She ran down the darkened ally, past garbage cans and piles of debris. She could hear them approaching from behind, chanting and calling to her, yelling to her the things they wanted to do to her.

She was being chased by a small gang, two foxes and three wolves. They weren't much of gang, they didn't even wear gang-style cloths, just whatever they wanted.

She pumped her skunk legs and made a turn down another ally. This whole city wasn't known for anything else but crime and its allies, nobody lived here because they wanted to unless they were criminals, part of the reason this place was nicknamed "Hell City".

She came to a fence positioned in between the sides of the two buildings that formed the ally. She slid in between a hole at the side, where the chain-linked fencing had been pulled toward the center of the fence, She could hear them coming closer, but she dared not look behind her.

"Were ya going girlie?" asked a voice from behind her as someone grabbed her shoulder. She shrieked and tried to pull herself away. More hands grabbed her and she was pulled to the ground. The gang had caught her.

"Ya put up a good chase." said a gray wolf, dressed in denim pants, and a zipped closed jacket. The wolf pressed down on her body and pinned her arms with his.

"Hey David, hold her head down." the wolf said to someone out of her view. She guessed this wolf was the 'leader'.

She felt a pair of hands wrap around her neck as her head was pulled down. She could see the other. He was also a wolf, his fur a lighter shade of gray. He was dresses almost like the first, except his jacket was more like a winter coat.

She yelped and fought her attackers as the leader pulled off her jeans. "Cool! She not wearing any underwear!" the wolf exclaimed as the last three, another wolf and two foxes, watched on.

She could feel him pull up her legs as his shaft slid into her as he had his fun with her body. She kicked and screamed as she tried to tear herself away, but the other wolf at her head wrapped her fingers around her muzzle, silencing her.

It didn't take long for the wolf to finish, the only this she was glad about. She hoped they'd just let her go. The wolf grinned and stood as he zipped up his pants.

"Well that wasn't every fun to watch." protested the plainly dressed fox to the leader.

"Shutup Zack." the leader said as he smacked him upside the back of his head.

The skunk spoke up, hiding her true emotions, hoping it would help her get away "S-so, your gonna let me go?"

The wolf just grinned as he unzipped his coat. "Hardly." was the only thing he said as eh reached into it.
"No Danny wait!" the fox dressed in a long leather coat screamed as the wolf pulled from his coat a handgun. The poor skunk didn't even have time to scream as the wolf fired a single shot into her forehead.

"Was that totally necessary?" the foxed asked.

"Of course moron. She could identify me stupid." the wolf snarled back "Your such a coward."
The leader made a motion with his hands as he walked away from the dead skunk, the others followed. Zack, the plainly dressed fox walked over to Danny, the leader wolf, keeping in step with him.

"So how many dose that make? Three?" the fox said, as if to brag about their little gang. Danny stopped and turned to Zack.

"Yeah? So what? three means nothing." was all he said.

"What we're keeping score?" asked the other fox, the sound for disgust in his voice. At this time the hole group had stopped, and were string at him.

"Jack. Your not getting into this." said Zack as he patted his friend on the shoulder. "This whole city is based on crime. The more crime you've done, the more you'll be respected here." he said, waving his hand around, motioning to the buildings that towered above them.
Then a strange sound was heard from behind them, at first none could pinpoint it, or what it was.

"Did everyone hear that?" asked Jason, the wolf the was watching their last victim with the foxes. They all nodded.

The sound became louder, they could tell what it was now, it was giggling. They all looked around as the giggling slowly became laughter. Now they could tell where it was coming from: behind them. They all turned as the laughter became hysterical gwuafing. They looked at the dead skunk, her head was tilted back, making her spine arched, her muzzle was open, the sound was coming from her!

"What the hell!?" Danny yelled as they all backed away, putting more distance between them and the laughing carcass.

Then, in a spray of blood, the skunk's flesh and fur tore away, followed by her muscles, taking her breast right along with them, until her ribcage was exposed. Her ribcage opened, her breastbone cracking in two as the parts opened up. Then something inside began moving.

Jack leaned forward and vomited as the others watched the body, too afraid to move, and not wanting to admit it to the others. A huge hand emerged, its fur matted in blood. The palm touched the concrete as another hand emerged. It was like her chest was a gateway, or a bottomless void, because something big, bigger than the skunks body, was pulling itself out of her.

A head appeared, the head of a goat, as as set for broad shoulders pulled their way free of the small space. The creature pulled itself free, its hooved feet clapped against the concrete ground. It was massive in size, like a bodybuilder, and it saw almost seven feet tall.

The goat-creature held its hands together at its waistline, and tensed up its arms, its huge muscles rising. It twisted its neck to one side, and then other, each time making a rather nauseating cracking sound. The creature turned towards the gang, grinning evilly, its eyes glowing red.

"Boo!" it said as it lurched forward. The gang jumped back, startled. They all drew they gun from where ever they had them and aimed at the creature. The creature just smiled and stretched out its arms to the side, and stood as tall as it could, making itself an easy target.

"Well?" asked Danny to the others as they all took another step back. "Shoot the damn thing!" he yelled as he pulled the trigger, but other others hadn't waited for an order of any kind as they found the courage to shoot, their gunfire drowning out Danny's command.

The sounds of gunfire rang though the ally, echoing off the walls, making it defining. Each shot hit the creature, digging into its blood-soaked body. The creature didn't move, only smiled as the gang emptied their clips into its body.

The sound of gunfire stopped, as the actions on their handguns locked back, ready for another clip. They stared at the thing, waiting for it to fall. But the thing still stood, still smiling, as it looked down over its body, filled with the holes of the gangs fire. It reached into one and dung out the bullet with its finger, and rolled it around. He dropped it to the ground and looked at the five.

"Are you quite done?" it asked

Jack let out a terrified scream as he threw his weapon at the creature desperately, before he ran, leaving the others behind. They all looked at the creature, then looked at each other, then at Jack running away.

"Lets move it!" Danny yelled as they turned around. They didn't even go a step before they stopped again, terrified. The creature was there, its body healed, and the blood gone. It was clean, totally clean.

"Going somewhere?" the creature asked as it smiled at them. All looked at one another and took off running in different directions, except Zack and the coated wolf, who ran together.

Victim one

Jack just ran, he didn't know where, but anywhere was better than being where that...thing was. He ran, sometimes looking behind him, only to run into a garbage can, or to trip over something. He turned down an ally, his open coat flowing behind him like a cape. He gave another look, still not learning not to, as he made a blind turn down an ally, almost running into a corner of a building.

As he turned he stopped just in time to keep from running into a solid wall; a dead in. He turned around to go back, only to see the impossible, a fence. He wondered how a fence could just erect itself behind him, he thought maybe it was the creature, but he wasn't ready to think it could do that, even though it pulled itself out of a dead girl's laughing body.

He went to climb the fence, but as soon as he touched it, a sensation passed through him almost like electricity. It was a painful sensation, he tried to move his hands away, but the muscles in his fingers convulsed, and his grip on the fence became tighter.

He picked up a foot and placed it on the fence, right below his hands. The sole of his boot was a good insulation from whatever was passing through the fence into his body. His pushed with his foot and pulled back with his arms as he tore his hands free.

He fell backward, right on his rump into something wet. He didn't care, he just looked at his hands, still formed into a grasping position as they twitched some more before he got movement in them back.

He picked himself out of the puddle he was sitting in as he looked around him, trying to figure how to get out. His ears perked as he suddenly heard a sound. It was faint, but seemed to rapidly approach. The sound was all around him, he turn fully around twice, but he could see what was making it.

"Do you know the saying, 'if good men do nothing in the face of evil, that is evil enough'?" came a voice that seemed to be coming from everywhere at once.

"Who is that?" asked Jack, looking up to the sky.

"You didn't answer my question." came the voice again, speaking in a sing-song tone.

"Yes." said he in response to the voice he couldn't see. The sounds became clear now, they were like whispers, like many voices talking to each other at once.

Jack heard what sounded like a gavel pounding twice, and the whispers became silent.

"Do you know what you are being held for?" the voice came again.

"What no. What are you talking about?" jack asked, almost going crazy, he couldn't figure out where the sound was coming from.

"Your being charged with murder in the first, and multiple sexual assaults. Now how do you plead?"
Jack was even more confused, was he on trial? But by whom? He couldn't figure out what was going on, he must be going insane.

"But I never did any of those things!" he protested to the voices he figured must be in his head. "My friends did, I was just there."

"Ah!" exclaimed the voice "So you admit, your an accessory to these crimes! That doesn't hold well with me in my court young man."

Jack fell to his knees, he started to weep as he pleaded once more to the voices, like his very life depended on it. "But--but i never wanted to be around that. I-I just..." his voice trailed off, he couldn't think of anything else to say that would make the voices leave.

"Jury have you reached a verdict?" the voice asked to another in his head.
"Yes we have you honor." came a woman's voice.

"Then what say you?"

"We find the accused, guilty of accessory to the fact, and sentence him to the highest level of punishment.
Jack began to whimper, and the whispers started again. It was all too much, too unreal, what was going to happen?

"Jack," the voice began "I sentence you to immediate death, and an eternity in hell. Bring on the spike!"
Jack stood as voices all around him chanted: "Bring on the spike!". Everything seemed to spin around him.
Jack started to scream and cry all at once. Suddenly the voices stopped. Jack looked around him, he didn't even breathe as he listened to the silence. Had he just gone temporarily crazy? He panted heavily as he looked back and forth, studying every shadow, and every object in his view, nothing was happening.
He felt relieved that it was all in his head, he giggled nervously, and started to laugh aloud at himself. He honestly thought something was going to kill him.

But his laughter was interrupted as a loud clack sounded behind him, like something metal being let loose. He turned in time to see a long metal spike, tethered by a shadow, swing right towards his head.
He only had time time to open his muzzle before it struck him

Victim two

Jason had plowed desperately down the ally, making several blind turns. He found himself in a crowned street, lit my many streetlights. He pushed his way past other furs and scales. He ran into the street right in the middle of traffic and down another ally on the other side of the street.

He stopped there to catch his breath, with his back against a wall. He panted as he looked one way and then other, making sure the creature, which he had long sense decided was a demon, wasn't following him, or right next to him. As he turned down the ally he saw a door only inches from him. He moved towards it and gripped the knob. He twisted it around and found it to he unlocked. He opened the door and darted inside.
It was dark, too dark to see anything. He kept his back to the door, and spread his palms out to the side, feeling the wall for a switch of some kind.

Slowly he began to move to his left, his left arm groping the wall, looking for anything that might give some light to this room. As he inched his way along, his hand came into contact with something metal and square. He felt it, along the top and bottom. He found that there was metal tubes running out of it. He felt the front and found it had a little door, it was a fuse box.

Keeping his back facing the wall he stepped away from it to reach around ot the other side of the box to where he hoped a switch would be. To his relief he found one, and he pulled it down. Instantly light filled the room, and something right in front of his face came into view.

It was Jack, for the most part. He was dead, a curved spike, like a elephants tusk, had been rammed though his muzzle and out the back of his head. A look of fear was still on his face, his jaw and head tilted away from each other, do to the spike. It looked as if he was hanging by the spike, but not for long sense it looked like his face was going to fall apart any second.

Jason screamed and he didn't stop. He just kept on screaming as he stared into his dead friends eyes. The room started to dim, as what looked like liquid electricity swirled around his eyes. He ws getting dizzy, but still he didn't stop to breathe.

He felt dizzy and light, and he couldn't hear his own voice anymore, nor could he feel the rest of his body. He felt like he was floating, spinning softly and freely, in midair. But this sensation ended as something hard hit his body, and he bounced, reality slowly coming back to him.

He was on the floor, he had fallen down. He was breathing again now, the need to scream had ended as the room seemed to light up again, the surreal liquid moving away from his vision. He was still too dizzy to stand, so he laid there, waiting to be able to stand.

Then he felt something grab his ankles and drag him across the floor. He lifted up his head to see what was happening, but something cold wrapped around the back of his head forcing it down. He tried to move, but something cold and heavy pressed down on his whole body, making it hard to breathe, and impossible to move.

"So you feel for the death of a friend, but you'll take the life of another without considering the consequences." came the snarling voice of the demon from above Jason, the thing was on top of him.

He could feel its cold breath up against his face, as his whole body shivered. The demon's body was like ice, it pierced through Jason's cloths and fur, draining the heat from his whole body.

"Look." the demon ordered as he pulled Jason's head around to his right, away from the wall with the door.
Jason kept his eyes closed in defiance, but the demon just forced them opened, to look at what he wanted to.
He saw a cat, younger than he was. She was naked, tears streaked down her face. His eyes scanned her body more, he saw her neck, her fur mangled, and her throat crushed. Then he recognized her.

"That's your victim, slime." the demon hisses at him. "You just strangled her, you have no regard for life." The demon let go of Jason's eyelids, letting them close. Jason didn't want to look at her.

"You raped and killed her without even giving it a second thought. You just as evil as I am." the demon snarled again "I think you need a final lesson in empathy."

Jason felt strange, his cloths were gone, or so it felt, and his body felt like it was shrinking. The demon rolled him over and pinned him down. He looked up, shocked, the demon was him, or at least looked like him. He wasn't wearing anything at all.

Jason caught a glimpse of his own body before the demon pinned his shoulders down, pulling his rear off the ground. He was small and covered in white fur. He realized at that moment what the demon had meant, he had turned him into the cat he killed.

The demon pulled up his legs and pressed his member into his body. It felt strange and far beyond pleasant, he never knew what it was like to have a slit, or to have something forcing its way inside it. He kicked with this legs, trying to push the creature off of his now female body, but the demon was still stronger then him, and all
he could do was struggle.

He could feel the demon pushing into him, with the cock that was once his own. He lifted his head, to scream for help. But the demon just brought a hand down around his neck and began to squeeze. Jut like he had once done.

He gasped as the hand's grip became tighter. He grabbed the demon's wrist had tried to pull it away. The demon's arm didn't move, and his grip became tighter. He tried to pull the demon's fingers away from his throat, his lungs screamed for air. He was going through exactly what the cat had.

He felt the demon's grasp become tighter, cutting off the circulation to his brain, and starting to make his throat collapse. His eyes began to roll back into the head that wasn't his, as he reached up toward the demon who had stolen his form. The room began to dim again as his throat crumbled, still he reached up toward the demon, begging for his life.

He never really thought what it must have been like for his victim, Never thought of how much pain he put her through until now. His throat crushed, and began to bleed as he last bit of air was spent checking on his own blood.

The last thing he thought before all feeling left his body, was how sorry he had become. And maybe he deserved this.

Victim's three and four

Zack and Rick, the black furred wolf with the coat. Ran together, darting down an ally. Zack was barefoot, he didn't have any shoes, but the pads on his feet were strong enough to take some abuse. But it didn't take long before Rick had to go to a jog, not to get ahead of his friend.

They reached the end of the ally, into a desolate street. It was dark, no lights at all except for a streetlight a good distance away. The building looked vacant, and the street and sidewalk were rubble. Scattered with random debris, and pieces of metal and glass.

Zack gulped, he didn't want to walk over this terrain. If he went to fast, his feet would be cut up.

"Hey look!" exclaimed Rick has he pointed down the street. There was another light, a sign that read "phone", and of course underneath that was a phone booth, the glass of it long sense knock out. And neck to that, a teleport pad. If they could reach that, assuming it still worked, they would be far away from here in a second.

"Looks like we're in the clear." said Rick again with a sigh of relief, but his words came too soon. Out of no where the goat-creature emerged, pouncing Rick and pinning him to the ground.

The wolf let out a terrible howl as the creature lifted up one of its massive fists, and dropped it down upon the wolfs open muzzle. Zack looked on in horror as the fist came in contact with the wolfs muzzle and quickly compressed it. Zack closed his eyes at the first sound of bone and concrete smashing. He opened his eyes, and saw the creatures arm where Rick's head once was, up to its elbow in sidewalk. The demon had rammed his fist right into the ground.

The creature grinned at Zack and pulled up its arm. It was covered in powdered concrete, but his fist was caked with Rick's gore.

"Mmmmm. gory." the creature said as it smiled.

That was all Zack needed to get his legs working. He made a run for the pad, his feet stomping down glass and treading pieces of metal. Pain shot right up his legs but he ignored it. Faster he ran, his feet burned and left bloody footprints behind him, but he was almost there.

He reached the pad, grabbed hold of the control panel for leverage and leaped off the ground. He would have landed on the pad, but something grabbed him by the collar of his shirt, pulling on it. He gagged suddenly as his collar became tight against his throat. He was pulled back, his shirt ripping, but he held onto the control panel with all his might. He knew what had grabbed him.

The creature used his other hand to pull Zack away from the pad. With one motion, the creature pushed Zack into the wall of the old brick building next to them. The creature grabbed Zack by the arms, pulling outward from his body, as the wall began to move.

It was like the creature was bending reality, the wall never lost its brick pattern, it leapt out like it was alive It swallowed up Zack's hands and feet, pulling them tight up against it, and wrapped some of its self around his neck, to pull his head back.

The creature smiled at him, bringing his face close to his. Zack tried to hide his fear, tried to keep the tears from running down his face. But they came anyway, wetting down his fur.

"Betcha think its fun to have someone subdued at at your mercy." the creature whispered, its breath felt like ice against Zack's face. "And your right, it is."

The creature breathed its cold breath against Zack's face, moving down to the foxes neck. Zack sniffled, still trying to hide his fear. He didn't want this creature to know how afraid he was. He didn't like feeling so helpless, and he didn't like the idea of the thing doing anything to him.

The creature scratched at Zack's chest through his shirt. The creatures cold fingertips went right though it, and made Zack shiver. He sniffled again as more tears slid down his face. This thing had just killed his friend. He didn't want it to have its way. But he didn't want to be here, or in this position anymore. Zack swallowed some spit, hoping it would force down his shattered pride. He had nothing left to do but plead.

"P-p-p.." Zack began to stutter softly.

"What was that?" the creature asked, its ears perking up "'P-p-p-p...'?". It repeated, mocking him.

"Please. Let me go." whispered Zack. It was one of the hardest things to say. To asked to be let go. But there wasn't anything else he could do.

"Now isn't that interesting." the creature said, watching more tears force their way down Zacks face. "You want me to let you go?"

Zack nodded weakly.

"Now. Doesn't that phrase sound familiar to you?" the creature asked.

Zack nodded back. He knew where the creature was going with this.

"Lets see. Who do ya suppose said that?" the creature said, as it brought a hand up to its chin and stroked it beard. "Oh now I remember. Otter chick, 'bout your age, 'bout you height?"
Zack nodded again as he sniffled.

"And what did you do to her instead?" the creature asked, rather excitedly. "You had your way with he." And at that, he slid his hands up Zack's shirt and scratched at the fur on his chest. The demon's hands were cold, like they had no heat of their own, like they just wanted to take it from something else.

Zack began to shiver as the coldness of the creatures hands passed through his body into his lungs. They felt frozen over as Zack breathed out, his breath foggy.

The creature pulled off what was left of Zacks shirt, ripping it off his body. Zack stuttered some more, trying to find the nerve to scream for help as the creature knelt down and licked his chest. The creatures tongue was wet and even colder then its hands. As its tongue slicked over his fur, its saliva trail froze almost instantly, frosting Zacks fur.

"Stop." whispered Zack again. As the creature licked farther up and down his body. Zack spoke louder this time, slowly finding the will to yell as the creature rubbed its cold hands over Zack's sides, soaking up all his body heat.

"Stop it!" yelled Zack louder as the creatures tongue came closer to his crotch. Finally Zack found the nerve to call fro help. But he only could for a few seconds as the wall cam alive again. Tentical-like formations in the wall came out and wrapped around Zack's muzzle, silencing him.

The creature stood up and stared Zack in the face. "Do you think anyone will come and save you? That otter screamed as well, and no one came. Some even heard it but no one saved her from you. You may not have killed her but you traumatized her nonetheless. No one here ever looks to save anyone but themselves and for that this whole city should be judged. But I ask again. Do you think anyone cares what's happening to you?"

Zack sniffled as he came to face the truth, no one did care. He shook his head.

The creature seemed content with this response, as he slid a hand down the foxes pants. Zack winced as the creature grabbed his sheath in his cold hand. Zack felt sick, the feel of the creatures hand where he didn't want it made his body surge with disgust.

The creature smiled as he continued to rub the foxes sheath. The creature rubbed it more, curling his fingers around it. Zack struggled at the wall, trying to pull his arms free, he couldn't figure out why this thing was rubbing his sheath, unless it was just to violate him, cause nothing was going to come out if he had anything to do about it.

Then the creatures hand became warm. A tingly warm that started to affect his mind in a way unexpected. It was like the creature was taking control of his body. Against his will, his member started to emerge, as the creature took it in his hands, rubbing the whole thing.

Zack squirmed and fought the wall, shaking his head back and fourth, trying more desperately to get free, as the creature kneeled and unzipped his pants. The creature pulled Zacks shaft from his underwear and took it in its mouth. Zack let out a muffled cry as the creatures mouth went from cold to tingly warm. Its mouth was even more warm than its hand was. It slid its mouth back and fourth over Zack's shaft. His whole body felt sick, as his member tingled, like it had gained its own mind and was enjoying it.

The creature pulled its mouth partially off to lick Zack's tip as it pre-cummed. It slid its mouth slowly off Zack's member and stood. He looked at the fox as he rubbed a finger on his tip, gathering up some of his pre. The tentacles coiled off Zack's muzzle, just long enough for the creature to cram its figure into his muzzle and wipe the pre on his tongue.

"How ya like the taste?" said the creature smiling as Zack gagged on the fluid, wanting nothing but to spit it out.
The creature knelt again, grabbing Zacks ankles right above the spot where the wall had swallowed his feet. The wall let go of it hold of his feet, as the creature started to slip off Zack's pants.

Zack panicked, he started to kick, trying to hit the creature in the face. The creature wasn't so easy to hit, it just grabbed Zack by the ankles and beat his legs against the wall. Zack cringed and whimpered in pain as his legs quickly became bruised and numb, joining the pain still in his bloody feet. Reluctantly he stopped his struggling, he could barely move his legs now. The creature slipped off his dessert tan pant and just ripped off his underwear, And he stood again.

The creature reached into the wall, making it ripple like it was a pool of water. He moved his hand around in it, and began to turn the section of wall the Zack was restrained to around. Zack held his breath as he was plunged into the liquid-like wall. It started to ooze around his body, making it so he no longer had his back to it, but his front instead.

Zack felt the creatures ice cold member rub up underneath his tail and against his hole, making it numb. He had figured this thing was male, actually that was obvious, he just hadn't accnolaged it. It started to slide it up into him, he tried to keep his hole closed despite its numbness, but that only made it worse.

Deep into him the creatures shaft went, chilling and rubbing the inside of him raw. Zack ground his teeth together and shrieked in pain, his eyes filling with tears until everything was but a blur. The creature drove its member into his hole, humping it. Zack's hole quickly became numb from the ice cold shaft, making the pain disappear.

Zack could barley see the blurred image of the creature, but still he averted his gaze, not wanting to see any part of it. The creature held Zack by the hips, pulling itself closer until Zack could feel its chest move over his back. The creature slowly moved a hand between Zack and the wall, slowly moving it down until it was on his still erected member.

The creature altered the reality of the wall again, making a fair-sized hole open up, letting Zacks member slide into it, with plenty of room for the creatures hand. The creatures hand became that strange warmness again as it rubbed its palm around Zack's shaft, then curling its fingers around it.

Zack struggled as best he could, trying to pull his arms free as the strange sensation took over his member again as the creature played with it. The sensation entered the creatures member as Zack's lower body began to warm, his hole began to take on its own mind, enjoying the sensation the creature was giving to it.

Zack whimpered and pulled with his arm's, still trying to free himself as his body betrayed him. If only he could get free this would end. But where would he go? He couldn't even move his legs anymore, and his feet still burned with pain.

Zack's member began to twitch, he knew it was only a matter of time before he would cum. He tried to hold it back, not wanting his body to do it. This was bad enough, he didn't want to know what it would be like for it to go further.

The creature cummed first, its cold fluid clashed with the warmness of its member. Zack let out a muffled yelp as the sudden new sensation broke his hold and he body cummed. As his fluid ran from his body into the creatures hand, a feeling of misery came over him, like all the life was being drained from his body. Zack felt almost dead to the world.

The creature pulled its member slowly from Zack's hole as it tightened from the creeping sensation. He wiped off its hand on Zacks side, as the wall turned back around. The tentacles slid off from Zack's muzzle.

"Do me a favor and kill me." Zack said emotionlessly. He didn't feel like living, but he wasn't going to kill himself. He didn't want to live with this. He couldn't ever tell anyone, who would belive he was sexually assaulted by a goat-creature that pulled itself from a dead girls chest! Even if they did believe, that would be worse. Crime may be what this city was famous for, but the law still penetrated its depths. He could go to prison. It could happened again their. And even if he got off, that would save him from still happening again, some sick gang may see him as a good target.

The creature smiled, "By why would I want to do that? I don't get many perks in my job of sending scum to hell. Besides I could do that right here, I know where you live."

Zack's eyes filled with tears of anger and pain, "No!" he screamed at the creature, "No kill me!"

"Aww," the creature said as he scratched Zacks chin "I'm not going to. You won't ever kill yourself, after all that's for cowards. Besides even if you did, I'd just send in for reposition, in the torturing department, then we'd have all eternity together."

Zacked pulled his head away, his depression clashing with his new found anger and feeling of helplessness. The creature walked away backwards, quickly disappearing into the shadows. Zack yelled after it. The wall began to warp back, spitting out his hands and letting go of his feet.

Zacks pads hit the sidewalk, pain shooting up hi sore legs like needles being jabbed into his body. He could still stand, he tried to move his legs, but that only caused more pain. Zack let himself fall to pull his pants back on, his bare rump landing firmly into a pile of broken glass. Zack took one leg at a time and slid them into the corresponding pant legs, his mind gone, he felt like he was in a trance.

With his pants back on, he crawled onto the nearby teleport pad. He just wanted to get away, far, far away from this place. He reached up and felt the correct keys to send him to the street where the gangs "hideout" was. He had his own place, but he didn't want to have to crawl the eventual stairs to get to it. He just wanted to crawl into a hole, which ironically their "hideout" was.

He slapped his palm against the "send" key, light came up from the pad, encircling his body, taking him away from the dark street.

Victim Five
The only thing that Danny remember after the thing appeared in front of them, was turning to his right. He could he the sounds of his panting, and the sound of the soles of his shoes striking pavement. His whole body felt distant, like he was dreaming. But the dream was suddenly broken as he felt himself fall, tumbling down.

As his tumbling stopped, he sat up, his body aching and bruised. Reality slowly came back to him. He looked behind him, a set of stairs were there. He turned and looked around him. Concrete walls and ceiling covered in graffiti, farther away a dark tunnel ran through the length of wherever he was, either end hidden as the tunnel closed off. He was in a subway station.

He forced his body up and ran down the empty station toward the tunnel without knowing why or even stopping to consider it. A soft rumbling became louder as, almost like some sign of hope, a subway train pulled in and stopped.

Danny didn't even contemplate the action as a set of doors on the nearest car to him opened and he ran inside and stopped as the doors shut behind him. And now, he wished he never did. Panting hard, and almost dizzy from exhaustion, Danny backed up against the door as the train moved, now escape was impossible from what this car contained.

Twenty seats were in this car, every one of them had three 'morphics sitting in it, and each one was dead. Danny's eyes darted to his left and to his right, his wolfen ears plastered flat against his head, as he stared at the dead 'morphics staring back at him. Most were furred while some were scaled. They stared at him, there gaze never blinking. The ones in the rows in front, sat with their bodies tilted towards him appraopiatly, the ones to his left just looked forward, while the ones to his right, just sat backward in their seats, or head their heads twisted all the way around in an unnatural fashion.

He knew they were dead, but they're bodies weren't totally decayed. The furred ones fur looked wet and moldy, while the scaled ones scales had come off in large patches, revealing purple flesh underneath. Danny didn't want to breath, at least not though his nose, he didn't want to know of their was a smell to these dead passengers, so he continued to pant, breathing in through his mouth.

Slowly Danny backed away from the door, the passengers gaze tracking him. He made it to the isle, turning around constantly to make sure none of the dead decided to stand, he carefully made his way to the car to his right. The dead still tracked him with their gaze, the ones who had their head turned all the way around, began turning their heads back slowly, their necks crackling as their vertebrae reset themselves.

Danny backed up into the doors leading into the next car, quickly opened them and darted inside. Free of the dead but not of this demonic train. It car was totally dark and rocked unrealistically side to side. He looked out the windows, the tunnel was gone, to a point. The train was still in a tunnel, but it was rock all around, every now and then a patch of what looked like molten rock would appear, illuminating the dark car.

Danny balanced himself by holding onto the seats on either side. He held onto them, moving from one to another as he made his way further down the car to the doors on the opposite side. As he reached them he opened them up, and a new sight awaited him.

He was in the control area of the subway train, But it looked more like the system of and old coal engine, complete with a distant "chugging" sound. And right in the middle was a huge figure, dressed in an old conductor uniform. Danny could feel his body being pulled in as the doors slammed shut. He watched as the conductor pulled a lever on the font of the train as it rocked back and forth.

"Welcome the the Hell City expressway!" the conductor yelled as he turned. It was the creature. "Fitting scene don't you think. Hope the passengers of the damned didn't scare you too much."

Danny let out a grasp of fright as he turned towards the doors to run. They opened, almost expecting him to do so. But Danny didn't go far, for on the other side, three of his friends bodies hung in his way. Jack was almost decapitated, a crooked spike jammed through his mouth and out the back of his head, rick had no head, and Jason's throat was mangled and crushed.
"Wonder why Zack isn't there?" the creature whispered into Danny's ear as it grasped his shoulders. It grip and breath were icy cold. "Well I let him live, put him though hell already I did." Danny shivered and stood still, too afraid to move as the creature moved its head and whispered in his other ear. "He was real good, though he think I'm gonna come back for him. I only did what I did to teach him a lesson. Though maybe I will pay him a visit after all." the creature finished with a chuckle.

Suddenly Danny became surged with courage as he spun to face the creature. He grabbed his fist together and swung them hard against his face. The creatures head was tossed along side by the blow, but he didn't seem very hurt.
"What'd you do to him!" Danny yelled at the creature. The Creature snarled in response and stood at its maximum height. Before danny could do anything, he found himself being thrown into the front of the inside of the train, his back being jabbed with blunt instruments.

The creature snarled again and grabbed Danny by the collar of his coat, pulling his face to its and snarled. Suddenly it stopped, and just smiled. "I'm impressed, you actually care for someone."
"what's that supposed to mean?" Danny said back.

"Oh long story, don't worry your dead friend Jason will tell you just as soon as you join him."

Danny flinched as the creatures cold breath blew into his eyes. "So what are you gonna do to me?"

"Me?" the creature laughed, letting go of Danny's coat, "I'm not going to do anything to you, that right is reserved for someone special."

Danny stumbled as the creature let go of him, but quickly regained his balance. "What?"
"What I have to speak slower for you?" the creature said with an annoyed tone, "thaaaaaaaaaat, riiiiiiight iiiiiiiiiis-"
"Alright I get it!" Danny yelled back, interrupting the creature, "At least tell me who that was!"

"Better yet, why don't I show you." the creatures said, smiling, as it stood to the side. Danny looked past it,
to the doorway leading to the other car, were his friends once hung lifelessly. They were no longer there, but standing in their place was the skunk girl, her flesh torn away, and her ribs cracked at the breastbone. She walked towards him, her ribcage swinging loosely like old window shutters. Danny stared into her chest, hollowed out, devoid of organs.

"You took my life scum!" she hissed at Danny as he fell backward. He watched as her ribcage flapped itself, twisting apart, quickly reforming itself to a gaping, hissing mouth. "Now I'm gonna take yours." She finished as she lifted a hand, and pointed at his chest. The figure grew quickly, piercing through Danny's coat, fur, and flesh.

He let out a yelp of pain is it pierced his body, but his voice quickly vanished as the finger penetrated a lung, the air rushing out of the wound. Danny gasped and grabbed the finger, trying to pull it from his body as he felt it sink deep into his heart. He could feel his life slowly slipping a away as the skunk drained it out of him, life returning to her own body.

authors note: by the time I finished this story I was already hating it, I think it totally sucks. I just sort of hammered out the ending, so I if you think the story sucks, sorry, I really should have told you sooner.

P.S: I'm not, repeat NOT, a satanist just in case you were thinking that.