Cronos walked along the forest path, his feet padding along the dirt and small rocks underneath. He gave his pouch attached to his belt a pat, as it jingled with the gold coins within it. Five-hundred gold, not a lot for any mercenary to acquire, but work was work.

Cronos was indeed a Draconian, a neophyte to be exact. At the equivalent human age of twenty, his body was covered in green scales, and he wore only a belt, with a loincloth to cover his crotch. Like most neophytes he was seven feet tall, a his build was rather muscular, but he was yet as big as some draconians were.

"Hey Cronos!" came a voice from above him, about at the treeline. Cronos looked up to see the form of another neophyte, its wings spread as it glided down. The neophyte touched softly on the ground only a few feet from him. He looked almost like Cronos, except his horns were long, and curled like a goats, Cronos recognized him, but didn't know him very well.

"Uh, hi, Sirax." Cronos said, raising a hand in greeting, "what brings you out here?"

"Oh just back from another campaign." said Sirax with a smile, as he stepped closer to Cronos, "Actually I was looking for you."

"Why would you want to do that?" asked Cronos suspiciously. He and Sirax only met once on a rather long, and well paying campaign the rebels fought against an orc raiding party.

"Oh no reason really," said Sirax, "actually I wanted to know if I could show you something." he finished with a smile, his lips pulling away to show his teeth. Cronos was still suspicious, but quickly ruled out this as being some sort of ambush, he wasn't that important, after all.

"Uh, sure I guess." began Cronos, as he scratched his head, "But what is it?"

"I can't just tell you. Come on, it's over here." said Sirax as he turned towards the forest and started to walk away, motioning for Cronos to follow him. Cronos followed, his suspicions turning into curiosity as to what Sirax could want to show him. Sirax led him behind a small patch of trees, totally blocking sight of the forest path. But as far as Cronos could tell, there was nothing special here.

"So what did you want to show me?" asked Cronos. Sirax didn't respond, he only smiled. He walked closer to Cronos, placing his hands on his shoulders, softly massaging them.

"well it's not really something I wanted to show you, more like something I wanted to do." he replied. Cronos murred in confusment, but all became clear as Sirax dipped his heads down, and slicked his tongue across the base of Cronos' neck, moving slowly down to his chest.

Cronos was shocked, but not displeased, he hadn't expected Sirax would do this, but he liked it. He enjoyed the feel of his warm, wet tongue as it slicked its way farther down his body, He sighed with contentment, tilting his head back, as Sirax's tongue made its way to Cronos'' belt, licking behind it.

Cronos had wondered what it would be like to be pleasured by another male, now he was going to find out. Sirax was now kneeling, his hands moving to Cronos' sides, sliding his palms over his scales. Cronos' jaw opened as he growled with pleasure, his sheath swelling as his member emerged , pushing his loincloth to the side.

Sirax was aware of this instantly, as its warm tip pressed up against his throat, he smiled as he slid his tongue back into his maw, only to slide it around Cronos' shaft, taking it into his maw. Cronos hissed loudly as his member entered Sirax's warm maw, as it began to slide over his shaft.

Pre dribbled from his hardened cock as He moved an hand to scratch at Sirax's neck and shoulder, the other moving to the back of his head, as he humped into his maw. Sirax moaned, as he swallowed Cronos' pre, his own member becoming hard as he moved a hand down to stroke himself.

Cronos hissed louder, his leg started to feel weak as his body let out more pre. Sirax's member let out precum as well, as he sucked hard on Cronos' cock, wanting to taste his cum. Cronos didn't disappoint him, his grip tightened on his head, as he gave one last thrust into Sirax's maw as his orgasm came, his cum squirting deep into his waiting maw. Sirax swallowed his cum quickly, sucking it from his cock, wanting more of it. Sirax own orgasm came, his fluids spilling onto the forest floor.

"My, that was something!" exclaimed Cronos, his cock now sucked dry, as he let go of Sirax's head.

"I'm glad you liked it." said Sirax, sliding his maw off Cronos' member, licking it clean before standing up.

"Yeah, but what I want to know is: 'What if I didn't like it'?" asked Cronos

"Oh please, give me a little more credit than that." said Sirax, his eyes rolling back into his head, "Do you think I would've tried that if I thought you wouldn't like it? If 'the rules' work for females, they work for males too." Cronos wondered what "the rules" were, but figured it best not to say anything, out of fear it'd make him look stupid.

"Ok, so how did you know I'd like getting sucked off?" asked Cronos, a hand moving to scratch the back of his head.

"I gotta sense for these things. I can tell who's into what just by looking at them." Sirax responded proudly.

"Really?" said Cronos, his eyes growing wide as his mind was filled with ideas of what this "power" could be used for, "Dose it work on females?" Sirax scratched his chin and wondered.

"Seeing if females like females?" Sirax asked, Cronos nodded in reply. "Well I never thought of using it that way. But for another day. Right now I got someone I want you to meet."

"Who?" asked Cronos as Sirax spread his wings, ready to take flight.

"Oh just a Magnus who lives in this area." Sirax said, smiling, "It just a short flight from here, come on!" Cronos protested to flight, wanting to walk instead. But Sirax grabbed his arm and pulled him into the sky. They flew fore only an hour gliding below the high treeline. Cronos saw Sirax point down as he glided to the ground, Cronos followed.

As Cronos touched the ground, he saw in front of him a cave entrance, covered over with grass and tree roots, it was just big enough for a Draconian to walk through.

"What's in there?" ash Cronos, turning to Sirax.

"Not what, who. Remember? I said we were going to see a Magnus. His name's Valix."

"Ohh, we gonna 'show him something'?" Cronos asked, a smile crossing his maw, Sirax nodded his reply.

"Now come on, and just follow my lead." said Sirax as he walked into the cave, Cronos followed. The cave was dark, but well maintained, It tilted down into the ground, not a lot, just to give the feeling of traveling down. Right before the light went totally out, the two came to a door, Sirax opened it, and they stepped inside.

The room was gold in tint, lit by a light that Cronos couldn't find the source to. The room was wasn't too large, just right for a single draconian, with enough room for the possible guests. Far to the other side of the room sat Valix. Cronos could only see the back of his head, his scale looked so dark they were almost black, in this light anyway. He had on headhorns, only fins like on a fish in their place. Cronos watched him work, or that what it looked like he was doing anyway. To his right was a set of glass bottles connected with long glass tubes, in which bubbled and flowed liquid. Every so often his gaze would go to the tubes, twisting dials on the burners underneath, just to go back to his right, where he was writing in what appeared to be a log.

"Hello Sirax, who's your friend?" Valix asked, never stopping from his work, or ever turning around.

"This is Cronos, Valix." Sirax said, introducing him as Cronos' jaw dropped, and his eyes widened in amazement at Valix's power of premonition. Valix stood, showing Cronos his full look. He was indeed a Magnus, or at least his cloths said anyway: Armored chestplate extending over the shoulders, cloth underneath for cushioning, a long, fashionable loincloth, attached to his cloths, to cover his crotch.

"Don't worry Cronos." began valix, "I saw you two in the reflextion of my tubes." he motioned to his glass bottles, but this didn't stop Cronos' amazment. "So what brings you two to my lair?" asked Valix, stepping closer to the pair.

"Well actually we wanted to show you something." said Sirax with a smile, he turned to Cronos and jabbed him with his elbow to pull him out of his shocked look. Cronos nodded in agreement.

"Well I've been meaning to take a break, what is it?" asked Valix.

"Ok, but you better promise you won't get too excited... in any possible way." said Sirax as he walked to Valix's left side, he motioned with his head for Cronos to go to his right. Valix nodded, and gave both of them a suspicious look, not sure what they had planned.

It didn't take much for the two to remove Valix's armor, its was just tide with a thick leather strap. As the slid it off, Valix murred, and knew what they were up to. They grabbed his cloths and pulled them up, Valix lifted his arms to make it easier to undress him. Once the two had Valix naked, they licked at his chest, scratching it with their claws. Valix gave a dragonish purr, indicating his delight.

Sirax moved one of his hands to Valix's sheath, stoking it lightly. Valix moan, spreading out his legs more as Cronos moved one of his hands down, to massage his sac. Valix's sheath swelled, his member emerging into
Sirax's grasp. Sirax grinned as he stroked his shaft, Valix humping into his claws.

Sirax smiled, and knelt down. He took Valix's cock into his maw, sucking on it, like he had done with Cronos.
Cronos turned his gave down to watch. Valix gripped Sirax's head, humping into his maw, as Valix's head bobbed in time with it. Cronos licked his lips as his cock slid out of his sheath, pressing against Valix's side.

Cronos let go of Valix and knelt down, half laying on the floor as he slid his maw between Sirax's legs. Sirax could feel his breath against his sheath, then his tongue as it flicked across its tip. Sirax grabbed Valix by the base of his tail, pushing him towards his maw, he placed a hand on Cronos' head , and pulled him closer, as finally his cock slid out of his sheath.

Eagerly, Cronos curled his tongue around Sirax's shaft, pulling it into his maw, sucking on it. Sirax's cock let out pre, the fluid began to run over Cronos' tongue. He liked its taste, licking it up and swallowed it, now stroking himself. Cronos stroked the base of Sirax's cock, squeezing more pre from it.

Slowly, Cronos slid is maw off of Sirax's cock, for no other reason except he wanted to. He gripped Sirax's cock, rolling it around in his grasp. He looked up, wanting to see what the other two were doing. Sirax was still sucking on Valix's cock, but now seeing it from a different angle made it seem different, he saw that Valix had a claw sliding up his tailhole, and another idea came to Cronos.

He stood, moving himself behind Valix. He wrapped his arms around his body, pressing his cock up against his tailbase and against his hand. Valix turned his gaze to Cronos, as best he could, his hand moved away from his tailhole, curling his tail around Cronos' waist, pressing his hole against his cocktip.

Cronos pushed his cock into Valix's hole finding it tight and rather pleasant. Valix hissed and bucked his hips up against Cronos, as he gave him a thrust into his tailhole. Cronos moaned and grabbed Valix's cock, stroking it into Sirax's maw. Valix arched his back, and grabbed Cronos' tail.

Cronos grabbed Valix by the hips and pulled him to him to the floor as he sat down. Valix spread his legs more, riding Cronos as he humped harder into Valix's body, as he closed his eyes and opened his maw opened, panting.

Sirax lost his grip on Valix when Cronos pulled him down. But when he saw Valix's maw open, he slid in his cock, rubbing it against his tongue. Valix closed down his maw on Sirax, sucking on him as hard as he could. Sirax hissed, humping into his maw. Cronos gripped Valix's cock hard, stroking him, rolling his member in his claws.

Sirax hissed as his body jerked, his cock shooting out his cum into Valix's maw. Valix ate it, sucking it from Sirax's cock, as he humped once more in Valix's maw. Valix's orgasm came next, his cum shooting out, running over Cronos' hand. Cronos slicked a claw over Valix's tip, then drew the finger to his maw. He licked at the cum on his finger, curious of its taste. He found it was foul to his tongue, but ate some more again, enjoying the action more than the taste.

Cronos felt his member pulse, his own cum now shooting into Valix's body. Valix gasped at the new sensation in him, he opened his maw wide, hissing loudly. He took hold of Sirax's member, squeezing his cum into his maw, swallowing it as best he could. Cronos was finished, his member began to retract back into his sheath, pulling itself from Valix's tailhole. He pushed himself out from underneath him, and sat back, waiting for the other two to finish.

They did. Valix let out a sigh and fell back, his head landing into Cronos' lap. He looked at Cronos, smiling before standing. He gathered up his cloths, and began to dress himself.

"My that was something." Valix said while putting on his armor plate. Sirax nodded and groped him for a second, getting in his way of tying his armor.

"We'll stop by again sometime." he said. He turned to Cronos, who by now was standing. "But right now Me and Cronos gotta go."

"We are?" Cronos asked. He didn't mind the idea of traveling with Sirax, but he preferred to be asked first.

"Where are we going?" he finished.

"Oh nowhere really." Sirax said, childishly sticking out his tongue, "Just want you to meet some other people." He finished and smiled.