Well part two of my new lemon series. It has sex and other things that you shouldn’t see; but hey, I’m not your babysitter. Last time we left off with Jack just finishing boinking the bunny, so to speak; when he finds Wigglytuff “Talking” to him. And so the story continues… -\-\-\-\-\-\-\- A Brand New Challenge – Part 2 -/-/-/-/-/-/-/- Chapter 7 – A deeper connection (Hmm, sounds like what I should have called the last chapter) “I love you” Jack said out loud, realizing that he actually meant it. “I love you to, Jack” Kami said gleeful. “Jack looked shocked for a moment “What did you SAY?” he said, stunned that he understood her. “What?” She asks, “You don’t know?” Jack looked confused and shook his head. “When a pokemon and a trainer have love between them, they can understand each other” She continued “And sense we shared love like we did, it happened quickly” Jack thought for a moment, it made sense; she didn’t learn English, he just had a bond that allowed him to understand her. After a while he headed off to bed, Wigglytuff sleeping beside him. Chapter 8 – No news is good news Day arrived in Cerulean once again, and the town was already in full swing by the time Jack woke up. Wigglytuff had fallen asleep on his chest and was still fast asleep. He glances at his Gear, 9:18, plenty of time to train later. Not wanting to wake her up, he turns on the television; making sure to keep the volume on low. He flipped through the channels until he found what appeared to be a press conference. Officer Jenny, of Pallet, was addressing a large group outside of Professor Oak’s lab. “Will everybody calm down please” She said quieting the crowd to a murmur. “It appeared that last night someone broke into Prof. Oak’s lab” “A lot of pokemon where stolen, and Professor Oak was assaulted” Someone walks up to her and hands her a note. She looks at it and continues. “I have just gotten word from the hospital; he is in serious, yet stable condition.” A reporter asks her a question and she responds. “Yes, it is very likely that team rocket is involved; but until we can gather more evidence, we won’t know for sure” Jack turned off the T.V. as Kami was waking up. She looked up into his eyes at his stern expression and looked concerned. “What’s wrong?” She asked. Jack sighed and told her. “It’s just Team Rocket again, they’re just getting worse by the day” he said sighing. He smiled and ran his fingers through the little ‘poof’ on her head playfully. Jack packed up everything he would need for the day; he still had another day reserved and didn’t want to take everything with him. After that they went to the dining area. Jack fed himself and Wigglytuff, but not Magnemite. (As you can guess Magnemite don’t eat) One everyone was sated it was off to route 24, to train and possibly expand the party a bit. Chapter 9 – New characters and other nifty plot devices The sun was shining brightly, not a cloud in the sky. Some trainers where already battling whereas others were just enjoying the day, relaxing in the sun. He approached a rather impressive old bridge, the years had weathered the once proud wood a dull gray color. The early spring waters of the Cerulean River flowed forcefully underneath, swelled with snow runoff from Mt. Moon. Though weathered it was still sturdy as ever, though it was for pedestrians only. A few trainers batted on the 30-foot span, the water creating a tension filled backdrop. The waterway was known all over the world for it’s abundance of water pokemon, it’s only natural that a water gym popped up near it. Crossing the bridge, Jack spots a trainer sitting on top of a hill. He was just sitting there, totally relaxed, feeding his Bellossom. He looked around 14, medium build, spiky blond hair, and a bright red jumpsuit. He has a set of two deep scars going across his eye, giving him an edged appearance. He also has an ear bud attached with a thin wire to a square device of some sort. He sees Jack and rises to his feet, stretching. “Hello, the name’s Kevin” He says “Looking for a battle?” He adjusts his earpiece. Jack reaches out and shakes his hand. “Jack Purin” “And yes I am” The two stand about 20 meters apart from each other, eyeing the competition. “Let’s get this started, shall we?” Kevin says calmly, grinning. Jack nodded and brought out his first pokeball. Jack sends out his Magnemite and Kevin calls his Bellossom over. The Bellossom did sort of a dance, getting ready for battle. “Magnemite” Jack started “Use Thundershock” The one eyed magnet started to glow and spark, charging up for an attack. He sent a large charge of electricity towards the Bellossom, slicing through the air. But the grass pokemon dodged it easily and got ready to counter the attack. “Bellbottom, use your razor leaf!” Kevin says as the Bellossom sends a barrage of sharp pointed leaves at the Magnemite. Hit after hit beat Magnemite back; it was floating erratically now, bobbing from side to side. “Use supersonic, Magnemite!” It let out an ear-piercing sound at Bellossom; the grass type tried to shake it off, but to no avail. “Bellbottom, use tackle and finish it off!” Kevin cried out. Bellossom dove forward and knocked Magnemite to the ground. Jack called it back into the pokeball “You did good, you should rest” Jack pulled his other pokeball out. “Kami, go!” A red light came out of the pokeball and Wigglytuff appeared. Bellossom had the speed advantage for its level and attacked first. Because it was confused it managed to punch itself in the face. It was end back reeling from it’s own attack. “Kami, use your doubleslap!” Wigglytuff ran at the Bellossom and got three hits in before the plant type fainted. Kevin thought quickly “Good job Bellbottom” “Go Jekela!” Out of the pokeball came a pitch-black pokemon, with razor sharp claws and a evil grin. Jack reached into his pocket and pulled out the pokedex. “Sneasel: Dark/Ice type. This pokemon is hard to train because of its short temper, mean and vicious it doesn’t think twice about using dirty tricks.” “Kami, use your defense curl!” The rabbit pokemon curled into a ball, raising its defense. “Defend against this” Kevin said, calling out the next attack. “Use fury swipes” Sneasel leaped high into the air and started slashing at Wigglytuff, she tried to dodge its attacks but it was to fast. She slipped and Sneasel cut her across the arm. “Kami, use Double edge!” She charged at full speed, but the dark type simply jumped out of the way. “Finish the battle Jekela, use slash.” Kevin commanded. Sneasel bounded off the ground and slashed across Wigglytuff’s chest. She fell to the ground, beaten. Jack ran up to her and picked her up, getting a vial of potion out. He sprayed the heal-all on her then returned her to her pokeball. Kevin followed Jack to the pokemon center to make sure he got there ok. They sat in the lobby while the pokemon where being healed. “Wow” Jack said “My Wigglytuff didn’t even get one hit in, your Sneasel is really powerful” Kevin smirked “Well, I’ve had her for almost 2 years now” “She’s had a lot of experience” Jack realized just how lucky he was to have made it as far as he did in the battle. “Yeah, I’ve only been training a few days now” Kevin was a little shocked “Well, your Wigglytuff responds well to you for only being a trainer for a few days” Nurse Joy came out with their pokeballs and left. Jack let her out of her pokeball to see if she was ok. “Hey Kami, you ok?” Wigglytuff thought for a moment and nodded “Yeah, just be sure to make it up to me later” Jack blushed “Ok, anything you want” Jack offered Kevin to join him for dinner and Kevin accepted. They decided to let the pokemon rest there for a while and have a snack while they where away. Chapter 10 – Food for thought At the Cerulean Inn’s restaurant we find our hero engaged in eating and conversation. It’s a rather large establishment; in the middle is a water fountain that shifts color with the music. Large pictures of seascapes line the walls, combining into a water montage. Jack and Kevin are sitting next to an open window overlooking the Cerulean gym. Jack is eating a large burger, picking away at it every now and then. Kevin was having a slightly lighter seafood salad. Kevin was looking quite disgusted with his meal. “You know the problem?” Kevin asked. “You can never get a decent piece of seafood in this city” “Too many laws against eating water pokemon, so all the food comes from the seafoam islands.” He puts down his fork. They continue to eat “So, where’re you from? Jack asks. “Well” Kevin starts “I’m from Goldenrod City, an even bigger shopping area then Celadon, and about 5 years ago I started on my pokemon journey. And now I’m on assignment here from my side job” Jack thinks for a second and asks “What do you do?” He chuckles “I work for PDI as a field researcher, testing new products and stuff like that” He unclips the device from his belt. “This is what I’ve been testing recently” He hold up a square console, about 3 by five inches; it has a number of buttons and dials, and a screen with odd symbols on it “It’s a translator, it can be used to get a literal translation out of pokemon speak in real time” Jack coughs “So you can understand an pokemon?” Kevin nods “Just about, that’s why I’m testing it out” “In order to be able to translate a pokémon specie the first time I have to calibrate it for that pokemon, after it’s in the database it is an instant process after that” Jack was just a tad bit concerned, to say the least. “So did you have that thing on earlier in the Pokemon Center?” he asked. Kevin laughed “Don’t worry, it’s no big deal” He moves in closer “Besides, I’d be a bit of a hypocrite if I judged you” He said quietly. Jack nods, understanding. Kevin adds “That portion of training can be just as important” The check came and Kevin covered the bill, his winnings from their previous battle more then compensating for it. As they left the restaurant a group of local ruffians attacked them and forced them into an alley, out of the way. Chapter 11 – Judo and special attacks There where three of them, each one uglier then the last. They where all dressed in black leather and had a variety of piercings: one of them had a baseball bat, one a chain, and one brandishing a sword. Jack though surprised at the attack, was more surprised at Kevin’s relaxed attitude. “Give us all your money” The first one said, pounding his bat into his hand. “Well that’s original” Kevin said. Jack was getting nervous “Don’t get them angry, are you trying to get us killed?” Jack said spastically. “Relax, I’ll take care of it, just cover me” Cover him? No he couldn’t, Jack thought. Kevin moved forward before the first one could even react, he jumped up and kicked the punk in the head; he was down in one blow. This pissed off his friends, and they both ganged up on Kevin. He then started to get nervous; one on one he was fine, but he wasn’t sure if he could take both of them at once. Jack felt helpless and angry at the same time; he wanted to help, but didn’t know how. All of a sudden he felt a surge of energy pass through him, like a part was awakened that he didn’t know he had. He lifted his hands up and sent a powerful Thundershock at the attackers, the metal of the weapons acting as a perfect conductor. They fell on their knees and dropped the weapons; seeing this was getting too dangerous, they picked up their friend and weapons and ran. Kevin blinked a couple of times and turned to Jack, looking to him for an explanation. “How did you?…” Jack stood stunned. “I don’t know, I just felt something” He said “Then like instinct, I knew what to do” Kevin thought for a moment “Oh well, let’s get our pokemon then figure it out later” “No need to fret over it” Jack nodded, now was the time to get his pokemon and do what he set out to do. Chapter 12 – Wet times After getting the pokemon, they head off to the gym. Both are still a little in shock; but stranger things have happened, and they shrug it off as best they can. In the gym is a woman, in her early twenties, with shoulder length red hair. She’s on the edge of a big pool, talking to a Dewgong. Jack approaches as Kevin hangs back and watches, the woman looks up and greets Jack. “Oh, a challenger?” She asks getting up. “I’m Misty, the leader of the Cerulean gym” Jack responds “The name’s Jack Purin, and I would like to challenge you for a badge” We see them on opposite sides of a giant pool, Misty calls across “If you defeat me, you shall get a Cascade badge” She adds “Let’s go two on two this time” She yells to the announcer booth. The announcer calls over the loudspeaker. “Like, Jack challenges Misty to a battle for a Cascade badge” “There will be like, no time limits and like, two pokemon a piece” Misty brings out a pokeball first, she sends her Staryu out onto one of the floating platforms on the pool. The five armed pokemon spins in place. Jack decides to use strategy this time and sends out Magnemite. The battle ground set, Staryu attacks first with a powerful water gun. Magnemite shrugs this off and sends a powerful thunder attack at the water pokemon. In one shot it falls, the light going out in its core. “Not bad, predictable, but not bad” Misty says. “Well, try this!” She sends out her other pokemon, out pops a goofy looking blue pokemon with a silly grin. Jack brings out his Pokedex: Quagsire- this pokemon has a carefree nature, because of that it often runs into boats by accident. “Hmm, not much help” He says. He has Magnemite attack with another thunderbolt, but it does nothing. “Don’t know much about water pokemon” Misty taunts “Quagsire are immune to electric attacks!” In one move Quagsire dives under the water and tackles magnemite from below. Magnemite is thrown out of the pool and crashes into a wall. The announcer calls out “Magnemite is like, totally out of the pool” “He’s like out of the match” Jack fumes, he recalls Magnemite and brings out his other pokeball. Kami, go! The Wigglytuff hops out onto the platform and gets into a dramatic battle pose. “Great, I don’t like fighting on water” She said. Quagsire jumps on to the edge of the platform and flings Kami into the water. Though Kami could float, being a balloon demi-type, she couldn’t maneuver very well in water. Quagsire tackled Wigglytuff from under water over and over, Kami hardly being able to defend herself. Jack then remembered how well sound traveled through water… “Kami, use your sing attack!” She cleared her throat and began to sing. “I’m sweet and I’ll sing my sleep song to you, you’ll find it very hard to stay awake… Your body will feel week and your eyelids will droop, with the song that I sing to you..” Bubbles formed under water and Quagsire floated to the surface, sleeping. Misty fell to her knees “I lost” she said quietly. Back at the entrance, Misty hands Jack the Cascade badge. “We’ll that was surprising, I had a battle like that in a while” “You earned this” She says, then walks back into the gym. Kevin then notices it’s become dark. “Wow that took longer then I thought” he says “We better find a place to crash for the night” Jack looks at him and asks “What, you don’t have a hotel room?” Kevin shakes his head. “Naw I was just planning to crash at the pokemon center like usual” Jack Thinks for a second and asks “Do you want to crash in my hotel room with me? There’s more then enough room” Jack nods “Sure, as long as I’m not intruding” Motions towards Jacks pokeballs. “It’s ok, I’m sure we’ll work something out” Jack says, hinting. Chapter 13 – Everybody Wang-chung tonight After a short trip to the pokemon center they go back to the hotel. Jack and Kevin enter the room, it had been cleaned sometime by the maid staff and the blankets where neatly folded and tucked. Kevin put his bag down near the door, and hops on a chair. Jack sits on the bed opposite of him, now feeling a bit awkward. Something clicks and Kami pops out of her pokeball. She pounces on Jack and starts kissing him. Jack motions to Kevin, Kami sees him and says nonchalantly “Hi Kevin” and goes back to kissing. She slows down eventually and gets up, rubbing Jack through his pants with her paw. Kevin is watching intently when one of his own pokeballs open, out pops a Golduck. “This is my other pokemon, Nemo” Kevin says. “Hello” Says a male sounding Golduck. And collectively they all looked down and say the Golduck was VERY male. Kevin and Nemo switched places and Kevin got between Nemo’s legs. Wigglytuff stopped rubbing and was oddly fascinated by this. Kevin started licking the head of the Golduck’s hard member, his other hand resting on Nemo’s belly. “Well I’ve never tried that before” Kami stated “You wanna try?” She asked. Jack was a bit surprised that she never did that before then realized that pokemon probably didn’t do that in the wild. “Yeah go ahead, just be careful with your teeth” Kami started to unzip his pants then stopped. “Umm… How do you do it?” Kevin came up for air and said “Just watch me, do what I do” then he went back to licking Nemo’s cock, making sure Kami could see. She looked for a bit and undid Jacks pant’s fully, and then took down his boxers. She glanced at the two on the chair once more and started to lick Jack’s cock. Judging form his reaction she figured she was doing it right, so she licked a bit faster. Kevin knew he wasn’t going to get far this way, so he started sucking on Nemo’s member again. Jack closed his eyes and felt her mouth surround his length, she was a fast learner he thought. Kami noticed that it was all the way in her mouth and she still had plenty of room, so she sucked in his balls into her mouth also. Now she was sucking on him and licking the underside of his balls. Kevin looked over and wished that he had that much space in his mouth. Both males where nearing climax; Kami had a natural talent for it, whereas Kevin had much more skill. Kevin coughed as Golduck came into his mouth, his head being held there by Nemo’s powerful arm. Eventually he got it all down just in time to look over and watch the other two. Jack came hard soon after, sending jets of cream down Kami’s happy gullet. She drank it all down, the fluid basically poring down her throat. Kami came up after she was sure there was nothing left, grinning. “That wasn’t too bad, I liked doing that” She said. Jack just sat there, panting. While Jack was recovering, Kevin got to work with his own pokemon. Nemo lifted Kevin up to his feet, at full height he was a couple inches shorter then Golduck. Nemo pointed to his blue tailhole seductively, and motioned for Kevin to enter. Not one to go without thinking ahead, he takes a bit of the lube he put next to the couch and applies it to his erect member. Nemo grunts as he feels the slippery member slide into him, the lube still a bit cold. Kevin moans at the blue ducks clenching anus, the warmth surrounding him and urging him to move on. He starts pumping, going almost all the way out and then slamming back into Nemo. “Faster, come on fuck me!” Nemo cries, the pace almost agonizingly slow. “You asked for it” Kevin responds. He pumps furiously into the water type, there body’s slapping together with considerable force. The strength of the thrusts made Nemo hard again in no time, and he felt himself nearing a second orgasm. Kevin was close also, the audience watching also added to the stimulation. Nemo came first, cum splattering between the two up to their chests. The felling of Nemo’s hot cum on him caused Kevin to release his own load deep within the pokemon’s bowels. By this time Jack had mostly recovered, and he had spent the last five minutes or so fingering Kami. The site in front of her had made her more excited and it was all she could do not to jump Jack right then and there. Jack saw this and motioned for her to come over, she straddled his legs and posed her entrance at his happy center. Kami dropped down and came immediately, completely surprising Jack. After regaining her composure she started to hump his cock, slowly gaining speed. “Kevin, can you pass me that lube” Jack asks. Kevin gropes around on the floor and tosses the bottle at Jack, he catches it and applies it to his fingers on one hand. Kami looks at him quizzically, but he reassures her “It’s ok” “This will feel a bit weird at first, but everyone I’ve done this to before has loved it” Jack slides his finger into her butt, she gasps but finds it not uncomfortable and continues to ride Jack. After making sure there wouldn’t be a problem, he adds another finger to her tailhole, then another. Her rubbery body made it relatively easy for her to accommodate 3 fingers. Jack decided to stop at three today, also the fact that he was close to coming distracted him from her rear. Kami was frantic, her two holes being filled brought her to new levels of ecstasy as she came for a second time. The tightening around his cock and fingers set him off, shooting his seed deep inside the bunny’s hole. The room was full of the sent of sweat and sex, though all where exhausted they took turns at the shower to prevent anything from drying overnight. Once all clean, everyone was soon asleep; totally relaxed. Chapter 14 – A path to follow Jack awoke to the sound of Kevin typing on a communication device, Nemo was back in his pokeball whereas Kami was still asleep at his side. Kevin was deep in thought and didn’t seem to notice Jack get up. After Kami woke up they went and got breakfast, where Kevin was unusually quiet. “Anything wrong?” Jack asked politely. “It’s just yesterday, when we where attacked” He said thoughtfully “I keep on trying to find an explanation to why it had happened” Jack had totally forgot! After last night, everything that happened before just became fuzzy. “Anyway” Kevin continued “I contacted my work, wondering if they’d have heard of anything like you did” “Then they wanted me to bring you there, with your permission of course” Jack thought for a minute “Well, if they want to see me obviously they must have something” “So it should be worth the trip” Kevin thought for a second and responded. “I thought you might say that, well we’d have to go to Saffron City to catch the train to Goldenrod” Jack stood up “Well, what are we waiting for, let’s go!” The end. On the next exciting edition of Pokemon: A Brand New Challenge… -Jack and Kevin travel to Goldenrod! -Wigglytuff gets it up the butt! -Jack finds something out about his birth -And a special guest star!