She let her bare feet hang from the railing that encircled the inside of the auditorium near its round ceiling. Her gaze fell to the seats and stage far below her in the huge dome. She was a fox if their ever was one, red bushy tail tipped in white. Black tipped ears, hands and feet. White under her muzzle and on her neck, and red fur all over her body (or what could be seen of it).

She was probably only fifteen of sixteen years old. Almost a stereotype of a catholic school-girl she was, innocent and unsuspecting. She was even rather small, being only five feet tall. She just got out of school for the day, and so still wore her school uniform: gray skirt, white blouse, and gray blazer. She let out a sigh as she looked down at the over one hundred foot drop to the floor, she hoped something special would happen today. Little did she know what was in store for her.

"Hello their." came an unfamiliar voice to her right. She turned to see someone she had never seen before. He was a male lizard of unknown species, but at least of the monitor family judging by his size of six feet. He appeared to not even be in his twenties yet, with small, fine, light green scales all over his body. His hands and feet were clawed with dull looking claws which started where the last joint of most creatures fingers begin and went out at least a half inch from where said fingers would stop. She also noted the heat-sencing pores on the sides of his face right above his jaw, and of his long flicking tongue, which flicked from a seemingly totally sealed mouth, and his flicking tail which came within an inch of the ground.

She also noted his athletic build and naked body (not that there was anything to see, being a lizard his crotch was rather "disneyfied" as the term would go), but what struck her odd was the shape of his head which was more like a dinonyicus or similar creature, though the scales on his head were the same on his body and melded flawlessly.

"Hi there." She said as he sat down next to her, letting his own feet hang off the side.

"how's it going?" He said in return.

"Not bad I guess." It didn't seem much like a conversation, but no first ones usually are. She had just met him and didn't know much to say

"Come with me." he said suddenly. She was shocked, after all she just met him, why would she want to go anywhere with him, not that there was anything to do here.

"Why would I want to go with you?" she asked, not trying to sound suspicious.

"What? You think I'm going to rape you or something?" He said bluntly. He smiled and laughed, suggesting to her the idea of that would be impossible, "Are you always this suspicious?"

"Sorry." she said as she blushed and hung her head, "I'm not actually a suspicious creature."

The lizard smiled again, showing off his teeth, and held out his hand. She smiled in return and took it and together they stood, maybe this would be the something she hoped would happen. He led her to a nearby elevator and they went to the first floor.

The whole of this community center was divided into three sections: the outer ring, where the various rooms for public use were, the inner ring where the auditorium was, which also could be converted into a basketball court, and the ticket booth, bathroom and concession stand which was located in a small building on the side of the dome, giving the whole building the look of a giant igloo, which its white paint job didn't sway the idea from.

He led her out of the community center to the phone booths and public teleport pad, one of the technical marvels of this world. Together they stood on it as the lizard turned to it control panel. She watched as he punched in coordanince she never saw before, and they were teleported away. They materialized on and old stone pad. She could tell it was magical in nature, and with the roots and weeds growing through the numerous cracks, its a wonder it even worked at all.

He led her up and old dirt path with dead plants on either side, to and old mansion. They stepped unto the rotten porch and opened the old double doors and stepped inside. The outside of the old mansion was just a shell of what it once was. Inside the top floor had long since fallen onto the first, taking the wall of unknown rooms with it. She look around as they walked among the rubble, the hole place had long since been sacked by thieves and antique collectors, nothing of any value seemed to be in this house, even the walls were stripped.

They walked through what looked to be numerous rooms to an old stone staircase in the floor, light through a hole in the ceiling lit their way as they descended into the staircase's depths. At the bottom of the steps was an old wroght iron with a swinging latch. She immediately took interest in this and ran over to investigate. She swung the latch and found it held itself horizontal. As she examined the mechanism carefully she found it to lock as well, she pulled the latch on the inside of the door out, and found that the latch on the out side wouldn't move. She concluded that the door could lock something in, or something out.

She walked into the room beyond. Using the light from the staircase as a path on the floor, she ventured into the twenty by twenty foot room. She noticed that the room had low burning torches in either corner, and to the right were several tables. Without venturing from the light she examined them from a distance. Their dozens of tools of torture, rusted with age and unusable, leather restraints, and a set of keys.

She turned to the left and saw three manacles, their chains bolted to the wall, the manacles hung seven feet above the floor. But what was strange is the fact they were locked with modern looking locks, similar to that on a door, they could close with ease, but needed the keys to unlock them. But a question still burned in the back of her mind, and only enhanced by all that she saw.

"So why did you bring me here?" she asked. Her answer came as the metal door behind her was shut, and the huge latch was swung into place and locked, the light from the stairway gone, now the room was only lit by the low burning torches in the corners. It took a few moments for her eyes to adjust to the new lights as she turned to face the lizard approaching her from behind.

"W-what do you want from me?" she stammered as she backed away, her bare feet padding across the stone floor. She soon felt stone against her sides, having backed into a corner.

"You'll see." the lizard said as he cracked his knuckles and walked up to her. He grabbed her by the shoulders and pulled her from the corner. With her still in his grasp he turned around so their positions shifted, and he stood between her and the wall. She gasped as her ears laid flat and the fur on her back bristled in fear as she squirmed under the lizards grasp, unable to shake herself free.

With quick reflexes the lizard grabbed her arms at the wrists and lifted her up off the floor, and slammed her into the wall, underneath a pair of hanging manacles. She yelped in pain as her back hit the wall, and then again in fear as the lizard locked both her wrists at once into the manacles, holding onto her with only a few claws, and using the others to work the restraints.

He took a step back to let her hang from the manacles to watch her struggle to try and free herself. She felt her arms stretch under the weight of her own body. She began to whimper as tears rolled down her face, she feared what the lizard was planning to do to her, but already knowing the answer.

The lizard grinned an evil grin as he stepped back to her, he reached out to the buttons on her blouse and undid them, he pulled the ends apart to expose her breasts. Her whole body began to shiver with fear as the lizard took her breasts in his hands and rubbed them, he brought his face closer and flicked out his tongue across her nipples, slicking down her fur as he went. She twisted her wrists in the restraints to try and pull herself free and whimpered still, it seemed to be the only sound she could make now, not that any other would stop him from doing what he was.

"I won't hurt you as long as you don't fight me." was the only thing the lizard said as he paused in between his licking. He let go of her left breast with his right hand and moved it down to her thigh as he pulled up her skirt and ran his claws through her fur, exposing her white cotton panties.

Fear began to grow as the lizard knelt down and slid his claws up her skirt. She tried to kick, but her legs wouldn't listen, she tried to scream but the sound wouldn't come. The lizard slid off her panties and set them on the floor, he scratched at her hips as he stuck his nose under her skirt and between her legs and licked her slit. She tilted her head back, pushing her body from the wall but only closer to the lizards tongue. She opened her mouth to try and scream once more, but still no sound came. She put her tail up between her legs in an attempt to defy him.

The lizard frowned though she couldn't see it, quickly he gave up trying to lick past her tail and he grabbed it instead. With the same force he slammed her into the wall, so did he slam her tail and ground it in, the joints began to pop and crack under the force.

"Your fighting me." was all he said. But then the little fox found her scream and let it out, she began to sob and wailed some more at the pain in her tail.

"Please let me go." she cried, tears filling her eyes 'till she could no longer see. But the lizard only smiled and pulled off her skirt.

"No I got special plans for you." hissed the lizard as he stood. He grabbed her left sleeve with both hands and tore it down to the the buttons on her blouse, ripping her blazer as well, then he did the same to the other sleeve and let her torn blouse fall to the floor, lastly he pulled her skirt off her body. There she hung against the stone wall, naked, as the lizard rubbed his palms together with evil intent. She sniffled and closed her eyes, she tried to block out everything around her, and whatever was coming next.

He stood slightly to her right side and licked her , pulling up at her lip. He reached around the back of her head and scratched her neck, and rubbed her left shoulder with the other.

"You're such an innocent fox." the lizard hissed as his hand moved from her shoulder down to her left breast, "Your fur, so smooth." He said as his hand moved down her body, combing its way through the fur on her belly, moving his face ever so closer to hers, "And your flesh, so soft to the touch." He whispered as his hand slid between her legs, and he fingered her slit with a claw.

She turned her face away from his to scream for help, but the lizard grabbed the back of her head and turned it towards him. He opened his mouth and placed it around hers, and forced his tongue into her mouth. Her eyes snapped open as she let out a muffled cry as the lizards tongue wrapped around hers. She felt something warm rub up against her side and she took it to be his cock, showing off his arousal in molesting her naked body.
The lizard pulled his claw from her slit, dripping in her fluids. He wiped it off on her fur, slicking it down as he pulled his tongue from her mouth. The fox cried once more, the fur of her face already soaked and matted down from her tears. The lizard smiled and knelt once more, he placed his hands on her ankles, pushing them against the fall and spreading them slightly apart. He stuck his nose between her legs again and slid his tongue into her slit.

She screamed and tried to kick to no avail as the lizards tongue penetrated her. The lizards grip to her ankles held fast as he lick her on the inside, her fluids dripping down his tongue. The lizards tongue flicked back into his mouth, taking her fluids with it. The poor fox's chest heaved as she tried to breath through her tears, she whimpered as the lizard grabbed her face and moved it towards his.

"We may need something to keep you from screaming." the lizard said with an evil grin. He walked away to one of the tables of ancient devices, and took what looked like a horses bridal, only smaller. He took a hole punch and made new holes in the straps to confensate for her small face. He strapped the black leather device to the back of her head, then over the top in from of her ears, then at last around her muzzle, only an inch or so from her nose.

She let out her whimpers and muffled cries as the lizard picked up her legs from the wall. The lizard stood between them, spreading them with his body. She closed her eyes and tried not to look as the lizard pushed his cock into her. She could feel him moving in and out of her body, she whimpered with every push and tried to think of something else, but it didn't help what she felt and her mind always came back to what was happening.

She tried with more force to pull her arms free, twisting them in the restraint as they clacked against the stone wall. Her wrists began to burn with pain as the lizards pushes became longer. It wasn't long until the lizard held his cock in as it started to pulse, he hissed with pleasure as he cummed in her, his own fluid mixing with hers. Soon it dripped from her slit over the lizards genitals a dribbled down her tail.

He let go of her legs, letting her fall back against the wall, her chest heaved again as she sobbed, her tail flicking up once more to protect her sex even though it didn't matter now, she felt so violated and dirty at what had happened. The lizard picked up her skirt and cleaned himself with it, letting it drop to the floor, then he went to the table and picked up the keys, and unlocked the manacles and let the fox fall. Her feet hit the floor first, but she felt so weak that they just slipped out from under her and she fell on her rump. She placed her arms across her chest, hung her head and cried, not even bothering to take off her face restraint. The flesh of her wrist was cut and torn, the fur matted with her own blood, but she didn't seem to care about that now. The lizard walked to the metal door and unlocked it.

"You know the way out." he said coldly, "Just don't be here when I come back or I'll do you again." he finished as he opened the door and left, closing it behind him. The poor fox still sat on the floor after he left, her body shivering in sadness, with her cloths mostly ruined, and her blouse and blazer unwearable, even wandering out meant more humiliation. Too afraid to leave and even more afraid to stay, she brought her knees to her chin, and wrapped her arms around her legs. There she sat, cold and afraid until the torches burned out.