The Syrus Chronicles: Episode 3 - The Betrayal

By: Tom DeFelice



"Argh! Damnit!" Syrus exclaimed as he slammed both fists down on his keyboard, cringing. His hands were bandaged and still hurting from the accident with the plexiglass door.

"Damnit Rosie!" He had been trying to disinfect his computer and this was the last straw for Syrus. He didn't care if he got caught.

He picked up the keyboard and slammed it through the monitor, sending sparks and glass everywhere with a loud crash. Man was he angry. He continued to wail on his computer with his keyboard, continuing to send sparks and keys all over the place and even into the hallway. Finally, everything was pretty much demolished and his computer rest in pieces, his keyboard broken in half. He stood there panting. Unbeknownst to him, Rosie had been passing by when he went into his frenzy and, being the rat she was, told the boss.

*BIIING* Syrus Khatz report to Mr. Pavliotta's office IMMEDIATELY!

Syrus gulped as his heart jumped to his throat\x85"This was it for sure," he thought\x85Grimacing as he stepped out into the hallway, he saw the hundreds of eyes watching him as he made his was to the door.


"Syrus Khats\x85hmph," was said in a low ominous voice. All that was visible was the back of Mr. Pavliotta's chair, so of course, Syrus was nervous as all hell. Suddenly, the chair spun around and the black grizzly known as Carlo Pavliotta slammed his two huge paws down on the desk. "I have not been pleased with you lately Mr. Khats. First, it was the manuals. Then, it was the window at the meeting. And now this? Destroying the computer terminal? That is strike three Mr. Khats. Now, unless you explain yourself, you're OUTTA HERE."

If the cat morph had sweat glands right now, he would have been sweating bullets as his mind worked rapidly to find an excuse. "Well\ see sir\x85" He continued to think as he spoke. "I was taking a very quick break sir\x85which I apologize for\x85to relieve myself in the restrooms. When I came back I saw the collie from cubical 197 standing over my wrecked computer\x85I don't know exactly what happened, but I do know it was her that destroyed my terminal." After that was said, Syrus put his hands in his pockets and clenched them into fists\x85would Mr. Pavliotta accept the excuse?

"Why Mr. Khats\x85you wouldn't be trying to lie to me now, would you?"

Syrus shook his head rapidly. "Well," said Carlo, "I have an eyewitness that saw you doing it. Does the name Rosie ring a bell?"

Syrus just shook his head slowly. "Sir, Rosie hates me. She would do just about anything to get me fired. Ask anybody\x85especially Galen."

Sighing, Mr. Pavliotta pressed the button to call his secretary. "Loretta? Send in Galen and Colleen."

"Yes sir."

Colleen and Galen slowly walked in, also looking nervous. Each stood on either side of Syrus. "Colleen. Is it true that you were in fact the one that recklessly destroyed Mr. Khats' computer terminal?

The collie went wide-eyed and rapidly shook her head as she spoke. "No sir! I would never do that! NEVER!"

"Galen. Mr. Khats has told me that you are a reliable informant. Now tell me, is it true that it was in fact Colleen here, and that Rosie just told me that it was Syrus to get him fired?"

Syrus made like he was looking at his watch when he took his hand out of his pocket, but he in fact gave Galen a hard nudge that made him jump a bit. "Yes sir\x85that is true."

Carlo Pavliotta nodded slowly. "That will be all from you Syrus and Galen. You may go back to your work stations\x85and Syrus? We will have a new terminal for you as soon as possible. Good day."

Syrus and Galen turned and walked out side by side, breathing a sigh of relief. "That was close." Syrus whispered.

"Yea\x85.and your damn lucky I stick up for you\x85" They walked away, frowning as they herd yelps as Mr. Pavliotta yelled at Colleen.


"Hot damn! I'm almost back to where I was!" Syrus said as he played Asteroids on his new computer. Only this time, he was actually watching out for Rosie. When she walked by she suspected Syrus to be playing Asteroids again, he just opened up his manual window and pretended to be busy. Slowly she walked into the room with a stupid smirk on her face.

"Whatcha doin Syrus?" she said in a perky voice. Syrus grinned and acted all nervous, hiding his screen again.

"Nothing\x85nothing at all Rosie!"

"Oh really? Then just why are you hiding your screen?" Being Rosie, she pried Syrus away from his screen, still grinning. "A HA! I knew you were\x85\x85.huh?" A quizzical look played itself upon her face when she saw the manuals on the screen while Syrus just sat smirking.

"You knew I was doing\x85what exactly?" Rosie frowned and squeaked in anger, stalking off as Syrus still sat there, grinning. He figured that was work, and he turned in his seat to go back to playing Asteroids. "Yea! Free guy!"


Finally, Syrus finished the new manuals he was assigned and decided to take another 'bathroom' break. Actually, he decided to visit Galen at his new position. He grinned when he heard Galen speaking as he approached.

"Monotech customer support, Galen speaking. Please hold."

"Monotech customer support, Galen speaking. Please hold." Syrus mimicked. His smirk grew to a big dopey grin as he held in a laugh.

"GAH!" Galen jumped in his seat and let his headset hit the desk, spinning in his chair only to see Syrus standing there\x85laughing.

"Aaah shut up Psy. I didn't choose this ya know!" He muttered the other words below his breath. "Goddamn dirty rhino\x85."

Syrus couldn't hold it any longer. He just burst out laughing, catching what Galen said. "Aww come on Galen. You can't hate it that much\x85.can you?"

"You'd be surprised\x85ACK!" He had just realized he had a stack of calls waiting. He quickly picked up the headset and hurried it onto his head, speaking quickly to all the callers. "Monotech Customer Support, Galen speaking. Please hold! Monotech Customer Support, Galen speaking. Please hold! Monotech Customer Support, Galen speaking. Please hold!" was repeated about 15 times before he stopped, out of breath.

"Tsk tsk\x85shouldn't be away from your work Galen." said Syrus with a broad grin. Galen hit the hold button to come up with a retort for Syrus.

"GAH!! Be QUIET Psy! Yer gonna make me miss more calls!"

Syrus just kept the grin on his face and nodded, walking off back to his cubicle.


"Yes! Yes! That oughta teach you to destroy me!" Yes, Syrus was playing Asteroids again when he heard a soft crying behind him. He looked over his shoulder to see the poor collie whom he had gotten fired walking solemnly down the hall, carrying her belongings with her. Before she left, she spotted Syrus looking at her and she narrowed her eyes at him, stopping dead in her tracks.

"I swear to you, Syrus Khats, I will get you back for what you've done to me. You and your friend Galen." Her voice was weary, and she was definitely upset as she spoke with tears in her eyes. With that said, she started again towards the stairs, never to enter the doors of Monotech Incorporated again. Syrus sank back in his seat whilst she spoke, knowing she was probably right. He had this feeling\x85a feeling that something bad was going to go down that would change his life\x85

Galen had heard the 'conversation,' even though it was faint to his ears, and he decided to pay a visit to Psy. "Hey\x85..what was that all about?" He had a brow quirked as he asked the question and looked at Syrus.

He answered with a frown on his face as he exited out of Asteroids. "I think you know Galen\x85.that collie is pissed\x85and she just vowed revenge on us\x85\x85Altogether, I think it's safe to say she means it."

Galen nodded and frowned too. "I think you're right Psy\x85I really think we've gone too far this time. Why did you destroy your computer anyway??"

"Actually\x85to tell you the truth\x85err\x85.uh\x85.I kinda got pissed at the virus that Rosie put on it. Then when I couldn't fix it, I just\x85demolished it."

Galen let out a long sigh and put a paw to his forehead, closing his eyes as he thought. "Look Psy, I think it's best we forget about this for now\'s better that we not think about it. We've already got our hands full enough with work."

Syrus nodded, followed by a nod by Galen. "Then it's agreed. We forget about it." They both nodded again, and Galen went back to his actual work while Psy went back to Asteroids.


"Damnit! Goddamn Pavliotta\x85." Yes, Syrus was pissed off again. In light to the recent incidents with his computer, Mr. Carlo Pavliotta had forced him to work late into the night. "Last time I destroy my computer\x85" he muttered. He took a sip of the coffee sitting on his desk as he continued to type. He was actually not in the mood for Asteroids tonight. Suddenly\x85

::Beep boop beep! You've Got Mail!::

"Who would be sending me mail at this hour\x85?" Syrus asked himself as he opened it.

>>TO: Mr. Syrus Khats

>>FROM: Unknown Address

"Wh\x85.wh\x85what?" No, Syrus had not really gotten any E-mails with unknown senders.


>>Mr. Khats:

>>You are hereby cordially invited to a gamer's convention in the Warehouse District, warehouse 57. You want to go up against the best of the best? BE THERE. The day: This Saturday. The time: 5:50 PM.

>> Armageddon Gamer

"Hot damn!" Syrus grinned as he read. "I've been waiting for a chance like this\x85and when you mess with the best," He grinned, pointing to himself. "You die like the rest."

Syrus was snoring away at his keyboard when Galen walked up and gave him a punch on the shoulder, making him snap awake groggily. "Five more minutes mommy\x85"

Galen held back a laugh and answered. "Okay dear. You can have five more minutes."

Finally realizing what had happened, Syrus went into defensive mode. "Did...I say that? Galen if you say a word to anybody\x85"

"Hehehe. Don't worry. I won't."

"Oh\x85by the way\x85.I need you to cover for me Friday\x85I'm not gonna be here."

"And why is that, Syrus Khats?" When Galen finished speaking Psy clicked on his computer screen and brought up the e-mail, moving to the side so Galen could read it.

"Hmm\x85" Galen stood there with a hand to his chin as he read. "It seems a bit strange to me\x85but alright. I'll cover for you."

A wide smile played itself upon Psy's face as Galen said it. "Thanks. Now if you'll excuse me, I gotta train." With that, Galen went back to his cubicle and Syrus went back to Asteroids.


"Yea! Take the beotch!" Syrus yelled as he played. "At this rate I'll be ready for that gaming tournament in no time!"

Galen slowly walked up to Syrus reading a piece of paper in his hand with a puzzled look on his face. "Hey Psy\x85"

"Quiet! I don't wanna die!"

"Psy\x85I really think you oughta\x85"

"DAMNIT GALEN! You just made me lose my last guy! Now what is it that's so important?!"

"Psy\x85I got the same invitation you did\x85" He continued to read it over and over.

"Wh\x85what? Why would you get one? You're not exactly what I would call a gamer\x85"

"That's what I thought\x85but oh well! Look like we'll be competing together buddy!"

"Yes\x85guess so\x85now if you'll excuse me.." He turned back in his chair and started a new game.

"Er..Psy..I was wondering. Do you think you could possibly help me train?"

He let out a sigh and turned back around in his seat. "Sure..why not? What else do I hafta do\x85"

"Thanks. Yer a pal."

And with that, Syrus stood and followed Galen to his cubical to help him train. Just who would win the big tournament? Only time would tell\x85

Hope you enjoyed my installment of the syrus chronicles. There's more to come soon.


~Tom DeFelice