Kaya (current statistics) age: 16 Ht: 7'2" Wt: 369 lbs. Species: Casid Ferrelline (Prarie lion) Gender: Female Alignment: Principled - Good Personal likes: Having a loving home, her father, Genroi, training, Loving those around her, being inspried to expand her skills and powers, fighting for justice Personal dislikes: Her mother, Hurui, the way her father is treated, being alone, any injustice she sees, fighters who don't take their training seriously, not having a boyfriend (or was it girlfriend?) -Kaya, formerly of the Pride Issibriel, whose the third of seven daughters. With a beautiful face, form, and voice, her father, Genroi, wanted to marry her to a friendly pride an further seal an alliance with them. He had no intention, however of forceing her to marry anyone she didn't want. In this way, Genroi was seen as untraditional for favoring his daughters over his two, lazy, spoiled, sons, Yoro and Tessimen. But his daughters had bright futures before them if not for his mate and pride mistress, Hurui. Hurui obssessed over her sons, neglecting her seven daughters. She literally threw her daughters away to rather undesirable prides and mates to the tributes and gifts so she could waste it on her sons. The eldest daughter and the hieress of the pride, Loksawa, was married to a wealthy pride that made most of their wealth in, for want of a less painful term, flesh peddling. Her life is now one of a wedded whore. Broken and a virtual prisoner of her husbands, she killed herself barely a year into her marriage. Still, Hurui, receives the tribute she is owed, now not only for her daughter but also conpensation for her death. The next oldest daughter, Chanja, ran away from her marriage to an Onyx lion fearing that he would kill her if she bore him any more daughters. The frustration that her husband expressed was misunderstood and he is currently seeking her. He loves her but the reputation of Onyx Lions is a hard thing to shake. The younger daughters, Esari, Bishia, Lambri, and Cosha, were all trapped in loveless marriages. To Genroi's knowledge, which is kept from Kaya, only Bishia is not being abused but is not happy. As each daughter was being "thrown away", Genroi became more and more desperate to find what he hoped would be a worthy husband for Kaya. Hurui sought only the husbands that would pay the greatest tributes for her most talented and beautiful, Kaya. Genroi's efforts collided with his wife's more than once and she had her own husband ruthlessly beaten by Sand Lions until nearly dead. Genori had made one last plan for Kaya, he disowned her in Hurui's name. Now without a pride Kaya was free to seek out a path of her own. But Kaya wanted to be with her father more than leave. Using this to a wicked adavntage, and to spite Genroi, Hurui gave Kaya one chance back into the pride: kill Eqis in an "honor bout", a ritual combat that usually ends in death. Hurui beleived Eqis, a sand lioness and assumed extremely violent and murderous in combat, would utterly butcher the poorly prepared young lioness. Blinded by her love of her father, hatred of her mother and those useless brothers of her's, Kaya did not hessitate to face Eqis, even if she didn't knew exactly what and who she was going to fight. Genroi's panic and fear nearly drove him insane. Hurui awaited news of Kaya demise so she could demand her sons be admitted to the Mystic League and compensation. Her daughters were nothing more than bargining tokens to the pride mistress. -Penniless, alone, and weak from hunger and lack of sleep, but still driven to defeat Eqis, Kaya found her way to the Mystic League where she aimlessly sought Eqis. Instead she ran into Sato Hima, acting student body director and a young Sand Lion well groomed as a diplomat and a leader. Kaya demanded to see Eqis to challenge her to an Honor Bout. Sato flattly refused and took her, by force since the little lioness was struggling to contiue her search for Eqis, to see the Vice-Headmistress, Eriruka. Eriruka, deep in the joy of tending to the children of many of the school's staff and elder students, was taken a bit by the screaming young lioness who wanted to fight the "Guardian Fighter Goddess". Eriruka, possessing not only enormous size and power but a presence that earned her the title of "Mother Lion Goddess", instantly had the girl helping with the children and soon had nearly forgotten about Eqis. Unfortunately, Sato Hima had to inform Eqis of Kaya and her intentions. Eqis went to see Kaya. upon introducing herself, Kaya slashed Eqis's face. Eqis never felt the wound that healed almost too fast to bleed. Kaya, after running away in shock and terror, examined in horror at her steel hard claws, blunted like soft plastic against Eqis's softly featured face. Fear was nothing new to Kaya but this fear was of an absolute and terrible certainty, Eqis would murder her without so much as a fighting chance to fight back. About this time, the big sister lioness of the Mystic League, Kina of Pride Noslapfio, arrived. Sensing the girl's confusion and loneliness, the maned lioness took her to her bosom...and then her bed. Kina was a shameless Bi-sexual, erring on the side of lesbianism, and felt, in hindsight quite wrongly, that a good night's sex would settle and relax the girl. Kaya fell completely in love with Kina and still holds a deep sensual affection for her first teacher in the Mystic League. -Kina, easily the most skilled fighter in the Mystic League, proved a viciously tough but fair teacher for the lean, wirey, lioness. Desperate to become strong enough to defeat Eqis and return home, a fact Sato Hima deduced from what few answers Kaya gave about herself, Kaya quickly grew into a super-athletic Lioness many dozens, even more than a hundred times stronger, than she ever dreamed possible in only a few months. She was still no where near enough to face Eqis in an Honor Bout, but she was blinded determined to try. Even Rae Iksaki, who always tried to stay out of Casid affairs (Their social laws are more absolute than Aphkian social laws), tried to talk the girl out of this pointless fight. No one could stop Kaya from trying. Eqis begged the girl not to go through with it. But the fight was set and Sato Hima would officiate. No one was happy this was going to happen... -On a desert planet used as a training ground for the Mystic League, Eqis and Kaya squared off. Kaya attacked first hoping to land a devastating blow. Eqis was unaffected. Then Kaya balsted Eqis with a massive energy wave that could have destroyed an large mountain. Again Eqis was unhurt. Eqis slapped down Kaya, shattering her strength. Kaya continued to fight laying down a desperate barrage of furious punches and kicks with enough force to level a small city. Eqis took each hit and returned a lazy flick of her hand driving Kaya more than a mile along the ground. Frightened that Eqis was practiaclly ignoring her attacks, and her strength now so scattered she could barely stand, blasted Eqis in the face one last time with absolutely no effect. Kaya, blindly believing Eqis would now kill her, fell down crying. Eqis took the girl into her bosom and let her cry. Sato declared Kaya the winner by understanding, having realized that she had been abandoned by her pride. Eqis takes Kaya back and to her a room set up for the girl. Kaya spent the following two weeks unconscious sometimes sobbing in her sleep. Eqis had made it a point to take Kaya in as a sister and continue her traing as a fighter but ultimately loses out to Kina as her fighting mentor. But Kaya grows to love Eqis as a sister. -Kaya still loves her father and asks Eqis to see him. Posing as the one who killed Kaya to Hurui and secretly informing Genroi that Kaya is safe and free. In a short exchange between Eqis, Yoro, and Tessimen, the Guardian Fighter Goddess learns just how detestable Kaya's brothers can be. Their first through last thoughts about Eqis was bedding the lioness for their own pleasure. Genroi did share what he knew of his daughters' fates with Eqis. Kaya still has not been told to keep her out of possible danger and so that her sisters can be rescued by Sato Hima and his pride. "Keep her secret, Eqis. Keep my precious safe..."