Questionable Content Codes

C. Elliot Ritter

Sexual Content


N — Nudity (no sexual contact)

LS — Light Sexual Content (Fondling)

S — Sexual Content (Non—explicitly described intercourse)

XS — Explicit Sexual Content (Explicitly described intercourse)

Mas — Masturbation

A — Anal Intercourse

O — Oral Sex (Any sexual contact with the mouth)

Para — Paraphillia / Fetish

S&M — Sexual Sadomasochism

Gender and Sexual Orientation

M — Male F — Female

H — Hermaphrodite

F/F — Female—Female (Lesbian, Female Homosexual)

M/M — Male—Male (Male Homosexual)

B — Bisexual (not at once)

More than two partners have sex separated by “/”

Furry/Anthropomorphic Only

T — Tail (Such as used in penetration)

Sp — Musk Spray (As in Skunk)

Mu — Musk (Pheromone Laced Smell)

Violence, Language and Drugs


D — Death

Tor — Torture

W — War (Includes Death, General Violence and Weapons)

P — Extreme Pain

V — General Violence

R — Rape

G — Gun Violence


ML — Mild (Shit, Damn, etc.)

ModL — Moderate (Mild with intensifiers “God damn” and crude sexual euphemism and comments “cunt, cock, etc.”)

XL — Extreme (Fuck, extremely crude sexual euphemism and comments “greasin’ the gash”, “telephone the stomach”)

VL — Vulgar but not swearing (Whore, Slut, Bastard, etc.)

OC — Offensive Clinical (Sexual, violent, or possibly offensive content described in clinical terms. “Fellatio”, “Cunnilingus”)


LiD — Light Drug Use (Marijuana, Alcoholism)

MD — Moderate Drug Use (Cocaine, Ether, Amyls)

HD — Heavy Drug Use (Heroine, Crack, Methamphetamines)

XD — Extreme Drug Use (Adrenochrome, LSD, Mesclene)

DB — Bizarre Drug Influenced Behavior

When something is alluded to it is labeled with an “All”

Note: Codes are separated in lists by commas.

+ Moderate language includes Mild and Extreme includes Mild and Moderate.

++ Alcohol and Tobacco and other legal drugs are not considered drugs for this matter. Alcoholism is listed as it goes beyond merely being alcohol.

Thanks to George Carlin’s website and the 2,443 dirty words for the extremely crude sexual comments.