Name: Rae Iksaki Age: 16 Height: 6'3" Weight: 850 lbs. Species: D'geddii Aphkian Gender: Female Alignment: Principled-Good 1- Born on a distant colony world, in the first stages of societal failure, Rae tried very hard to be happy even as the world around her was falling apart. Crime was on the rise. Tempers easily flared and reason was quickly becoming a distance afterthought. Still Rae tried hard to be a happy and pleasant girl. Family life was as glad as it could be given the looming collapse of society. As conditions worsened, Rae, at this time about 10 years old, turned to a cautious regime of exploring her surroundings. She never stopped trying to find something of use in the deteriorating colony. Soon her home sector was fortified into what became one of dozens of "block forts" meant to keep out the riotous and vicious criminals who roamed and ruled the open streets. Foolishly, Rae continued to explore even outside the block fort. She never found what she was looking for but at least she wasn't preoccupied by the woes of the world around her. Only a few weeks after her 12th birthday, Rae went back to here exploration outside the block fort. two hours after she left, the fort came under heavy attack by one of the larger gangs. They had found some weapons left from the old military garrison and were using them to raid block forts. Rae could only watch in terror as her home burned. Her fears subsided as the fort fought off the a terrible cost. Many of the fort's residents were maimed or killed. Most of the women were taken for whatever pleasures and labors the gangs desired. This included Rae's mother. Before Rae could return home to her father, she was cut off be a group of thugs who had no idea she was there. But they were coming closer, as she hid under debris and garbage hoping they'd go the other way. They came closer... Rae closed her eyes hard praying for salvation. She felt two great, warm, hands wrap around her gently and lift her away. She felt a peaceful restfulness settle her frighten soul as she drifted into sleep. When Rae awoke she was in a beautiful bedchamber over looking a distant ocean world. All she could think was that she had died and "passed on". She was called to by a loving voice and she answered it navigating unfamiliar corridors as if she'd always known the way. Rae entered what had to have been the single largest and most gorgeous chamber she had ever even had of. There, in her nest, sat a great feathered dragoness, Menikomenqolui. It is then that Rae's legend begins as "the strongest living being their will ever be"... 2-Not much time would pass before Rae would know the purpose of the palatial school she had been placed in. "This is the School of Sorcerial Arts and Combat," said Menikomenqolui was wise but a "baby" dragoness herself not even 500 years old yet, "and here is where I hope to make the most of the talents of all those who come here..." Rae was the first student of this school. She actually missed the regularity of school and embraced the notion of going back to school with fervor. The new students arrived a few days later. As did teachers, mages and magic-users from across the cosmos; trainers, which caught Rae's attention right away, arrived setting up a gymnasium unlike anything yet seen. It looked to be made for giants strong enough to shape planets with bare hands. "That is one of the many things you will gain here, child," said one of the trainers, "If we do our jobs right, you and the others will outgrow this stuff before you're 15 or 16..." Questions filled Rae's young mind as the work continued. Rae met the new students... all 20 of them. She was a bit shy to meet them but was happy to have new friends. She made an instant rapport with a tiny Corulian "teddy bear" of a girl, Illia Romov. Found herself wildly beguiled by Verdance, a Ordrinese Skunk, and set on edge by Mau, a Cenuffii Aphkian. But her most trying experience and most rewarding was the biggest bully of a Casid lioness cub Rae had ever met, Kina Noslapfio. They had many scuffles but Mau's brutal insurrection and attempted murder of half the student body, made close friends of the twosome almost sisters in a sense. 3- Rae's young life was really starting to speed up as she found her powers wildly outpacing those of all the other students, accept Illia, who was often a little stronger than Rae but not for long. But all the happens at the school paled to the prospect of being sent home even for a little while. She only just accept going to maybe help her fallen home. Once there, Rae learns that her father still lived but barely recognized his daughter for all the muscle and finery she sported. Still he was overjoyed to see his little girl again and just in time. A new gang led by a truly maniacal hermaphrodite D'nyrrii Aphkian, Kamya, was raising an army strong enough to flatten at last few block forts left in the colony. But Rae was already stronger than any army a single gang boss could muster. so she went to see if she could end the siege before it started. After more than a little fighting, in which Rae badly beat , mauled, and otherwise crippled most of Kamya's gang, Rae came upon a discovery beyond her wildest dreams and darkest nightmares. She found her mother, weak and very ill, struggling to care for a small bundle of energy, Rae's baby sister born just after she had been taken from the colony, Fatima. Seeing their mother dying and Fatima scrambling to find anything to aid her, outraged Rae to a violent and nearly murderous pitch. Rae set out to crush Kamya's gang and then Kamya hirself. The next few hours wrought a nightmare that Rae does not recall with any reliability, but she does know she maimed hundreds for people but (thankfully) did not kill any of them. (Menikomenqolui believes she did no more harm than the Imperial military would have done had they intervened.) Just as Rae was about to beat Kamya to death, an act that would have ended Rae's legend, Fatima crawled up to see her "big sissa'". She was holding a small armband from their mother. Rae saw Fatima and instantly returned to her senses. She remembered the pain, suffering, and death Mau caused. Rae would not complete the reenactment. She took up Fatima and sworn never to inflict harm on another living being ever again. In the few short days that passed, Rae and Fatima saw Kamya's gang completely disbanded, one of the local system states annex the colony as a protectorate, and their mother properly buried under a new sapling. Their father bid them go and Rae to raise Fatima not only like a sister but as a child. Such a wish, Rae later learned, meant he had no desire to live any longer. Rae never spoke of it to Fatima until she was well into adulthood. 4-More to come...