The sun shown brightly in the afternoon sky, it baked the sand on the small island below. A slight, warm breeze blew by, brushing the palm trees and other jungle growth near the islands beach, that spread across the center of the island. Off into the water, the surrounding coral could be seen, it made the shallow blue ocean water seem pink. Off in the distance another island could be seen if one was on the beach, both were deserted and were isolated from any larger island in the reef.

 The island was one of over a thousand in the Thousand Island territory, home to many of the aquatic morphics of Earth. This exact island was small, only two hundred feet across. The island itself was rather isolated, its position only a thousand miles from the southern tip of Draconia, though it was still directly south of Bararg, as was the rest of the Thousand Islands, the populous of the territory seemed to manage.

 The water on the beach began to ripple and splash as a creature walked up on the shore. It was a female orca, 'morphic to be exact. At the moment she wore a tight pair of waterproof shorts, that were like skin against the fine curves of her hips. She wore an equally tight shirt, that framed he large breasts, leaving nothing to the imagination. Though her shirt was also waterproof, it wasn't soaked through to show the full image of her breasts, it only outlined them perfectly.

 The female ocra stretched out her arms and swished around her powerful tail that hung behind her. She flexed the muscles of her tail in the stroking motions used to propel herself, this action seemed to relax her tail after all the swimming she used to get her to this secluded island. She walked up the beach to the treeline, and looked carefully around to make sure no one else was on the island.

 Content she was alone, she peeled off her tight shirt, this was easier than it seemed, sense she had no dorsal fin. She stood for a moment, enjoying the feel of the warm breeze that touched her now bare breasts. She stood for a while, enjoying the feel of the breeze and pulled off her shorts, tossing them away. She took the moment to lift up her tail and spread her legs to let the warm breeze blow between her legs. Once more she looked around, making sure no one else was on the island, watching her. She turned bake to the water and yelled.

 "It's clear, you can come out now and strip!" A previously unseen figure arouse from the water and scrambled up rather quickly on the beach. It was a male orca, he was very well built, with well muscles arms and legs, his rippled abdominal muscles and chest were nicely framed through the skintight shirt that also framed the cross he wore around his neck on a long chain.

 "Hey keep it down." the male orca said as he came up the the female, he spoke quietly, too concerned someone would see them to realize his girlfriend was nude, or at least at the moment. The female orca giggled, and cupped her large breasts in either hand and pushed them up, rubbing her palms seductively over her nipples to get his attention and to calm him down.

 "No one's going to see us." she said, the male orca licking his lips as he stared at her firm breasts. He wasn't distracted totally by her body, he could still hear her, and so nodded his achnolagment. "Besides, isn't it that why we came here?" the female orca finished.

 "Actually it was your idea, I just came cause you said we were going to yiff." the male responded, his courage and hormones rising as he peeled off his tight shirt. He bent down and peeled off his shorts, his eleven inch, serpentine cock already rising from his body, poking out for the top of his shorts after he peeled them off. Like his female friend, he spread his legs just a bit to let the warm breeze blow around his already rock hard cock.

 The female came closer to the male, groping his chest, licking her own lips as she eyed his body... not like she hadn't seem him nude before, just not in direct sunlight where someone could still be watching them at this instant. She grinned and grabbed the necklace he wore and gave it a tug. The male grinned as she pulled his face to hers, and she licked across his face.

 She then opened her mouth, and wrapped her lips around his. The male let out a deep murrring sound and slid his tongue into the females mouth. The female suckled the tongue lightly, her free hand taking hold of the males long cock to stroke its underside softly. The male reached around to scritch the females tailbase, the tip of his cock curling around her palm as she stroked him.

 The female let go of the males necklace and slid her mouth of of his, slurping it of his tongue. The male pulled her closer, sliding his serpentine cock between her legs , curling the tip up to enter her slit. She whined softly, spreading her legs apart to let him slide his member farther into her. The male did so, holding onto her tail and one leg and lifting her up slightly. He moaned with pleasure as his cock crammed its way into her passage, and slid around inside her.

 The female moaned hotly, holding onto the male orca. She tightened her slit around his long cock as he moved his member in and out of her. He didn't have to move his hips, just his cock, seeing as it was so flexible. He moaned himself when she tightened around his cock, whining softly to himself as he began to release his pre to slick her down.

 "Ooh, harder." the female moaned, pulling the male down to lay on top of him. The male did so, almost obediently, spreading her legs to either side of his body. His tail swished excitedly in the sand. He pulled his cock free and used his hips to cram his cock into her slit. The female whined loudly as the cock rammed itself all the way into her passage. The male began to slowly fuck her tight slit, pulling his cock free and corkscrewing it back in.

 The female had plenty of room, even for the males eleven inch cock. She pushed her hips back as best she could, as he corkscrewed in his cock, tightening her slit around it with equal force. She also lifted her tail, making the base brush against the males cock as he pulled it out. The male moaned and panted, his cock leaving a trail of pre over the females tailbase. He tilted his head down to lick and suckle her breasts.

 The female closed her eyes in pleasure and tilted her head back. She arched her spine into the sand, pressing her breasts up into the males face. She opened her eyes again and looked out to the beach. Tough she was too intralled in getting yiffed, she still had to make sure no one was watching. But something in the water caught her eye.

 "Wait stop." she whispered. The male stopped instantly, he was concerned that he had did something wrong.

 "What? something wrong?" he asked.

 "Some ones coming. Quick hide." she said and got out from underneath him. The male turned around only for a second to cover their cloths in sand so they couldn't be seen, and he followed the female into a closely packed area of jungle growth. They entered the growth and kept low, the growth was thick and it was certain they wouldn't be seen.

 They stared at the ocean, and watched a figure emerge. The figure was male, morphic, and very large. It was a blue whale, or at least just a generic whale creature. His height was ten feet tall, and he only wore a pare of tight shorts. He also was very well built, incredibly so because of his size. he had arms and legs that could be described as tree trunks, and his abdominal area was divided into a "twenty four" pack, every muscle in his body stood out perfectly.

 the whale looked around, and he smiled. the two orca's could see he had teeth like an orca, but if one looked closer, you could just see some baleen between his teeth. But this did not in no way look bad, it was barley noticeable.

 "Hmm, no one's here." the whale said to himself. He flicked up the thick and long tail he posed himself, and pulled off his shorts, almost ripping them from his body. He stood up straight and pushed out his hips, letting the breeze blow around his body. Quickly his cock began to rise from his crotch. It was a huge cock, two feet long and at least eight inches thick, it wasn't serpentine, but a more normal shaped cock with a circumcised tip.

 "Damn." the male orca whispered, the female didn't hear him, but she herself was aroused by his massive member, and she licked her lips. "What's he doing?" the male whispered to the female, she shrugged her response, and didn't take her eyes off of the whale.

 The male walked farther onto the beach, coming within twenty feet of where the orca pair were. He went to a small opening in the jungle growth, a good eighty feet from the beach, and sat down. He long cock was pointing straight up, he spread his legs and slid a palm over his massive cock, moaning softly to himself as he wrapped his fingers around his length.

 The female orca began to drool as she watched the big whale slowly stroke his hard cock. She pressed a finger against her slit as it drooled itself. The male himself watched intently, the whale using both his hands to massage his member, one hand slowly stroking its underside, the other rubbing over the tip.

 The male orca turned to the female, and quickly ran his hand between her legs, and scritched her tailbase. She whined quietly, her tail lifted up impulsively at his touch. She spread her legs and raised her rear like a cat, arching her spine and lifting up her head. The male himself still watched the whale lean back as he stroked his hard cock, the veins could be seen in it, pulsing, the whales cock throbbing as he continued to stroke himself, unaware he was being watched.

 the male orca's cock grew hard, and he eagerly slipped behind the female. He gripped her hips and pushed his cock again into her slit. The female moaned, pressing her hips back against his cock, making it fully enter her and she tightened around it. The male orca reached around the females body to grope her breasts.

 "Oh my, you seem turned on by that whale whacking off." the female whispered, ramming her hips back over his cock, her slit glistening from her extreme arousal.

 "Oh I am." he whispered back, twisting his cock inside her. He pulled it put and gave her a ram, going back to fucking her, slowly at first. The female was surprised to hear that, but it seemed to increase her own arousal. The male orca increased the intensity of his thrusts, fucking the females slit hard. He whined softly at the pleasure, she rocked her hips around and back onto his hard cock. She put her tail up on her back and reached around to scritch the back of the males head.

 She began to whine with pleasure. She was thinking herself at how nice it would be to take that cock into her mouth, but now she was picturing her friend sucking another males cock deep in his throat. The male orca moaned, and licked his lips. He gripped her hips tightly, pulling her into his thrusts, starting to rock his hips in tune with hers. He stared at the whale, watching him rub his chest and moan, his big whale cock dripping pre down its length. He wanted to lick that cock himself, and wrap his own lips around the tip and eat his cum.

 The female whine and closer her eyes. Lost in the pleasure of the cock probing her passage, she could feel her orgasm come. Her slit began to spasm, she wanted to yell out, but kept quiet, slamming her hips back against the male orca, wanting him to fill her with seed. Soon the male whined himself, his cock began to pulse and he untwisted it. His cock throbbed violently, and he held onto the female and cummed.

 His hot orca seed shot deeply into her. filling her almost with the first wave. The female whined happily, squeezing his cock with her slit to milk it of cum. The male orca moaned softly, the second wave of cum causing her open passage to overflow, his cum shot out from the crammed corners of her slit, covering his crotch in his cum. He gathered some up between his thrusts. He brought his fingers to the females lips. Eagerly she licked the tasty seed from his fingers, and to her excitement, he tilted his body to the side, so she could watch him lick his own fingers clean of his cum.

 The males orgasm subsided very slowly, as well as did the females. They both looked forward to the male whale. He was now stroking himself hard, strangely seeming to catch up to the pair. His own orgasm hit, his cum shooting up four feet into the air, and landing on his tail. The second wave of cum hit, and the male spread it into his tail hole, cramming it in with his finger.

 The two orca's watched, the whale finish up, massive amounts of his seed running down his cock as it pumped out. He gathered up some of it and spread it over his tongue to eat it. The whale sighed contently, his cock still up and rock hard, even though his orgasm had ended. His head turned in the direction of the two orca's and he smiled.

 "Well did you two enjoy the show?" he said. The two were more than surprised, obviously he could see them the whole time. So not only did they watch him wack off, he was watching them yiff. The male orca dismounted the female, and the whale continued. "I know i enjoyed it from my end. Don't worry, I don't mind. I know you both wanna yiff with me." he said and smiled, wagging his hard cock around.

 The two orca's stood, and walked out of the growth to the whale. The whale grinned as he got his first full view of the two. He scanned both of them with a lustful gaze. His eyes stopping at the orca's still hard, serpentine cock.

 "Nice cock. Ever had a guy suck it?" the whale asked, not getting up, just admiring the view he had. "I'd love to curl my tongue around that while getting sucked by a hot female like you." the whale finished, eying the female orca.

 The male orca drooled at the idea of getting sucked. His cock pulsed as he quickly approached the males head. He place a hand on the whales head, the whale in turned grabbed the orca's tail, pushing him closer. He turned to the female and wagged his hard cock again. She too came closer to the whale. Not even wasting time she plopped down between his legs, and took the big cock in both her hands, and rubbed it against her breasts.
 The whale moaned as she touched his cock, he thrusted up his hips, making his huge member slam into her face. The females didn't mind, it didn't hurt. She massaged the big cock slowly her tongue licking over its tip as she took it into her mouth as best she could. The male orca at this time, slid his cock past the whales lips, brushing the tip against his teeth. The whale whined, already in pleasure, and opened his mouth, curling his long tongue around the male orca's cock.

 The male grinned, wrapping his cock around the tongue. The whale pulled the member into his mouth, brushing the members underside along the baleen in his mouth. The male gasped at the new sensation of his cock scratching against the baleens surface. It felt like a brush, eagerly he thrusted into the whales mouth. The female orca watched as she suckled the whales cock, causing him to moan around the whales. A bit of the whales pre released from his massive member. The female ate it quickly, enjoying its taste. Harder she sucked, wanting more.

 The whale himself was in almost total bliss. He scritched the males tailbase lightly, bobbing his huge head over his cock, sucking it with the full force of his throat. The male orca whined at this intense sensation, the whale also slurping over his cock, pleasuring him in three different manners. The male whined, pre dumping from his cock tip and he raised his tail. The females was still focused on the whale cock, twisting the member around as she stroked it, rubbing her breasts along its underside. Her jaw ached slightly from the massive tip, but she was still enjoying sucking it.

 The female pushed the big cock forward and laid on top of it. She slid her body over its length, stretching out her arms to scritch the whales very appealing physique. The whales cock pre'd more, slicking down her body, letter her slide over it more. The male began to fuck the whales face rather thoroughly, the whale bobbing his head over his member in time with the orca's thrusts. The female still laid over the cock, returning the tip to her mouth, she's never eaten whale seed, and wasn't going to miss this chance.

 The male gripped the whales head hard, his head flew back and he drooled, his thrusts becoming erratic. The whale grinned, and slurped his mouth over the cock, pulling his head back so it was out of his mouth, then pulling he opened his maw and closed it back over the orca's cock. The orca began to whine, his cock throbbing with so much pleasure it almost hurt. The whale also place his other hand on the female's head to scritch her lightly, showing off his balance in the process. the female grinned, pressing her head back into his palm, slurping the whales cock in the same manner he sucked the male orca's.

 The male orca let out a loud moan as his orgasm hit. While not as intense as his last, it gave the whale's tongue a nice coating. The whale sucked up the cum, now using his fingers to massage the orca's cock base to milk him of his seed. The whale glanced at the female, and dumped his own load into her mouth. The female was surprised at first as the seed instantly filled her mouth, apparently the whale could control his orgasms. Greedily she swallowed the seed, another spurt filled hr mouth, and she swallowed that too. She let go of the cock, sighing happily as seed sprayed onto her face, quickly running down her shoulders and body as more seed came out. The orca's orgasm finished, and both males watched the females get a cum coating.

 "Look! She's a glazed orca!" the male said, the female groaned and smiled at his corny joke. Another wave of cum hit her face, then it stopped flowing. The female spread the warm seed over her body, planning on washing it off later, but enjoying it right now. She stood and spread her legs, stroking her slit in front of both males. The whale smiled, and knew what she wanted.

 "Want me to tongue-fuck you, sexy?" the whale asked, the female nodded, walking up to the other side of his head. The male took one look at the whales still erect cock, and licked his lips. He strode of towards it, and plopped down between the whales legs.

 "Oh? you want my cum now?" the whale asked, smiling. He gave the females slit a teasing lick, running his tongue quickly over it and up her belly.

 "Oh, yes." the male said. He laid over the cock as the female did. Instead of sucking it, he crawled himself up ever higher, laying on the whales chest. "But I want a ride." said he, pulling the cock to his hole with the aid of his strong, orca tail.

 The orca grinned, and pressed his cock firmly into the orca's tailhole. The whale didn't thrust too hard, the orca was too small to take the full length, but he was going to fill his ass with seed none the less. His attention turned back to the female. He brushed his tongue against her wet slit, and pushed it up. The female whined, and pushed down, sitting on the tongue. She slide her hips around, slicking it with her dripping fluids.

 The male orca licked at the whales chest, scritching at it. He used his tail to press the tip firmly into his loose and relaxed hole. He pushed himself down, wanting the whale to be rough, but not so much as to hurt him. The whale moaned, he didn't realize the male had a roomy ass. He gave him a quick, sharp thrust, driving his cock as far as it could go into sure a small passage.

 The Whale slid his tongue into the waiting females slit, getting a full tastes of her fluids. He curled his tongue into a spiral, and slowly slid it in and out of her passage. She whine softly, pressing down into it, tightening her slit around it. Her legs felt weak, so she let her weight fall on the member. The male orca yelped a bit as the cock rammed into him, but still he wanted more. He pushed the cock up with his tail, sliding his body up and to to fuck himself, like the cock was just a big dildo.

 The whale moaned hotly, reaching up with a hands to squeezes the females breasts, massaging them, rubbing his palms over her nipples. The whale began to pant as the male orca used his cock so, enjoying the simultaneous feeling of his throbbing orca cock, pressing firmly into his belly. The whale pushed up with his strong tail, giving the male orca a hard thrust as he pushed down against it, making him yell out in pleasure. The females slit spasmed around the thick whale tongue, making her moan loudly, her arousal increasing as she watched her male friend get fucked by the large whale.

 The male orca's cock began to pre, leaving a trial over the whales belly. His ass began to burn pleasurably, and spasm, causing both his legs and tail to twitch. The whale moaned muffledly, breathing over the females spread slit. He thrusted up again into the male orca's hole, driving a whole foot of his cock into his ass. The male could easily take it, he squeezed the whale cock with his ass, wanting the whales cum. The females now saw over stimulated, she whined and all the muscles below her waist tensed as her orgasm hit, her fluids rushing over the whales tongue as she squeezed it hard, as if it was a cock.

 The two male's orgasms his almost simultaneously, the whale being the more intense. The whales seed gushed the the male orca hole, filling him quickly, and then spraying out to coat both of their tails and legs. The male whine in pleasure, his cock leaving a trail of cum over the whales belly. He grabbed the whale cock with a hand, squeezing it with all the might he could gather to drain the whale of the last of his seed.

 Soon the whale pulled out, letting the male orca squeeze what remained of his cum, getting what remained the clean parts of his rear all wet with cum. The females orgasms subsided, and she pulled out the tongue and fell to her knees and leaned up against the whales neck. She licked at his neck happily, scritching him too. The male responded in kind, he didn't get off the whale, but scritched and licked his chest, still softly thrusting his cock over his belly.

 The whale smiled, and laid all the way back, he scritched both of the orca's head and tails. "Well I didn't expect any of this today." he said.

 "Yeah." responded the male orca, he paused to spread the whale seed around his ass, legs, and tail base, cleaning the cum off his fingers afterwards. "What are the chances of use meeting like this?"

  "Mmm, hmm." the female responded, nodding her head.

 The three rested in the sun, too tired to actually get up and dress. A few more minutes passed before anyone said anything.

 "Hey, where do you two live?" the whale asked. "I'd hate not to run into you two again, your a lot of fun."

 The female grinned, and responded "Well, we live at - " A sound from the beach alerted the three. The sound of splashing and footsteps through sand, small footsteps.

 "Hey mom!" a young male voice called out. "I found some cloths!" All Three stood and looked, there was a houseboat near the shore, anchored to a three with a long piece of nylon rope. It was a family of foxes, they seemed to be on vacation, and had chosen this island to stop on.

 "Well honey leave them there." the obvious mother to the younger voice.

 "Yeah son, you don't wanna steal someone's cloths. They might be around here running naked." Came an older male voice. It laughed after its comment, like it made a joke.

 "Oh honey, no one would be around here naked, that'd be just plain indecent." the female responded.

 The orca and whale just stared at each other of a second. "Oh great. Now what?" the male orca said.

Epilogue: the three were later arrested for indecent exposure, and spent 72 hours in jail. However they still managed to yiff some other prisoners there