a long beam, killing 15 of the monsters. Donovan used his Gigobolt, killing another 15. "We can’t do this forever," yelled Erin. "Power slash!" killing 20 more monsters. "I know! Uh oh! Midi Slice!" yelled Donovan as he shot purple magic discs from his hand, killing five monsters. "Then what are we going to do?" screamed Erin. "Don’t worry, I know what to do!" yelled Donovan. Donovan closed his eyes and put his hands over his chest. He began to generate energy from all over his body, causing wind to blow his cape and hair to fly up. Then, all of a sudden, his hands turned into really big dragon’s claws and his height shot up to 20 feet, as well as transforming into a bright orange dragon. "It’s Nabuyuki!" cried Erin, surprised. "With Donovan sharing his body with another soul, the other soul must be able to come forth and change into Nabuyuki!" Nabuyuki opened his mouth and a big white ball of light began to shine from it. With a roar, Nabuyuki shot out from the white ball, killing only the demonic beasts. Nabuyuki finished his attack, turned his head and looked at Erin, blinking slowly. Nabuyuki began to glow white and reshaped into Donovan. "I’ve heard of alter egos, but this has been blown way out proportion," muttered Erin. As soon as Donovan regained his shape, he dropped to the ground, gasping and wheezing. Erin dropped to one knee and asked, "Dude, you OK?" "Yeah, I just over-extended myself a little," said Donovan. "Remember, this is my first time transforming." "Wow! Cool!" You agree, Erin-chan?" said Zonra enthusiastically. The surviving townspeople emerged from their shelters. "What happened?" said one. "Where’s my teddy bear?" whined a kid from his Mom’s shoulder. "Oh, you mean this one?" asked Erin. She picked up a small. fluffy teddy bear from the rubble with her magic, gently sending it to the child. "Thank you, Miss!" said the child sweetly. "What are your names?" asked the fat mayor. "Well, my name is Erin," said Erin. "And I’m Donovan!" said Donovan proudly. "You must be a sorcerer and sorceress," said a man. "Wait a minute! Erin, what’s your last name?" "My last name is Beach," said Erin suspiciously. "Oh, my!" said a woman. "It’s her!" said another townsperson. "What are you talking about?" demanded Erin. "We’ll tell you at our celebration tonight," said a quiet voice. "It’s the prodigy!" said the child with his teddy bear. Then a boy of about four feet, seven inches, and about 13 years old approached Donovan and Erin. "What are you talking about?" repeated Erin. "I will tell you ... at the celebration," said the boy. "Should we go?" Erin asked in telepathy. "Yeah, we should see what it’s all about," Donovan replied. ERIN’S TRUE ORIGIN Erin and Donovan went to the party later on. With Zonra following, they went to the Prodigy. As they approached the Prodigy, Donovan and Erin tried to guess what he would say. "Aah, I’m glad you made it," said the Prodigy. "Two things," said Erin. "Tell me your name and why we were called here, because we want to get on with our journey." "I know, I know. I’ll get right to it," said the Prodigy wisely. "My name is Bryan, and I have called Erin here to make sure she learns about her origin. What I will tell you will not only shock you, but will change your life if you choose it to." Erin gulped. "You are half Woren, Erin. Your parents were killed by a strange force when you were young. The man you call father cast a spell on you to the part of you that is Woren," said Bryan. (Separating from the story for now, Woren is a race that had long been extinct except for Erin. Woren is like a were-tiger and Erin is about to find out how special she really is.) "Y-you mean all this time, I never knew my parents, and I’m not, er, half human?" asked Erin. Bryan nodded. Erin dropped to her knees and began to cry. "I n-n-never knew my parents. I never got a chance. I never got a chance!" Erin cried out in frustration. "There is only one way you can see your parents again," said the Prodigy. Erin raised her head slowly. "Can I also change back to the way I was?" "If you mean back to half-Woren, of course," said Bryan optimistically. He brought out a small crystal and cupped it in his hands. "Take this in your hands, close your eyes and think of the happiest times in your life." Erin took the crystal and cupped her hands around the crystal and closed her eyes. She began thinking of past Christmases, birthdays, surprises and meeting Zonra. Then she saw two people: a man, very muscular with a twinkle in his eyes, and a very beautiful looking woman. Then Erin felt herself changing. Her arms, from her elbows to her hands, turned into white tiger arms, paws and claws. Then her feet changed to white tiger legs from her kneecaps to her toes. She grew a tail and her eyes grew more tiger-like and acute. "So the prophets were right. The one named Erin would be the legendary warrior were-tiger," said Bryan. "..........................," muttered Donovan. "This is what I am and this is what I have been given.... COOOOOOL," squealed Erin. Donovan turned to the Prodigy. "Is it possible, Bryan, that I can see my parents again? That would mean a lot," he said, tears in his eyes.; "I’m sorry, but you’re not yet ready to see your parents," Bryan answered sadly. Donovan dried his tears and ran to a nearby inn. "What do you mean, Bryan? What do you mean he’s not ready?" yelled Erin. "The crystal will not show it, and if it won’t show them, he is not ready," replied Bryan quietly. Donovan was crying in his room in the inn. "Are you OK?" asked Nabuyuki from within Donovan. "Huh? Oh, yeah," Donovan said with a sniff. "Oh, come on. There is something wrong, isn’t there?" said Nabuyuki. "I can’t see my parents. The prodigy said I wasn’t ready," replied Donovan. "Well, maybe you’re not," suggested Nabuyuki. "What do you mean?" asked Donovan. "You’ll be ready when you know you are," said Nabuyuki wisely. Donovan replied, "I don’t understand." "Deep inside, beside me, you know you’re not ready," said Nabuyuki. Donovan then felt something big on his shoulder. It was Erin’s hand, or paw, or whatever. "He’s right," she said in telepathy, with a smile. "Come on. Bryan wants to tell us who we befriend and that would help us on our way to beat Nedgar," said Erin, all bright and peachy again. They met with Bryan again, this time at his house. "Well, of you are going to fight Nedgar, you will need many, or at least strong allies," Bryan said. "Well, there is Aaron Cary of the North. He’s the second strongest sorcerer in the world, since Nedgar is the strongest, period. You will find him in Zozo. Then, in the East, you will find Richard Paulus. He is the strongest warrior alive, yet no one knows it. He is a mercenary in Norsh. Finally, there is Chris van Dusen of the West. He is a man of psychic powers and telekinesis. He is the best in his field." "We’ll leave tomorrow!" said Donovan. "Why tomorrow?" asked Erin. "Because I’m tired and hungry," Donovan whined, "and I want CHOCOLATE! Chocolate pudding!" AARON OF THE NORTH Erin, Donovan and Zonra were on their way to Zozo. "Well, Bryan did say to keep going North until you found more than 100 thieves," said Erin. "Where are we going? Tell me! Tell me!," said Zonra excitedly in telepathy. "We are going to Zozo to get a new friend," Erin replied telepathically. "Oh, no! Zozo a bad place! Not go there again!" Zonra worried in telepathy. "Why doesn’t Zonra want to go?" asked Donovan. "That’s where I found him, hungry and barely clinging to life," replied Erin. Donovan said in telepathy to Zonra, Well, don’t worry. This time, not only do you have Erin to protect you, but you also have me and Nabuyuki." "I’ll go as long as you two go!" exclaimed Zonra. So, Erin, Donovan and Zonra were off to Zozo. Erin decided to try her power slash, except this time she’d jump forward really fast, since she was half Woren, she had shins and feet, except human size, like a tiger. She put her fist facing down, closed her eyes, and when she opened them, yelled, "Power slash!" Eight energy spawned claws appeared from her knuckles and backhand. She pulled her paw, or hand, or whatever you prefer, back, and began to run really, really fast. She leapt forward, forcing her clawed "paw" forward. She landed and her energy claws faded away. Sixteen trees had four white streaks across them on a 15 yard scale. Then, 10 seconds later, all 16 trees fell with all of them with slices cut out of them. Donovan and Zonra stared wide-eyed, and again they knelt and bowed, Donovan saying, "We’re not worthy!" They pressed on their journey, Donovan and Zonra still wide-eyed. It soon became dark and Donovan, Erin and Zonra found a place near the road where they could camp out for the night. They were all really tired. Donovan folded up his cape for a pillow and lay down, while Erin used Zonra as a pillow. They all fell asleep almost at once. Later on that night, Erin and Donovan both woke up with a start to the sound of moving roars overhead. They saw a flock of flying dragons heading North, the same direction they were going. "Hey Erin," Donovan said cleverly. "Yeah," Erin replied cleverly. "You thinking what I’m thinking?" asked Donovan cleverly. "Definitely!" replied Erin excitedly. "Let’s fly!" they both said at the same time. They woke up Zonra. Donovan put his cape back on. Erin and Donovan cast the Arial spell. With Zonra on Erin’s back, they joined the flock of dragons. Then a whole conversation in telepathy began. "Hello," said one of the dragons. "Hello," replied Erin. "Hi," said Donovan. "You two must be dragon-connected," said the dragon. "How do you think I’m talking to you?" Erin said, laughing. "Say, you won’t mind if we join you? Would ya?" asked Donovan. "Yes. Please, please, please?" asked Zonra frantically. "It would be fine with me, but you have to ask the leader of the flock," said the dragon. Donovan and Erin looked ahead to see a dragon who was abnormally twice as big as most of the other dragons Donovan and Erin flew up toward the dragon and said "Hello, would you mind if we joined you for a while?" "Certainly!" said the big dragon. "By the way, where are you headed?" asked Erin "We are heading to Mt. Zozo." replied the dragon. " Even better, thank you!" Donovan said happily. Donovan and Erin flew back to the dragon that they had met earlier. "We can join!" said Erin very excited. "Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!" exclaimed Zonra "Here, come on my back you three!" said the dragon happily. Donovan, Erin, and Zonra all settled on the broad dragon’s back. Zonra instantly fell asleep. Erin pulled her claws back so she wouldn’t hurt the dragon. "Yaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwnnnnnnnnn, you sure this is ok?" asked Donovan sleepily. "Oh yeah, it’s fine ." said the dragon merrily. Donovan and Erin both began to fall asleep. Erin began to shut her eyes slowly, and Donovan started yawning more. Erin finally rested her head on Donovan’s shoulder, Donovan rested his head on Erin’s and fell asleep on the dragons back. The next day, Erin, Donovan and Zonra all woke up to find themselves in the middle of the flock of sleeping dragons who they rode on the night before. "Thank you," Erin and Donovan said to the dragon in telepathy. They all flew off the mountain with a quiet Arial spell. The dragon slightly opened one eye and thought to himself, "You’re welcome, you two." Then the dragon went back to sleep. They found their way to Zozo from Mt. Zozo. They landed near a closed down cafe. "This ;used to be a beautiful town. Now look at it. Its streets are teaming with thieves and monsters," said Erin. "Come on. Let’s go," said Donovan. "Me staying close!" declared Zonra. "Don’t worry, Zonra. Anyone that tries to hurt us, I’ll rearrange their face!" said Erin optimistically. All of a sudden, a giant about 20 feet tall appeared. It yelled in a deep, scary voice, "Give me your money, or I’ll crush you!" "Ha! Who’s gonna crush who?" yelled Donovan. Donovan closed his eyes and transformed into Nabuyuki. Nabuyuki towered over the giant. Nabuyuki picked up the scared-stiff giant by the collar, and lifted it so they were looking face to face while Nabuyuki smiled and waved his finger at the giant. All of a sudden, Nabuyuki threw the giant over his shoulder and launched him halfway across town. Nabuyuki transformed back into Donovan really quickly after that. "Thank you, Nabuyuki," said Donovan in telepathy. "Any time, Don!" replied Nabuyuki. "I never thought I’d see that happen to a Hadesgigas," said Erin, wide-eyed. "Ok, OK, show’s over people. Let’s keep going," said Zonra to Erin and Donovan. So they moved on. "OK, if you ask directions from strangers here in Zozo, do the exact opposite of what they say," explained Erin. "All right," said Donovan. They walked on and asked someone for directions to Aaron’s place. "That wild man, he’s on the tallest building on the bottom floor," said the stranger. "Thank you," said Erin. "All right. That means the smallest building, top floor." Erin looked around and spotted a small building about a block ahead. "Over there," said Erin, pointing. She leapt to the building in a single jump. "Show off!" yelled Donovan. "Ah, you’re just jealous!" she yelled back in mid-air. "Darn straight!" yelled Donovan, running over to Erin. "Hey, that’s my line!" yelled Erin. Donovan and Zonra finally reached the flat, which seemed abandoned. "Looks abandoned," said Donovan. "He probably doesn’t want anyone looking in his place," said Erin. Donovan replied, "Why would he want to do that? He’s the second strongest sorcerer in the world!" "Well, let’s go in anyway," said Erin. Donovan twisted the knob to the door and opened it to fin a junky and abandoned first floor. "Sure doesn’t seem like he would live here," said Erin. Then, in a mere instant, they saw a big bolt of light come from above. Donovan and Erin ran to the stairs across the room. "What was that?" whispered Erin nervously. "I don’t know. Let’s see," whispered Donovan nervously. "Oowwwwwwwwww!" screamed a voice from upstairs. "WHAT THE CRAP WAS THAT?" yelled Erin. "My stomach," Donovan whispered sarcastically. "Now, let’s go check it out!" Donovan and Erin went upstairs, leaving Zonra downstairs. "Hurry back!" Zonra whispered in telepathy. What Erin and Donovan found was a fully clean and homely room filled with stuff about chocoboes. "Who’s there?" yelled a voice from another room. "I’m Erin, and this is Donovan, and we’re searching for one named Aaron Cary," Erin said quickly. "That would be me," said Aaron. "Hi! We were wondering if you would join us," said Donovan. "We heard you were the second strongest sorcerer in the world," taunted Erin. "You did? I mean, you did!" stuttered Aaron. "That’s why we were asking you to come with us -- to defeat Nedgar," explained Donovan. "I want to go!" declared Aaron. "If we defeat him, you’ll be the Number One sorcerer," said Erin. Aaron walked out of his room with warrior shoulder pads, a cape with the sign of the phoenix, long pants, and a shirt with a chocobo on it. "All right. I’ll go as long as you get me a gold chocobo," said Aaron. Donovan’s eyes widened. "Are you out of your mind? It takes years to breed them!" yelled Donovan. "Don’t worry, Donovan. I have connections," said Erin. "OK, will you join?" asked Donovan, sticking his hand out for a handshake. "Sure, I’ll join," said Aaron, shaking Donovan’s hand.