Gehnohn Ehresphohl of Lanespohl (current statistics) ag:e 27 ht: 7'8" (heel to head) wt: 615 lbs wing span: various (typically 28') Species: J'runni Aphkian (unmanifested until 18) Gender: Male Alignment: Lawful good * Some concepts devised by "Psudodrake" 1- Gehnohn started his career in the Mystic League at the tender age of 8. His parents were unaware as they had allowed him to go on his "walk", a rite of passage many Aphkians undergo at a young age to travel and explore the world around them freely. Gehnohn is an abnormally talently genius and made more than his way, even at the age of 8. He joined at the same time as Mau and were roommates but their interests devianted greatly almost immediately. While Mau pursued the purest power and strength known as the "Absolute Fist". Gehnohn sought the distinction between what is considered "Light" and "Dark". Researching the powers of "light" and "dark" absorbed much of Gehnohns time and energy. He later, after thoroughly considering his options, chose to study the Dark Arts, magics and powers that are easily abused by mortals and have the potential to create great "evil" by exaggerating the baser traits of an individuals psyche. This did not go well Menikomenqolui, the Headmistress of the Mystic League, and she tried to put and end to Gehnohn's studies into these powers. Still Gehnohn proved cautiously defiant in continuing to study the "dark arts". As time and training progressed, he grew more bold in displaying his findings and inevidable skills. He even challenged a few of the regular students to matches of might and magic. The unusual flexiblity and easy power made Gehnohn seem invincible. Depsite these often effortless victories, Gehnohn was neither plaesed or disturbed by them. But many of the students he had fought were instantly won over and joined Gehnohn in his quiet movement to "conquor darkness". Not unexpectedly Gehnohn had to put down many of his new followers who had given in to their temptations and had become evil. The increasing number of battles between these new "demons", a name given for the demonic physical and mystical traits they began to reveal, led to a decision that made a great deal of sense to the "good demons". Menikomenqolui expelled Gehnohn and his loyal folowers. He found it to his liking as he was able to pursue the true powers of darkness without the contentious fighting with his friends in the "light". Even though, his feelings were very quietly pleased., many of his followers (about 40 of them) were less than happy with being thrown out and made no issues of displaying or speaking their thoughts on the subject. Still they stayed in control of their darker natures and did no violence to the Mystic League...much to the schools relief. The demons were far too dangerous to battle with. Especially since Gehnohn, the Kese siblings, and Lyamia knew how to fight very "dirty". It was about this time, a short while after his 18th birthday, that Gehnohn went through a magnificent transformation. Cenuffii (lupine) Aphkians have no idea if they are carriers of the genes to become physically superpowerful Accuunnii, Mystically overpowerful J'runni, or nigh-omnipotent H'ruunnii. All Cenuffii have components for these extremely rare "super-breeds" but it is not clear who will become one until later in life (usually the late teens to late 20s). Gehnohn became a J'runnii and with that his powers increased many hundreds of times over. His awareness of his powers also increased exponentially making him very clearminded about the nature of his powers. His new awareness freed him from the constant reserve he lived under to safeguard his spirit against his own dark power and he became determined to share this blessing with his followers. The other demons were, at this time, suffering the agonies of their powers. The constant and destructive temptations, hurtful wants, and mindlessness were taking their toll on the young demons. Gehnohn worked hard to free his followers from their opposition by the dark powers. He spread that awareness that came so easily to him to the others, enforced a reasonable moral standard (they aren't saints...unless they want to be), and led the new "Demon League" to a place of quiet but significant importance in the realms of sorcerial study. 2- After Mau's insurrection and the attack by the "Black Beast", Gehnohn's return was almost instantly seen as a final "deathblow". The "Demons" were not all that welling to be friends with the "Mystics" but they were sure not to be enemies. They returned to display their mastery of the dark arts and dissaude fears of their being evil. Menikomenqolui was pleased by the progress the "Demons" made on their own. and, with Imperial permission, offered the Demon League any world they wished, from a large but very specific select. The "Demons" chose a distant world in the Undepsuted Territories. This world is a harsh arid rock world pock-marked with active, dormant, and extinct volcanoes a dense sulfrous atmosphere and very much the last place the unwilling would go. The world became know as Fastion (Fash-tohn), the place of woes and pain. Gehohn and the Demon League made for themselves a paradise home amidst this vision of hell. A green cool place that the demons live and study with Gehnohn as their default leader. They call this place simply "Home". 3- Gehnohn lives with the other demons and has be amazed by the progress his fellow demons have made. His life has spawned a loving relationship with Lyamia, who is often very cautious to display her affection for him (she was raised to be a holywoman). Still he works hard to lead his folowers and carefully seek new members. He is not pleased that many religious zealots think he and his League should be destroyed and have sent more than a few crusades to try and defeat him and his friends. Now he and the demons are on edge ready for a war that they did not start but will gladdly finish...