*Part One* It started before the before little gelert was hatched. The Snow faerie was pacing back and forth bored. Nobody was doing her quests, because nobody wanted to climb all the way up to the top of Terror Mountain to do them. Not to mention how difficult and pointless her quests were if you actually made it there. She yawned and looked down upon happy valley. She could see happy faces and all the love and joy everybody shared. With a sigh she turned away determined to do something and have something to love. So she magically created a little ice negg. Inside was going to be her pet. A little icy gelert. Days went by as she waited for it to hatch. It showed no signs of cracking or chipping. She was beginning to lose hope. When from the inside she began to hear a little barking. She knew it was close to the day it was going to hatch. She waited anxiously. Soon the hours passed and she fell into a deep sleep. That’s when it happened, two weary thieves passed by her house. Seeing the negg they smiled evilly. “That must be one of those Neggs we can get tons on neopoints for at the Neggery!” The other one nodded his head, then they quickly ran in and grabbed it. Before the Snow faerie knew what was happening they were already down the mountain with the negg. Huffing and puffing they burst into the Neggery. “We have a negg for you!” The faerie looked down at it. “That’s not one of my neggs. I’m sorry but it’s not worth anything at all.” The two looked dumbfounded. Not worth anything at all? It was worthless to them and pointless to go back up the mountain. They only wanted it for the NP. They left the Neggery with the negg in their arms. “Gosh I can’t believe this thing is worthless!” They both grumbled, they began to walk down the mountain. Then one got a 'brilliant' idea to smash it. They both agreed and tossed the egg down onto the ground. One picked up a rock and was just about to strike the negg when the Snow faerie saw her negg. A huge blast of ice rained down calling the Snowager out of his cave. He let out a fiery roar and scared the life out of the two thieves. Then he looked down at the negg, and grabbed it and took it to his hoard inside the mountain. The Snow faerie watched and smiled. “At least little Snowflake will be safe in there. When she hatches I will go and get her.” She called down to the snowager who nodded understanding he was to watch the negg with his life. Several days later, the Snowager fell asleep for his one-hour nap… Ambrosia the Christmas Gelert and Lingato the Halloween Puppyblew had been wandering the mountainside. This used to be there homeland. Ambrosia pointed out some sights to Lingato and he yipped abit and proceeded to try and eat everything she pointed out. Ambrosia shook her head. “Lingato you will never learn.” Soon they passed by the Snowagers cave. They could feel the cold gusts of air coming out of his nostrils. “I wonder if he is sleeping?” Lingato looked at her almost saying he couldn’t careless whether he was sleeping or not, he didn’t want to go in. Ambrosia shrugged and began to walk into the cave. “What’s the harm? I might actually get something out of this!” Soon she could see that the Snowager was sleeping. She smiled. Lingato clung to her leg in fear. Ambrosia patted him then went next to the Snowager, she could see the huge pile of neggs he was sitting on and went in and took one. The Snowager stirred and, Lingato grabbed Ambrosia and they got out. The Snowager was hot on there trail running down the mountain. Ambrosia and Lingato clung tightly to the negg as they jumped off a cliff they knew the Snowager couldn’t follow them down. When they got to the bottom they ran straight to The Den of The Fire Walkers. Soon the negg was placed down upon a soft patch of snow. Ambrosia looked at it while she tried to catch her breath. She was wondering why the Snowager was so mad at them for taking that one Negg. She couldn’t figure it out. Then suddenly the negg split up the middle allowing a tiny icy blue gelert ear to poke out. Ambrosia’s eyes lit up. Then the negg exploded and out popped the rest of the gelert. Smelling the Snowager on the negg the first thing she though was dada. She yipped a bit and chased her tail attracting the other members of her pack. They all awed at her. They were creating such a stir that it drew the attention of the Snow faerie. She saw the baby gelert and the hatched negg, and knew it was Snowflake. She called the Snowager out of his cave and told him to get her gelert. He obeyed. Soon the Snowager was in fast pursuit of the little puppy. Down the hill he slid, back and forth leaving an icy trail of doom behind him. When he caught the sent of the gelert his nostrils quivered. He knew he was close. He slithered twice as fast, never stopping. He soon reached the boundary of The Den of The Fire Walkers. He roared loudly scaring, everybody, except of course for little Snowflake. She lifted up her nose and smelled the same smell of her negg. She yipped and went over to him. She lifted up her head and said, “Dada?” The Snowager looked down at her and was about to put her in his mouth when Ambrosia came to the rescue. She scooped her up and ran as fast as she could. The Snowager was angry, he wanted Snowflake so he could appease his master the Snow faerie. He let out a large jet of ice at them, and Ambrosia froze solid. Snowflake giggled thinking it was a game of tag, so she let out a huge blast of ice, that was larger then any blast the Snowager could have made. Her blast hit the Snowager head on and made a huge scar on his face, (of course being made of ice it would heal quickly). He was in so much pain that he slunk off back to his cave. Snowflake let out a giggle and waved. “Bye bye dada!” Meanwhile…. On top of her high perch on Terror mountain the Snow faerie watched. “She is strong. I must have transferred some of my magic to her.” She shook her head and realized that she wouldn’t be the best person to raise a pet. She was going to leave that to Ambrosia, and the rest of The Den of The Fire Walkers. She sighed, but knew it was for the best. She then thought to herself, ‘When she gets older I will tell her the whole thing, she will understand’ She looked upon Snowflake one more time before she shut the window and walked back to her potions. *Part Two* Days later the Snow faerie was thinking about Snowflake. She was wondering how she was doing. She sighed and wanted to go down and tell her everything; but she remembered her promise to herself….not until she was older. It would just traumatize her. But her despair convinced her that if she just made one tiny visit and gave her a gift, she would be doing no harm at all. A lot of Faeries gave gifts to newborn pups, at least that’s what she kept telling herself. She knew it wasn’t true but she didn’t care; she was going to see Snowflake. With haste she rushed out the front door. Then she gasped and ran back in. She had nearly forgotten Snowflake’s present. She then grabbed the oddly wrapped gift and shoved it into her pocket carelessly. She then ran out the door, once again. This time she thought she had everything. She could feel the lump inside of her pocket and she smiled. “Ok I have everything…now alls I need to do if figure out the best way to get to her.” She looked from tree to stump and then her eyes landed on the Snowagers cave. She smiled. “Nobody will notice me on the Snowager!” She gave a whistle and soon after many screams he came to her. “What took you so long?” She then examined his jaw. “Drop the neopets will you! We have important business to do!” The Snowager rolled his eyes, pleading to let him keep the pets he had in his mouth. The Snow faerie looked at him sternly. “Drop it!” But the Snowager refused. “Well then give it here at least!” The Snowager bounded over and dropped three Tonus on her, all covered in Snowager slime. She rolled her eyes and apologized to the Tonus. “I had to open my big mouth didn’t I?” She then told the Snowager to sit and lift his head up so she could put his royal purple harness on. The beast lifted up his head proudly as he now bore the crest of the Snow faerie on his forehead. “Now can you promise to behave this time?” She patted him on the head like he was a large overgrown dog. The Snowager nodded proudly, then Snow faerie got on. “Tally Ho!” She cried. “I always wanted to say that!” She chuckled. The Snowager gave a sudden lurch and they were on their way down the mountainside. People looked up, some screamed and ran off. Other did nothing from shear fright, while yet others noticing the opportunity, ran up to the Snowagers cave to try and loot it of it’s treasures; of course the Snow faerie put a hex on his home so that nobody could get into the cave. Threw winding paths of trees they kept a high speed. They were furthering away from Terror Mountain and nearing the Haunted Woods. The Snow faerie knew that Snowflake lived here in these woods someplace. She told the Snowager to keep going, and go quicker, but his pace was rapidly declining. She couldn’t figure it out until she saw what looked like a huge fire gate. She knew that the fiery gate was put there to keep the Snowager out. He would melt if he tried to get through it. She then dismounted from him, and told him to wait for her further back so that he wouldn’t melt. He rolled his eyes and moved back. The Snow faerie smiled. “That’s a good Snowager!” He almost wagged his body at her in response. She smiled, then her attention turned back towards the fiery gates. Standing outside she felt nearly powerless to the gate. “To bad I’m not the Fire Faerie….” She muttered as she strode up to the gate. It was large and black and had a horned rim about it. Every time she moved closer the flames grew larger. “This just isn’t going to do!” She said glumly. She then shot up her fingers and the fire froze solid. She began to walk forward up to the gate when behind it she heard a moan. “Man, that lady ruined my fire gates!” It was Pyro a cute little puppy, just like Snow. The Snow faerie went over to him and tried to say she was sorry, but Pyro wouldn’t listen. He just muttered something about revenge and a machine that he had made to turn pets into giraffes. She then looked down at him, and asked him if he knew where Snowflake was and he rolled his eye. “SNOWFLAKE! WHY DOSE EVERYONE WANT TO KNOW ABOUT SNOWFLAKE!” He rolled his eyes. “I mean I’m better then she is…and I was here first! Just because she saved our pack from the Snowager-“ He muttered and then ran off setting fire to things angrily. The Snow faeries looked at him with one eyebrow raised. “That gelert has issues.” The Snowager agreed from behind. She then walked threw the gates, and looked about. The lands of The Fire Walkers, seamed rather nice, and rather large. “How am I supposed to find Snow in this vast amount of land?” She looked from tree to lake to mountain. Then she shook her head and looked for somebody who she could ask. She knew that Snowflake was here she just didn’t know where. Meanwhile…. Pyro had run back to where the pack was and began to tell them that some lady was ruining all his fire. Of course he was so wrapped up in the fact that somebody had destroyed all his fire that he didn’t even mention that this lady was looking for Snowflake. Everybody just gave him a look as in why do we care? And Pyro ran off again, very mad. It seamed that alls anyone cared about was themselves and not him…of course he didn’t care. He was very antisocial. He then saw Snowflake in the mist of his running; or more the less Snowflake saw him. She raced over and began to nuzzle his leg. Pyro tried to shake her off but it was no use. “Why me?” The little Snowflake just chuckled and continued to rub his leg. Back at the Gates, the Snow faerie was becoming impatient… The Snow faerie was pacing back and forth not knowing where to start. The place was so big. Then after about 5 minutes worth of pacing she though of something. Why not follow Pyro's tracks? Maybe he would lead her to Snow. She then looked down at the ground and saw very faint footprints in the ground. She walked along them, and followed them carefully. The prints then lead her to a group of gelerts. Ambrosia was one of them. Ambrosia looked up and saw the Snow faerie looking down at the ground. She got up and went over to her. “Hello.” The startled Snow Faerie jumped. “Um hi. Do you know where Snowflake is?” She said hoping that Ambrosia the one she entrusted to watch her puppy would know. Ambrosia looked about abit before answering. Then she giggled, and pointed. The Snow faerie turned her head and saw a very angry Pyro being snuggled by a little icy blue gelert. The Snow faerie thanked Ambrosia and ran over grabbing Snowflake. Pyro looked up. “Thanks lady!” He then ran off muttering something again. The Snow faerie hugged the very confused Snowflake. She then gave her a kiss and took out her gift…which now was unwrapped. Snowflakes eyes lit up. “Purdy!” She then grabbed it out of the Snow faeries hands. It was a beautiful faerie paintbrush. The Snow faerie laughed and then took it back and painted Snowflake. When she put her down on the ground Snowflake had now sprouted a beautiful set of icy wings. And strangely a second tail. “Purdy!” The little puppy shouted again and began to test out the new wings. The Snow faerie laughed, the said she had to go and raced off to find the exit. Ambrosia now came over and her eyes lit up seeing Snowflake. “You’re a faerie now!” She then turned her head and just managed to catch a glimpse of the Snow faerie ridding off on the Snowager. She then blinked and they were gone. “This has sure been one weird week, and a lot of weird random events.” Snowflake just chuckled and rocked back and forth, not knowing that that one visit and that one paintbrush was going to change her life forever. To be Continued…