Raqu struggled with her load, but she refused to show it. It'd show weakness if she were to ask the burden to be lightened. The Herdleader expected all to carry what they needed, including food.

With a deep breath she adjusted her pack on her shoulders. Two legs were getting tiring so she dropped onto all fours. Ahh relief, much easier to walk on four feet with a heavy load to carry.

"Keeping up there Raqu?" Curr asked, the young male's step was light and he had little to carry, having packed minimal food and few things to barter with.

"Yes." Raqu replied as she took a breath that was near a gasp.

"Sounds like you need a bit of help." Curr said, striding next to her on his hind legs.

"Is that an offer or an observation?" Raqu asked in reply. Knowing already that he meant the former.

"The first you mentioned of course. Toss me those two bags that you have strapped to your pack. If the Herdleader asks anything I asked you, not you asking me." He motioned to two of her bags, both fairly heavy, but nothing Curr wouldn't be able to handle.

"You did ask me so why are you worrying about it?" Raqu stated more than asked as she unstrapped them and threw them over to the younger male. He caught the bags carefully.

"Oh, I did, did I not?" Curr said, young and forgetful, but his heart was in the right place.

The long march continued, they were probably the farthest away from the Gathering place this Stawt (year). The Gatherings occurred usually once a Stawt, M'yurn from all over came, herds large and small came to meet old friends, new acquaintances, and distant relatives. It strengthened the whole population and kept each herd up to date on what was happening in other parts of the world. Being able to get together so often allowed them to keep their language pure from generation to generation and place to place.

Oftentimes a herd would bring a small herd of nehur, one of their main food sources, with them to eat as they traveled, or barter with when they got there. The farmers of the herd would bring most of their latest harvest, including seeds for the next Armre (Spring to the M'yurn).

Bartering and trading was a large part of the celebration. Rarities from far off would often find themselves in a home after a Gathering. The bartering didn't just extend to the material goods, but knowledge was also traded, secrets generations old traded for other needed information.

Games, tests of strength, endurance, and knowledge. New leaders were often found racing on the Grwel tracks or fighting it out in Stracks (a little like wrestling). Current leaders often tested themselves against each other to see which is the stronger physically. Jreth, a strategy game similar to chess, is a favorite among the more intellectual M'yurn.

Several hundred drura (a drura is the equivalent of two miles) away Mree, a young male was heading towards the Gathering as well. His father, who was also the Herdleader, watched his son with pride; it seemed that Mree would be his successor. It didn't often happen that a Herdleader's own son was strong and clever enough to become the next leader of the herd, but that's how it appeared it was happening this time.

Mree was well aware of his father's gaze, but ignored the attention. He'd been sick and tired of his mother crooning over him as if he were still just a fream, though he was well over the age of five by now. Just a meer (ten days) ago he'd turned 15, more than old enough to be starting a family himself.

The Herdleader's projected arrival time was two meer, they'd left but six cra (days) and five tae (nights) ago and they were on time so far.

"Halt! We'll stop here for the tae." The Herdleader called to his herd, stopping and turning. He was over a quet (twenty of them are in a drura) ahead of the main group, but his loud voice carried well over the still air.

Some of the elders all but collapsed on the stop when the halt was called. All shrugged off their packs close to where they would be sleeping for the tae. The Herdleader's family group got to select where they were going to sleep first, which was usually the best place and it went down the line from there. The lowest-ranking family having to scramble for a decent stop.

As a show of compassion Mree allowed a small family to take his choice sleeping area. Though they were reluctant to take it since he was the Herdleader's son.

"No Mree, you should have it, it is rightfully yours." The head male of the family said, his head lowered in submission.

"I insist Traem, you deserve it more than I do. Being young my body can handle rougher ground. Raise your head, I am not worthy of your bow." Mree said humbly. Truthfully he didn't feel he deserved a choice spot since Traem had been Herdleader before his father.

"We thank you Mree," Traem muttered, lifting his once proud head. "It has been hard, but we have managed."

Mree mumbled something about not needing any thanks and walked off. Finding a suitable spot he set down his pack and lay down on his side, he curled up, placing an arm over his head he fell asleep and slept soundly until dawn the next morning.

"Mree, get up." Came the gruff voice of the Herdleader in his dream. "Mree, I said get up. Move your lazy tail and get up, we have only a short time before we leave."

Mree looked up into the face of his father and let out a low groan. Without a second thought he rolled over, got his legs under him and stood up. With a brief shake he picked up his pack and pulled it over his shoulder and followed his father.



Raqu woke up, it was still dark outside and the rest of her herd was still asleep. Being one not to be able to get back to sleep after she gets up early she stood. Grabbing her pack and all of its contents she wove through the many bodies that made up her herd. Careful not to step on any heads, necks, legs, tails, or bodies as she made her way to the outside of the group.

She felt fairly stiff as she stretched out her legs, tail, and neck. Carefully she took her pack off, sat down, and opened the pack. A red-orange fruit is what she pulled out; it seemed to pulsate under her grip. Licking her lips she popped the whole thing in her mouth. Eyes closed and ears leveled slightly in relaxation, she hummed softly for a moment to herself. The sweet taste of it rolled around in her mouth; she swallowed it after savoring the flavor. When she opened her eyes she was refreshed.

"Ah, the wonders of the fruit." Raqu mumbled about the regenerating fruit.

Water would be nice at this moment, she knew there was some around here somewhere. With a soft push-off from the ground she sat up on her haunches. Closing her eyes and stretching her neck to its fullest extent she inhaled deeply, smelling the air. The pungent smell of water reached her nostrils, she zeroed in on the direction, which happened to be the same one that they were traveling in.

Picking up her pack she traveled to the water, it was a large fresh spring that bubbled gently from one corner of it. The water was crystal clear, showing a few aquatic animals and rocks that speckled the bottom. Crouching down she lapped her fill of water up with her tongue before filling her water jug.

After finishing her morning preparations she sat and watched Cra rise above the horizon, spreading color through the land. Yellows oranges, reds, and purples filled the sky in a mixture of colors. Not long and they'd be amongst the hustle and bustle of the Gathering, trying to get along with each other.

When the rest of the herd awakened Raqu was glad that she'd been able to get up when she did. At least a dozen M'yurn were crowed around at one time, shoving and pushing, Curr ended up falling in several times when he tried to get a drink. After a while he forgot about getting back up on bank and just drank from where he was in the middle of the pond.

Without further delay they were going again. Raqu didn't need any help from Curr, though he did offer. The pace wasn't too fast which allowed them to travel farther and longer. In her usual spot ahead of everyone else, with the exception of the Herdleader, Raqu walked. Getting away from the dust kicked up by the others behind her.

The road they traveled on was fairly well worn, considering it had been walked on before many times.

Even though they were the furthest out Raqu's herd was of the first to arrive, other than the resident herd. Her parents asked her to join them in their temporary shelter close to the center of the herd, but Raqu stubbornly refused and set up hers at the outskirts of her herd's boundaries.



Mree's herd was one of the last to arrive, they had been delayed several times due to the fact that some of their number had fallen in holes and nearly broken their legs.

When they arrived Mree once again offered his area to Traem. They were reluctant to take it and offered Mree several items for their gratitude, though Mree refused. They deserved it more than he did. So Mree set his temporary structure in a spot not as choice as before, but his young body would survive the rough ground.



It didn't take long for Mree's usual amount of admires to build up and start following him. He was highly annoyed by the attention and the constant giggling heard behind him. A slightly older, single tan-colored female strode beside Mree.

"So, why have you not chosen anyone yet?" She asked fairly innocently.

Mree didn't answer, his body language, ears flat and eyes level, showed that he wasn't in the mood to talk about it.

She ignored it and continued on talking. "Is it because your father does not find any of us satisfactory for your position? Or is it that you can not stand any of us with our constant giggling and talking? Or are you just not ready to settle down yet?" She watched him intently as they walked.

"I would say that you are right on the last two." Mree said, then, suddenly his mood changed. "Will you create a diversion for me Arnm?"

"Certainly Mree," Arnm said, ears perched and listening in excitement. "Just get ready to run and melt into the crowd."

Without further ado Arnm began her diversion. Suddenly she stopped, the young females weren't really paying attention to her, their eyes were locked on Mree. Arnm crouched down, putting most of her weight on her forelegs before she swung her tail. Arnm's tail connected with the legs of several of the females, they were knocked off their feet and toppled over, the ones who weren't hit by Arnm's tail itself soon fell over onto their comrades.

Seeing the sudden commotion Mree dropped to all fours and pushed through the crowd. He was concentrating so much on getting away that he wasn't watching where he was going.

Raqu suddenly found herself on the ground; a young male sprawled on top of her slightly dazed. With disgust she kicked him off with her hind legs, she then rolled on to her legs and got up.

Mree felt himself being thrown back down into the dirt. Shaking his head to clear his mind he got up. When he looked up he saw the most beautiful creature he'd ever seen. Her coat was a light reddish brown; she was of light build and had a thick brown mane.

Raqu apparently didn't feel the same about him. "Watch where you are going. What could you of possibly be trying to get away from in such a hurry that you did not notice me?"

For a moment Mree had wondered why he hadn't noticed her himself, but then remembered. "Lets just say that I was getting away from some unwanted company."

Raqu raised a furry brow slightly, then decided she had a good idea what "unwanted company" was. "I understand that." She said, but then she kept talking. "I am Raqu, before you rammed into me I was going to see if I could get into a round of Stracks."

"Name is Mree . . . Stracks? You participate in Stracks?" It was a mild surprise to him, considering she was lightly built and close to two heads shorter than he was. "You do not seem the type."

"Yes I do, care to see what I can do?" Raqu asked, not the least surprised or upset that he found her not the type that'd participate in the rough game. "Just because I'm not all muscle doesn't mean that I can't beat the biggest of them."

"Sure, I will come." Mree wasn't about to miss seeing her attempt to defeat one of the reining champs of the game.

Raqu gave a small snort and lead the way. Mree found it easy to walk beside Raqu, even if she was smaller than he was she had a long stride that made up for it. The pace she set was fast as they plowed through the crowd.

Traders and merchants asked them to buy, or just look at what they had, but Raqu refused and said they were going somewhere and couldn't dally. It took a while to travel to the outside of the Gathering.

Stracks was being held on the outskirts of the Gathering's center, though it was surrounded by a few temporary structures, most likely containing the games devoted followers and players. Those who were eager to see the games start.

With great purpose and importance Raqu strode up to the guard who chose who fought and who didn't. The guard eyed Raqu suspiciously, then his gaze jumped to Mree who stood behind her. The gaze of the guard lingered on Mree, looking over the male, noticing that he was well built and strong.

"I would like to participate in the next round." Raqu said, trying to bring the guard's attention back to herself.

With an amused glance the guard looked at her. To him, and several others who had listened in on the conversation, she wasn't the type and didn't have the strength to go up against some of the ones where were currently in the ring and on the sides. "I will let you if he does too." The guard motioned towards Mree.

Mree looked up slightly startled.

"Well? It is your life so it is your choice." Raqu said to him, though she gave him a "Say yes or you'll be hurting" look.

"Sure, why not." Mree said.

The attention was soon off them and back to the ring where two young males were brawling. A solid gray and a red had just rammed each other. The solid gray gripped the shoulders of the other who did the same. The gray braced himself before swinging his weight into his opponent. Knocking the red off balance and allowing the gray to shove him onto the ground.

With a triumphant cry the gray stood, he backed up slightly. Before the red had a chance to struggle up the gray charged and leapt on top of him. With the momentum he'd built up the gray rolled his opponent on top of him and flung him out of the ring using his powerful hind legs.

The match was over and the guard turned his attention yet again to Raqu and Mree. "Third time this cra that he has won. You are up next little one." The guard said to Raqu.

Bristling slightly Raqu passed the guard, half-tempted to snarl at him or challenge him. Though she suppressed her initial reaction and walked into the ring.

The gray snorted. "Is this all you think I'm worthy of Dar?" The gray shouted, outraged at the guard.

"Easy Urss, she is the next up." Dar, the guard said reassuringly to the gray. "Ready, set, go!"

Urss, the gray charged Raqu, thinking that it would be the easiest way to get her, just knock her over and it'd be over. Though Raqu could see his attack as plain as Cra in the sky and dodged it, leaving her tail in his path. The burley gray tripped and stumbled, he was suddenly on his back and not knowing how it happened.

"I am not that easy." Raqu said as she turned to face Urss. Needless to say Urss was rather surprised that he'd been knocked over. "I am also not as stupid as some of your other opponents." At this time Raqu got next to Urss and started pushing him out of the ring. Though he managed to get up before she would have succeeded in pushing him out of the ring.

Pawing the ground Urss lowered his head; he would charge her and hopefully get the same results as last match. Raqu knew what he would most likely do and had a plan of her own. Copying Urss, Raqu lowered her head as well; she kicked back a little dirt with her forefoot, feeling for traction. In a sudden blur of movement Urss was headed towards Raqu, she side-stepped moments before the would of collided. With a quick turn Raqu charged Urss, colliding with his side.

A pained roar emitted from Urss as he fell to the ground, sprawled out, limbs going in every direction. This is what she wanted, his wind was knocked out of him and for the moment he'd be trying to recapture his breath.

Raqu grabbed Urss's back legs and proceeded to pull his bulk to the edge of the ring. When just a short way away from the edge Urss regained his breath. Urss tried to get away, pulling in the opposite direction with his forefeet. To keep Urss from pulling her off her feet she used her tail to knock him back down.

Urss's tail was out of bounds, though more than that would be needed in order for Raqu to achieve victory over the brute. Letting go of his feet Raqu leapt forward and wrapped her arms around his neck and chest. Urss couldn't quite keep his feet under himself, because Raqu kept on knocking them out from under him with her tail.

It seemed like they were stuck at a stand still until, showing great strength and use of leverage, Raqu managed to throw Urss out of the ring. Amongst great cheering from her bewildered supporters Raqu dropped to all fours. Head raised triumphantly, they didn't believe she could do it, but she did.

Mree was slightly nervous at facing her next. The guard bore his teeth slightly as Mree passed; Mree ignored the hostile gesture and entered the ring.

After pacing back and forth for a bit Mree decided what he was going to do. He charged. Though unlike the gray Urss he knew what to do. As Raqu sidestepped him Mree turned, moving his charge and momentum towards her. Raqu was slightly taken aback by this sudden move and could only lower her head and meet the head and horns of Mree.

With a snort Mree surged forward, pushing Raqu backwards. Thoughts raced through Raqu's mind as she tried to find a way out. Suddenly resistance was gone on the other end of Mree's horns, he was falling forward, but two hooves stopped his progress. Somehow Raqu had managed to flip over on her back and was now belly-up on the ground with her hooves placed firmly on Mree's chest.

In one smooth movement Raqu pushed Mree backwards and swung herself up. As Mree collided with the ground Raqu leapt on top of him, pinning him down. Raqu looked down at him. "Give up?" She asked, a mischievous sparkle in her eye.

"What? And deny you a proper win or loose?" Mree returned in a question.

Raqu didn't say anything, but it was apparent she liked his answer.

Raqu won, but she felt that a third fight would be too much. Several times over she reassured the spectators and betters that she'd be back the next cra. They were comforted slightly and gave her some money to use.

Mree stayed with Raqu through the day. They talked and shared things about themselves. More than once through they were interrupted by the giggles of Mree's admirers.

"So are they your 'unwanted company'?" Raqu finally asked, looking over her shoulder at the small group of females that was steadily growing. If she didn't know better she could have sworn that they could communicate long distances without saying a word or signaling.

"Yes, they are, it gets rather annoying, having them follow me everywhere. Earlier I had Arnm, a female friend and nothing more, create a diversion so I could get away. That is when I ran into you. I am sorry about that, I was not watching where I was going." Mree said, bowing his head slightly when he apologized.

"Do not worry about it. If I had a horde of males following me all over the place I would do anything to get away from them too." Raqu replied, looking over her shoulder again and baring her teeth slightly at the females behind them.

A few of them hesitated, noting Raqu's hostility, but they continued on following Mree, shaking it off without a second thought.



Over the next kerp (month, 40 days) Mree and Raqu spent most of their time together. They'd talk and occasionally join in Stracks. Raqu once drug Mree off to try Jreth, which he'd never played before. He soon learned that, besides from being strong and witty, Raqu was highly intelligent and could beat most everyone at the tricky strategy game of Jreth. They even raced each other at the Grwel tracks. Mree won there, both on two legs and four, Raqu was sour for a time after that, since she didn't like to loose, but she got over it and forgave him for winning.

All that time they were trailed by Mree's admirers. One day Raqu finally had enough of their incessant giggling and talking behind them.

Suddenly, without warning Raqu whirled around. The mane on her neck and back was raised slightly and she had her teeth bared.

The females jumped back, very startled. Some of them looked completely terrified. "What was that for!" One of the taller and older ones said. She strode up to Raqu and stood in front of her.

"Do you have any idea how annoying you gals are? You have been eating away at my patience for over a kerp! I am sick and tired of it and unless you leave Mree and I alone for the rest of the Gathering I might be tempted to chase you off myself." Said Raqu; she emitted a low, threatening growl afterwards.

"You can not tell me what to do. I am Herdleader Mar's daughter!" The female in front of Raqu said indignantly.

"Well excuse me your highness," Raqu spat, "but I do believe that you haven't left yet and I will be chasing you off very shortly. I will give you one minute to get out of my sight." Raqu started to count under her breath, the numbers barely audible, but Herdleader Mar's daughter could hear it and wondered if Raqu would carry out her threat.

Some of the crowd was rather shocked by Raqu's display, while others cheered her on. A few shouted warning at Mree's admirers, saying that they'd seen Raqu in action at Stracks and they shouldn't mess with her.

A few of the females took the advice from the crowd and disappeared, but six, including Herdleader Mar's daughter stayed; though by now she'd backed away from Raqu.

"Time is up. I am giving you one last chance to leave before I attack, and no one, I mean NO ONE can say that I did not give you fair warning." Raqu snarled, giving them a moment to consider what they were up against.

The six females were standing in a line. They didn't budge; they were determined to live up to their current rank and didn't want some low-rank scum of a female to scare them off.

Raqu began to charge, in response the females lowered their heads to meet her, though Raqu was too smart to just run into them. Digging into the dirt she stopped, using the momentum to swing her tail and knock them off their feet.

In the background Mree cheered Raqu on. "Well are you going to help me or just sit back there and watch?" Raqu asked Mree, looking back at him.

"No one can say that I was not provoked." Mree said lightly.

The daughter of Herdleader Mar charged Raqu, being as she was untrained in fighting and she hadn't fought anything but her siblings she was rather clumsy compared to Raqu. In one fluid movement the Herdleader's daughter was on her back, being stared down upon by the snarling face of Raqu.

"Will you leave now?" Raqu asked, white teeth barred and ears flat against her head, nearly hidden behind her curled horns.

"I will never give up to the likes of you." She said stubbornly, though her lower lip trembled slightly.

"And what 'likes' is that?" Raqu was nose-to-nose with her foe now.

"Those low-ranked scum who have nothing better to do than pick fights." The Herdleader's daughter said.

"Take that back." Raqu growled through bared teeth, her hair from forehead to tip of tail was on end.

"What will you do if I do not?" She asked, slightly frightened, but refusing to show it in her voice.

"You will have a nice scar down your pretty neck and to your shoulder." Again Raqu growled. She wasn't going to take anything from this female, even if her father was high-ranking.

"You deserve it." She had called Raqu's bluff and she'd regret it. Raqu slashed from shoulder to cheek with her tusk. The Herdleader's daughter ran off bleeding. She'd regret calling the bluff and she would now have to bare the scar to show it.

Mree had managed to scare off two of the five that he was dealing with; both unharmed, but maybe bruised. Though when Raqu charged in with tusk bloodied they darted off.

"She will probably tell her father and get you and your family into trouble for harming her." Said Mree a little somberly. He knew that Raqu was a clean fighter and was slightly worried that Raqu had actually harmed Herdleader Mar's daughter.

With a snort Raqu said: "She deserved it. I warned her and told her to take back what she said about me, but she didn't and wouldn't. Matter of pride and honor." Raqu muttered the last sentence for only her and Mree's ears.

"Oh, okay." Mree said, understanding now that it was explained to him, even if vague. Insults from the like of Herdleader Mar's daughter were usually harsh and unneeded.

Raqu cleaned off her tusk before they continued on to where jreth was being played that cra. Some of the other M'yurn on the sides of them eyed her warily as she passed. Instead of just ignoring the attention she rather enjoyed it and strutted proudly past them.

Later on, during a standstill at the game while Raqu was trying to decide where to move next there was a tapping on her shoulder. "Can you not see I am trying to think?" She grumbled and waved off the hand, her ears flicked in agitation.

"Are you the one who attacked my daughter?" The deep, commanding voice said.

"Tell me who you are and I might be able to tell you." Raqu said, still not looking back at the M'yurn behind her. One of the females from earlier probably went off and told their fathers, well, all of them probably went off and told their fathers.

"I am Herdleader Mar."

Mree, who was sitting across from Raqu gulped slightly, his head, was lowered and he wasn't looking up. Fearing that the Herdleader would recognize him.

Slightly disbelieving Raqu looked up at him. The supposed Mar's coat was a rustic brown, one of his tusks was partially chipped and his horns curled a full turn and then some. Mar may have been old, but he was still in good shape.

"And I am Raqu, yes, I did run into your daughter, whatever she got she deserved." Raqu told him as if he should know this already. Shrugging him off she turned back to the game.

Though Mar took it as a personal insult. Reaching out a hand he grabbed Raqu's shoulder and turned her to face him. Mree stood up protectively, if he hurt her . . .. "Listen Raqu, you nearly killed her and have most likely scarred her for life."

"She deserved the scar. I did it on purpose, I gave her fare warning and I did not almost kill her, I would have known it if I did." Shot Raqu, eyes narrowing. She was loosing her patience rapidly with this guy.

"Why does she deserve such a long scar to mar her beauty?" Mar bristled slightly his grip tightened, luckily M'yurn don't have claws.

"Beauty," Raqu scoffed slightly, "She insulted me and my family. She and her group of friends would not leave Mree and I alone. I gave them several warnings. Though your daughter and five others were too stiff necked and proud to do as I asked. I threatened and I hoped not to carry it out, but they would not listen.

"Within moments I had your daughter pinned and gave her yet another chance to stand down and leave us alone. Though being the haughty one she is she had the gall to insult me while I had the upper hand. I implored for her to take it back or I would leave her a reminder not to insult me again.

"I had to do it, she would not take back the insult. If I would of been in her situation I would not of insulted the one who had control over me. I would not of refused to take back the insult either, if I had thrown one." Raqu explained, telling him what had happened. Patiently she waited for his response; she didn't feel like another fight today if that was his response.

"Apparently you have her fair warning, but why the wound." Herdleader Mar looked down at Raqu with cold eyes, his hand still gripped her shoulder tightly, and her arm was going numb from the pressure.

"I told her that is what I would do, I follow my word. I knew that it would scar up, that was my plan, what would be the use of just a small scratch that would heal up and not be shown for all to see when she insulted me and did not take it back." Again Raqu flicked her ears in agitation; she cast a quick glance at Mree, hoping he'd back her up if anything happened, and also seeing if he was cheating.

With a snort Mar released Raqu's shoulder, she would have reached up to rub the sore shoulder, but around Herdleaders she acted particularly tough. Apparently he believed Raqu and would leave her alone. As he walked off Mar mumbled something about needing to have a chat with his daughter.

Glad that that was over they resumed the game. Yet again Raqu won, and with a miraculous come back too. Mree could have sworn that she had cheated, but Raqu retorted "how could I when I had to deal with Herdleader Mar" and "if someone would have cheated it would probably have been you". With such responses as those all Mree could do was shake his head.

After a half dozen more games they moved on to get something to eat.

"Mree! Long time no see! Where have you been hiding all this time." One of Mree's old friends, Keff, called. Less than a Stawt younger than Mree and a bit taller than him with sand-colored fur was Keff. Keff rushed up to Mree, he spotted Raqu. "Oh, I see got yourself a mate already, or are you just friends."

"Raqu, meet Keff, Keff, Raqu, no, we are just friends." Introduced Mree. They exchanged a friendly greeting gesture, the common soft butting of heads.

"Hello Keff." Raqu nodded curtly to him, glaring at him for suggesting that she was Mree's mate, though the idea itself was rather appealing to her.

"So, where are you two headed?" Keff asked, falling into pace besides Mree, not liking the look of Raqu's glare.

"To get something to eat." Answered Mree. They were walking towards the food section, the sounds of the animals could already be heard.

Keff didn't object at all to joining them in a meal. While they ate Mree and Keff caught up on what had happened since they last met, including the incident between Raqu and Mree's admirers, which Raqu recounted herself.

"She seems really capable of handling herself, pretty smart too, if I were you, Mree, I would not let her walk out on me when the Gathering comes to a close." Keff said this in a low voice, so only Mree could hear. Raqu was curious at what was being said, but she decided not to ask.

Towards the end of day Keff left. "I will see you two later! Meet you at Stracks tomorrow! Nice meeting you Raqu!" Keff called out his farewell as he loped away back to his home camp.

"Come here, Raqu, I want to ask you something." Mree seemed rather sedated compared to his usual attitude around Raqu.

Naturally curious Raqu wanted to know what he had to ask. She followed him as he led her to the outskirts of the Gathering's area. There were few M'yurn around and none within earshot of the two.

Mree sat down and asked Raqu to do the same, which she did. With a deep breath Mree felt he was ready to ask his question. Though he paused for a moment as the tension hung in the air as a morning fog. "Will you allow this humble male Mree of Herdleader Mrook's herd to become your mate?"

If She wasn't sitting already Raqu would have sat down in shock. Her jaw was hung open slightly, rather amazed that he'd already asked. At the moment she didn't know what to say, what would be appropriate?

Mree would have mumbled on, but he kept his mouth shut feeling that he might ruin the moment. Pleading silently with his large, dark brown eyes, hoping that she'd answer with one simple word "yes", or a large amount of words meaning the same thing.

"Well--I mean--We have only." Raqu fumbled her words and Mree was there hanging onto each one as if they meant the world to him. "Oh forget it, yes, of course, yes, why not? There is no reason why not! I mean, well, okay, yes."

In his excitement Mree jumped up and tackled Raqu lovingly. Licking her face and nuzzling into her soft fur, all Raqu could do was laugh and return his affection. After much nuzzling Raqu decided that enough was enough, she kicked him off and got up. "Okay, enough of that, we better ask our Herdleaders to make it official." Raqu said before she shook the dust out of her fur.

"Lets wait until tomorrow, my father is more agreeable when Cra is high in the sky rather than low on the horizon." Mree said as he got up, shook, and began to walk Raqu back to her family group and herd.

Nothing could have brought their spirits down that night. Mree hurried back to his temporary home at the Gathering. His heart was a light and it seemed to have an affect on his feet as well, he ran back faster than he thought possible. With such a day as this and possibly a better one the next day he couldn't wait to get to bed and awaken the next morning to find it still a solid reality.

The next cra when Mree awakened he hurriedly ate and was off to see Raqu. The Herdleader was slightly suspicious of his son's cherry attitude, but decided to ignore it as he slowly ate his own morning meal.

The couple greeted each other with more enthusiasm than usual before they set off back towards where Mree had come from.

Raqu's parents watched them leave. "He asked her." Said her mother simply.

"Who asked her what?" Replied her father, only half paying attention.

"The same thing you asked me twenty Stawt ago." She said warmly.

"Oh, OH! That question. Herdleader Mrook's son? Why he could have any other female out there, why our Raqu?" He asked, now taking interest and looking after Raqu and Mree.

"Because he loves her, just as you loved me those twenty Stawt ago." She told him.

"And I still love you till this day and forever." Was his hasty reply when he heard "love" used in the past tense.



Raqu stood slightly behind and to the right of Mree as he approached the Herdleader with their request.

The question was contemplated as he eyed Raqu as she stood tall and proud next to Mree. "What is her family's rank." Came the gruff reply.

"If rank is what will determine what you say then her family's rank is fifth from low." Mree downcast his eyes slightly, knowing his father well and presuming that Raqu wouldn't be "good enough" for him.

Eyes narrowed Herdleader Mrook replied: "Not acceptable, I refuse it." He began to walk off.

"What does rank have to do with anything? Once out of her family she will be as high as me or you. Now what would you say if I were to drop suddenly from Herdleader's son to low? Would you declare that you had no son? Mree does not exist; he is low, like Traem now is because you beat him for his leadership. Just because a person is low does not mean that they are not 'good enough' for someone else." Mree had exploded, pent up emotions were suddenly revealed and they were all shot at his father, the Herdleader.

Hearing the rant Mrook turned around eyes flashing and ears pinned back. "Is that a challenge Mree? Do you wish to fight for what you believe? Or will you just run off as Traem did?"

Adding insult to injury didn't help Mree's attitude. Even though Herdleader Mrook was several heads larger than Mree and his mass was near one and a half as much, Mree would fight. Raqu could do this at about the same odds, even worse and Mree felt that he could do it now. "Yes that is a challenge! I challenge your position on the basis of biased decisions."

"Mree this is not a good idea, you do not know how to fight with your brain like this, no offense Mree, but you cannot fight him. You do not know how." Raqu said flatly, trying to keep Mree from entering the fight, but it was too late, he'd announced his challenge and the Herdleader had accepted.

They charged each other, mistake number one, Raqu noted mentally as the two collided. Horns crashed together with a loud thudding crack. Both were on their hind legs, head to head looking at each other eye to eye.

Mree attempted to knock Mrook off his feet with his tail as he'd seen Raqu do, but he didn't have enough momentum and ended up just slapping Mrook's leg. Before Mree could pull his tail back Mrook stepped on it. It hurt so much; Mree had to do something to get Mrook off his tail. Suddenly, before Mrook knew what was happening Mree rammed into his exposed underside. Mrook fell backwards and Mree jumped on top of him. Glaring down at Mrook through hardened eyes, just as Mree was about to slash at Mrook's chest with a tusk Mrook managed to get both hind legs underneath Mree. The gash was only a small scrape that didn't bleed much.

To Mree's horror he found himself on his back in the dirt. How could he of forgotten that very trick that Raqu had used on him before? This couldn't have been a good thing, Mrook, his father and Herdleader was standing over him. Lips curled in a snarl as he placed his forefeet on Mree's chest. "Give up?" Mrook asked.

Before Mree could even nod or shake his head Mrook was horizontal. Even though Raqu only had half Mrook's mass she had him pinned and he wasn't getting up. "If you harm him I will have your head." Growled Raqu as she loomed over him.

"I would like to see you try." Mrook said haughtily.

"You are in no position to talk like that. Would you like me to give you a scar as I did Herdleader Mar's daughter to remind you who is the stronger?" Raqu asked, she was upset, even though it wasn't her fight she had barged in and stopped Mree from being harmed.

Mrook tried to throw her off as he did Mree, but she kicked him and prevented him from loosing her. "Now do not try that, I know virtually every trick in the fighting ring, you really do not want to mess with me. Well? Do you want a scar or will you step down from this fight."

With a snarl Mrook agreed, he'd rather not have a mark to prove that a female, let alone one who was much smaller than he, had beaten him in his own game.

"I still do not approve and I stand by that." Herdleader Mrook said as he walked away.

Those who had managed to gather to watch the fight parted for Mrook. Some of Raqu's faithful followers cheered her, while others were rather awestruck. A few even avoided her gaze and ran off, afraid of what she might do. With a snort Raqu shook herself off. Mree got up as well and stood beside her.

"Told you that you did not know how to fight him." Gloated Raqu.

"I will be sure to listen to you next time." Mree replied.



They had a plan, it would be hard if they followed through with it, but it was a plan and they'd be together. Until the end of the Gathering they would act as if nothing had happened (though everyone knew about the fight), then, just as the herds were separating back to their own lands the two of them would disappear, run off together, elope if you will.

Both did their part in saving for supplies. For Raqu she saved all of her earnings from Stracks, Mree did his part by selling some of his possessions and betting on Raqu in Stracks. Their cras together went about virtually the same as they did before, though Keff often joined them now, sometimes with Arnm at his side.

Eventually the Gathering came to a close, at the last possible moment they purchased all that they would need. Everything from nehur to seeds for the seasons to supplies for shelter on the road.

As Raqu slung her pack over her shoulder, which now weighted near double of what it did before, she watched as Mree's herd moved out. Instead of walking in the front as she usually did Raqu hung in the back. Without a look back or a word good-bye she turned tail and ran back as fast as she could with the heavy pack on.

On the other hand Mree had more trouble getting away to where they were supposed to meet. Herdleader Mrook kept a close eye on him, whenever Mree even slackened his pace Mrook snapped at him to hurry up.

Suddenly Mree acted as if he'd just realized that he'd left something. "Herdleader Mrook! I have forgotten my roll and need to go get it."

With a disapproving and suspicious look Mrook studied Mree. "You may go, but if you are not back before Cra has touched the horizon we will come looking." It sounded more as a threat rather than a leave of absence.

They met each other in a joyous reunion. Though Mree's news dampened it slightly so they had to cut their greetings short. In a short period of time they had their nehur, which they'd hidden out of the boundaries of the Gathering, rounded up and their things organized onto a type of makeshift travois that they took turns pulling.

The going was rough, but they finally found a place with fresh water and good land. The spot that they had chosen before they left. Keff and Arnm were the only ones who knew where they were. If everything went well Keff and Arnm would be joining them as well.

Within two meer all four were together again. Together they created a well-established farm and their small herd of nehur eventually grew in to a good-sized one, which was a steady income of food for them.

When time came for the next Gathering they decided to skip it, as hard feelings would most likely still be between Mree and his father Herdleader Mrook, along with Raqu and Mrook, no doubt the Herdleader wouldn't forget her soon and how she'd humiliated him in front of a whole crowd. Herdleader Mar's daughter might have it in for Raqu as well. Though Raqu could hold her own she was expecting a baby and couldn't risk the travel or the fights that might happen if they were to go.

Being good friends Keff and Arnm stayed with them, though, since they were out of seeds Keff had to go in order to get some, he returned with some fresh supplies and they lived well for the next Stawt.

They went to the next Gathering, and all of the ones that followed. Herdleader Mar's daughter still bore the scar and avoided Raqu as if she were liable to attack at any moment. Whenever they saw Mrook he always cast them a malicious glance and continued on his way.

Raqu still played Stracks, her son and Mree cheering her from the sidelines, just because she had a baby didn't mean that she couldn't fight.

Another couple joined their small herd, the male challenged Mree, though Mree claimed that he wasn't in charge, it was all Raqu, and frankly that male didn't want to mess with Raqu and her reputation so they joined peacefully, but fights between him and Keff sometimes broke out since both were evenly matched and couldn't quite place each other in well-defined positions in the herd.

Raqu was the only female Herdleader for the longest time. Though both Raqu and Mree called the shots Raqu gained the title as she could beat Mree every day, except for when she was expecting a baby, which they had four in all.

Time went on, grudges were still there, more families joined the herd and an occasional challenge was brought out against Raqu, but she always won until the day she died. When Raqu died Mree followed shortly after, not standing to live without her and hardly comforted by his children and grandchildren, along with a few great-grandchildren sprinkled in.

The two of them always loved recounting the tale of when they first met, both interjecting each other and embellishing the story where it was needed. It was hard not to find a crowd to listen as they recounted the tale of that one, single Gathering.

Cori Robinson
Fox Trotter
Started August 11, 2000
Finished August 21, 2000