WARNING!! This story has been posted freely of charge solely for entertainment and arousal purposes only. This story is Copyright 1999 Cyberwuffy (ME!!)

The characters Jessica and Matt are Copyright 1999 Cyberwuffy (ME!!)

The character Jessica is based on my real friend Jessica, the girl I've always dreamed of marrying since I was 5... ::sigh::

The yellow corvette is a car for sale that I know of. Heh. I wish I had the money to buy it and it's been on sale for about a year. Maybe the guy is asking too much for it...

Comments? Suggestions? Drop me a line! I just LOVE getting e-mail!

January 30, 1999                                                                                                                     6:30 PM

Friends Forever 2: The Honeymoon By Cyberwuffy

It had been a month since Matt and Jessica's night together. With Jessica expecting, Matt was forced to marry her. Their parents took the news rather well. They didn't scream at them or ground them. They simply supported the decision that Matt and Jess had made. However Laura, Jessica's younger sister, wasn't too pleased. She had a crush on Matt and was pissed off when she heard that he had gotten her sister pregnant. She wanted him to be her stud.

They were both in Paris, on their honeymoon. Both of their families helped to pay for it. It wasn't that expensive. Two thousand dollars for two weeks in the best hotel in Paris. It was a modest deal.

Matt and Jessica opened the door to their room and walked in. They had just spent a night on the town. "So, how'd you like tonight?" Matt asked, sitting on the edge of the bed.

"It was wonderful! Just think this is only our first night. I hope we do this more often." Jess replied, giving him a kiss.

"We will. I promise." Matt answered, kissing her back. They both got undressed and slid into bed under the covers. Jess slid her arms around him.

"Hey Matt." she said.

"What?" he asked, sliding his paws down her back.

"Want to have some fun?" Jess said, using that seductive tone of hers.

"Sure." he said. "What did you have in mind?"

"Sex." she said flatly.

"Okay, if you really want to..." he sighed. The tone Jess had made Matt aroused and he could feel his penis hardening and poking its way out of its furry sheath.

"I really do want to. So get on top of me, now." she ordered. Jess always loved giving him orders in bed. Matt didn't mind. As long as she didn't order him too much.

Jess kissed Matt and let him climb on top of her. Letting him insert his hardening penis in her vagina as she gasped and arched her back against him. "Mmmm. Oh Matt... Yes..." she moaned. She lifted her hips slightly as Matt planted a gentle kiss on her forehead before beginning to fuck her. He started by thrusting his penis in and out of her quickly. "Oh yes my sexy wuffy...harder!"

Matt exited her vagina and had Jess get up on all fours. He inserted his penis from behind, pressing it into her vagina and humping her as fast as he could. His penis pressed to almost painful depths within her as she moaned and bucked her hips now and again involuntarily. "Oh yes wuffy. YES!" she moaned. Matt reached from behind and ran his paws over her breasts, his fingers playing around with his nipples, making them grow hard under his touch, stimulating her into a sudden and jolting orgasm. She gasped and braced herself with her palms on the headboard of the bed as her inner walls pulsed on the length of penis and a few drops of semen leaked into her vagina from the swollen head. He continued to hump her as fast and as hard as he could, his paws were now gripping her breasts tightly. Matt pressed the both of them closer together, panting thickly. "Oh wuffy, I want you to cum for me..."

Jess reached behind her and felt his balls with her fingertips, brushing them lightly and feeling their weight in her palm. She squeezed lightly, stimulating him to spurt a hot jet of semen into her wet vagina. "Mmmm. Oh Matt..." she moaned. Matt held back and whipped Jess onto her back, his tail wagging as he continued to thrust into her, still not satisfied. He lowered his head to nuzzle in-between her breasts. A sheen of sweat broke out on her brow as she wrapped her feathery tail around Matt's back, pulling him closer. She let out a moan as Matt moved his paws from her breasts to her waist, pulling her hips up against his and bucked wildly. "YES!!!" Jess screamed. A split second later, Matt arched his back and spilled jet after jet of semen into her before collapsing on top of her. At last spent. "Oh Matt, that was wonderful..." she said, running her fingers through his sweat slick fur and smiling lightly. Jess kissed him, running her tongue out from between her lips, sliding it into his muzzle and then looking lovingly to his eyes.

"Jess that was GREAT!" Matt said. She felt his penis softening inside her as he closed his eyes contentedly, still on top of her and sighed deeply. Matt and Jess knew that they were going to have a great honeymoon. They both drifted off to sleep.

To be continued...

Next to come: Friends Forever 3: Daily Life