Eqis (denounced her pride name) (current statistics) Age: 25 Height: 8'10" Weight: 2405 lbs Species: Casid gold lion Gender: female Alignment: lawful - good Personal likes: Fighting strong opponents, growing stronger, personal nudity, fine jewelry and clothes, gymnastics, hot sex with a male she likes, travelling to see the universe... Personal dislikes: Fighting those who can't beat her, watching people fight hopeless battles, wearing underwear of any kind, not having a single lover or mate, her former pride (with a passion), wearing pink... 1-"One rarely has the power or the opportunity to shape the world they wish to be made in. Eqis found she had the opportunity but until she meet us lacked to power." Eqis was a sterling young fighter in her pride. She trained to fight for her pride since her claws were long enough to unsheathe. She obeyed the wishes of her pride without question. When she was only 9 she was sent with several of her sisters and cousins to slaughter "invaders" on their territory. These invaders were travelling nesphites, a race of alien life quite humanoid but not like anything seen on Earth, who stopped to repair their damaged vessel. Eqis and two others were sent in...and returned soaked in their pale orange blood and entrails. Only a still a small cub, and she was witnessed as having the power of a grown male. Eqis was put many more similar attacks, sometimes alone, only to astonish even battle-hardened lions and lionesses with her power and efficiency. Eqis was proud of her fighting ability. That is, until she had the fortune to be compared to a gold lion she only heard of in legend, Roari. She, having spent so much time training to fight, never had the time to study her peoples culture and lore. She learned very quickly that Roari was a hero beyond reproach. A product of the old Leonus Confederacy, he was a paragon of virtue and justice. His fangs and claws never tasted innocent or helpless flesh. The picture she found of him were those of an unbeatable, yet peaceful spirit. His exploits would pit him against the Leonus Confederacy's greatest rivals in the universe, including the seemingly invincible Aphkian Imperium. His struggles and victories made the Casid Gold and Bronze (and the very rare Onyx) lions stand proud. He was a role-model if ever the Casid had and needed one... Eqis began to model herself in the image of her newfound her... On her cousin Yunerru's 13 birthday, only a few days before Eqis's 13th, the scrawny young lion with the artist's hands, was brought unceremoniously before the pride masters, one great "alpha" male and his three "primary" wives. All four are "great" lions, blessed with physical size and strength far out-stripping the limits of normal Casid lions, and had the right to decide who would live and die in their pride. Yunerru, was seen as weak for his lack of physical ability and desires for peaceful, gentle living. The four pride masters, ordered to cub be put the death by combat...at Eqis's own hands. Yunerru was small and slight almost delicate. Eqis had grown into a strapped specimen who could maim or even kill a grown male lion. She knew her cousin so well. He was still a virgin looking for that one lioness to be with. Eqis had thrown her virginity out the window at the first opportunity but chose chastity in keeping with her image of Roari. His heart was not given to domination but love and peace. He had more to offer than mere muscle and no one but Eqis seemed to realize this. Eqis refused to slay her cousin... For her defiance, Eqis was brutally beaten and raped for hours by her mother and aunts then forced to watch Yunerru's head crushed by the largest of the Pride mothers, Ikis, like a small melon. Eqis sworn she'd avenge Yunerru someday... The pride masters, planning another assault on a weakened pride, needed Eqis and offered her a chance to regain their favor. Still weak from her "punishment", Eqis was not expected to survive the clearly suicidal mission. She had no choice. She had to go through with it or die in Ikis's hand like Yunerru...without any kind of a chance. The mission was going well, until Eqis's mother, Etusri, ordered the others turn back. Etusri crying kissed her daughter good-bye and pointed her straight at the enemy, a cadre of well organized and equipped bronze lions - not a single lioness to be seen - backed by several squads of Aphkian Imperial shocktroopers, and disappeared. "Don't worry, Mother, I forgive you. The masters crushed your spirit long before the crushed Yunerru." Eqis brazenly approached the troopers, stripped off every stitch of her clothing, and standing newborn nude before the soldiers surrendered. She had escaped her pride claiming to be the last survivor of her pride... She was processed as a prisoner and held for a few weeks then released. She left for parts unknown. 2-Scraping out a living as a fighter-for-hire, Eqis did well enough to earn fares from one star system to another, but it didn't take her long to figure out that she needed a home. She still hadn't taken the time to mourn the lose of her favorite cousin or her mother, who no doubt was killed for raising a deserter. Eqis, in order to save money and make a strong personal statement, chose nudity as her preferred dress. While some worlds and cultures looked down on her for it and others didn't quite notice or care, Eqis felt it would be a defining mark for her. Still young, she was told she was being stupid, and slut (even though she hadn't had sex since she was 13), and making a bad mistake. Being a rebel at heart, Eqis chose not to care, "I'll wear what and where I want to so stop staring." About now, Eqis is approached by representatives of the Mystic League offering her a chance to be more than "a fist for a few creds" (a popular action series in the undisputed territories). It took several hours of convincing, but Eqis finally agreed to see this school. Once their she fell instantly in love... She never had to say "yes"... She had to make few adjustments. School policy prohibits nudity "on-campus" so she wears the classic Casid see-through gowns to obscure her body - a little. She would have to attend regular classes and pass the exams. Her entrance scores were low - borderline failure - but she vindicated herself by becoming a top performer almost overnight. In the rush and flow of school life, Eqis had forgotten her quest for vengeance. Instead, she was immersed in her studies and training... Her powers were developing and growing faster and more brilliantly than Rae's did at her age (16). Her closest rival was a spunky young pooch with mammoth pecs and mountainous muscles going by the name Fatima Iksaki, now 13. But the good times threatened to turn sour when Eqis meet the new Assistant Headmistress, Eriruka. Eriruka is the biggest, strongest, and oldest Casid lioness ever and she reminded Eqis of Ikis. With time however, Eqis learned to see Eriruka as a surrogate grandmother and an additional role model, which goes to explain the fact that Eqis tends to project her voice, never whispers, and what little she does wear is usually very expensive. Her mind was then and finally made up to find someway to bring down her former pride masters and help restore the faded greatness of her people. A personal quest worthy of her idol, Roari. 3-More to come...