Warning! This is an erotic fan fiction, a lemon. If you are not old enough to read this or find such material offensive, leave. To anyone who cares about timelines, it’s after blue and before silver. The Duck has spoken. -A Brand-New Challenge- ..Prologue.. It was nighttime, more importantly it was the night before he was to receive his trainer’s license. Though many people had done it before him, there was seldom any one over 14 who hadn’t already started. He spent the time most people took to start on their journeys to finish school first, so that he would not be limited later on in life. He knew that most trainers his age would already have 6 or 7 years more experience then him by this time, he would have to work that much harder. He was about 5’8”, and wasn’t an athlete but was nicely built. His black hair was parted along the middle, but short. His typical clothing consists of dark green pants, a black t-shirt, and a red bandana around his neck. He kept his face shaven as much as he could, soon he’d be glad to be able to once a month. He had spent the last few summers earning money and gathering the necessary supplies, he was determined to be entirely self-sufficient in what ever he decided to do. Of course he would also gain money through the traditional way of battling, wherein you would gain half of the money of the loosing opponent. This was a tradition passed down through the generations, and through honor all trainers generally followed this. Of course if someone was short on cash other arrangements could be made. Usually this involved them capturing a pokemon for them. And so the dream becomes a reality, but much stranger then fiction is the truth… Part 1- The path to becoming a trainer Chapter 1 – Good morning He awoke to the exploding of a Voltorb, quite fitting in a city that prides itself on lightning pokemon. After his morning routine he heads straight for Prof. Alkaline’s lab. Outside he sees a kid crying because there aren’t any pokemon left. For some reason he heads inside anyway, something inside drive him forward. In Vermilion City it was customary for new trainers to get a choice of three pokemon: A Jigglypuff, an Elekid, or a Magby. He was hoping to get a Jigglypuff, they where so much more versatile then the others and perhaps a bit more rare. By this time of month, though, he’d be glad to get whatever he could. If not it would be at least 2 weeks before he could start, and he was growing inpatient. He walked in through the double doors; funny, he thought, he had never bothered to go inside before. The place was a mess. Turns out the busier someone is, the less time they have for housekeeping. The whole place was a mess, except for a small area around a computer terminal: and in this area Prof. Alkaline worked, not even noticing someone had come in. She was in her early thirties, laid back but diligent. It looked like she hadn’t even bother to comb her hair this morning, in fact she did, but was typing at the time. “Excuse me,” He said, not wanting to sound rude. She blinked a couple of times and turned to face him. “Sorry about that, I get a little distracted” She said rubbing her eyes. “I’m Professor Alkaline, what can I do for you?” He introduced himself “My name’s Jack Purin,” “I’ve come to get a trainer license.” Sighing, she says “Well, I don’t have any pokemon right now” “Well except for a Wigglytuff, but I’m afraid I can’t give that one up” “Too fond of it?” He asks. “No, no.” “She just has a couple of bad habits that make her almost un-trainable.” “But you seam like a nice kid, how bout we go out back and try to catch you a Rattata or something.” Jack grinned “Sure! That would be great.” Out back there is a large grassy clearing leading to Route 6. A couple of young trainers where watching something in the grass, Jack looked and it was two Nidoran doing what two Nidoran typically do when trying to make more Nidoran. Both trainers where male, around 11, and where laughing. “Look, they’re doing it!” “Hey let’s throw a couple of rocks at them see what they do!” At this point Jack walks up to the two and taps them on the shoulder, they turn around and immediately the smile drops from their faces. “Hey leave them alone” His face gets stern “Understood” Jack wasn’t all that large for his age, but to two 11 year olds he was impressive enough. Without another word they ran off. Prof. Alkaline was impressed “Wow” She thought “For his age he’s sure mature. She walked up to him and whispered in his ear. “Let’s leave them alone, we can go back out later” Jack nodded in agreement and followed her inside. “Listen, I’m thinking about giving you Wigglytuff” “You showed a lot of maturity and I think you might have what it takes to handle her.” She says, pondering. “What exactly does she do that makes her so hard to train?” He asks. She sighs, glancing around the room. “Well, I lied.” She starts. “It’s not that she’s hard to train, she’s just not the kind of Pokémon that is appropriate for most young trainers” “What do you mean?” He asks, concerned. “She has a ‘fondness’ for male trainers” “After a while with a male trainer, she tends to ‘come on’ to them” She takes a deep breath and continues “Unfortunately this causes problems and the poor girl had her heart broken more then once after she was returned” “That’s why I keep her here, that way I don’t get any more calls from angry parents”. Jack sits down on a nearby chair. After thinking for a few minutes, Jack spoke. “So she actually tries to have sex with her trainers, why don’t you just set her up with a female trainer” “Well” She says” “I tried that, but she got aggressive and the trainer ended up with a black eye.” “So you see, I could either keep her pent up in the lab for the rest of her natural life” “Or I could find a responsible trainer that would be able to take care of her, in all aspects.” “Of course, if you don’t want to, I’ll understand.” Jack seamed stunned “So you’re saying that I should accept it if she comes on to me” “Isn’t it illegal to do that with Pokémon?” He asks, unsure. She walks over to the desk, and boots up the computer. “No, not exactly.” “Most people frown upon it, but as long as it isn’t forced it’s generally ignored” “Just don’t go blurting it out to the wrong people” “Gangs, like team rocket, will try to steal a pokemon like this” “But as long as you’re careful it shouldn’t be a problem” Jake was about to say something but was interrupted. “Now before you say it, yes a human would be physically compatible with a Wigglytuff” “In terms of ‘size’ a Wigglytuff is no smaller then a human” “So, are you interested?” He thought about this, a part of him was interested, but he wasn’t sure he wanted to take THAT much responsibility. Of course it was always a secret fantasy of his to have sex with a pokemon, but he always kept it hidden. And it would be good to have a strong starter, and a Wigglytuff could take care of most things he’d encounter. “Yeah” He said slowly “I guess I would like to train her” Chapter 2 – It’s Official The program had finally loaded and a blue poke-ball icon flashed in the screen. “Ok, let’s get your dex’ started.” “Just input the data into the terminal” [-Pokedex version 5.6-] Name: Jack Purin Birthdate: 2/12/2006 Age: 17 Origin: Vermillion city, Kanto Class: Beginner Badges: None Education: Post graduate Id No: 7980-237-584 [-End Function-] “Wow, I thought you were younger then that” She says “Well in that case, your old enough to call me by my first name, Lisa” She pulls the pokedex out of the slot and hands it to him. “You’ll need this to” She gives him an odd-looking watch device. “This will allow you to call in case you need help with something, it also connects you to the radio station in Lavender town.” “Here’s her pokeball, she’s fed and was just brushed” “and one more thing” she hands him a Great ball “Here’s my last one, use it wisely” “Thanks” He says “Anything else?” She thinks for a moment and replies “Nope, but you might want to train in route 6 before you challenge Surge, he’s a lot tougher then he was a few years ago” As Jack starts to head towards the door, he says “Thanks for everything, I’ll come back before I leave for Cerulean!” “Bye” she replies “good luck!” On the road to Route 6, he decides to let Wigglytuff out for a while; better to let her get used to him now then starting right out in battle. “Wigglytuff, come out!” He says, opining the read and white sphere. Wigglytuff looks around, surprised to be outside away from the lab, and looks at Jack. “Hello girl, my name’s Jack; I’m your new trainer” She looks confused for a moment but nods in understanding. “Wiggly!” She says and wraps her arms around his waist. “Easy girl” he says laughing, “Let’s go see how good you are at battling, ok?” She thinks for a second and grabs him by the hand, leading him towards a group of young trainers. “Well, I guess so” And followed her, trying not to be dragged along. One of the trainers walked up to him; she was female, no more then 14 years old and was wearing a Poke-scout uniform. She introduced herself, sounding overly hyper. “My name’s Stacy, I train only cute pokemon.” “Hello” Jack said evenly “Let’s fight” They backed away from each other and Wigglytuff got into a battle position. “One on one ok with you?” Jack asked. “Fine with me, hope you’re ready” She said, taking out a lure ball. “Zenni, go!” A turtle pokemon with funny looking ears appeared, standing in a menacing pose. The water pokemon wasted no time and charged toward Wigglytuff with a vicious tackle attack. “Use defense curl and come back with a double slap!” Shouted Jack. Wigglytuff curled up in a ball and braced herself as she was tackled, but the water pokemon bounced off and caused no damage. “Careful Zenni, it’s stronger then I thought” Just as she said that, Wigglytuff unleashed her double slap attack. Her paws moved so fast it was hard to make them out; the Wartortle was almost knocked at once by the consecutive blows. “Zenni, Hydro Pump!” She said, hoping that she could make a comeback. The turtle sucked its breath in as it prepared for attack. “Wigglytuff, finish it!” “Bodyslam!” Wigglytuff jumped up in the air and came down hard on the frightened turtle. She rebounded and got in a fighting stance again. “Zenni, no!” She said looking on. The Wartortle was out cold, but nothing a night at the pokemon center couldn’t fix. “Is it ok” Jack asked, a bit of worry showing. “Yeah, he’ll be fine” She said after looking her pokemon over. “He just needs to rest a little” “Well, off to the pokemon center” “thanks for the battle” She says, running off toward town. After she left he remembered something, after your first win it was traditional to make a nickname for your pokemon “From now on I think I’ll call you Kami” “Do you like that name” She nodded and hugged him again. “Ok, what should we do now?” He asked her. Almost on cue a Magnemite floats by. Pokemon and trainer look at each other and right away she lands a quick attack to the Magnemite, followed by a double edge. Jack blinks and the Magnemite falls to the ground, stunned. His lips formed the words ‘wow’ as he threw the greatball and captured it. Kami stood and did a victory pose, one arm up in the air and her other one flexed. Jack couldn’t help but laugh at this. Kami looked confused at his laughing but looked at herself and grinned. “Tuff!” All of a sudden it starts to downpour, lightning flashing across the sky. “Shit! Kami, return!” He said as a red beam of light teleported the pokemon inside. He started to run and he just kept running until he got to the pokemon center, not where he wanted to be but he had little choice. Chapter 3 – Rain and wet dreams (Not that kind!) A storm had come in, and as the storm comes into the harbor; the trainers come into the pokemon center. On the upper floors there was a hotel, it was mainly a place sailors would go when the St. Anne was dry-docked. The waiting room was packed, but Jack knew he could get a room if he needed to. His family was good friends with the nurse Joy and he could always depend on a clean bed. A few years ago he worked at the pokemon center as a runner, and occasionally helping with the sick pokemon. He learned a lot about pokemon care and physiology, and was well liked there by all the staff. He spent so much time there; they set up a room for him so he could work later. It wasn’t much, just a small room with a cot; but it was almost a second home to him. He made his way to the front desk and Chansey recognized him, pulling on Nurse Joy’s dress. “Oh, Jack” “What brings you out today?” She asked. “Well,” He flashes his pokedex “I was training and I got caught up in the big storm” “Oh, that’s wonderful!” She says “Anything I can do for you?” “Two things, if it wouldn’t be too much trouble” He starts “First, can you heal this Magnemite for me?” “Sure thing!” She says, gleefully. “And if it isn’t too much trouble, could I crash here for the night?” “Looks like this storm’s not going to let up any time soon” She looks around. “Sure, just hurry before I have to give the room to someone else” “Looks like a full house tonight!” Jack thanked her and ran up the stairs. He opened the door to the room and looked around, nothing had changed in three years. It was good to relax. Even though he was only a mile from home, it still felt like he was on the road. Looking down, he realized he was soaked. He took off his waterproof backpack and was about to change into some dry clothes; but he thought against it, as he would just be sleeping anyway, he could dress in the morning. So he took off everything but his boxers and put his wet clothes near the heater. After getting under the covers he remembered his pokemon, he thought it best if she dried off to. Fumbling for his belt, he found the pokeball. “Kami, come out” The pokeball opened and she materialized at the foot of the bed. Jack took a towel out of his bag and started to dry her off. She sat down as he did this and made a sound almost like a purr, but a bit more musical. She sits down between his legs, her back against his torso. Once she was fully dried off, jack threw his towel on the radiator and started to pet her. He started with her ears and ran his fingers through her soft fur. Then he remembered something, food; he was hungry, and was sure that Wigglytuff was also. Kami was a little annoyed when he stopped petting her, but noticed him going for his backpack. Jack routed around in the bag and found what he was looking for, a rather large sandwich. He split it in two and gave half to Wigglytuff. “Here” He said “I can’t cook in here, so we’ll have to make do.” She looks at him quizzically and sniffs the sandwich, looking it over. After careful consideration she takes a bite, then another; then she pops the rest in her mouth. He eats his after and puts the packaging away. “I’ll get you some real pokemon food tomorrow” He says, content. He noticed that she looked tired, so he sent her back to her pokeball and laid down. Chapter 4 – Lackeys and other reasons not to hide switches in the trash Morning, the sun was shining and everything was back to normal at the pokemon center. He’d have to check a few things on his pokedex later, he was still a bit nervous having a pokemon that could see him as a mate. After getting Magnemite back, he decided to go to the gym and test out his skills on the trainers there; if he did well, he figured he could challenge the gym leader. At the entrance he noticed that someone had cut down that annoying bush. Inside, there was only a solitary trainer; he looked old and as if he had seen many battles in his day, both Pokémon and personal. Before Jack could say anything, the old guy walked up to him. “Well” he said gruffly “Last trainer came in here and wiped me out” “Then to top it off, he got impatient with the door puzzle and blasted it off its darned hinges.” He finished and walked out the door. Inside the main arena, the gym leader was sitting there mumbling to himself. “Unbelievable” “That little baby just walked all over me like I was nut’en” The gym leader paused for a moment and looked up at Jack. “Well I suppose you want a battle” He sighed and stood up. “You don’t have any ghost types, do ya kid?” Jack blinked and had a fairly good idea what happened. “Nope, just got my trainers license yesterday” “Haven’t had a chance to go to lavender yet” “The name’s Jack” Surge thought for a moment and asked “Didn’t you used to work at the pokemon center a while back?” “Yep” jack answered. Surge grinned “Well, I don’t have too many pokemon left, so how’s a 2 on 2 sound?” Jack though for a second “Sounds good to me, let’s go” Jack made the first move and brought out his greatball “Magnemite, go!” The pokeball opened and Magnemite flew into battle, hovering back and forth. Surge thought for a second a second and threw his own pokeball. “Orbit, go!” Out popped a familiar-looking pokeball colored pokemon, a Voltorb. Drake went first. “Supersonic!” The magnet pokemon let out a high-pitched sound and the Voltorb was confused right from the start. “Orbit, use your thunder wave!” But Voltorb was too confused and hit itself with it’s own attack. “Magnemite, try a sonic boom!” It’s magnets let gather a huge magnetic force, the air ripped loose with a loud bang. Voltorb was thrown back several feet when, without warning, it exploded with self-destruct. The force was so powerful it almost knocked the Magnemite out. “Orbit return!” Surge said. “Well, I’m impressed” “But play time’s over!” He shouted, pulling out a pokeball with a rather large lighting bolt on it. “Electrabuzz, go! Jack knew that his Magnemite couldn’t take another hit, and called him back. “Ok Kami, it’s your turn!” She appeared instantly, ready to fight. Surge took the initiative and called his pokemon to attack “Quick attack!” The Electrabuzz got up to full speed and dashed towards the pink pokemon. Jack waited till almost the last second before issuing a battle command. “Pound, now!” Wigglytuff pounded straight down and Electrabuzz came crashing to the floor, dazed. “Electrabuzz, use your thunder!” A thousand volts came flowing out of his body and hit Kami dead on. “Kami, are you ok?” Asked Jack, frantic. Wigglytuff stood there, and dusted herself off. “What!” cried Surge. “She doesn’t have a scratch on her!” Jack just stood there in amazement. “Well” Jack said “I think it’s time to end this” He thought for a second. “Wigglytuff, use… sing” Wigglytuff cleared her throat. “Wigglytuff, wigglllllllly tuff” Electrabuzz hit the floor, snoring. The official sounded off. “Electrabuzz in unable to fight, the winner is Wigglytuff!” -.-.-.- Jack walked out of the gym, badge in one hand and Wigglytuff leading the way. “Hmm” he thought “She’s only at level 20 something” “She shouldn’t have been able to take a hit like that so easily” “Well, I’ll talk to the professor about this” Maybe she can figure it out” Chapter 6 – A hard days work deserves a reward After leaving the lab and getting no real answer to why Wigglytuff was so strong, he headed off towards routes 5+6 and Cerulean city. Several battles and hours later they arrive, and first he heads to the pokemon center to heal his pokemon and get something for them to eat. It turns out that Magnemite don’t eat and just need to be plugged in to an outlet every now and again. Once everyone was fed, healed, and otherwise back to normal; he headed off to the Horsea inn. After checking in to a room and letting his pokemon out, Jack heads to the bathroom to take a shower. He leaves the bathroom door open and takes off his clothes. Turning the water on he tests it, making sure it’s hot enough. Before he steps in he hears the floorboards creak behind him. He turns around, in all his glory, and sees Wigglytuff standing there. He has a fairly good idea what she wants but decides to play dumb. “So want to take a shower with me?” He says jokingly. Wigglytuff takes him up on it and jumps in the shower before him. He shrugs his shoulders and joins her. Kami stands there, her eyes transfixed on her trainer’s crotch; she looks up at him then back down as if asking his approval. Jack was very nervous, but decided he’d be the one to take the next step; he got down on his knees on the bathmat, and gave her a little kiss on the lips. The water, cascading down her face, masked the tears of joy she let out; she leaned forward and gave the human a deep, passionate kiss. Jack laughed inwardly when he realized that his pokemon was a better kisser then his last girlfriend. He let his hand wander and eventually he finds the little spot between her legs. She bites her lip as he runs his fingers across it. “Do you want to stop” Jack asks, tentatively. She shakes her head and grinds against his fingers. He slips just the tip of his index finger into her moist tunnel, slowly going in deeper. Kami gasps as she feels the finger enter her; she holds him closer and nuzzles him, panting. When it is up to the knuckle, he withdraws it and pairs it with his middle finger; slowly he begins to thrust in and out of her dripping passage. He stops and brings his hand up to his face, smelling her fluids. It has a warm and relaxing odor, so he takes his fingers into his mouth and sucks on them. He turns off the water and leads her out to the towel on the floor. Lying her down on the towel he spreads her legs apart, getting into position. Wigglytuff no longer seams nervous and lies there patiently, waiting for him to fill her. He guides his dick up to her entrance and pushes the head past her fleshy nether-lips; slowly he pushes forward, making sure not to hurt her, until he’s all the way in. She was so hot and tight, it could as well of been the best sex partner he ever had. Kami moaned as he started to thrust into her, and with each thrust pushed back against him. He almost swore he heard her say faster, and when he did she started to moan louder then before. “Wiggly!!!!!!!!!” She came. It hit her like a ton of bricks and she clamped down on cock, clenching her teeth as waves of pleasure passed through her loins. Seeing her cum like this set Jack off, his seed filling her womb. For some reason his orgasm seamed longer to him, as he was hit with another large wave of pleasure. A few minutes later he withdrew, both body dripping with sweat and in need of a real shower this time. For some time later they just sat there staring into each other’s eyes. “I love you” Jack said out loud, realizing that he actually meant it. “I love you to, Jack” Kami said gleeful. Jack looked shocked for a moment “What did you SAY?” he said, stunned that he understood her. To Be Continued… The end of part 1, much, much more to come. I finished this one in two days, mind you finished, not start and finished. Tell me what you think, it’ll help me write better stories. -David Duck-