Chapter 2

* * *

The next morning, Michael reached for his mate, still half asleep.  Expecting to find him curled up at his side, his paw found nothing. Bolting upright, he looked around the room frantically. A jumble of thoughts ran through his head, many of them wondering if the changes in his body and what he acted like yesterday drove Lou to leave him. Panic filled him and his breathing became difficult.

As he was about to break down, he heard a moan emanating from the bedroom. He leapt up off the couch and ran to the doorway.

Holding onto the doorframe, he held his breath and looked in.  He couldn't see anything. Every light was off and the shades were drawn, hiding the pale light of morning. As his paw reached for the light switch, something huge and furry leapt at him from the darkness. It slammed into him hard and he fell with a thud to the ground.

Dazed, he looked up at the thing crouching over him and realized... it was Lou.

Lou's body was now nearly identical to Michael's. They were both incredibly ripped, had large fangs, and stupendous power - and equally large cocks. Lou's was fully erect and pressing against Michael's chest and stomach, dribbling pre.

Michael realized Lou went through the same transformation he did, and was now overcome with lust and desire. Michael wasn't as helpless as Lou was when this happened to him though... with a grunt, Michael rolled over and pinned Lou underneath him. Lou snapped and growled and nearly tore a chunk out of Michael's arm before Michael secured him and started talking to him, low and quiet, attempting to calm him down.

Lou continued to growl and snarl, but eventually, quieted down.  The glazed look drained from his eyes and finally, after nearly twenty minutes, he lay still, panting and gasping for air.

"Michael... what happened?"

Michael collapsed on top of Lou, exhausted from their struggle.  "I don't know..."

"Michael, you're bleeding again... did I do that?"

"No... it's just that cut on my lip, it broke open.  C'mon, can you stand up?"

"Cut on your... I know what happened!"

Michael helped Lou to his feet and put his arm around him.  "What?"

"When we kissed last night... I must have gotten some of your blood into my mouth. I bet there were those nano things in it! And then when I went to sleep, I started to transform. I don't even remember waking up..."

Michael helped Lou out to the living room. He sat Lou down on the couch, then went into the kitchen.  "Lou... are you hungry?"

"How can you think about food at a time like this?"

"Because I'm starving! I'll think better after I get something in me. You will too."

"What are we going to do, Michael? I mean, one of us growing like you did can be accounted for, but both of us?"

"I think it's kind of cool... now I have a big dumb sextoy too!" Michael teased.

Lou crept up behind Michael as he was pulling some food out of the fridge and grabbed his bottom. Twirling around, Michael grinned and pulled him in for a deep kiss as the two laughed and hugged.

Both foxes quieted down suddenly, their senses focused on each other.  Michael’s paws began to explore Lou’s Herculean body. His paws ran over Lou’s huge biceps, the tendons and muscle stretching out his skin.  His pecs felt taut and hard under Michael’s paws, and as he ran his paws over Lou’s perfectly hard abs, he could only wonder at what they had become.

Lou was not still as Michael touched him. He started to lick and nuzzle at Michael’s chest, inhaling the fox’s intoxicating scent deeply. Both foxes stood about ten feet high. Michael was taller by a couple inches, but Lou was just a tad broader across the shoulders. Both sported huge piles of muscle. Their backs flexed and their arms bulged as they caressed and hugged each other tightly.

Both foxes also sported enormous sheaths. They pressed tightly against each other, huge, white furred tubes that traveled at least a foot and a half up their groins. Their testicles hung low and heavy, nearly the size of cantaloupes.  The huge, furry white globes swelled with cum as the foxes’ sheaths swelled, their erections filling them up quickly.

Michael’s paws quickly found Lou’s erection and he stroked it slow and hard, eliciting several low moans from his mate. Lou hugged Michael to him fiercely and pulled him to the floor, lying on top of him and licking his muzzle with his large broad tongue.  Michael rubbed Lou’s rippling back and ran his paws over his tight bottom, playing with Lou’s thick tail base.

As they hugged and kissed each other, huge cocks rubbing against each other, their growls started to grow louder and louder. Michael noticed a glazed look coming over Lou’s eyes, but his own lust filled thoughts didn’t let him think about it for too long.  As their pheromones filled the air, both foxes slowly lost control, caving in to their mutual sexual desires.

Michael took control then, flipping Lou onto his back and nestling between his legs. His paws held Lou’s and pushed them out, putting them in a spread-eagled position.  His mouth caught Lou’s in a deep kiss, their tongues twisting together. He started to press his huge cock against Lou’s bottom, finding his hole easily.  Without a second thought, Michael forced his thick cock into Lou’s tail hole, eliciting a sharp bark from Lou.  Lou’s cock jumped and spurted pre as his paws clasped Michael’s shoulders, claws digging in roughly.

As Michael’s cock slowly spread open Lou’s tight bottom, their growls escalated and their fangs came out. Pheromones flooded the air, turning on each other even more. Soon, Michael embedded his complete length inside of Lou, a staggeringly huge two and a half feet of throbbing red fox meat.  Growing harsher as he slowly lost control, Michael started to pull out and pound in again, crouched over his mates shaking form, paws on Lou’s biceps.

Lou growled loudly and pushed himself onto Michael’s cock as they continued their furious, animalistic fucking. Michael couldn’t contain himself as he started to slide in and out of Lou’s tail hole faster and faster, pre and cum lubricating the way.  His mouth closed around Lou’s throat as he claimed dominance over his mate, jaws squeezing lightly. Lou acknowledged by leaning his head further back, exposing himself to Michael completely.

Michael lifted his head and let out a long, low moan, his cock pistoning into Lou’s body. As Lou’s growls intensified, Michael let loose and started to cum into his mate’s shuddering, twisting body. Michael pulled out and kneeled over Lou’s knees, spraying his cum all over Lou.  His flood soaked his mate’s fur.  His paws held his cock to Lou’s and he started to cockfuck him, sending Lou into a world of pleasure as he gave him the release he desperately needed. Lou’s paws latched onto Michael’s back and pierced skin, but Michael didn’t even notice. Michael’s flow of cum started to die down just as Lou began to orgasm, his throbbing cock shooting out huge loads of cum as his balls swelled and jiggled, cum mixing with Michael’s.

After several minutes of heavy cumming, Lou started to slow down.  Both foxes panted heavily.  Their erections went soft and lay heavily between them, cum sliding off their bodies and pooling on the floor.

“Lou… what happened? Oh wow, that was intense… are you ok?”
Lou just moaned lightly, a light smile on his face.

“You know, Michael… I think I’m gonna like staying this way with you…”

They both laughed and pulled each other close, kissing passionately.  After a few minutes, they stood up and wobbled lightly. Their cocks hung far out of their sheaths, still dripping cum.

“We better clean up, babe,” Michael said, and started to lead Lou into the bedroom bathroom.

Lou nodded and followed, still grinning. He pinched Michael’s butt as they walked and laughed.  “You sure know how to turn my crank!”

“I really couldn’t help myself… it was like that first time… I’m glad I didn’t go too far.”

Lou grinned again, then stopped. “Lou… I remember that I scratched your back pretty badly, but there’s nothing there…”

Michael nodded. “I remember that… it felt almost good at the time, but I should have some damage. It was worth it though!”

Lou ran a paw over Michael’s back. “There’s nothing… not a scratch.”

Michael turned around and held his arm up. With his other paw, he took a claw and scraped it down his arm. Lou and Michael both flinched, but as they watched, the self-inflicted wound started to heal.

“Wow… now that is something worth having, eh, Michael?”

“Damn, Lou! Those things in us are turning us into superheroes or something!”

“Or at least sexgods.” Lou paused and snapped his fingers. “That self-healing stuff must be why you could use your tool on me so easily!”

“Hey, this may not be so bad at all then! C’mon, we need to get cleaned up, then we can eat and call the doctor.”

They showered and dried each other off. They emerged smelling fresh and clean, using a couple blankets to cover themselves since none of their clothing would fit.

They went back into the kitchen and Michael sheepishly wiped up the floor with some paper towels as Lou grabbed some food from the fridge and started to prepare it. After Michael finished, he moved up behind and Lou and hugged him, pressing himself against Lou’s bottom and back, paws rubbing Lou’s tight pecs.

“You sexy beast…”

Lou grinned and held Michael’s paws to him with one of his own while his other stirred a bowl of ingredients on the counter.

“Luv ya, babe…”

With a crash, their front door banged open and shouts filled the air. Dozens of heavily armored and heavily armed military police flooded into the room, training dozens of guns onto the two foxes in the kitchen.

"Watch out," Michael shouted, pushing Lou behind him and going into a fighting crouch. His growls filled the air as the police yelled at them both to get on the floor.  Before Michael could move again, there was a hiss and a thunk. His eyes rolled up into the back of his head and he slumped to the floor, a large dart sticking out of his right shoulder. Lou leaped at the policeman, fangs bared and claws out before a second hiss and another thunk. He hit the floor hard and skidded, slamming into the wall of police and knocking them down.



* * *

Michael awoke slowly. He groaned and shifted about, unable to get comfortable. With a start, he realized why. He was sitting in a chair and held in place by thick metal restraints around his chest, waist, biceps, wrists, thighs, and ankles. He could hardly move at all, and couldn’t see a thing.  He didn’t know if it was dark or if he was blind.

His whole body felt like it was asleep, half numb.  Licking his lips, he shook his head and tried to clear the fogginess from his brain. He could remember Lou, a changed Lou, changed like he was, and then they were hugging, and then…

The dark room faded into brightness, slow enough for Michael’s eyes to adjust without pain. A tall raccoon stepped forward and smiled ruefully at him.  He was dressed in a dark suit and a red tie. A large tranquilizer gun hung low off of his waist, half hidden beneath his suit jacket.

“I’m sorry about before, but the tranquilizers were necessary.  We can’t afford to take any chances with you.”

“Where… is… Lou.”

The raccoon winced at the threatening tone of the fox’s voice.  “He’s safe, don’t worry. Still unconscious, but in about the same shape as you.  Please, before you say anything, let me explain.

You and Lou are in a secret government facility deep underground.  The doctors who gave you the injection that transformed you were hired by the government a long time ago to research and develop the nanobots. They were supposed to turn ordinary soldiers into super soldiers. I know this all sounds ridiculous, like it’s all out of some comic book, but its what happened, and the doctors succeeded, to a certain degree.  The nanobots transformed the test subjects into creatures much like you. Unfortunately, they were feral and crazed, much too unstable for the army to use. They had to be terminated, unfortunately.”


“They were crazy. One of the five we tested the bots on killed over twenty of our personnel.  The testosterone levels made them… Anyways, that’s why the scientists went above ground to work on the bots, working at the clinic as a cover. Somehow they injected you with nanobots. What we don’t understand is how Lou was infected.”
            “Well… we were… uh… kissing, and I… my lip was bleeding… and…”

The raccoon gave him a long look, then shivered and looked away, disgusted. “He ingested some of your blood. Shit… those bots are programmed to replicate to a certain point and automatically heal themselves.  Once active, they’re nearly impossible to remove. You must’ve been able to control the sexual impulses by…damn, I don’t even want to think about that.”

Michael strained at the metal around him. “Get me out of this chair! Where’s Lou? Where is he?”

“Unfortunately, I can’t do that. You see, we can’t let anyone know about you and Lou. You two will both be terminated, just like the others.  I’m sorry, but I have no choice.”

The raccoon turned around and started to walk towards the door at the far end of the empty white room. Except for a metallic one-way mirror on one side of the room, the door was the only other fixture in the room.

The raccoon stopped as a low, angry growl filled the room.  He turned around to see Michael glaring at him, teeth bared. The sight frightened the raccoon. The fox’s bulging body seemed to grow bigger as he grew more and more angry, teeth pulled back.  The raccoon could swear he saw the fox’s eyes glowing. His growls grew louder and filled the room as the raccoon backpedaled out of the door and shut it heavily behind him.

The lights went out suddenly and a hissing filled the room.  Michael’s nostrils flared as he detected a poisonous gas filling the room. Straining his new body to the limits, Michael heaved and grunted in the chair, fighting for his life. The creaks and moans of the chair filled the room. The people behind the window shivered as they stared into the dark room, listening to the eerie sounds over the microphones in the room. The gas would kill him in less than thirty seconds, and then they could start on the second one. The raccoon entered and, visibly shaken, took a chair near the door, head in his hands. He looked up, startled, as the sound of breaking metal rang through their room.

The window shattered moments later as a huge paw slammed through it like it was nothing. Then Michael leapt into the room. With a snarl, he swiped at two of the nearby technicians, a large wolf and a leopard.  Both dropped without a sound, unconscious. The raccoon tried to open the door, but found himself staring at the huge fox.  He reached to his waist for his sidearm, but as he pulled it out, Michael lifted him up into the air easily with one paw and shook him. The raccoon dropped the gun and it skidded across the floor.

“Where is Lou, you bastard?”

“Out the door and… two rooms down!” the raccoon managed to gasp.

Without a word, Michael threw the raccoon against the far wall.  He crumpled to the floor, a slight whimper escaping his muzzle. Michael left the room quickly and sped down the hallway. The only person left standing in the room, a small hare, quickly turned on the vacuums to suck away the cyanide gas from the chamber, then radioed to his superiors that trouble was loose in the complex.  Big trouble.