Albrecht glared through the image enhancers into the night beyond the forests edge. He'd been told that the enemy was making regular patrols through this area and that their meckas carried vital info which could be quite useful. Therefore he'd been ordered to wait in ambush here, at this time of night.

A bored look crept across his equine face and he yawned and recieved a painful cramp in his throat. He quickly forgot his pain though as his ronins senses caught the unmistakable sound of mecka just to his left, at the edge of the forest where he hid. There were two of them, about half a klick away, lightly armoured and armed to the teeth. He brought the launch ramp online.

"2 available targets." Said his mecka with a robotic, feminine voice.

"Alright..." muttered Albrecht and marked missiles 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 with a swift stroke of his left hand. He looked at the nearest enemy and pressed the confirmation button. Outside the two slowly swiveled left, away from him with a soft whirr of engines. Albrecht marked missiles 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 with another swift stroke and looking at the other one he hit the confirmation button, then the launch switch. The swarm of missiles roared through the air toward the two enemies. The two swiveled hastily to their right to point straight at him. Albrecht made the wise decision to turn and move further into the cover of trees when the missiles were upon them. The nearest one was rendered a useless tower of scrap and the other one was hit pretty badly too, but not enough to halter its furious advance. Suddenly the night was ablaze with signal flares and tracer rounds and albrecht had to turn his ronin around again so his armoured front would take most of the hits, instead of its unarmoured back.

And there, past the trees came his smoldering enemy, blade raised and charging furiously. Albrecht brought his fist online and sent his ronin charging into melee and he could only hope that he would emerge with his ronin intact this time.

The enemy mindlessly swiped at him and he parried the assault with the rifle following up with a hard blow from the fist, almost making his foe lose balance. It staggered back and replied with a stream of slugs which sent pleasurable vibrations through his machine. He fired his own rifle at the enemy making its torso swivel the other way. He would have followed up with another blow from the fist had his enemy not parried that one and retaliated with yet another bullet shower.

"Major abdominal damage." said his mecka.

"Shut up!" he yelled. And as an unintended climax to the battle he thrust a blast from the rifle into his enemy while he/she thrust several dozen feet of lightweight, cold steel through his own mecka. The two towering warmachines suddenly shut down from all the damage and fell to the ground, no longer supported by either legs or the now malfunctioning balance systems. They landed with a loud crash that sent all nearby critters fleeing for the safety of cover and Albrecht scream with fear.

* * *
"What time is it?" asked Albrecht. The other pilot (obviously equine too by the looks of her) answered by sending a hailstorm of bullets in his way from the demolished cockpit she occupied. When first this had happened Albrecht had panicked and attempted to hide himself, shaking with fear within his meckas cockpit. Now it was merely noisy, "Kinda like crappy music." He thought to himself.

"Fuck you!" came the other pilots voice with a heavy accent. Albrecht had never been able to place that particular accent and if things continued like they had since the last hour or so he most likely never would.

"Look, all i'm saying's" started Albrecht but was cut short by yet another shower.
Unlike his enemy Albrecht was quite unable to get out of his meckas cockpit. While this meant that he had no choice but to remain where he was (and admire the purplish morning sky) until someone cut him loose, it also meant that he was safe from his enemy. For now at least. What a ridiculous position to be in.
"What's that?" Albrecht stared horrified at his enemy who had suddenly seemed to remember that she had a cutter as part of the emergency equipment. Unless she'd simply been toying with him all along and only brought out the "heavy artillery" when she was certain that he felt safe. She looked in his direction and shook slightly in an inaudible laughter. His enemy removed the helmet and revealed a rather nice albeit evil looking face. She shouldered her ancient uzi and fiddled with the cutter and a lighter. She brought the lighter to the cutters muzzle and nothing happened. She looked thoroughly surprised and Albrecht grinned in spite of his situation. She fiddled with the cutters settings and tried again. This time it came to life with a soft "fzzzzzzzz". She chuckled and strolled over to him. Apart from the usual equipment she also had a ballgag attached to her bodyharness. Albrecht had no weapon. How could she be so confident about that? How could she know that as soon as he had the slightest window of opportunity he'd not try to blow her away? She started cutting a hole through the thick armour glass while singing an unmistakably erotic tune and death seemed inevitable.

After what felt like an eternity she was finally done. She pointed her uzi at his head and believing that the end was near he said: "Go fuck yourself." But she did not pull the trigger. Instead she pretended to unzip her bodyharness, then she motioned for him to do the same. He became very nervous about this. If she was not going to blow him away there and then, what then? He slowly moved his hands to his zipper and slowly unzipped never taking his eyes of the uzi. She motioned for him to cast it off which he did hesitantly. Then she backed away from the cockpit and motioned for him to follow. He did so, always keeping his hands in the air. She looked at him for a few seconds before circling him slowly. Behind him he could hear her make an excited gasp when she saw the slim strip of white cloth descending around his tail and down between his bare, firm buttocks. She moved to the front to have another look at the pouch which clung tightly to his genitals, outlining them in a most erotic way. She decided that she had to have him. Then she pointed to the ground in front of her as if to say: "Down, boy!" He went down on his knees, eyes on the ground and waited for the inevitable. But it never came. In its place however he heard a "zzzip" and raised his gaze somewhat to see that she too was unzipping her bodyharness. She let it fall to the ground and revealed that she was not only topless; she was butt naked. With the uzi still pointed at him she gave him a hard shove making him fall backwards and land on his back. Then she ripped his thong of with a combat knife, straddled him and started rubbing her groin against his.

"Look, I don\x92t think we should" he started but was interrupted by the intrusion of stiff rubber into his mouth.

"Ssssh." she said and secured the neck strap and then the muzzle strap while stroking his dick with her groin. The response was beyond his control (not that he tried to have any). She impailed herself on his hard member and started to ride him, slowly at first, and then after a minute or so faster and faster. He moaned softly through the gag while she made hissing noises as she breathed through clenched teeth. The tension was building in both of them, increasing for a few minutes until he could not contain himself anymore. He grabbed her hips and held on tight and she grabbed his biceps and held on tight with remarkable strength for a woman. Then he came into her. He arched his neck to voice his orgasm in a loud, feral scream which was muffled through the ball gag.

After a few seconds he laid panting on the forest floor with her still riding him. His erection had not yet gone down and she took advantage of that. He looked at her still unable to comprehend how he had landed in this ridiculous but oh-so-erotic situation. Then she supernaturally quickly unstrapped the ball gag and removed it from his mouth and inserted it into her own. Then she too voiced her orgasm in a feral, muffled scream. A few seconds later she collapsed upon him panting profusely through her nostrils. She slowly pulled the ball out of her mouth trailing a string of saliva between it and her lower lip.

The now orange sky with growing bits of blue in it was partially obscured by her equine face as she bent forward to kiss him. They remained that way for about half a minute before she sat up and slammed her right fist once against her chest and then pointed at him, a universal gesture which meant: I owe you.

She then raised to her hooves and suited up. The uzi laid behind her well within his grasp and Albrecht pondered this new turn of events while she slid her harness up her body and zipped it up. He made his desicion and lunged for the uzi. Aghast she turned around expecting to be blown to bits; she most certainly wouldn\x92t blaim him for it. But Albrecht didn\x92t fire. Instead he tossed the uzi to her and she caught it, barrel facing her. Albrecht made a fist and slammed it against his chest then he pointed at her, grinning. She smiled. Then she strapped the ball gag into her own mouth before running for the cover of trees.
She was gone in a second.

Albrecht put on his harness but didn\x92t zip it up just yet; he had to dry her genital juices and his bits of cum off of his dick first. So he went to his cockpit for some toiletries he had stashed away in case of emergency.

"Another hour or so and I should be good to go again." He thought to himself. He reached for a halfempty roll of toilet paper and then stopped momentarily to think. After a few seconds he laughed. Then, wiping his dick clean and figuring out how to repair his ripped thong he laughed again.