Laura Westrate English 12 F S.Kistler 4-30-03 Wererat at Half-Moon Act I: Scene I (It is dark. Deep in the woods, there is a circle of young campers seated around a mature fire. In the near distance, a quiet river can just be heard over the crackling of the campfire. The campers have been sitting there for a long time; this is obvious, as they are getting restless and fidgety. Their leaders, a slightly buff, blond guy of about 20, and thin auburn-haired woman of roughly the same age, try desperately to settle the kids.) Lissa: You guys all have had way too much sugar today! Just sit still, would you? Rob: (to Lissa) You'd think with all that running around in the woods they did today they would be ready to go to bed… Lissa: I know! They are crazy tonight. I don't know what to do with them. Our fire is almost dead, we've got no more wood to burn, but still the kids just won't go to bed! Rob: (pauses) Remind me why we volunteered to do this? Lissa: (staring wide-eyed into the circle of kids) Only if you can tell me first…I really haven't a clue. They seemed so nice in their little groups at the school…all so innocent and under control. What do we do? Rob: (pauses as he thinks) Tell a story? Lissa: Like what? Rob: Scary story..ghost stories; one that'll make them want to cower in their tents whenever it gets dark! Lissa: Ha ha, very funny, Rob. Knowing you, your story would scare the crap out of me as well. Rob: (grinning) I know. Lissa: (shoves Rob) Shut up! (Rob laughs hard, all the kids pause for a moment to stare at their plotting leaders, then go back to hollering and throwing random garbage into the fire. Lissa has given up trying to control the kids and just shakes her head at their delinquent actions. She turns back to Rob.) …All right, what did you have in mind? Rob: I dunno. Maybe we could make up the story as we go along. I'll say some, then you add a little bit. Y'know, like those email Role Playing games… Could you handle that? Lissa: (sarcastically) Oh I don't know Rob, it'll be hard to follow in your awesome story-telling footsteps. Rob: (ignoring Lissa) I'll start. Hey, Campers! Listen up. Since you guys can't manage to chill out tonight, Lissa and I are going to tell you a scary story! (the kids all whine and moan) Boy #1: Oh lame! I bet you don't know any good stories. Rob: Who says it's just a story? The woods are weird. Stuff happens you know. Where do you think Big Foot came from? Or werewolves? You think people can make them up? I don't think so. Lissa: (quietly to Rob) What are you talking about? Rob: Shhh. Lissa, go along with it. They're, like, eight, what better do they know? Lissa: (pause) My uncle has a photo of the Loch Ness monster. Rob: There you go...keep going. Lissa: (hesitates momentarily) He saw it surface right after his boat got hit from underneath... (she looks to Rob who nods, content with her story) It almost knocked his camera out of his hands, but he was able to snap a picture before it disappeared! He said it had these fangs that could -- Rob: (hisses) Not too much! You'll ruin the effect. Just leave it. Lissa: Oh, k. Anyway you guys, I wish I had thought to bring my uncle's picture along. Really scary stuff like that happens every day! (A few kids wiggle to get comfortable on their log seats, apparently interested in hearing Lissa and Rob's tale now. Still others look out to the woods, unimpressed) Rob: So, anyone here ever seen a rat? (All the kids raise their hands and try to shout out various stories about the time they saw such a rodent) Lissa: Good, of course you have. Coming out here from the big city we've all seen those brown rats running around. Rob: Yes, but those are just little brown rats. I'm talking about giant forest rats. I mean, have you ever seen one of those? (All the campers shake their heads no, some still fidgeting and poking twigs into the damp soil) Lissa: Eewww! Nasty. I remember seeing one of those once. My family went out camping once, in a place a lot like this, and this giant slimy rat, musta been 3 feet long, ran through our camp! It, like.. left a trail of goo behind itself; like snail slime… Rob: Really? I've never actually seen one; only read about them in outdoor sporting magazines. What did it do? Lissa: Oh… freaked my sister out! Ran right up to her and tried to bite her! My dad chased it off with a stick. We didn't see it again for the rest of the night, but I woke up once that night and heard this scratchy shuffling noise, right outside my tent. My sister heard it too. We were so scared! Too scared to yell for dad. Rob: What happened? Lissa: When we woke up, there were these HUGE (motioning with her hands) rat-like footprints all around our tents. There was slime all in them too, and we found chunks of fur on a few trees at the edge of the clearing we had camped in. (All the kids are sitting still and listening intently by now) Rob: You didn't stay there did you? Lissa: No, luckily that was our last day to be out camping! We packed right up that morning and left a little early. I was really glad. That rat was gross, I don't even want to know what was by our tent. I mean, it might have come back the next night and eaten us! Rob: No kidding! I only brought up the giant forest rats cuz of the story I read in that magazine. It said they are rare, I mean, Big Foot has been seen more often than these rats, though sightings of them have become more and more frequent in the past few years. It said they are vicious and people have been found mauled to death, covered in huge rodent bite marks! Always out in the woods, in a clearing by a stream or river... (Everything is utterly silent for a brief moment and again the sound of a rushing river can just be made out over the popping of burning logs. A few of the girls, already getting scared, look at each other and huddle close) Lissa: You lie! They have actually killed people before?! Rob: No! Truth! I swear that's what the magazine article said! Lissa: Too freaky. Is that all? Rob: (Shaking his head) Nowhere near. But, I don't know if these kids can handle hearing the rest... (all the boys, and a few girls, complain and urge Rob to tell the rest of what he read) Lissa: No, I don't think so. You guys aren't old enough to hear scary things before bed. Rob, tell me later when we get back home. I don't think even I want to know what might have almost eaten me that one night… (even more kids join in and tell Rob to finish his story) Rob: No, I really don't think you guys can handle it! It get worse; much, much worse... Lissa: Don't tell me that! I'm scared already! (she gathers a few trembling campers around herself) Brave Boy #1: Well I want to know. It's only a rat; if it comes around here I'll bash its brains in! Rob: Only a rat? Only a rat?! You've got to be kidding. That must be the most common reason people are killed by these things! I'm not touching it if it comes around here! They are not normal rats… Lissa: What? Rob, what are you talking about? Rob: These rats, the giant forest rats, they don't just attack people when they are "normal." These critters grow; they transform into hideous, slimy WERERATS! Lissa: (trying not to laugh) Wererats, Rob? What is a Wererat? Rob: Well, see, the article said that giant forest rats have been known to mutate and grow to even more gigantic proportions during the night…But same as werewolves, they aren't like that all the time. (Rob scans the campers, seeing he has every single one's attention. He glances up and sees the dim moon, covered in half by shadow.) They only become Wererats every half-moon. In fact, just like tonight! (Rob points to the moon. Some whimpering can be heard from the campers as they follow Rob's hand and look up to the sky.) Lissa: But why at a half-moon? Rob: The rats are used to the dark woods, and they don't like bright lights. The moon doesn't reflect as much light then. The Wererats' eyes are plenty sensitive enough to see in the weaker light. I mean, they are nocturnal after all. Lissa: Why did we have to go camping now? Why when the moon is just half full?? You should have told us this earlier! We're all going to be killed and eaten by giant Wererats! (Lissa's mock panic sets a few of the youngest female campers crying. She calls the girls to her and wraps her arms around them.) Rob: Don't worry guys! You just gotta remember a few things, and then the rats won't eat you. Lissa: Gaaa! Tell us already, Rob! I'm about to die already just thinking about those ugly things! Rob: Okay okay! First, you must keep your flashlights on. If you have a bright enough light, they won't come near you. If the light isn't bright enough and they do try to attack you, just play 'possum. Lissa: (acting dumb) Do what? Rob: Play 'possum; y'know, play dead? Lissa: Oh! Right right. But why should you play dead? Rob: The rats like to fight and hear their victims scream... If you don't move or make noise then you're no fun. They like fresh meat. They aren't used to rotting garbage like other rats... Lissa: I think. I'm. Going. To be sick. Rob: Just remember those two things; bright lights and playing dead. Maybe we can make it through the night without losing anyone! Act I: Scene II (Rob and Lissa are sitting alone around the campfire. In the visible distance, tents are internally illuminated by flashlights and lanterns. The kids are completely silent.) Lissa: Y'know Rob, that didn't exactly turn out to be a ghost story... Rob: Yah, but it worked didn't it? Look at the kids; they all ran, flashlights shining bright, into their tents. We won't be hearing from them until morning! Lissa: Maybe it wasn't nice to scare them to sleep… Rob: What, you think they're going to sleep tonight? (sinister grin spreads across his face) Let's not let them…We'll keep this up and maybe they'll go to bed right away tomorrow night. Lissa: What do you suggest we do? Rob: Shuffle around their tents; make Wererat tracks. Oooh, and we could pour some those half-set Jell-O cups on the ground in the tracks we make. Lissa: I get it! Like rat slime. (she looks to Rob who nods) You're so evil! They're already going to have nightmares, I'm sure! Act II: Scene I (Rob and Lissa stand by the nearly dead fire, holding a large pan full of melting Jell-O snack cups over the middle. While stirring, Lissa lifts the spoon out often to check how runny it is getting. The frightened campers, quivering in the tents, are unable to hear their leaders' whispering and laughing.) Rob: Think it's good enough yet? Lissa: Yah, looks close enough to rat slime for me. Eewughh… Rob: Wimp. Come on, let's go pour this around their tents. (They run over to the woods and remove their boots and socks. Scuttling out in unison, they make perfect giant forest Wererat tracks in the dirt around the edge of their campsite. The campground is silent now; even the fire has died. Lissa howls sharply as they make their rounds, dribbling Jell-O gunk over the tracks they leave. Screaming can be heard from the girls' tent. Lissa and Rob stifle giggles as they make their way over to the boys' tent. Rob brushes his leg against the tent and Lissa quickly smears some slime where it touched. The boys gasp and chatter worriedly, flashlights all pointed to the "rat." Rob picks up a stick and drags it in the ground for effect, all the way over to the girls' tent. Lissa barks shrilly as they go. Rob pokes his stick deep into the tent fabric, getting a painfully loud scream out of one of the girls. Lissa runs over to her own tent and calls out from there.) Lissa: Girls! What's wrong? Are you okay?! Girl #1: RAT!!! F-f-forest rat! Girl #2: (screaming) HELP us Lissa! Girl #1: It's going to eat us! Lissa: (yelling to the girls) You want me to get eaten? I'm not getting out of here! Just be quiet, it will go away. Remember what Rob said? He said it will go away if you pretend to be dead already. Dead people don't make noise! (Rob shuffles over to Lissa, covering her tracks, Lissa screeches like a forest rat, then screams as a terrified human.) Lissa: Aaaiii! It's got me! Don't eat me! (she screeches again and chitters loudly) Rob: Lissa! No! Be quiet! Take your own advice and play dead! (silence for several moments, Rob and Lissa try hard not to laugh at the drama they have played out.) Rob: RAT! Hey, Ugly! Take this! (Rob beats the ground with solid whacks of his stick until it breaks. Lissa squeals loudly and shuffles off to the woods, taking her fur-trimmed coat hood with her. She collects their boots and tucks a few tufts of fur into some rough tree bark. Skirting far around the camp, on the edge of the clearing, she returns to Rob. They pat each other on the back for a job well done. Looking up, they realize that it is almost dawn and they can just barely make out the results of their drama on the ground. They see the campers still have their flashlights on; they haven't slept all night, no one has. They put their socks and boots back on.) Rob: (quietly) Oh, Lissa, what happened to your face? Lissa: Shut up, Rob. I don't have my makeup here and I have been wandering around the woods all day and night. What do you expect? That was not very nice of you to say. Rob: No no, that's not what I meant. You look fine, aside from that big cut on your forehead… Lissa: What? (she touches her brow and then looks at her hand that is now coated in partially dried blood.) Aw crap! I thought that branch hit me really hard! I shouldn't have walked so close to the woods on the way back here. Rob: Sorry. But hey, it's good! Lissa: I fail to see how… Rob: Smear it on your body and clothes. Lissa: What?! Rob: You got attacked by a giant forest Wererat, remember? You should look scuffed up. That'd really freak the kids out. Lissa: Rob, you are so terribly evil. I can't believe you think like that! Rob: It's a good idea, you know it is. Lissa: I don't think- (Rob grabs Lissa's hand and forcefully smudges it across her face, arms, and clothes. She stares at him menacingly, not believing she is now covered in blood. Rob picks up a handful of dirt.) Lissa: (backing away) W-what's that for? Rob: (simply) Effect. (Rob smears dirt on himself and grabs for Lissa, rubbing dirt all over her as well.) Lissa: You creep! What he heck? I liked this sweater! I didn't bring another one either! (It is now fairly light out and the campers cannot stand to be in their tents any longer. They unzip the tents and see their leaders covered in blood and/or dirt. Everyone rushes over to Lissa. The kids huddle together and share stories about the happenings during the night. Their voices all mix together and none can be heard over any other. Rob and Lissa set to soothing the kids and brushing dirt off their clothes. A small group of brave campers break off to search the camp for damage.) Brave Boy #1: Whoa! Check this out! It looks like rat slime! Brave Boy #2: Really? Where? Wow! Cool... (the boy grabs a tiny stick off the ground and hovers over the "rat" tracks, poking them and smearing slime around; a third boy and single girl watch) Brave Girl #1: Eeew, that's sick! Brave Boy #2: (heaves the slimy stick in the girl's face) Is not! Brave Girl #1: (screams) Aaugh! Get that away from me! (The boys laugh and continue their investigation as the girl runs back to Lissa and Rob. Rob glances at the brave boys, whose curiosity is noticeably increasing. They are daring each other to poke the slime with their bare fingers now, and Rob fears they might discover it is only Jell-O, thus foiling their devious plan. He approaches them. ) Rob: Guys! I wouldn't touch that if I were you! Didn't I tell you how giant forest rats turn into Wererats?! They don't all become Wererats you know! (The boys look up, absentmindedly stirring their stick in the slime) Brave Boy #3: Wha'deaya mean? Rob: Well, y'see, they have to become infected with the Wererat gene... (Rob waves for Lissa's attention and she comes over, the rest of the campers trailing behind her.) Don't touch the slime with your bare skin; it'll seep in and then YOU'LL turn into a Wererat every half-moon! Lissa: Nuh uh! That couldn't happen! Girl #3: Yah, dontcha hafta be a forest rat first? Rob: Nope, don't be fooled. The slime is potent enough to turn even a full-sized grizzly bear into a Wererat if it touches it! Lissa: I bet that's how there are getting to be so many of them! Rob! What are we going to do? What if it comes back again tomorrow night? Rob: There is only one sure way to keep the Wererats away… All Boys and Girls: (anxiously) What's that? Rob: We can't leave any food or clothes outside…they are attracted to the scent; and we can't stay outside past dark either. Like I said, the rats have very sensitive eyes and only come out when there is little light. They can't get us if we are inside our tents before dusk! Lissa: Wow! Well we must have been really lucky last night then! Everyone was up really late. You kids all could have been eaten! Did our fire keep them away, Rob? Rob: I don't think so; our campfire was too far gone when it got dark out. We were really lucky last night. Girl #2: And we've run out of wood to put in the fire! What are we going to do tonight? What are we going to do?! Lissa: Aww! No, we'll be fine, don't worry, sweetie. (She comforts the frightened girl, then turns to Rob and whispers in his ear as quietly as she can.) Rob, we're really freaking them out here, shouldn't we stop? Rob: (whispers back) But they'll sleep so good tonight! We've really got them going; even the boys are scared. Lissa: It's not right. We gotta tell them we made it all up! Rob: Shhh! Not yet! Lissa: Oh it's just one more night. We can deal with them being up late. Besides, without any firewood, they won't want to be out in the dark anyway. Rob: Sure they will… I loved being out at night when I was a kid! Lissa: I'm telling them. We can't - (Rob and Lissa have stopped paying attention to the kids for a while and they have all scattered, none can be seen anymore.) HEY! Where are the kids?! They're gone! (she stands up and yells) Hey, Campers! Rob: Dammit! They know better than to run off. What do they think they are doing? Lissa: Scaring us? Serves us right... Rob: Ha ha, very funny. The little pea-brains don't know revenge. Lissa: (panicked) KIDS!! (A girl emerges from the woods, carrying a small armful of sticks and twigs. She walks up to Lissa and Rob. They can see that her face is red; she has been crying.) Lissa: Look! Rob, I told you it wasn't right to tell the kids stories like that! (More kids come out of the woods, all carrying similarly pitiful amounts of foliage.) Rob: (ignoring Lissa, who is now tending to the first girl) What have you guys got? Boy #1: (shakily) Stuff to burn... W-we wanna campfire tonight. Rob: Ah, fire fodder. Great! Thought you guys couldn't find any yesterday afternoon though…? Boy #1: I…guess we didn't look hard enough… Lissa: (Lissa stands and turns to the kids, calling for their attention) Hey kids, Rob and I have something to tell you… Rob: (shoving Lissa) No, Lissa lies, don't listen to her! Lissa: Shut up, Rob; this is your fault. Kids, Rob and I totally made up every bit about Wererats last night, all on the spot. We wanted you guys to go to bed, but you were all still so rowdy...we just didn't know what to do, so it was Rob's idea to scare you into your tents. (The campers stare in disbelief. They do not yet absorb the meaning of Lissa's statement.) Girl #1: What? Rob: (sighs) Yah, it's not real. I never read a story anywhere about rats that turn into "Wererats." Heck, I've never even heard of a "Giant Forest Rat" before. Lissa is tellin' the truth. There's no such thing as a Wererat. Brave Boy #2: But what about the slime? All the tracks and noises last night? Something tried to eat our tent! Brave Boy #3: (Wide-eyed) Hey yah! We even found fur on some trees out there. How'd that get there? Rob and Lissa: We did it. (Rob continues) We took the cups of Jell-O and melted them over the fire. We scuffed our feet around the tents and poked a stick into your tents and the dirt. Brave Girl #1: So we won't turn into Wererats if we touch the slime? Lissa: No, I just poured the Jell-O over our tracks …and took some fur from my coat and tucked it into the tree bark. Boy #1: But how did you guys get full of dirt and..blood? Lissa: That was more of Rob's dumb idea. I got hit with a branch out in the woods when I was putting fur on the trees. Rob smeared it on me, the dirt too. Rob: (raises his hand and lowers his head) Guilty. Lissa: So see, you all have nothing to worry about! There are no rats, nor any other animal, that're going to come into camp. (Ironically, a girl screams as a little lizard runs past her feet from under a nearby rock. Lissa laughs.) Well, no big animals… (The kids laugh too) Rob: (almost annoyed) Everyone okay now? No more nightmares? (They all nod) Brave Boy #3: Well I was never scared! Brave Boy #1: Yah right, you were the one sayin- (Brave Boy #3 tackles Brave Boy #1 and stops him from talking) Rob: Hey now, boys, chill out. No accusing anyone of anything. We all are safe now; we especially shouldn't have to worry about being hurt by our own friends! Lissa: Yah? Everyone's okay then? All Kids: YES!! Lissa: Good; and no more scary stories then, we promise. Rob: So long as you all go to bed on time…. (END)