Sheila walked across the warm sidewalk, she could hear the soft padding of her feet along with the sharp clack of the hooves of her friend, Sam, next to her. Shelia was a lioness if their ever was one, though not a very spectacular looking one, just the normal look of what everyone has come to expect. She wore a pair of loose, black jeans and a white T-shirt, her backpack slung over her shoulder.

Sam was a gazelle, uncomfortably dressed in the same manner. But just to be clear, Sam was a female. And both were seniors in high school, and that's where they were walking away from.

Sheila, turned to her right, across the street a group of about nine reptiles, probably freshmen from the way they were jumping around and yelling, were walking in their same direction: away from the high school. Shelia watched as a female in the group began to undress, only to reveal a set of ultralight armor underneath. One of the males followed in suite, leading Sheila to believe them to be brother and sister, and rather close.

Lizards, as if their bodies aren't armored enough they have to wear more armor. They're all the same... thought Sheila as she turned to watch were she was going, her thoughts trailing off only to be broken by Sam's voice.

"So tell me, why did we not take the bus... or at least the teleporter?

"Cause we don't have a car?" Sheila responded sarcastically without ever looking at her friend, "I thought a little exercise could do us some good."

"Ok now wait," began Sam as she stopped walking, "Since when do you, of all the lazy people I know, want to exercise? What are planning?" Sheila stopped, and turned to face her friend.

"What? I'm not entitled to an unrational and sudden change of opinion?" she said to her friend, smiling, "Now come on, we're going to make a sudden and unrational turn to the right at the street up ahead." Sam nodded, but was now even more suspicious.

So they made a right at the next street, and a few blocks farther Sheila stopped and crossed the street, and Sam's suspicions were confirmed. But still she crossed the street to join her friend. In front of them laid a huge three story house, wore with age. From what could be seen of what might have been a beautiful yard, now laid to dust, its high brick fence weather worn as well.

"Ya know they really should remove this place, it's really too stereotypical of suburban area's." said Sam, never taking her eyes off the house.

"Now way Sam," replied Sheila, "What would a suburban area be without a local 'haunted house'?"

"True," sighed Sam "Then you wouldn't have horrible stories of canablizum, gruesome murders, hideous torture--"

"Or a place to explore." Sheila inserted into Sam's sarcastic statement.

"Or a place to explore..." echoed Sam, but quickly caught herself, "What? No? Wait? Your Not--"

"Going to explore it?" Sheila said, finishing Sam's sentence, "yes I am." She grabbed Sam by the arm, and started dragging her to its front door, "And you are too."

"What, hey, no! You can't make me! Your crazy! What if some sort of sociopath lives there?" yelled Sam in protest to this idea all the way up to the house's old porch, and to its front door.

"Oh Sam, be realistic." began Sheila as she reached for the knob, "Nobody lives here anymore." She gave the knob a turn. Nothing happened, the door was locked.

"Oh yeah? Then why is it locked?" ask Sam with a smirk as Sheila continued to twist the knob, pulling on it, even though the door was meant to swing inward. Sheila quickly gave up her assault on the knob, and dropped her backpack to her side.

"No problem, I got it covered." she said as she opened her pack and reached in. A few seconds of moving objects around, her hands emerged with a set of twelve keys; master keys.

"Where'd ya get those?" ask Sam as Sheila found a good fitting key, and in a twist, the door unlocked. Sheila twisted the knob, letting the door swing into the darkened house with a loud creak.

"Now way. Count me out." began Sam as she backed away, "Your on your own for this one Sheila."

"No, wait!" yelled Sheila as she turned to grab her friends arm, but by now she was too far away, and almost to the sidewalk.

"See ya later Sheila!" called Sam back to her.

"Fine! I don't need you!" yelled Sheila to her friend, now far away, "I'll go in myself!" And she stepped past the doorway.

Inside the house was dark, barely any light came in through the darkened windows, but it didn't take long for Sheila's eyes to adjust. The house was dusty, and cobwebs were everywhere. She seemed to be in what looked like a livingroom. It was about forty feet long, and thirty feet wide, with a huge decorated rug over a hard wood floor. Off to her left was a door way, and to her right, a staircase. Her eyes scanned between the two, a set of long couches were there, each wit ha white sheet draped over them, hiding their full shape and color.

She crossed the room to the staircase, it seem structurally sound, so she scaled it. It curved slightly toward the front of the house, but merged with a hallway, leading in the opposite direction. It had and old green carpet through its length, and it spanned the width of the house, or so it seemed. On either side was a door, four to be exact, making eight in total.

She tried the first; locked. Not wanting to bother with it, she tried the second; locked as well. When she came to the third, she found it unlocked, and so she went inside. Here she found a bedroom, carpeted with the same old green carpet as the hallway. There was a queen size bed, a dresser to its left, and a door on either side of the room. She started towards the door to her left, but as she turned, she heard a voice.

"What are you doing here?" the voice growled deeply. Sheila was afraid to turn around, but was impelled to do so. She turned and saw a red, male dragon. He wore nothing, but that didn't matter to Sheila. He was big, as tall as the room's ceiling was, making him nine feet, three feet taller than Sheila. His shoulders were twice as broad as hers, maybe even three time as much with muscles to match his size. Flicking to the right side of his body was a good sized tail, as long as his body was tall. In total he was twice Sheila's size.

She turned to run to the door, but the dragon was faster than she was. By the time she had turned, the dragon was already there. He slammed the door shut with his left hand, his tail slowly curling behind her, coiling around the door knob

"I'm sorry sir, I didn't know anybody lived here." she said, shocked at the fact she called him 'sir'. Though it did seem only polite, after all, she just trespassed on his property.

"Well now you do know that don't you?" hissed the dragon, his neck craning down, to face her at eye level, his massive hand still on the door, holding it shut. "what do you suppose I should do now?"

"I don't know," said Sheila as she back away, almost tripping over his tail, "I suppose you should call the police and have me arrested."

"You're right, I should do that." he said, his voice sounding less angry. Sheila let out a sigh of relief, her fear of the dragon leaving, now that she knew the he wasn't going to do anything to her.

"Just one problem with that," the dragon began, "This house doesn't have a phone. It hasn't even been wired for one. "his tail slipped off the door knob, and laid still on the ground. Sheila was a little confused at this point.

"So what are you going to do instead?" she gave a crooked smile as tried to make light out of the situation,

"Let me off with a warning?" She looked into the dragon's eyes accidentally, and saw them moving up and down, scanning her whole body. The dragon's tongue licked out flicking underneath his lips and across his teeth as he licked his maw.

"No. I think somebody should show you why it's not a good idea to go sneaking around in other peoples houses." he said as he smiled, slowly coming closer to her. Sheila didn't like how that sounded, not at all. With a loud shriek she jumped over his tail and tried to run away.

Once again the dragon proved he was faster than she. As her left arm swung back for her run, he grabbed it with his own left. He pulled to his body, and wrapped his right arm around her neck. It's massive size forcing her head up. She hissed almost involuntarily as her fingers spasmed, and her claws emerged. She racked them repeatedly across the scales on his arm, but it didn't seem to do anything.

The dragon spun her, and threw her to the floor, back first. Before she could get up, he was on top of her, pinning her arms and legs down with his weight. He let go with one of his hands, and despite her struggling, tore off her T-shirt and bra. She let out a scream for help as his head bent down, and he curled his tongue around one of her breasts, moving the tip to lick at her nipple.

He didn't cease this action as he moved his body to the side, and used his other hand to tear away at her leans. She fought him as best she could, trying to slide out from underneath him as his claws shredded the last of her cloths, scratching sharply against her body.

"Go ahead and scream." the dragon said as he returned to his position on top of her and uncurled his tongue from her breast. "No one can hear you." he stopped to smile, "I sound-proofed the walls myself." he said with a tone of self praise in his voice. Sheila screamed louder, her voice quickly turning into a roar.

He went back to licking her breasts as he slowly spread her legs apart with his own. She snapped at him, trying
to bite his tongue to get him to stop. She felt something warm growing between her legs, pressing up against her slit, slowly entering it, it didn't take long for her to realize it was the dragons shaft.

Fortunately for Sheila, the dragon wasn't incredibly 'well endowed'. His member was of normal size for his body, but to Sheila it was almost too big for her. Farther into her it slid, burning as if went. She gasped loudly, expecting the dragon to force it in, but he didn't do so. Seeming content of the amount of his member that was in her, he humped her slowly, purring with pleasure as he did so.

Sheila still struggled, wanting to get his cock out of her body, but doing so only seemed ot pleasure him further. She grunted and hissed as she struggled still. the dragon stopped, to her amazement, but for the reason she hoped.

"Ya know, watching that maw of yours, I just gotta have it." he said as he got off of her, pulling his member from her body. Sheila didn't waist any time, she jumped up and ran to the door, as the dragon turned his back to her, and started towards the night stand.

She grabbed the knob firmly and gave it a turn, but it was locked. She couldn't figure out how, she assaulted the door tearing at it with her claws, cutting deep gashes into its surface, trying to carve herself out.

"Aww how cute, your trying to escape." came the dragons voices, she turned and backed away, the door knob jamming into her spine. From the dragons fingertips he waved a small key, "Apparently you don't catch on too quickly." Totally surprised at the fact that, not only had he locked the door without her knowing, but he had been keeping the key some where on his body the hole time. With a gasp of fear, she ran to the door on her right.

By now she should have realized that escape was pointless, but it still didn't hurt to try. Once again the dragon was on her, he wrapped his arms around her waist and picked her off the ground. She hissed and tried to claw his face as he flipped her up-side down, holding her head-level with his still erected member. He let go of one of her legs, and she quickly saw why: ot his legs he now had strapped leather belts, to which was tethered another belt. Despite her struggling he worked her arms into the straps, plastering them firmly against his thighs.

She closed her eyes and tried to keep her maw shut, but it didn't take much for the dragon to force it open and slide side member in. It slid over her tongue and down her throat, as he grabbed her head and forced it down. Her esophagus came to life trying to swallow the dragons member wedged in her throat.

He pulled her head up and down continuously over his cock, pleasuring himself at her expense, she could only breathe through her nose as she started to gag, bile moving down from her stomach to come in contact with the dragon's tip. He began to pre as Sheila's breathing began to rasp, hoping her breathing would continue until he was done.

He pulled her body up more, forcing her nose to point down, as to slide his cock farther into her throat, enjoying its soft feel and warmth. saliva mixed with her bile, mixed with the dragons pre managed to work its way down to her maw, flowing over the dragons member, and dripping off his body. She tried to bite down on his cock, but this only seemed to please him as well, as he increased his movement, sliding her head over his cock faster, ready to cum.

He cummed as she expected, till moving her head over his cock, drain all of his fluid from her body. Her throat still spasming, it forced some of it into her stomach. Soon he was finished, he undid the straps, letting her fall. She hit the floor hard, despite its carpeting, she got up on her hands and knees and threw up, the hideous mix of substances refusing to go down. He picked her up by the shoulders, bringing her to look him in the eyes.

"Now wasn't that fun?" he said, knowing full well she didn't enjoy it. She frowned at him, and spit some the cum that was still in her mouth, on his face. He smiled, and using his tongue, he licked it off his face and ate it.

"Ya know what?" he began, smiling, "My friends will be here in a few minutes, I'll bet they'd love to meet you."