Hello all furrs I want to thank you for taking the time to browse my gallery and look upon my artwork. I hope your eyes are okay. As we speak little midgets are on their way to help make reparations for your blindness. In any case, if you are indeed interested in commission, I strictly follow the ideal that "I don't beleive you want a commission until I see some money." The standard is $20 for a single character, full body and or torso shot. full colour, medium of choice. The picture must be tame, and no I do not charge extra for the sight of a penis or a pair of breasts. However if the picture you desire is in a sexually explicit manor I will charge extra as to how I see fit. Charging further than the single character- Yes I do charge extra, I will not lie, I like money, and I like the stuff I buy with it, however I am not unreasonable. Reasons for things costing extra would be backgrounds, extra characters, sexually explicit situations and or poses ( only physical, not implied) Including my character's Vex or Donryu in the pictures if they include sexually explicit actions will cost the most. The only thing I will not sell out on is my character Emiko. That is the only untouchable character. In any case if you do desire a commission, please email me what you desire or contact me here AIM: donryustar Yahoo: wandering_dragon_donovan MSN: donryujin@hotmail.com otherwise email me at donryujin@hotmail.com if you contact me via instant messenger, I strongly recommend you still email me your request so I have a permanent record. However I will not start the commission until I see money. I hate to sound coldhearted but I have been through enough rip off's to know the score. I will only accept checks or money orders. If the check bounces, no sale until I receive the money. You will receive a print of your picture on 8x11 and it will be shipped to you. shipping and handling information will be dealt with via email. Thank you very much. Sincerely Donovan Howard