Riikoa (current statistics) age: 16 Ht: 6'8" Wt: 3.2 tons Species: Cersile Ferrelline Gender: Female Alignment: Principled - Good Personal likes: Studying, feeling her strength, her measurements, sushi, a good mental or physical challenge, making friends who aren't afraid of her Personal dislikes: Constantly having to replace her clothes due to growth or energy burst, losing a book, people who fear her for no good reason, rude people, bullies - Riikoa's young life has been and continues to be one of incredible growth. Almost as if on cue, from the age of 4 years, she began an ongoing growth spurt. At first her parents thought nothing of it as a normal growing period. That was until her muscular and skeletal structures began to expand and reinforce themselves. In a few months, she was nearly 75 lbs heavier, 3 inches taller, and sporting the body of a super-athlete. Concerned, Riikoa's parents took her to see physicians who instantly qualified her as a "paranormal", a being born with superpowers of some type; not imbued with powers after natural birth - genetic manipulations don't count. They discerned that the kitten was gifted with a body that would continue, without the benefit of exercise, to grow stronger and more powerful. She would never become ill and would likely never feel tired or grow old. Still too early in her development she was never classified until she was 10 as a paranormal type 1 - class 8 (full physical with extreme limits). (Note: As many species in the Great Wide Universe are naturally born with "powers" such as telepathy, disproportionate strength, and so on, the term powers is used to denote abilities outside the norm of their constituent species. This is also why the term "paranormal", which literally means "beyond normal", is used.) -Life for the radically growing kitten was anything but normal despite her efforts or those of friends and family. Her massive and mighty form precluded her wearing regular clothes. Except for her shoes, socks, and her having to wear plus-size dress and skirts, all of Riikoa's clothes were specially made. Fortunately, living in a socialist economy, special clothes didn't cost all that much. But as she continued to grow, particularly her chest, full shirts became out of the question and eventually totally sleeveless blouses were the norm for her. Her pecs grew far faster than her breasts and stretched them flat across her chest and so looks "boob-less". In school, she was an academic superstar. She far surpassed the highest levels of performance set by more intelligent beings. She became as unstoppable mentally as she had physically. She had many adventures and misadventures in school even being a heroine more than once. This along with her next power drove the decision to send her to the Mystic League. -One evening, as she slept on the floor (at this point she weighed over 2 tons), Riikoa awoke to the sound of several small explosions. At first thinking she heard some neighbors playing with fireworks, she ignored it until her parents ran in agasped as Riikoa's body emitted powerful though small bursts of power that were literally blasting a hole in the reinforced floor. Soon none of her clothes could with stand the force of her bodies energy bursts the seemed to come mainly from her arms and legs. She was unable to attend school wearing only her panties and shoes, so she took to home schooling. That was until, one of her friend brought up the idea of joining one of the Leagues. The Power'd League offered the best opportunities and Riikoa would be wealthy beyond for wildest dreams before she was 20. But that league's reputation for violence was not to the girl titan's liking. But the Mystic League... -At the age of 14, Riikoa totally aced the entrance exams so completely that she was asked to take them twice. She aced them then as well. Only Noxi and her cousin Linxi had ever so completely aced the exams. Already Riikoa was considered to be a new superstar amongst some of the brightest, strongest, and most amazing people she had ever met. But in spite of all the incredible people around her, she was more excited in the education she was being offered. For almost two solid years, Riikoa immersed herself in the arcane arts and training to become a mage of unprecedented might and power -rivalling Rae Iksaki and Illia Romov. Still she rounds out her studies with science, history, philosophy, and art. She is one the most educated beings ever in the Mystic League. -Not long ago, Eriruka, vice-headmistress of the Mystic League, assigned Riikoa to Eqis as her pupil. Mainly to get the kitten out of her room and away from her books. Though Riikoa didn't appreciate the change at first, she did grow to enjoy her time with her friends, Re'en, Pleeyo, and Eqis. Through her experiences training under Eqis (and on occasion Kina), Riikoa has grown even stronger, more flexible, and more graceful. She is not too overly concerned about her physical proportions though she is learning how to change her shape like Rae has to make her body the right shape for her...or at least stop her continual growth... -If there is one thing above and beyond all else that Riikoa doesn't like, it is a bully. Pleeyo's steady slide into the role of a bully is starting to push this usually zen-like titan's patience. But as long as Eqis is there to keep some peace, Riikoa will have some breathing room. But everyone expects her to lose her cool sooner or later...