David Duck here! I have a new part of my multi-part story-lemon-thingy! My longest one yet, this further explains Jack’s unique talents. Also look for a special gust appearance by none other then myself. (One of the very few I’ll do in this series) Feedback is always appreciated, and welcomed. Legal stuff: This is a work of fiction and is not meant to infringe on any copyright laws, this is for the free distribution of the internet and is not meant for the vision of minors. Pokemon and all related things are property of Nintendo, save for the species Icilad and all unique characters. If you are offended by sexual scenes between consenting beings of different species do not continue. Also if you are offended by yaoi or like matter also stop reading. This is only for entertainment purposes only, it does not necessarily represent the views and or ideals of the author. Everyone is of the age of consent (In most states) and the pokemon are the same in PHE (Pokemon-Human-Equivalent) years. Flames are not encouraged. Chapter 15 - On the road to Goldenrod City They arrive at Saffron midday, the sun high in the sky. Traffic was heavy and they spent most of the time just trying to get across the street. Jack ran his fingers through his jet-black hair, it was getting a bit long but he liked it like that. Kevin pointed out a restaurant near the rail station, seeming they hadn’t eaten anything in several hours and since train food wasn’t exactly desirable, and they stopped for lunch. Kevin sighed wistfully, it was good to be back on the road again; he had spent too many nights in Cerulean and was glad to be getting back to the Johto region. Though this whole business with Jack had really set him on edge. He had many questions, like why was his work so interested in getting them there as fast in possible; true they where in the research business, but it seamed like they knew more about this then they where telling. Jack was a bit more at ease. It was odd, but the thing that happened earlier with the electricity shooting out of him almost felt natural, like it was there all along. He ate his lunch rapidly; wanting to get going and finding out what this was all about. He let Kami out of her pokeball and fed her a bowl of pokechow, she was oddly quiet after he explained everything he knew about it to her, and she was trying to figure it out to. It was nearing one o’clock; they would have to hurry if they wanted to catch the rail to Goldenrod. They left the restaurant and Kevin left a generous tip to the kindly waitress, thankfully the rail station was right across from there. As they approached the building the massive electronic doors opened, inside was a large dome with people and pokemon of every shape and size. People where gathered at the large loading platform, some waiting for the train, others waiting for friends or relatives to arrive. Kevin handed Jack the electronic ticket printed from his decoder, an essential device for somebody who travels as much as him. It was a small looking printer, and it printed specially coded pieces of paper that get the code necessary to charge his travel account. They swiped the tickets through a reader and stepped on the train; they had a small compartment, barely enough room for two people, but it they would only be there overnight. Chapter 15b “Are you sure about this?” Kevin asked. Jack looked back at him “Well I figure it’s better then being in the dark about things” he continued “And it seams they might be able to tell me something about this” Kevin nodded. “Ok, as long as you’re ok with it” he sighs “I trust them and all, I’m just concerned” he finishes. Jack opens Kami’s pokeball again and she materializes in front of him. Kevin hops on the bed due to the sudden lack of space in the cabin. Kami looks at Jack, able to hear everything from her pokeball just fine. “Well I don’t know, but I’ll love you no matter what happens” She wraps her short arms around him. Jack smiles and kisses her forehead “You always know just what to say” He replies. A couple minutes later Kevin has an idea “I wonder if you being able to speak to your pokemon so early and the electricity thing is interrelated” He continues “I bet that you can talk to any pokemon, not just your own.” Jack looks at him “But how do we test it?” he asks, curious. Kevin takes a pokeball out of his belt “Well, there’s only one way I can think of” He says “To actually try it” he opens the pokeball and Bellossom pops out. “Bellbottom, can you do something for me?” Kevin asked. She nodded in response. “I need you to talk to Jack and see if he can understand you without one of these” he motions to the device on his belt. She started to talk and at first all Jack heard was nonsense syllables, but soon he was able to make out words. “I don’t know” She said “I don’t think he can understand me any” Jack blinked “Yes I can, wow” The grass type looked at him in astonishment, not even Kevin could understand her without use of one of those machines. “How did you do that?” she asked him. Jack was stunned “I don’t know” He looks over at Kevin “Well I guess you where right” he pauses “Now what?” Night came as sure as at always does; the cabin light flickered on as Kami hit the switch with her ear. Her and Bellbottom where both still out of their pokeballs and sitting on the bottom bunk next two the two trainers. Kami tugged on Jacks pant leg, looking up at him, and rubbed his crotch lightly with her paw. He moaned softly at her touch and smiled at her. She grinned widely and unzipped his pants rapidly. The grass type blushed at this and whispered to Kevin. “Is it ok if we… You know?” Kevin nodded and unzipped his pants for her, allowing his limp member out in the air “All you ever have to do is ask” he says, running his fingers under her grass skirt. Kami was already busy sucking Jack off rapidly, eager as ever. Bellossom timidly rubbed Kevin’s member, not so confident in herself yet, she gently licked the head and gasped as his fingers brushed against her small sex. She still had never had sex with him, seaming he was far too big not to damage her permanently. Kevin gently inserted his index finger into her, spreading her open a bit. She grasped his cock as he fingered her and gently sucked the head into her mouth. He moaned and fingered her a bit deeper, rubbing her small clit with another finger. She stopped for a second before going back to sucking “Feels so good” she said, panting. Kami was inpatient and stopped sucking on Jack, lying on the bed. “Fuck me Jack” She said passionately. Jack nodded and got on his knees before her, and pushed into her gently. She moaned and bucked against him lightly. He held onto her shoulders lightly, moving faster with each consecutive thrust. The Wigglytuff’s ears bounced against the wall back and forth, making a light taping sound. Kevin fingered Bellossom a bit faster as a bit of pre dripped into her mouth. She licked it up eagerly and sucked on him a bit harder, wanting his cream in her mouth. She rubbed from the base of his member upwards, moaning gently at the feel of his finger inside her. She made a loud noise and shuddered hard, squeezing Kevin’s finger tight, almost falling back from the pleasure. Feeling that he made his pokemon climax set him off, shooting round after round into her small mouth. Bellbottom gasped at the sudden spurt, she sucked it down as eagerly as possible, some dribbling down her chin; she coughs lightly at the flow, but loving the sweet-salty taste of it. Jack pounded into the pokemon faster and faster, with Kami still panting for more, slamming into her rubbery hips. Sweat was pouring off his face as he went as fast as he could into her tight hole, panting. Kami was in bliss, she came twice in a row as he pumped into her, and she felt almost on the verge of passing out in pleasure. Jack came a couple of minutes later, filling her with his hot seed, almost yelling out loud but remembering he’s still in a train. He slows down to a stop, letting out a contented sigh as he bends forward and kisses Kami deeply. Bellossom looked up at Kevin, a bit of cum running down her face; she licks her lips and wipes it off with her hand. Kevin smiles at her “Thank you” He says. She smiles “I was about to say the same thing to you” Kevin picks her up and caries her to the top bunk, they fall asleep quickly. Jack and Kami watch the other two disappear above them; Jack withdraws from her, hating to do so, and cleans them both up with a couple of napkins kept handy. Jack falls asleep with his pokemon lover in his arms, both blissfully unaware of anything else. Chapter 16 -- Introductions and Revelations They arrived at the PDI main building at about 10 AM, they had already eaten breakfast and hurried there as soon as they could. It was about a mile away from the main city and rather inconspicuous. The building was about 5 stories high and was about 200 yards long, it looked much like a collage building with a large park in front of it. They entered through the large hardwood doors; inside was a receptionist taping away at a console. He asked their business there and Kevin flashed his ID card and said he was told to come back ASAP. The receptionist nodded and typed something on his computer. “Proceed past those doors to your right and take the blue elevator to basement one, the boss will be there to see you” He hands Kevin a key card “This will get you down there, don’t loose it” he said then went back to his work. They went into the elevator and opened the doors. Jack looked at Kevin “Well, they certainly have tight security here” Kevin nods “Yeah, I never had to go to the basement levels before, we’ll see what this is about soon.” The door opens up and they find themselves in what looks like a large lab, test tubes line the wall and pokemon and humans both are at a set of computers at the far side of the room. A middle-aged man in a white lab coat walks up to them, he has soft brown hair and a kind look to his face. “Hi, I’m Bill, he’ll be with you in a moment” He says. Jack blinks and recognizes the face and name, he couldn’t believe that he was meeting one of the founders of the pokemon teleportation unit. He nods and sits next to Kevin, who was already sitting on a bench. He chuckles and shakes his head at Jack “After a while” he said quietly “He got sick of sylph CO’s exploiting him, so he came to work for us” He finished. A large door opened and the lab went quiet, even at this level it was odd for the actual mind behind PDI to come in, Kevin had only seen him once himself at a meeting a couple years ago. Jack was stunned at what he saw, instead of a human walking through the door like he thought it was a pokemon. It was a Farfetch’d in a lab coat with a red “v” marking on his forehead and a walking stick instead of a leek. The Farfetch’d walked up to them quickly and held out his wing to Jack “Hello, I’m David” He said, “I’ve heard quite a it about you” He turned towards the door “Follow me” He says “Kevin you come to” He adds. They enter into a smaller room, this one looking more like a lounge area, with a huge supercomputer in the center. The duck pokemon hops onto a small table there, so he was eye to eye with the duo as they sit down on a soft chair. “Now I’m sure you both have a lot of questions to ask me about this, and I’ll try to answer them all for you, but I do warn you Jack that this news will change you life forever.” He says, his voice rather flat and to the point. “You have gone through life thinking that you are indeed, all human. Well, that’s only half true, you are part of an experiment between team rocket and sylph co to create the perfect warrior. Let me start at the beginning. Back about 40 years ago the process of cloning was discovered, one of the first clones from team rocket was produces from the legendary pokemon Mew about 25 years ago, creating Mewtwo. This pokemon was created with human Dna in it, creating a being enhanced beyond anything prior. But there was a problem, the more powerful the pokemon, the more powerful its will; and they where not able to control it or stop it from destroying those who created it. About five years later through ancient texts they found the answer, to create a human that had the power of a pokemon, sense humans could be corrupted easily and made to do there bidding. Due to the complex structure of human DNA a successful clone was impossible to make until they figured out how to manipulate a ditto’s DNA in such a way that it could impregnate a human female and create a ‘natural’ crossbreed. Due to the randomness of a ditto’s DNA though 4 subspecies where created, each with there own natural specialty, I’ll get into that later. The species created was called a Icilad, in the old language it means ‘constant change’” He sat down and looked at Jack. Jack was stunned to say the least; everything he thought was true in his life was false. Even his father wasn’t really his father in the biological sense. But the last few days made sense now, he could speak to pokemon cause he was part pokemon, he could use electricity because that was a pokemon attack. He sat there with a blank look on his face then smiled. “Well, what can I do as one of these Icilad things?” He asks, curious. David nods “Well it depends on what type you are, basically the four types are based on two subgroups, power and form. The power side dictates whether you can use your power in human form, and the form side dictates your level of transformation. You are one of the more common types, a power major and form minor, meaning you can transform into most pokemon but have to stay in form for 5 minutes and you can use any pokemon technique in human form. Other types allow more and less freedom with these powers. You also know 4 ‘moves’ transform, selective metronome, adaptive transform, and recover. Selective metronome allows you to use any move whereas adaptive transform lets you do a partial transform. This is about all we know, except there’s at least 100 of your species and have been trying to find out what team rocket is doing now that more of you are hitting maturity. According to our records you are one of the last generations of your species before sylph pulled out and you are the youngest one. I know this is allot to take in all at once and I’ll assume you’ll want to ask me some more things” he finishes, taking a deep breath of air. He ads “As for you Kevin, I value you as an employee and hope you can continue to work with us as part of our special research group.” Kevin nods, mouth still agape. David sighs, “I hate to leave you like this and I hope you’ll stay for a day or two to train here before leaving.” “Our resources are sort of stretched right now and that’s all we can do.” He adds “I have stuff to discuss in parliament and I’ll be gone for a month or so” He shakes Jack’s hand again “It was good meeting you, I’ll have someone in here soon to show you around” He says, exiting the room. Jack sits there speechless, somewhat daunted by everything he’s heard. Most kids at some point in there life imagine themselves as a superhero, with powers beyond that of a human, Jack was like any kid in this aspect; except now he was an adult and now had these powers, once he learned how to use them. It was then he decided to take the training, and see just what he can do Chapter 17 - Basic Training A female around 20 walks into the room soon after, she has long spiky blue hair and is wearing all pink: her shorts and tee shirt where matched perfectly so it was hard to tell where one ended and the other began. She had somewhat of a hard look to her face, but a friendly smile. “Hello, I’m Amber Nightshade, I’ll be your trainer for today’s lesson.” She said, extending her hand. Jack smiled and shook her hand. “Glad to meet you, I’m Jack Purin” He responded. Kevin nodded in recognition and followed them as they stepped on another elevator through small door. They go down about five more levels and the elevator door opens. “Wow” Kevin says “I didn’t even know about this place” Amber nods “Most don’t, it’s mostly off limits to pure humans all together, but you’ve proven yourself trustworthy” she adds. The area is huge, five football fields long, it’s bisected into 9 or ten areas, the ceiling is about 50 feet high and looks like a giant airplane hanger. They head down a large staircase to the ground floor of the place; she leads them about 50 feet to the first room. On the door is a sign that says simply “transform”. They enter the sub area and she directs Kevin to a bench nearby. The room is large, with 3 or four floors some with carpet, some with concrete, some with dirt. “Now the first thing is you might want to let your pokemon out so they won’t be shocked if you have to use this skill in a tight situation” Amber said. Jack nods and lets His Magnemite and Kami out. Kami, seeing another female immediately latches onto him “No need to be jealous” he says “I’m just here for some training” Kami pouts and goes to sit next to Kevin, whereas Magnemite follows her silently. Amber stands in front of Jack in the middle of the arena. “Today I’m supposed to teach you how to transform” she says “It comes easy to most of us, but due to your type you can’t turn into any unique pokemon, and you’ll have to hold it for five minutes before you can change back.” She steps back a bit “I’ll show you first then let you try it” she says. “First you have to picture a pokemon in your mind” “Think of it’s attacks, what it looks like and just imagine being that pokemon” Suddenly her body starts to shimmer, her form dissolves away and in her place a Raichu appears, clothes loose on the floor. She walks around a bit and turns to him “As you can see I’m perfectly identical to a Raichu, the only reason you can understand me is because you can understand all pokemon. Her cheeks spark and she shoots a strong electric attack at a target, making it explode. “And I can also use any of Raichu’s attacks” she says, starting to glow again and shifts back to human, completely nude. She covers herself and puts her clothes back on quickly; Jack and Kevin of course look away during this time, not wanting to be rude. She blushes a bit “As you can see clothes do not change with you, and if you’re going to change into something bigger then yourself you might want to get undressed first, or you’ll go through a lot of money in clothes.” She ads “Ok now you try, change into something that is familiar to you, don’t worry if you don’t get it at first” she says. “Also you won’t automatically change back in five minutes, you’ll have to do it yourself” Jack nodded and searched his mind for a familiar pokemon, looking back trough his memories. Back when he was about 6, he got lost in the woods near Vermilion; he spent hours trying to get back home, after a few hours he started crying. A wild Charmeleon heard his cry and walked up to him timidly, it somehow understood him and led him back to the edge of the city. He never saw that Charmeleon again, but always hoped he would get to see at again. He focused on that image, slowly he felt something happen, his skin started to constrict tightly and almost at once he changed. When Jack opened his eyes everything looked larger, he raised his hands and found claws in place of them, he looked down at his yellow belly and red skin. Jack remembered something and took his shirt off quickly, so it wouldn’t catch on fire from his tail… He had a tail! He tried to move it back at forth and eventually got the hang of it. Kami sat there with her mouth wide open as her love changed form in front of her. Kevin had a similar look on his face but was looking at it in a more scientific manner. Amber walked up to Jack slowly; making sure everything was in the right places. The only difference between him and an actual Charmeleon was the fact that he didn’t have the angry look that type of pokemon usually has. “So, how do you feel?” She asked, just making sure. Jack tested his limbs and started to walk around “Feels completely natural” he says in a voice much deeper then before. He swung his tail to and fro, back and forth; he then attempted to spit a fireball, what shot out looked more like a spark. He tried again; this time he was able to shoot a golf ball sized shot five feet away. Amber nodded “Good, good” “Now try to turn back into a human” Jack thought for a moment and was ably to quickly shift back into his human form. He looked down at himself and blushed deeply, quickly putting his boxers’ back on and getting dressed. “I guess that part takes a bit of getting used to” he said. Amber smiled “Well, you did very good today” she added, “Most people don’t pick it up so easily” Jack sat down, suddenly feeling drained. “That took a lot out of me,” he said. “It will at first” she said, “Only the transformation takes energy though, you can stay in a form as long as you like though” She motioned for the three on the bench to come over. Kami came running up to him and wrapped her arms around his leg. “It’s ok, Kami” Jack said, “I’m fine” He gave her a big hug. Magnemite just hovered there, undaunted, like its species usually does. “Before you go” Amber said “I have something for you to try for tonight” “Change into any pokemon you want before going to bed, then come here in the morning without changing back.” She ads “It will give you a good chance to get used to being in a different form” She walks up to the door and opens it for them. Outside is a man in a white lab coat and thick glasses “I’ll take you to your room” he gestures to a small room by the entrance. “Would you like for our health center to take your pokemon for the night, we find even pokemon need some time away from their trainers every now and then” Jack looked at Kami, she nodded and opened her own pokeball, drawing her inside of it with a red light. Both trainers gave their pokemon to the resident nurse Joy; the only difference in this one was her slightly less pink hair. They took the elevator one floor upwards; the doors opened and reveled an area that looked much like a large hotel, with room after room. The lab technician led them three doors down on the right; he swiped Kevin’s key card in it and led them inside. “This will be your key to the room also, it saves wasted material” The room was quite large, it had two twin beds and a nice off white wallpaper. A rather large entertainment center stood in front of the beds, complete with a mini-disk player. The floor was covered with a very soft carpet; it was a soft blue color. There was also an icebox in the corner; it held various snack and drink items. “If you need anything else, just call room-service” he added before leaving them alone in the room. Kevin sat down on the bed almost immediately, a bit more relaxed now. Chapter 17b - Homework Night had came fast and the two trainers where watching late night television, it was all repeats and Kevin flipped the TV off. Jack looked at him and smiled “I wonder just how complete the transformation is” he said, hinting at something. Kevin smiled back “Well you are supposed to do a transformation tonight, we could always find out” he replied. Jack nodded “So what should I turn into?” He asks, not quite sure what would be the most comfortable for a longer period of time. Kevin ponders for a second “Could you turn into a Vaporeon?” “I know they’re kind of rare, but they’re not unique” Jack thought back to the last time he saw a Vaporeon, it was a couple years ago but he could see the image in his mind as clear as day. He felt his skin start to contract again, like he was being pulled inwards, then almost as soon as it started it was finished. He shook off the clothes covering and hopped off of the bed to look in the mirror in the bathroom. He looked at himself, sleek, powerful looking and as far as he could tell it was a perfect transformation. He padded back over to Kevin and jumped up next to him. “So, how do I look?” he asked. Kevin looked him over carefully “You look good, how does it feel” Jack shrugged “It’ll take some getting used to, but I could like this” he said, adding “Lets see just how natural it feels to do everything like this” He opens the fridge with his muzzle and looks through everything, looking for something to drink. He finds a soda and tries to open it, but finds it impossible to do so with no thumbs. “Could you help me with this” He asks, feeling a bit helpless like that. Kevin nods and undoes the top of it for him, next he gets out a small bowl he uses for his pokemon and pours it. Jack laps it up greedily, and soon Kevin pours him another. “Well I can say this” he says in between sips “Food tastes better as a pokemon” He sniffs around “Also I can smell things a lot better” he adds. Kevin absent-mindedly strokes Jack’s smooth back, Jack looks up at him in response to this. Kevin moves his hand away quickly, blushing. “I’m sorry, I just…” Jack smiled “It’s ok, I liked it” Kevin grinned lightly and ran his hand over the water types back, down the tail, rubbing it gently. Jack let out a soft murring sound from his throat and laid down on his side in response, his skin was much more sensitive now. “Keep going” He murmured, spreading his hind legs a bit. Kevin nodded and lightly stroked the Vaporeon’s stomach, moving ever downward with each deliberate pass of his hands. Jack gasped as he felt fingers brush against the top of his sheath, letting out a small moan of pleasure. Kevin noticed how much softer Jack’s skin was then his Golduck’s; he lightly rubbed the Pokemon’s emerging member lightly, squeezing it between his fingers. Jack shivered as he felt the humans hand make contact against his reformed member, and looks down at it emerging; it’s about four inches long and is a very slender shape, looking a bit more purple then red. Kevin wraps his fingers around it and gently tugs on it, it surprisingly slippery in his hand. Kevin bends down and licks at the tip gently, it tasted sweet, like syrup. As he sucked the tip into his mouth Jack moaned loudly, bucking his small hips. Jack couldn’t believe how fast it was building; he was nearing climax almost instantly. He bucked a few more times and came hard into Kevin’s mouth. Kevin was surprised as he felt a sweet fluid fill his mouth, he didn’t expect his to shoot off so soon, but sucked it down eagerly. Jack howled as more cum streamed out of him, the pleasure was so much that he was on the verge of passing out. Kevin licked his licks after sucking the last few drops from Jack “That tasted very good” he said. Jack was barely ably to lift his head “Thanks” he panted. Kevin rubbed over Jacks tailhole gently, pressing his finger into it. The water type moaned, as suddenly as his erection left him it returned. “Wow, that’s never happened that fast before” Jack said, moaning as Kevin enters his finger into his tight tailhole. Kevin searches through his backpack and gets out a bit of the lubricant and applies it to his finger, slowly he fingers Jack with a single finger, then he adds another. Jack moans and grits his teeth as he feels his tailhole being spread “More” he begs, wanting to be filled up. Kevin nods and unzips his pants quickly; he rubs the lube liberally over his cock and presses against Jack’s tailhole. Jack nods “Go ahead” He says, whimpering. Kevin pushes forward slowly, moaning as the water types tight tailhole surrounds him. He pushes in more, inch at a time, gripping Jacks’ hips. Jack grits his teeth, totally unprepared for the girth of it, his now smaller form trying to adjust. Kevin sees this and slows down a bit, not wanting to hurt him, but still presses in at a steady pace. Soon the entire thing was inside and Jack had never felt so filled before, he laid there panting. It took him a few moments to get used to the size of it but eventually did, and eventually got his breath back. “Ok, it should be ok now” Jack said, bracing himself as much as he possibly could. Kevin slid back a bit and started to push forward, slowly as not to hurt the small pokemon below him, getting a rhythm going. Jack was moaning loudly, it felt like he was going to explode again right then and there. Kevin began to move faster, sweat running down his temple, feeling like a vice had a hold of his cock. Jacks paws where kicking in the air, trying to get a purchase on something. Kevin now was thrusting into him as hard as he could, feeling his release nearing. The “pokemon” felt it to, his cock was throbbing against his belly each time Kevin’s organ rubbed his sensitive prostate. Suddenly he shuddered, then moaned loudly as he felt himself explode into an massive orgasm, shooting his seed all over his blue belly. Kevin moaned as he felt the hole he was thrusting his get tighter all of a sudden, he thrusts one last time and emptied his seed into Jack’s waiting hole. The blue pokemon threw his head back as he felt himself get filled by Kevin’s warm seed, his own wave of pleasure leveling off. For a while they stayed like that, Kevin panting over jack, spent. And Jack under him, equally so. He slowly pulled out of Jack, a bit of cum leaking from the stretched orifice. Slowly he got out a wet nap and wiped the pokemon off, cleaning the cum off of his smooth, silky skin. After a bit Kevin spoke. “That was great” he said, still out of breath. Jack nodded “Yes it was” stretching his legs. “It’s odd” he said “That felt like it was the first time again” Kevin thought a second. “Well it was the first time for that body, I’ll bet it’ll feel like that each time” He said. “Wow” Jack said “This is going to be more interesting then I thought.” They fell asleep together, Jack curled up tightly in Kevin’s arms, resting for a big day of training the next day. -\-\-\-\- The end, etc. -\-\-\-\- Next time on A Brand New Challenge: -Training part two begins, and Jack begins to understand his power. -Kami undergoes some special training also. -The group gets sent off early due to a new threat. -And much, much more! Daviduck83@hotmail.com