Lost & Found by ChrisWolf {racker6@aol.com} In some urban city where most furs live, was a wolf named Chris. Chris lived in his apartment for years on the 3rd floor alone, with no companionship from others. "Oh man, I'm tired of living alone. I'm gonna take a walk up towards the country for some air and excercise" Chris said to himself. So he grabbed a 20oz water bottle from his fridge and scooted down to the first floor and outside. Chris began walking up towards Main st, where it is busy most of the time. Anyway, he dashed through quickly while the sign still flashed "DON'T WALK". Than Chris than sat down and drank some of the water in his sports bottle. He than headed down past PineLawn road, which was the last paved street before hitting the rural area of his homecity. After crossing the road and making a 2 mile walk up the dirt road, he stopped and layed under a tree and took a short nap. During that time, a female wolf about 5'6" and apparently in season, saw him napping under the tree, so she went to him and layed across him. When Chris woke up, he sees the beautiful female across his lap, and talks in surprise "Who are you and what is your name?". The fem replied "My name is Jenn and I'm looking for a mate". Chris knows what a female smells like if they're in heat. He then bends his nose down towards Jenn's crotch and takes a sniff "Mmmmmm..what a scent, you sure are in heat" he says with a blush on his face. "yes indeed" she giggles and licks Chris's nose. Chris nuzzles Jenn and stands up "My, you are such a sweet girl, Jenn. Want to come to my apartment and make love?". Jenn blushes and holds him tight against her slim body "Ohhh, please do Chrissy my dear. It is your instinct to mate with a female like me that is in heat". Chris smiles ,kisses her and walks adjacent to Jenn, walking down the dirt road. As Chris walks towards his apartment and up to the 3rd floor with his lover, he leads her to his bedroom and speaks to Jenn "Wait here, let me go to the bathroom and I'll be ready for you". Jenn nods and watches him dash to the bathroom. When Chris came back, he finds Jenn on his bed half naked, with just undies and her bra on and his eyes enlarge a bit and meeps. "WOOOAAHH! you look like the most beautiful female in the world". "Yesss I do, Chris. Want me to take these off?" Jenn mrowls to him. So as any yiffy male would, he nods yes. Chris sits about 3 feet from her and watches excastially her strip the rest of her clothes off. Jenn than moves closer and next to Chris and notices he has a bulge in his pants. Jenn moves her paw slowly on his jean shorts and slowly unzips them. Chris murrrs happily and slides his boxers off, exposing his 8" hardened penis. Jenn flops down on her back and spreads her legs "I have always wanted to do this for a long time, and finally I am" she softly speaks. "Me too my love, I've been wanting to mate with the opposite sex, and here I am, ready to give you what my reproductive system offers" Chris said. He looks at his clock "6pm, my favorite time". Suddenly, Chris drives his cock down deep into Jenn's cunt. "Ohhhhhh!" she moans. Feeling the warmth the two are sharing, Chris begins to thrust in and out of her wetness. Both Chris and Jenn stick with that for 10 minutes. All of a sudden, Chris's knot expands inside Jenn, locking them together. "This feels soooo gooood! It's almost there, my love" Chris meeps. Jenn groans and mrowls as he feels her mate get closer and closer to climaxing. About 3 minutes later, Chris shudders and clamps his body down onto Jenn, and begins shooting tons of his warm cum inside her. Jenn screams pleasurly and bucks wildly for a couple of minutes "OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! OOOHHHH YESSS!! THIS FEELS..SO..SO..SO WARM!!" Chris grunts and shoots another spurt of semen into her body and shudders,feeling spent, collapsing on top of her and feeling his furry belly rub with hers. Jenn looks at Chris in the eyes and smiles "I have always loved life, and hopefully we just started one." Chris blushes, kisses her and unlocks from her cunt. Several hours past and Jenn was eager to find if the miracle started. "We can find out, I'll run to the store and pick up an EPT you can test yourself with" Chris said. After about 15 minutes, Chris returns with one EPT box and hands it to Jenn "here you go. please test yourself, I would like to know the results" he murred. Jenn goes into the bathroom and does the test, which took 10 minutes. After that time while Chris was reading a book, Jenn pads over to him with the results. "What's the results?" he questioned her. Jenn smiles and puts her arm around his shoulder, showing him the results "Congratulations, you are going to be a father. It's positive, and I'm pregnant with 1 boy. " she says. Chris smiles and kisses her deeply "I've always dreamt of having a son, and it finally came true, with your help." About each week, Chris looked at Jenn's stomach, which slowly increases in size each time. Finally, about 9 weeks after they mated Jenn went into labor for about 1½ hours, which really stressed her out. At that time, Chris wasn't home but when he entered 10 minutes later about 100 minutes after Jenn went into labor, he was hearing yelps and a final "UNGGGGGGGGGGHH!!" coming from his room. Chris dashed to his bedroom and saw her on his bed on her back with her legs spread and a little pup next to her slit. Chris's eyes widened and went to get get something to cut the cord with. He found sterile scissors and went back and snips the umbilical cord that connected his mate to his newborn son. Chris picked up his son and kissed him on the head "I'm very glad to see you, my son." He handed him to Jenn, as she has a big smile on her face "He looks just like you" giggled Jenn. "Let's name him after my father" she asks. "ok" Chris replied. So than Chris & Jenn raised their new child and lived a happy life. The End comments to Racker6@aol.com - I am on Yiffnet as ChrisWolf