Metafurs are much more furry then they would be elves, in fact there is no elf in a metafur at all. From a scientific standpoint they have evolved from regular furs over the course of many many thousands of years in a somewhat warmer climate. They are about as intelligent as an elf would be, furless save for tails, ears and a thin layer of ‘ultrafur’ over there entire bodies. This ultrafur is rather invisible to the naked eye, but to the touch feels like a silky soft down, or puppyfur. It’s not so much used for keeping warm as it is an excellent water repellent, keeping skin dry and preventing them from becoming too cold in the rain. The muzzle over the years has become less so and more of a mouth, though various species of metafurs still have much the same tooth structure, as a rabbit would have flat front teath, and a canine more pointy teeth. The tail and ears are much the same as it is on the furry, with the fur tapering off smoothly to keep it from looking like it was simply ‘pasted on’. Instead of fingernails metafurs have basic claws, usualy non retractable they arn’t as sharp as they would be on a regular fur, for they use tools instead of claws. As for natural powers and abilities, almost every one of them knows some form or another of telekinesis, such as object moving and limited flying powers. Like an elf they have a natural aptitude for magic, but the culture they live in has never had much use for it, thus the teaching of these skills are rather limited. They don’t live near as long as elves, but still have an impressive lifespan average of 120 years, with the ability to breed with there own kind or ‘backbreed’ with other furs, though have little to no luck with elves. They really don’t see themselves ‘better’ or more advanced then there furcovered kin, simply seeing them as taking another path to be who they are.