“A Change Of Heart…” By DMG Disclaimer: This story is of two felines in a yiffy-rape situation. There is forcefulness and slight amount of violence (just a bit of clawing). If this does not appeal to you, it’s best you don’t read this. “What are you doing?” she asked as she stared at the black feline sitting on the bed with her as he pulled a green stone necklace off from around his neck, leaving only a silver stone necklace behind. She knew that these necklaces contained power, the power that made this feline male, but one of the necklaces was removed, why still male? “I am no longer sterile, and now we shall have our fun,” he said with an evil grin. The once willing female quickly lowered her ears, looking at the male with fear. “But…But I don’t want to have kittens! We can’t do this!” she shrieked as she began to back away from him, moving towards the edge of the bed. The male growled lowly as he hunched down, then pushed himself upwards, pouncing onto her, knocking her onto her back, his paws quickly moving to her shoulders as he pinned her down. “And your point?” he asked with an evil growl in his voice. She whimpered softly as she began to struggle, trying to free herself from his grip. But it was no use, since he was a lot stronger then she was. He growled happily at the sight of her, loving the terror in her eyes. He moved one of his paws upwards towards her chest, right at the base of her neck, and pushed her down as he released her other shoulder. He used his free paw to reach down, grabbing onto the front of the tight spaghetti strap tank top she was wearing. He then began to tug on it, trying to rip it off of her. “Please D…You know you don’t want to do this!” she pleaded to deaf ears. He continued to tug at the shirt, giving one hard pull, finally tearing it off her. He threw the torn fabric to the side, letting it land on the floor near the bed. His tongue ran across his lips as he eyed her ample breasts, leaning down as his paw stayed pressed against her upper chest, moving up slightly to grip onto her neck. The sting of claws bit into her neck as they sank into her skin, breaking it, causing blood to trickle down her neck. His muzzle moved down towards one of her breasts, his mouth opening fully as his rough pink tongue moved out of it, sliding across her breast. The nipple hardened from his touch, causing him to grin as he eyed it, his mouth soon moving to the hardened nipple as he drew it into his mouth, nipping at it lightly before giving it a gentle suckle. The female whined from beneath him, still squirming, fighting him still though she knew it wouldn’t do much good. He finally released her neck, moving his paw back to her shoulder, his claws now coated in her blood. She took advantage of the situation, since her neck was now released, and curled her legs up as best she could, her paws quickly moving to the arm that was pinning her and pushed it off her as her legs tried to push him away. Finally she succeeded, he fell back a bit, and she quickly pushed herself up, and started scooting back towards the edge of the bed. She quickly realized her attempt to escape only worsened the problem as the male ended up slipping, falling between her legs, ripping her skin tight skirt a bit as his body caused her legs to spread further then the skirt could handle. He growled angrily down to her, mad at her for trying to escape. The paw that was once around her neck moved back, sinking back into her still fresh wounds, causing more blood to flow from them as the claws sunk deeper into her flesh this time. Tears fell from her eyes as he cut into her, whimpering loudly though the pain caused her body to stiffen. She laid still as his other paw moved down, grabbing onto her skirt, pulling at it only a little since it was already ripped, easily pulling it off her as he tossed it in the same direction as he had thrown her shirt. The paw soon moved to the rim of his hooded sweatshirt, grabbing it, pulling it up as high as he could before he pulled his arm out. Quickly, he switched paws, now grabbing onto her neck with his other paw as he pulled the last arm out of the “hoodie”, then over his head and off to the side. His claws didn’t sink into her neck this time, or at least not for the moment, he was too preoccupied with undressing himself, ignoring all her whimpers and cries as her neck throbbed in pain. He reached for the fly of his jeans, picking it open with his blood stained claws. He soon got it open and began to squirm around, able to get them off fairly easily since they were quite baggy on him to begin with. Soon, he was able to kick them off his legs, and off the bed, joining all the other clothes scattered around the room. He held himself up a bit; paw still resting around her neck though not as hard, figuring he had scared her enough to where she would know better then to run off. He peered down at her with lustful eyes, his member had been semi-hard throughout the whole thing, but now at the sight of her naked, shivering body beneath him, he quickly became fully hardened. His paw moved to her wrist, grabbing onto it as he lifted it over her head, pressing it against the bed as he pinned her with it, his other paw soon joining as it released her neck, grabbing onto her other wrist, putting it over her head, near her other paw. His body moved down, his large cat member pressing against her outer pussy lips as he began to rub it against her, trying to arouse her at least a little. A grin came across his face as he watched her head turn away from his and her eyes closed, his eyes soon wandered down to the wounds he had made. His nose twitched as he sniffed at the air around him, smelling the blood coming from her, causing him to grin more as he bent his neck downwards and began to lick at the wounds. She shuddered in pain as his wet tongue touched at the claw marks he had put on her, a few more tears escaped from her eyes. His member began to poke at her, trying to find her opening, thrusting his hips slightly until finally he entered her. Her back arched as she felt the member being shoved into her tight hole, gasping loudly as she felt its hardness move up into her. A soft mmm escaped from between his lips as he thrust himself fully into her, his member throbbed a bit as he enjoyed the feeling of her warmness around his member. He savored the moment for only a little while before his member pulled out, only to thrust back into her, rather forcefully, not caring whether or not he hurt her anymore then he already had. He continued to do this, thrusting in at her at a somewhat slow, yet hard pace. A grunt came from him with each thrust into her as his fingers held tightly onto her wrists, his thrusts soon quickening, keeping them just as hard as he could manage. She whimpered and cried loudly beneath him, his thrusts hurting her since she hadn’t yiffed that much, which is why she had been so tight. He didn’t care how much it hurt, or how much he was ripping her inner tissue, he only cared about the pleasure he was feeling with each thrust into her. His jaw dropped a bit, letting out his sounds of pleasure with each thrust, breathing rather heavily. He finally felt his climax nearing and snapped his jaw shut as he growled through his teeth, then finally with one last, hard thrust into her he released his warm seed, holding himself in her as he covered her inner walls with his sticky juices, letting out a half roar, half moaning sound as he emptied into her. Her vaginal muscles clenched his member as she felt it twitching inside her, her body curling up under him a little. His orgasm finally finished and he pulled his softening member out of her, scooting to the other side of the bed as she rolled over onto her side, curling up into the fetal position, still shivering and whimpering. He reached to the floor, grabbing his pants which he had kicked off and pulled out his pack of cigarettes, shaking one out of the pack and into his paw before placing it in the corner of his mouth, and then shoved the pack back into his pants pocket. He reached into his other pocket, grabbing his matchbook. He pulled a match out, and struck it against the headboard of the bed. Quietly, he puffed at his cigarette as he stared at the broken female laying across from him. He smiled wickedly as thoughts of what had happened earlier ran through his mind. A few puffs later, he crawled off the bed, landing on the floor as he grabbed his pants again and slipped them on. He grabbed his shirt as he opened the door, looking back at the female one last. She hadn’t moved from her spot, and he grinned in satisfaction to himself before stepping out, closing the door behind him, leaving her there alone…