"In The Dark" by Collabi (c)2000 collabi@yahoo.com I dream, and when I dream I dream of things that are gone. I dream of: the flicker of a smile that betrays a grin that betrays a love that betrayed me. I dream of: her supple hands along my thighs warm breath whispering around the tips of my ears her whispering around the tip of my fears. I dream of: the way her eyes would flicker pure firey desire lust shimmering from within crystalline beacons those eyes receding into the distance down the length of my body a quick kiss and she's gone down laughing melodically quick slip of the tongue over her grinning lips before going to work. A finger here, a lip there, caressing turgid balls then kissing them then lapping at them she was always an expert. And much in demand. I dream it as if it were real. I dream it as if I could feel a soft tongue now making its curcuitous torturous path in gentle spirals from base to spire. It is warm soft wet and encircling. Its tip lashes the briefest flash of a touch like a viper's strike at my glans and gone again within a heartbeat. Then again along the shaft the tongue bending down tip seeking towards the bottom and the rest of that wonderful wet tongue slowly enveloping me in its wake. This is no dream, I realize with a start as I awaken to darkness, cloth against my eyes, merry giggling somewhere below my navel. "Shhh," it says, and a finger is pressed to my lips along with a soft kiss before the welcome assault is rejoined. Who could it be? I wonder (or try to wonder, as a distraction nonchalantly takes my length into its maw and makes swallowing motions so soft tissue undulates and constricts) I think back to the fight and the tears -- no, it cannot be her for she left in a huff with someone else anyway. Then after that? I -- wow some wonderful force out in that darkness has found a way to run fingertips dancing like a thousand tiny legs up and down the length of my length while simultaneously nipping at my thighs and supporting (or tickling) two appreciative testicles. Then after the fight, I struggle to think -- my friend, he said I should find someone else and we went out to the places where someone elses go. I remember: a bar music a parade of dancing women under glittering lights sinewy, lithe cats tails writhing in time and foxes grinning their vixen grins flashing teeth and tongue and whatever they wanted at you. I remember: a bottle that was opened and consumed to make way for another and then it all gets hazy. Could one of those murring, purring wonders leather-clad and ever-willing have picked me as the subject of some insane salt-licking experiment? No: cat tongues are sandpapery and the quivering warmth that touches my member right above the knot is smooth and giving and all-enclosing. She laughs again and the tongue leaves me as two hands massage abdomen ribs bosom then encircle me as someone worth dreaming about nips and licks at my neck. I feel lost in that embrace while the pursed beak of something that has a beak or a pointy maw instead of a muzzle leaves little teeth marks along my jawline and the rim of my ear while tugging a bit down below as if checking for firmness and durability. As if satisified, she leans back seizing my arms and pulls me upright and then to a kneel I sit there, grinning foolishly at the unseen while the rustling of bedsheets indicates that my partner has reoriented herself onto her hands and knees waiting posterior extended towards me. I move forward, thinking ready, but that tinkling laughter sounds once again and my arms are grabbed once again my body heaved over onto a back, my length nestling between two firm buttocks. I feel warm flesh beneath me, inviting and yet ungiving like living stone a carved lover there beneath me. I wrap my arms around her shoulders seize her tightly hold my neck to hers; I feel a kiss against my cheek, a mere peck compared to the warm pressing of lips to lips that follows as our heads bob there beside each other. Then hands seize me or my shaft, anyway stroke it a few last times and then guide it as I press forward in to warmth and tightness and joy. The warmth is always what strikes me most: An all-encompassing heat surrounding you as you bury yourself in someone dear. It tingles along your length like a burning you hope will never stop. Such warmth such tightness such an inescapable vise I have never before experienced and I move slowly gently savoring every ounce of ecstasy. Inwards, and flesh parts the spearhead of penetration pressing apart warm tissue before it as it closes again behind seizing me and holding fast as I go outwards the gentle tug of slick insides tugging at my departing cockhead. Inwards and outwards I cry and move involuntarily. Inwards and outwards: I cannot help but bury myself and withdraw again hoping only to bury myself still deeper next time. Inwards and outwards: I hold fast the life beneath me as it closes around me and adores my most sensitive parts. Inwards and outwards: pressure rises within me a burning inside me to match that around me forcing me on ever faster until finally yelping and growling and whimpering helplessly, I press forward, knot slipping past a willing entrance locking me inside as I twitch back just a bit one last time before pressing forwards to bury myself entirely as I scream and empty myself within a cavern that seems to suck at my very essence. It twitches back and in my joy my hand slips down the forefront of the giving soul beneath me across a too-flat too-firm bosom and down along chiseled ribs to a navel a crotch a manhood to match my own. It's a shock: but I am in shock already mind whirling with unequalled ecstasy and I grab it as if it were my own, tugging at it with practiced motion. A squeal escapes the one I ride: a squeal, a gasp and I stroke as best I can still spending myself pumping madly praying PRAYING now, please: my hand flickers over him quickly, smoothly, delicately please, I beg and he cries as I did wet sticky warmth covering my fingers that wonderful tight inside spasming around me at the last of my own ecstasy we ride that wave together trembling together before we collapse together, spent, embracing, and still joined. I realize then as I hold close the figure before me feeling his heart beat beneath my arms and his body tremble as mine must have; who my friend my true friend who would not leave for all the world meant by "someone else".