This is a warning being posted by the Adventurers' Union... Recent accounts of highly trained and extraordinarily powerful fighters appearing seemingly for no other purpose than to hurt, maim, and kill high level adventurers and fighters have resulted in an investigation into numerous deaths and disappearances. The latest round of investigations was prompted by the violent slaughter of the more than 200 soldiers of an independent army from the undisputed Territories some 20 years ago. The nationality of those troops is being held secret to protect the afflicted stellar nation. The investigation has yielded the following: One) The killers in question are expert killers with little or no sanction against murder. Two) These killers are organized in a system similar to an assassins guild but are apparently not held to the same code or conduct as such. Three) Being high level warriors, they are capable of tremendous destruction. Four) Random murder is not their motive. They simply hunt strong individuals and groups to fight. They rarely attack unannounced but are even more rarely escaped or repelled. They are not terrorists. Five) They have not social or political aims. On more than a few occasions they have slain terrors and their allies. Despite rewards for such terminations, not one of these killers has ever come forward themselves to collect. Six) They function outside normal moral standards thinking little of killing to meet their goals. However it is important to note that they rarely do more than severely injure people they deem "non-targets". The general public is safe from them. What we do know of their membership is that their are literally thousands of these "killers for sport" operating in across the Great Wide Universe. Their ranks are regularly replenished by a system of inherited membership, their children are automatic members. Training, mental and physical, begins at a very young age and continues for their whole lives. Unlike an assassin's guild, there is no ranking council, no code of conduct beyond random murder or killing solely to illicit fear or terror. There is no headquarters. No meeting set place. They are a confederation of powerful hunter/killers who move freely, anonymously, amongst the general populace of this and perhaps several other continuums [universes]. DO NOT let their name fool you. They are not a school for fighters, a sporting organization, or any some such. They are extremely deadly and unpredictable in their motives, behaviors, and appearances. They refer to themselves as the Sword League. They usually kill with melee weapons and have little or no fear of advanced magics, firearms, or fighting techniques. If you encounter them, do not engage, back out, or retreat if possible. However if you are going to engage a "Sword Leaguer", please advise your local Bounty Officer's office, or Contract Action Commissioner, or other applicable governmental agent for any details of the subject including rewards, deterrents , etc. Above all else remember: these are classified priority 00 subjects. Only allow the professionals to deal with them. Go the other way as quickly as you can. More information on known persons will be made available as soon as possible. End of line...