Chaos Control Origin Mission History Crew Technology Operation Falling Star Origin Chaos Control was founded by Trent Darin Wolf, son of Daemon Wolf. The birthplace of Chaos Control originated in the city of Caiman on the war torn planet of Dachir (Duh-Sheer). The group originally began with mech pilot Trent and a young girl named Jean Lee aka Camara. The group has grown since to hold only a total of seven members and has little expectations of growing. The world in which Chaos Control originated was so badly torn that rewards were offered for the corpses of dead mech pilots and that people were continually crushed beneath the power of oppressive mercenaries. Even the richest of the survivors had little to feed off of and thus turned toward bounty hunting in order to survive. Mission The mission of Chaos Control began with a small vendetta to rid the world of Dachir of corruption and has since then expanded their resources to cover other worlds within and outside of the gathered systems. They have even sought to put an end to an otherwise costly war between Earth and Amar and played a vital and instrumental role in the destruction of Cedra II, a project in which the most recent member was once a part of until she was supposedly executed. The ongoing mission of Chaos Control is to systematically maintain balance throughout the known region of the galaxy and to police in a manner that far exceeds normal law enforcement. Their sole purpose is to ensure the survival of the least corrupted of government systems and to dispatch any threat associated within or outside of such governments. History The beginnings of Chaos Control started when clan mech pilot Trent Darin Wolf entered the shambled bar of a crumbling city known as Caiman. After he dispatched the abusive shotgun wielding boyfriend of Jean Lee, she found herself willing to follow because there was nowhere else to turn. Many useless parts to many lay scattered throughout this city from the era of the mech assaults that have lasted for decades through this planet. While battle for control was brutal and constant, mech pilot Trent was classified as a disgrace to his clan for siding with his belief of right and wrong. Cara, the third member of Chaos Control lived in what was established as the second backbone of the CC group. The MFB in which she used for shelter was conveniently hidden with the battlemech Trent used to pilot while all three put in great effort to restore the metal giant to at least half of the machine’s full capacity. New ‘Buster Rifle’ technology was implemented from make shift parts in order to generate the most effective weapon, however it would not have been so without the aid of the remaining three members. Because of her expertise in the field of science, Sara was depended on heavily in order to program the damaged targeting computers and was since then left in control of piloting what eventually became the Chaos Control drop ship Dreadnaught. Once the world of Dachir was purged of the ruthless mercenaries, it was finally allowed to recover, causing Chaos Control to focus on another key area; Amaran Space. Their involvement in the Earth Amaran War began with the clan rise to take Amaran Society by storm as it was originally assumed. Later it was discovered that Earth too would have been subjected since after the humans and amarans nearly destroyed each other in conflict, then they would have had the ability to take over with little resistance. During the Earth Amaran War, the sixth and final member of Chaos Control completed the roster. Inako Baltech who’s father was famed for the funding of Project Cedra, which was officially the first space station of Amaran Space. Unofficially it was also a battle station in which to defend against unknown raiders who have almost always plagued the Amaran System. Cedra I failed due to sabotage, in which the saboteur used the initial plans of the Baltech Family in order to create a much more powerful and secretive Cedra II. Once Chaos Control learned of the station’s construction, they fought relentlessly in order to deliver this information to both conflicting sides in order to end the war before it became catastrophic. Now that the EAW is over, Chaos Control continues to patrol the stars in search of the very clans that have fought to gain control over so many star systems, and other mercenaries who choose to accept payment for raining destruction over innocent civilians. Crew Trent Darin Wolf – (Wardai/Werewolf) Originally from Kyra, it is uncertain how he gained access to interstellar technology, however it is certain that once he managed to acquire it, he used it in order to escape the technologically inept planet and accept training from Clan and Military institutions. Originally a Bounty Hunter, Trent has made use of his talent in learning quickly in order to become one of the most powerful figures of Chaos Control. It also does not hurt to know that Kyra’s gravity being a staggering 11.5 estimated times normal Earth Gravity alone has supplied him with exceptional strength. Trent’s personality is rough and exceptionally strict. He prefers to strike down any weakness he can while it is in the bud before it ever has a chance to surface. Often his aggressive nature comes off as socially unacceptable toward others and often causes dire tension between he and some members of his crew. Trent is cold and methodical, taking what would seem to some, a rather quick and forceful solution as opposed to taking time to make a decision. Trent pilots Chaos Chokumondai which was the origin for the name Chaos Control. The mech itself is originally based on the battlemech design of the War Hawk. Super modified, Chaos’ only downfall is that without the detachable Buster Rifles, it has a very limited defense. Like his mech, Trent is not one for defensive action as much as he is offense, however, also like his mech, he can take as much damage as he can dish out. Camara aka Jean Lee – (Vulpes/Lupos) Born to a wolf father and vixen mother, Camara exhibits a lot of vulpine traits save for build and stamina. It is uncertain where she received any training outside of the spectrum Trent had to offer her, yet it is certain that she has exceptional training in sniper technology as well as a mechanical background and slim abilities as a hacker. Her greatest downfall is that often she worries too much about Trent of whom she has secretive feelings for. Camara’s call sign is Shuriken, which she plays by quite accurately when she pilots her Aero Fighter. The small craft itself has been rigged for moderate armor and heavy weapons. Relatively low maneuverability and high speed are her best known traights and much like in person, she is a very capable sniper. Often she is a fan of the color gunmetal and is known to get into the occasional bar fight. Outside of her CC life, her personal life is marred by questions of her own future and when Inako Baltech married Trent, she has distanced herself significantly from the team in order to keep her feelings of jealousy at bay. Secretly, she wishes to settle down with a family of her own. Inako Baltech – (Amaran Fennec Fox) Born in a life of luxury on Amar, Inako has always dreamed of a challenge within her life. Her dreams were first realized when she joined the Amaran Military. During her work on Project Cedra, she was supposedly killed yet managed to survive. Because of her efforts in finding the cause of the true accident, she had been promoted to Commander and was given the call sign Zero Six. During the Earth Amaran War, she was instrumental in saving lives counteracting her superiors and often had conflict with a human woman named Red Wolf. In the end of the Earth Amaran War, she was to be executed and in order to save her life, Trent took the responsibility and simply faked her death. Since the war, she has affectionately earned the call sign Spectre. Inako Baltech pilots another Aero Fighter rigged for high maneuverability and moderate weaponry. While the armor is relatively light, she depends highly on her skills of evasion to get her into heated combat and emerge unscathed. Her efforts in destroying the ‘stolen’ Cedra II were exceptional, which resulted in the complete end of the Earth and Amaran War all together. Cara – (Vuples) The bubbly tech head is often thought of as an insignificant figure of the Chaos Control group, but her often forgetful and fun loving routine is simply a ruse that hides her true genius exceptionally well. While she is mechanically inclined, she is also highly skilled in computer usage that is only bested by Sara. Cara’s original name is uncertain, but she was found surviving on scraps within the huddled mass of a mobile field unit, which was not much more than a heavily damaged small skyscraper on wheels. Cara’s keen intellect often helps Trent in his ability to avoid trouble and has often revealed herself to play the perfect spy. After all, who would ever suspect a bumbling big breasted bimbo to be a capable genius? Not many. Cara is the engineer of the drop ship Dreadnaught. Her use in the maintenance of the Dreadnaught is vital and without her, much of the technology used would simply fall apart. She is also capable of protecting herself through the ship’s security protocols. While she may not always show it, she most definitely knows every bolt on board. Sara aka O’Conner – (Vulpes) Sara is the not so sensitive member of Chaos Control, yet she does have a very human grasp on reality. She joined Chaos Control as a result in her aid of hacking into damaged bunkers in order to recover technology that was implemented in the ultimate construction of the group in general. Her skills of hacking and rearranging data are unmatched. It was often rumored that before she was stranded on Dachir, she was a nuclear physicist. In reality, she has admitted to working for computer companies and high government profiles. Sara’s capabilities as an electrician are highly necessary in the field, given that her primary station is on the bridge of the Dreadnaught at most times. When she isn’t among the group, she loves her solitude and uses the time to read or on rare occasion she does enjoy going on short dates. While she does at times get rather lonely, she does not consider Trent anything ideal in any kind of man. Often she will resort to speaking with either Cara or Inako about her problems. Sara’s abilities as a pilot are profound yet she is restricted to governing the massive bulk of the CC Dreadnaught. As the ship’s primary pilot, she relies heavily on a second hand for navigation and sensors, not to mention orders from her superior. Lara – (Vuples) Once from a low profile world, her family hoped to start a new life on Dachir. Unfortunately, Lara’s family were set up and ultimately killed one by one until her rescue by Camara and Trent. Lara’s use as a team member has been trivial yet she seems to work best as the ship’s navigator and third mechanic. Lara’s help in security offer benefit to Cara who most often relies on her when she cannot get herself out of a bind. Lara is often a visionary and wishes to be able to invent better technologies to help aid in the Chaos Control mission. She secretly dreams of being whisked away to a deserted island where she is waited on by five to six cabana boys. Lara, while partnered with Sara, will often find herself trying to strike up conversation, sometimes even in the worst possible moments. While her training progresses, it is still uncertain if Trent will ever have any real use for her outside of navigating the ‘beast’ and supplying ammunition. Mara – (Vulpes/???) Mara is actually the fourth ranked individual of Chaos Control. While Mara often assists Cara in repairs, it is occasional that they are separate. Mara’s use extends further into mech support rather than drop ship support. It is uncertain where Mara comes from, but it is certain that while she may appear vixen in origin, she also has traits that do not identify her with any known specimen. Her ability to adjust from extremely bright places to extremely dark places in a heartbeat is unfathomable in the human spectrum, but priceless to the eyes of Trent Wolf. Mara also displays abilities that coincide with only the use of sonar in her hearing. This may actually be the only clue the Chaos Control group has that Mara may in reality be blind. Her primary focus has left her little time to debate on her personal life, but she is fond of the idea that Chaos Control is her only family. She hopes that the group would never break up and her worst fears are put to the test when Trent is lost for five years. In between this time, Inako gives birth to her son Trent Junior, of whom Mara tries to spend adequate time with during the down time of Chaos Control. Mara is the third Aero Fighter pilot of the Chaos Control Group. Her call sign is Echo. Mara relies on a well rounded combination, using more technical weapons than fragment or laser technology. A well rounded combination goes a long way, plus the fact that her fighter is equipped with a state of the art tool kit and signal booster also help when Sara is attempting to hack enemy technology. Technology Chaos Chokumondai is the birth name of the Chaos Control group. The mech itself as was listed is an advanced assault class battlemech fashioned after the design of a clan Warhawk. Chaos Chokumondai uses twin double barrel buster rifles in order to destroy single or multiple targets in a fall swoop. These weapons have a high heat signature which often blinds radar partially. CC is also equipped with a state of the art targeting system and is continually upgraded between conflicts; sometimes during. While Chaos is also armed with the ability to hack some systems, it can only perform reconnaissance missions in which a larger or smaller craft has crashed and the computer is in tact. Where Chaos has it’s short comings, Sara picks up the slack. The CC Dreadnaught is the first and only drop ship of Chaos Control. The estimated size of the Dreadnaught is approximately 90 stories high and precisely four times that length. The ‘nose’ of the Dreadnaught is solid metal, allowing it use as a battering ram and is highly armored in order to defend against most assaults. The engines are a quad assembly maintained within engineering. The drop ship is also equipped with hyperspace technology ‘borrowed’ from fallen clan jump ships. While the larger twin engines make the Dreadnaught appear slightly ungainly, it is still not without its military charm. The Aero Fighter is a five fixed wing four engine craft that is fully upgradeable and interchangeable with weapons, engines, and sometimes rumored to have the ability to store on board cloaking or stealth technology and amaran shield generators. The Aero Fighter under stock conditions has no armor, and is rated as the fastest assault craft on the marked even after fifty years of life. While these craft too seem a tad ungainly, much like Chaos Chokumondai, they are a force to be reckoned with. Assault Vehicle – The four wheeled assault vehicle is actually an unnamed craft that was put together with spare Mech and MFB parts. It is a low armor high speed craft that is capable of storing ammunition, ranged weapons, and uses either a gauss rifle, an AC (Auto Cannon) 5 or 10, or an aircraft grade M-134 Minigun. Much of the weapons, armor, and parts collected are from damaged or destroyed mechs, vehicles, ships, and other technologies that managed to be claimed by Chaos Control’s salvaging operations. Chaos Control has become very self-sufficient in this regard, using acquired technologies to get their jobs done. Operation Falling Star is in fact a routine procedure. Chaos Control upon entering a system will enact a hull cooling phase which will cause the surface of the drop ship Dreadnaught to instantly form ice crystals all over the surface. These crystals when caught in the rays of the sun will burn white, generating the illusion of a traveling comet. Upon entering the atmosphere, the drop ship maintains speed and heading without changing course until it enters a phase called “Zero Barrier” in which it will enact a very quick routine to pull up just split moments before surface impact. This illusion creates the illusion of a falling star and during this phase, Chaos Chokumondai is launched as well as possibly three aero fighters. This also creates the illusion of meteor breakup which does naturally occur. Once Chaos lands, the sheer force of the battlemech alone is what creates the actual crater. The drop ship flies low profile in order to search out an ideal landing place where the aero fighters would have indicated. The last factor of the landing cycle involves security in which Chaos itself assumes the role as sole proprietor. During the entire operation, the world is constantly scanned for the least intrusive area, and once it has been established to have been a safe landing procedure, then no one on the now occupied world would ever know they have arrived until after or just before they leave.