An alternate dimension perhaps, but really hard to put a place into such simple terms as location, or even a flux in the vibration of the universe. That seems a silly place to start, let's start over, from a more personal perspective. The main continent of this world is Neosi, an old land with some even older inhabitants. Hard to place a period it'd fit in, different worlds develop in a number of different ways. It's relatively low population, at under one billion on the entire planet, but there are cities, there is the advent of things such as the wheel, the electric light, boats and even hot air balloons. The lack of natural sulfur save for undersea volcanoes and a lack of fossil fuels in general make things such as explosives and gunpowder rather unused. Not to say it's without war or a happy idealistic society, no not by any means. There are a number of natural resources that helped to keep the needs simple. Paved roads for travelers and mover-creatures are created for instance by the stedstem plant, a course, rice like plant that when heated with sand hardens into a rather hard plastic like cement. The planet itself is about 7/8ths the size of earth, lending a slightly lower gravity and also allows for larger creatures like dragons to exist without so much difficulty. The main sentient creatures consist of a number of species, there are the rabbit, which are the dominant species, over 20% of the sentient population consists of them. After that you have the lesser prey animals, the horses and other hoofed creatures along with the rodents and a number of species of lizard. For predator species there are the foxes and the cats of course, most of the wolf and dog population is unknown due to a war and exile. The last common species is the human, not the evil creature in your bedtime stories mind you, these creatures where a bit more evolved, with pale flesh and little natural defense they are more skilled with there hands and there mind, able to think on a more technical level but like the fox are a non threat to the rabbit rulers. There are of course dragons and more mythical creatures, rare and reclusive you'd hardly see one walking down main road. Back a number of centuries ago there was a large battle between the rabbits and the canine/wolves. The canines rose up against the leaders of the rabbit clans, driven by pride they tried to take the place among the rulers of the land. The rabbits fought back with superior speed, tactics and numbers on there side, with the last of the canines, about 20,000 from a population of 10 times that they surrendered and through the terms of the surrender where transported to the land on the other side of the world, a place few speak about and even less return from. -Species differences, an extended text- Rabbits: We'll start with the dominant species of the planet. Now rabbits where you are from are weak small creatures compared to the larger creatures, but among there own species they are highly territorial, violent and have a structured society. As such when you consider a morphed form you get a tall creature, with incredible speed due to hind leg strength, sharp attention and excellent senses. Through not only power but numbers they rule, at 15 years old they are fully grown adults, and able to breed a few years before that. The rabbit knights run through the land in groups of 7, they need no steed, able to sustain speeds of 20 miles per hour for 30 minutes at a time, and sprint at near 45 miles an hour. Most other species loose speed from the transition from four legs to two. The lapines on the other hand gain speed because of the increased muscle mass, moving in a cross between a kangaroo hop and a horse's canter, able to literally skip across the land. The rabbit knights wear special armor that grows from thin specially harvested creeper vines, arrow and fireproof they provide lightweight and even water-resistant protection. Horses and hoofed: One of the oldest species with the longest history on the isles, they are often silent and when they do speak it is well thought out before hand, this hardly means they are slow of wit nevertheless. Hooves are more boot-like and spread out to keep their massive weights above ground, most find work easily as farmers and for the grunt work that most would not like to do. This is not to say that there aren't equine musicians, there are also quite a number of 'Hooves of the Cloth' so to speak. Those that give council to troubled creatures in need of guidance. Rodents: They are often called 'Lesser Rabbits' for they have allot of the physical looks of a rabbit, but with almost none of the physical prowess. You can see them in almost any job or position, but usually theirs is to serve. From behind the desk at the local clothary, to in the harem rooms of a master you will often see a mouse doing there best to make others happy. Of course as with all species there are exceptions, a number of mice have taken it upon themselves to be adventures, often helpful in parties when exploring dark caves. Cooking is a skill loved among almost all rodents, they love to eat and as such they have learned many ways to sustain there omnivore lifestyle. Lizards: The scaled, often called faux dragons aren't all too common of a species out in public areas and cities. Instead most live in there own clans and towns, you can pass entire chains of islands to the south of the main continent Neosi, seeing nothing but entire colonies of scales. They have a different language then the main-speak and refuse to use any other way of talking, thus they often keep themselves cut off from everyone else, not wanting to stoop to the level of comforts that the 'ones with hair' enjoy. Pound for pound they are the strongest species, heavy claws used instead of conventional weapons, oddly enough though peaceful as long as there personal space isn't invaded. Felines: Perhaps one of the more underrated species of this world they are a mysterious group, taking a number of positions of diplomacy they are often rumored to influence the ebbs and tides of rabbit politics, manipulating things in there favor. Often not liking to work nearly as they enjoy getting paid you'll find them in the easy job, or that of the thief and treasure hunter, where the instant payoff in there eyes is well worth the risk. Felines are occasional magic users, often learning healing skills and how to make proper potions for profit. Foxes: The best way to describe a fox is a jack of all trades, they are not as numerous as the numerous prey species, but you will often see them about everywhere. After work is done they are a rather gregarious folk, enjoying a good joke almost as much as a good solid drink. Like mice you will often find them in the 'pleasure trade' but instead of as slaves they often work independently, operating brothels and private 'places of leisure'. Foxes have rather tightly knit family groups and often have gatherings, where gossip is passed along and multiple families will gather in one location. Most foxes have some inherent magic to them and most of the true mages are said to be fox born or at least in part vulpine. Humans: Intelligent and rather adaptive they have existed as an enigma, 4000 years ago they arrived onto the lands as if they stepped out of nowhere, few thought such pasty clawless creatures would last 2 seasons. But with a tenacity hardly matched and a love of learning and creating they have proven themselves to be the craftsmen, the learners, and the creators of most inventions and popular culture. They know a number of magics, having no real natural skill at it they learn instead through books and incantations, refining magic down to more a science and an art then a feel or a notion. -Non sentiants- Gekpacts: Lizard like creatures they most resemble giant scaled anteaters. They are usually used for transporting large loads, carrying heavy stone in huge carts, loads of logs and such. Edible as mostly a last resort the meat has much the texture of shoeleather, but with none of the pleasant taste. Hebarys: These are the main actual prey animal of the land that are usually eaten by sentiants. About the size of a donkey, they have a good bit of meat on them and breed 2-3 young a year. The penned kind are a good deal more fatty in taste, somewhat like chicken and pork crossed. The wild though more lean have a thicker flavor, usually more heavily seasoned. Thugans: Not usually for eating save for by the brave adventurer they are a good deal more likely to eat you if you are out alone. The size of large lions they are black almost formless creatures, pink looking eyes poke out of a musky shag of fur. In fact the smell is the first thing you'll notice if you're downwind, if you're upwind it'll be the last thing you'll ever smell. They are somewhat rare and usually hang around deep forests and caves where natural scents and darkness camouflage them.