By Zirien and Danath


Chapter 1


Hacking and slashing his way through the brush of this dense African jungle, a young lion with machete in paw cursed and swore at his run of bad luck. He had been hiking in circles for three days now, seeking an elusive site that went undisturbed for many centuries. The culmination of months of research, translations, artifact examinations... and now the Temple eluded him simply because of a lack of navigational skills!

The lion cursed again, snarling as he cut deeper into the underbrush. As he reached the same tree for the fourth time in as many days, he growled again. Thudding his machete into the tree, he sat down and slumped against it. Relaxing in the gentle sun that made its way through the thick tree cover, he examined his foot paws. His shoes, though a good pair, were quickly wearing thin. Groaning, he slid them back on and grabbed his canteen out of his pack. Taking a swig, he looked around the now familiar campsite. Stretching out and lying down, he sunned himself and napped, resting before struggling onwards.

The lion was not a light sleeper. He slept soundly, not even being woken by the loud crack of thunder. Only when the rain hit did he wake up. Groggily grabbing his gear, he looked around wildly for a place to weather out the storm. Through the darkening light, he noticed a strange glow coming from a cavern nearby that he had thought of using for a campsite earlier, but dismissed the possibility, as it would likely cave in, considering his luck. Running for the cave, he entered just as the rain really began to pour.

Shaking himself off, he surveyed his surroundings. The glow came from the walls itself. On closer examination, he realized they were limestone walls with heavy amounts of phosphorous embedded in it. He quickly started a small fire by the entrance to the cavern and dried himself and his gear, then wandered to the back of the cavern. He was surprised to find that it was much deeper than he thought.

Wandering down farther, the lion noticed that it was also getting darker. The phosphorous this deep in couldn’t receive enough light from outside to ‘charge up’, as it were. And so, he retreated back to his new campsite and the warmth of the fire to weather out the storm. But not before noticing some of the larger shadows in the depths of the cave, and what he could swear looked like writing and carved blocks deeper in. Could it be? Nah. In any case, he’ll find out tomorrow.


* * *


“Come closer...” Groaning, the lion turned over and mumbled. “Come closer...”

Bolting upright, the lion stared towards the deep end of the cave. Nothing.

Looking around wildly, he tried to determine the source of the noise. He saw nothing. Sunlight streamed in the opening of the cave and birds sang their birdie songs. Shaking his head, he nervously got up and busied himself in his packing and cleaning. Scattering the ashes of last night’s fire outside, he was about to step out of the cave, ready for another day’s hiking, when he heard a noise from the cave. Turning quickly, the lion shouted out, half in fear, half in surprise. “Who’s there!” Nothing. “Show yourself!” Still nothing.

Deciding to investigate, he went out of the cave, grabbed some branches, leaves, and tinder. Using some twine, he made a few torches that would last for about half an hour each. Lighting the first of about a dozen, he pulled a machete from his belt and gingerly stepped towards the back of the cave. The cave was barren, whitewashed walls near the opening bleached from untold ages of wind and weathering. Those gave way to wet, mossy irregular walls deeper in. So far, no sign of the mysterious voice could be discerned, and the lion began wondering if he had dreamed the whole thing.

Still, the cave progressed onward and so did he. Disregarding the feelings of ominous dread that began to wash over him, the explorer started to notice regularities in the moss-covered walls. Small, fractured pieces of artifacts also littered the ground giving him pause. By this time, of course, the lion had lit his second torch. It was now beginning to get low as well. He knelt down and picked up what appeared to be a piece of pottery or masonry. Part of a character he recognized was copied on the stone. He spoke the word out loud: “Kalbnya”. It meant a huge object, or literally, “growth of sky”. Shaking his head, he picked up other pieces and deposited them in his knapsack. They seemed to be part of a tablet. Walking onwards, the lion noticed more and more shards and fragments of broken artifacts littering the ground. Too many too pick up, he gingerly stepped around them. The walls were also becoming more interesting. He could make out faint colors and light engravings in areas.

He came up to a fork in the tunnel. Piling stones in an arrow towards the entrance of the cave, he flipped a coin. “Heads! Right it is!” He lit another torch and walked onwards. The floor was getting cleaner. Looking carefully, he realized that the pieces were in larger fragments. Some were nearly complete. He picked one up and examined it.

A large bowl with a circle of words on the outside rim that spelled out a miniature story. He took out a piece of tracing paper and began to transfer the engraving to it when a gust of sweet smelling wind hit him from deeper in the cave. Sniffing, he advanced a few more feet and sniffed again. A smell almost like mint mixed with strawberries hit him.

It was very unusual. Putting away his paper, he walked down the cave, torch held high against the darkness. Peering farther down the tunnel, the lion found that it parted and opened up into a large chamber. The far wall was shrouded in darkness from the light of his torch. In fact, having stepped fully into the chamber, the lion found that the light could not reach the far wall or those on either side of him. That in itself was impressive enough, but upon closer examination of the walls flanking the entrance and the ground below, the lion discovered that they were smooth. Far too smooth to be natural. In fact, the whole thing was composed of large, flat tiles, painted with many colors and patterns, long since faded with age. Astounded, the lion again looked around the chamber.

Someone had BUILT this place? The walls were composed of huge stones, nearly the size of those used in many ancient megalithic works, but refined and machined to a precision only found in the last wonder of the ancient world. The archaeological find of the decade, and all because he had some strange dream! Grinning broadly, the lion looked more closely at his surroundings. There were no more fragments to be found, but then, the room was so big that he could scarcely make out some darker shadows deeper inside. He carefully lit another torch and set the old one near the entrance to the cavern, still lit. He started walking around the cavern, staying close to the wall. Small holders were built in, and when he brought the torch near one of them, they burst into flame.

Startled, the lion fell backwards and dropped his torch. “Ok... calm down... just some oil lamps...”

The nervous lion picked up his torch and approached the flame. It appeared to be lit by a small pool of oil being fed into it. Shaking his head, the lion re-lit his torch and walked on. He lit all the holders he could find, about one every ten feet or so. The huge chamber really was incredible. After about four hours, the lion finally made it back to the entrance, though he had taken his time. There were no other openings.

The flames from the oil lights flickered and flamed, illuminating the cavern somewhat. The center was still obscured in darkness, however, though large pillars could be seen near it, presumably with more oil lights. The lion sat down and took off a boot. He took a small break and emptied it of sand on the dusty floor. Finishing the other boot, he took out a pad of paper and wrote on it, describing everything he saw in the cavern and some ideas on how it got there.

Swigging some water from a canteen, he stood up and strode towards the center. “Come... closer... and begin...” The lion stopped dead. The sound seemed to emanate from all around him. “Who’s there! I’m not playing, show yourself!” He pulled a revolver from his jacket and held it unsteadily before him. Advancing towards the center, he reached the nearest pillar and shakily lit the waiting oil lamps. Blinking, the lion realized that these were actually carvings. Statues. A ring of ornately carved, detailed, nine foot tall stone penises.

Arranged in a ring around a massive central pillar, the huge phalluses speared upward, curving inward a little, with their huge sets of finely detailed testicles pointing outward.

Storing this information for later thought, the lion returned to his problem at hand. After lighting the lamps on the first phallus, he peered around his immediate vicinity, looking for the voice. Someone WAS here... and they must be hiding behind one of these sculptures. “Show yourself!” The lion proclaimed again, a little more harshness to his voice as the pistol in his paw gave him more of a sense of power on the situation. “I’m warning you! I’m armed!” The lion stepped into the ring of statues, pressed his back against the inside of one, and waited for a moment while watching for any movement. He was about to call out again when the ground started shaking.

He fell awkwardly, from the ground shaking and his shock at the sudden ground movement. His head hit the stone phallus and blackness befell him.


* * *


He moaned as he woke up. Rubbing his head, he sat up slowly. He had fallen on his gun and it was jabbing him in his side. He couldn’t tell how long he was out. As he looked around, he noticed something strange. The stone phalluses had all grown taller. They arced overhead thirty or forty feet, the curve in them followed so that the tips formed a circle above him. The testicles had grown as well, forming a smooth, unclimbable wall twice his height. The oil lamps on the outside hadn’t gone out yet, so there was a little light, but not much. He picked up his torch and blew gently on it. A few embers had survived, and he skillfully sparked them into life. He lit another torch and stuck it in the ground. Checking himself once more for injuries, the cat started to look for a way out.

As he walked around the edge, looking for cracks he could get a finger hold in, he noticed a smooth, flat, round table in the middle of the prison (as he thought of it). It was black and looked slightly like marble. Something was odd about it though. As he walked forward to investigate it, he slipped on the sand and fell. He fell towards the table. His paws landed first, cushioning his blow. As soon as he touched it, a fierce wind whistled overhead. Eddies swirled around him, playing with his mane. He tried to stand up, but the wind scooped in and blasted him. Sand flew everywhere. Caught off guard, the lion dropped his side arm, the heavy, metal weapon clanking to the ground beneath the table.

Cursing at the sand in his eyes, the lion curled up upon the table, trying to discern what was causing the sudden gust of wind. It didn’t feel natural. More than a little panicked and frightened, he kept his eyes tightly shut against the onslaught as the winds whipped around his body and the central pillar, as though it were some pivot or axis. He could barely hear anything but the loud whistling in his ears.

“Good... Good.... receive my gifts.” The lion startled, certain that he could hear that phrase whispered over the howling din of the winds. He tried cracking an eye open to see what was there, but was rewarded simply with more sand in his eyes.

“You shall receive the greatest of my gifts for it has been so long, and I am so very tired...” Still cowering upon the dais, the powerful feline began to shiver a little. Oddly enough, a strong sensation, similar to heat and warmth, filled his body. He shivered more strongly despite the odd, and ever comforting, sensation. It grew stronger, filling him head to toe, the lion now beginning to relax fractionally while another, familiar but unexpected sensation began deep within his loins. Arousal.

Suddenly horny beyond anything he could remember feeling, the lion lay motionless, panting a little, as his large nine and-a-half inch erection strained valiantly at his khaki shorts, acting like a magnet and drawing all the odd, tingling warmth from every cubic inch of his body and focusing it within his groin.

In addition to warmth, his erection was also drawing in the wind and sand! He was blasted onto his back as the wind seemed to make straight for his shorts.

He didn’t need to worry about sand in his eyes or ears anymore as the wind shaped itself into a tight funnel that swirled over him and around his erection, down to the table beneath him. Something was shaping it, he thought to himself, but couldn’t get much farther than that as the first grains of sand were pushed beneath his khakis. Instead of feeling gritty or painful, he only felt more and more aroused.

His erection painfully tented his khakis. He tried to reach down and unzip them, but he couldn’t get his hands close enough because of the funnel. More sand was forced into his shorts and he still felt more and more aroused. His erection was awful. “It feels even more squished into the shorts,” he thought, oddly unconcerned. “I’ve never felt that before... am I getting bigger?”

As if in answer, another burst from the funnel cloud sent even more sand into his shorts. He felt then the change happening as his balls jumped to about the size of his fists. They pushed against the khakis, causing even more stress on the fabric. His erection grew even larger, and he could tell, visually as well as physically. The head strained painfully against the khakis, but he still could not take them off. The sand went in and somehow added itself to his genitals, causing them to grow and grow and grow... The warm tingly feeling continued to expand itself over him, like his entire body was orgasming continuously.

He moaned as a wet spot appeared on his shorts. He couldn’t tell whether to scream in fear or enjoy the ride, and ended up just staring at his shorts in wonder, moaning and waiting for the metamorphosis to finish. More and more, the lion couldn’t believe how horny he was. It was too much! Like feeling a thousand climaxes at once, but concentrated all over his entire groin and spilling off into his body! All rational thought was being driven from his mind by the sensations, his shaft straining more and more.

Normally sporting a very impressive 9.5” erection, the lion couldn’t even guess at his size now as it continued to grow and expand, pushing up and out, bigger and bigger! But it was all too much. Unable to withstand the onslaught, the cat passed out.

Waking some time later, he blinked and sat up. The cavern was dark, his torch long since extinguished, and eerily quiet. Remembering what had happened, he quickly placed a paw to his groin only to find his old self down there and his pants in no way damaged. Had he dreamed it all? Frowning, he gathered his torch to relight it and leave.

After a bit of a struggle with the torches, he got one lit and began to make his way out. As he stepped out of the circle, he heard the voice again. The same whispery voice that came out of the whirlwind.

“Enjoy your gift, and help me prosper...”

            He stopped dead again and shouted, “Who are you!”



Chapter 2


The voice faded away into the darkness. He quickly half ran, half stumbled out of the cavern.  He saw the light from the cave and ran towards it full speed. Reaching the entrance, he stopped and fell to his knees, exhausted. Looking up, he saw a strange symbol on the wall of the cave that hadn’t been there before. It looked like a square with a large raindrop in the middle of it and circles all around it. He filed it away in his memory before looking outside again. Everything looked a little different somehow.

Probably just because it’s getting dark, he thought to himself.  I must’ve been in that cave all day long.

Gathering some wood, he returned to his campsite in the jungle and set up a fire. Warming himself against the oncoming night, he began to sort through the jumble of memories and images from the cave. As he remembered the funnel of wind and sand and how it made him feel, he felt the faint twinges of that same power.

He laid on his back on his sleeping bag and thought about that feeling. It was so intense and overwhelming and... pleasurable. He remembered how his cock had grown, and, as he did, he realized he was growing hard. That sensation was echoing in his body again, demanding attention.

He reached down into his khakis and slowly rubbed himself.  Frowning slightly, he unzipped his shorts and wiggled out of them before reaching down to rub himself again. His shorts had felt much too tight. He absently rubbed himself as he thought about what had happened, looking at the stars and feeling the cool wind on his body.

Then he realized that his arm was moving much farther up and down then it should. Looking down at himself, he saw his penis growing. It was crawling up his stomach, big, thick, heavy, and... he looked again.  Flaccid.

The lion blinked and just stared, agape, as his usually large penis grew beyond its normal dimensions. Ten inches came and went, as did eleven, twelve... until his huge, fat cock drew up to a full twelve and-a-half inches, and who knows how many around.  Now fully hardened and throbbing with his need, the cat could barely contain himself as he examined his new sexual attributes.

A large drop of clear musk appeared at the glans, his precum bubbling up in copious quantities. Tentatively, almost afraid to, the lion reached out and gave his thick, bobbing penis a touch, only to be rewarded with a powerful flash of pleasure that traveled up his and down his length and spine. A brief roar escaped his lips as a large gout of his clear, musky pre-seed secretion splattered onto his chest messily. Panting, he looked beyond his shaft to where his massive balls lay and got the second surprise since he left the cavern.

Like two large grapefruits, his testicles sat, straining their sac, so full and heavy that he could swear that they were faintly undulating from the pressure within. Moaning, the lion reached down to caress his aching balls. His cock jumped at his touch, releasing more pre. He gripped one of his balls and rubbed his cock with the other paw, urgently straining for release.

The feeling he had experienced in the cave was returning as he stroked himself into a frenzy of sexual pleasure. His mind swam as his senses were deluded with the sensations his extra large cock supplied him. As he grew near his climax, he started shuddering as the warm, tingly feeling grew stronger.  His cock pulled all the senses in his body in on itself, creating a wonderful sensation. As he pushed himself over the edge, he felt the full force of his orgasm hit, and for one brief second that seemed like an eternity, he felt the same force and power of that feeling in the cave.

Cum splattered his chest and neck as came. Blinking and panting heavily, he continued stroking his shrinking cock. As he watched, it shrunk down to a size that he normally sported while erect, but just a tad larger. Recovering quickly, he washed himself off and returned to his sleeping bag. He drifted off to sleep pondering how in the world his cock could grow so large.

Still able to feel his fat, oversized cock, the lion shivered a little.  He could sense that feeling, encroaching on the edges of his consciousness, the itchy desire to again touch himself. It was quite potent. He’d never in his life felt climax so strongly! Mustering all his willpower, however, he managed to stave it off long enough for sleep to overcome his tired mind. Tomorrow he would return to the pickup site.

All through the night, visions of massive genitalea and swirling vortices of wind and glowing dust invaded his dreams. Large stone phalluses and tabletops, all orchestrated by some unseen voice. Waking with a start, the lion was greeted by the morning sun and a very deep and pleasant feeling of energy and contentment. One usually doesn’t sleep that well in the jungle.

Upon awakening, he wasted no time in packing up camp. He wanted to get back to civilization. As he rolled his sleeping bag, he became aware of a nagging, tingly feeling on the back burner of his mind. It was an echo of his orgasm from the cave. He tried to push it away, but the more he resisted, the hornier he felt. Soon, his shorts were filling with his cock....


Stripping, the lion gave in to the sensation again. As he stood and gazed at his rapidly filling appendage, he gasped in shock. It was growing erect, all right, but also growing larger! It slowly grew, heavy and pendulous, the tingles growing stronger and spreading over his body as it cleared his upper thigh. He stroked it eagerly, moaning when he realized his balls were growing larger as well. Four inches across and over fourteen inches long, his penis grew steadily bigger and bigger.

As he stroked and rubbed it, he pulled it up to his chest, massaging it to its full size. He moaned and groaned as cum roiled in his balls, his monster erection demanding all his attention as the tingling spread throughout his body.

Throbbing from his midsection at a staggering 16 inches in length now, the lion’s cock was no longer oozing precum, but pumping it out in long, thick arcs, and in huge quantities that a normal fur wouldn’t even ejaculate at. And it was easy to see why. Straining their scrotal sac to the absolute limit, and forcing the cat’s legs apart, sat his giant testicles. Each one the size of a very large cantaloupe melon, the lion could feel their incredible weight and the fluid pressure within as he groaned, his paws roaming over his dense shaft of cockmeat. They looked like they belonged to a cock ten times his current size!!

Normally, he’d have been very concerned, but at the moment a strange and very potent arousal was filling him. He was really turned on, not only by the tingle, but also by his own size! Looking over his grossly oversized cock and massive balls just aroused him to no end!

The large gouts of pre became more and more volumous, his already disproportionately huge balls beginning to swell a little with their building load.  He was about to cum, and it would be quite spectacular.

The tingly feeling grew and grew, overwhelming him and feeding his desire. His balls spouted so much pre that the stream nearly became constant. As he continued stroking himself into an orgasm, his balls jerked, swelling with thick, hot cum. His cock stopped spurting pre. It seemed to shrink a little, and then suddenly, his large cockhead spurted out gobs of thick cum, splattering the surrounding flora. The lion threw back his head and roared as his balls emptied themselves of their slick cum, blasts of cum shooting up into the air and raining onto his body.

As he came and came and came, seemingly endlessly, he experienced another brief flash of the overpowering feeling he experienced in the cave.  It lasted longer than the last time, but only by half a second or so. He groaned as he finally slowed down, his cock jerking slower, his flow of cum drying up after a solid 5 minutes of climax.

Staggering and panting to catch his breath, the lion slowly recovered from the earth-shattering orgasm as he took stock of his surroundings. EVERYTHING was drenched in his cum. The plants, his equipment, the ground, himself. He looked around, feeling awe at the sheer quantity he’d just put out. His potent musk clung to everything as he watched a few more moments, large globs of thick lionseed dribbling down trees and fronds to collect in an inch deep pool several feet across, centered about his paws.

And still jutting insistently from his loins, the lion’s massive shaft continued to throb and buck, precum once more beginning to spurt from his engorged tip, and his giant balls beginning to swell again.

Blinking in surprise, the lion poked at the massive organ as he fought to control himself. True, lions possess legendary sexual stamina, but this was ridiculous! Using every last ounce of willpower, he was eventually able to let the arousal settle down and ease from his body in order to survey the damage.

His now soft cock hung from his groin at a staggering 12.5 inches long and over 4 inches across! But most amazing of all were his balls. 

Straining their softly furred sac to the absolute limit, they were disproportionately big even compared to his newly acquired size! Each one was over 10 inches across, easily the size of cantaloupe melons, and would’ve been at home suspended beneath a shaft far larger than the one he currently sported.

The lion was stunned. Would he continue to grow every time he got aroused? What if this never stopped? He began to again feel the tingle building up and quickly turned his thoughts elsewhere, though it was difficult on him, particularly as he tried to stuff himself back into his shorts.

After accomplishing that without becoming aroused (quite a feat by now), he cleaned off his equipment as best he could and left the area.  He started walking back to the pick-up site awkwardly. He had to take small steps because of his balls. He thought about what had actually happened in the cave. What had the voice said? Help me prosper? What could that mean?

Thinking along these lines, he never noticed it was getting dark until he nearly ran into a tree.

“Damn, I thought I could make it by nightfall,” he muttered to no one in particular. “I only covered what, a few miles?”


Chapter 4


The night had been rough. After falling asleep (aroused) he dreamed heavily the whole night through and when he awoke, he had a sixteen-inch erection that poked out of the top of his shorts and into his stomach. It worked better than an alarm clock at getting him up and moving.

Determined not to be sidetracked again, he quickly started moving, desperately trying to ignore his cock as it pressed against his furry chest.  Every time he took a step his fur rubbed it, aggravating his problem, and combined with his pulsing balls, it was a wonder he made any progress at all. After a few hours of walking, his front was soaked, but not from sweat.  Pre was liberally dribbling out, coating his chest, soaking his shirt, and dripping from his shorts. It ran down his legs and over his aching balls (now a good foot across each) and left a scent trail behind him a human could detect.  He still pressed grimly on, sweat breaking out on his forehead as he moved slower and slower, fighting his arousal.

Whimpering, his progress slowed to the point where he couldn’t go any further. He desperately pulled off his shorts and shirt, panting heavily as he grabbed his cock and began to violently stroke it, pre coming faster now. The lovely sensation was beginning to grow on the edge of his consciousness.

“Well... at least I’m OH GAWD enjoying it...”

Panting wildly, the lion gasped as he stroked his monster shaft as best he could. His paws couldn’t even reach all the way around! It had to be at least eight inches across! Again, his giant testicles began to swell.  He whimpered, and just as he was about to give into himself, the cat spotted a small pond nestled between some trees.

“Relief!” He exclaimed, tumbling towards the cold waters awkwardly, precum jetting from his shaft at least seven feet into the air.  With a single, last, monumental effort of willpower, the lion let himself collapse into the cold water, shivering as he felt it inundate his body and massive exposed organs.

The cold instantly started doing its work, his arousal beginning to ebb, as pre continued to burst from the surface of the pond, leaving large ‘oil slicks’ in its wake that soon covered the entire waterhole.

Eventually, sitting back in the cool mud of the shallows, the lion felt his shaft begin to soften and shrink until it settled in-between his two thighs, nestled with his bloated balls. Taking a deep breath, he slowly stood up to see what kind of monster now inhabited his loins...

Sixteen inches of huge, soft, flaccid cock stretched down from his groin, exactly as big as the last erection he had been before this one. Afraid to touch it, lest it come to life again, the lion shook his head and stepped from the pond to shake off, being very careful not to rub himself.

He quickly set to work, gathering his clothes and rinsing them in the cold water, cleaning them of pre. He left them in the cold water as he gathered up broad leaves from nearby plants.  Then he took some twine from his pack and tied the leaves together into a semi-watertight bag that he held around his package while he tied it around his waist. Then he started to scoop cold, wet mud into the makeshift underwear, covering his cock and balls in the stuff.

The mud helped. His balls shrank a little, as well as his cock. He never thought that he’d ever not want to orgasm, but continuously? 

Shaking his head, he put on his cold, wet shirt and carried his shorts in one paw. Starting on the trail again, he vowed to make it to the drop-off site without any further delays.

The day passed slowly.  As the mud dried, it encased his cock in a very warm brick. He had to concentrate very hard not to become aroused by it.  Whenever he came by a stream or pond, he would dump enough water on it to turn it to mud again, reversing the process.  Hours passed. Continuing this way, he managed to make it to the drop-off site.  He couldn’t even tell how many miles he covered.

As he approached the drop site, he realized how awkward he would look in the leaves and mud. How could he possibly explain this situation to his pilot? Or his partner, who was flying in to meet him?

Backtracking to the nearest stream large enough to wash himself off in, he stripped off the leaves and cleaned his fur of all the mud.  He quickly stuffed himself in between his legs as far as he could and pulled his underwear up tight, past his bellybutton.  He pulled on his shorts.  He looked down at himself and was pleasantly surprised when there was hardly any bulge at all thanks to his efforts to hide it. He left his shirt untucked and headed to the drop site, hoping that during the plane ride he wouldn’t become aroused.

The lion dunked himself one last time in the stream, soaking himself in cold, frigid water, and made his way back to the waiting plane with some lame excuse about having tripped and fallen into a pond or something.

The plan worked fairly well, and he found himself shivering with cold on the plane as it took off from the surface, the jungle falling away behind them. He kept his canteen handy along the way, so that he could re-wet his crotch as things dried out on the return trip to civilization.

The pilot was the only other person on the plane, fortunately.  His archaeological partner probably decided not to meet him, waiting instead to see him when he arrived. As his thoughts wandered along these lines, his eyelids slowly drooped lower, the loud throb of the plane engine’s as soothing as a lullaby to his ears. The warm sensation from between his legs relaxed him further as he drifted off to sleep, lying on his side on some burlap bags in the back of a surplus cargo plane a few miles above the ocean.


* * *


The pilot was rubbing him gently.

The pilot was squeezing him gently.

The pilot was squeezing him harder and saying something.

The pilot was painfully squeezing him and shouting.

The pilot was shouting something.

The pilot was shouting.

The pilot.


The lion sat upright, taking in the scene as he struggled to clear sleep from his eyes. The floor of the plane was covered in a slick white substance, running right into the cockpit. The pilot was screaming at him as the plane lilted to one side. He looked down at himself and screamed too.

His cock was painfully erect, desperate for release from its cloth prison, the seams on his shorts nearly giving in. The shorts were soaked, along with most of his body and the bags he was sleeping on. His balls were mashed together, pulsing with energy and power, filling his shorts to the max.  Without a thought, the lion unbuttoned his soaking shorts and let his cock and balls spill out. As he did, pre shot from the tip of his cock, coating the ceiling of the plane in a five-foot long streak from his even larger cock, up to at least eighteen inches.

“Dammit! What the hell is going on back there!”

The pilot was still shouting, the lion realized. He couldn’t see what was happening because the door to the cockpit was closed, but pre was running underneath the inch tall crack between the door and the floor of the plane. The lion groaned and tried to stop himself, but pre kept shooting out, covering the walls and floor. The more he tried to stop, the more pre came out, and the tingling sensation was growing. The floor was covered in over an inch of pre in less than a minute, and the lion could hear the pilot cursing as he set the autopilot and cruise control.

Still trying to calm his amazingly large cock, the lion didn’t notice the pilot enter the cargo bay.

“What the hell!”

The lion jumped up and faced the pilot suddenly, causing his cock to whip around and blast pre straight into the pilot’s face and chest. 

Staggering backwards, the pilot fell onto the controls and hit his head, passing out. The plain lilted crazily again and the heavy door fell closed. Tripping and sliding on pre, the lion desperately made his way over to the door, only to find that it was jammed. The plane tilted again, sliding the lion across to the other side of the cargo bay.

Panic set in. The lion could feel the plane canting to the side.  The pilot must be leaning against the control stick, he thought to himself, as he tried to avoid the deep precum that rolled and flowed around the cabin as it rotated, coating the walls and loose equipment and items as they slid through the thick, leonine slurry.

Again he managed to climb back to the cockpit door, his monster getting in the way the whole way. ‘You’d think,’ thought the lion, ‘that at this point I wouldn’t be aroused out of my mind now that I’m going to die!’

Had he not been trying to ignore his massive endowments, he might’ve realized that his huge cock was now a throbbing nineteen-inch pillar of engorged flesh that was over six inches in diameter! His balls grew even more disproportionately huge, now fully, and extremely heavily laden, sixteen inches across! Each!

Trying to hold himself steady against the plane’s rocking, and his newly offset center of gravity, the lion pounded on the door, trying to force it open. They were over his home country now, flying over farmland.  Perhaps he could set the plane down, if only he could get inside the cockpit!

The plane tilted downwards again, more sharply this time. The door wouldn’t budge. The plane groaned and moaned as the stress of the fall started to exert its toll on the plane’s interior structure. Fracture lines started to form at the joints of the ceiling and floor. Scared out of his mind, the lion gave up on the door and grabbed onto the only stationary object in the back of the plane, a metal bench attached to the floor and ceiling.

Ducking down and covering his head with his arms, he started waiting for the end. In the near fetal position he was in, his fleshy cock pressed tightly against his chest scant inches from his chin. Why not go out with a bang, he thought to himself, and with a groan of fear and lust, he eagerly began to suck on the thick head of his mammoth cock, precum flooding his mouth and senses, the warm, sticky sweet jizz helping him forget his imminent death.

As bits of the plane began to break off of the main body, he licked and sucked himself off. When the left wing went, he was busy swallowing his increasing flow of pre.  And after the other wing went, he was using one of his paws to stroke himself as he held on with a death grip to the bench with the other. The roof tore off, forcing him to hold on with both paws and legs to the bench, squeezing his balls together. As the plane went into a dizzying spin, his balls sloshed around, forcing a groan through his petrified lips that still dripped pre. And when the plane hit the water, his cock went off, sending wave after wave of thick pre over his unconscious form as what was left of the plane slowly sank into the water of a lake only a few dozen miles from his city, no doubt already mobilizing emergency forces to rescue the occupants of the ill-fated machine.