I'llia Romov (current statistics) Age: 28 Height: 5'0"/10'10" Weight: 115 lbs/3.6 tons Species: Corulian - "Guile" Gender: Female Alignment: Principled - Good Personal likes: Hugs, being hugged, being happy, making others happy, being strong but herself at the same time... Personal dislikes: Losing control of her emotions (especially anger), being so huge she scares people... 1-From her infancy, Illia had always been the smallest, weakest, most delicate person one could imagine coming from a family of in a species of physically powerful and often overwhelming beings. She was the runt. Even so, she was treated with love and adoration nuturing her soul to a gleeming happiness the never waivered in the slightest. Though small, Illia tried her best to join in the games of her friends and family. But she always proved too small and frail. Fearing she would get hurt or even killed trying to compete with individuals minimally four times her size, Illia's parents made a choice they never regreted - Illia saw to that. They sent her to join the Mystic League. Illia and Noxi were the only applicants to pass the entry exams perfectly. Illia was also found to be extraordinarily blissful and devoid of "negative" emotion of any form. She didn't even know how to become angry... This is a trait that proved, for some time, to be very useful but later was a serious bane. Still no one made an issue of it. "I want to be big and strong and happy," Illia said during her entry interview at to tender age of 12. No one, not even Menikomenqolui, the "headmistress" of this school of sorcery and fighting arts, knew just how sincere the little ursine was and would be. She would train and study with an obsession to be big enough and strong enough to play and live like normal people. Eventually competing with her lifelong friend, Rae Iksaki, to be the strongest. It was not a bitter rivalry. In fact, if they hadn't studied and trained together, then they would not have so easily risen to be the two strongest "mortal born" beings in the known universe. Through her training and studies, Illia had grown to an incredible size in only a few short months. Illia was the biggest student the school will ever see until Eqis's son, Luro, attends almost 30 years later... 2-As time went on, Illia's reputation as a permenatly happy creature was tested time and again. Many foes assailed the school and Illia and/or Rae were always more than a match for the threat. That is until the "Black Beast", a master of the "absolute fist", laid low serveral students and faculty. For the first time, Illia felt an emotion she had no idea how to express. She wasn't afraid or angry. Illia was sad. She wasn't sure quite why. Even into her old age she has never figured out why her heart became heavy with sorrow. But no on could tell because of her constant blissful demeanor and expression. Other challenges came along including Rae's incredible development as her powers continued to grow and expand seemingly out of control. Illia was the next strongest person in the universe and she was quickly fading from significance in the realm of her best friend's powers. Still she remained resolute in she bliss and joy and trained harder and harder even frightening Rae with the unimaginable limits the ursine had thrown aside to try and match her friend. But the last straw Illia could bare was placed on her joyful but saddly weary shoulders as Rae challenged Fatima, then 6, to a big biceps contest. Before the contest, Illia had hemmed back her training to a sane level and resumed her sturies of advance and acient sorceries. She had effectively given up on trying to catch up to - forget surpass - Rae. With this contest, Illia wanted to give it one last try and trained again at the mind-altering, nigh-self-destructive pace she had before. At the time of the contest, Fatime had learned the proper methods to bodybuilding and amazed everyone woth her miraculous gains. But it was than that the rouge Neo-Ceknuyrian, Saranue arrived and challenged Rae to a bout of Corulian "arm-wrestling" (which is as much a contest of strength as it is one-armed wrestling as both opponents try to throw the other down from over their shoulder). Saranue has the power to grow stronger at will and in doing so defy virtually every law of physics and nature. Watching Rae use her own utterly unlimited strength and power wildly and easily surpass Saranue's will. Illia again gave up trying to meet and beat her friend... Illia quietly returned to her studies and trained intently but never again to compete with Rae... 3-More to come...