, it’s flesh peeling away from snow white bones.
    "We have come – " Come the deep grating voice from the decomposing Alchemian’s rotting vocal cords. "What is your bidding – our master?"
    "Destroy them…destroy them all!" Wept the Weasel….
Schinicin soldiers fired wildly, blasting dozens of corpses and skeletons in to hideous and grotesque pieces. Amidst the confusion, Silverfox, Glider and Deerinea ran to cover, and hid behind a wall. More and more rotting corpses streamed from the temple, seemingly without end. Soon, the Schinicin were being cut down – the merciless undead soldiers literally tearing the Schinicin limb from limb. For each undead soldier the Schinicin cut down, five took its place.
    "Fall back! Fall back!" Screamed the Schinicin general. "All units – fall back!"
Disarray and chaos reigned, as fears overcome the Schinicin soldiers – driving some of them crazy. They fired at anything that moved – even cutting down their own troops. Tirelessly, the undead army swarmed the Schinicin soldiers, then there was the hideous sounds of the reptile soldiers death screams – followed by low moans from the hundreds of undead soldiers. They swarmed over and around the Schinicin tanks. Great explosions rocked the undead horde – as the Schinicin’s fired their tank guns in to the seething undead hordes. Still – they kept coming, swarming the tanks and immobilising them. Silverfox watched in horror, as an artillery shell landed amongst a group of the undead, blasting their fetid corpses in to amorphous chunks of rotting flesh. One zombie clawed its way along the ground – towards the Schinicin tanks. It had been cut in half, but kept moving, dragging itself along the ground….

    Silverfox retched at the sickening scent from the rotting corpses, and the horror of it all struck her heavily. These undead, some dead for centuries – others recently interred – all of them – were the ultimate in military forces. They would never desert – they would never surrender – they would keep coming, despite what you done to them…. As if reading her disturbed thoughts, Deerinea glanced at the wide-eyed Silverfox.
    "How can you – " Deerinea asked. "Kill something – that is already dead?"
    "You – can not…." Silverfox gurgled.
For over an hour and a half, the undead army tore in to the Schinicin armoured division, eventually ripping open the hatches, then dragging the screaming reptilian soldiers from the tanks – and tearing them apart limb from limb. When at last the battle was over, the battlefield was littered with chunks of undead – and the more gruesome – remains of the torn asunder Schinicin forces. Slowly, the undead milled about, then spotted Deerinea, Silverfox and Glider. Eagerly, the undead horde moved purposefully towards them….
    "NO!" Silverfox screamed, as she backed away. "Go away! Leave us alone!"
    Kill…kill…kill… Came the Undead's chant.
Glider grabbed Silverfox and dragged her backwards, away from the approaching undead. Deerinea wept, then rose and faced the throng of dead Meldaron’s.
    "Orak – dracnar…tireth!" Deerinea screamed.
    "Orak – dranar…tireth – kazrak!" Deerinea wailed.

    Their undead leader, the zombie Alchemian paused, as did the rest of the undead horde.
    "Sith – tirak, nai de!" Deerinea commanded them.
    "Tirak – nei Drak-charnath?" Grated the undead Alchemian.
    "Tirak – nei chadar nith-ra."
    "Wego." Grated the Alchemian.

    As one, the undead army turned, then marched back across the corpse-strewn battlefield, and returned to their graves. Those who had no graves returned in to the temple, and back down in to the catacombs and crypts below…. Deerinea slumped to her knees, then drew great shaking breaths. Silverfox’s heightened smell detected the sweat, which had soaked Deerinea’s soft fur….
    "What – what was that ?" Glider gasped then drew his cape over his nose, as the winds blew the stench of the corpses over them all….
    "I…had to command the undead – or else – " Deerinea retched. "They would have slaughtered us as well…."
    "What…oh…no !" Silverfox wailed, as she saw the Weasel withdraw a silver dagger, then drive it deep in to his softly furred stomach….
    "NO!" Deerinea screamed, then ran to the Weasel. "Master…no!"

     Blood ran over the Weasel’s paws, and stained his robe crimson. Deerinea tore the dagger free, noting the sickening notched blade…and the grievous wound it made, upon being dislodged. Immediately, Deerinea knelt and forced her paws against the grievous – and obviously mortal – wound.
    "My child – let me die…." Gurgled the Weasel, blood frothing on his muzzle.
    "Master…I can not let you do this…you will live…."
    "It is…too late – my child. That knife – was poisoned. Nothing can stop it now…."
    "Master – " Deerinea wept. "Without you…."
    "I…" Gasped the Weasel. "I had no choice!"
    "Silverfox – Glider – get me something to use as padding…hurry!" Deerinea screamed.

    Immediately, Silverfox and Glider fled. They returned shortly, with a clean robe. Deerinea used the dagger to cut up the robe in to bandages and a thick wad, which she used as padding, trying to staunch the flow of blood.  Together, Deerinea and Glider carried the critically wounded Weasel in to the main cathedral, where they lay him on the floor. Silverfox placed a thick robe over the Weasel, as his convulsions began, nearly tearing him apart.
    "I…had no…choice…." He gurgled….
    "He is delirious…." Glider wept.
    "No – he is still lucid." Deerinea countered. "I know this poison…it is very slow acting…and exceptionally agonising to suffer…."
    "My…young…." He gasped, more blood flecking his lips. "Go…."
    "I will not leave you master…." Deerinea wept. "I will not leave you…."
    "Millar – watch over you…." He cried, as the convulsions ripped in to him.
    "Master – " Deerinea sobbed. "Is it true? Is the Tome of Zra-Chak within the temple?"
    Barely capable of breathing, the Weasel began choking. When he could finally draw a shallow breath, he pulled Deerinea close, then whispered in her ears.
    "It…is hidden – within the altar…"

    A bone-crushing convulsion seized the Weasel, making him buck and writhe in mortal agony. Deerinea wept bitterly, knowing that her beloved master was soon to die…and because of what he had done – in raising the dead – his spirit would be forever tarnished. It would never be able to rest, instead, cast out in to the emptiness of the netherworld, where he would suffer for eternity.  From the far side of the main cathedral, came a bloodied and weary creature. Blood soaked its robes and it left sticky bloodied footprints as it staggered across the temple floor, then collapsed. Silverfox and Glider ran to it, then rolled it over, to see the agonised expression of Whitetail, blood smothering his head and neck.
    "Deerinea…we need you!" Glider screamed.
Deerinea turned her back on her dying master then ran to where Glider and Silverfox knelt beside the critically wounded Whitetail.
    "Whitetail…." Deerinea wept.
    "I…done it." Whitetail choked, then convulsed. "I completed…the training…."
Using sheer willpower, the grievously injured Whitetail crawled to his hooves, then staggered towards where his master lay stricken. Glider and Deerinea took Whitetail by the arms, then led him closer, to where the final convulsions were seizing the dying Weasel bishop.
    "Master – " Whitetail gasped. "I completed…."
With a final bone-jarring convulsion, the Weasel gurgled…then died. Whitetail and Deerinea threw back their heads and wailed with bone chilling screams, mourning the passing of their beloved master…and teacher….

    As Whitetail’s strength gave out, he collapsed and they watched, as a spectral image of the Weasel materialised before them….
    "My child – my heart is still now – but I am gladdened, to see you passed the final test. I can not change that – which I have done – and nor would I. My time – is limited. Already, the dark-ones come for my spirit…and I have but little time. Please – take the book of Zra-Chak…and keep it from the Schinicin…. In this – you must not falter. If they can – get the key to the book – then all is lost….
    "Master – the ritual of T’Neth…I could…." Whitetail croaked.
    "No Whitetail…." Whispered the Weasel. "I will not permit you to do that…. I have gravely dishonoured the spirits of the fallen…and betrayed…Millar herself. I done wrong, in raising the dead…and now – I must be punished for my crimes…. Take what you have earned – and pass on – your training…."
They fell back, as a black swirling maelstrom opened beneath the Weasel. He stared at them, and then great inky black tentacles reached up through this portal, and seized the Weasel in their bone-shattering embrace. He smiled weakly at his students, then was dragged down in to the dark maw. Before it closed, he uttered a long…chilling and undulating scream – of mortal agony – and terror…that would go on – for eternity…. When the dark portal slammed closed, there was a deafening peal of thunder – which shook the temple to its very foundations…. Statues fell and shattered on the floor, and great cracks ripped through the tiled floor, from which, come the screams of the damned and an eerie crimson glow, that slowly faded, as did the agonised screams – which pleaded for mercy – that would never come….

    Whitetail coughed and sobbed softly, then knelt on the cold stone floor. Deerinea delicately placed her paw on his quaking shoulders, then squeezed comfortingly.
    "He did – what he felt was right…." Deerinea wept.
    "Why? Why was he forced in to this decision?" Whitetail wailed.
    "He knew – that there was no other chance…to save us all…. He condemned himself, to save us…." Deerinea told him gently.
    "Whitetail – you need…some urgent medical help…." Glider sniffled.
    Whitetail rose on weak hooves, then stared at them all.  "I did not…risk my own soul – on a fools errand. Witness – the powers of a fully trained Warrior of Millar's Order…."
    Whitetail squeezed his eyes closed, then held out his shaking paws. Faintly, then brighter and brighter, his paws began to glow, with a white radiance. Soon, it reached a blinding intensity, and Whitetail made a strange series of gestures…and to their surprise, his wounds fused closed the flesh mending and the torn fur matting itself back together. Within moments, only the blood on his torn robes and fur were the indications of his once grievous wounds – that he had received, in combating the Star-Dragon….
    "Sweet blessings of Millar – " Glider exploded. "How…."
    "I have consummated my training and now, I have come in to my full potential. My powers are many and varied and can be used for healing – or attack." Whitetail spoke. "Which reminds me…. Silverfox, I have a message for you…from someone you knew…and loved with all your heart…."
    "Who…." Silverfox asked.

    Whitetail gestured, and then Mack’s corpse was brought in to the chambers and laid on the altar. Silverfox burst in to tears when she seen it, and ran to his side. Here, she knelt and buried her muzzle against his still chest, her sobbing tearing her apart.
    "Silverfox – I can – if you wish – bring him back to you…." Whitetail spoke.
Deerinea’s jaw fell open and she nearly fainted. If it had not been for Glider, she would surely have fallen.
    "How can you say such?" Silverfox wailed in grief.
    "Silverfox – listen to me…." Whitetail spoke, his voice soft, but touched with a sharp stern command. "It is called the ritual of T’Neth…. It is an ancient ritual – that has not been practiced in over five hundred years…."
    "Whitetail…." Deerinea pleaded.
    "It is her decision my beloved – I must allow Silverfox the opportunity – to decide for herself…." Whitetail spoke softly.

    Silverfox looked at her beloved friend’s corpse, then burst in to new tears.
    "I…need time to think…." Silverfox wailed.
    "Take as much time as you require…." Whitetail spoke. "I must tend to the other wounded, and set things right…. Millar has been raised from her centuries of sleep, and it is I, who must try to soothe her – in relations to the vile crimes that my master has committed."
    "What – what of the Schinicin?" Glider asked.
    "I do not think – the Schinicin will bother us again…. At least, not any time soon. We have given them a resounding beating here…but they will be back – and in much larger numbers."
Whitetail bowed, then left the chambers quietly. Deerinea and Glider left as well, leaving Silverfox to her difficult decision.

    They walked out on to the littered battlefield, then surveyed the wreckage and mayhem that lay strewn about. Already, the surviving Meldaron soldiers, temple guards and followers – were clearing the area, looks of sickened horror on their faces.
    "Why did he do it?" Glider asked Deerinea.
    "Our master – did what he felt was right…. He knew that Millar was powerless to stop this, and he deliberately disobeyed her…and called forth the dead. This crime – even I can never forgive him for." Deerinea whispered.
    "You – hold that sacred…."
    "Glider – you are not one of us…and never will be. I still, respect you and your own beliefs, but the dead – have earned their eternal sleep. It is unimaginable, that someone would dare to raise them – no matter for what purpose. Our master knew this – but he openly defied Millar – and now – he shall pay for the crimes against not only her – but the dead as well…."
    "Do you not understand?" Glider growled. "He did it to save you all!"
    "Glider – please…try to understand. To us, it is better to die in combat…than it is to live as an oppressed people. When our master raised the dead – he broke every rule that the Meldaron people have ever believed in – and respected. He brought dishonour both to himself…and to those that he has raised from the dead. They will be forgiven –, as they had to obey his commands – but our master – shall suffer for eternity…for the heinous crimes that he has committed. For eternity, he shall suffer the pain and terror of their righteous wrath…and as cruel as it sounds, I can not bring myself to forgive him…." Deerinea spoke quietly, as she walked towards one of the motionless Schinicin tanks.

    "Lieutenant Deerinea – wait!" Spoke one of the soldiers. "It’s not safe!"
Deerinea ignored the soldier, then climbed up the gore-spattered tank. Quickly, she looked inside, then staggered backwards, and leapt from the tank – as she was violently sick.
    "Lieutenant?" Asked the soldier.
Deerinea continued vomiting, then managed to weakly wave him away.
    "Medic!" Yelled the soldier. "Medic!"
    "I…am alright." Deerinea gasped heavily. "It’s just – I…I was not prepared for what I saw in there…."
Glider climbed up then looked inside…. His face paled and he likewise staggered back off the tank then fell to his knees.  Inside the tank, was a Schinicin tank operator, who had been seemingly turned inside out…. It’s reptilian entrails pooled about its scaled feet, in places, blood soaked bones poking through it’s torn and shredded scaled hide. What was worse, was the look of righteous maliciousness, which adorned its still muzzle….
    "My god – " Glider gagged. "What done that to him?"
    "Quite possibly – he done that himself…." Deerinea retched.
    "He – "
    "All Schinicin are bred for one purpose – to serve the emperor. If they can not surrender, then they are under orders to take their own lives…. We are quite fortunate – in that – he did not activate the destruct sequence – which would have annihilated this tank, and set off a chain reaction amongst them all…. We must work swiftly, to deactivate the destruct controls – as they may be activated by the orbiting Star-Crushers…."

    Deerinea looked up then barked a sharp command. Immediately, two Meldaron soldiers came running then set to work on the tank, deactivating the powerful explosive devices located within and under the tank. Deerinea watched them work, then growled and set to work on another of the tanks, as she realised, that they were rapidly running out of time…. Indeed – time was something – they did not have much left of….


    On the bridge of his flagship, the Grand Admiral had watched the battle on the planet below. When it was complete – he sat back in his throne and exhaled softly, a worried look crossing his reptilian snout. Never in the Schinicin’s entire history – had they suffered such a catastrophic defeat – and the Grand Admiral, for once in his long life – grew concerned.
    "Commander – " Whispered Sith Hirr Draconis. "Call remaining forces back."
    "Do it!" Raged the Grand Admiral.
Quickly, the Commander issued the recall order, ordering the troops to stand down and return to their bases on Meldaron.
    "You have won this battle my Meldaron enemies – but the war is far from over…you may be assured of that!"
    "Sire – the Emperor demands you make contact with him – he seeks an update on the war…."
Slowly, the great dragon raised his bulk from his throne, then he turned and left the chambers, his scaled head bowed in concern and apprehension. Indeed, this was a totally alien sensation to the Grand Admiral – the feeling of being – for the first time in centuries….

    He felt frightened….

To Be Continued.