Rising Star II

Rise of the Dark Talon Fleet

Story © Anthony Wain

mailto: Cederwyn@Snowy.org

Artwork © Angela Beaman


All Rights Reserved

    It has been fifteen years since the battle of Meldaron, which claimed thousands of lives. In the time after the Great War, many hundreds of thousands perished – due to starvation, disease and the elements. Meldaron has been rebuilding herself – arising like the proverbial Phoenix from the ashes, just as the King of Meldaron proclaimed. Peace settled down over time, and the Meldaron military forces, now led by Lieutenant Commander Deerinea, have been strengthening their forces – steadily rebuilding from the massive losses inflicted during the Great War. All military operations are now spread all across Meldaron – so that if another invasion come – then the Meldaron forces would be ready. They learned a powerful lesson from the Great War – and they are sure – they will never again be so complacent.

    Small rebellious uprisings of traitorous Schinicin have occurred since the fall of that once evil Empire – but these forces – have been successfully destroyed or driven back, by the combined allied resistance. No-one knows just how many of the ex-Schinicin Star-Crushers fled to the furthermost ends of the Galaxy…but ever since the Great War, rumours have abounded – that there is a new threat that is building…. It is rumoured, that this threat is locating and gathering those precious few Schinicin Star-Crushers that fled…and those who wish to see the evil and corruption of the former Empire rise once more. Meldaron and Schinicin are now officially allied, and they’ve worked side by side – to rebuild their shattered worlds…and lives. Hyoomans have flooded in to Meldaron, and swelled the ranks of the Meldaron armed forces – bringing with them much needed assistance for the rebuilding…and new recruits for the Military forces.

    Trade between Schinicin and Meldaron was slow to begin with, but now, the Schinicin have swept away the last remnants of the Empire…and have engaged in trade with Meldaron…and hundreds of other worlds. Schinicin starship yards are working around the clock – building and repairing the new space naval fleet – using a compilation of Schinicin Star-Crusher class and Meldaron Maloner class craft. Even though there is much left to do – to restore the once beautiful world of Meldaron – some of the worst wounds of the war have healed….

    A new threat is brewing…that shall threaten not only Meldaron – but also the entire Galaxy….


            Meldaron Military Base, Maloner, Pearldinea, Meldaron.

    Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea, her muzzle greyed with age, walked down the ranks of the newest recruits to join the Meldaron military. Many of them were young – and in Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea’s eyes – frighteningly young….
    "I was never that young…." Whispered Lieutenant Mack Shazri, his new battle armour gleaming in the twin suns gentle light.
    "You’re right – Lieutenant Shazri…." Lieutenant Commander Deerinea smiled softly. "You were younger."
Standing rigidly at attention, the hyoomans and Meldaron’s stared fixedly as Lt. Cmdr and Lt. Mack made their way down the lines, inspecting the new recruits. When Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea had finished her inspection, she nodded softly to Lt. Mack.
    "Excellent Lieutenant – you have brought these recruits – from being young and insolent…less than six months ago – in to a fine military force. I commend you on an excellent job."
    "Thank you – Lieutenant Commander Deerinea." Lt. Mack nodded, then saluted.
    "Squad – dismissed." Lt. Mack shouted.
Joyously, the squad broke up and scattered. Lt. Commander Deerinea raised an eyebrow in surprise and Lt. Mack grinned wickedly.
    "You never cease to amaze me Lieutenant…." Lt. Commander Deerinea smiled.
    "Ah – Lt. Cmdr. You should know not to trust a wolf…." Lt. Mack smiled.

    Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea threw back her greyed muzzle and laughed delicately. Lt. Mack laughed as well, then made their way towards the Officers quarters. Here, they changed in to more comfortable military clothing and walked through the base, inspecting other places and troopers. Of special interest, was the gunnery range, where Corporal Glider was busily drilling a squad of new recruits.
    "No…no…no!" Corporal Glider groaned in exasperation. "That does not belong with that! This belongs with that! Sheesh!"
    "Attention on deck!" Lt. Mack barked.
Instantly, the recruits snapped erect and saluted crisply, and Corporal Glider did likewise, then saluted sharply.
    "Lt. Cmdr Deerinea – Lt. Shazri." Corporal Glider spoke.
Lt. Mack and Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea returned the salute.
    "How goes the weapons training?" Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea asked.
    "Sir – with all due respect – it would be easier to teach rocks to fly!" Corporal Glider groaned.
    "Oh?" Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea asked.
    "Sir – no disrespect meant to the new recruits…. I – it’s just…difficult."
Lt. Mack Shazri hid his smile behind a paw and Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea smiled weakly.
    "At ease troopers…." Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea spoke. "So – you’re having some problems?"
    "It’s these new tri-fire laser rifles…I can not get the recruits to remember how they go together!" Corporal Glider moaned.

    "Lt. Cmdr – if I may?" Asked Lt. Mack.
Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea nodded, and then Lt. Mack approached the weapons table. Here, the startled trainees watched in awe – as Lt. Mack stripped down a tri-fire laser rifle in about eight seconds flat.
    "Lieutenant Mack," Corporal Glider spoke. "Eight seconds? Sir – you’re getting rusty!"
Lt. Mack smiled good naturedly at Corporal Glider, who grinned back.
    "You know…maybe I am at that…." Lt. Mack sighed…then in a split second, had Corporal Glider flat on his back, with Lt. Mack standing over him – his pistol pointing at the hyoomans head.
    "Then again – " Lieutenant Mack smiled, then stepped off the startled hyooman. "Maybe I’m not so rusty after all?"
Corporal Glider flushed crimson with embarrassment, then laughed as the young Tashan officer helped him back up to his feet and dusted him off.
    "You – " Corporal Glider began. "Always…catch me on that one!"
Stunned, the young trainees watched on.
    "Your first lesson," Lt. Mack told them. "Is to always expect the unexpected."

    Corporal Glider laughed and put back together the stripped down laser rifle.
    "Sir – " Private Nael – a young Hare asked. "Do we – "
Lt. Mack leapt at the startled young Hare…and he squealed in surprise – as she sidestepped and expertly drove him in to the ground, then pressed his own pistol against his head. Lt. Mack chuckled softly, and then Private Nael helped him back up and returned his sidearm.
    "Excellent Private Nael…most impressive." Lt. Mack smiled. "You’ve got natural talent there!"
    "Yes sir – thank you sir." Private Nael spoke.
Corporal Glider and Lt. Commander Deerinea threw back their heads and laughed wildly, after watching the young Hare trainee easily take down the more experienced Lt. Mack, who smiled, then dusted himself down once more.
    "Private Trolganza – let’s see what you can do!" Lt. Commander Deerinea asked.
    "Sir!" Spoke Private Trolganza – a young male tiger anthro.

    He raised his rifle, then sighted on the distant target. Lt. Commander Deerinea, Corporal Glider and Lieutenant Mack retrieved binoculars, and fixed their sights on the target.  Sighting carefully, Private Trolganza adjusted the delicate scope…then fired five rounds. Three out of the five landed within centimetres of the ten-centimetre red target circle. Slinging his weapon, Private Trolganza come to rest.
    "Most impressive Private…." Lt. Mack nodded. "Most impressive…."
    "I agree." Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea nodded. "Private, you’re pretty good with that weapon."
    "Thank you – sirs." Private Trolganza spoke.
    "Private Nael – your turn." Corporal Glider replied.
Obediently, the young female Hare unslung her rifle, then raised it…and squeezed off five quick shots. Four of them struck the target – dead centre.
    "Millar’s name!" Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea breathed. "Excellent Private…."

    Private Nael smiled softly, then hung her head, and returned to her place.
    "Private Kyle – " Lt. Mack asked the young trainee hyooman. "Are you ready?"
    "Yes – sir." Private Kyle replied. "Sir – permission to move the target back…"
    "Permission granted Private…but it’s already at 100 yards…."
    "Thank you sir." Private Kyle replied, then set the target range for 1,500 feet.
Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea moaned, as she watched the target shuffle backward to its maximum range.
    "Private – " Corporal Glider groaned.
    "Sir – if you will permit me?" Private Kyle asked.
Corporal Glider shrugged.
    "It’s your call Private – let’s see what you can do." Spoke Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea.
    "Thank you – sir." Replied Private Kyle, as he knelt on one knee – then adjusted his targeting sight.

    He then fired five rounds – and scored five very close bullseyes.
    "Sweet Millar – " Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea gasped.
They were all most impressed with the young trainee’s marksmanship – then Private Inari walked up to them.
    "Reporting in as ordered – sir." Private Inari whispered softly, then saluted to Lt. Cmdr Deerinea, Lieutenant Mack and her father – Corporal Glider.
    "Ah – Private Inari…right on time." Corporal Glider smiled. "Sir, permission for Private Inari to demonstrate her skills?"
    "Permission granted Corporal." Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea nodded.
    "Thank you sir." Private Inari whispered, then gave a shy smile.
Private Inari set the maximum range for her target…and removed the sight from her laser rifle.
    "Private – without the laser sight…." Lt. Mack began.
    "Sir – may I proceed?" Private Inari asked.

    Lt. Mack glanced at Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea, who shrugged and nodded. Private Inari knelt on one knee…then closed her eyes and breathed softly. Suddenly, she snapped her laser rifle up…and squeezed off five shots…with five perfect bullseyes.
    "I do not – " Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea gasped, her jaw dropping incredulously.
    "Private – could you do that again?" Lt. Mack breathed.
    "Sir?" Private Inari asked, as she glanced at Corporal Glider.
Corporal Glider nodded eagerly, then smiled.  Once again, the target was set and Private Inari knelt again…and followed through – exactly as before…with a perfect score.
    "Millar's name!" Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea gasped. "You’re – "
    "Sir – permission for Private Inari to be put through to the reconnaissance squad?" Corporal Glider asked Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea.
    "Private Inari – do you feel capable of taking this duty? In being trained as a sniper?" Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea asked.
Private Inari smiled shyly, then slung her rifle.
    "Sir – with all due respect, do you honestly think that I am worthy of specialist training?" Private Inari asked – her voice barely above a whisper.
    "Private – you’re more than worthy…." Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea gasped, staring at the perfect targeting range score.
    "Sir – " Private Inari asked her father. "With your permission?"
    "Granted – Private Inari. Go on…you’ve earned it." Corporal Glider replied.
    "Thank you – sir." Private Inari whispered gently.

    "Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea, report to headquarters – " Come a comlink communication.
Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea moaned and rolled her eyes.
    "Lieutenant – with me. Corporal Glider – return to your training…." Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea growled softly.
    "Yes sir – " Corporal Glider nodded, as he turned back to instructing the new trainees.
As Lt. Mack and Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea made their way back across the courtyard, heading towards the main buildings, Lt. Mack sighed.
    "No rest for the damned – "
Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea glanced at him, then nodded sadly.
    "If I ever knew – what I was getting myself in too, then I would have declined the position to lead the Meldaron forces." Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea groaned.
    "Really?" Lt. Mack asked, his eyebrows raising. "Forego all this? The long hours, the thankless tasks, the devoted work you put in…."
Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea smiled wickedly, then playfully poked the younger Tashan.
    "No – of course not. If I did throw it all away, I’d go mad with boredom, within a week…." Lt. Cmdr Deerinea laughed. "Come on, we’re here."


            Meldaron Military Base – Maloner – Pearldinea – Meldaron

    "Lieutenant Commander – we’ve just received a report…another…freighter been destroyed…." Spoke a communications technician.
    "Damn it all!" Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea growled. "How many have we lost in the past month?"
    "Eleven vessels – sir. No survivors."
    "Where was this one destroyed?" Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea moaned.
    "Sir – it was destroyed near the system of Altair II, thirty-seven light years away."
    "What of the other vessels? Is there any pattern to the destruction of the freighters?"
A stellar map was laid out, with red points displaying the location of the last contact with the freighters – before they were mysteriously destroyed. No matter how Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea tried to examine it – there was no obvious pattern to the destruction of the vessels.

    "All right – what do we know about the vessels destruction? Malfunction? Asteroid impacts…space mines…what?" Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea asked.
    "Nothing sir – they had just exited through the Stargate’s and were heading for their destinations…then…gone."
    "Hyperwave signal contact?"
    "Likewise negative – sir. There was no transmissions sent from the vessels, before they were destroyed."
Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea growled, then began pacing the floor, staring fixedly at the stellar map…as if it would give her the answers that she so needed.
    "Give me a full data copy of all the vessels that have been destroyed. What their cargoes were, their destination...class of vessel...anything."" Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea sighed.
    "Sir – permission to speak?" Lt. Mack asked.
    "Granted – " Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea replied.
    "Sir – it seems unlikely – that it would be space pirates. These vessels are destroyed within moments…with no emergency warning transmission being able to be sent out…." Lt. Mack sighed. "Besides – why would space pirates just destroy a transport vessel…instead of capturing it and stealing the cargo?"
    "Good point Lieutenant – space pirates wouldn’t destroy the freighters…they would – as you said, steal the cargo…and quite possibly…the ship itself."
    "When is the next cargo freighter due to arrive on Meldaron?" Lt. Mack asked.
    "Sir – the freighter Alexis Pride – is due on Meldaron…in five days. It is carrying valuable Droid parts and other machinery. It is coming from the Planet Naldarion…in the Pyrenes system." Spoke a Private.

    "Private – dispatch an escort of four star-fighters to rendezvous with the Alexis Pride…and escort her here." Lt. Mack spoke.
    "Sir – fighters will take two days to reach the location…."
    "Do it – private. We do not want to lose any more freighters."
    "Yes – sir. Fighters are being fuelled for departure…."
    "Excellent…keep us informed…private."
    "Yes sir."

    Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea and Lt. Mack left the control chambers, then headed back towards the Officers quarters. They looked up, as the four Meldaron star-fighters launched in to the air…and vanished up in to the sky.
    "You know something lieutenant?" Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea asked.
    "Sir?" Lt. Mack asked.
    "I think – it’s time – we found out about a long lost acquaintance…."
    "Captain – " Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea spoke in to her comlink. "Have my shuttle readied."
    "Yes sir – " Come the voice from the comlink.
    "Sir – you mentioned…." Lt. Mack began.
    "My sources…indicate that a mutual – acquaintance – of ours…has been making some interesting headway…since the fall of the Empire. I think it’s time, we got in touch with him…as he has one of the largest smuggler rings out."
    "Smugglers?" Lt. Mack growled. "We do not – "

    "Lieutenant…save it. This smuggler is probably the closest link we have, to finding out what’s really going on with these vanishing ships." Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea sighed. "I don’t like dealing with them myself – but they do have a much wider net of contacts…than we do."
They walked on in relative silence, then made their way to the airfield, where Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea’s shuttle sat parked. Two armed Meldaron soldiers snapped to attention and saluted sharply, as the two officers approached.
    "At ease – troopers." Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea spoke. "Is the pilot aboard?"
    "Yes – sir! Everything is prepared for immediate departure…."
    "Good. At ease troopers…."
Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea nodded, then made her way up inside the shuttle. Lt. Mack paused, then shrugged and followed her in. A few minutes later, the hatchway sealed itself closed…and the two troopers scurried for cover, as the shuttle’s engines cycled up for flight.
    "Destination sir?" Asked the pilot.
    "Foxville spaceport." Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea spoke softly.
    "Aye – sir."

    With a slight lurch, the shuttle leapt in to the sky and made its way westwards, towards the small spaceport of Foxville….


            Foxville Minor Spaceport

    When the shuttle touched down on the designated landing pad, Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea and Lt. Mack opened the hatch. Walking down the steep ramp, they were met at the bottom by a hyooman soldier, dressed in a long black trench coat. A massive shock of raven black hair accented the visual image, and he nodded grimly to them both….
    "Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea – " Growled the hyooman. "I am Captain Fitzgerald."
    "Captain, I do not have time to discuss pleasantries, as I have a tight schedule to keep. I need to get in touch with someone…and the only way to do that is to get in amongst the smugglers and others. Is there any of your operatives, that could arrange a meeting for me?"
    Captain Fitzgerald thought for a second, then nodded.  "Its difficult…as you may surmise…."
    "You can do it…can’t you?" Lt. Commander Deerinea asked.
    "Sir – I said it was difficult – not impossible." Grated the sullen Captain.
    "How soon Captain?" Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea asked.
    "Depends – sir. On where…and when."
    "Here – and now." Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea grunted. "It’s vitally important to us all."
    "Now?" Asked the startled Captain.
    "That’s right Captain… now. Get on to it…." Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea whispered quietly, but her voice tinged with authority.
    "Yes – sir." Sighed the Captain, as he raised his comlink to his lips…then spoke something in to it.
    "Fifteen minutes – " Was the reply.

    "Agreed." Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea spoke. "Fifteen minutes."
    "Do it." Cpt. Fitzgerald grunted.
Fifteen minutes later, a black furred rat come in, followed closely by several rough looking weasels and wolves, who held their paws lightly on their blasters. When the black furred rat looked up, his eyes widened and he moaned.
    "I don’t deal with – " He began. "I ain’t gonna get no shakedown from the soldiers!"
    "Sit down – " Spoke Cpt. Fitzgerald softly.
    "Hey – no deal. I ain’t gonna tell…."
    "I said…sit down!" Cpt. Fitzgerald screamed, then within the blink of an eye, had a pistol underneath the rodent’s muzzle…cocked and ready to fire.
    "Well – " Swallowed the rodent, then shuddered. "Since you put it that way…."
From out of the shadows, stepped two dozen Meldaron troopers…who quickly relieved the rodents own guards of their weapons and explosive devices.
    "Aww…another shakedown Captain?" Moaned the Rodent.
    "Blackfurr…you and I know this isn’t no shakedown. Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea here, has a few questions she wants answered." Captain Fitzgerald growled, as he holstered his sidearm.
    "THE Lieutenant Commander – " Gasped Blackfurr.
    "That’s right – Blackfurr." Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea spoke. "Now, let’s get down to business."
    "I ain’t gonna talk!" Moaned Blackfurr. "I got a reputation…."
    "I know – " Captain Fitzgerald growled. "I agree that nothing comes cheap anymore. What's the price?"
    "That depends – on what you need to know? Doesn’t it?" Asked Blackfurr.
    "I need to know – where I can get my paws on to Drak…. I had heard, he has done real well out of the peace deal…."

    Blackfurr moaned. "Oh no…nononononooo. You’re never getting that out of me! If he found out I spoke to you about his secret base…and operations…he’d have my hide as a rug for his floor!"
    "Well – we could – do a shakedown – and then…well…you’d find out just how cruel the courts and such could be to you…or you can back down now, and tell us what we wish to know…." Lt. Mack sighed. "It is your choice…."
    "Smuggling is a high offence isn’t it Lieutenant?" Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea asked Lt. Mack.
    "Yes sir – fifteen to thirty years in jail…at least." Lt. Mack replied, his muzzle not betraying his humour at Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea’s cruel joke.
Blackfurr moaned again.
    "Not to mention…confiscation of all profits, assets, ships…discovery of contraband substances and weaponry…." Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea pondered.
    "You – you can’t do this to me!" Blackfurr wailed.
    "Correction – " Captain Fitzgerald growled. "We will do as we see fit, do you understand me?"
    "If I get caught out telling you – " Blackfurr wailed. "I’ll be slaughtered! A secrecy extends throughout the…."
    "We’ll ensure you don’t get harassed…by smugglers – pirates…or…the Military. Providing that you tell us. Should you refuse – we’ll arrest you here and now, and you can explain yourself to the chief magistrate." Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea whispered. "It is your choice…."

    Looking amongst the three Meldaron officers, the smuggler rodent come to realise that he was over a barrel…and that these officers – were calling the shots.
    "What – do you want from me?" Blackfurr moaned, wilting under their gaze.
    "We would like – " Lt. Mack began.
    "To know – where the self-appointed leader – " Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea finished quietly. "Of the smugglers has his base."
    "That’s going to cost you – " Blackfurr grunted.
    "Lieutenant," Captain Fitzgerald spoke to Lt. Mack. "Commence shakedown operations on this operators vessel."
    "Wait!" Blackfurr wailed.
    "Belay that order Lieutenant." Cpt. Fitzgerald spoke quietly.
    "His base – is in the Tallandoon system…." Stammered Blackfurr.
    "Tallandoon? That’s a fair travel…." Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea growled. "How can we trust you?"
    "Because – " Blackfurr mumbled, then swallowed. "I’ve got more than just my reputation at stake here…."
Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea pondered this for a moment, then nodded.
    "All right – get out of here. Do not let me catch you breaking any more laws, as we won’t be so lenient on you in future…." Captain Fitzgerald growled.
Quickly, the rodent and his guards fled back in to the city.
    "Captain Fitzgerald – keep a tail on that rodent. I don’t want him disappearing on us…." Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea spoke quietly.
    "Yes sir – I’ll get right on it…." Cpt. Fitzgerald grunted, then gave a halfhearted salute and left the docking bay.
    "Lieutenant – with me." Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea spoke. "We’ve got a long flight ahead of us…."

    Lt. Mack blinked, then boarded the shuttle.
    "Pilot – return to Maloner base…we’ve got some preparations to make." Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea grunted.
    "Aye sir – course laid in." Replied the pilot.
    "Get too it pilot…." Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea snapped.
    "Aye – sir."
Within moments, the shuttle was streaking back across the skies, heading back for its Maloner base.

            Meldaron Military Base – Maloner – Pearldinea – Meldaron

    After half an hour, it touched down and Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea walked quickly to the barracks.
    "Corporal Glider – " Lt. Mack began.
    "Sir!" Corporal Glider replied.
    "Get yourself together Corporal…we’ve got a mission for you. Oh, bring along Private Inari as her…talents …will be useful."
    "Yes sir – I’ll be ready in moments."
    "Thank you – Corporal…" Lt. Mack spoke, then turned away…and looked back at Corporal Glider. "Corporal…Glider…we’re still friends…aren’t we?"
Corporal Glider approached, then hugged the Tashan officer tightly.
    "Of course – my friend. Now – let’s get moving…." Corporal Glider smiled.
    "Glider – thank you." Lt. Mack snuffled. "It means – a lot to me."
Corporal Glider saluted sharply, and Lt. Mack smiled and returned the salute, then left the barracks.  As he walked out, the slammed straight in to Private Inari. Inari let out a whispery squeal of alarm, then dropped the heavy box she was carrying. Lt. Mack let out a startled squeal, then stumbled backwards and fell heavily. Within moments, Private Inari knelt and helped him to stand.
    "Lieutenant – I’m sorry – " Come her whispery voice. "I didn’t mean – "
Lt. Mack crouched and retrieved the box, then handed it back to her.
    "Private – it was my fault. I wasn’t watching. Are you alright?" Lt. Mack asked her.
Private Inari favoured him with one of her soft smiles…then quickly pecked him on the cheek.
    "Yes – Lieutenant…I’m fine…thank you for your concern…sir."
Lt. Mack gazed at her, then his muzzle wrinkled as he smiled warmly.
    "Private – I wish…you wouldn’t do that…." Lt. Mack blushed. "Oh, get your kit together…as I’ve got a mission for you…and Corporal Glider."
    "My…kit? Sir?" Private Inari smiled shyly.
Lt. Mack blushed at her joke and he coughed weakly.
    "I understand…sir. I’ll be ready in moments." Pvt. Inari smiled, then walked in to the barracks.

    Lieutenant Mack shook himself, then smiled and made his way back towards the main buildings.
    "What do you mean?" Come Lt. Commander Deerinea’s scream of outrage.
    "Sir – with all due respect – it’s gone!" Stammered a younger officer.
Lt. Mack made his way in to the tracking station chamber, then saluted. Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea returned the salute sharply, then glared at the sensor operator.
    "Get me some answers…now !" Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea snarled.
    "Sir – " Lt. Mack began.
    "Not now Lieutenant…we just lost the latest of the freighters…the Alexis Pride…."
    "We – " Lt. Mack whimpered.
    "Sir – reports from outpost 17, reports that the freighter docked there…and headed on towards the Stargate…. Moments before it was to pass through… something …triggered the Outpost alarms. Sir – it was something – massive. Without warning…freighter Alexis Pride…simply…exploded."
    "Any – " Asked Lt. Mack in horror.
    Slowly, the sensor technician shook his head. "No sir – no survivors…out of a crew of ten…."
    "Private – have Outpost 17 relay via hyperwave signal, all the data that they had on what-ever this thing was…."
    "Just get on to it Private…as this is the twelfth freighter…in a month…. Our people need the supplies these freighters are carrying…."
    "Sir – Outpost 22, in the Deltaith system, has just been…destroyed…." Come another stunned voice.
    "WHAT?" Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea moaned.
    "Sir – they sent a hyperwave signal…but only part of it…had come through, before they were destroyed…."
    "Replay what we have – now!" Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea growled.

    Swiftly, the recording was played back….

    Sounds of warning klaxons filled the air, and there were frightened Hyooman and Meldaron screams. Explosions ripped from the speakers, as a frightened voice crackled from the speakers.
    "Can anyone – " A loud burst of static. "We’re under – unknown…warship – hull breech! We’ve got – fifty casualties! Please – anyone – help us! - attack was – did not detect – no warning!"
There was a final series of explosions…then the hiss of static…and finally, silence.
    "How many souls – " Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea asked her eyes wide in horror.
    "Sir – Outpost compliment was – 87." Come the quiet reply.
Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea replayed the distorted message, but could not detect the sounds that she had first missed….
    "Lt. Mack – can you make them out?" Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea asked.
Lt. Mack listened attentively, then his muzzle wrinkled as he concentrated.
    "Sir – it sounds – like turbolaser fire…." Hedged Lt. Mack.
    "There was no warships evident on their sensors…" Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea grunted. "So where did…."
    "Computer!" Lt Mack barked. "Analyse transmission and detect sounds heard in background. Filter out all other noise."

    After a few moments, the computer beeped and returned its findings. Lt. Mack’s eyes widened in surprise.
    "It is turbolaser fire! What I do not understand – " Lt. Mack began.
    "Is why – the sensors did not detect the warship! How on Meldaron do you cloak an entire Battle-cruiser ?" Whispered Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea.
    "Its impossible – " Lt. Mack interjected. "All attempts at creating cloaking fields for our warships – met with failure…and the deaths of the testing pilots…."
    "Computer – how long did it take, for the destruction of Outpost 22?" Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea asked.
Working swiftly, the computer calculated the time from first detection – to destruction of the starbase.
    "4.03 stellar minutes, 22.1 stellar seconds, 0.53 stellar – " It replied.
    "Enough – " Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea gasped. "Based on all relevant data, what thing could possess such power…to destroy a heavily armed and armoured starbase like Outpost 22?"
To their horror, the screen blanked out…and after a while, it displayed the one thing they all wished to never see again…

    It was an Imperial Star-Crusher warship.

    "Computer – are your calculations right? An Imperial Star-Crusher?" Lt. Mack gasped.
An acknowledging beep from the computer confirmed its findings.
    "I thought that they had all – " Lt. Mack whispered.
    "There was a majority of the fleet, that when the order came through, they self destructed their warships…rather than surrender. However, about a third of the former Schinicin Naval fleet…vanished in to the Stargate’s…and was never heard from again…. We all know, that these Star-Crushers only lasted three days, as we’ve found entire fleet vessels – their crews destroyed – data cores ruined…."
    "Yet – how – " Lt. Mack gasped. "They couldn’t…."
Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea’s own eyes widened in trepidation, as she realised where his train of thought was going.
    "Private – get me the Palace… now!" Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea gasped.
    "Aye – Sir."


            Aboard the Dark Talon Flagship – Somewhere Near Outpost 22

    "Commander – T-9721 reports Outpost 22 has been annihilated, as per your orders…." Spoke a Droid.
Slowly, the black coloured Droid Commander, model A-182 turned and fixed its electronic gaze on the lesser Droid, class D-212.
    "Proceed with withdrawing all fleet vessels from sector. I shall inform the Admiral." Spoke the Commander Droid.
With a stiff bow, the Droid Captain returned to his assigned duties. Slowly, its metallic feet clanking across the bridge, the Commander – A-182, made its way from the bridge and down in to the depths of the capital ship. Outside the main doors of the Admiral’s quarters, it stopped and touched the door sensors. They hissed open and the Droid entered the dim chambers beyond. Its photoelectric eyes pierced the darkness – gleaming brightly.
    "Report – A-182." Come a soft growl.
    "Admiral – " Spoke A-182. "Outpost 22 has been thoroughly destroyed, as per your instructions."
    "I see. Were we detected?" This disembodied voice hissed.
    "Sir – sensors aboard the outpost did not detect us. Our attack was completely successful." Replied A-182, its voice slightly metallic like.
    "Excellent…. Were any transmissions beamed from the Outpost?"
    "Yes – sir. It was only a fragment – and is mostly unintelligible."
    "Are you certain…." Come a low and menacing growl.
    "Sir – I have recorded the entire battle – for your perusal, if you so desire."
    "No – there is no need. Is our cloaking field intact?" Asked the voice faintly.
    "Yes – Admiral. All field strengths are nominal. We were not detected."

    There was a soft sigh, and then the voice spoke again.
    "Commander – recall our fleet. We’re going to return to our base…and plan our next move."
    "Admiral – there is a shipment of Caldon, due through the Paradine system in three days."
    "Yes Admiral. I await your orders."
    "What is the freighters destination?"
    "It is destined for Meldaron – sir."
    "I see – Commander – destroy the freighter. No survivors."
    "Yes Admiral – by your command…."
    "Oh – A-182?"
    "Send the Blacktalon to destroy the freighter…."
    "Yes sir – by your command." Spoke A-182.

    Quickly, the Droid commander bowed again, then clattered from the chamber.   Ever so slowly, the lights inside the chamber began to brighten…to reveal a metallic armoured figure sitting in the throne, surrounded by small consoles. This figure was built like a female Vulpine, with her black armoured exterior polished to a gleaming shine. Her eyes were bright red – like those of some savage, bloodthirsty beast. Slowly, she raised her metallic paw, then rested her chin on it. Idly, the Droid like Vixen rapped her metal fingers against her armoured snout. After a few moments, she yawned, the powerful canines gleaming wickedly in the light….


            Crown Castle – Pearldinea, Meldaron.

    "WHAT!" Screamed King Reyard Redfur, at the holographic image of Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea.
    "Sire – Outpost 22, in the Deltaith system…was destroyed, with a loss of all hands." Lt. Commander Deerinea moaned. "Sire – I have further bad news…."
    "Speak – " Whispered the King.
    "Sire – a new threat is arising. It appears – that someone has discovered the remaining Star-Crusher ships…and have brought them back in to combat status."
    "I was assured that – "
    "Sire – we know. Only on Schinicin, could the necessary data be retrieved, to re-activate the Star-Crusher warships. Our computers have analysed all data on the attack on Outpost 22…and there is no mistaking it sir…. A Schinicin Star-Crusher class Battle-cruiser was responsible. Sire – I seek your permission, in mobilising the naval fleet – in a brave bid to stem the freighter losses we are experiencing. Our people need the supplies these freighters carry…and without a fighter escort…and strong naval presence to deter any potential threats…."
    "Make it so, Lt. Commander – deploy the fleet. Do what-ever you must…to put an end to this." Growled the King menacingly. "I will take this up, with the Schinicin Ambassador…."
    "Yes sir – " Lt. Commander Deerinea spoke.

    With that, her holo-transmission broke apart. Silently, the King leant back in his throne…then paged a courtier.
    "Sire?" Asked the Courtier.
    "Send a messenger to the Schinicin Ambassador…. Ask him to report to me."
    "Yes sir." Spoke the startled Courtier. "At once sire."


            Meldaron Military Base – Maloner – Pearldinea, Meldaron

    Corporal Glider stood beside his young daughter, Private Inari, as Lt. Commander Deerinea and Lieutenant Mack approached.
    "All set?" Asked Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea.
    "Yes sir!" Corporal Glider spoke. "Shuttle is refuelled and ready."
They made their way up in to the spacious interior of the shuttle, then sealed the hatchway behind them.
    "Cleared for departure sir." Spoke the pilot.
    "Make it happen captain." Replied Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea. "Set course for the Temple of the Eye of Infinity…."
    "Yes sir."
Its engines cycling up in to flight, the shuttle was launched and began streaking towards the distant temple.
    "We’re going to go see – " Asked Corporal Glider.
    "Whitetail…." Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea sighed.
    "I have not seen him since…."
    "The battle of Talan IX. Eight years ago." Lt. Mack sighed.
    "Its been that long?" Asked the incredulous Corporal Glider.
Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea smiled and nodded…indeed – it had – been a long time….


            Temple of the Eye of Infinity – Blue Moon Valley, Meldaron

    Less than an hour later, the shuttle touched down with a soft hiss of escaping gasses. Quickly, Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea lowered the ramp and stepped out in to the courtyard of the temple. Immediately, six temple guards challenged her.
    "Onar charic – delrath caldon…." Lt. Commander Deerinea chanted.
    "Onar charic – mirath ae – Welcome…Lieutenant Commander!" Come an older, familiar voice.
Whitetail, dressed in his pure white robes, walked quietly out in to the courtyard. He and Lt. Deerinea held each other’s gaze for many minutes – then both crashed against each other and embraced tightly.
    "Oh Millar I’ve missed you so!" Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea wept.
    "I have missed you as well, my beloved!" Whitetail sniffled. "How – you’ve changed a lot since…."
Corporal Glider exited from the fighter, then Lieutenant Mack followed him. Whitetail finally managed to drag the other two friends in to his crushing embrace then squeezed them all tightly.
    "Back – together again!" Whitetail wept unashamedly, totally losing his self-control and aloofness.
Private Inari stepped on to the ramp of the shuttle, then slowly made her way down the steep ramp and she paused…marvelling at the beautiful architecture of the Temple. Corporal Glider managed somehow to escape the embrace of his long time friend, then as he beckoned Private Inari closer…Whitetail’s eyes grew wide in shock.  Private Inari seemingly floated across the cobblestones, then as Whitetail approached – she dropped to her knees before him and pressed her face to the ground.
    "Mirath – sie urtak mier." Private Inari spoke her voice soft and respectful.
    "Mirath – sie onar – ae!" Whitetail replied gently, then laid his paws on her bowed head.

    He tenderly helped the young vixen to rise to her feet, then he stared in shock, as she glanced shyly in to his eyes…then dropped her gaze respectfully.
    "Sweet Millar – " Whitetail gasped. "Is this…."
    "Private Inari – his eminence, the High Priest and Warrior of Millar's Order, Whitetail. Your eminence – Inari Vanstar, my daughter."
    "She is – " Whitetail blinked. "As beautiful as – her mother was."
    Corporal Glider swallowed a bitter lump in his throat, then weakly nodded.  "Yes – your eminence – she is." Corporal Glider choked.
    "Please – call me Whitetail. After all we went through…you’ve earned the right to call me by my proper name." Whitetail smiled warmly.
    "Whitetail – my beloved…we have need of you…and your skills." Lt. Commander Deerinea sighed.
    "After all these years – you still need me?" Whitetail teased her good-naturedly.
    "Whitetail, please…it’s important. We really need you…for a mission to track down someone…."
Whitetail nodded grimly then summoned one of his highest-ranking Priests. Speaking softly to the priest, who nodded and left, Whitetail sighed.
    "Whitetail – " Corporal Glider asked.
Whitetail looked at Corporal Glider, then at Private Inari. Whitetail nodded, and gestured.
    "Lt. Commander – with your permission…." Corporal Glider asked.
    Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea snuffled, then wiped away a traitorous tear from her soft brown eyes.  "Go on – Corporal. Go pay your respects…."

    Corporal Glider gently took his daughter by her paw, then led her in to the dim temple….
    "So – what is this mission?" Whitetail asked Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea, as he tactfully diverted the subject.
    "Whitetail, we’ve been losing a number of vessels – mainly freighters - in the past few months. Now, we’ve lost the Outpost in the Deltaith system…. An unknown vessel destroyed it only a few hours ago. Our computer system has analysed all the data we had on it…and it come up with only one ship, which could have destroyed the highly armed and armoured Outpost…. A Schinicin Battle-cruiser – Star-Crusher class."
    "That’s – " Whitetail exclaimed.
    "Impossible – we know. Still, its attack was totally unprovoked and unable – to be detected." Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea growled.
    "That ship – " Whitetail began, awe stricken.
    "Had a cloaking field engaged. Now, you see the real danger that we face. We do not know who has found the Star-Crusher…or managed to reactivate its systems, without the Schinicin coding commands. Its happened…and we’re on our way, to meet with someone, we pray, who can help us – put this most difficult – and deadly – puzzle together…before it is too late."
    Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea raised her comlink to her lips, then activated it.  "Commander – Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea here. Launch the naval fleet – spread them throughout the surrounding systems…have them stay alert. We can not afford to lose any more freighters – or Outposts."

    "Sir?" Come the startled Commanders voice. "Our fleet – "
    "Just do it Commander, this is a direct order – from the King himself."
    "Aye – sir. Orders being transmitted now…."
    "Whitetail?" Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea asked, as she placed the comlink back on her belt.
    "I’m with you – let’s go." He growled. "This poses a very real threat to not only us – but to others within this sector. Come on, let’s try to get to the bottom of this…."
    They waited until Corporal Glider and Private Inar retuned, before they returned to the shuttle, which leapt back in to the sky.
    "Lt. Cmdr. – what is your destination?" Asked the pilot.
    "Set your course for the Tallandoon system…maximum speed." Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea whispered, as she tightened the belt around her waist.
Working swiftly, the shipboard navigation computers were programmed with the required destination. A soft chirp from the computer confirmed the plotting.
    "All systems are nominal sir – " Spoke the pilot.
    "See to it – and lets get there as swiftly as we can…." Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea sighed. "An old friend – needs catching up with."


            Planet Tallandoon, Tallandoon System, five days later.

    As the shuttle entered the atmosphere of the small forest moon of Tallandoon, they found their sensors thrown out by the massive magnetic interference of the native vegetation of Tallandoon.
    "What the – " Corporal Glider gaped, as he looked out the shuttle windows, as they dropped down towards the planet.
    "It’s the vegetation – it’s mostly a metallic type of organic life. It affects sensor readings and other vital systems…. Quite clever, to set up a smugglers den here, as it is naturally masked from the eyes of passing ships…. Further, be warned. Tallandoon looks peaceful, but it has some of the most hostile plants – and animals – known throughout the galaxy." Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea growled. "Keep your weapons ready – as I do not think we’re going to receive a welcome reception…."
Down on the planet surface, hidden deep underground, the smuggler lair was well shielded. Unfortunately, not well enough –
    "Sir – shuttle approaching the base – " Come a sensor operators startled cry.
    "One of ours?" Asked the voice of the leader.
    "No – sir. It’s a Tashan class, medium shuttle…it’s requesting landing clearance.
    "Ignore it – they don’t know we’re here…."
    "Attention smuggler lair, this is Lt. Commander Deerinea, commander of the Meldaron military – demanding immediate landing clearance."

    Slowly, the leader's eyes widened, then he swallowed.
    "Attention smuggler lair, this is – " Repeat the transmission.
    "Allow them to – " Swallowed the startled smuggler. "Give them permission…."
    "Just – do it!" Barked the self appointed leader. "Allow them to land!"
    "Attention Tashan shuttle, you are cleared to land on the landing pad. Repeat, you are cleared to land…." Stammered the operator.
They watched, as the Tashan shuttle touched down lightly on the landing pad, then the leader and ten of his most loyal guards walked out to meet the shuttle passengers.

    As the shuttle hatchway hissed open, Corporal Glider, Private Inari and Lt. Mack exited, then took a defensive line – as Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea came down, escorted by Whitetail, who had folded his hood up over his head. After a few moments, the leader of the smugglers blinked, then ordered his guards to lower their weapons.
    "Well – Meldaron be damned!" He growled. "It’s you!"
    "I thought I’d seen the last of you – " Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea grated. "I was wrong…. Greetings – Drak."
Drak approached warily, then when he and Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea were almost nose to nose – he smiled then hugged her warmly. Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea was momentarily taken aback by this display of surprising affection, then she weakly smiled.
    "Seen the last of me?" Drak smiled. "Come – let’s get undercover. It’s not safe to be out in the open here…."
    "I see – you’ve made a fairly decent life for yourself here?" Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea grunted.
    "Life – has been good to me…since you decided to cut me loose." Drak smiled.
    "I can see that…. So – you’re the new smuggler king I hear?"
    Drak paused, then slowly turned his head to look at her.  "Who told you?"
    Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea smiled, then kept walking.  "I have my – sources…as do you."
    "A Lt. Commander no less…well… you…certainly got out of the war well…."
Lt. Commander Deerinea paused, then hung her head and turned to face Drak.
    "We suffered terrible losses – not – that I honestly think you cared…."
    "As I said, what goods a reward…if I’m not alive to enjoy it? I got smart, and now, I am doing quite well…out of my shrewd business acumen."

    Drak led them down in to a lift – then in to an impressive hall. Here, all manner of fine wines and food was laid out under groaning tables.
    "Come – enjoy the food, fruits and wines, from around the Galaxy. I’m sure, that we can put our past differences behind us? I do not think, you flew all this way, just to reopen old wounds."
Making themselves comfortable, they sat and exchanged small talk for a while, then got down to serious business.
    "What do you know – " Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea spoke quietly. "Of the predations against our freighters and Outposts?"
    Drak leant back in an opulent throne, then dangled his legs over one of the armrests.  "What I don’t know…isn’t worth knowing. Come Lt. Cmdr. Information is not free….  I have not managed to get myself this well off – by giving away information…."
    "Then perchance – " Whitetail spoke quietly, as he folded back his hood. "I can persuade you of otherwise?"

    Drak squealed in alarm, then his eyes widened in terror, as Whitetail transfixed him with his gaze.
    "YOU!" Drak moaned, the fight draining from him in seconds.
    "You honestly didn’t think – that you could nail the Meldaron’s paws to the wall – and extort them for your own personal gain? I am quite sure…that this threat, has put a dampening effect – on your own shady operations?"
    "No – of course not…." Drak bluffed.
    "Listen to me – you mangy – flea riddled sack of bones!" Whitetail snarled.
    "Now you just watch your tongue…." Drak seethed.
    "Or else what?" Whitetail shrieked. "Within seconds – I could take you, and your band of pathetic wretches down…. You know I can do it…or if you prefer, Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea could call in some military support…and you’d find just how unpleasant the Meldaron jails really are…. Or – we can resolve this amicably, and work together…to piece this puzzle together."

    Drak glanced at his guards, as if trying to work out the chances of it. To his alarm, they lowered their weapons and stepped backwards. Whitetail’s eyebrow raised and he looked at Drak.
    "It’s your decision…." Whitetail whispered. "What shall it be?"
Drak paced the chamber, the differentiating thoughts churning through his head. Finally, he admitted defeat.
    "It’s true – these attacks have been disrupting my own business ventures… throughout the galaxy. As you may imagine…it is displeasing those of my clients, who depend on these shipments…and thus, it affects me …and my reputation as well as my livelihood." Drak swore. "Something must be done to put an end to this threat, once and for all…."
    "Our informants report – that there is a renegade on the loose, with a Schinicin Star-Crusher…who is destroying freighters throughout the galaxy." Lt. Commander Deerinea spoke.
    "A Schinicin Star-Crusher? Only one?" Drak choked on his laughter.
    "What do you mean?" Whitetail snapped.
    "My dear…misguided …fools. There isn’t one Star-Crusher…there is at least, a dozen of them…."
    "WHAT?" Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea gasped, horrified.
    "As we all know, when the Schinicin Empire fell – a percentage of the fleet scattered to the far ends of the galaxy. Here, within the week – they met their demise, but now…." Drak grunted. "Now – someone is reactivating the lost Star-Crushers and they are using them to obviously hurt my interests…but those of yourselves, and undoubtedly, others throughout the Galaxy."
    "Do we have a name for this new threat?" Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea asked.
    "We do – it’s called the Dark Talon Fleet…. I’ve cut a lot of deals of late, and this information is the hottest to come to me in a long time. Apparently, there is some new Admiral…who is rebuilding the Empire…and using the Star-Crusher fleet to instigate a new war…. Of course, this new Admiral has done something that no one had ever been able to do…. This Admiral – has perfected the ultimate weapon. A cloaking field, that shields the vessels from visual and electronic surveillance."

    "A dozen – " Lt. Mack whimpered. "We all know just how powerful one of those damned vessels were…."
    "That’s right Lieutenant." Drak smiled weakly. "I do not know how they are being brought back in to operational status…without the coding commands and data core restoration…which only exists on Schinicin. I suspect there is some elements that exist within the new Schinicin military…that may be working to secretly instigate a new war between Meldaron and Schinicin. Of course, should a new war erupt – and erupt it will…then once the two factions have warred themselves in to horrendous destruction, then the new Empire will step in…and crush them both. Now – I have a proposition for you all…that will prove to be…mutually beneficial."
    "What do you want from us?" Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea growled.
    "What I want – is for the Meldaron forces to lay off on my ships and people, as you’re really starting to displease me." Drak smiled.
    "You know that smuggling and piracy – "
    "Listen to me!" Drak snarled. "Lay off my ships and people…and we’ll cease our predations on your own ships…and supply your people with information and intelligence…. We can get more information, than your own Intelligence operatives could ever hope to get…. So – is it a deal?"
Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea swallowed and glanced at the others.
    "I – don’t have the authority to grant such a stay of execution…."
    "Then I suggest that you get back to the King…and lay it all on the line. He issues a royal pardon for my people and me…and we’ll cease our hostilities against you and yours…and supply you with information. This way, it works out beneficially for us all…wouldn’t you say so?"
    "I…I’ll be in touch…."
    "Do not bother coming back here Lieutenant Commander…as next time, you won’t be so welcomed…. Just leave a message with my associates in Foxville…and I’ll pass along what information I have…once I have been assured, that the attacks and harassment on myself, my ships and my people…by Meldaron forces…has ceased." Drak whispered softly. "Now – if you’ll excuse me…I’ll be about my duties."

    Slowly, the Meldaron forces made their way back to the shuttle, then launched back in to space. During the flight towards the Stargate, they compared thoughts on what they had heard…and what they themselves…had felt.
    "Well – the King is not going to take this lying down," Lt. Commander Deerinea spoke up.
    "Exactly – he has a zero tolerance for smugglers, mercenaries and others in this line…." Lt. Mack sighed.
    "Well – " Corporal Glider began. "Without the smugglers and such as our eyes and ears…we’re at a loss."
    "I think – " Whitetail growled. "That we’ve got some serious problems. I do not trust that traitor further than I could throw him…."
Private Inari sat quietly, her eyes closed, paws lightly folded in her lap.
    "Private Inari – do you have any thoughts on this?" Corporal Glider asked.
Private Inari slowly opened her eyes, then glanced shyly at them and looked back at her paws.
    "Speak Private…let us share in your thoughts." Lt. Commander Deerinea spoke quietly.
    "Sir – " Private Inari’s soft whispery voice answered. "I sensed…that he was not telling us the entire truth…. Most of what I could sense from him, is fear. Under the circumstances, I could not find fault in this…however…I do not trust him that well. I feel – that he is hiding something. Exactly what – I am unsure."
    "Private Inari – could you please be a little more concise?" Corporal Glider asked.
    "Sir – there was a deep rooted fear within him…and not only about the threat of the Meldaron forces…but something else. It’s well blocked, and I dared not try to pry it free…but I feel…he isn’t telling the truth about everything. I did sense he spoke the truth on the Dark Talon Fleet…but this isn’t all of it. Sir – I’m sorry – but it’s all that I could sense from him…without risking being discovered."
    "Thank you Private Inari – your skills are greatly welcomed." Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea sighed. "Without you…I do not know where we would be."
    "Thank you – sir." Private Inari smiled shyly, then glanced back at her paws.

    Whitetail sat silently for a time, gazing at Private Inari. His own thoughts reached out to her, and as he lightly touched her mind – Private Inari’s mental defences snapped up and drove the stunned Whitetail back sharply.
    "Sweet Millar!" Whitetail panted.
    "What?" Lt. Commander Deerinea yelped.
    "Private Inari – I just tried a gentle mind touch…and she nearly took my head off…"
    "Sir – I…I’m sorry…." Private Inari whispered, then began crying softly.
    Whitetail came over to her, then gently hugged the young vixen, soothing her.  "Private Inari – I didn’t mean to frighten you…. Your talents, your… power… is phenomenal. I never expected…to get such a response."
    "Sir – I…I can not control it…at times. It is just…so hard."
    "Corporal Glider – " Whitetail spoke. "Why didn’t you tell me…of your daughters powers?"
    "I – I never honestly thought about them…. I just took them for granted…and I…."
    "Lt. Commander Deerinea," Whitetail pleaded. "I respectfully ask – to be permitted to relieve Private Inari from the military…and take her as a student…and teach her myself."

    "Private Inari – would you be willing to break off your military career…and study under Whitetail?" Lt. Commander Deerinea asked her.
    "I – " Private Inari whispered. "What would I – "
    "Private Inari – you would have a free reign…but would be expected to train hard…much …harder than in the military, and of course, you could visit your father and friends…whenever you wished…."
    "Corporal – " Private Inari began, then swallowed. "Father…."
    "It is your decision…my beloved. I will not force you in to it." Corporal Glider replied.
    Private Inari sniffled, then glanced shyly at Whitetail.  "I…may I please…have some time to think?"
    "Of course…." Whitetail nodded. "I do not want to force you in to this, as it must be a decision that you yourself…make."
Private Inari nodded, then leant back in her chair…and closed her eyes wearily. Indeed, she was torn between her love for her father…and following the tradition that her father, mother and others…of this majestic line had followed…or breaking with tradition, and following Whitetail, and aspiring to become a Warrioress of Millar's Order….


            Crown Palace, Pearldinea, Meldaron.

    "Ambassador Ak’tar – " Spoke the young Alchemian courtier.
Slowly, the Schinicin Ambassador made his way to where the King stood, with his back to the entrance. Armed Meldaron castle guards kept a wary eye on the Schinicin Ambassador.
    "Ambassador Ak’tar – " Growled the King. "I do not have time for formalities, so let’s be honest and forthright with each other…."
    "Yes – your highness." Replied the reptile. "What is it that you have summoned me?"
    With a deep sigh, the King of Meldaron turned to look at the loathsome reptile.  "Ambassador – our two worlds have been at peace now, for fifteen years. In that time, we’ve shared everything we have with each other…and more besides. Now, I must ask you honestly – has your President been holding back on us?"
    "Sire?" Asked Ambassador Ak’tar.
    "We’ve just received reports…of who has been preying on Meldaron freighters…. It is – a Schinicin Star-Crusher – that has been doing the damage to our trade network…trade – I might add, that carries with it a substantial monetary factor, as well as priceless equipment and supplies…needed for this world to rebuild."
    "Sire – with all due respect accorded to you and your people – the Schinicin are not – "
    "Let me finish!" Shrieked the enraged King.
Slowly, the reptile’s eyes narrowed, then his scaled hood settled back against his neck.
    "This – is…as you and I both know…a danger to our two worlds peaceful relations." Grunted the King of Meldaron. "I know – that there is no way…that a Schinicin Star-Crusher can be reactivated – without its coding commands…that your own President…has control over."
    "Such is true…your highness." Replied the reptile. "It is a safety… precaution…that was built in to the Star-Crusher naval fleet…to prevent anyone… how do I say it delicately…from stealing a Star-Crusher…and using it against our own people…."
    "It never stopped you in the past – " Spoke the King faintly.
    "I beg your pardon?" Asked the Schinicin Ambassador, his eyes widening.

    "Forgive me – I spoke out of anger. So – we have a problem on our doorstep, and just what do we do about it?"
    "Sir – as you were so kind in pointing out the obvious – that only a Schinicin could be betraying our peace…then I do not know what to say. Only the Schinicin President himself…has access to those command keys…and only he can authorise the reactivating of these Schinicin Star-Crushers. To insinuate – that the President himself - " Snarled the Ambassador, his scaled hood flaring in his anger.
    "Listen to me – you scaly bastard!" Screamed the King. "Only he can do it, as you have just finished saying !"
    "Sir – I shall take my leave of you…before I say something…we both will live to regret…." Whispered the Ambassador.
    "Get out of here…and go running back to your precious President! Tell him that unless he uncovers what is going on here…then he shall reap the whirlwind which he is so intent on summoning!"

    Pausing at the guarded entrance to the King’s throne room, the Schinicin Ambassador paused, his scaled paw resting on the doorframe. Ever so slowly, his cobra like hood settled, then he sighed and left the chambers…without another word.
    "Get me Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea… now!" Shrieked the King.
Quickly, couriers scattered to relay the order.  Agitated, the King paced back and forth; his mane bristling with anger and loathing…then the full realisation slowly began to seep down in to him….
    "Sweet Millar – " Gasped the King. "What are we doing to ourselves?"


            Dur-Talanakath – Schinicin Capital City – Imperial Palace

    "He said WHAT?" Shrieked the Schinicin President.
    "Sire – it is as I have reported it. His Excellency – " Spoke the holographic image of the Schinicin Ambassador.
    "I heard you the first time – "
    "Sire – if I may – "
    "You be silent…. Order the fleet to scour the galaxy…deploy the scout ships, to locate and retrieve the remaining Star-Crushers…NOW!"
    "Yes…sire." Bowed the Schinicin Ambassador, as he nodded and his holographic image dissolved.


            Planet Tallandoon, Tallandoon System

    "Sir – sensor contact…one…no… two Star-Crusher class warships! Now entering orbit!" Squealed a terrified sensor operator.
    "Sweet Millar – what do those scaly bastards want with me?" Drak cursed.
    "Sir – we’re being hailed."
    "Alright, put it through…."
There was a brief flicker, and then the holographic image of a black metallic vixen appeared on the holo-pad receiver.
    "Attention smugglers…." Come this metallic Droid’s voice "I am the Admiral – of the Dark Talon Fleet. I am commencing landing operations – and I expect full cooperation upon my arrival."
    "Admiral? Of the what?" Drak growled. "You’re not a – "
    "I am what I am…and you will have preparations made…for my arrival."
    "Communications, send a priority distress signal – " Drak whispered.

    A deafening explosion shook the compound and the chambers shook toppling computer systems and stellar maps to the floor, where they shattered.

    "A nice try – " Come the metallic voice. "Do not try to send any communications again…or else…I will destroy your base…and everyone in it. This is your first and last warning…."
    "Admiral – we’re just a small…." Drak moaned.
    "You have something…I want…and will have." Come the sharp reply, then silence.
    "Sir – they’ve destroyed our communication relay! We can’t send any messages!" Growled the young Weasel operator. "We dare not resist them…."
    "Guards – with me. Let us go meet this upstart Admiral…and see what he wants from us."
They made their way up to the surface, then watched as three Imperial shuttles touched down. His guards well hidden, they trained their weapons on the middle shuttle – then were surprised when the black armoured Droid Vixen emerged from behind them….
    "You should know – than to try and second guess…an Admiral…." Come the metallic voice.
Startled, a young Alchemian shot at the black armoured Droid…and just as the laser shot reached it…there was a bright blue flare…and the shot was harmlessly deflected. Without a single sign from the Admiral, two Droids seized the young Alchemian, then dragged him before the metallic Admiral.
    "So – " Spoke the black Droid. "You would seek to greet me and my people in such an unfriendly way?"

    It gently patted the young colt Alchemian’s cheek…then caressed his throat…as the other two Droids held him in a grip of steel.
    "Let – him go." Drak growled. "There is no need for…."
Ever so slowly, the black armoured Vixen closed her metallic paw about the young colt’s throat…then effortlessly squeezed. There were his agonising choking sounds… then a loud and sickening crunch. He convulsed wildly, and then the Droid let his body fall….
    "There was – no need for what you done." Drak swore.
    "Let me make myself clear – " Spoke the Droid. "You are not in a position to argue with me…. Your loathsome soldier shot at me…and he has paid the consequences of his actions…with his life. Now – let us discuss…business."
    "I do not do business…with cold…heartless, mechanical constructions."
    "Correction…you do now." Spoke the black metal Vixen. "I want to know, all that you can tell me – of the freighters operating within the surrounding sectors. You will tell me…or shall I return to my vessel…and pound your insignificant little base in to rubble?"
Drak swallowed…knowing that this Droid…could…and would do exactly as it had just said. He shuddered, then led the Droid admiral and it’s soldiers down in to his base.

    Here, Drak outlined the entire freighter shipments…for the next six weeks. When he had finished, the Droid placed its metal paw alongside Drak’s muzzle…then patted it gently. Drak swallowed, realising that this Droid…if it so wanted could crush his neck…just as it had demonstrated before.
    "Excellent…. I will make a pact with you. You keep me informed of any and all freighter activity and such…including where the Schinicin and Meldaron military forces are going to be operating…and I will ensure…that my fleet leaves you and yours alone. If I find your services to be adequate to the task, then I will consider giving you a cut…of the stolen freighter cargo. This cargo…I could imagine, would prove to be most…valuable…on the black market. So, are we agreed?"
    Drak swallowed, then nodded his head quickly.  "Deal." He stammered.
    "One more thing – should you try and betray me…or divulge our conversation to the Schinicin or Meldaron forces…then you will not like the consequences…. If I even suspect you are trying to sell me out…I will find you…and destroy you, and your people…without warning…or mercy."
    "I said – we had a deal."
    "Indeed – and it is in your best interest…to remember…that."
With that, the black Droid and its guards returned to their shuttles…and departed the system. Drak was left stunned and shaking, wondering why all his plans were slipping through his shaking paws…like sand.

            Crown Palace, Pearldinea, Meldaron.

    "Sire – Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea…." Spoke a courtier.
Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea, with Lt. Mack at her side, approached and knelt on one knee before the King.
    "Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea, Lt. Mack…I pray…" Began the King. "You have good news for me?"
    "Sire – we have compiled a report…on the latest freighter losses…and the destruction of Outpost 22." Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea spoke quietly. "Sire, we have cause to believe, that someone is using some recovered Schinicin Star-Crushers…."
    "Damn it all Lt. Cmdr. I know that! What I want to know…is who is behind it all?" Raged the King.
    "Sire – we have been in contact…with some…" Lt. Mack whispered.
    "Lieutenant…speak." Growled the King menacingly.
    "What the Lieutenant is trying to say – sire…is that the Intelligence operatives have little to go on. We’ve had too – seek outside our own forces…to get information."
    "What – sources?" Asked the King, as he retook his throne.
    "Sire – we’ve had to seek out the…smugglers…who are seeking a deal with."
    "There will be no deal with the smugglers!" Shrieked the King. "I want them all stamped out…once and for all!"
    "Sire – please, if I may be permitted to speak?" Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea began.
    "Very well…."
    "Sire, they are seeking an…cessation of all attacks against them, by own forces, and in exchange…they shall cease predations upon our own freighters and such, as well…they will supply us with much valuable information." Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea whispered.

    "Lt. Cmdr. I did not grant you your titles and rights…so you could lie down in submission to those…who seek to profit…at the cost of our own people. I order you, to crack down even harder…on these pirates…smugglers…and worse. If I do not see improvements…within one month, I shall have you permanently relieved of your command…."
    "Sire – please – if I may be allowed to speak, on behalf of my commanding officer…." Lt. Mack began.
    "I will not roll on my back in submission to these pirates and such Lieutenant…let me make that clear."
    "Sire – these…of the criminal underworld…have given us much valuable information already…. Sir – please – give us a month…and if we do not have any noticeable gains in putting a stop to these attacks…."
    Angrily, the king leapt from his throne then paced the chamber floor, his tail twitching back and forth in agitation.  "You have – two weeks…." Whispered the King. "Make it count…because if I do not have any noticeable results in that time…you’ll both be sent to the military jail at Vallin…. Do you both understand me?"
    "Yes – sire. Thank you sir." Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea swallowed. "Sire, I followed through with your orders…and have scattered the fleet – throughout the surrounding sectors. I hope, to put an end to these predations upon our freighters, as our people desperately need these supplies…."
    "Excellent…Lt. Commander Deerinea…. Keep me informed…at any and all developments."
    "Sire – we also know a name…behind these attacks on our ships. There is a self appointed Admiral…and the fleet this Admiral is using…is called the Dark Talon Fleet…."

    Without warning, the King paused, then looked back at them both…his eyes wide in surprise and shock.
    "You said that the…." He gasped.
    "Yes sire – the fleet is the Dark Talon Fleet…."
    Shaking, the King staggered back to his throne, then slumped heavily in to it.  "You…are mistaken Lieutenant Commander Deerinea…. That is… impossible."
    "Sire?" Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea asked.
    "That fleet – was lost…over a hundred years ago. It was the most powerful naval fleet that was ever commissioned…. Over fifty capital class ships alone, all slaved in to the master computer systems…."
    "Sire…what happened?" Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea asked.
    "That fleet…the crew…came down with a virulent case of the Taladon IV virus…. They went mad…and slaughtered millions of people…before the virus reached it’s worst stages…and the fleet vanished in to the Stargate near Altair IV… and was lost forever…. You must…be mistaken Lt. Cmdr. It can not be that fleet…"
    "Sire – all our evidence points to the fact of…." Lt. Mack spoke up.
    "Lieutenant…if it is the Dark Talon Fleet…then may Millar save us all, as there is nothing that will stop her. She was the most deadly…the most advanced… warship fleet ever commissioned…. Her secret lay in her trans-drive engines…and above all… her cloaking field…."
    Lt. Commander Deerinea’s eyes widened in horror.  "Sire – she had…a cloaking field ?"
    "It was experimental…. We had found a derelict Battle-cruiser - two centuries before…and this Battle-cruiser…was the model for our own fleet of warships. At the time, we did not possess the technological requirements to properly analyse the new find. Over the centuries, our brightest of scientists and others…tore the ship apart… and analysed each and every last microscopic detail of it. Thus, we came in to possession of the Star-Drive potential…and other wonderful technological advancements. We had somehow managed to do the impossible…and employed another new technological breakthrough…. This was the phase shifting cloaking field. Aboard the Dark Talon Fleet , this experimental device was placed. Before the first Great War on Meldaron, we had just finished putting the final touches to the Dark Talon Fleet …. It was this fleet, that played a major role, in our success against the Schinicin forces. It was during the Great War…that the plans for the phase shifting cloaking device were destroyed…as was all our plans and technological models, that we had discovered and built…from the wrecked Battle-cruiser."

    Pausing, the King rested his head on his paws and shuddered violently.
    "It was just before the end of the Great War…the crew of the Dark Talon Fleet… was stricken by that virus…and thus…began the destruction…and eventual loss, of the fleet…. If it is the Dark Talon Fleet…that this…admiral has found…then we are all doomed…. Nothing…nothing…can withstand that fleet’s power…."
    "Sire – " Lt. Commander Deerinea breathed. "If we – "
    "If – " Sighed the King. "It really is the Dark Talon Fleet…then Millar save us…as there will be nothing we can do…to stop her…dismissed…."
Lt. Mack and Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea swallowed, then bowed and left the chambers quietly. Indeed, the King was troubled. Could it finally have happened? Could someone really have found and restored the most deadly naval force in the galaxy? He could only retake his throne…and worry….


            Altair II System – Base of the Dark Talon Fleet.

    Returning to their secret base in the Altair II system, the Star-Crushers was resupplied. Quietly, the black armoured Droid Vixen walked amongst her stolen treasures…her metallic paws idly caressing items of incredible value – both tasteful and expensive. With a decidedly non-Droid sigh, she left her treasury and returned to her opulent quarters. Here, she lounged casually on her impressive throne…then leapt back to her feet and began pacing the chambers.
    "So – they’re seeking me out are they?" Come her metallic growl.
    "It would appear so – Admiral." Spoke a Droid commander. "Your exploits are drawing attention."
    "I see – what of the plans for the attack on the starship construction yards at Palandire?" Asked the black armoured vixen.
    "Sire – plans are well underway. We’ve got six Star-Crushers standing by, awaiting your order for deployment."
    "What news from the scout vessels?"
    "Sir – another two Star-Crushers have been located, and are even at this moment – being reactivated. We expect to add them to our fleet…within a month."
    "Halve that time commander. Inform the fleet – the attack on Palandire is in two days."
    Sikently, the Commander Droid paused, then there was a soft click.  "Done – admiral. Fleet reports readiness."
    Resuming her pacing, the black vixen idly rapped her metallic paws against her snout – then she spoke.  "Deploy four Star-Crushers…to the Galdarian system…. No…make that…six Star-Crushers. We shall send them these rebellious Meldaron’s a message…. Have the Star-Crushers outfitted with the devastator weapon systems."

    "Sir – by your command." Replied the Droid.
    "Further – have my own personal escort of four Star-Crushers meet me at the edge of the Galdarian system…. I want to personally…witness the destruction of those pesky hyoomans…once and for all."
    "Yes Admiral…I shall inform the fleet…immediately. Sire – our long-range scout ships have located a potential matter of interest for you. Out near the Deltaith system, there is a large freighter depot and storage. Scouting ships report only a small Alchemian class station present…and minimal military forces. Perchance, we could take what we wished from this area…to restock our depleting resources?"
    "An excellent plan Commander…. Have two Star-Crushers deployed to the system…and destroy the space station. Capture any freighters or containers carrying anything of interest to us…and destroy the rest. Ensure…than no warnings escape the station… as I would be most displeased…should we be caught out. My spies on Meldaron, report that there is already growing unrest amongst the Meldaron forces… who believe the Schinicin are trying to reignite the war…. If we keep this up, then one of my ultimate goals will come to fruition. A new war between these two races will nearly decimate them both…and once they’ve warred each other down…there will be minimal opposition to me…and my fleet. Make preparations Commander…I do not want any unforeseen developments…to hamper these exercises."
    "Yes sir – orders transmitted…now." Spoke the Droid Commander. "By your command."
With that, the Droid Commander clattered from the chambers, leaving the black armoured Droid Admiral to sit…and think of her new plans….


            Meldaron Military Base – Maloner – Pearldinea, Meldaron

    "Two weeks?" Lt. Mack whimpered. "We’re expected to find out what’s going on in two weeks?"
    "We both heard King Reyard’s orders Lieutenant…. He has given us two weeks, to try and get this puzzle sorted out. If we fail, then Millar save us…because we’ll lose almost any chance, of getting any information about this new threat."
Lt. Mack shuddered, then stared at the stellar map, that showed the last locations of the destroyed…or vanished…freighters.
    "I still do not see any – set pattern in this." Lt. Mack growled.
    Lt. Commander Deerinea came over, and then she gazed thoughtfully at the stellar map.  "It is just…totally disorganised." Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea replied. "There is just no set pattern at all, to the attacks."
Lt. Mack took a laser pen, then pinpointed the freighter yards at Deltaith System. "What forces – do we have guarding this area?" Lt. Mack asked a junior officer.
    Dilligently, the young Meldaron officer checked on his computer systems.  "Sir – we have two Collietile cruisers enroute to that position…and a presence of a Alchemian class starbase there, with a compliment of twenty-four Star-fighters…."
    "How long – "
    "Three days sir." Replied the officer.
    "Lieutenant – what is it you’re thinking of?" Asked Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea.
    "Sir – I have a feeling…that who-ever is destroying our freighters, knows intimately…our entire movements…."
    "I do not follow your line of thought Lieutenant…."

    "Sir – our freighter movements are not highly secured, as we never saw the need for them in the past…but I sense…that this – " Lt. Mack touched the site of the freight yards. "Is a very tempting target."
    "Millar’s name!" Lt. Commander Deerinea growled. "You’re right! Private, send four Tashan class light cruisers…to the Deltaith Freighter Yards. Have them travel at maximum speed…"
    "Sir – even at maximum speed…they won’t reach the system…for two days."
    "Just do it private…and make it quick!"
    "Yes – sir…relaying orders to the starship yards…now."
    "Millar help us – if you’re right Lieutenant…." Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea began.
    "If I am right…then we’re in a great deal of danger…."


            Galdarian System – Three Days Later

    Life was idyllic and peaceful on the beautiful world of Galdarian, ever since the end of the Great War – between the Schinicin and the Meldaron’s. Millions of hyoomans had moved to Meldaron, settled…and even begun inter-species families, and a large number of Meldaron’s had moved here…and begun raising families of their own…. Indeed – life was peaceful…and the early evening sky was clear, revealing the magnificent backdrop of the twin moons…and the starry heavens above…. All this – was to come crashing down within moments….

    Without warning – six Star-Crushers swept in to orbit above Galdarian. Stunned, the tracking stations and other places watched on…then the Star-Crushers systematically destroyed one of the major Galdarian cities…before the Admiral’s voice rang out…
    "People of Galdarian – your attention please…." Spoke the voice, echoing throughout the cities and countryside. "I am the Admiral of the Dark Talon Fleet, here to announce my intentions to the Meldaron people…. During the Great War, your own people – the Galdarian - allied themselves with the Meldaron forces…and were instrumental in the downfall of the Empire. That – is over. No longer, will the galaxy be plagued with your loathsome warm-blooded people. Like parasites, your kind has spread across the galaxy…but no more…. Within thirty minutes – you…this entire system…will cease to exist – except as a memory. There is nothing you can do, to avert this from happening…except to relay this information to the Meldaron forces. I destroy this world – as an act of retaliation – against the Meldaron’s betrayal and insolence. Let your lives – serve as a warning to others, which wish to ally themselves against those who seek the truth…and what is right…. You now have – less than twenty-five minutes. I bid you – good evening."

    Aboard the great flagship of the Dark Talon Fleet, the black armoured vixen cut the communications link. Within seconds, hyperwave transmissions were being beamed from the planet…to other planets in the system. Most of these were blocked by the Dark Talon Fleet, except for those they felt would do the most damage…and these were permitted to be broadcast. In amusement, the black vixen nodded…and the star-fighters were scrambled. Only a bare handful of the craft that tried to flee the doomed planet was permitted to escape.
    "Admiral – " Spoke the Droid Commander. "Fleet reports readiness of the devastator weapon system…."
    "Deploy the devastator…recall all fighters…and get us and our fleet out of this system…."
    "Yes sir – orders transmitted…now." Replied the Commander. "Sir – devastator – launched. All fighters returning to ships…."
    "Prepare to depart the system Commander – we have ten minutes to make our escape."

    Mass panic gripped the millions down on the planets' surface…but they had no-where to run too….

    A dozen small, probe like craft were fired from the orbiting Star-Crushers… and these probes streaked towards the distant sun…. Within minutes, as the Star-Crusher fleet fled the system, the sun blazed violently…then began collapsing in on itself, the massive fusion within the star – decaying out of control, as all fusion broke down…and the massive gravitational field of the sun itself…started to fall inwards upon itself. When it reached critical, the sun collapsed – and a massive shock wave began ripping through the system – annihilating the fifteen planets…and their people….

    Millions cried out in terror – then were forever silenced…as their planets were blasted in to debris….

    Streaking outwards ahead of the massive shock wave, the Dark Talon Fleet fled – heading for the Deltaith System…and the waiting freighter depot that was there….


            Meldaron Military Base – Maloner – Pearldinea, Meldaron

    "Sir – urgent priority signal from – Millar's name!" Squealed a startled sensor operator.
    "What is it private?" Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea snarled, as she twisted about and glared at him.
    "Sir – outpost 19…on the outermost edge of the Galdarian system – just sent us a priority signal…. They claim – "
    "Out with it private!"
    "Sir – it can’t be right…. They claim – that six Schinicin Star-Crushers – have just destroyed the Galdarian star…. A gravimetric shock wave…."
    "Sweet Millar – " Wept Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea. "Computer - how many people lived in the Galdarian system?

Galdarian System             : A class M system, with a single yellow star. Population of 300 billion spread across three planets in the system. Mostly Hyooman species, with many newly settled Meldaron’s and smattering of other races.

    "Can we – confirm the…." Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea gasped. "Do we have any – "
    "Sir – news just in…the Outpost was destroyed…by the gravimetric shock wave…. There are reports of minimal survivors from this devastating attack…. Sir – his Excellency demands you make contact with him…he seeks…a report."
    "Send out immediate search and rescue craft…try and find any survivors of this holocaust…. Have my shuttle prepared. Inform the King, I shall report to him – in person…."
    "Yes – sir…." Stammered the shocked private. "At once…sir."


            Crown Palace, Pearldinea, Meldaron.

    "You listen to me – you cold blooded scaly bastard!" Screamed the voice of King Reyard Russet.
Pausing at the door, Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea and Lt. Mack both exchanged glances, then entered.
    "Your Excellency – such a temper displacement does not – " Spoke the soft sibilant hiss of the Schinicin Ambassador.
    "Get in here!" Shrieked the King at the two Meldaron officers.
Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea and Lt. Mack made their way swiftly to where the King stood.
    "Report…NOW!" Raged the King.
    "Sire - less than an hour ago – the entire planetary system of Galdarian, was destroyed. Preliminary hyperwave signals have been received, reporting that – I must stress this most strongly – that it is alleged, a fleet of…Schinicin Star-Crushers … were responsible, for the destruction of the Galdarian system star…and the subsequent gravimetric shock wave…which destroyed the entire system…and its inhabitants."
    "How many – " Gasped the King.
    "Sir – over 300 billion…." Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea whimpered softly. "We have no confirmation at this time – of any survivors."
Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea replayed the fragmented hyperwave messages that they had received. All of them stood in silence, listening to the last moments of the terrified people…of a doomed planet.
    "Sire – I must stress – it is alleged – " Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea began.
    "Ambassador – do you not doubt the veracity of this message? Do your own Star-Crushers not have the potential weaponry systems…to do this?"
    "Your Excellency – I can not speak of my military’s forces…."
    "Answer me!" Screamed the King in mounting rage, his mane bristling.
    "Yes – " Snarled the reptile, his neck hood flaring angrily. "My fleet does have the weaponry…but it was never ever used!"
    "Get me the President of the Schinicin Republic…NOW!" Screamed the King, his deafening roar reverberating throughout the throne room.

    Slowly, the Schinicin President’s holographic form wavered in to view.
    "Your Excellency – it is a – " Began the reptilian President.
    "Let’s dispense with the pleasantries…you cold hearted – sinister – son of a bitch! Why? Why did you authorise your naval forces…to destroy the Galdarian System’s star?"
    Shocked, the Schinicin President blinked slowly, then his cobra-like hood flared slightly.  "Your highness – if you will permit me – " Began the President.
    "After fifteen years – " Raged King Reyard. All this time – after two centuries of death…suffering…and needless bloodshed on both our worlds…you want to start this whole damn war all over again?"
    "You listen to me!" Hissed the Schinicin President, his hood fully flared in anger. "It was not my fleet! Every one of my naval forces can be accounted for!"
    "Do you deny – the potential exists – aboard your fleet – for this weapon of destruction? You didn’t name them the Star-Crushers – for nothing!"
    "Your Highness – "
    "Answer my Meldaron thrice cursed question! Does your fleet possess the weapon used in the destruction of the Galdarian star – and thus – the destruction of the entire world? Over 300 billion people?"

    There was a long – protracted silence, then the Schinicin President spoke.
    "Yes – we possess the powerful weapon that you claim…destroyed the Galdarian star…. However – it was not any of my fleet vessels, that destroyed the star!"
    "Listen to me, you disgusting – loathsome reptile. Only you can reactivate the Star-Crusher warships…thus…it is you who must bear the consequences of your own actions!"
Angrily, the Schinicin President leapt to his scaled feet, and glared at the Meldaron King.  "There is one thing I dislike the most about your people…. Is that, you are so hot blooded !" Snarled the Schinicin President, as he severed the holo-transmission.
    "You – son of a bitch!" Snarled the King. "Get him back here! This instant!"

    Even though they tried, they could not restore the holographic transmission link.
    "Guards – " Growled the enraged Leonine King. "Place Ambassador Ak’tar – under house arrest. Effective immediately. He is to have no communications with anyone…or anything…."
As the two Meldaron soldiers – a Tashan and a Pearldinean, moved in and arrested the Ambassador, he glared at them and snapped their strong grasp off himself.
    "Sire – you’re making a very terrible…mistake." Hissed the Ambassador, as he marched proudly from the chamber, the two guards following.
    "Why?" Asked the King wearily. "After two centuries…and two devastating wars…why would they seek to reignite the old fires of hatred against each other? Why would they seek to open old wounds?"
    "Sire – "
    "Whilst I think of it – where was your fleet!" He raged at Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea.
    "Sire – as per your orders sir – the fleet was scattered, to try and protect some of our freighters…." Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea suddenly snarled.
    "Don’t you dare take that voice – "
    "Sire – with all due respect – you’re the one who is instigating the reopening of old wounds! With no evidence of the Schinicin betraying us – or anyone …."
    "GET OUT!" Screamed the King.
    "Or else what?" Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea growled. "You’ll imprison me as well?"

    "You could never – "
    "You’re right – sire – I could never rule…as I have a too well formed sense of honesty and justice…. Once, you ruled with respect and honour…now…you risk losing everything, and plunging this world in to a new war…that we can not afford to take!"
    "You…are relieved of your command…." Raged King Reyard. "Guards – "
    "There’s no need – " Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea spoke. "I’ll resign my commission myself. I hereby, surrender the control of the Meldaron forces. If you want to engage in a war with an innocent race – then be my guest. I shall not partake of such actions."
    "Guards – arrest this Pearldinean…. Send her to the prison in Vallin…arrest her…now!" Snarled the King. "That is an order!"
Lt. Mack watched incredulously, as the two soldiers approached – then handcuffed the former Lieutenant Commander. Deerinea hung her head in grief, then was led from the throne room….
    "Lieutenant – should you wish to keep your own hide and ranking, then get me some answers to this puzzle…NOW!"
Lt. Mack swallowed visibly, then he nodded.
    "Now Lieutenant…get out of here…before I hang your mangy hide from the battlements!" Growled the King in fury.
Lt. Mack fled.


            Barracks - Meldaron Military Base – Maloner – Pearldinea, Meldaron

    "He did what?" Corporal Glider exploded.
Lt. Mack swallowed, then repeated the days happenings to Corporal Glider, and Privates Inari, Nael, Kyle and Trolganza.
    "So – now what do we do?" Private Trolganza moaned. "Without Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea’s ability to keep calm throughout the armed forces…."
    "We’ve got to break her out – " Lt. Mack whimpered. "Tonight."
    "We’ve got too – wait a minute!" Corporal Glider gasped.
    "I don’t like it either – but we don’t have any choice in it!" Lt. Mack sniffled.
    "We’re just going to walk in to the maximum security jail – and ask them nicely to let her walk free?" Corporal Glider asked incredulously. "Mack – we’ve been friends for a long time…and this is the craziest thing…."
    "What choice do we have? Without her – we’re nothing!"
    "Look – Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea was on the right track. We all realise…that unless this sinister plot is uncovered and stopped…our worlds will go to war once again! I do not have to remind you…Glider…of the outcome of the last war. This time, there will be no stopping it! Our two worlds can not afford to restart the bloodshed and destruction…."
    "If – we do this…how are we going to carry it off? Where would we go?"
    "I – do not know. I’m leaving in less than thirty minutes – to go and try to talk to Whitetail…. I just pray, that he can help me to understand this…."
    "Sir – if I may be permitted to speak?" Private Trolganza spoke quietly.
    "Of course private – " Lt. Mack told him. "Speak your mind."

    "Sir – with due respect – I must decline this mission…as it is treason against the King…. When I become a member of this military, I promised to obey my superior officers…but so long…as I did not betray the king himself."
    "I understand that Private…we all undertook that oath. I will not hold anything against any of you…who do not wish to undertake this. It is treason, and I just pray…that – I am making the right decision. As you all know, there is only one punishment – for treason."
Private Nael swallowed, her slender ears folding down against her neck
    "Sir – then if you get caught – " Private Kyle whispered.
    "Then I – and others of the military with me – will be executed." Lt. Mack sighed wearily. "I will not force any of you in to joining with me – but if you want to help – I won’t stop you."
With that, Lt. Mack turned and left the chambers. Corporal Glider looked at Private Inari, who gazed back thoughtfully.
    "I’m going – " Private Inari whispered.
    "Private – " Corporal Glider began.
    "Father – we owe this to Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea…. She has worked so hard, trying to keep our world from dragging itself down in to war…and I will not let her sacrifices be in vain." Private Inari whispered.
    "You – I don’t want to lose you…like I lost your mother…." Corporal Glider wept.

    Private Inari swallowed, biting back the stinging tears. Weakly, she sniffled and shook her head.
    "You won’t – I promise." Private Inari whispered.
    "Go on – and may Millar watch over you…my beloved." Corporal Glider wept. "I can not go with you – as I am needed her. Lt. Mack and Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea will have need of your – talents."
Private Inari left, to go find Lt. Mack. After a few moments, Private Nael and Kyle followed, then after a few moments of deliberation; Private Trolganza growled and ran after them.
    "Go – my young cadets…and may you succeed…." Corporal Glider wept. "May you stop this all – before it becomes any worse."

            Flagship of the Dark Talon Fleet, Deltaith Freighter Yards – Deltaith System

    In her spartan chambers, the Black armoured Droid sat, reading reports on the fleet…and their successes throughout the galaxy. Her contemplation and planning was disturbed when the comlink system buzzed.
    "Yes commander?" Asked the black metal vixen.
    "Admiral – " Spoke the Commander Droid. "Our ships have entered the Deltaith system…awaiting orders."
    "Scan for threats Commander – give me a full run down on everything that is here…"
    "Yes sir – " Spoke the Commander. "Done sir. There is the Alchemian class station, with a full compliment of twenty-four Star-fighters…one hundred and forty-seven containers, six freighters, twelve tugs, two…."
    "Sir! Two Collietile cruisers have just entered the system!"
    "Have they detected us?"
    "Negative sir – phase shift cloaking field is holding."
    Contemplatively, the black Droid idly rubbed her metal muzzle.  "What are they doing Commander?" Asked the Admiral.
    "Deploying forty-six Star-fighters sir – assuming standard patrolling patterns."
    "I see – Commander – deploy our own fighters. Then, engage those two Collietile cruisers and destroy them as swiftly as you can manage. I do not want them escaping us…or being able to send off any emergency signals."
    "Yes sir – orders transmitted…now."

            Leading Collietile Cruiser, Deltaith Freighter Yards – Deltaith System

    "Captain Perendale – " Spoke a young officer.
    "Yes Lieutenant?" Asked the Alchemian Captain.
    "Sir – we’ve just arrived at the Deltaith Freighter yards sir…sensors are clear."
    "Just keep on your toes Lieutenant. Deploy the fighters, and stay at flank speed. Standard patrolling pattern."
    "Yes sir."
Satisfied, Captain Perendale sighed, then rubbed his tired, equine eyes. They had come a long way, and the stress on both machine and crew was noticeable.
    "Lieutenant – switch to red alert status…I wouldn’t be surprised, if we’re going to see some combat…."
    "Just – do it Lieutenant…."

    Touching a button, the young leonine Lieutenant activated the red alert commands. Quickly, crews scattered to their duty stations and the Alchemian Captain leant heavily on the rail separating the upper deck from the lower. He was in the prime of his life, his Appaloosa pelt gleaming in the strobing red alert warning lights.

            Flagship of the Dark Talon Fleet, Deltaith Freighter Yards – Deltaith System

    "Admiral – fleet status reports are green…awaiting your order…." Spoke the Droid Commander.
    "Make it so Commander…. Strike hard, decisively and without mercy. I want those two cruisers destroyed, in less than two minutes. Further, jam any and all transmissions. Have our fighters attack the cruisers' fighter blanket…and neutralise the freighters…. Get on with it Commander."


    Without warning – all hell broke loose aboard the Meldaron Cruisers….
    "Millar’s sweet breath!" Exclaimed the horrified Captain. "Where did…"
Shimmering in to existence, the four Star-Crushers appeared from seemingly nowhere, then their lasers began ripping in to the shielding of the Meldaron cruisers. Alarms and screams filled the cruisers, as the hideously overpowered weaponry of the Star-Crushers easily beat down the shielding of the smaller Cruisers. One of the cruisers, taking a critical hit, exploded in to debris and a massive ball of incandescent flames…which were immediately extinguished. Taken by surprise, the Meldaron Star-fighters struck back…and were mercilessly butchered by the outnumbering Schinicin Star-fighters. Desperately, the crew of the dying cruiser fought valiantly, but their ship was now – too badly damaged. They tried to send an emergency hyperwave signal, and were not surprised to find their signals blocked….
    "Admiral – the Captain of the Meldaron Cruiser - Caldaria…wishes to surrender." Spoke the Commander Droid. "He claims his crew is mostly dead…and his ship is nearly destroyed. He pleads for mercy…."
    "Tell the – " Began the black Droid. "No – belay that order. What species is he Commander?"
    After a few seconds, the Droid replied.  "Alchemian sir. Thirty-eight winters old, 7’2" tall…."
    "All right Commander…. Have him come across in a shuttle…. Tell him – I accept his surrender."
    "Sire?" Asked the Droid.
    "Commander – carry out your orders. It pleases me – to take him as a prisoner. Once the transfer is complete…download the entire data core of the Meldaron cruiser…and destroy her. What of the Meldaron fighters and the space station?"
    "Sir – six fighters have escaped us…and fled, the station is in ruins. All freighters have been neutralised. Our capture Droids are even now, cutting their way through the hull of the freighters…and will be in possession of them within moments."
    "Time – Commander?"
    "Mission completed within ten minutes sir…. Meldaron cruisers destroyed or neutralised in two point five two minutes…."
    "Work on efficiency Commander. It’s taking us too long. If we are to survive, we must be more efficient. What damage was done to our ships?"
    "Several fighters destroyed, minor damage to the starboard laser batteries…."
    "I see…minimal damage…for maximum gains?" Whispered the black Droid.

    "Yes sir. Sir – the Captain of the stricken freighter has transferred." Replied the Commander, his silvery armour gleaming.
    "Excellent – have the Captain taken to the interrogation cells. I shall personally go and conduct the interrogation myself. Once the freighters have been captured…inspect and retrieve as many useful space containers as we can safely get Commander…then let us depart this system."
    "Yes sir – we shall be underway within thirty minutes sir."
    "Halve that time commander…as there may be more Meldaron cruisers out there. This is a strike and fade attack Commander…time is of the highest essence."
    "Yes Admiral – first freighter is underway now sir…."
    "Excellent Commander…. Now, I will go…greet…our new guest."
    "Yes – sir…."


            Flagship of the Dark Talon Fleet, Interrogation Cells.

    Captain Perendale glared at the two guard Droids, that stood guard just outside the force-shielded doorway. He was surprised, when they saluted sharply, then the force shielding was dropped. In through the doorway, walked a black armoured Droid, which made him shudder. She was in every way – a perfect copy of a Meldaron vixen…down to the smallest detail. Only her feral blood red eyes gave her true appearance away….
    "Welcome – Captain." Come the metallic voice. "I am – Admiral Blacktalon, Admiral of the Dark Talon Fleet, the flagship of which, you are on. I trust I find you well?"
    "A Droid? In charge of a Schinicin flagship?" Gasped the stunned Alchemian.
    To his surprise and fear, the Droid threw back her armoured head and laughed  "A Schinicin starship? I fear – you’re not so lucky…Captain. This was a Schinicin vessel…but when I discovered it…the crew was deceased. Quite a lucky find really…."  Slowly, almost sensuously, the female Droid approached…and lightly ran her metal fingertips across the captain’s broad chest.  "A perfect specimen…of the Alchemian race…the musculature, the strong jawline…a beautifully soft and luxurious pelt…." Spoke the female Droid.
Shuddering, the Captain reigned in his loathing and fear, then he swallowed as the Droid ran her metal fingers through his long and painstaking brushed tail….
    "A member…of the Appaloosa line…and…correct me if I am wrong Captain, but you’re descended from the…Taldaron bloodline?"
    "I am Captain Perendale, former captain of the Meldaron Collietile cruiser Caldaria…my serial number is L9-17C-22-A-1…." Stammered the Captain.
    "Yes – I know all that…. Now captain; tell me everything of what has been happening on your insignificant little world…. Be honest with me, and I will permit you to leave."
    "How can I trust a – " Captain Perendale began.
    "I keep my promises Captain…." Growled the black armoured vixen. "As a naval officer, you should know…that even I must live within the rules – that govern crippled ships…. That and only that is the sole reason, that you were saved."
    "You! You attacked…destroyed …one of our cruisers…what of my crew? Those poor souls who remain…."
    "I am not – totally cruel Captain. I shall have a container filled with enough oxygen and other supplies…to last them a week. I will leave them stranded here, as I do not doubt…that your precious Meldaron forces…will come looking? Of course, all this depends…."
    "Depends?" Captain Perendale whispered.

    "Yes Captain…depends. On how honest and truthful you really are. We can do this the easy way…or if you will not tell me…then I shall execute one of your crew…each minute…until you tell me or I run out of crew. If you do not break, then I shall be forced…to use other…more painful, inducements."
    "I demand to speak to your creators! Who is in charge of your kind?"
    "I – am in charge Captain. I have no…creator…." Whispered the Droid, as she ran her metallic fingers across his chest.
Finding her loathsome touch somewhat surprisingly disturbing, he swallowed and repeated….
    "I am Captain Perendale, former captain of the Meldaron Collietile cruiser Caldaria…my serial number is L9-17C-22-A-1…."
    "Captain – we need not be enemies…." Spoke the Droid softly, as she ran her fingers back across his chest.
    He swallowed and shuddered.  "There is no way – that I will surrender myself to you…. I am an Alchemian, serving my majesty in all things…."
    "Ah – " Whispered the Droid sensuously. "The great Meldaron code of ethics…. Do they still bind their soldiers to that antiquated code? What use is it to anyone? You are alone – without your precious fleet to support you, your king…sits in his rebuilt palace…safe and sound…. Meanwhile, his loyal drones go out in to the galaxy, trying to fight a battle that they can not win…. How many of your people will die in this senseless war? A few dozen? A few thousand? Hundreds of thousands? Millions? Does your king even care about his blindly loyal soldiers?"

    "King Reyard Russet…." Stammered the Alchemian, his body trembling.
    "Do not speak his name in my presence! It was because of him…that I ended up like this!" Snarled the Admiral angrily. "He sold your people out…betrayed you all…and yet, like the good pups that you are…you rolled on your back in submission to him! He is weak! He has no right to rule over you all!"
Sullenly, the Alchemian captain held his tongue. Softly, the female Droid quietened, then resumed tenderly stroking the now sweating Alchemian.
"Together…we could bring order to the chaos that infects your world…join with me…as my mate…and my second in command…."
    "Your – mate?" He choked. "You – it is impossible! I am an Alchemian, and we are well known for our…. Besides, you’re just a compilation of servo’s, miniaturised electronic circuitry…."
    "My dear…Captain." Replied the Droid, in a very sultry like voice. "There is much to me, that you do not know…."

    Carefully, she stepped backwards…then reached up beside her head…and carefully disengaged two pipes on the left side, then on the right. Escaping gasses hissed from them, as she tenderly cracked the seal of her mask. More escaping gasses emerged, as she carefully removed her heavy helm and mask. His eyes widened in horror…as he stared in to the unblinking eyes…of a beautiful, black haired Vixen….
    "Sweet Millar…." He gasped, then his knees collapsed. "You…you’re…."
    "I – " Spoke the raven haired vixen quietly. "Am the former Captain in the Meldaron Military…Captain Uzuri…."
    "You – you’re the… traitor!" He snarled, then leapt at her.
Despite his efforts, she easily sidestepped him…then grabbed his right wrist in one of her paws. Tears welled in his eyes, as she gently squeezed…and his wrist bones began cracking.
    "I know this is hurting Captain…." Uzuri breathed. "So stop this nonsense… and the pain will stop."
    "You – you betrayed your own people!" He panted, tears welling in his eyes.
    "I did what I did…as I did not wish to fight on a losing side…. I had my suspicions, that the Schinicin would win the war…and I changed my allegiances. I never suspected that there would be a few so brave – as to travel to the Schinicin home world…and bring down the mighty empire…from within. I honestly did admire that…. It was true courage…."
Without warning, she squeezed – and Captain Perendale shrieked, as Uzuri crushed his wrist in to splinters, without the slightest effort….
    "Oh – I’m sorry… Captain." Uzuri whispered. "I forget my own strength…."
He dropped to his knees, stabbing pains lancing through his crushed wrist. Desperately, he tried to hold to his oath to remain silent, but as Uzuri squeezed his crushed wrist even tighter…his resolve broke and he told her everything….


    An hour and a half later, Uzuri slipped her helm and mask back in to place, then re-attached the breathing pipes. In agony, the shattered wreck of the Captain remained kneeling, his head bowed in grief and dishonour. Admiral Uzuri smiled and patted his shoulder consolingly.
    "Just a few more moments Captain…and you’ll be free!" Uzuri breathed softly. "I just need for you – to make an announcement…on my behalf."
    "You – you promise you’ll release me?" Wept the broken Captain.
    "I swear – I will release you… Captain."
    He looked up at her, his eyes welling with pain filled tears.  "You – promise? Your word of honour…as a former…Captain?"
    "I promise Captain…that I shall release you…once you have done this – small thing – for me…."
    "Commander, are the holo-chambers ready?" Uzuri asked.
    "Yes Admiral – all is in readiness." Spoke the Droid.
    "Excellent Commander…what of the loading procedures?"
    "Already done Admiral – we’ve been underway for the last fifteen minutes…."
    "I commend you Commander…. Commander?"
    "Yes sir?"
    "Set a course…of your choosing." Uzuri smiled cruelly, her expression hidden by her black armoured mask.
    "Enjoy yourself Commander. This vessel is yours…for the moment."
    "Yes sir."
    "Come Captain – it’s time…." Uzuri spoke quietly.

    Weakly, the Captain rose and the two guards fell in behind them, as they made their way through the ship…and finally, in to the holo-chambers. Here, Uzuri handed the Captain a small datapad, with the speech already written. He read it, then swallowed and nodded.
    "I – have your word on this?" He asked.
    "Absolutely – as one officer to another…. Do this for me, and I shall ensure you are – released." Uzuri nodded. "Now, it’s show-time…Captain."

    Carefully, the Alchemian Captain knelt on the holo-pad and it flickered in to life. Within seconds, the hyperwave transmission link-up was relayed to a distant satellite, then through other communication satellites, before finally making its way to Meldaron…and the King….


            Crown Palace, Pearldinea, Meldaron.

    "Captain Perendale – " Spoke the King. "How goes your patrol of the Deltaith Shipyards?"
    Swallowing, the Alchemian officer began his speech.  "Sire, with all due respect – we were hopelessly out-gunned and both Collietile cruisers were lost. I have managed to save some of the crew, who is even now, in a space container…. I personally, am aboard the Schinicin Star-Crusher T’ska, which is holding keeping over the shattered remains of the Deltaith freighter yards…. Sire – please – do not send any warships to this sector…for at least four days. My crew – their safety – depends on it sir. I have been given a speech, that I have been instructed to read for you…. If Meldaron forces do not comply within two stellar weeks of receiving this order to disband all of their military forces and surrender, then, war shall strike down the Meldaron people. We have already decimated the worlds of the Galdarian system…as an act of final warning. I repeat, surrender and disband your armed forces…or Meldaron shall suffer the same fate, as has befallen your allies. Those of the Schinicin people are opposed to the military build-up of the Meldaron forces, as we view this as an act of distrust and potential war between our two worlds. Since you have accused us, rightly, of destroying your trade freighters, then we are left with few recourse’s for resolving this potential conflict."
    "Now you tell those loathsome, stinking, sons of – " Snarled the King.
    "Sire – there’s more. Should you not comply…with these demands, then other worlds will be destroyed…one by one, until our demands are met. I am of good health and – wellbeing – but my survival, and that of my remaining crew, depends on your compliance with these orders…."
    "You tell those scaly bastards – that if they desire a war…then they shall have one! I will not disband our only defence…against their vile kind. King Reyard – out."

    Aboard the Dark Talon Flagship, Admiral Uzuri gleefully laughed.
    "Excellent Captain…most excellent…." She congratulated him.
    "Do you know – what you’ve gone and done?" He wept.
    "Yes Captain – I do. Once these two pests have warred each other to the point of destruction…I can sweep in…and capture them both, without resistance!"
    "So – this is just a plot…to further your own goals?"
    "Quite right Captain – my… you are quite perceptive…."
    "We had a deal – Admiral – "
    "Oh – of course…."

    Without warning, the two guard Droids seized the Alchemian in a crushing grasp.
    "You promised that you would – " He choked and struggled futilely.
    "As I said – Captain …. I will keep my promise. I will release you – in to the sweet embrace of the hereafter! Guards – have him skinned alive. When you’re done, have the pelt prepared and brought to me. Also, have a whip made of his beautiful tail. Take your time…as I want it done properly…."
With that, Admiral Uzuri walked casually from the chamber, listening to the agonising screams of the doomed Captain…as the two guard Droids proceeded about their grisly…and incredibly painful work….
    "As you see Captain – " Uzuri whispered, then laughed cruelly. "I do keep my promises…."
Uzuri’s cruel laugher come as a counterpoint, to the last final choking screams of the Appaloosa Alchemian Captain…as the droids continued with their gruesome work….


            Crown Palace, Pearldinea, Meldaron.

    "Captain, get me Lieutenant Mack Shazri – now!" Barked the King.
Immediately, the message was sent out…and after a few moments, a very frightened looking Lt. Mack appeared as a wavering hologram.
    "Your highness?" Lt. Mack panted, as if he had been running.
    "Lieutenant – we have a problem…." Began the King. "I am – rescinding Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea’s jail sentence. Order an immediate shuttle to the prison, then I want the both of you…here, as quickly as you can manage. Also, bring along Corporal Glider…and the other trainees. I want them all to hear this."
    "Sire?" Asked Lt. Mack.
    "Just do it Lieutenant…do not ask questions…just get it done." Growled King Reyard. "Immediately ."
    "Yes sire – of course."
    "Millar have mercy…." Sighed the King.
    "Nothing…Lieutenant…. Crown Castle – out."
Immediately, the holographic communication was cut.
    "After fifteen years of peace – the Schinicin finally show their true scales…."
Sadly, the King walked to his throne, then sat down, his head hanging in sorrow, for what he was about to commit them all too….


            Crown Palace, Pearldinea, Meldaron – three hours later.

    "Let it be known," Spoke King Reyard Russet. "That I spoke out of anger, and I hereby rescind any and all charges as laid against the Lt. Cmdr. Further, Deerinea – is rightfully and totally returned her rights, privileges and ranking. Deerinea, – please – for what feebleness it is worth…will you ever forgive me?"
    Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea was shocked, then approached and knelt on one knee.  "Sire – you have but no need to apologise to me. You done what had to be done, nothing more – nothing less."
    "I have only recently – received this – transmission. Please, watch it, and tell me what I should do…."
Gesturing, the King sat back in his throne, then replayed the hyperwave transmission from the captured Alchemian Captain. All present were silent, then a soft gasp come from Private Inari, as her eyes widened. Sickened, she turned away and buried her muzzle against her father’s chest. Not knowing what else to do, he gently hugged her and tried to comfort the stricken vixen.
    "Private Inari – you sensed something?" Asked the King gently.
    "Sire – I…." Private Inari wept. "It’s – probably nothing."
    "Speak of it Private…please. I honestly do not know what to do. If I go with what my instincts tell me – then we shall become embroiled in another war, that we can not afford…to take on."
Glancing shyly at her father, who gently squeezed her shoulder comfortingly, Private Inari’s soft whispery voice spoke.
    "Computer – rewind to time index…L9-122.17. Execute…freeze."

    They all stared at the obviously distressed captain….
    "Private?" Asked Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea.
    "Look at the picture – " Private Inari wept.
They looked.
    "I do not see anything wrong with it…." Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea spoke up.
    "I do not follow your line of thinking Private…." Sighed the King. "Please, what is wrong with it?"
    "Computer – enhance and magnify the background image…."
Quickly, the computer did as it was instructed…then they all saw that which the young private had seen….
    "Sweet Millar!" Gasped the King. "It’s not a Schinicin Star-Crusher after all!"
    "Sire – with all due respect – it is a Schinicin Star-Crusher…." Lt. Mack answered.
    "Listen Lieutenant – I was just about to authorise a full scale war…that would have decimated our world…possibly wiped us all out…. If it had not of been for Private Inari’s hawk like eyes…I would have instigated a war – for no reason!"
    "Sire?" Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea asked.

    "Lieutenant Commander – can you not see? Where is the chlorine atmosphere aboard the ship? There is none! This is not a Schinicin Star-Crusher… piloted by Schinicin forces! This is one…of those…that have been discovered, and stolen…by this so called…admiral."
    "Then we – we’re being intentionally deceived!" Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea gasped.
    "That’s correct – sir" Private Inari whispered. "Who-ever this Admiral is…is trying to get a war started between the Meldaron people…and the Schinicin people…."
    "For what ends?" Asked the King.
    "Sir – if we did go to war, then once both our worlds had suffered and our military forces beaten down to battered wrecks, then this Admiral – could sweep in to the system…and take it unopposed…."
    "A – very – tactical military strike!" Growled the King. "Private – I thank you – for saving the Meldaron…and Schinicin people, from a terrible…tragic mistake."
    "Thank you – sire." Come Private Inari’s gentle voice and shy smile.
    "So – what do we do?" Asked the King. "We’ve got a stealth clad warship fleet…that is posing a very real threat to not only the Meldaron people…but the Schinicin people as well…. How do we stop something, that we can not even see?"
    "Sire – " Lt. Cmdr. Deerinea spoke up. "If I may, then get in touch with the Schinicin President and – "
    "It won’t work Lt. Cmdr. He will not receive my calls."
    "Sire – release the Schinicin Ambassador…and have him brought here, so he can view the evidence of this deception…for himself."

    Pausing, the King pondered this turn of developments, then passed the order out.
    "I just pray – Corporal Inari – that you’re right in this…." He growled softly.
    Corporal Inari swallowed, then nodded slowly.  "I hope so too sir – or else – our two worlds will once more go to war, and I fear, there will be no turning back…we’ll both be losers….
They stood in silence, each fearing to guess what the other might be thinking…as if the Schinicin did not believe them…then it would be war…that neither Schinicin or Meldaron could withstand….

To Be Continued….