The night was cool and the wind was blowing. Not a cloud was in the sky as the moon was full and bright. She walked across the lawn in search of her car. The party inside wasn\x92t quite what she expected it to be. \x93Sure come on and have a good time.\x94 she thought to herself. \x93If you call being hit on and grabbed by every drunk and pot head around a good time.\x94 After the first few hours she said enough was enough. It\x92s a little after midnight and now all she wanted was to go home and take a shower and call it a night. \x93And why didn\x92t I bring my jacket?\x94 she asked herself. The cool breeze is cutting through her silk blouse. Her short skirt isn\x92t helping matters either. With the large mansion behind her she finds her car parked in the front lawn. The only light is from the moon and the lights inside the house. \x93Jay, the next time some one says \x91Trust me you\x92ll love it.\x92 run for the hills. And speaking of which, I\x92ll be glad to get out of these heels.\x94

He watched in silence from high in the trees. Watching and waiting. For just the right moment. Like a true predator he is invisible in the shadows. His hungry eyes watching the goings on in the large bay windows of the house. \x93Why do humans always use such large points of view when all they can talk about is home security and privacy?\x94 It\x92s one of the questions that puzzles him. He looks to the sky at the bright moon. Oh how the full moon casts such beautiful light on the earth. He continues his spying. All the humans in their false security. How they think nothing could touch them. \x93look at them in their so called glory. How they fill their blood with such liquor and drugs.\x94 he hisses to himself. He licks his lips watching the females in their various forms of nakedness. \x93I can show them a real good time.\x94 he thinks. \x93Even if it\x92s one they won\x92t survive.\x94 His eye catch\x92s some movement from below. Out in the open is a woman heading towards the area where the vehicles are parked. She\x92s not all that tall. Just over 5 feet tall by the looks. But with her slim figure and long hair she is quite the looker. She\x92s in a blue blouse and black skirt and heeled sandals. \x93Hum, ask and ye shall receive.\x94 he smiles. He leaves his perch in the tree and moves through the wood line silent as a ghost. Darting from shadow to shadow like a cat on the prowl, he circles around the vast property.

\x93Come one.\x94 she says to no one as she hunts for her keys in her purse. \x93Here they go.\x94 the sports car makes a little beep beep as she turns off the alarm. \x93It\x92s not a good night to be all alone.\x94 She spins around at the sound of the voice. \x93It\x92s not safe.\x94 it hissed again. She saw a person of around six feet standing there. He was very thin and had long jet, black hair hanging over his face. He had on ripped jeans and a leather jacket with is hands in the pockets. \x93Who are you?\x94 she said trying to get her heart to slow down from the shock. \x93No one of importance.\x94 he hissed. The sound of his voice sending chills up her spine. \x93Listen. What ever you\x92re up to the answer\x92s no. So you go your way and I\x92ll go mine.\x94 she said reaching for the car door behind her. \x93Now that\x92s harsh. I was hoping to be friends.\x94 he said as he raised his head. His hair feel to the side of his face and her heart froze. His face looked bleach white and his eyes were glowing bright red. Long fangs were growing from his upper jaw. She spun to open her car door. Before she had a chance to, he was on her and had her pinned against it. One arm had her in tight bear hug and one hand firmly over her mouth. She tried to scream but no use. She kicked her heels and racked them down his sheens and on his feet. It was as if he felt no pain. His strength felt inhuman. He was about to squeeze the breath out of her. \x93That\x92s it. Fight, my sweet.\x94 he said as she felt his tongue across the side of her neck. His hot breath smelling like death itself. \x93It makes it all that much sweeter.\x94 he hissed. \x93If it\x92s sweets you want, try the local doughnut shop down the road.\x94

With her still in a vice like hold, he spun to the new voice. She looked up to see a dark form crouched in the shadows. It was impossible to tell his height because of his posture. But he looked to have large shoulders and what she noticed the most was his eyes glowing a bright blue. Like ice crystals with lights behind them. \x93Who are you to disturb my meal.\x94 snarled her attacker. Her blood froze at the words. \x93You vamps are all the same.\x94 growled the new comer in a demonic tone. \x93The only thing you\x92re able to prey on is women.\x94 He stated. \x93But of course I have seen old bag ladies that are more your speed.\x94

\x93Vamp?\x94 thought Jay \x93as in vampire?\x94 It\x92s impossible. There\x92s no such thing. Is there? \x93You have some brass.\x94 hissed her attacker. \x93Just who do you think you\x92re talking to, runt?\x94 venom in his throat.

\x93The result of two cousins marrying? Something that came out the south end of a north bound mule?\x94 said the stranger. \x93How can he talk in such a calm tone in a situation like this?\x94 thought Jay \x93I\x92ll rip that tongue out and where it for a necklace!\x94 snarled her attacker. \x93Show yourself from those shadows so I can see your face before I rip it off!\x94 The stranger stood to his full height and was at least seven feet tall. When he stepped into the moon light to be seen, she would have screamed if not for the hand clamped over her mouth. This new comer had the largest build she had ever seen. Arms with muscles that would put the largest steroid freaks on television to shame. Clawed hands larger than her head. He only had on ripped pants. Every where there was expose flesh was covered in light brown fur. What sent her heart into another gear was the fact the where there should have been a man\x92s head, there was one of a snarling wolf with long saber like fangs. \x93Out of the frying pan into the fire.\x94 was all she could think. \x93You?!\x94 hissed her attacker. \x93That right, Blackheart. Me.\x94 growled the wolf. \x93The underworld has a nice price on your hide.\x94 said the vampire. \x93Master would be pleased when I deliver it to him.\x94

\x93You\x92re welcome to try. \x93

He threw her to the side. She could do nothing but back away from the two. She was too frightened to scream or do anything else. The vampire charged at the wolf creature. He just simply side stepped the attack and drove his massive right hand to the back of the vampires head, driving him face first into the closest oak tree. He returned to his feet and snarled his blood soaked face in rage. \x93You\x92ll pay dearly for that, Werewolf.\x94 Jay\x92s eyes went wide at the words. \x93Coming from a vampire, that\x92s no real threat.\x94 said the wolf. The vampire made another attack, making attempt after attempt with punches, chops and kicks like something out of a Bruce Lee movie. The Werewolf blocked and dodged each move with surprising ease. He delivered a spinning kick that the wolf caught in mid air, driving his elbow straight down on the vampire\x92s knee, the loud crack as the bones snapped. In the same motion with lightning speed he drove the back of his fist into the vampire\x92s throat as he tried to scream in pain. The loud crack of the wind pipe being crush was sickening. The wolf grabbed him with one hand under the chin and the other to the back of the head and with a quick snap, twisted the vampire\x92s head in a full 180 degrees in the wrong direction. Jay almost threw up at the sight. He dropped the corps and watched as the body went through a series of decay that should take weeks or months. But in a matter of seconds the vampire\x92s corps went to a stage of rot to bones and then to nothing but raged clothes. Jay doubled over on hands and knees and started to throw up. When the coughing and gagging ended she realized the werewolf was looking over at her. She looked up to see those shining blue eyes staring down at her. She backed away trying to put some distance between them. \x93Please no!\x94 she begged. She didn\x92t know if it would attack her or what. It just stood there for a moment. She had no idea what was going threw it\x92s head and wasn\x92t sure if she wanted to know. It bent down and she backed away further. It just picked up her purse and sat it on the roof of her car. \x93Go home.\x94 was all he said as it walked of into the shadows it came from. She watched as the creature slowly vanished into the dark. There was no sound as it walked. No crickets or anything.

As she sat in her car with the headlights shining on the spot the creature came from, all she saw was empty woods in the bright lights. She put her car in reverse, backed out of the yard and pulled onto the street and headed home. She had no idea of how to explain to herself what just happened. All she knew was that one creature tried to kill her and another had the chance to but chose not to.