It's a clear and cloudless night. The moon is shinning bright down on the land. A bunny sits underneath a tree in the shadows, crying softly to himself head down in his arms with his legs curled up. As he sits crying in his depression, thinking suicidal thoughts, occasionally looking up and at the moon and stars thinking of why he's so lonely and can't do things right, a pair of late night runners come jogging through and hear him. They decide to stop and see who's crying and what they could do to help. The pair approach him softly. The male, a dog and the female a cat, look around and see him inert leaning against the tree trunk. "Hey, what's the matter?" the woman asks softly. "Huh?" the rabbit said as he looks up. "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to ruin your evening run. You don't have to worry about me, go on about your life," he whispers. "Oh c'mon. We just want to help you if we can," the male said. "No, don't worry about me, a complete stranger. I won't be along here soon anyway," he said and turns his face away from them looking out at the river. The two get together and whisper "Oh, man. It looks like this guy is suicidal. Do you think we should take him home?" the dog asked. "Yeah, let's do that. We don't want to have any more news of suicides. I'm sure we can give him a reason to go on living," the cat said. "Hey, buddy. Are you homeless? We can let you stay with us for a day or so if you want," the dog said. The rabbit turned his head, still crying, "R-R-Really? You'd put up with a complete stranger? That would be nice to sleep in a bed again before I go…" "Really, It's okay. We want to help if we can. We're counselors and helping people out is what we love to do in life," the cat said. "Well, all right, if I won't be a bother," the rabbit said, getting up. The pair help him up and walk towards their apartment, which isn't too far from the river trail. They soon reach the apartment door. "Well, here's our humble abode," the dog said. The rabbit looks around. It has a very spacious living room, a kitchen area off to one side, three doors off the another side-which leads to separate bedrooms and a bathroom, and a big closet chest. "Wow, you guys must be lucky to be able to live with each other in this place." The rabbit said. "Yeah, it helps being roommates," the cat said. They put the rabbit down on the couch. "Do you want anything to drink or eat before we go to bed?" the cat asked. "No, that's okay. Don't need to waste food on me," the rabbit said as he curled up and went to sleep. The cat put a spare blanket on him and the two went to sleep. As morning approached, the rabbit woke with a start. He then remembered what had happened last night. He looked around and pinched himself a little to make sure it wasn't a dream. "Ouch" he thought to himself as he pinched. "Wow, two generous people actually took me in and let me sleep with them." The rabbit turned to hear noises of a shower running in the bathroom and the dog stepped out, completely naked. "Oh, I see that you're awake. Do you want to take a shower, while I cook breakfast?" he asked The rabbit couldn't help but stare at the dog' well endowed sheath, which had a bit of his red dick popping out. "Oh, I'm sorry. I forgot to put on a robe. Hope you don't mind," he said. The rabbit nodded that he didn't, and soon got up to use the bathroom. He entered the steamy room, and the dog came up from behind him. "Do you need any help?" he asked in a friendly voice. The bunny looked him over, and whispered "No, not really. But if you wouldn't mind, my legs are a bit stiff from sitting under the tree all day yesterday." "Hey, no prob. I'm not a homophob if that's what you're thinking. I consider myself to be bi." The dog replied. The rabbit blushed a bit, and said "Umn.. I uh, …I am also of the same preference." The dog smiled and said, "Don't worry. We don't have to do anything." The rabbit didn't say anything, stood there numb. The rabbit looked up at the dog as he felt a paw on his shoulder. The dog smiled, eyes pouring out tenderness and love. The rabbit smiled back softly, and let the dog help him undress. As the rabbit was naked, the dog remarked, "Wow! You're not so bad down there." The rabbit blushed and said "Thanks. I wish I could be big as you. You're so great looking." The dog blushed in turn. "Well, do you want me to help you out with the hard to reach areas?" "Um, sure. That would be nice," the rabbit said as he entered the tub. The dog soon came in behind him. He soon massaged the bunny's back. "Oh, wow. That feels good." He sighed. "Great. You need to relax more. By the way, my name is Ben," he said. "Mine's David," the rabbit groaned as he felt the tension leave his body. Ben continued to rub along the rabbit's back and shoulders, while David washed his chest and legs, enjoying the sensation of being massaged. Soon, Ben was done and was getting out of the tub, so David could finish washing himself. "Oh, are you done already?" he asked. "I got to get breakfast started," Ben replied. "Oh, okay.. Thanks for the massage," David said feeling a bit guilty. He kicked himself, "How can you be such an idiot. He must already have a lover. I'll never find someone," he thought to himself. He finished taking his bath, feeling more depressed but tried not to show it as he smelled Ben cooking eggs and ham. "Hmmm, smells delicious," David said as he dried himself off and quickly got dressed. "Thanks. Cooking is one of my hobbies." Ben replied. "So.. why did you and the cat decide to take me in?" "We wanted to make sure you didn't commit suicide, plus you looked kind of cute," Ben said with a smile. "Oh," blush, "thanks I guess. So have you and …" "Mindy" "You and Mindy been together for a long time?" "We've been roommates and sometimes lovers when the need rises for a few months. We each have our own lives and respect that. She's got her boyfriends and I've got mine as well." "Ah must be an interesting life." "It does have it's draw backs, especially when our rooms are next door and we can sometimes hear the other when it gets noisy," Ben said with a smirk. "Huh. Does Mindy always sleep in this late?" "Yeah, I don't mind though. It gets me more time to get ready for the day and to have the bath before she takes over, which can last for some time." "Speaking of which, she should be getting up about now," Ben said. He neared her door and knocked, "Mindy, breakfast is ready, and our guest is awake." "Okay give me a couple of more minutes," came the sleepy response. She soon got out and quickly showered and sat down with the guys at the table. "Wow, Ben. You outdid yourself this time," she smiled as she ate, winking at David. "So, did you sleep well?" she asked. "Um, yeah. Thanks for the hospitality, but I'd better be going. I don't want to impose on you guys anymore," David said. "C'mon now. Quit feeling sorry for yourself. Stay with us as long as you want. We have more than enough room," Mindy said. "Sigh, well if you really wouldn't mind having some one like me…" "Stop it. Of course we don't mind. Just let us pick your brain and tell us what happened to you. You'll feel better if you do," Mindy said. "All right, Mindy. Thanks. Thank you too Ben," David said. "Good. Now that that's settled, we have to get to class. You can stay here for as long as you want. We'll talk some more after we get back, okay?" she said with a smile. "Yeah. I'll try not to make too much of a mess while you're gone," David said. They soon left for campus, while David remained behind to reflect back and think of what he was going to do. He also took the time to look around the apartment. The apartment was barely big enough for a group of people, but about 10 or so could fit in with some room to breath. David decided to just relax and not think about what he might have done last night if they haven't stopped by. He flipped on the TV and watched shows until his eyes blurred. After a while, he simply slept and was startled awake when Mindy came in. "AH, good. You're still here," she said as she saw him come awake. "Yeah.. I hope you don't mind." He said. "No, not at all… It's good to have someone else here." She replied. She then placed her backpack into her room and slinked off to the kitchen. "Do you want anything to eat?" "Umm, just a sand-which would be fine." "All right. I'll also get us some drinks." They soon sat together eating in silence. "So.. where's Ben?" David asked. "He still has some classes and a part time job to go to." "AH, how about you? Do you work?" "Yeah, but at a more flexible schedule." "So… do you want to talk about what you were almost going to do last night?" she asked softly. "Umn.. no not really. I'll tell you maybe later when Ben is here as well." He responded. "Oh, okay. Just take your time. We just want to help…" she smiled and winked at him, leaning forward a bit to expose her bosoms a bit. David glanced down and blushed a bit. "Well, you guys are just too much. I still can't believe you took me in. I'm grateful. I'll do what I can to help out while I'm here." "No problem. You're kind of cute." Mindy giggled, and reached down underneath the table to rub lightly against David's thigs and reached up towards his bulge. "Ulp. Uh Mindy, are you sure you should be touching me like that? Don't you have a boyfriend?" "No, I don't. I'm just a free spirit right now," she purred. David then leaned forward to kiss her. They soon embraced and started to hold each other, and move towards the bedroom door. "Are you sure you want to go through with this?" David asked. "Yes, I'm so horny right now, and you look like such a stud," Mindy responded. "All right. Just so you know it's been awhile since I've been with anyone." "No problem.. We can take it slow, if you want" she murred. They soon went into her bedroom and started to disrobe each other. "Wow, what a gorgeous bod!" David thought to himself as he looked at her. "Seesh is he ever hung!" she exclaimed to herself as she took in his 9" cock. She bent down to fondle it and caress his balls. David moaned as he felt her soft touch and rough tongue lick his dick head. "Ohhh, that feels good," he sighed. He then bent down to pick her up and lick and suck on her breasts. "ohhh, gasp. Don't stop that feels good too," she panted. Both were soon moaning and groaning as they fell against the bed and were rubbing against each other hard. David was soon rock hard, and Mindy put on a rubber and started to rub his cock against her vagina. She then stradled him and started to push herself on top of him. He gasped as he felt her tightness squeeze against his dick. "Ohh, man you're so tight.." he gasped. "Gods, you're so huge. I've never felt anything like this before!" she shouted. Both were soon groaning in pleasure as Mindy started to ride up and down on him faster and deeper. She soon gasped and convulsed as she reached her climax, her muscles tightening harder against David's dick, causing him to grunt and thrust his hips hard into her as he moaned and came in the rubber. Both were soon panting for breath as they collapsed onto each other. "Wow, that was incredible," Mindy sighed. "Yeah, that was just great," David moaned. They soon heard a short yip and heavy panting as they looked in to doorway to see Ben standing there, jerking himself off as he watched their playing. "Wow, you guys were good. Can't wait to feel that inside my ass," he said with a wink to David. David blushed a little as he saw Ben's huge 11" dog cock, spurting with cum all over. He got up and went to lick it clean. Ben leaned back and growled softly as David's tongue licked up every drop. "Hmmm, tasty," David replied. Mindy was too tired to watch anymore and fell asleep. Ben and David decide to leave her and they went into Ben's room. "Well, shall we continue? If you're horny enough that is," Ben said. "Hey, I'm game. Just let me get another rubber." "No, that's okay. We guys don't need one," Ben said with a wink. He reached out and grabbed David, kissing him passionately. David moaned for breath as he felt Ben's tongue enter his mouth. Both were getting hard again, and were soon rubbing against each other as they leaned down onto Ben's bed. "Wow, you are hung," David remarked. "Feh, so are you," Ben said. Both soon started to groan as they jerked each other off…moaning in pleasure. They soon kissed and started to suck on each other, deep and hard. David almost choked on Ben's massive dick, but was throating him with no problem. He soon came after a few minutes and spurted all over David's face. "Wow, you sure don't take your time to cum, do you?" he smirked. "Huh, just your doing… I don't generally cum so fast," Ben replied as he went back to work of David's cock. David moaned and started to thrust himself into Ben's mouth, suddenly yipping as he pushed hard into the gapping mouth spurting his seed down the back of Ben's mouth. Ben almost gagged on the large amount that David spurted. "Gulp, pant. Wow, you sure do know how to cum!" they both exclaimed. "You haven't seen nothing yet," Ben said with a smile as he reached over and pushed David onto all fours, lifting his tail to reveal his tight pink hole. Ben bent to give it a quick lick and fingered it deep. David groaned as he felt the invading finger enter him. It has been a long time since he has felt this kind of action. Ben stopped as he saw tears come down David's face. "Are you allright?" he asked with concern. "Yeah, it's just been a long time since I had another male," David replied. "Oh, okay. Do you want to still continue?" Ben asked. "Hell, yeah. I've got to have you in me!" David exclaimed. He thrusted back into Ben's embrace and pushed against his waiting dick. Ben growled as he entered David's tight anus. "AH, gods that feels soooo good," David groaned. Ben continued to thrust in slowly until he was all the way in. "Does it hurt?" he asked as he pushed in deep. "Gah, a little, but don't stop," David moaned, sweat dripping from his forehead. Ben then continued to pump in and out slowly, making sure David was okay before going into hyper mode. Ben then quickly thrusted in and out faster and harder as David's ass tightened hard around his dick, milking it for all he was worth. Ben growled as he suddenly thrusted in hard and deep, panting and sweating as his knot swelled into David's ass, and as he came and spurted dog seed into David's insides. David gasped and cried out a little as Ben's knot entered his hole and expanded his ass even more. Both were soon panting and gasping for breath as Ben leaned over and panted into David's ear, "Man, you're really good. I'm glad we met." "Ohh, man. You're so sexy and huge. Pant, I love you guys.." David groaned. They simply lay together while waiting for David's knot to swell down and exit David's hole. Both grunted as they soon got up and took a shower to clean themselves off. As they exited the bathroom, Mindy was up and she went in to do the same thing. After getting dressed, they soon sat down on the couch and David decided to tell his two new lovers and friends about what was going on when they first met him…………… To be continued……….