Loss of Innocence

By Danath and Thaine



The tiger slowly pushed the door to hir home open, and stepped inside.  Behind hir, a black furred male wolf entered.  Even in the dark, both of them could see the details of the room. The tiger quickly looked around for anything that might prove to be an embarrassment.  After being satisfied with hir housekeeping, shi flicked on a light and turned to the wolf.

"You'll have to excuse the cleanliness, but I do have a tendency to clean every now and then."

The male wolf chuckled in his throat and smiled at the herm tiger.

"Would you like something to drink?"

"Sure, I'd love something. Mind if I sit down?"

Without waiting for a definite answer, he sat on one end of the long couch. Adara removed hir coat and laid it across the back of a nearby rocking chair, then strolled into an adjoining room. As shi reached into the fridge, shi thought about hir guest.

He had appeared out of nowhere, it seemed. Shi was just going through hir email when shi found a message from him off one of hir many email groups. He seemed rather silly and childish from that post, though a follow-up clarified many of the discrepancies shi saw in him. It only took one click on the "Reply" button to send him a message. Soon, they were trading correspondence, then chatting, then trading pictures.  Finally, after a while, they decided to meet, having discovered they only lived scant hours away from each other.  Shi agreed to meet him on the pretext of wanting to talk to him about the same things they talked about in the email groups, but secretly, shi was hoping for more.

When shi saw him at the booth in the restaurant, shi couldn't help but smile. The pictures he sent hadn't done him justice, he was sexier in person than shi imagined.  Full of power, well built, and that dark trench coat he wore just added to his mysterious appearance in the restaurant, although he claimed there was nothing enigmatic about him.  Besides that, he was great at conversation and appeared very smart. Shi sighed as these thoughts ran through hir head. Shi never expected him to stay for more than an hour before he made the long journey back to his own town. Grabbing the bottles shi was looking for, shi left the kitchen and went back into the living room.

Gabriel removed his trench coat and folded it neatly over his lap.

For some reason, hir name stuck in his head. Adara. It was beautiful to him, and there were no words that could explain that feeling. The desire to meet the owner of that name overwhelmed him to the point he could no longer resist. He was actually quite embarrassed about how they had met through private email. He had made a very foolish mistake that he feared ruined hir image of him. After simply explaining his mistake, he found how understanding shi was. Soon they were chatting with each other constantly. The picture shi sent of hirself was a perfect likeness, but he still felt that no photo could ever hope to capture hir true beauty. His first glance of hir when shi entered the restaurant burned into the back of his mind, a permanent memory for the rest of eternity.  He could still see hir when he closed his eyes, and every time, it made him smile. It surprised him to learn that they lived so close to each other.  It pained him to think what his life would have been like if he never had the opportunity to meet hir.

He broke off his thoughts as he realized that his host was coming back into the room, drinks in paw. The demon-tiger came over and sat close to him, hir scent tantalizing his nose.  He smelled that exciting perfume in the restaurant and now, this close to hir in such confined quarters, the scent grew even stronger. To him, it was heavy and intoxicating, an aphrodisiac.  His nostrils flared, taking in more of the unseen agent, growing more excited with every whiff.

Adara looked at the heavy, black coat covering the wolf's legs, and noticed something shiny poking out of one of the front pockets.  Shi reached in and pulled out a pair of steel handcuffs.

"You're not gonna arrest me, Mr. Officer?"

Gabriel just grinned at hir and blushed under his black fur.

"Remember, I told you I have a bondage fetish in the restaurant..."

He laughed nervously.

"Why did I say that!" he thought to himself.  "Shi doesn't want to know about that kind of thing!"

They sat for a few moments, an awkward silence growing, before he turned to Adara. As he was opening his mouth to say something, shi leaned forward and kissed him.  He started in surprise, eyes going wide, then grinned and kissed back. They moved close together and kept kissing and nuzzling each other.  Adara was the first to speak.

"Gabriel... how far do you want to take this... it is our first date, after all."

He just smiled and pushed the handcuffs into hir paws. Shi kissed him for a moment longer and then pulled away, making a sound of protest in the back of hir throat.

"What?' he asked, puzzled.

"You just want to get me to be part of your fetish, admit it!"

She giggled and took the stainless steel rings away from him, then scuttled to the far end of the couch. Gabriel laughed out loud at hir reaction.

"And just what is so funny?" shi asked, huffing and puffing out hir large chest.

The black wolf just shook his head in amusement.

"Silly tiger, the handcuffs are for me, not you..."

He laughed again and puts his arms out forward in a sign of submission. Adara reacted hesitantly, but latched the cuffs securely around his wrists.  Gabriel purred in the back of his throat, showing his approval.

The tiger giggled and pulled him towards hir, holding him on top of hir as shi lay back on the couch. Their muzzles met in a lewd kiss and hir paws traveled down his sides.  He put his arms over hir head growled passionately as shi explored his body, pushing against his clothes. As one paw slipped beneath his belt and pants, heading for his bottom, he grinned at hir and winked.

"Now, now... behave or I WILL put the handcuffs on you!"

Adara pondered for a second, then grinned and undid the handcuffs.


The expression on his face said it all.

"Geez, I was just kidding... now put the damn cuffs back on me, and tie me to the bedpost already!"

He grinned at hir and placed his wrists at hir disposal.  Shi grinned back, a little sinisterly, and replaced the steel rings, purring loudly at him.

            Leading the wolf through the apartment, Adara took hir willing captive to the bedroom. She roughly threw him on the bed on his back and tied his wrists to the solid, wooden bars, ignoring his startled cries. After making sure he wasn't going anywhere, shi started undoing the buttons on his shirt. Forgetting about the sleeves, and that they don't travel well over the handcuffs, Adara growled lightly in frustration. Shi brought hir paws up to waist level, slightly out from hir body, and flicked hir claws out. Grinning at Gabriel, shi quickly and efficiently cut his shirt into six or seven pieces.

Gabriel gasped as the claws come very close to his pelt. He could feel them running through the fur on his arms, chest, and sides. Adara flashed a toothy smirk and tapped him on the nose with a sharp claw. He winced, but didn't protest.

Slowly, shi traced a paw down his flat abdomen, coming to rest on his belt buckle. With some skill, she undid it in seconds and pulled it out of the loops, then grinned at him and folded it in half, holding it by the buckle.

Gabriel smiled back at hir nervously and asked, "Ummm, on our first date?"

            Adara laughed and tossed it to the floor.

            "You're right. Better wait till the second for that!"

They both laughed then. Adara leaned over and kissed him again, pushing hir tongue into his mouth to rub against his. Shi was still grinning as shi stood up. Then, painfully slowly, the tiger undid the button and pulled the zipper down. Shi placed a single kiss on his tummy, above his belly button. He squirmed under her touch, but couldn't move his arms much. Shi giggled and lay on top of him, covering his face in tiny nibbles and kisses as he laughed.

            Backing off him again, shi grinned and pulled his blue jeans off his furred legs.

            "Uh... Gabe?"

            Shi stared at the odd boxer shorts he wore, then shot him an inquisitive look and pointed. Gabriel breaks out laughing and shook his head.

            "Don't ask, it's really complicated, just don't ask."

            Adara shrugs and pulls them off, tossing them on the pile with the rest of his wardrobe, then quickly ties his legs down to the bedposts.

            The male wolf blushed at being exposed and completely helpless, but it was a major turn on for him. His large cock began to swell within its sheath.

            "Just be careful, hon, and don't hurt the tail," he giggled nervously as shi strapped him in.

            They both giggled as the herm tiger stroked his soft belly fur and purred lustily.

            "Just do me a favor, hon... don't leave me tied up all night. It sucks when they forget about ya..."

            Adara laughed and nuzzled Gabriel's neck.

            "You're fun!" shi exclaimed.

            Gabriel smiled, then leaned his head forward and whispered into Adara's ear, "How far are you willing to go tonight?"

            Adara grinned demonically and answered, "How far do you want to take it?"

            The black wolf smiled back, his eyes giving hir every answer shi needed. Shi nuzzled the wolf again.

            "I'm flattered!"

            Gabriel smiled, and then acted very serious.

            "Don't be," he says to hir. "I'm no great honor."

            Adara leaned over, hir mouth an inch or two from his, and murmured beneath hir breath, "No... I don't believe that... and I don't think you do either."

            "I don't know..."

            "Just trust me on this one... you're a good guy."

            Again, he raised his muzzle to join with hir's, and his tongue snaked into hir mouth. The tiger broke away and pushed the wolf's shoulder's back down against the mattress.

            "Just remember," shi winked at him.  "I get to be tied up next time!" 

            Gabriel smiled back and said, "Sure thing, I'm always glad to return the favor!" He grinned and nuzzled hir neck fur once again. "Now, are you gonna give us a yiff, or just leave me tied up all night?''

            Shi hemmed and hawed playfully for a bit before rolling off of him and walking away. With hir back to him, he couldn't see the evil grin that has crept onto hir face.  His jaw dropped about ten inches as he watched the tiger walk away.

            "Oh, no!" he moaned. "Not again!"

            The tiger went all the way to the door before turning around, laughing, and jumped on the wolf and straddled his abdomen.

            "Got you!" Adara shouted and tickled the wolf.  "Really didn't think I would leave you here, did you?" Shi smiled and licked his muzzle.

            Gabriel laughs. "Yeah, I must say, you did. You got me pretty good." He shook head  "You are a VERY naughty kitty." He raised his muzzle and gave hir a quick peck on the cheek.

            Adara leaned over and nuzzled his nose with hir's.  "Hehe... that's right!" she whispers in his ear before giving it a lick. The tiger giggled, and then ran hir paws up his sides and his arms, all the way up to his wrists.

            "Now what are you planning on doin', you naughty kitty?" he asked, before trying to wrap his legs around hir waist.  The straps prevented him from getting them all the way around hir, but he still managed a nice grip.

            Adara looked at him in puzzlement.

            "Always be sure your prisoner is secure... you wouldn't wanting him escaping now, would you?" He gave hir a sly wink. "And this prisoner wouldn't like that very much, either!"

            They both laughed as Adara tightened the latches on Gabriel's ankles, making sure his mobility was minimized.

            The herm tiger looked at hir captive adoringly, and then gave him a sly, demonic grin. "I'm hungry, and you look so damn tasty!" Shi leaps atop him and starts chewing on his ears, neck and nipples.  "Mmmm, you ARE delicious!  I hope there is enough to satisfy my appetite..." and shi resumes raking hir claws over his exposed body and nibbling on any loose flesh shi can get a hold of, teasing him, but with just a touch of seriousness in hir claws.

            Gabriel let a low growl escape his throat.  "Just don't bite too hard.  Remember, next time you get to be tied up and payback is a bitch," he said with an evil grin that Adara didn't even notice, being too busy nibbling the soft wolf fur before hir.

            Adara grinned up at the wolf and tickled him fiercely, laughing.

            "When do you want the hot wax, eh?"

            Through hysterical laughter, Gabriel begged hir.  "Please... please, I can't... I can't take the tickling..."

            Adara giggled, but didn't show any signs of letting go.  Gabriel clicked his teeth at hir and growled, "I DO bite, you know?"

            Shi released hir torment, and smiled at the wolf.

            "Bite this!" shi said, and leaned in for a kiss.  Gabriel yelped in surprise as he felt hir teeth tear into his lip. The coppery taste of his own blood sent him into a near panic.


            Adara kissed him again, forcing hir tongue into his mouth, tasting him. Thaine realized that shi meant for this to be a very intimate moment for and nipped back at hir lip, drawing a few drops of blood. Adara purred when shi felt him do that and squeezes him tightly with hir paws.  He moaned lightly as he opened his muzzle, allowing hir tongue to enter his mouth. He groaned into the kiss as he felt hir moist tongue rub the inside of his muzzle. He tasted hir warm saliva; its sweet and heavy texture, even more intoxicating than hir scent.  Adara groaned and started rubbing hirself on him, breasts and cock alike. Shi loved how he tasted and forced hir tongue against his, sometimes nearly pushing it down his throat.

            Adara rubbed his chest and nestled down between Gabriel's legs, stroking hir large sheath along his. He groaned at hir touch, soaking up the body heat of the tiger.  He felt embarrassed at how much smaller his sheath felt than hir's.

            "I-I feel so small compared to you," he stuttered.

            "Ok, listen up, toots. I don't care how big or small you are... I just like cock!"

            The wolf smiled at hir words of encouragement and pressed as close to Adara as possible. Shi ground hir hips into his and rumbled loudly.

            The black wolf growled and craned his neck backwards, exposing his jugular in a sign of submission. Adara growled and took his neck in hir jaws, squeezing gently and flicking hir tongue over his jugular. Gabriel panted and whined softly as shi squeezed tighter, thrilling him with feelings danger and excitement. His cock, heavy and hot with blood, broke free from its sheath and lay between their bodies. He moaned softly and whispered slight signs of joy, not wanting hir to stop. Adara purred as hir cock rubbed heavily against the wolf's.

            He moaned and breathed heavily into hir ear, "I need you...I want you..."

            The tiger pressed hir cock against his tail hole, not pushing in just yet. Hir jaws loosened slightly around his neck.

            Gabriel panted heavily, feeling hir organ against his puckering hole. "Ooohhhhhh, please, don't stop... don't let this moment end... I just want to stay here with you forever."

            Adara groaned and pressed into his tail hole... shi popped hir head into his tight bottom and clenched hir jaws tighter, pricking his skin lightly with hir teeth.

            The male wolf winced at the sudden pain in his bottom and neck, then groaned at the waves of pleasure that followed.

            "Please, love, be gentle," he gasped at hir tight grip on his neck.

            Adara slowly pressed in, holding back as shi shuddered and pulled away from his neck. Shi kissed him again, eagerly. Whispers of nothing but joy flooded from their lips. The wolf attempted to thrust back at hir, but couldn't because of the bonds. Adara groaned and pressed deeper, nearly halfway hilted in him already.

            Jolts of pain and pleasure traveled up Gabriel's spine.  He nibbled on hir neck, matting the fur down with his saliva. Shi moaned luxuriously and kept pressing in, copious amounts of pre lubricating his passage. The wolf arched his spine, pressing both his chest and his belly into his lover, lifting both of them off the sweat stained mattress.

            Adara groaned and hilted in him hard then, balls slapping against his soft bottom. Shi passionately kissed him, tongue immediately diving into his moaning mouth.  Hir muzzle silenced the moan of passion and pleasure. Gabriel pressed his tongue against hir's and pushes back into her as much as possible.  Adara groaned and started to pull out of the squirming wolf impaled on hir large, thick cock that spread his tail hole wide.

            Gabriel moaned at the sensation. "So big...too big..." A sudden feeling of emptiness overcame him, after having the large piece of tiger meat withdrawn from him.  Adara grinned and pressed hir tip against his pucker again. The wolf sighed and moaned at the sensation of being filled again.

            After stretching him to fit hir, she slid in and out, the movement easier with time. "So tight... and warm..."

            Gabriel's voice broke through hir haze. "You know... ooh... this is my... first time with a cock inside of me?"

            Adara stopped and looked at him in surprise.  He blushed and grinned widely.


            Hir eyes are questioning, yet compassionate.  It's hard to believe, shi thinks to hirself.  He is so attractive that shi's sure he had done something like this before.

            The wolf hung his head away from his lover.  "Yes...it is. This is the first time with anything male, even if you are a herm..."

            The tiger raised an eyebrow. Shi purred and nuzzled his chin, using a paw to bring his face in line with hir's. Hir eyes said all that he hoped they would, and his eyes told hir just as much. Shi kissed him again, slow and passionately.

            "How are you enjoying it so far?"

            The restrained wolf stretched his neck backwards and howled in joy. Shi grinned and started to press in again, slowly grinding into him.

            "I'm glad you're... ooh... enjoying it, because I sure am!"

            Gabriel moaned and winced. Adara stopped and nuzzled him. "You're sure it's alright? It's not hurting too badly?"

            His precum oozed out between their bodies, making their fur slick. He looked into hir eyes.

"I am positive, the only thing I want right now... is you."

Adara groaned again as hir cock jerked inside of him, spilling pre his passage.

            "Thank you... ooh..."

            He stretched his neck and licked hir face, urging hir on.

            "And thank you for this... I love you," he said between moans.

            The tiger groaned and started sliding out, hir pace beginning to increase. Gabe's muscles started tensing, the sensations such a turn on that his own member began to throb. His arms and legs pulled at his bonds, the inability to grasp his lover or hold hir back thrilling him. His sphincter spasmed around hir cock, coaxing her to orgasm. Adara lifted hirself off hir lover a little, holding hirself up by one paw, and used hir other to grab his erection, slowly stroking him as shi groaned anew, moving faster.

            Gabriel groaned as his cock spasmed in hir hand, nearing climax. The new sensations to him felt incredible. Hir paw teased and manipulated his cock in all the right ways, making him groan especially loud. Above him, Adara panted and hung hir head on his shoulder as shi humped into him, hilting on each thrust. Hir movements became more erratic as shi neared hir climax, though shi tried to be gentle.

            The wolf panted hard himself. Through the moans of pleasure and pain he gasped, "Ohhh… thank, you so much... for this..." He began to thrust his own hips into hir paw as shi stroked him. The pressure became too great, hir lust too strong... shi let out a holler and pulled out hir cock, spraying cum over his stomach and chest, still stroking Gabe's own cock hard and fast.

            The taste of a few dribbles of salty-sweet cum that splattered on his muzzle awakened him from his pleasure trance.  He let out a howl of joy as his own cum sprayed into the mess already made, mixing with hir own juices and coating her paw.  Adara groaned and collapsed on top of hir lover, panting heavily as hir cum pooled with his on the floor and mixed between their chests, still dribbling out of their cocks.

            Gabriel sagged into the bed, pressed into it from above by his lover.

            "Thank you. So very much..." he said, kissing hir one more time.

            The large cat quickly undid the bonds on his feet and wrists, though shi left the handcuffs on him. The male wolf tried to stand, but exertion caused him to stumble.  Adara caught him and pulled his limp form back to the bed, resting him between hir legs. Shi pulled him back against hir chest and nuzzled his ears.

            The weakened wolf leaned into his lover's lap, enjoying being so close. The dull throbbing of his tail hole is the only thing keeping him from drifting off to sleep.  Adara purred and slowly massaged his shoulders.

            "You're sweet..." shi said, breaking the lingering silence.

            "And you are much more than that..." Gabriel turned his head and licked the sweaty fur on hir matted brow.

            Shi pulled him close to hir and nibbled the loose fur on his neck.

            "Thank you, Adara. You do not know how much this time means to me..."

            "You're welcome! I enjoyed it," shi exclaimed and nuzzled him once more.

            The black wolf stared into the tiger's eyes, the last thing he saw before drifting off to sleep, still wrapped in hir warm embrace.  Adara purred, holding hir partner close to hir bosom. Shi gently removed the handcuffs and lay back, pulling the sleeping figure on top of hir before closing hir eyes and preparing to sleep hirself.

            "Sweet dreams, lover..."



All pages and material located here are © 2002 Danath unless other noted.  "Loss of Innocence" is © 2002 Danath and Thaine.