Winter Fun By Claw MacKain I decided to visit a place I use to live at in Missouri. Since it’s usually cold there and I don’t like going anywhere far without company, I invited Blakrain and Urban Fox. Huskie would’ve tagged along, but she was worried about the requests building up on her. Frankly, I haven’t been getting a lot of requests lately. I guess I’m not very famous on the internet as an anime furry artist. Once we reached Missouri, I started to feel hungry, so I tried to find a fast food parlor. Of course, now that almost all animals evolved we’re only able to eat fish and veggies. Anything else will be counted as murder. So, we debated where to eat, but I can’t remember what the final decision was. Just think of it! Our ancestors were great hunters or prey! I often wonder how my ancestor lived. The proud lion hunting zebras and other such animals for food… well, according to scientists. Our ancestors were primitive and brutal. We finally reached the area where my old house is. Before we started looking for the house I decided to show Blak and Urban around Fort Leonard Wood. I showed them the PX (military mall), the commissary (military grocery store), the shopette (military mini mall), and the hospital. I showed them the hospital; because I wanted to show them where my father worked and I thought it’d help them incase they were here and had an accident. By the look of the place, it has recently snowed. Snowed six inches by the looks of it. So, we went and found the old house. Of course, people were living in it. Well, needless to say I didn’t want to go inside and see how they redecorated the place. So, I decided to go for a walk to see if anything down the road changed. Since it was a walk in the wintertime Blak and Urban gladly tagged along. After awhile down the road we came to a clearing where on both sides of the road there was a mountain of snow, a fence barely visible behind it, and a snow-covered field the rest of the way. I gazed out at the field, while Urban and Blak shared their compliments on the scenery. My eyes drew towards the snow mountain. I smiled as I remembered something I did when I was here last time and it snowed. I was thirteen back then. I just felt like I had to do it and I feel like that now! I backed up, then ran forward. As I yelled out, “Yeeeeeeeha,” I jumped on top of the snow mountain. I looked back at Blak and Urban and said, “Sorry. Sometimes I just get in touch with my child side.” They just stared at me like I was a lunatic. Then Urban said, “Well, now that you’re in the snow, do you think you think you’ll be able to get out?” “Let me check,” I said with a smile. I tried to lift my right foot, but I couldn’t! I tired to force it out and still nothing! I couldn’t do anything to my left foot either! I was stuck in the snow! I reached for a pole of the fence and tired to pull myself free. I finally gave up. I looked back at Blak and Urban and said, “Uh… a little help please.” Blak and Urban grabbed my arms and tried to pull me out. Nothing. Urban said to me, “Don’t worry, Claw. We’ll dig away the snow.” As they started, they soon found out that the side of the snow mountain is ice! Urban tried to at least crack the ice by hitting it. Not a scratch to the ice, but poor Urban injured his hand. They then seized the top of the ice and pulled it down. The ice didn’t even break once it hit the ground. Once Blak and Urban got me out of the snow I picked up the thick sheet of ice. It must have been twenty feet long! I struck the ice against the ground, and all of it shattered. The largest remaining piece was the piece in my hand. I looked at Blak and Urban while holding up the ice piece and said, “Ice cubes, anybody?” Blak looked at the ice piece thinking, then said, “I think they’ll be ice plates.” “Let’s find out, then,” I said as I threw the ice like a Frisbee. The ice flew about thirty-one feet before it struck the ground and shattered. I turned to Blak and said, “Yeah, you were right.” We continued down the road and came across a problem. The road started to go uphill, but the road turned to ice. I tried to run up the hill, and for awhile I was just running in place, then I started to move backwards slowly. Soon I found myself back at the bottom. I got down on my hands and feet and started crawling up the hill. Thank goodness, I was wearing my leather gloves and boots, otherwise the ice would’ve froze me. I managed to get to the top of the hill. I kicked at the ice with my heel, which put a crack in the top part of the ice. I lifted the ice off the hill and just took off down the road. I didn’t see the tree at the side of the road. The tree branch nicked the ice sheet tipping it backwards and me along with it. I fell down on my back and the ice sheet fell on top of me. Through the ice I could see a black figure standing over me. I knew who it was. I lifted the ice and stood up. There was Blakrain. Blak said, “You should watch where you’re going.” I threw the ice into the field behind the fence, and I was about to say something to Blak until the tree groaned and an icicle hit me on the head. Urban walked up as I was rubbing my head and looking down at the icicle. I noticed something that made me laugh. As I picked up the icicle I examined it. It turns out that the icicle was sort of a rod shape with one end rounded, instead of its usual cone shape. I turned to Blak and said, “Hey, Blak, think Huskie would like this?” Noticing the icicle, Blak laughed out loud and said, “Yeah, I think she might.” Urban tried to keep himself from laughing. The tree groaned again and the branch drooped. I took note of this and lunged forwards. I pushed Blak and Urban back, which caused them to fall backwards. As soon as I pushed them the tree branch, which was engulfed in ice, fell on top of me. As I laid there bleeding from my nose and mouth, Blak picked up the tree branch off of me and threw it into the field. I looked at Blak and Urban and said, “Don’t be… worried. I always… do something… like… this.” Urban said, “We must get you to the hospital!” I managed to tell them that to get back to the car it would be thirteen miles, but just one mile ahead was a house. So, we arrived at the house, but I was just seconds away from dying. At the hospital the doctor told Blak and Urban that I have died from severe injuries. I had a fractured skull, six broken ribs, a punctured lung, internal bleeding, and both arms broken. The doctor gave his apologies. Then, suddenly, I walked out of the ER. Blak and Urban were surprised to see me. The doctor was stunned that I was alive and moving. The doctor said, “Your life signs showed you as deceased.” I looked at him and said, “ Well, excuse me for being a heavy sleeper.” When we got on the plane to return to Pangona, Blak and Urban asked if I was really dead. I smiled at them and said, “Yeah, I and my sibs regenerate after being injured or killed. Maybe I’ll show you a demo some other time.” We finally arrived at Techoloneia. I bided farewell to Blak and Urban. Before I went back home, I decided to drop by Domino’s Arms Shop. I told Domino about the whole trip. She just shook her head and said, “You must’ve had fun,” then she said, “So, what do you want to buy?” After thinking for awhile, I said, “I’ll try the shiryukens this time.” END